
[yǐn hào]
zero Useful+1
Quotation marks are generally used to indicate the parts quoted in the text. yes Double quotation marks and Single quotation mark Two. In the Chinese context, different regions have different habitual signs.
In mainland China Manuscript Generally, "" and "" are used, and "" and "" (right angle quotation marks) are used instead of vertical (straight) typesetting documents [1] stay Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan For regions, "" and "" are commonly used. However, there is no too definite answer to the origin of the right angle quotation marks "" and ""; According to a Japanese document [2] , right angle quotation marks (called "hook" in Japanese brackets ”)The first half of the (Japanese "Andian") and the second half (Japanese "Gouhua") do not appear at the same time.
Compared with "" and "", due to text coding( Full angle , half width), right angle quotation marks "" and "" are more beautiful in the layout of online manuscripts, and have begun to be used by more people, but Formal occasions Use shall conform to national standard
Chinese name
Quoted in the text part
Double quotation marks and single quotation marks


Quotation marks are divided into single quotation marks and double quotation marks. Single quotation marks and double quotation marks consist of front quotation marks and back quotation marks.


1897 Wang Bingyao On《 Phonetic alphabet 》Among the ten self-made punctuation marks, there are square quotation marks (""), which are called "explanation signs".
1906 Lu Ganzhang The punctuation system formulated in the Chinese Alphabet Beijing Qieyin Textbook has 15 kinds of symbols, including "citation" ("").
1916 Hu Shi It is suggested to use quotation marks in the form of ('' ") in the article" On Sentence and Word Symbols "published in the first issue of Volume II of Science. The former is Western style, which is not applicable to straight line documents; The latter is Japanese style, suitable for straight line documents.
1918 Qian Xuantong In the article "Sentence Symbols" published in Volume 4, No. 2 of New Youth, it was said that the quotation marks ("'') in western language" were used in accordance with Japan because they were not suitable for straight lines ". At that time, characters were mainly written in straight lines.
In 1919, the "Proposal on the Issuance of New Punctuation Marks" decided to use square quotation marks. This form of quotation marks has been used in straight line manuscripts until now.
When used in horizontal script, 1951《 Punctuation Usage 》The rule is changed to state at the same time: (In horizontal documents, quotation marks) are not very beautiful, and someone will use quotation marks (') (") and (") (") in Western language instead. Since the mid-1950s, the layout of publications has gradually changed to horizontal lines, and the actual use is mostly Western quotation marks.
About Single Double quotation marks Use order of. Published in 1951《 Punctuation Usage 》Said: "There are two kinds of quotation marks: single quotation mark and double quotation mark. You can use either. There is no difference in meaning. Generally Single quotation mark Most. That's for convenience. It's easier to draw a single line than a double line. If you want to use quotation marks, you must use another one. It looks clear. " Is this regulation in publications or Straight row It is mainly made by using the traditional square quotation marks, and the order of use is single quotation marks before double quotation marks. After the publication is changed to horizontal layout, the quotation marks are correspondingly changed to English quotation marks ('' "), but the order of use has changed. Most of them use double quotation marks first. The form of single quotation mark ('') is simple and easy to write, but it is not as striking as double quotation mark, and the following single quotation mark is easy to be compared with provincial font size Aspirating symbol Chinese Pinyin Sound insulation symbol Confusion. In particular, the front and back quotation marks of long quotations cannot be seen at a glance. If the back quotation marks are single quotation marks, they can easily be ignored and sometimes mistaken for stains. There are few occasions to use double quotation marks, so it is better to use double quotation marks as the basic form of quotation marks, and use single quotation marks when the second quotation marks are needed. The second level quotation, that is, the quotation in the quotation, is generally not very long. The single quotation marks used in pairs can be seen at a glance, and errors can be easily detected. It is rare to use the second level quotation. Using single quotation marks for the second level quotation also reduces the possibility of errors. The quotation marks in the 1964 straight edition and the horizontal edition of Mao Zedong Anthology in a bound volume are the same. The Punctuation Usage published in 1990 stipulates that double quotation marks ("") are the basic form of quotation marks. When quotation marks are used inside quotation marks, the outer layer uses double quotation marks and the inner layer uses single quotation marks. This is true for both straight line and horizontal lines, but the quotation mark form of straight line documents is changed. The 1990 Punctuation Usage stipulates that the form of quotation marks is ("") and (''). Contrary to the 1951 Punctuation Usage, double quotation marks are placed before single quotation marks. An editorial reference book published in 1994 said that "the horizontal edition generally uses double quotation marks first, and then single quotation marks... The straight edition, on the contrary, uses single quotation marks first Posterior doublet ”Some books and newspapers are also used in this way, but it does not conform to the provisions of Punctuation Usage implemented since 1990. People's Daily used quotation marks first in the 1980s and then in the 1990s. According to the current standard usage, double quotation marks are the basic form of quotation marks for both horizontal and straight line documents in Chinese. When quotation marks are needed, double quotation marks are used for the outer layer, single quotation marks for the inner layer, and double quotation marks for the third layer. In principle, double quotation marks and single quotation marks are used alternately.
