Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

Founder of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
zero Useful+1
Vladimir Ilich Lenin (April 22, 1870 - January 21, 1924), formerly known as Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov, Russia Sinbilsk People (now Ulyanovsk City) [56] Proletarian Revolutionist politician theorist thinker Former post Soviet People's Committee Chairman (i.e Soviet Prime Minister )、 Industry and Agriculture National Defense Committee Chairman and other important positions. [1] [54]
Entered in August 1887 Kazan University Study in Law Department [13] From 1891 St. Petersburg University Graduation. In 1892, he began to organize a Marxist group and《 Communist Manifesto 》Translated into Russian. Established in 1895 Working Class Liberation Struggle Association In December 1900, he founded the first one in Russia Marxism Political newspaper《 Mars News 》。 In January 1912 menshevik Expulsion Russian Social Democratic Labor Party , let bolshevik Become independent Marxist political parties During World War I, the leading Bolshevik Party insisted on Proletarian internationalism Leader in November 1917 Russian October Revolution It succeeded in overthrowing the bourgeois provisional government. From 1918 to 1920, led the people of the whole country to defeat 14 capitalist country Armed intervention and the rebellion of the domestic reactionary class. Leading the whole party to shift the focus of work to the organization after the end of the civil war socialist construction aspect. On January 21, 1924 Gorky Village He died of stroke at the age of 54. [1-5] [39]
Lenin is the first in the world Socialist country The founder of proletariat Founder of the ruling party. He successfully led Russia October Socialist Revolution , make socialist From scientific theory to great practice. Leninist actions Marxism stay Imperialism And the new development and new achievements of the proletarian revolutionary era, opening up the road to the nationalization of Marxism. Lenin was widely recognized by communists all over the world as "an international proletariat The greatness of revolution tutor and Spiritual leader ”, is one of the most influential figures in the 20th century. [1] Description included《 Complete Works of Lenin 》。 [23]
Chinese name
Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov
Foreign name
Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, Lenin (English)
Влади́мир Ильи́ч Улья́нов,Ле́нин (Russian)
Lenin (Lenin/Ле́нин)
Soviet Union
Ethnic groups
Native place
Sinbilsk [56]
one's native heath
Simbirsk (Today's Ulyanovsk City)
date of birth
April 22, 1870 [64] (April 10, Russian calendar)
Date of death
January 21, 1924
University one is graduated from
Kazan University University of Petersburg [13]
Full Name
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
Russian Romanov Dynasty, Soviet Union
Place of death
Gorky Village
Burial place
Lenin's Tomb in Moscow's Red Square
Joseph Visario Norwich Stalin
Key achievements
found Bolshevik Party
leader October Revolution
create Soviet regime , establishing the first socialist country in the world
Served as the Soviet Union People's Committee Chairman( Soviet Prime Minister

Character's Life


The way to study

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (formerly Ulyanov) was born in Russia on April 22, 1870 (April 10 in the Russian calendar) Volga River Simbirsk (now Ulyanovsk). [56]
In 1879, Lenin, who was only nine and a half years old, skipped the preparatory class and successfully entered middle school after examination. From then on until he was 17 years old, Lenin had been studying in Simbirsk Classical Middle School. [32] He is diligent and studious, and has excellent academic performance at school. Every promotion is rewarded by the school. [56] On June 22, 1887, Lenin graduated from the middle school. His examination results on his graduation certificate were only 4 points for one subject and 5 points for the other ten subjects. When he graduated, he was awarded a gold medal for excellence in character and learning. [32]
When Lenin was young, he witnessed the hard life and tragic experience of the urban poor in Simbirsk and the farmers nearby, and his heart aroused deep sympathy for the working people and strong dissatisfaction with the social status quo. He read extensively progressive books, especially Russian revolutionary democrats Wei Ge Belinsky Ni Ga Chernychevsky His works were deeply influenced by revolutionary democratic thought. In the senior year of middle school, he saw for the first time that his brother Alexander, who was studying in St. Petersburg, brought home《 Capital 》And began to contact Marxism. [56]
In May 1887, when Lenin was about to graduate from middle school, his brother Alexander participated in People's Party The organization's plot to assassinate the czar was arrested and killed by the czar's authorities. [56] In July, Lenin's family came to Kazan to settle down. In August, Lenin entered Kazan University He was arrested and exiled at the end of the year for participating in the Progressive Student Movement while studying in the Law Department. The following autumn Lenin returned to Kazan and joined the Marxist group organized by Fedoseyev to start systematic research Marx Of《 Capital 》And Plekhanov And become a Marxist. [13]
In 1889, Lenin moved to Samara with his family. He tenaciously self-study, in a year and a half to complete the four-year college courses. [13]
In 1891, Lenin passed the examination of the Law Department of St. Petersburg University as an out of school student and was awarded the diploma of excellent students. Later, he obtained the qualification of paralegal. He often appeared in court in Samara District Court to defend poor farmers. [13]

Early activities

In August 1893, Lenin came St.Petersburg He organized and led Marxist group activities, actively spread Marxism, and fought against the erroneous trend of thought that affected the workers' movement.
In 1894, Lenin wrote《 What are "friends of the people" and how do they attack Social Democrats? 》, criticized liberalism populist The theoretical viewpoint and political program of Marx and Engels historical materialism Basic principles of; It clarifies that the people are the creators of history, and class struggle is the driving force for the development of class society; This paper expounds the historical position and great mission of the proletariat, and puts forward the task of establishing the working party. [13]
In the spring of 1895, Lenin went to Western Europe He established contacts with the leader of the Russian Marxist group Labor Liberation Society, Ger Wa Plekhanov, and others abroad, and investigated the labor movement in Western Europe. In October of the same year, Lenin will St.Petersburg All of Marxism The group united to establish the St. Petersburg Association for the Liberation Struggle of the Working Class, which realized the combination of Marxism and the labor movement in Russia for the first time. At the end of 1895, Lenin was arrested and sent to prison for spying. [13]
In February 1897, after 14 months in prison, Lenin was sentenced to exile for three years. He set out from St. Petersburg to the exile in eastern Siberia, and in May he arrived at the exile - Shushensk Village in Minusinsk District, Yenisesk Province. stay Siberia In three years, he began to use the pseudonym "Lenin". [13]
Lenin in 1900
In 1899, Lenin completed《 The Development of Russian Capitalism 》A book, thus thoroughly liquidating the wrong theory of populism. [13]
In February 1900, Lenin's exile in Siberia ended, and soon after returning to St. Petersburg, he moved to Western Europe to study at the University of Geneva in Switzerland, and then to Stuttgart Munich Leipzig Bragg Vienna , Manchester and London , engaged in professional political activities. In Munich, Germany, he co founded the first newspaper of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party, the Martian, with Martov, and then published it in Leipzig and London. During this period, he used many aliases, and finally took "Lenin" as his official name. [13]

Party building struggle

From 1901 to 1902, he wrote the book "How to do?", which was very influential in the Russian revolution in the future. The book clearly expresses its opposition Bernstein Of Revisionism , criticized the "economic school" line within the Party, believed that the backward group should accept the leadership of the advanced group, and requested that the Party be built into an organization with strict organizational discipline with "professional revolutionaries" as the vanguard core (i.e Democratic centralism )。 [13]
On July 30, 1903, Russian Social Democratic Labor Party stay Brussels At the congress, Lenin centered bolshevik ("Bolshevik" means the majority). The emergence of the Bolsheviks and their ideology marked leninism Formation of.
In 1904, Lenin wrote a book, "Further, Two Steps Back", which exposed Menshevik's opportunism on the issue of party organization, comprehensively discussed the idea of establishing a new proletarian party, emphasized the decisive significance of organizational unity for the proletariat, and pointed out that the party is an advanced, conscious and organized force of the working class, They are armed with Marxism. [57]
A. Liubimov, At the Third Congress of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (Oil Painting) [57]
At the beginning of 1905, the bourgeois democratic revolution broke out in Russia. In April, Lenin hosted the Third Congress of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party in London, which formulated the party's strategic line in the democratic revolution. In July, Lenin wrote《 Two Strategies of Social Democratic Party in Democratic Revolution 》A book criticizing menshevik And comprehensively elaborated the Bolshevik's revolutionary strategy Worker peasant alliance workers and peasants' democratic dictatorship The transformation of the democratic revolution into the socialist revolution and other major issues were discussed in depth, enriching and developing the Marxist theory of proletarian revolution and dictatorship of the proletariat. In November Lenin returned to St. Petersburg from abroad and directly led the work of the Bolsheviks. [57]
Speech at the Mass Conference of Countess Panina's Mass Cultural Center in Petersburg [57]
From May to June 1907, the fifth congress of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party was held in London. Lenin was elected to the presidium of the congress and made a report on his attitude towards bourgeois political parties. In June, Russia's first bourgeois democratic revolution ended in failure. Lenin went abroad again at the end of the year, exiled in Paris and other places in Western Europe, and insisted on political writing under relatively poor conditions. [57]
In 1908, Lenin wrote《 Materialism and empirical criticism 》One book. Lenin refuted the Russian Machinists' attack on Marxism and exposed Machism The idealistic essence of Dialectical materialism and Historical materialism The basic principles of dialectical materialism epistemology. This work played an important role in the Bolshevik Party's adherence to the Marxist scientific world outlook as a guide. [57]
During this period, Lenin was also committed to summing up the experience of the Russian revolution, leading the Bolshevik Party to implement the strategy of combining secret work with legal work, and fighting against the recall faction and the cancellation faction of the Mensheviks. In 1912, Lenin presided over the sixth national representative conference of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party in Prague, and purged the Menshevik abolitionists from the party. Under the leadership of Lenin, the Bolshevik Party was consolidated and developed ideologically and organizationally, and became the core force leading the Russian revolution. [57]

