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State Key Laboratory of Building Safety and Environment (China Academy of Building Sciences)

scientific research institution
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The State Key Laboratory of Building Safety and Environment (China Academy of Building Sciences) is based on China Academy of Building Sciences, and its director is Lin Haiyan.
Chinese name
State Key Laboratory of Building Safety and Environment (China Academy of Building Sciences)
: Lin Haiyan
Deputy Director
: Zhao Jida
: Ou Jinping

Brief overview

In 2007, the Ministry of Science and Technology issued the Notice on Approving the Application of the First Batch of Enterprises for the Construction of National Key Laboratories (GKBJZ [2007] No. 50), which approved the application of 36 enterprises for the construction of national key laboratories. The "National Key Laboratory for Building Safety and Environment" applied by the Chinese Academy of Building Sciences ranked among them, which is the first national key laboratory of the Academy. The comprehensive disaster prevention level and environmental quality of buildings have attracted more and more attention from the whole society.
Laboratory director: Lin Haiyan (Vice president, researcher)
Deputy director of the laboratory: Zhao Jida (chief engineer and researcher of the Institute)
Chairman of the Laboratory Academic Committee: Ou Jinping (Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering Dalian University of Technology President)
Vice Chairman of the Academic Committee of the Laboratory: Zhou Xiyuan Academician of CAS Deputy Director of the Department of Technology and Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences)

research field

The "State Key Laboratory of Building Safety and Environment" includes the key research directions of the Chinese Academy of Building Sciences in the fields of building safety such as structure, foundation, earthquake resistance, fire prevention and wind prevention, and in the fields of building environment such as building sound, light, heat and energy conservation, which will provide a good test and research platform for the improvement and improvement of building safety and building environment quality in China.