The quotation mark ("") of straight line documents was first used in Japan, which is called "hook" brackets ”(か ギ か つ こ), which is translated into "comer brackets" in English. Japan still sometimes uses ("") ("") for horizontal manuscripts. Chen Mengjia Sorting out Gansu in 1959 Wu Wei The unearthed correspondence has ten symbols, one of which is similar, but it is used as an abridgement rather than a quotation mark. However, there is an interesting paper, which is written as follows:
The first half of the "hook bracket" is called "Andian", and the second half is called "hook painting". stay Edo period It was not found in the previous literature. And the brackets do not appear at the same time, but in different orders: Nun points appear earlier, marking the beginning of the poem at the very beginning. During the Edo period, Kabuki The art has developed, and kabuki's lines and scripts indicate that the first part of the lines uses the nunnery point. The hook painting first appeared in Japanese "Chinese", which is a Japanese interpretation method after the ancient Chinese was introduced to Japan. Since there is no expression of paragraphs in ancient texts, the Japanese use hooks to distinguish paragraphs. get into Meiji Period Later, the hook painting began to be used as the "closing" of the temple. [3]
The predecessor of quotation marks in Western language is an arrow shaped symbol (>), which was used as a mark in ancient times and added in the margin of the book to attract readers' attention to some parts of the text. In the Middle Ages, its Function change , used to mark classic citations. In the 4th century, on the Trinity, Bishop Larry of Poitiers, there was an Italian manuscript of the 6th century, The Existing Vienna National Library, and Dulcitus of Aquino pointed it out at the end of the 6th century, with the Gospel of John and《 Genesis 》Use (>) beside the book to point to the quotation. Edited by Bishop Isidore, a Spanish scholar in the 7th century《 Etymology 》"Our Scribe Put them in the books of church writers to separate or mark biblical citations ". Later, the usage was extended to other authoritative Christian works. When the citation exceeds one line, a mark (>) shall be added on the outside of each line. Anglo-Saxon scholar Bide Commentary on Proverbs, 8th Century England The transcript makes a more obvious distinction between citations and non citations. Local lowercase letters are used for non citation, and Anser font close to uppercase is used for citation, which is specially used for citation of Bible and other authoritative works. The first line of each citation is marked with a big arrow (>) in the margin of the book, and the rest lines are marked with small arrows, so we can know the number of lines of citation. Other methods of marking citations include: writing in different colors of ink, and explaining the source of citations in marginal notes. Since the 12th century, the more common method is to quote Add down red thread. Since the 16th century, English writers have Version center The quotation in the text is marked with a high reverse comma (') instead of (>) to attract the attention of readers. The multi line citation has such a symbol at the beginning of each line, but there is no back quote at the end of the citation. Sometimes used for citation Italic Words, so that the boundaries of the citation can be seen at a glance. After the end of the 16th century, the symbol (') used to mark citations moved from outside to inside, and was placed at the top of each line when the citation was more than one line. By the early 18th century, the quotation marks used alone in English books had developed into modern quotation marks used in pairs, with a high-order reverse comma (') or (") marking the beginning of the quotation and a high-order comma (') or (") marking the end of the quotation. A new development in the use of quotation marks was in 1756 London Published books have double quotation marks, the outer layer uses double quotation marks (""), and the inner layer uses single quotation marks (''). modern British English Use single quotation marks as the basic form of quotation marks. When two layers of quotation marks are needed, use single quotation marks Inner doublet On the contrary, American English In double quotation marks Basic unit , double outside and single inside.
French quotation marks ("") are called guillemets. According to Lexis French Dictionary and French Etymology Dictionary, Guillaume was the inventor of symbols in 1677( Guillaume )De Vinne, a French scholar, said that, Paris The printer F. Morel (1523-1583) used this form of quotation marks in published books 1557 years ago. Other languages of the Latin language family and Russian imitate French to use this kind of sharp quotation marks.