Run against the war

Lenin has participated in the Socialist International Bureau on behalf of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party since 1905, and has attended meetings of the International Bureau, international social party congresses and representative meetings for many times since 1907. Lenin has united the leftists of all countries in a resolute struggle against opportunism in the Second International. [58]
П Aliakins at the meeting of the Bern Bolshevik Group (oil painting) [58]
In 1907 and 1910, the International Social Party Congress was held in Stuttgart and Copenhagen. The two meetings were held under the circumstances of the frantic expansion of the armed forces of the imperialist countries to prepare for war and the danger of war. Anti militarism and anti imperialist war became the central topic of the meeting. Lenin refuted the opportunistic view on the war issue at the meeting, clarified the imperialist nature of the future war, and emphasized that the proletariat should do its utmost to oppose and stop the war. If the imperialist war broke out, it would never defend the bourgeois motherland in the war, and it should use the war to accelerate the collapse of bourgeois rule. In Lenin and K Zetkin Rosa Luxemburg With the joint efforts of the leftist leaders, the General Assembly formulated the correct strategies of the socialist parties of all countries against the imperialist war. [58]
In 1912, Lenin participated in socialist gatherings in various parts of Europe, such as the Prague Delegates Conference. [58]
Lenin in 1914
In July 1914, the First World War broke out, and most leaders of the social parties of the belligerent countries and the Second International abandoned the resolution of the International Social Party Congress against the imperialist war, and supported their own governments to carry out war Social chauvinism The. In August, Lenin, who lived in Bologne, was falsely accused of being a spy and arrested by the authorities of the Austro Hungarian Empire, and was put into the prison of New Targer County. Lenin was released after 11 days in prison, and then went to Switzerland with his family. On September 5, Lenin arrived in Bern, Switzerland, a neutral country. The next day, the Bolsheviks in Bern were convened to hold a meeting. The meeting passed the resolution of "The Task of the Revolutionary Social Democratic Party in the European War" drafted by Lenin, severely condemned the betrayal of Marxism by the leaders of the Second International, and clarified the attitude of the Bolsheviks to the war. Lenin also put forward the slogan of "turning the imperialist war into a civil war". [58]
In August 1915, Lenin put forward for the first time that socialism was in a minority or even alone capitalist country Nei may also win. In September, Lenin attended the first representative meeting of the International Socialist Party held in Zimmerwald, Switzerland Chimerwald Conference At the meeting, the left wing of Zimmerwald was formed and the standing bureau of the left wing of Zimmerwald headed by Lenin was established. [58] Lenin as Zimmerwald left The leaders of. The majority in the meeting rejected his proposal and believed that the agenda of the meeting should be limited to the scope of pacifism. In the second anti war conference held in Switzerland, he led the left wing of Zimmerwald to reiterate their views, but finally only got a compromise declaration.
In February 1916, Lenin and Krupuskaya berne move Zurich During this period, Lenin carried out extensive and creative theoretical research in order to criticize revisionism and opportunism, defend and develop Marxism. [58]
After the outbreak of the First World War, Lenin concentrated on studying imperialism. In August 1915, Lenin《 On the slogan of the european federation 》In the article, according to the law of unbalanced economic and political development of imperialism, the thought that "socialism may win in a few or even a single capitalist country first" was put forward for the first time. This is Lenin's epoch-making new contribution to the socialist revolutionary theory. Lenin wrote the book "Imperialism is the highest stage of capitalism" in 1916, comprehensively analyzed the essence, characteristics and basic contradictions of imperialism, revealed the objective law of its emergence, development and demise, and pointed out that imperialism is the eve of the proletarian socialist revolution. [58]

October Revolution

В Perelman, Studying Imperialism in the Berne Library (Oil Painting) [58]
In 1917, Russia broke out February Revolution Russian Empire czar nicholas ii abdication, Romanov Dynasty The rule of the Communist Party of China was completely overthrown, and a provisional government of all parties, mainly the Social Revolutionary Party and the Constitutional Democratic Party, was established. At the same time, Petrograd also set up a Soviet. Lenin, who was in neutral Switzerland, knew that he needed to return to Russia immediately, but because his neighbor was caught in the First World War, he could not pass directly. Nevertheless, Fritz Platin, a Swiss Social Democrat, actively negotiated with the German authorities. Germany also hoped that Lenin could be used to ease the war with Russia on the eastern line, so it agreed to help Lenin take the "sealed train" arranged by Germany to return home. Lenin crossed Germany and arrived in Sweden by boat Swedish Social Democratic Party With the help of Otto Geremlen, Tulei Nieman and others, he went through Scandinavia On April 16, 1917, he took a train to the Finnish station in Petrograd. [42]
After his return, Lenin quickly became the leader of the revolutionary movement. He proposed the famous《 April Theses 》, pointing out that the Russian revolution must be bourgeois-democratic revolution Transition to proletarian socialist revolution and opposition to the so-called "bourgeoisie" provisional government ”, protest against their deliberate delay Constitutional Assembly Elect and propose that "all rights belong to soviet ”The slogan of. At first, because of his political left leaning, the party was isolated. However, his uncompromising position made all those who did not trust the provisional government regard the Bolsheviks as their allies. The leaders of the Social Revolutionary Party who opposed the Bolsheviks Kerensky Others slandered Lenin as a spy sent by Germany. [42]
In July 1917, something happened in Petrograd“ July bloodshed ”, Russian Provisional Government They suppressed the workers and soldiers of the demonstrations supported by the Bolsheviks, and announced that Lenin and other Bolshevik leaders were wanted. Lenin thought that the time was not yet ripe and gave up the idea of seizing power by force for the time being. He lurked in the grass shed on the lakeside of Razrif, continued to guide the revolutionary struggle, and left Russia for Finland on August 9 (At that time, he was in a semi independent situation) , done here《 State and Revolution 》Writing. On September 7, the commander in chief of the Russian army Alexander Kornilov Launched a coup aimed at overthrowing the provisional government, which had to ask the Bolshevik Red Guards for help. The coup was finally smashed, and the Bolsheviks took the opportunity to strengthen their own strength. After analyzing the new situation, Lenin wrote two instruction letters to the Bolshevik Central Committee, the Petrograd Committee and the Moscow Committee from September 12 to 14, clearly proposing the plan of seizing power through the uprising, and secretly returned to Petrograd from Finland on October 7 of the same year. Lenin drafted the resolution of the armed uprising passed by the plenary session of the Party Central Committee, which arrived at night on October 24, 1917 Smolny Palace Direct the armed uprising personally. On November 7, support bolshevik The workers, soldiers and sailors of Winter Palace , announced the overthrow of the Russian Interim Government, the establishment of the People's Committee, and said that the election of the Constituent Assembly should be held immediately, and requested that the Constituent Democratic Party should be excluded and an all inclusive socialist democratic government should be established, that is, "all power belongs to the Soviet", known as the "October Revolution" in history. On the 8th of the same month, Lenin was elected as the chairman of the People's Committee and promulgated《 decrees of peace 》And the Land Act. On December 20, Lenin proposed to form a All Russian Extraordinary Committee for the Elimination of Counterrevolution and Slowdown (referred to as deed card). appointment Dzerzhinsky He is the chairman of Cheka. [42]

Building Soviet Russia

Lenin, Trotsky and Gaminiev
On January 15, 1918, the People's Committee passed the decree establishing the Red Army, appointing Trotsky as the Military People's Committee and the Chairman of the Supreme Military Committee. In February, the Central Committee issued the People's Committee's Letter to the Russian Working People. In March, Lenin's leadership held Russian Social Democratic Labor Party The Seventh Congress, Bolshevik Party It was officially renamed the Russian Communist Party (Bolshevik), or "Russian Communist Party (Bolshevik)" for short. In the same year, the Constitution was promulgated, and the official name of the country was Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic , referred to as Soviet Russia.
On August 30, Lenin was just about to step on the bus after making a speech to the workers in Mikerson factory on the outskirts of Moscow, the capital. Kaplan, a member of the Social Revolutionary Party, came forward to talk with Lenin. When Lenin answered her, he shook hands Browning pistol His hand stretched out three steps away at close range, and then three shots rang out. The first bullet hit Lenin's left shoulder, the second shot hit his left chest and passed through his neck, and the third shot hit the woman who was talking to him. Lenin immediately fell to the ground unconscious. The assassination had a serious impact on Lenin's health. Soon after the incident, she was arrested by Cheka. Kaplan admitted that he had assassinated Lenin, and said that no one was behind the scenes. It was completely personal. On November 30, All Russian Central Executive Committee Decide to establish Industry and Agriculture National Defense Committee , appointed Lenin as Chairman. [54]
Lenin addressed the 10th Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolshevik) [60]
In August 1919, the eighth congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolshevik) adopted the new party platform drafted by the committee headed by Lenin. [60]
In the autumn of 1920, the struggle of the Russian people against foreign armed intervention and the suppression of the armed counter revolutionary rebellion basically ended. How to build socialism in economically and culturally backward Russia is Soviet regime The most fundamental task facing. Lenin made arduous exploration to solve this task. Lenin put forward the electrification plan at the 8th All Russian Soviet Congress held in December. On October 2, Lenin attended the Third Congress of the Communist Youth League of Russia and delivered a speech entitled "The Task of the Youth League". [60]
И Latimov, Lenin's Speech at the Conference Celebrating the Fourth Anniversary of the October Revolution [60]
From March 8 to 16, 1921, the 10th Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolshevik) was held in Moscow. Lenin led the work of the Congress and made a report on the important issues listed on the agenda of the Congress. According to Lenin's report, the General Assembly adopted a series of important resolutions on replacing the surplus grain collection system with food taxes. The 10th National Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolshevik) held on May 26-28 of the same year focused on the implementation of the new economic policy. In the autumn of 1921, on the eve of the fourth anniversary of the October Revolution, Lenin published a series of articles reviewing the arduous course of the Soviet regime in leading economic construction in the past four years. [60]
To break Imperialism Lenin personally formulated a foreign policy of peace for the Soviet regime. In April 1922, the Soviet Union participated in the Genoa Conference, an important international financial and economic conference, for the first time. Lenin believes that this meeting will play a major role in consolidating peace and developing relations among countries. He made careful preparations for this complex diplomatic struggle and worked out the key points and strategies for the Soviet delegation. [60]
Lenin presided over the 11th Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolshevik) from March 27 to April 2, 1922. He delivered the political report of the Central Committee to the General Assembly and summarized the work of the new economic policy over the past year. This is the last party congress led by Lenin himself. [60]

Old age

On April 24, 1922, Lenin's health had been seriously damaged before the assassination due to the tense revolution and war. The bullet stayed in his neck, close to the spine, about 1cm, and the medical conditions at that time could not safely remove the bullet. A German doctor operated on Lenin and took out the bullet. [60]
In May 1922, Lenin first apoplexy The right side was partially paralyzed and began to reduce government affairs. From late May to early October, Lenin's health deteriorated and he recuperated in Golk, a suburb of Moscow. During his convalescence, he still cared about and guided the work of the Soviet Party and the state. On October 2, Lenin returned to Moscow from Golk, and then put into intense work, presided over various meetings, reviewed and drafted documents. On November 20, Lenin attended the Moscow Soviet Plenum and made his last speech to the public in his life. [60] In December, after his second stroke, he stopped his political activities. After his first stroke, Lenin completed a will and gave it to his wife Krupuskaya, commenting on six senior leaders of the Soviet Communist Party, including Trotsky Stalin Zinoviev Lev Kamenev Bukharin Pidakov Among them, the view on Stalin is "I am not sure whether he can always use this power very carefully". [30]
Lenin in 1923
On January 4, 1923, Lenin made another supplement to his dictation record, which was specifically aimed at Stalin: "Stalin is too rude, and this shortcoming is completely tolerable among us, in our dealings with Communists, but it is intolerable in the position of General Secretary. Therefore, I suggest that comrades find a way to remove Stalin from this position and appoint another person as General Secretary. " On March 5, Lenin learned that his wife nadezhda konstantinovna krupskaya After being insulted and intimidated by Stalin, he was very angry and proposed to break off diplomatic relations with Stalin. Stalin apologized to Lenin, and things finally subsided. In the same month, after his third stroke, he remained bedridden and unable to speak until his death. [30]
At 18:50 on January 21, 1924, Lenin Gorky Village He died of stroke at the age of 54. More than 900000 people attended the memorial meeting and paid tribute to Lenin's body. [1-5] [55]

