Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

German philosopher
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Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (October 15, 1844 August 25, 1900), philosopher and philologist [14] , cultural critics, poets, composers, thinkers. The main works are《 Will to power 》《 The Birth of Tragedy 》《 Unzeitgemsse Betrachtungen 》《 Also Sprach Zarathustra 》《 Philosophy in the Age of Greek Tragedy 》《 On the pedigree of morality 》Etc [1]
Nietzsche became Switzerland at the age of 24 University of Basel Professor of classical philology in German speaking area, specializing in Ancient Greek Latin Literature. But he resigned in 1879 due to health problems, and has suffered from mental illness since then. Nietzsche collapsed in 1889 and never recovered. He lived under the care of his mother and sister until his death in 1900.
Nietzsche's works put forward extensive criticism and discussion on religion, morality, modern culture, philosophy, science and other fields. His writing style is unique, and he often uses the skills of maxims and paradoxes. Nietzsche had a great influence on the development of philosophy of later generations, especially in existentialism And Postmodernism upper [1]
Chinese name
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
Foreign name
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
Germany [15]
Ethnic groups
germanic people
one's native heath
Loken Village, Leken Town, Saxony, Prussia
date of birth
October 15, 1844
Date of death
August 25, 1900
University one is graduated from
University of Bonn University of Leipzig
Key achievements
Successor of voluntarism
Important figures in the evolution of existentialism

Character's Life

Nietzsche, 17, in 1861
Friedrich Nietzsche was born on October 15, 1844 Prussia A pastor's family in Loken village near Luzhen, Saxony.
On July 30, 1849, Nietzsche's father Carl Nietzsche died of encephalomalacia. Entered in October 1858 Naumburg Pufta Arts Middle School nearby. In school, I made friends with my classmates Carl Von Gosdorf and Paul Dusen.
Entered in October 1864 University of Bonn Study theology and classical philology. In October 1865, he transferred to University of Leipzig Continue to study Chinese. read schopenhauer Of《 The World as Will and Representation 》, deeply affected.
In 1866, he began to make friends with his classmate Elvin Lord. Met in Leipzig on November 8, 1868 Richard Wagner February 1869 University of Basel He was engaged as an associate professor of classical Chinese. First arrival on May 17 Lucerne Tori Thompson from the suburb visited Wagner. On May 28, he delivered an inaugural speech at the University of Basel, entitled Homer and Classical Literature. [14]
In 1870, he created《 The Birth of Tragedy 》(Published January 1872). He was appointed full professor in March. In August, I participated as a volunteer nurse Franco-Prussian War , infectious diphtheria and dysentery In October, he retired due to illness and returned to the University of Basel to make friends with his colleague Franz Overbeck.
From February to March 1872, he delivered a speech entitled "The Future of Our Educational Facilities" at the University of Basel. (Later published as a posthumous work) On May 22, he participated in the groundbreaking ceremony of the Belot Music Festival Grand Theater.
In 1873, he created《 Unzeitgemsse Betrachtungen 》The first book, "The Penitent and Writer David Strauss" and "Philosophy in the Greek Tragic Age" (unfinished, its fragments were later published as posthumous works).
In 1874, he wrote the second book, On the Advantages and Disadvantages of History to Life, and the third book, Schopenhauer the Educator, in the untimely investigation.
In 1876, Wagner in Belot, the fourth part of the untimely investigation. In August, he went to Bailot to attend the first music festival. In September, he made further contact with psychologist Paul Lei and became good friends. In October, he got a leave due to illness and spent the winter in Sorent with Paul Ray and Marveda von Meisenberg. Last meeting with Wagner in Solent from October to November.
In 1878, he created《 Human, too human 》The first part of. In 1879, he became seriously ill and resigned from the teaching position of Basel University. In 1880, "The Wanderer and His Shadow", the second part of "Human, Too Human". From March to June, for the first time Venice stay. From November, for the first time Genoa pass the winter.
Sick Nietzsche
In 1881, he wrote Dawn. It was the first time to spend summer in Sears Maria, a mountain resort in Engadin, Switzerland. In 1882, he created《 Happy Science 》。 In 1883, he created《 Also Sprach Zarathustra 》Part I and Part II.
In 1884, he wrote the third part of Zarathustra. In August, Henrich von Stein came to Sears Maria to visit Nietzsche.
In 1885, he wrote the fourth part of Zarathustra. In 1886, he created《 The other side of good and evil 》。 In 1887, he wrote "Moral Genealogy".
In April 1888, for the first time Turin stay. George Brownies is in University of Copenhagen Give a lecture on Nietzsche. May August Creation《 Der Fall Wagner 》Ode to Bacchus (published in 1891). Created from August to September《 Idol's Twilight 》(Published January 1889). In September, he wrote The Antichrist (published in 1894). Creation from October to November《 Look at this guy 》(Published in 1908). In December, Nietzsche Wagner (later included in the publication of complete works).
Insane in Turin in January 1889, sent to Jena University A mental hospital. He died on August 25, 1900 Weimar [2]

