
The Queen of Heaven in Nordic Mythology
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Frigga, yes NORRON She is also the goddess of marriage and family. Jupiter Odin His wife. She is also the god of light Bader And the god of darkness Hoddle Mother. The word Friday is derived from her name. [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Frege Frigg
Mythological system
Asgard -Crystal Palace Fensalir
Days later, marriage, family
Asa Protoss

brief introduction

Frika is beautiful and generous, and her temperament is extraordinary. Her noble temperament is enough to make any thinking life surrender to her feet. In the artistic modeling, Frika usually wears a white or grayish black gown with a large string of strange keys hanging on her waist, which shows that Asa Protoss She has special power. She has a palace of her own called Fensaril, which means the palace of the sea or the palace of fog. Frika and Freya There are many similarities. Although the characters of the two goddesses are quite different, the former is a good wife and mother, while the latter is extravagant; They all have Heron Zhiyu, and both are right Jewellery Appear to be extremely greedy.
There are twelve maidservants in Freya's hands, sometimes with Odin The identity of the emissaries appears. Their names are Saga (discourse) El (Kindness), Gefuqiong (Giving), Fura (Staff), Fen (Love), Rofen (Praise), Farah (Oath), Val (Truth), Lynn (Objection), Helin (Guardianship), Snotra (Wisdom), Gaina (Messenger). They are also the incarnations of some of the divinities of Frika. [1]

Myth and legend

Frika and Odin
From the beginning, Frika appeared as a wife and mother NORRON In the story, she is a prophet with the ability of unpredictability. She knows all the things that will happen in the future, but she will never reveal what she knows. according to Odin His throne is absolutely not allowed for anyone to sit casually, because the person who sits on the throne will have the ability to understand the past and the future, and no other gods are qualified or brave to sit on the throne. However, Frika is also the only god who is allowed to sit on the throne of Odin, so she can reign in the world and have the power to know everything about the universe, And enjoy the privilege of watching everything in the universe. Her greatest advantage is that she keeps her mouth shut and never reveals secrets. Although Frika is noble and beautiful, she has her own shortcomings. The first one is memory Quite Poor I forgot what I told her in the twinkling of an eye. The reason why she is so secretive about everything has a lot to do with her confused personality. The second disadvantage is that she is greedy for vanity and wealth. She often uses all kinds of gold and silver Beading To decorate his palace, and never satisfied.
Be a loving son Bader When troubled by nightmares, Frika forced all creatures in the nether world to swear that they would never hurt Bader. although Valhalla A tree outside the palace gate oak On Parasitic plant Mistletoe She didn't make a statement, but she was so weak and tender that she didn't think it was enough to pose a threat to her son. Later, she became a vicious god Rocky It is the use of this small mistletoe branch and blind god Hoddle The hand killed Bader. Then, Freya tried to make the goddess of death Haila The reason why he let his son go was that the evil god Loki was obstructing him. Since Frika is the goddess of fertility, she does not have the freedom to go in and out Hades The ability of.


Frika and her maids
Frika has many maids, representing other aspects of her. The most favored maid is Fulla, the goddess of fertility, or Frika's sister, who is in charge of Frika's jewelry box and serves her to dress up. She often offered advice on how to help people who prayed for God's blessing. Flora is very beautiful. Her blonde hair is long and numerous Grains The symbol of ripe ears, so Fula is often regarded as the goddess of fertility of the earth.
The guardian goddess Hlin is the goddess of comfort, and she is often sent to the world by Frika to comfort the victims. She often listened attentively to the prayers of the human beings in the world, and offered advice to Freika on how to help those suffering who have requests. [ Much like Guanyin Bodhisattva]
The Goddess of the Wind, Gna, is Frika's messenger. She can cross the sea and the mountains quickly by riding her Mahowal Punier. There is no place she can't go. She is the embodiment of wind. She told Frika what she had seen on the way.
In addition to the above three people, there are three maidservants following in the car. love goddess Lofn is a gentle and solemn goddess, whose job is to remove all obstacles blocking the lovers.
The job of Vjofn, the goddess of love, is to make the hard heart accept love, maintain harmony among human beings, and make the opposing couple reconciled again.
Syn, the goddess of truth, usually guards the entrance of Frika's palace. No one is allowed to enter without permission. Anyone who has been rejected by her is futile no matter what he asks. She is the personification of truth.
There is another maid named Gefion, the goddess of love, who specializes in bringing men and women who died before marriage to the Fensalir Palace to enjoy themselves. According to a story, she had four sons with a giant. on one occasion, Odin Send her to see Sweden Wang Gylfi, ask for some land. Gylfi said to Gfeinqiong that if she could plough as much land as she could in one day, she would give her as much as she could. Gefu Qiongnai turned her four sons into four oxen, drove a plow and ploughed the ground into a deep ditch King of Sweden His face changed greatly. Gefuqiong ploughed for a day, set aside a large piece of land, dragged it into the sea, and became an island Denmark Of Xilan Island )。 Later, she married one of Odin's sons and became Danish Royal Family The ancestor of.
Frika had other maids. The medicine goddess Eira is the god of medicine. She collects all kinds of herbs on the ground Surgery Can be cured. She taught medicine to her daughter. So in ancient times Northern Europe Doctors are all women.
Vara, the goddess of vows, specializes in listening to vows, punishing those who do not keep their promises and blessing those who keep their vows.
The true goddess Vor is also the personification of truth, observing all behaviors in the world.
and Goddess of Wisdom Snotra is the goddess of virtue and the master of all wisdom.
Frika who weaves colorful clouds [2]
In the south Germanic There is no Goddess, but there is another Goddess, Holda, who is very similar to her. Holda, as the personification of clouds and mist, is also a goddess living in a cave. Like Frigga, she is called Frau Venus, which is equivalent to MYTHOS The god of love and beauty. She often lured the young knights into her cave and made them linger with all kinds of sensual happiness. Snow said that Holda was cleaning her bed, rain said that she was washing clothes, and white cloud said that she was weaving cloth. When long gray clouds spread in the sky, she said she was spinning. Elsewhere in Germain, Frieda and Bertha( Bertha )The name appears. Bertha is also the god of textiles, the god of gardening, and the god of caring for the souls of dead babies. Or Goddess Gode or Wode, which can be seen from the name is the female form of Odin or Wodan. stay Netherlands , called Freika Vrouelde. All these goddesses, from their symbolic significance, are actually the incarnations of Frika. [2]


In the West Germain region, she and the goddess of beauty Freya Confused, but in Norway Sweden Denmark and Iceland She is an independent god.


Ostara (Eastre, Ostara), the goddess of spring and dawn held by Saxon people, is also similar to Frigga. This goddess is very popular Teutonic People love it. Therefore, after the prevalence of Christianity, the goddess was not demoted to the devil. To commemorate her, a Christian festival was named Easter. In this festival, colored eggs, which symbolize the beginning of life, are used as gifts because Eastre is the goddess of spring, representing the recovery of life after the severe winter. [1]