Chinese Mainland Regional standards : Use first Double quotation marks "", if internal re reference is required, use Single quotation mark '', if you need to quote again, use double quotation marks "", and so on. Straight row Keep the double quotation marks outside, and use "" and "" instead. (according to“ National Standards of the People's Republic of China ”,《 Punctuation Usage 》Issued on December 30, 2011 and implemented on June 1, 2012 [4]
Taiwan standard: first use single quotation mark "", and then use double quotation mark "" if necessary. If double quotation marks need to be quoted internally, single quotation marks are used, and so on. (according to Ministry of Education of the Republic of China Mandarin Promotion Committee, Handbook of Redefining Punctuations, Taiwan Academic Network, March 1997, 3rd Edition. [5]
Direct reference Use quotation marks for others' words; Indirect reference Don't use quotation marks for others' words. When quotation marks are needed, double quotation marks are used for the outer layer and single quotation marks are used for the inner layer. When several paragraphs are quoted consecutively, each paragraph should be preceded by a quotation mark, and only the last paragraph should be followed by a quotation mark.
Note: Because "【】" and "【】" are generally arranged horizontally only in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan It is used in different regions and Japan, but there are some differences in the use methods: in Chinese, "[]" and "" "are double quotation marks and single quotation marks, respectively. Therefore, when using" [] "and" "in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, local standards should be followed. But in Japan, "" is a quotation mark, and "" is Book Title
  1. one
    Represents a reference.
  2. two
    Indicates a specific title.
  3. three
    It means special meaning.
  4. four
    To express sarcasm and ridicule.
  5. five

matters needing attention

quotation Refers to the quotation of others in the text. Idioms, maxims, poems, etc., including an onomatopoeia Transliterated word Specific titles refer to names, abbreviations, special terms and anniversaries with certain characteristics. Special meaning refers to the words in quotation marks Language environment A new meaning came into being in.
When using quotation, pay attention to the position of punctuation at the end of quotation. Always use the quoted words independently Point No Put it in quotation marks. If the quoted content is an integral part of the sentence, that is, the quotation is not independent, and the end of the quotation is not punctuated (question mark exclamation mark Can be reserved), the whole sentence will pause at the pause, and the period will use the same period.
Quotation marks are very important punctuation marks, which include quotation marks (indicated by "or") and return signs (indicated by "or").

Application examples

The most basic use of quotation marks is quotation, which includes Direct reference and Indirect reference Direct quotation is to record what people say completely in three situations, such as:
1. Aunt Ya broke several branches and threw them down. She called me by my nickname and said ①: "Feed you first!"
2. "Oh, how beautiful!" said the emperor ②, "I am very satisfied!"
3. "What are you afraid of? The beauty of the sea is here!" I said ③.
Note: Example 1 It refers to the situation where the speaker is in front and the speaker is behind, e.g. 2 It refers to the situation where the speaker is in the middle, and his words have been spoken before and after, e.g. 3 The speaker is in the back, and what he said is in the front. ① ② ③ of the above three example sentences are used separately colon , comma and full stop, which are fixed collocations caused by quotation marks and cannot be changed.
Indirect quotation is a quotation that puts someone's original words in one's own words informally, incompletely and with the meaning. If this kind of quotation is not explained clearly, it is difficult to find that it is a quotation. For example:
4. Properly improving your own life is not only "can you manage it", but also is in line with heaven and human relations.
5. Modern painters artist renowned for creative development of both Chinese and Western painting techniques The horse in the pen, as some critics said“ Both form and spirit , full of vitality ".
6. Tang Dynasty Zhang Jiazhen It is said that it "makes strange things, and people don't know what it does".
By 4., 5 6. We can see that the full stop or comma together with the return sign should be placed after the return sign. In contrast, a direct quotation is a complete and explicit quotation of someone's original text, with a full stop or comma before the return sign.
Generally speaking, the quotation mark and the return number should be used in pairs, but there are exceptions, that is, when directly quoting paragraph after paragraph, the middle paragraph only uses the quotation mark at the beginning of the paragraph, but the return number is not used at the end of the paragraph. For example, if someone has said five paragraphs, the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth paragraphs should start with quotation marks. The first, second, third, and fourth paragraphs should end without quotation marks. The quotation marks are only used at the end of the fifth paragraph. In addition, when quotation marks are used inside, double quotation marks are used for the outer layer and single quotation marks are used for the inner layer. For example:
7. I heard my husband say to me, "Alas, it is the greatest misfortune of Alsace people to always postpone their study until tomorrow. Now those guys have reason to say to us, 'Why? You say you are French, and you can't even speak your own language or write!...' However, poor little Francois, it is not your fault."
In addition to quotation, quotation marks also play an important role, such as:
8. Looking up from the foot of the mountain, I can see that the torches are arranged in many zigzag shapes, all the way up to the sky.
9. He said that he had some evil spirit on his face and must meet“ Beauty Snake ”Has.
In addition, quotation marks include irony It is used to express sarcasm and ridicule. For example:
10. The prison where they (friends) maintain their "order" will tear off their mask of "civilization".
The quotation marks in Example 10 indicate that the order is unreasonable, and civilization is self promotion. In fact, it is not civilized at all Irony That is to say, it has the objective effect of ridicule.