Measures for politics



  • Stabilizing the regime
In November 1917, Lenin led the Russian October Revolution to success and established the first proletarian dictatorship in world history. Lenin drafted《 Letter to the Russian Citizen 》It was announced that the provisional government was overthrown, the political power was transferred to the hands of the Military Revolutionary Committee, and the October armed uprising was won. The next night, the Second All Russian Soviet Congress adopted the《 decrees of peace 》《 Land Ordinance 》And the Decision on the Establishment of the Government of Workers and Peasants. The General Assembly announced the formation of the first workers' and peasants' government under Lenin's chairmanship—— People's Committee The first socialist country in the world was born.
After the success of the October Revolution, the Russian landlord bourgeoisie, who had failed in the revolution, was unwilling to fail and quit the stage of history. Krensky and others, who fled to the bourgeois provisional government in northern Russia, gathered the Cossack troops alexei krasnov Led by Petrograd Attack in an attempt to subvert the new proletarian regime; The "National Salvation Revolutionary Committee" headed by the Social Revolutionary Party launched a petty officer rebellion in Petrograd because it was dissatisfied with some measures taken by the new proletarian regime; In addition, the British, French, American, Japanese and other imperialist countries, out of their hatred for the socialist revolution and their insatiable predatory ambition, coveted the new Russian regime and tried to devour socialist Russia at one fell swoop. Lenin pointed out that the Soviet country "is in a very unstable and critical situation, which urgently needs to consolidate the new Soviet regime, and unswervingly implementing the dictatorship of the proletariat is the most fundamental measure to consolidate the Soviet regime". [6] [55]
  • Political Party and Political Power Construction
Lenin attached great importance to the construction of the ruling party and the Soviet regime. He stressed that the Party must adapt to the changes in its status and constantly strengthen its own construction; Leaders at all levels of the Party and the country must constantly improve their ability to govern and learn to do economic work; The Party should attach importance to developing intra Party democracy and respect the right of Party members to participate in intra Party affairs; The Party should implement strict discipline to ensure the Party's ideological, political and organizational unity; The Party should properly deal with contradictions within the Party and maintain its unity; The Party should strictly implement the conditions for joining the Party, absorb advanced elements to join the Party, and ensure the Party's advancement; The Party should keep close contact with the masses, fully trust and rely on the masses; The Party should constantly promote the reform of the Party and state organs, strengthen supervision over Party members and cadres, and oppose all forms of bureaucracy and malpractice. [20] [60]
Ideological party building is the basic strategy of the proletarian party building in Russia. After the victory of the October Revolution, the socialist system replaced the old system in Russia, but the old ideas did not die out naturally with the establishment of the new system, especially after the new economic policy replaced the wartime communist policy, The backward thinking and behavior habits of the bourgeoisie are still "encircling and infecting the proletariat in all aspects, and corrupting the individual strata of the proletariat." Lenin believes that the ideological confusion and degeneration of some Bolshevik Party members is rooted in the lack of Marxist theoretical cultivation. Therefore, in order to enable the Russian Communist Party to truly play the role of "advanced soldier", Lenin led the Russian Communist Party to carry out extensive and in-depth Marxist theoretical education activities within the scope of the whole party, arm the whole party with scientific theories, improve the ideological awareness and theoretical literacy of party members, and thus create a clean and upright intra party political ecology. [27]
Lenin believed that "only the Party guided by advanced theories can realize the role of advanced soldiers" [28] Arming the whole party with advanced theories is a fundamental policy to resist the erosion of various backward ideas. In order to improve the Marxist theoretical level of the whole party, Lenin attached great importance to the publication of Marxist classics and the establishment of the party school. As early as 1918, Lenin proposed to the Central Committee of the Russian Communist Party (Bolshevik) to publish Marxist classics on a large scale. Under his promotion, the Communist Manifesto was republished for 58 times in a short period of time. The Proletarian Revolution, the Communist Handbook, the Road to Communism, the Red Library and other party reading materials were printed and published in succession, which has received great response. The publication of these works and journals has laid an important foundation for improving the Marxist theoretical level of Party members. In addition, the Eighth Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolshevik) held in 1919 put the establishment of the party school on the agenda, proposed to establish a senior party school directly under the Central Government of the Russian Communist Party (Bolshevik), and required to design the school running plan and syllabus of local party schools at all levels, which provided a basic basis for the later establishment and running of local party schools at all levels. The 10th National Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolshevik) held in 1921 made a clear decision to establish local party schools at all levels throughout the country, The resolution of the conference clearly stated that "every provincial city should have a well run Soviet and Party affairs cadre school with 2-3 classes of students graduating every year, and at least half of the counties in the Republic should establish county-level Soviet and Party affairs cadre schools according to the plan drawn up." [29] Due to the great importance attached by the Central Committee of the Russian Communist Party (Bolshevik), all levels of organizations of the Russian Communist Party (Bolshevik) and the Soviet regime took the construction of party schools as an important task. Therefore, by 1922, 242 party schools of all levels and types had been built in Russia, with 22000 students. Lenin led the Russian Communist Party (Bolshevik), supported by the large-scale publication of classical works and the establishment of local party schools at all levels, which created conditions for party members to systematically learn Marxist theory, thus significantly improving the level of Marxist theory of the whole party, and significantly optimizing the political ecology within the party. [27]
  • Oppose bureaucracy
In order to keep Bolshevik Party And the removal of bureaucratic rubbish from Soviet state organs. Lenin's historical experience of vigorously developing socialist democracy shows that the more perfect the democratic rights of the people are, bureaucracy The more there is no place to live, the more the democratic rights of the people are undermined, and bureaucracy will spread and flourish. That is to say, promoting democracy is the fundamental political measure to overcome bureaucracy. To effectively fight against bureaucracy, we must ensure the people's democratic rights. That is, by constantly expanding and realizing the people's democratic rights, the power of the people is restricted. Therefore, in the Materials of the Tenth Congress of the Communist Party of Russia (Bolshevik), Lenin juxtaposed opposing bureaucracy and striving for people's democracy as two major events in the field of superstructure, and regarded them as the "internal political task, as well as the" construction "task of the Bolshevik Party and the Soviet state. [61]
To develop socialist democracy and overcome bureaucracy, it is necessary to implement an electoral system and supervise and recall Soviet state officials. When Lenin expounded the nature of the new state power after the October Revolution, he emphasized the people's right to free election and recall. He believes that the people can paris commune According to the adopted principle, the government has the right to remove or dismiss incompetent public servants at any time through certain democratic procedures. In Soviet countries, "none of the organs of power is appointed by the superior." This actually shows that the organs of government power at all levels are democratically elected in Soviet countries. The Soviet state promulgated the Draft Decree on the Right to Recall drafted by Lenin, which stipulates that "any elected organ or congress of deputies can be regarded as a truly democratic organ that truly represents the will of the people only by recognizing and implementing the right of voters to recall deputies". That is to say, the people's holding of the right to recall can better reflect the essential characteristics of people's democracy than the right to vote. "The re-election issue is a real issue to realize the democratic principles." Lenin believed that this would fundamentally eradicate the corruption of bureaucracy. [61]
The people's right to supervise and recall is the best reflection People's democracy The essence of Soviet regime Where the true people's character lies. Lenin attached great importance to the masses' supervision of the Party and government organs. He believes that the main body of supervision activities is not the judicial organ, the supervisory organ, but the people. The supervision of the people is a kind of bottom-up supervision, and this supervision system is determined by the national system of the working people being the masters of the country. It is one of the important signs of the proletarian regime and an effective means to prevent and overcome bureaucracy. He said, "It was the close relationship between the Soviet and the working 'people' that caused some special recall forms and another bottom-up supervision, which should be vigorously developed now. ... Now the more we are determined to advocate an absolutely tough regime and individual dictatorship in a certain period of time when we perform purely executive functions in a certain work process, the more diverse forms and methods of bottom-up supervision are needed to eliminate all possible ills of the Soviet regime and repeatedly and tirelessly eradicate them bureaucracy 。” In order to facilitate the broad masses of workers and peasants to supervise the work of the state organs, Lenin required all responsible public officials to make practical and realistic work reports to the workers and peasants on a regular basis, so that the non party workers and peasants could have the opportunity to criticize the Soviet organs and their work, which was one of the important measures to ensure the "increasingly full realization of democracy". "Only when the masses know everything, can they judge everything, and consciously engage in everything, can the country have strength." [61]
  • Support proletarian revolution and national liberation movement in all countries
Infinite Care (Oil Painting) by Wen Guozhang [59]
October Revolution After the victory, Lenin paid close attention to and supported the proletarian revolutionary movement in European countries and the national liberation movement in Asian countries during the hard struggle period when he led the Russian people to defend the Soviet regime and oppose foreign armed intervention. Germany broke out in 1918 November Revolution , overturned Hohensorum Dynasty Lenin attached great importance to this revolution and called on the Russian proletariat to do its best to help German workers. The revolutionary leader of the German proletariat in January 1919 Kar Libknesi and Rosa Luxemburg Was killed by the reactionary authorities. Lenin made a speech at a protest rally held by workers and Red Army troops in Moscow, strongly condemning this atrocity. He actively supported the revolutionary movement of the Austro Hungarian Empire. On November 3, 1918, he delivered a passionate speech at the parade meeting to celebrate the Austro Hungarian revolution; On November 29, 1918, he instructed the Red Army to support by all means Latvia , Eslan Ukraine and Lithuania Soviet government; In March 1919, the Hungarian proletariat gained power and established the Hungarian Soviet Republic. Lenin immediately sent a congratulatory message and wrote the article "Salute to Hungarian Workers", highly praised the significance of the Hungarian proletarian revolution and clarified the essence of the dictatorship of the proletariat. [59]
In 1911, it happened in China Revolution of 1911 , overthrew the autocratic rule of the Qing Dynasty, Lenin published articles such as "The New China" in the Neva Star and the Pravda, spoke highly of the awakening of the Chinese people, and placed great hopes on the victory of the Chinese revolution. On November 19, 1919, Lenin received the President of the Federation of Chinese Workers in Russia Liu Shaozhou , asked about the Chinese revolution, the life of Chinese workers and the work of the Federation, and made instructions on the certificate issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union to Liu Shaozhou: I would like to ask all Soviet organs and competent departments to vigorously assist Liu Shaozhou. [59]
  • Organize and build the Communist International
Lenin at the First Congress of the Communist International (March 1919) [59]
After the outbreak of World War I, the Social Democrats of most of the belligerent countries betrayed internationalism and supported their governments in the imperialist war. The opportunism and chauvinism of the leaders of the Second International and the Social Democrats were thoroughly exposed, Second International It also disintegrates. In order to unite the left forces in the socialist parties and social democratic parties of all countries, a new international - the Communist International (i.e Third International )Lenin made a lot of preparations theoretically and organizationally. At the beginning of March 1919, the founding conference of the Communist International, the first congress, was held in Moscow. Lenin read out the outline of bourgeois democracy and the dictatorship of the proletariat and made a report. The conference adopted the Communist International Programme of Action and other documents. [59]
From 1920 to 1922, Lenin led the Comintern to hold the second, third and fourth congresses, which formulated the strategy and strategic principles of the international communist movement, defined the action program and basic tasks of the Comintern, and clarified the basic principles for solving national and colonial problems. At these congresses, Lenin scientifically expounded the international significance of the October Revolution in Russia and the diversity of countries' paths to socialism, expounded the problems of nations and colonies, and expounded the thought of the world's proletarians and oppressed nations uniting with Marxism. Lenin attached great importance to the liberation movement of colonies and oppressed nations, enthusiastically supported the just struggle of the Chinese people against the aggression of foreign powers and feudal oppression, wrote a series of articles, incisively discussed the nature, characteristics and development direction of the Chinese revolution, and expressed his deep concern for the future and destiny of the Chinese nation. At the Second Congress of the Communist International, Lenin put forward the outline of national and colonial issues, elaborated the idea of the world's proletarians and oppressed nations to unite, and emphasized that the proletarian parties should actively support the national democratic movement in colonial and semi colonial countries, The proletariat in Western Europe should form a close alliance with the peasant movements in the eastern colonies and all oppressed nations. He also wrote the important book "The Left's Childishness in the Communist Movement", criticized the "Left" trend of thought characterized by dogmatism and adventurism that appeared in some newly established Communist parties in Western Europe at that time, and expounded a series of important Marxist thoughts on the proletarian revolutionary strategy, It emphasizes that revolutionary principles should be combined with strategic flexibility. This work has important guiding significance for the Communist Party of all countries to lead their own people in the revolutionary struggle by using Marxist strategic principles. [59] The Task of the Youth League put forward the concept of communist morality for the first time, demonstrated the emergence, development and essence of communist morality more completely, and discussed the significance and methods of communist moral education.