Personal life


member of family

full name
brief introduction
Carl Ludwig Nietzsche
Former post Kingdom of Prussia Teacher of the four princesses, Protestant priest
Franziska Oehler
Pious Protestants
younger sister
Nietzsche's editor and annotator

social communication

In October 1875, he got to know Marveda von Meisenberg, and later became a good friend. Mother escorted Nietzsche back in May 1890 Naumburg On April 20, 1897, Nietzsche's mother died. Sister Elizabeth moves Nietzsche to Weimar [2]

Main works

Publication time
Diogenes Larsius
Greek Musical, Socrates and Tragedy
The Birth of Tragedy, On the Future of Our Educational Institutions, Homer's Competition
"An untimely investigation" The first "David Strauss", "Thinking and Factuality"
An untimely investigation, the second book Merits and sins of historical research, and the third book Schopenhauer as an educator
Richard Wagner in Bayreuth
Human, too human
The Wanderer and His Shadow, Miscellaneous Views and Proverbs, The Wanderer and His Shadow
Dawn (also known as Morning Glory)
Pleasant Knowledge, Part I, II, III and IV
The First and Second Parts of Zarathustra
So Said Zarathustra, Part III
So Said Zarathustra, Part IV
The Other Side of Good and Evil
On the Pedigree of Morality
Wagner's Situation, Idol's Dusk, Anti Christian, Nietzsche to Wagner, Look! This Man [3-4]