(1) The speaker comes first and the words behind.
Joseph said, "Grandpa must have a way."
This is the most common situation and the simplest: just add colon , and then use quotation marks to cause what he said.
(2) The speaker is in the middle and the words are on both sides.
Ex.: "I'm very sorry, son," said the tree, "I'm just an old stump now, and there's nothing left for you."
This situation is a little more complicated. It is generally used when the words are long and have two meanings. The speaker's words are still quoted in quotation marks, but the "said" of the speaker is followed by a comma.
(3) The speaker is in the back and the words are in the front.
Ex.: "Oh, I can't guess," said Big Rabbit.
In this case, a full stop is directly used after the speaker's "saying". Because this is the end of a sentence.
(4) I have said a lot. Use quotation marks.
Ex.: The children were so excited that they kept shouting: "There are cakes and ice cream " "Are there any decorations?" "Are there any gifts?"
So many quotation marks are put together and closely connected that there is no other punctuation between each pair of quotation marks.
(5) Quotes for segments.
Example: I once saw someone talking about happiness in the newspaper:
"Happiness is knowing what you like and what you don't like
"Happiness is knowing what you are good at and what you are not good at
"Happiness is making the right choice at the right time."
If there is only one quotation in independent paragraph, quotation marks shall be used at the beginning and end of the paragraph; When there is more than one paragraph, only the front quotation mark is used at the beginning of each paragraph, and only the back quotation mark is used at the end of the last paragraph.
If someone else is quoted in a double quoted sentence, or Celebrity Quotes Wait, use Single quotation mark
★ This paragraph is very helpful for the use of computers.
Computer quotation marks
Various quotation marks
Macintosh keys
Windows Keys
Linux ( X) Key
HTML entity
Vertical single quotation mark (also observe the semicolon)
Same as ASCII 0x27
Or '
Vertical double quotation marks
Same as ASCII 0x22
British Single Open Quote
Option + [
Alt + 0145 (on number pad)
Compose < ' or Alt Gr + Shift + V
For official publications in Mainland China, South Korea and English
British single closed quotation mark (and apostrophe)
Option + Shift + [
Alt + 0146 (on number pad)
Compose > ' or Alt Gr + Shift + B
’Or '
For official publications in Mainland China, South Korea and English
British double open quotation marks
Option + ]
Alt + 0147 (on number pad)
Compose < " or Alt Gr + V
For official publications in Mainland China, South Korea and English
British Pun Quote
Option + Shift + ]
Alt + 0148 (on number pad)
Compose > " or Alt Gr + B
”Or "
For official publications in Mainland China, South Korea and English
Chinese Single Open Quote
For Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Japan
Chinese single closed quotation mark
For Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Japan
Chinese double open quotation marks
For Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Japan
Chinese pun quotation marks
For Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Japan
Chinese Straight Single Open Quote
For straight row
Chinese straight single close quotation marks
For straight row
Chinese Straight Double Open Quotation Mark
For straight row
Chinese straight pun quotation marks
For straight row
Half angle open-quote
For Japan, derived from JIS code
Half angle closing quotation mark
For Japan, derived from JIS code