  • National electrification
In front of the schematic diagram of the plan of the State Electrification Commission of Russia [60]
Lenin planned to draw up the national electrification plan in 1918. In 1920, he put forward the famous slogan: "Communism is the Soviet regime plus national electrification". [21] In the same year, the Soviet Union set up the Russian National Electrification Commission, absorbed more than 200 scientists and engineers, and spent 10 months to draw up the electrification plan of the Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic, referred to as the All Russian Electrification Plan. It is estimated that 30 new power stations will be built in 10 to 15 years (20 thermal power stations and 10 hydropower stations) The plan was adopted at the 8th All Russian Soviet Congress in December of the same year. Lenin attached great importance to this plan and called it the "Second Party Platform". [60]
  • Wartime communist policy
During the Russian civil war from 1918 to 1921, Lenin tried to make a direct transition to the communist society in order to maximize the supply of materials for the Soviet regime, so in June 1918, the Supreme National Economic Commission passed the“ War Communism ”Policy. The policy mainly includes: compulsory collection of all grain except subsistence from farmers (i.e. surplus grain collection system) Nationalization of large and medium-sized enterprises, state monopoly of all foreign trade activities, prohibition of commodity trading and implementation of planned rationing system, strict management system for workers, and instant shooting of strikers. The wartime communist policy soon led to economic collapse. By 1921, Russia's heavy industrial output was only 20% of that of 1913 before World War I. From 1918 to 1920, Petrograd lost 75% of its population, while Moscow's population also decreased by 50%. and Surplus grain collection system It also severely attacked farmers' enthusiasm for farming, which became the main cause of famine in the future. [7]
As a result of the long-term civil war and the implementation of the surplus grain collection system, the food supply declined significantly. After the civil war was basically over, the Soviet authorities did not stop the timely wartime communist policy. As a result, in the spring of 1921, there was a serious famine affecting more than 30 provinces. It was estimated that more than 5 million people died of starvation in Russia during this period, and even there was a tragedy of people eating people. At the same time, the farmers also had a strong resistance to the Soviet regime, and a Tambov rebellion against grain expropriation occurred. On February 21, 1921, something happened in Petrograd Karanstad incident Who once played an important role in the October Revolution Kronstad During the naval uprising, they demanded freedom of speech, lifting trade restrictions and re electing a "Soviet without Bolsheviks". Leninism Kalinin After the persuasion failed, he decided to use force Trotsky and Tukhachevsky The capture of Kronstad quelled the naval uprising. [7]
  • new economic policy
Lenin Meets Hammer (Chinese Painting) by Han Guozhen [60]
After turning to the track of peace building, the Soviet regime continued to implement Wartime communist policy , which aroused the strong dissatisfaction of the masses, and the domestic serious economic crisis quickly evolved into a political crisis. Lenin analyzed the situation realistically and considered stopping the wartime communist policy and replacing the surplus grain collection system with grain tax. According to Lenin's instructions, Pravda launched an open discussion in February 1921 to discuss the issue of changing to a new economic policy. [60] Lenin admitted: "We plan to adjust the production and distribution of the country's products in a small peasant country according to the communist principles by directly issuing orders from the proletarian country. Real life shows that we are wrong." So from March 21, 1921, the Soviet Union gave up wartime communism and implemented it instead“ new economic policy ”。 Its main contents are as follows: abolish the surplus grain collection system and implement the material object tax; Stop rationing system and allow commodity trading; Relax foreign trade control and encourage foreign enterprises to invest; Allow a certain degree of private enterprise economy. The new economic policy gradually restored the Soviet economy. By 1928, the output of Russian industrial and agricultural products had successfully recovered to the level of 1913. This policy was adopted in 1928 Stalin abolish. [7]
Since the implementation of the new economic policy was established at the 10th National Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolshevik), the Soviet countries took the reform of the surplus grain collection system during the "wartime communism" period as a breakthrough and replaced the surplus grain collection system with grain taxes. At the same time, we should lead the country to make a smooth transition to socialism by allowing free trade and implementing state capitalism. On the land issue, Lenin and his leadership, on the basis of in-depth investigation and research, issued a series of policies and laws to safeguard farmers' land rights and interests and the country's land security. During the new economic policy period, the land policy paid more attention to the protection of farmers' right to choose and use land, greatly expanded farmers' freedom to dominate land and labor, and greatly improved farmers' enthusiasm for production. [62]
Lenin believed that the socialist republic cannot survive if it is linked to the different world, and socialism cannot be established without the use of the achievements of capitalist civilization. In order to utilize foreign funds and advanced technology, restore and develop large-scale industrial production, and accelerate economic construction, Lenin proposed to implement the policy of leasing, and drafted the basic principles of leasing contracts and other documents. On March 17, 1921, Lenin sent a letter to American industrialist Hua Vanderlip on the trade between Russia and the United States. On October 22 of the same year, he specifically met with American industrialists on lease negotiations Armand Hammer [60]


  • Proletarian army building
From the early days of the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat, the Bolshevik Party has collectively discussed and studied a series of major principled issues that determine the military construction at the congress, the congress and the plenary session of the Central Committee. The Central Committee of the Party often discusses military strategic issues and implements military resolutions through the People's Committee and the Central Executive Committee. In December 1918, the Central Committee of the Russian Communist Party (Bolshevik) passed a resolution on the "Policy on the Military Sector", which defined the task and nature of the military construction of the socialist country. The resolution states: "Like all other departments and organs, the military department's policies are completely based on the general instructions issued by the Party through the Central Committee and under the direct supervision of the Central Committee." This means that all organs of the Soviet state, including military organs, should publicly recognize the leadership of the Communist Party. From April to May 1920, Lenin《 The "Left" Childishness in the Communist Movement 》It stressed that "no state organ in our Republic shall decide on any major political or organizational issue without the instructions of the Central Committee of the Party." The Party held meetings to discuss and decide on various major issues such as improving the military organizational structure, developing military technology and equipment, deploying Party members and leading cadres, improving the combat effectiveness of the army, and coordinating the work of the Party, government, and military departments. [63]
The workers' and peasants' Red Guards, which played an important role in seizing power in the October Revolution, and the old army of the uprising, were poorly organized, poorly equipped, and weak in combat effectiveness, and could not afford to defend chinese soviet republic The historical responsibility of. In the face of this situation, Lenin believed that it was necessary to immediately set about building an army composed of workers and peasants that could defend the great victories of the October Revolution. On January 16, 1918, Lenin《 Declaration on the Rights of Exploited Workers 》"In order to ensure that the working people control all political power and eradicate all the possibilities of the restoration of the exploiters' political power, it is hereby ordered to arm the workers, establish the socialist workers' and peasants' Red Army, and completely disarm the property class." On January 28, the People's Committee passed the decree on Organizing the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army. The decree particularly emphasizes the class nature and revolutionary nature of the proletarian army, and requires“ Workers' and Peasants' Red Army It should be composed of the most conscious and organized members of the working people... Every member of the Red Army should be prepared to contribute his strength and life to safeguarding the achievements of the October Revolution, the Soviet regime and socialism. ". Lenin believed that the fundamental reason for the implementation of the voluntary military service system was that only the most conscious workers and farmers who volunteered to join the Red Army could faithfully perform the duties of armed defenders of the revolution. [63]
In May 1918, the All Russian Central Executive Committee issued a decree to mobilize workers and peasants to join the Red Army. In June, the Central Committee of the Russian Communist Party (Bolshevik) issued the "Notice on Workers and Peasants", calling on the broad masses of working people to supplement the Russian armed forces adequately. The "Notice to Workers and Peasants" said: "It is not enough to have some regiments made up of volunteers, and the compulsory military service system must be implemented. Workers and peasants! For bread, for land, for freedom and socialism, go to military service!" The Party's policy of building a large number of regular troops on the basis of the universal compulsory military service system, It was approved at the Fifth All Russian Soviet Congress held in July and fixed in the form of constitution and law. In September, the All Russian Central Executive Committee decided to establish the Military Commission of the Republic to uniformly lead the military construction and combat operations of the Red Army. In October, Lenin proposed the task of establishing a Red Army of 3 million people in a letter to the All Russian Central Executive Committee and the Moscow Soviet Joint Conference. He pointed out that according to the needs of the war situation, we should redouble our efforts to build an army. [63]
Lenin in 1919
In the spring of 1919, the position of the Soviet Republic was greatly consolidated. In March, Lenin systematically elaborated on military issues in the summary report of the Central Committee of the Eighth Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolshevik), as well as in the party platform and resolutions adopted by the Congress. Among them, the resolution pointed out: "The revolutionary nature of the army is first determined by the nature of the Soviet system that established the army, which defined the purpose of the army and turned it into its own tool. In order to adapt this tool to the Soviet system, only by stipulating the class composition of the majority of the soldiers and the masses, implementing the political commissar system, establishing the Party branch, and implementing comprehensive leadership by the Party and the Soviet over the army's life and activities can we achieve this. " Under the correct leadership of the CPC Central Committee and Lenin, the army has established party organizations at all levels and actively implemented them Democratic centralism , collective leadership and individual responsibility system, political commissar system, political organ system and other systems to ensure the Party's leadership over the military. [63]
  • Consolidate the proletarian regime
In the spring of 1918, the United States, Britain, France, Japan, Germany and other imperialist countries invaded Russia one after another in an attempt to strangle the Soviet regime in its cradle, and the counter revolutionary forces of the domestic landlord and bourgeoisie also took the opportunity to launch a rebellion. Lenin led the Russian people to rise up against foreign armed intervention and smash the counter revolutionary rebellion. On August 30, Lenin was shot and seriously injured by the terrorist of the Social Revolutionary Party, Fan Ye Kaplan, when he was attending the mass meeting of Michelson Factory in the southern bank of the Moscow River. Lenin went into the heavy work of defending the Soviet regime before he recovered from his wounds. On November 30, All Russian Central Executive Committee Decide to establish Industry and Agriculture National Defense Committee , appointed Lenin as Chairman.
Lenin devoted a lot of effort to the formation of the armed forces of the Soviet country. He organized and mobilized the Red Army soldiers to go to the front to fight against the enemy, personally inspected military academies to guide work, and organized general military training to train reserve forces; In order to strengthen the Party's leadership over the army, he selected outstanding cadres from workers and peasants to serve as Red Army commanders, and selected a large number of outstanding Party members to serve as Red Army political commissioners. In order to ensure the victory of the front line, Lenin led the Soviet government to turn all its work into the wartime track and implement the wartime communist policy. In Lenin and Bolshevik Party Under the correct leadership of the Russian people, after more than two years of bloody battles, they smashed the armed intervention of the imperialist countries and the armed rebellion of the domestic counter revolutionary forces, and protected the new Soviet regime.