Publishing books

  • Author name Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
    Work time 2012-4
    The Birth of Tragedy (originally called Tragedy Born from Musical Spirit in German) is a philosophical work created by Friedrich William Nietzsche, a German philosopher. It was written in 1870-1871 and first published in 1872. The book takes "To Wagner" as the preface, and is divided into 25 sections. Starting with the birth of Greek tragedy, the book unfolds its views on art and aesthetics. The thoughts in the book were deeply influenced by Schopenhauer and Wagner, but overcame pessimism and believed that
  • Author name Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
    Work time 2005-1
    Thus Said Zarathustra is Nietzsche's landmark work, which almost includes all Nietzsche's thoughts. The whole book is written in a wanton poetic style, melting the intoxication of Dionysus and the sobriety of Helios, and preaching the enlightenment of the future world through the mouth of "Superman" Zarathustra, which occupies a unique and immortal position in the history of world philosophy and poetry. This masterpiece, written in prose and poetic style, preaches with amazing insights and alarming wisdom
  • Author name Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
    Work time 2007-1-1
    The Science of Happiness is a book published by East China Normal University Press in January 2007 by Friedrich William Nietzsche. The main contents of this book are Nietzsche's complete works, Nietzsche's unpublished manuscripts, and Nietzsche's reading.
  • Author name Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
    On the Genealogy of Morality is an ethical work written by Friedrich William Nietzsche, a German philosopher. It was first published in 1887. "On the Pedigree of Morality" expounds the moral pedigree of the strong and the weak. Starting from the investigation of the origin of moral prejudice, it focuses on criticizing the traditional moral values such as good and evil, good and bad. The book is a concrete reflection of Nietzsche's superman philosophy. He believes that there are strong and weak people, strong people have good and bad value orientations, and weak people have good
  • Author name Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
    Work time 2020-5
    Philosophy in the Age of Greek Tragedy, written by Nietzsche, was published by the Commercial Press in 2006. This book is an unfinished and unpublished early work of Nietzsche, written after the Birth of Tragedy, about 1873.
  • Author name Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
    Work time 2001-9-1
    The Other Side of Good and Evil is a book published by Unity Press in 2001. The author is Friedrich Nietzsche. This book is one of Nietzsche's most important contributions to a new moral system and touches many of the deepest principles of his philosophy.
  • Author name Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
    Work time 2000-2
    Nietzsche's Prose was published by Zhejiang Literature and Art Publishing House in 2000. The author is Nietzsche.
  • Author name Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
    Work time 2005-8-1
    Human, Too Human, written by Friedrich William Nietzsche, is a book published by Renmin University Press of China on August 1, 2005.
  • Author name Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
    Work time 2007-8
    Wagner Event is a book published by East China Normal University Press in August 2007 by Friedrich Nietzsche, a German philosopher. This is a small book with 12 sections of text and 2 postscripts. Nietzsche praises Bizet's music in his book while belittling Wagner and his romanticism as decadent music. He believed that Wagner was the manifestation of the cultural disease in modern Europe, so he made this book to analyze this "case".
  • Idol's Twilight
    Author name Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
    Work time 2015-2
    This book is a collection of Nietzsche's representative works "The Twilight of Idols" and "Happy Wisdom". In what sense did Nietzsche, as a thinker, end the Western cultural tradition? Where will the world go when God is dead? Is a world without God terrible, or is a world without truth more terrible? After the dusk of idols, can we welcome the dawn of a soul? From Nietzsche's fantasy, we will understand the times we live in, uncover the haze of life, and find
  • Antichrist
    Author name Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
    Work time 2003-9
    Nietzsche, a famous German philosopher, the founder of western modern philosophy, linguist, cultural critic, poet, composer, his works put forward extensive criticism and discussion on religion, morality, modern culture, philosophy, science and other fields. His writing style is unique, and he often uses the skills of maxims and paradoxes. Nietzsche had a great influence on the development of philosophy of later generations, especially in existentialism and postmodernism. Yu Mingfeng, Doctor of Philosophy, Tongji University
  • Look at this guy
    Author name Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
    Work time 2010-5
    Introduction to the main content of "Look at the Man. Nietzsche's Self Narration (Illustrated Version)": The year 2000 is the centennial anniversary of the death of German philosopher Nietzsche. The famous person who has experienced ups and downs in history has not yet been rated at home and abroad. Perhaps with the publication of Nietzsche's Collected Works of Later Thoughts, it can be helpful for this, which is the fundamental purpose of clumsy translation.
  • Nietzsche's Philosophy
    Author name Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
    Work time 2016-2-1
  • Strong will
    Author name Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
    Work time 2006-12
    This book mainly introduces the lonely genius - Nietzsche, strong will, morality for morality's sake, morality is the biggest devaluation, the value of cosmology, the abbreviated formula of life - will to power, etc. An aphoristic passionate text that explains the philosophy of the strong. "Strong Will" is also a philosophical book that elevates Schopenhauer's "life will" to "life will", so that people can gain strong power in transcending their own lives. As Nietzsche said, we should realize that
  • Will to power
    Author name Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
    The life of the character Nietzsche was born on October 15, 1844, in a village priest family in Loken village near Leken town, Saxony, Prussia. Nietzsche's birthday happened to be Friedrich, the King of Prussia at that time? The birthday of William IV. Nietzsche's father was a court teacher of William IV. He once taught four princesses and won the trust of the king, so he was granted permission to name his son after the king. Later, the king assigned Nietzsche's father to take the responsibility of