International Relations

From 1917 October Revolution Victory Until Lenin's death in 1924, under the leadership of Lenin, Soviet Russia held high the banner of proletarian internationalism, took safeguarding national equality and independence, striving for world peace and international cooperation, and opposing imperialist aggression and war as the guiding principle of its foreign policy, and constantly achieved victory in the diplomatic struggle. This not only created a favorable international environment for consolidating the new red regime, but also opened a new era in international relations and foreign policy. [8]
  • Sign a peace treaty
After the October Revolution, Lenin advocated "compromise" with capitalist countries and handling the relations between socialist countries and capitalist countries with the principle of "peaceful coexistence". On《 Brest Peace Treaty 》There were serious differences of opinion within the Russian Communist Party on the signing of the. In this process, Lenin believed that in order to achieve "peaceful coexistence", the proletarian countries could make necessary "compromises" to the bourgeois countries. Such "compromises" are temporary concessions and compromises, which are aimed at the ultimate elimination of the enemy. [49]
In February 1918, the German army attacked Russia on a large scale, and the Soviet regime faced a serious threat. In order to win a temporary peace opportunity to consolidate the Soviet regime, Lenin firmly advocated signing a peace treaty with Germany. At the seventh (emergency) congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolshevik) held after the Bolshevik Party came into power, the resolution on the signing of the Brest Peace Treaty drafted by Lenin, the Resolution on War and Peace, incorporated part of Poland, Lithuania and Estonia Latvia Belarus Ukraine It ceded all of its assets to Germany and paid an indemnity of 3 billion rubles. [8]
  • With European countries
Marx He had scientifically predicted that capitalism would inevitably be replaced by a new society. The international principles of this new society would be peaceful. With the elimination of exploitation, the hatred among ethnic groups would also be eliminated. Lenin developed these principles under the new historical conditions. After the victory of the October Revolution, Lenin opposed Imperialist war Striving for world peace is the fundamental principle of Soviet Russia's foreign policy. [8]
In order to break the imperialist economic blockade and establish normal diplomatic and foreign trade relations with all countries in the world as soon as possible, Lenin spent great efforts and made arduous efforts, never giving up every opportunity to promote foreign trade and develop socialism. In March 1921, the Soviet Union first began negotiations with Britain to establish diplomatic and trade relations. Lenin attached great importance to this. Through the diplomatic efforts of the Russian government, the Russian British trade treaty was finally officially signed on March 16, 1921, opening the door to normal diplomatic and trade exchanges with Britain, creating favorable conditions and foundations for the construction and development of socialism. After signing the trade treaty with Britain, Lenin turned his attention to the United States. He always considered the establishment of normal diplomatic and foreign trade relations with the United States as the top priority of its opening up, and made unremitting efforts. [51]
With the change of international situation and foreign policy, Lenin put forward the idea of "peaceful evolution" for capitalist countries. Lenin put forward in his instruction to the Soviet delegation attending the Genoa Conference on February 24, 1922: "We should do everything possible to strengthen the pacifist wing of the bourgeoisie, even if we can add a glimmer of hope to this wing in the election, this is the first; second, differentiation is Genoa Conference We should unite with each other against our bourgeois country. This is our dual political task at the Genoa Conference. It is absolutely not a sufficient exposition of communist views. " He also said: "Try to cater to this wing and publicly announce that, in our view, we can and welcome signing trade agreements and even political agreements with them." [51]
  • Relations with China
On July 25, 1919, Lenin instructed the Soviet government to return the occupied territories of China Entente After all the plundered things were returned to the Chinese people, it was immediately suggested that the Chinese government negotiate the abolition of the 1896 Treaty, the 1901 Beijing Agreement and all the agreements signed with Japan from 1907 to 1916 "; In 1920, we declared a similar proposition again, although beiyang government The authorities sent personnel to consult with the Soviet Union many times, but the Soviet Union refused to follow Karka Mongolia Withdraw from the army and refuse to give up Middle East Railway [9-10]
In June 1920, the Beijing Government supervised the Frontier Defense Department to dispatch Zhang Silin Lieutenant General's Visit Far Eastern Republic And Soviet Russia. Lenin and the Russian government attached great importance to the role of the Beijing government as a diplomatic mission in improving Russia China relations. Lenin not only directly arranged for the Russian and Far East Republic governments to receive Zhang Silin's mission, but also personally received the members of the mission. During this period, Lenin and the Soviet Union seized on the positive changes of the Beijing government's policy towards Russia, committed themselves to the direct diplomatic negotiations between Russia and China, and carried out a lot of diplomatic work for this purpose. [48]
Lenin and the Soviet Union government attached great importance to the Far East Republic's diplomacy with China. At the beginning of the founding of the Far East Republic, it immediately started to organize a delegation headed by Youlin. Lenin had clear instructions for the Far East Republic's diplomacy with China. In 1921, Lenin gave a clear instruction on the tasks of diplomatic personnel going to China: "Your task is to conclude a treaty with the northern government of China in the shortest period of time, open the border between the Far East Republic and China, and establish transportation from Chita to the Middle East Railway.". [50] Lenin's instructions became an important goal of the Far East Republic's diplomatic work with China. [48]


  • Cultural Revolution
Lenin believed that the "cultural revolution" should include the following contents: such as transforming the entire scientific framework on the basis of Marxism and materialism, establishing a new art imbued with proletarian ideology and corresponding forms, and comprehensively promoting the development of national education until it exceeds the level of European countries; Reforming life style, improving living conditions, nutrition, leisure style, etc., and especially important is to change the way of family relations; Reform all health and sports systems, etc. This multifaceted and multi-level process requires hard and long-term systematic efforts. Lenin's works from 1921 to 1923, especially his last several articles, also mentioned the contradiction between overcoming the great socialist task and the illiteracy and illiteracy of the working people, especially farmers, and clarified that the study of Soviet cultural construction experience is the basis for revealing the interaction law between the economic and cultural construction of socialist countries. [52]
  • Maintain cultural security
During the revolutionary period, in terms of ideological security, Lenin thought about cultural security around the two aspects of proletarian ideological propaganda and the indoctrination of Marxist theory. At that time, the proletarian revolution had not yet achieved success, and the revolutionary team was not strong enough, lacking the guidance of scientific theories. The main task of ideological security at this stage was to instill scientific theories into the broad proletariat, and at the same time, to prevent all kinds of bad ideas from interfering and undermining the ideological unity of the proletarian revolutionary team. In terms of academic culture, Lenin revealed that the essence of the crisis of modern physics is the conflict between idealism and materialism. Therefore, academic research should adhere to the correct ideological direction, and scientists and scholars should do thorough Materialist In terms of cultural inheritance and dissemination, Lenin began to have a preliminary concern and idea of protecting the language and culture of ethnic minorities. He initially paid attention to the fairness of cultural education, the freedom of press and publication and cultural creation, put forward the "Party's publication principle", and advocated educational fairness and freedom of creation. [53]
During the period of consolidating political power, Lenin attached importance to ideological security, maintained ideological security in all aspects, improved and played the leading role of the Party in ideological security, constantly consolidated the cultural and class foundation of ideological security, insisted on indoctrination of ideological and political theories, weakened the influence of religious ideology, and insisted on atheism While propagating, pay attention to protecting the emotions and freedom of religious believers. In terms of academic and cultural security, Lenin advocated inheriting the scientific and cultural heritage of the old class. In terms of cultural inheritance and dissemination, it began to safeguard the security of national language and culture from the institutional level, ensure the equality of national languages, protect national culture and national emotions, and safeguard national cultural education and improve national quality from the institutional and policy levels. [53]
During the new economic policy period, Lenin required to play the leading role of the Party, adhere to theoretical indoctrination, and focus on the publicity and interpretation of the new economic policy, so as to prevent loose thinking in a loose environment and endanger the security of ideology. At the same time, to protect the interests of the people and expand the class base of ideological security. In terms of academic and cultural security, we will continue to cultivate professional Marxist theoretical talents and expand the theoretical talent team. Pay attention to the achievements of capitalist academic research, and strive to get rid of the backward situation of Russian science and technology. Resistance to cultural inheritance and dissemination Greater Russianism And ensure the equality of national language and culture, and attach importance to the handling of national feelings. Lenin's concept of cultural security has been exploring the theory and method of ideological security from the revolutionary period to the construction period. From the revolutionary period to the construction period, Lenin firmly held the position of ideology to ensure the security and stability of ideology; Open up and stick to academic positions, stick to the correct direction of academic research, ensure that academic research adheres to the guiding ideology of materialism, inherit scientific and cultural heritage, promote the development of academic research and science and technology, and ensure the safety of academic culture; Pay attention to the safety of minority language culture and customs, promote the development of minority language culture, maintain the safety of press and publication, attach importance to national education, and maintain the safety of cultural inheritance and dissemination. [53]

Ideological theory


Philosophical theory

Lenin consciously accepted Marxist philosophy by inheriting his own national philosophical tradition; Through the targeted criticism of the wrong theory in various periods, it has innovated various fields of Marxist philosophy; Guided by the practical needs of Russia's revolution and construction, theoretical research has endowed its philosophy with strong practical characteristics. These are the three basic paths for the formation and development of Lenin's philosophy, and also the basic path for Lenin to explore the Russianization of Marxist philosophy. Criticism and practicality are the two main characteristics of Lenin's philosophy. [40]
Lenin, on the basis of in-depth study of the dialectics of ancient Greece and Hegel, as well as internal recognition and understanding of Marx and Engels' dialectics, clearly put forward for the first time the important proposition that the unity of opposites is the core of materialistic dialectics in the Philosophical Notes, which is called the "thought laboratory" That is to say, the two dimensions of the specific content of this theory make systematic "play", thus achieving a historic breakthrough in the history of materialist dialectics.
Lenin, who put forward that "materialistic dialectics is revolutionary algebra", has made many contributions to materialistic dialectics and even Marxist philosophy, such as inheriting and defending Marxist philosophy, exploring and promoting the system of materialistic dialectics, and systematically defining and clarifying the specific views of dialectics, But the most decisive and essential contribution is undoubtedly the first time to grasp the law of the unity of opposites as the essence and core of materialist dialectics. Facing the practical problems of the times, Lenin, on the basis of absorbing the beneficial nutrition of ancient Greek and Hegelian dialectics and inheriting the essence of Marx and Engels' dialectics, unprecedented expanded and demonstrated that the law of the unity of opposites is a major proposition at the core of materialist dialectics. The positive opening of this theory has important theoretical value and practical significance. It enriches and develops the Marxist dialectics thought, effectively counterattacks various wrong thoughts that distort materialist dialectics at that time, and provides ideological resources for the formation of the Chinese Communists' concept of contradiction. First, it provides methodological guidance for correctly analyzing the essence of imperialism and the transformation of war. The second is to provide methodological guidance for correctly analyzing and handling social conflicts in other countries.


In 1920, Lenin and Trotsky made a speech in Moscow
leninism Known as "Marxism during the period of imperialism and proletarian revolution", it was first named by Stalin and was Lenin's ideological system formed at the beginning of the 20th century. Leninism is a revision and supplement to the basic theory of Marxism on the basis of Russian practice. [41]
Compared with Marxism and other schools, Leninism is characterized by its theory of "dictatorship of the proletariat". At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, the international communist movement had major differences on the two issues of "how to obtain political power" and "how the proletarian regime governs the country". The group represented by Kautsky believes that the proletarian party should be committed to the legitimate struggle (i.e. in the bourgeois parliament parliamentary struggle After taking power, the so-called democratic system Another group represented by Lenin believes that the efforts of the proletarian party to seek the so-called legal struggle must make it Revisionism It is possible for the proletariat to gain power only through the imperialist stage Violent revolution After the proletariat gains power, even if the bourgeoisie of a country no longer exists, it is still necessary to take the form of dictatorship to defend the proletarian regime. [41]
Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping have successively affirmed the guiding significance of Leninism with the successful experience of the Chinese revolution and China's construction. Mao Zedong pointed out: "The October Revolution sent us Marxism Leninism with the sound of the cannon. The October Revolution helped the advanced elements in the world and China, and used the proletarian cosmology as a tool to observe the fate of the country, and reconsidered their own problems." Entering the new era of reform and opening up and socialist modernization, Deng Xiaoping stressed that "the success of the Chinese revolution is that Comrade Mao Zedong has combined Marxism Leninism with China's reality and followed his own path. Now that China is engaged in construction, it is also necessary to combine Marxism Leninism with China's reality and follow its own path." Leninism, as a new development and achievement of Marxism in the era of imperialism and proletarian revolution, It has opened up the road to the nationalization of Marxism and has become an important ideological basis for the emergence of Mao Zedong Thought and the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics. A series of important thoughts in Leninism's ideological system, such as the thought of oriental social development, the thought of socialist reform, the thought of socialist national governance, the thought of proletarian ruling party construction, the thought of intra party democracy construction, still have important enlightenment significance and reference value for contemporary China to comprehensively realize socialist modernization. [36]

Historical evaluation


In Russia

Stalin : ① Lenin's characteristics of being simple and modest, unwilling to show himself, at least not wanting to attract attention, and not putting on airs are his greatest strengths, which are the greatest strengths of his new mass leader, that is, the new leader of the most "lower" ordinary people of mankind. [15] ② The logic in Lenin's speech is like an omnipotent tentacle, which uses pliers to clamp you in all aspects, making you unable to get away: you either surrender or fail completely. As for Lenin and Peter the Great, Peter the Great is a drop in the ocean, while Lenin is the whole ocean. [15] ③ Only Lenin was good at describing the most complicated things in such a simple and clear way, so concise and bold - every word he said was a bullet. [15]


Sun Yat-sen : ① In the history of many centuries, thousands of leaders and scientists have put forward many theories, but they have never been put into practice. Lenin was an exception. You not only actively voice, but also turn your words into reality. You have created a new country, and you have pointed out the road of common struggle to us. As a great person, you will always live in the heart of the oppressed nation. ② The vast five continents, all living beings; Which is the foresight to benefit the people? Since ancient times, there have been thousands of scholars who say nothing but do nothing. Who can actually do it? But the monarch stands tall and strong; Build this new country and rank in Datong. They are born in the same generation and live in the same continent; We have been looking at each other for years. If you encounter difficulties, I will suffer hundreds of hardships; Hope and monarch, the same track and the same track. If the enemy is unhappy, the people will be happy; Far away, far away, the spirit returns. What can I say to you when the weather does not leave the year; Eternal as life, always cherish sages. [14]
Li Dazhao : Comrade Lenin is the liberator of the oppressed nations in the world. His death is a great loss for the oppressed classes and nations all over the world, especially the oppressed nations in the East. Everyone probably knows the cause of Comrade Lenin's life. Now I can only say one thing: since the revolution, Russia has been in great hardship. Ordinary people have only one meal to live, and so has Comrade Lenin. According to my friend who came back from Russia, Comrade Lenin had to pay more for recuperation since he was shot, but his salary was very low and had to be increased - but not 200 yuan. His hardworking and frugal spirit is really a model for our national revolutionaries! [37]
Jiang Guangci (Pioneer of Modern Chinese Revolutionary Literature) Lenin is a shining wave in the vast sea of people and a great man in ancient times. He had the ability to transform the world before his death. After his death, he lay safely under the city of the Kremlin Palace, watched the wave of world revolution from a distance, and listened closely to the wind and rain in Chicheng. His glory is like the red sun, and his tomb will be the cradle of human freedom. [19]
Shu Peide (Member of the Presidium of the Chinese Writers' Association) Lenin calmly closed his wise eyes, one hand clenched his fist, and the other hand naturally placed on his chest. This reminds me of Lenin, a propagandist and agitator, who held his chest with one hand and pointed to the front when he made a speech. It was as if he worked day and night. He is too tired and needs to close his eyes and have a rest for a while. But his brain is still moving, thinking carefully about how to learn to manage the economy, how to cultivate the self-discipline of workers, how to eliminate bureaucracy, and how to purify the Party organization. [18]
Weng Tiehui (Member of the Party Leadership Group and Vice Minister of the Ministry of Education of China) Looking back at history, we should always remember Lenin's outstanding contribution to the development and innovation of Marxist theory. Lenin creatively developed Marxism, founded Leninism, realized the leap of socialism from theory, movement to system, and made a great contribution to the development of socialism in the world for more than 500 years. [22]
Wei Jianhua (Former Director of the Central Compilation and Translation Bureau) : ① Lenin is a rare great man in the world history who has the charisma of a leader, the mind of a scholar, and the true qualities of a soldier. [16] ② Lenin has firm belief, strong will, honest character and noble feelings. Even if one can only do any of them and stick to them, it is not easy; Lenin, however, integrated the four into one and practiced them all his life. This kind of spiritual world can be described by a famous Chinese philosophical saying: "To be full is beauty, and to be full and glorious is greatness." It can be said that to be full of spirit, beautiful in demeanor, bright in heart, and grand in bearing is a true portrayal of Lenin's personality. [16]
Gu Yulan (China Nanjing Audit University Professor of Marxism Institute) Deepening the study of Lenin will help us better grasp the integrity of Marxism. In the development history of Marxism, Lenin is the bridge and link connecting Marx, Engels, Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping. Lenin's thought serves as a link between the preceding and the following. Lenin proposed according to the law of unbalanced development of capitalist economy and politics in the era of imperialism that the socialist revolution can first win in a country and start socialist The important theoretical judgment of construction is not outdated. These important theoretical judgments of Lenin are firm for us Socialism with Chinese characteristics The belief of winning provides a strong ideological and theoretical support. [36]
Edward Philip (Former Prime Minister of France) I have always admired his outstanding talent as a politician, his determination, energy and real encyclopedic education. I'm sure that if he were alive, he would still do a lot for his country, because he is a person who knows how to evaluate various situations and find solutions.
Churchill (Former British Prime Minister) The Russian people fell into the quagmire and struggled. The worst thing for them was the birth of Lenin, and the second worst thing was his death. [17]
Nehru (Former Prime Minister of India) In the years since his death, Lenin has become an indispensable part of Russia and the whole world. With the passage of time, his theory has been revitalized, and he is one of the few immortal world figures. Lenin is still alive, not on monuments and portraits, but in the hearts of thousands of workers, who were inspired by Lenin and inspired the hope for a better future life.

Main works

The Task of the Russian Social Democrat
On Strike
Protest Letter of Russian Social Democrats
August 1899
Our Program
Not earlier than October 1899
The Urgent Task of Our Movement
Early November 1900
China's War
December 1900
Anarchism and Socialism
What to do
Autumn 1901 – February 1902
July 1903
May Day
April 2 [15], 1904
Petty bourgeois socialism and proletarian socialism
October 25, 1905 [November 7]
Party Organizations and Party Publications
November 13 [26], 1905
Socialism and Religion
December 1905
Lessons from the Moscow Uprising
August 29, 1906 [September 11]
Collection of Letters from Yoffie Becker, Yoffie Ditzingen, Friedrich Engels, Karl Marx, etc. to Friedrich Zorger, etc
April 6 [19], 1907
Lessons from Commune
March 23, 1908
Before April 3 [16], 1908
On the Attitude of Workers' Political Parties to Religion
May 13 [26], 1909
March 1, 1913 [14]
March 1913
Outline of Ethnic Issues
June 1913
Marxism and Reformism
September 12 [25], 1913
October December 1913
On the National Program of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party
December 1913
February May 1914
National Equality
April 1914
Issues on Ethnic Policies
After April 6 [19], 1914
Refined Nationalism Corroding Workers
May 1914
Draft Law on Ethnic Equality and Protection of the Rights of Ethnic Minorities
After May 6 [19], 1914
Karl Marx
November 1914
Bankruptcy of the Second International
May June 1915
The Socialist Revolution and the Right of National Self determination (Outline)
January February 1916
January June 1916
July 1916
April 1917
Lessons from the Revolution
End of July 1917
August September 1917
The Task of Revolution
September 6 [19], 1917
Where is the way out when a disaster is imminent
September 10-14, 1917 [23-27]
Speech at the Petrograd Committee Meeting of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party
November 1, 1917
On the Childishness and the Petty Bourgeoisie of the "Left"
May 5, 1918
On the Nature of Our Newspapers
September 18 or 19, 1918
Proletarian Revolution and Traitor Kautsky
October November 1918
On "Democracy" and Dictatorship
December 23, 1918
Documents of the First Congress of the Communist International
Early March 1919
About Deceiving the People with the Slogan of Freedom and Equality
May 19, 1919
Answers to Karl Wiegand, a reporter of the US World News Agency in Berlin
February 18, 1920
The "Left" Childishness in the Communist Movement
April May 1920
First draft of outline on ethnic and colonial issues (drafted for the Second Congress of the Communist International)
June 5, 1920
Report of the Commission on National and Colonial Issues
July 26, 1920
About Proletarian Culture
October 1920
reference material: [23]