Philosophical thought


Will to power

Life will
For Nietzsche, philosophical thinking is life, and life is philosophical thinking. Nietzsche in his first academic work《 The Birth of Tragedy 》China has begun to criticize modern civilization. He pointed out that in the capitalist society In spite of the increasing material wealth, people did not get real freedom and happiness. The rigid mechanical mode suppresses human personality, making people lose the passion of free thought and the impulse to create culture. Modern culture appears so decadent, which is the disease of modern civilization, and its root is the atrophy of life instinct. Nietzsche pointed out that to cure modern diseases, we must restore human life instinct, endow it with a new soul, and make a new interpretation of the meaning of life. He received enlightenment from Schopenhauer, and also pointed out that the noumenon of the world is the will to live.
Criticize traditional morality
Nietzsche fiercely exposed and criticized the traditional Christianity Morality and modern rationality. In epistemology, Nietzsche is an extreme anti rationalist who has made the most thorough criticism of any rational philosophy. He believed that the spiritual life of Europeans for 2000 years was based on faith lord At its core, man is God's creation and appendage. The value of life and all human beings depend on God. Although from enlightenment campaign Since then, the foundation of God's existence has begun to collapse, but because there is no new belief, people still believe in God and worship God. Nietzsche's famous saying "stop drinking - God is dead" is a merciless and fearless criticism of God. He said through the mouth of a madman that he was the murderer of God, pointing out that God should be killed. Christian ethics restrains people's soul and suppresses their instinct. To make people free, they must kill God. Nietzsche believed that the decline of Christianity had its historical inevitability. It changed from the religion of the oppressed to the religion of the rulers. Its decline was a historical inevitability. Kill the God as a god, and welcome the God of capital, the God of capital incarnation.
Nietzsche believes that in a world without God, people have gained unprecedented opportunities and must establish new values, which are centered on human will. Therefore, it is necessary to liquidate the traditional moral values. The traditional moral concepts are the last cover of God, which deeply permeates people's daily life and corrodes people's hearts. Nietzsche claimed to be a non moralist and anti Christian, and he strongly criticized the virtues advocated by western traditional morality.
Criticize modern rationality
Nietzsche also holds a critical attitude towards modern rationality. He first took the philosopher with reason as an example. He pointed out that the first characteristic of the philosopher is the lack of a sense of history. For thousands of years, everything handled by the philosopher has become a concept mummy. The role of reason is nothing more than to solidify the flowing history and frame the living reality with some eternal concepts. The result is to kill the process of birth and death of things, and kill life. This world is full of contingency, volatility, and therefore unpredictable. There is no truth. Everything is fluid, cannot be grasped, and evades. The second characteristic of philosophers is "rejection of sensory evidence", which reverses the real world and the false world. Emotional evidence is true and credible, and only when processing them can lies be inserted. The third characteristic of philosophers is to confuse the whole story. They deny the process of growth and evolution. The fourth characteristic of philosophers is that they use the "reason" in language to force people to make mistakes. "Yes" is confused with "existence", which is used to deceive the ignorant people. He believes that from Socrates It is absurd that modern people resort to reason crazily. The reason why human beings advocate rationality is that they expect it to bring freedom and happiness to people; However, on the contrary, reason is always the enemy of human instinct, causing greater suffering.
It is correct to criticize the fallacies brought about by reason, but we cannot deny the existence of reason, its historical status and role. Rationality is the symbol of human progress and the fruit of human civilization. In history, some outstanding philosophers used rational weapons to observe and understand the world. Reason itself is not wrong, and reason cannot be denied. Without reason, human beings cannot correctly understand the world and the truth. Without reason, human beings will fall into a confused and terrible situation.
Strong will
Nietzsche wants to establish a new philosophy, a philosophy that places the will of life above reason, and an irrational philosophy. As a challenge to reason, he put forward the theory of strong will. Replace the position of God with strong will, the position of traditional metaphysics. The core of the theory of strong will is to affirm life and life. Strong will is not a secular power, it is an instinctive, spontaneous, irrational force. It determines the essence of life and the meaning of life. Nietzsche compared the different characteristics of strong will and reason. The characteristics of reason are: calm, precise, logical, stiff, abstinence; The characteristics of strong will are: passion, desire, wild, active, and fighting. Strong will originates from life and belongs to life. It is real life. Although life is short, as long as you have a strong will, create a will, and become a spiritual strongman, you can realize your own value. Strong will, as the highest value criterion, on the one hand affirms the value of life, on the other hand, it also defends the inequality in the world. In Nietzsche's view, human beings, like natural life, are both strong and weak. The strong are always in the minority, while the weak are the majority. History and culture are created by a few strong people, who naturally rule the weak. Nietzsche overthrew the hierarchy of God and affirmed the hierarchy of man [5]