interpersonal relationship


member of family

Father: Iria Nikolayevich Ulyanov (July 26, 1831 [24] - January 12, 1886 [31] ), was born into a serf family in Astrakhan. He lost his father when he was young. He completed Astrakhan Middle School with the help of his brother. He graduated from the Department of Physics and Mathematics of Kazan University in 1854 and became a civilian intellectual [24] , and later served as the teacher in charge of Nizhny Novgorod Middle School [31] , appointed in 1869 Sinbilsk He is an inspector of the National Education Department. He loves education. We are committed to building new schools, repairing old schools and training teachers. We hope that the children of the masses of the people can receive good education. In more than ten years of work, due to his outstanding achievements, he was promoted to the fourth level of civil service, becoming a "civilian general" and a hereditary aristocrat. [32] In 1874, he was engaged in national education He was promoted to provincial national education chief inspector [24]
Mother: Maria Alexandrovna (1835-1916). Born in a doctor's family, he likes music and literature. [56] Live before marriage countryside , lost his mother in his early years and grew up with his aunt. Although only received home education However, due to her aunt's strict education and her own hard work, she passed the school exam and obtained the qualification to be a primary school teacher. She has mastered English and French through self-study, and also speaks fluent German and Russian. [32] She is noble, kind-hearted, honest and knowledgeable. Their husband and wife are close and respectful. They love children and attach great importance to their education. [35]
Group photo of Ulyanov and his family (Simbirsk, 1879) [56]
  • brothers and sisters
Brother: Alexander Ulyanov (1866-May 20, 1887), who has been interested in chemistry since childhood. He graduated from middle school in 1883 and won a gold medal for his excellent academic performance. In the same year, he studied in the nature class of the Department of Mathematics and Physics of St. Petersburg University. He has won a gold medal in the university. In college, he participated in the Youth Group of the People's Democratic Party and contacted Marxist works. In February 1886, he took part in a demonstration held in St. Petersburg in memory of the writers who fought for the liberation of serfs. Subsequent demonstrations were banned by the police. The Populists are planning to assassinate the new czar again. Alexander volunteered to undertake the task. He was going to bomb Tsar Alexander III. On March 13, 1887, he was arrested because he actively participated in the preparation of the People's Party for assassinating the Tsar. After his father died, Alexander inherited his father's title of nobility. Several officials in important positions told his mother that if he expressed repentance and asked the monarch for pardon, he could save his life. But he refused to reveal the details of the plot [33] He was hanged on May 20, 1887. He was only 21 years old when he died. This matter had a great impact on Lenin. Lenin, who was greatly shocked, strengthened his relationship with Czarist despotism We are determined to fight and firmly say, "We will not go this way.". [31]
Sister: Anna Iricina Ulyanova Yelizarova (August 1864-1935) was the first child in her family. Since 1886, he has participated in the revolutionary movement. In November of the same year, he participated in the political demonstration held in St. Petersburg to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the death of Du Broliuv. In March 1887, he was arrested on suspicion of assassinating Czar Alexander III and sentenced to exile in Siberia for five years [31] Later, it was exiled to Kokushikino Village in Kazan Province for five years, and was publicly monitored by the police. Since 1893, he has participated in the social democratic movement, established contact with the workers' group led by Mikevich in Moscow, and actively participated in the activities of the group. She has translated and written pamphlets for circulation among workers. In 1898, he served as a member of the first Moscow Committee of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party. From 1900 to 1905, he worked in the Martian and various secret newspapers in the Bolsheviks《 Forward News 》Editorial board member. From 1904 to 1906, she kept in touch with the Bolshevik Party Central Committee abroad at that time, and was in charge of the financial work of the Bolshevik Party St. Petersburg Municipal Committee. From 1908 to 1910, he engaged in revolutionary activities in Moscow and Saratov. From 1912 to 1914, he participated in the writing work of the Bolshevik organ magazines Pravda and Enlightenment, and served as the editorial board member of the magazine Women Workers. In 1917, he became the secretary of the editorial department of Pravda and the editor of Weaver. From 1918 to 1921, he worked in the People's Committee for Social Support and the People's Committee for Education. Since 1921, he has worked in the Party History Committee as an editorial board member of the magazine Proletarian Revolution. He has actively participated in the work of Lenin Institute and is a scientific researcher of the Institute. [33]
Big sister: Olivia Iricina Ulyanova (1871-1891, May 20). He was awarded a gold medal when he graduated from high school. Self study English and music after graduation. Later, he went to Helsinkforth to learn Swedish. Then he went to study at the Bestujevka Women's College in St. Petersburg. On May 20, 1891, he died of typhoid fever at the age of 20. [33] She and Lenin are very friendly and often read together Marx His works and ideological progress. [31]
Brother: Dmitry Ilyich Ulyanov (August 1874 - 1943), who studied medicine in his early years with excellent academic achievements, is a professional doctor [31] In 1894, revolutionary activities began in the group of college students in Moscow. For this reason, in 1897 Moscow University He was dismissed and later arrested and imprisoned due to the case of the Moscow Workers' Association. He stayed in prison until the autumn of 1898. In the year after his release from prison, he was publicly monitored by the police in Podolsk. [33] Participated in 1900《 Mars News 》Organization. [31] Once in Tula Kiev Sinbilsk Odessa , Kerim and other places engaged in revolutionary activities. He practiced medicine in Tula in 1903 and was a member of the Tula Committee, which elected him The Second Congress of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party On behalf of. Later, he served as the representative of the Central Committee and the special commissioner of the Central Committee. [31] He was arrested and jailed many times for revolutionary activities. From 1905 to 1907, he served as a member of the Bolshevik Sinbilsk Committee, and then Sergekhov Feodocia He practiced medicine and kept regular contact with the Bolshevik Central Organization. In 1914, after the beginning of the First World War, he was enlisted in the army Sevastopol Served as a military doctor and engaged in revolutionary propaganda among soldiers. During the October Revolution, his workers and Black Sea Fleet The soldiers carried out revolutionary activities and took an active part in the struggle of Crimea to establish the Soviet regime. In 1917, he served as a member of the Party Committee of Tavlida Province and an editorial board member of Tavlida Pravda. After Crimu was occupied by white bandits in April 1918, he established an underground center in Yevpalya, which is responsible for the liaison with various underground organizations in Crimu. He once served as the vice chairman of the people's committee and the people's committee member of health in the temporary workers and peasants government of Kerim. From 1920 to 1921, he served as a member of the Revolutionary Committee and the Provincial Party Committee. Since 1921, he has worked in the People's Committee of Health in Moscow. From 1925 to 1930, he worked in Sverdlov University. Since 1933 Kremlin Work in the medical and health department. [33]
Little sister: Maria Iricina Ulyanova (February 1878 - 1937), 17 years old, participated in revolutionary activities. In St. Petersburg, Moscow Saratov He has done Party work with other cities in Russia and abroad. Since 1900, he has actively participated in the work of Mars Daily. In the autumn of 1903, he worked in the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee. In 1904, he worked in the Bolshevik organization in St. Petersburg. He was arrested and exiled many times for carrying out revolutionary activities. From March 1917 to spring 1927《 Pravda 》Editorial board member and responsible secretary of. In this position, he is committed to uniting workers and correspondents. She initiated and led the creation and publication of the magazine Workers and Farmers Correspondent. She was in the column of "Workers' Life" and "Page of Women Workers" of Pravda. She was elected to the League at the 14th, 15th and 16th Party congresses (Cloth) Member of the Central Supervisory Commission, former Federation (Cloth) Member of the Presidium of the Central Supervisory Commission of the Communist Party of China and member of the Ministry of the People's Commission of the Soviet Union for Workers and Peasants Inspection. Since 1932, he has worked in the Joint Complaint Bureau of the Soviet Workers' and Peasants' Inspectorate and the Russian Federation Workers' and Peasants' Inspectorate. At the 17th Party Congress, he was elected as the Soviet Supervisory Committee of the Soviet People's Committee directly under the Soviet Union and led the work of the Complaints Bureau. In 1935, he was elected as a member of the Central Executive Committee of the Soviet Union. [33]


Lenin's wife Krupuskaya
nadezhda konstantinovna krupskaya (Full name: Najerida Konstantinovna Krupuskaya )Born in a noble family in St. Petersburg, Russia in 1869, she was in school when she was young. She accepted Marxism and began to engage in revolutionary activities. At that time, she was a member of the Marxist group. She heard that Volga River A learned Marxist came and read one of his books on market issues. The incisive insights in her works made her greatly admire, and she was eager to meet the new Marxist. [12]
In 1894, Lenin met Krupuskaya at a meeting in St. Petersburg, where Lenin discussed with everyone Russian Revolution What kind of road should he take? Crupuskaya left an unforgettable impression. Since then, every Sunday, Lenin went to give lectures to the workers' groups, and Lenin often stopped by Krupuskaya's house as a guest. At that time, Krupuskaya was teaching in a workers' Sunday school, and she was very familiar with the workers' difficulties, opinions and requirements. She often reported to Lenin about the situation in the school and the workers' lives. All these things were exactly what he wanted to know, so they often met, exchanged views and discussed problems with each other. Once Lenin got pneumonia Crupuskaya has visited him many times. In this way, they have more opportunities to get to know each other. The common cause ideal made their revolutionary friendship gradually develop into love. [12]
In December 1895, Lenin was arrested by the tsarist government for carrying out revolutionary activities. Crupuskaya was extremely anxious. With the help of the underground party, she first got in touch with Lenin, and often communicated secretly. After Lenin's exile, she was also arrested, and the police sentenced her to exile in Ufa for three years. Therefore, Lenin and Krupuskaki applied to the police authorities respectively: Krupuskaki allowed himself to be exiled to Lenin's location (Lenin asked her to serve her sentence in his exile.) The police authorities began to disagree. After repeated struggles, the police authorities reluctantly allowed Krupuskaya to go to Shushensk, but they had to marry Lenin. After Lenin left, Krupuskaya had to go to Ufa to serve the rest of his sentence. [12]
On May 7, 1898, Krupuskaya came to the exile place of Lenin - Shushensk Village in Minusinsk County, eastern Siberia. As soon as she arrived in Shushensk, the police authorities threatened to escort her to Ufa if she did not get married immediately. They had to prepare to get married immediately, but the police authorities were deliberately difficult and delayed for two months before issuing their marriage certificates. [12]
On July 10, 1898, Lenin and Krupuskaya were married by several farmers from the same village as witnesses. After marriage, they respect and love each other. They believe that if there is no maximum trust between husband and wife, it is inconceivable to live together. They once made a "treaty" between husband and wife: no cross examination. Later, it was added that if they have opinions, they should never hide them. Lenin always treats her at home as considerate as he treats her comrades in the revolutionary team. If Krupuskaya is slightly unwell, Lenin must mobilize her to see a doctor for fear of aggravating her illness due to untimely diagnosis and treatment. [12]