Superman philosophy

Nietzsche put forward his Superman philosophy The philosophy of constructing an ideal life. Superman is the symbol of the ideal of life, the ideal goal and the realm of life that Nietzsche pursues. Nietzsche was disappointed with modern people and modern life. He dreamed of improving people and creating new people, that is, superman. Superman is not a concrete person, but an illusory image. Superman has the momentum and style of earth, sea and lightning. Superman does not exist in reality, it is the ideal image of future people; Superman puts forward value goals for real life; Superman is man's self transcendence. He is《 Also Sprach Zarathustra 》It points out that Superman is the meaning of the earth. Its metaphorical meaning is that superman is the negation of the kingdom of heaven and the replacement of God.
Nietzsche's philosophy of voluntarism has dual values. On the one hand, Nietzsche inherited enlightenment campaign The essence of the modern consciousness reflects the awakening of modern consciousness. The positive affirmation of the value of life has led people to think about the meaning and value of life and reposition life; The negative criticism of instrumental rationality and industrial civilization started the trend of modern irrationalism. On the other hand, the criticism of rationality and the negation of tradition are also one-sided, which is exactly the appreciation of postmodernism.
The most important point of Nietzsche's philosophy is that the mission of philosophy is to pay attention to life, give an explanation to life, give an explanation to the meaning of life, and explore the meaning of life. This has something to do with Schopenhauer's works read by Nietzsche. Another point of view, Nietzsche pointed out that philosophy is non political, philosophy and politics are two things. So Nietzsche's view of philosophy is, first, to life, to pay attention to life, second, non political, third, non academic. Philosophy is not purely academic. The key to Nietzsche's criticism of traditional philosophy lies in his failure to pay attention to life. The result of traditional philosophy is nihilism. There is no essence behind the phenomenon [5-6]


Nietzsche calls himself "the most thorough nihilism However, his theory can be said to follow the path of detachment from nihilism. Nietzsche believes that the so-called values, concepts and truth are only artificial explanations, and the world itself has no metaphysical truth and ultimate value or meaning. Nihilism negates all intentionality, Nietzsche believes that Plato The rational world described (the ideal country), the heaven in Christianity, and the inevitable moral order of the world are all products of human beings, without ultimate objectivity. Nietzsche took "God is dead" as the symbol of the coming of nihilism, which also became many later existentialist philosophers, such as martin heidegger Sartre Camus The philosophical starting point of others. Nietzsche believes that there are two kinds of nihilism: negative, pathological nihilism and positive nihilism. Negative nihilism includes Platonism , Christianity, and schopenhauer Philosophy, etc. Positive nihilism regards the crisis of losing the ultimate value as an opportunity to create new values. Nietzsche believed that even if nihilism came, people could rebuild new values through value revaluation to obtain reasons for survival. Nietzsche also emphasized that if people want to become free spirit, it is necessary to get rid of the desire for certain eternal values. Because "the need for certain unconditional affirmation and negation is a kind of need arising from vulnerability" [7]

Art Redemption

Nietzsche proposed to use art as the basis to face pain and absurdity. He advocated the spirit of Dionysus, in short, the aesthetic perspective to look at the situation of life. This is not to teach people to indulge in illusion, but to let people have more courage and strength to face their own lives. Therefore, Nietzsche's ideal is a tragic outlook on life. He believes that the spirit of tragedy does not lie in the affirmation of a fair and just world order (those who have virtue in tragedy are often tortured by fate), but in the power that can be inspired by fate.
The realm that tragedy aesthetics can reach is "love destiny", which Nietzsche regards as a necessary condition for a great personality. He must not only tolerate the inevitability of everything, but also have no reason to hide it - you must love this truth... ". To love fate is to affirm one's own destiny, even to be unwilling to change the current situation. And eternal reincarnation is the touchstone of this spiritual power. Nietzsche obviously believed that this state could be achieved by human will, which made his philosophy with a certain tendency of voluntarism.
Nietzsche spoke highly of the pain that has always been regarded as negative utilitarianism As for the values that only pursue the maximum happiness value, "all the thinking modes that measure the value of things based on happiness and pain, that is, incidental and derivative phenomena, are superficial thinking modes and naive behaviors, and anyone who knows creativity and artist's conscience will scoff at it". He believes that pain has a positive meaning, because pain makes people more intelligent and powerful [8]