Character controversy


Origin of pen name

Many people know that Lenin's real name is "Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov", and "Lenin" is only a pseudonym he often uses. The pseudonym "Lenin" was first used in December 1901, when Vladimir Ilich published an article entitled "Gentlemen of the" Critics "on the land issue" Dawn ", the organ publication of the Russian Social Democratic Party. The signature was the word that was later known all over the world: Ni Lenin. Because of the long-term revolutionary work, it is inevitable to often use pseudonyms, pseudonyms and pseudonyms, so Lenin used many such names in his life. According to statistics, Lenin used more than 150 pseudonyms and pseudonyms in total. Among these names, "Lenin" is obviously not the earliest. As early as about 10 years old, Lenin used "Kubeshkin" as a pen name to write some short stories. Many names used since then are earlier than "Lenin". For example, the economic content of populism and its criticism in Mr. Stullway's book published in 1895 was "Ke Shilin"; In 1898, "Vladimir Ilin" was used in "Economic Review Collection" and so on. But it is clear that Lenin is the name he likes most and uses most, otherwise we would not call him with these two words today. Since 1902, he has published more than 800 articles under the signature of "Lenin", including the famous How to Do It, The Bankruptcy of the Second International, and The Brochure on Yunius. Even when he signed decrees and other important documents as the leader of the new Soviet regime after the victory, he often liked to add the name "Lenin" after his real name, which proved that he had deep feelings for this pseudonym. [34]
Lenin did not mention the origin of the name before his death, nor did he mention it in his various works. This problem has also attracted many people's attention, and there are several explanations about the origin of his pen name. [34]
One is that "Lenin" was adopted to commemorate the "Lenin Event". "Lena" is a place name in Siberia. In April 1912, the workers who went on strike in the nearby gold mines were brutally suppressed by the Czar. As a result, the total number of casualties reached 420. The first syllable of "Lenin" and "Lenin" is the same, so some people think that they are related. [34]
Another view is that it is related to the Lena River, which is a big river in Siberia. Lenin was exiled in Siberia from 1897 to 1900. On this basis, some people speculated that the pen name "Lenin" was to commemorate the life that had a great impact on him in the past three years, so they chose this beautiful and majestic river as their name. Lenin's younger brother Dmitry Ilyich Ulyanov also supported this statement. [34]
There is another saying, although it also agrees that the name "Lenin" comes from Lena River But he thinks that this is the father of Marxism in Russia Plekhanov of At that time, Plekhanov's pseudonym "Volkin" was created by Volga River Lenin followed his predecessors far, so he looked farther east, and finally chose the Lena River to correspond to "Volkin". [34]
In addition, others believe that the name "Lenin" is a pseudonym formed by the root of their name "Liana" in memory of their mother and late sister. [34]
However, Mrs. Lenin nadezhda konstantinovna krupskaya She seemed to have a different attitude. She thought that the name had nothing to do with his mother and sister. When the "Lenin Incident" happened, the pseudonym Lenin had already existed. As for the Lena River, "he has never been there". [34]

Cause of death

The exact cause of Lenin's death has long been the subject of speculation. Monica Spivak, an associate doctor of philosophy, pointed out the research findings of medical experts when dissecting and carefully analyzing Lenin's brain in the best-selling book Diagnosis after the Death of Genius. Spivak said that after Lenin's death, scientists began to study Lenin's brain. The following is a paragraph from the report of Academician Nikolai Shemashko, member of the Health People's Committee: "Lenin's death is believed to be caused by hardening of the blood vessel wall Arteriosclerosis Anatomy proved that this was the main cause of Lenin's illness and death. The cause is carotid artery 。” Spivak said that Lenin's brain was in bad condition when dissecting. Lenin's brain tissue was only 1340g in total, even the standard brain weight could not be reached. Academician Shamashko said in his report that "arteriosclerosis first affects the brain, that is, the organ that directly controls human activities". In the expert's words, the disease directly affects the "most vulnerable part", and Lenin's brain tissue is such a "vulnerable" part. [17]
Later, experts took Lenin's brain heart And the bullets taken from his body into the glass bottle of the Institute for careful study. According to Spivak, in 1925, the Soviet Union set up a laboratory specialized in studying Lenin's brain. The young Soviet countries had no experts of their own and had to turn to foreign countries for help. The famous German neuroscientist Oskar Vogt presided over the research work. According to Vogt's plan, a macro cutting instrument was made in Germany (cut into large pieces) and Micro cutting instrument (34000 slices made)
In 1927, Vogt submitted a research report. The report said that Lenin's brain structure was different from that of ordinary people, which had contributed to his leadership career. Lenin's pyramidal cells are very developed, the connecting fibers between cells are very powerful, and the cell core is also very solid and clear. Scientists compared Lenin's brain with that of other geniuses and believed that Lenin's brain was of higher quality. Sulci gyrus ratio of lenin's forehead Lunacharski , Michelin Vladimir Mayakovsky There are more ditches and loops.

Research evaluation

With regard to Lenin's thought, Chinese scholars have achieved fruitful results through decades of efforts. These achievements have reached a series of consensus in Lenin's dialectics thought, eastern social development thought, socialist construction and reform thought, legal thought, inner-party democracy thought, etc. But compared with the actual needs, it is not enough. As for foreign academic circles, since the 1950s and 1960s, there have also been a number of influential research achievements. However, due to ideological prejudice, the western academic circles basically hold a negative attitude towards Lenin and Leninism. There are mainly four deficiencies in the study of Lenin in the Chinese academic circles: First, there is insufficient response to the various views of slandering Lenin. These views include: "Lenin is autocratic dictator ”Lenin is Utopianism Person "“ The disintegration of the Soviet Union The original sin was Lenin "," Lenin betrayed Marx ", etc. Second, the research on the relationship between Lenin and Stalin is not enough. Third, there is insufficient research on the creative transformation and development of Leninism in China. Fourthly, the research on the internal logic and historical evolution of Lenin's thought itself is insufficient. [36]
Due to the changes in world history, the study of Lenin's thought encountered two different destinies around the 1970s: before the 1970s, due to October Revolution The victory of Lenin led to the vigorous development of the world proletarian revolution, and later the Soviet Union played a mainstay role in the world anti fascist war. Lenin's philosophy became the banner of the world's progressive thought, and the study of Lenin's philosophy became the main line of the study of the history of Marxist philosophy; After the 1970s, with the development of the socialist reform movement worldwide and the change of the research theme of Marxist philosophy, Lenin's revolutionary theory and philosophy began to be questioned; Since the 1990s The disintegration of the Soviet Union and Eastern European upheaval People turned to totally deny the value of Lenin's philosophy.

Artistic image

  • Film image
Release time
Country of production
Red bell
Mexico, Soviet Union, Italy
Anatoly Uschujaninov
reference material: [43-47]

Commemoration for future generations


Memorial Place

  • Lenin's Tomb
Lenin's Tomb is located in Russia Red Square in Moscow Russia The center is composed of red granite and black marble, which is solemn and solemn. Lenin died on January 21, 1924. To commemorate him, the Soviet government built Lenin's tomb in Moscow's Red Square and mummified Lenin's body with modern anti-corrosion technology and kept it in a crystal coffin for worship. He wore a yellow coat, a red flag medal on his chest, and the Soviet Union's national flag was covered on his body. His face and hands were illuminated by special lights. The upper layer of Lenin's tomb is built with a reviewing platform. Whenever important ceremonies occur, leaders stand on Lenin's tomb to watch and command.
  • Memorial Hall
Central Lenin Museum
Central Marxism Leninism Research Institute of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Central Lenin Museum Located in the Moscow Revolution Square, it is an important institution for the Soviet Union to study Lenin's life and the history of the Soviet Communist Party, and also a major museum of the Soviet Union. May 31, 1924 (Cloth) The 13th Congress passed the decision on the establishment of Lenin Institute and the establishment of museums in the Institute. The Lenin Museum opened on January 25, 1925. September 1935 United Communist Party (Cloth) The Central Committee passed a new decision on the establishment of the Central Lenin Museum, which was completed and opened on the Revolution Square on May 15, 1936. There are 34 exhibition halls and about 125000 exhibits in the museum. The museum has seven branches in Leningrad, Tbilisi, Kiev, Ulyanovsk, Baku, Lvov and Tashkent. [39]
The Ulyanovsk Lenin Memorial Hall is located in the former Strelitz Street, where Vladimir Ulyanov Lenin was born in a house. On April 16, 1970, in order to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Lenin's birth, the Lenin Memorial Hall opened. The building was designed by Dr. Boris Sergeyevich Mezintsev. There are Lenin Museum, multi-function concert hall and classroom in Lenin Memorial Hall. The museum is located in the south of the third floor of the building. It was opened on November 2, 1941. In April 1970, the museum was transferred to Lenin Memorial Hall. [38]

Commemorative activities

Theoretical Seminar on the 150th Anniversary of Lenin's Birth [25]
On April 22, 2020, in order to commemorate the 150th anniversary of Lenin's birth, the Chinese Lenin Thought Research Association, the School of Marxism of Peking University, and the Research Center of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics of Peking University, the key research base of humanities and social sciences of the Ministry of Education, jointly held an academic seminar on "the source of a new era" and the 150th anniversary of Lenin's birth. [26]
On August 21, 2020, the "Theoretical Seminar to Commemorate the 150th Anniversary of Lenin's Birth" was held in Beijing. The conference was organized by the Central Institute of Party History and Literature, and the Central Party School (National School of Administration) , the Central Academy of Party History and Literature, the Ministry of Education and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. [25]

Memorial Awards

  • Lenin Prize
The highest award awarded by the Soviet Union to Soviet citizens who have made outstanding achievements in science, technology, literature, art, architecture, etc. It was initially established in 1925, but there was no award from 1935 to 1956. The award was re awarded in 1957, and the Lenin Prize for Literature and Art was added in the same year. In September 1966, the Central Committee of the Soviet Communist Party and the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union awarded the biennial Lenin Prize. Among them, 25 are science and technology awards and 5 are literature, art and architecture awards. In 1970, the Literature Award was added. Each bonus is 10000 rubles. [11]
  • Order of Lenin
Order of Lenin
On July 8, 1926, the head of the General Headquarters of the Red Army, Levychwim, proposed to award a new medal, the Ilich Medal, to those who already had four Red Flag Medals. But at that time, the Russian civil war had ended, and there was little demand for military medals. Therefore, it was not until April 6, 1930, that the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the Soviet Union issued a decree establishing the Order of Lenin, which was the highest honor of the Soviet Union at that time. Order of Lenin It is used to reward those units and individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the revolutionary movement, labor, safeguarding the socialist country, promoting friendship and cooperation among the people, and promoting peace. The Lenin Medal may also be awarded to foreign units and individuals.