Aesthetic thought

Nietzsche believes that beauty cannot exist independently of human judgment, and beauty is also a product of human beings. At the same time, Nietzsche also believes that strength and beauty are two sides of one body. "Strength becomes soft and drops to the visible place. That drop is called beauty". It can also be used to judge the beauty and ugliness of people. Weakness means weakness, poverty and incompetence. So he said, "Nothing is uglier than a declining person."《 The Birth of Tragedy 》In China, Nietzsche distinguishes beauty into Dionysian spirit and Apollonian spirit Dionysus spirit represents an irrational state of ecstasy, which can be called "drunk" state; The spirit of Helios is calm and moderate, which can be described as the state of "dream". Here we are《 Idol's Twilight 》Nietzsche also changed his interpretation: "Both are understood as the type of drunkenness", and "the essence of drunkenness is the increase of strength and the sense of fullness". Nietzsche believes that real art can make the audience feel the state of full strength when the artist created at the beginning (that is, the sense of drunkenness), and "the role of art is to stimulate the creative state and stimulate the drunkenness".
Another theory of Nietzsche's aesthetics is the combination of art and physiology: "Aesthetics is just an applied physiology." Because he believes that "the force consumed by a person in artistic conception and in sexual behavior is the same force." "All beauty can stimulate reproductive desire... including sexual desire and the most spiritual creation." Artists are a group of people with strong sexual desire, "Artists, according to their nature, may inevitably be lecherous." But they know that moderation is a way to store their power to create. Nietzsche's aesthetic thought and the concept of artistic salvation are embodied in his life orientation. He believes that when people appreciate beauty, they will also aspire to become beautiful things, and he also believes that people can shape their own life into a work of art that can give people a sense of beauty, which is also an artistic creation. "It is a rare and noble art to give one's personality a 'style'." This process can become one of the pillars of enduring the ugly part of the world: "One should be satisfied with oneself, only in this way can we fully tolerate the 'human face'." But style cannot be shaped as one pleases, Nietzsche does not believe that Sartre said that "existence precedes essence", but has been determined by some innate essence, and people should follow their own essence to develop. So he said, "What is your conscience saying to you? You want to be yourself [8] 。”

Ethical criticism

Many ethics belong to Egalitarianism , like the Christian emphasis on "everyone is equal before God" Kant The ethics of human beings also endow people with the same dignity and value. Even in utilitarianism, when calculating the maximum happiness value, everyone's feelings are taken into account equally. However, Nietzsche strongly opposes this concept. He believes that everyone's mental quality is different, "people are not equal, and they will not become equal!" It is more unreasonable to advocate that everyone is equal, because this concept hinders the improvement of people's overall quality. He describes "equal preachers" as "poisonous spiders". Universalism is also a common ethical concept. Its basic concept is that a moral law should be extended to all people. Nietzsche believes that everyone's quality and personality are different, and the corresponding moral obligations should also be different. "For the higher people, it is nutritious and joyful, and for the very different lower people, it must be poison to approach. The virtue of ordinary people may mean bad habits and weaknesses for philosophers.". He further elaborated on the particularity of each behavior: "Anyone who still believes that 'everyone will do this under such circumstances' means that he has not yet taken five steps towards self-knowledge. Otherwise, he will know that there is no such action, nor can there be the same action."
Nietzsche did not believe that human beings have full free will, "the destiny of a person's essence cannot be separated from all that was and will be". Free will is to regard will as a self cause that can no longer be traced back to its cause. He said that self cause is "the best self contradiction that has been thought out so far." Then why did the theory of free will appear at the beginning? Nietzsche's answer is: "People are considered free so that they can be judged or punished." Generally speaking, evil is often regarded as something that wants to be eliminated quickly, but Nietzsche believes that the existence of evil is valuable, and it has the effect of stimulating human beings: "The so-called good can protect human beings, and the so-called evil is not conducive to human beings. But in fact, the impact of evil stimulation on human beings is the same as that of good in terms of necessary preservation and maintenance to a certain extent - only their roles are different. " Nietzsche's other achievement in moral criticism is to put forward the master slave moral theory, which analyzes the slave moral components of morality from a psychological perspective. Nietzsche believes that the origin of morality is that when the weak are bullied by the strong, they use their spiritual power to create conscience, good and evil to resist the aggression of the strong. Slave morality usually carries resentment and the reactionary mentality derived from it. For example, it attempts to level the value of the strong with creative power and transform their characteristics into "evil" with ethical significance; The nature of weakness in oneself is transformed into "goodness", etc. Nietzsche questioned the legitimacy of the source of traditional morality (especially Christian morality) with slave morality because he did not believe in the source of morality prior to human existence [5]

Political attitude

Nietzsche was very critical of the state. He also called himself "the last anti political German", "the state... where all people lost themselves... all people's chronic suicide is called 'life'". His attitude towards Germany, his home country Franco-Prussian War The atmosphere of arrogance and German supremacy presented later was particularly unsatisfactory. "Wherever Germany goes, it corrupts the culture there". His criticism is mainly based on his concern for culture: "Culture and the state... are antagonistic... All great cultural times are times of political decline: everything that is great in culture is always non political, even anti political." This is why he prefers France defeated in the Franco Prussian War to Germany. Nietzsche opposes the values that proclaim the supremacy of national and national interests. He regards it as "klinenpolitik". In contrast, Nietzsche expects to care about the "gro β erpolitik" of the country led by people of that level, "The era of small politics has passed, and the next century will bring us a war to dominate the earth - the impulse to engage in big politics".
Nietzsche has repeatedly emphasized the hierarchy of people, and these ideas can be described as his ethical thoughts. So he also objected democracy Nietzsche believes that the democratic thought is rooted in Christianity, and "the democratic movement is the successor of the Christian movement". Behind this lies the mentality of the weak who want to level the value of the strong.
But Nietzsche socialist He was also unpopular, because he found too much revenge among them: "Who do I hate most among today's mobs? Socialist mobs, they are the apostles of inferior people, they damage workers' instinct, pleasure and satisfaction with their small survival, they make workers jealous and teach them revenge."
Nietzsche《 Antichrist 》In his book, he sketched out what he thought was the ideal social system. He divided the social classes into three classes: the first is the elite with the most spiritual strength, who create value and play the role of ruler. The second people are people with strong will or character. They obey the orders of the first class and are responsible for maintaining social order and law enforcement. The third people are the most mediocre people who are satisfied with their ordinary lives. Nietzsche also emphasized that these three classes are indispensable for the establishment of an ideal society. He also does not approve of bullying the weak. He believes that it is proper for higher people to treat people who are lower than him kindly. "In fact, if there are exceptional people, ordinary people are the first necessity needed: higher culture depends on it. The exceptional people should treat ordinary people more gently than themselves and their peers, which is not from the heart of politeness - it is his duty at all." This kind of "exceptional people" can even be described as "Roman Caesar with the spirit of Christ". As for how to implement this social system? Nietzsche did not answer this question [5]

Literary characteristics



Nietzsche's Autobiography
Nietzsche's prose embodies the author's profound thoughts. First of all, Nietzsche opposes the way of thinking from concept to concept, and the long preaching and argumentation. Instead, he expresses his own feelings and puts forward his own new ideas in the form of aphorism and aphorism. It is in such short essays that Nietzsche consciously approaches the oriental way of thinking to get rid of the western traditional metaphysics The fetters of thinking mode. In terms of expression, he expressed more freely, making the words more vivid and sensible, combining the thorough critical spirit with solid classical language skills, and forming his own unique style. The second is deafness feedback. In a word, the main language style of Nietzsche's prose. In his works, Nietzsche discusses various life problems, all of which are based on a basic view of the world, that is, the world is generated, and existence is staged. Similarly, God is also made up according to human needs. Therefore, Nietzsche believes that there are no facts in the world, only explanations, pointing out that "God is dead" and emphasizing value revaluation. It is precisely because Nietzsche was able to point out the shortcomings in the western social system, cultural tradition and ideology, that people in the 20th century responded to his ideas much more strongly than in his era. Thirdly, Nietzsche believes that the symbolic power of art can make people understand the world more deeply. Metaphor is a better way to inspire people to think. Therefore, his works use similes, metaphors, allegories and other artistic means of thinking freely. It is precisely because of the use of metaphor and other artistic means that his prose has more vitality, perception and tension in meaning [7]


Nietzsche's poetry can be divided into two categories, one is "aphorism", that is, philosophical poetry, and the other is "song", that is, lyric poetry. His aphorism is concise, witty, concise and thought-provoking. Some aphorisms are short in two lines, ingenious in design, simple in language and meaningful. For example, Honest Man, Rust, Involuntary Attractor, and Against Arrogance. Nietzsche's lyric poetry also runs through philosophy, but in a different way from the aphorism. He tried to express the basic spirit of his philosophy completely with his lyrics—— Dionysian spirit In pursuit of the style of ancient Greek Bacchus ode, which integrates music, dance and poetry, and completely integrates body and mind, his representative work is "Bacchus Ode". The rhythm of this group of poems is leaping and free, just like dancing freely in rugged mountains; Emotions are also wanton, unrestrained, laughing and cursing, all of which are poems [7]

Later influence



Nietzsche's thought subverts the western moral thoughts and traditional values, and reveals the spiritual crisis that human beings must face after the death of God. karl jaspers On Nietzsche and Kierkegaard It brings shivers to western philosophy. karl jaspers Sartre martin heidegger Jack London Foucault and Derrida Freud They are all philosophers deeply influenced by Nietzsche's thought, and there are also countless writers directly influenced by Nietzsche: Stefan Zweig Thomas Mann Bernard Shaw Hesse Rilke Gide Lu Xun Etc.

Influence on Western "War like Culture"

The formation of European "militant culture" in the 19th century was more thoroughly explained and uniquely expressed in Nietzsche's "master morality" theory.
On the pedigree of morality 》This one is in《 Capital 》The fundamental significance of the classic works published a year after the first volume was published (1887) is that in the form of a declaration, it announced an epoch-making breakthrough in the European values of the th century. It mercilessly trampled on the existing values of all human civilizations, regarded them as "slave morality", "ethics of the weak", and regarded war, conquest, plunder, killing and domination, It is called "master morality" and "logic of the strong", and the latter is the real essence of "modern civilization". Nietzsche's theory, based on the eternal opposition between "the strong and the weak", completely reversed the value principle of dividing "barbarism and civilization", and thus regarded the "law that power is justice" publicized in Europe in the 19th century as the origin of human new values and new legal concepts, thus rewriting the human moral pedigree [9]

Influence on life philosophy and Freudian psychoanalysis

Nietzsche is the first person who clearly reveals the unconscious field of human psychology and analyzes it carefully. His works provide many enlightening ideas for the study of modern deep psychology. Freud《 Dream analysis 》A book is Psychoanalysis Nietzsche made a similar analysis of the role and mechanism of dreams 20 to 30 years earlier than him. Nietzsche has many penetrating insights into the unconscious, but these insights are sporadic. When Freud used psychoanalysis to study modern civilization, he could find that he embodied some of Nietzsche's views. Nietzsche also further analyzed and explored the deep psychological activities behind consciousness. He believes that the so-called consciousness is just a state of our spirit and mental world. Nietzsche emphasizes the exploration of the deep psychology behind consciousness, making him a pioneer of the Freudian psychoanalytic school recognized by the academic community in the future.

Influence on existentialism philosophy

stay Sartre In his works, we can find a clear and powerful retelling of Nietzsche's thoughts. He also attributes human nature to freedom, and freedom to will and evaluation. However, although Nietzsche emphasized the absolute freedom of individual evaluation, he also put forward his own value scale, that is, strong will. Sartre pushed the relativity of value to the extreme and denied any scale to be considered. Is to enter people's hearts in the form of folk culture [10]

Character evaluation


Chinese writer Lu Xun

If we were to work hard, we would be the most outstanding individualists. [11]

Guo Moruo, a Chinese writer and scholar

Nietzsche's thought is the center of consciousness in the May 4th period. [11]

Chinese poet Wen Yiduo

The most progressive, revolutionary and idealistic political thinker. His works are the symbol of full vitality and the peak of life. [11]

German philosopher Jaspers

It brings shivers to western philosophy. [11]

Character controversy

At the first and the Second World War During this period, Nietzsche's philosophy was The Third Reich Use it to become the coat of fascism. Powerism and individualistic power theory were made into the guiding principle of German policy in the World War. Nietzsche's philosophy was regarded as "war philosophy" by many scholars at home and abroad, and Nietzsche became "war agitator". In the new era, the misreading of Nietzsche's philosophy has evolved into Individualism This is not so much Nietzsche's controversy as Nietzsche's philosophy [12]
However, Nietzsche's theory of claiming the sun, superman's strong will, "reassessing everything" and other theories are quite controversial in the philosophy circle. Some scholars and philosophers believe that his theory is to use the metaphysical negation to engage in nihilism, completely subvert Western thought, and to push down and re-establish the values established by the West over thousands of years, It is an act of reversing history. At the same time, some scholars believe that his theory is the culprit of a large number of extremists in the future [13]

Commemoration for future generations

Lokennietzsche Memorial
Lokennietzsche Memorial
Nietzsche Memorial Hall is located in Loken, the birthplace of Nietzsche. Its central building is the 50 square meter Nietzsche Baptist Church. Through the church is Nietzsche's cemetery. Nietzsche's tomb is 10 square meters. Three tombs are tied together: Nietzsche in the west, his mother in the east, and Nietzsche's sister Elizabeth.