
[yán zhǎn xìng]
physical property
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Ductility and malleability is a mechanical property of a material, which means that before the material is forced to fracture Plastic deformation Ability.
Chinese name
One of the physical properties
Temperable and calendable degree
ductility and malleability

Ductility in physics

The property that an object can extend into filaments without breaking under the action of external force is called ductility Under external force (hammering or Rolling )The property that can be rolled into thin pieces without breaking is called expansibility. For example, metals have good ductility, including gold, platinum, copper, silver, tungsten and aluminum. Quartz, glass, etc Non metallic materials It also has certain ductility at high temperature.
Ductility is Metallic minerals One of the characteristics of metal minerals under external force is Plastic deformation , which means that ions can move and rearrange and lose their adhesion. This is Metal bond The root cause of mineral ductility. The ductility varies with the degree of metal bond.


Structure, member or a section of a member reaches the maximum from yielding carrying capacity Or the deformation capacity during the period when the bearing capacity has not been significantly reduced after reaching. For structures with good ductility, members or a section of members have large deformation capacity in the later period, and can still absorb a certain amount of energy after reaching the state of yield or maximum bearing capacity, which can avoid Brittle failure Occurrence of.
Ductility is a physical property. It means that the material Plastic deformation Capability is related to the ductility of materials. For example, gold, copper, aluminum, etc ductility Materials. Platinum is the most ductile metal.
Brittle failure The structure or component has no obvious deformation or other types of premonitory failure before failure. Ductile failure (ductile failure) The type of failure in which the structure or component has obvious deformation or other omens before failure.
Under the impact and vibration loads, the materials of the structure are required to be able to absorb greater energy and produce certain deformation without damage, that is, the structure or component is required to have good ductility. For example, steel structure materials have good ductility and can resist strong earthquakes without collapse; and Masonry structure The deformation capacity is poor, and it is easy to collapse due to brittle failure under strong earthquakes. For this purpose, masonry masonry structure The house shall be earthquake resistant Specification requirements set up Structural column And seismic resistance Ring beam confined masonry To increase its deformation in the earthquake action Collapse resistance under. reinforced concrete The material has duality. If the design is reasonable, it can eliminate or reduce the harm of the brittle property of concrete, give full play to the plastic property of reinforcement, and achieve Ductile structure For this reason, seismic reinforced concrete structure According to ductility Structure requirements seismic design , to achieve earthquake fortification Three level requirements of: the structure is in elastic state under small earthquakes; Moderate earthquake The structure may be damaged, but it can continue to be used after repair; Major earthquake The structure may be damaged, but will not collapse or endanger life safety.
Ductility (conductivity and malleability) is determined by ductility The two concepts of expansibility are similar in mechanical properties. Common metals and many alloys have ductility.
stay material science Medium, ductility (Liability) is that the material is subject to Tensile stress (tensile stress) deformation The ability of the material that is particularly noticeable. Ductility is mainly shown when the material is stretched into linear strips. Expansibility (Malleability) is another similar concept, but it indicates that materials are subject to Compressive stress (Compressive stress) The ability to deform without breaking. The malleability is mainly shown when the material is forged or rolled into thin plates. Ductility and malleability are not always related. For example, gold has good ductility and malleability, but lead only has good malleability. However, because these two concepts are similar, they are often called Ductility


The property of an object that can be pressed into sheets. Most metals are malleable, gold being the most.
The property that can be rolled into thin sheets without breaking under external force (hammering or rolling) is called expansibility.

give an example

In metal bonds, valence shell electrons can move freely between many atoms. Such characteristics are called "electronic sea". Since electrons can move freely, metal atoms can move relatively without great resistance. Gold is the most ductile metal, followed by aluminum. But many plastics and Amorphous Solids are also malleable. The metal with the best ductility is platinum Pt, and the metal with the best ductility is gold Au.
Natural gold Mineral, such as natural gold Natural silver Native copper All have good ductility.
When a knife is used to carve a ductile mineral, the place where the mineral surface is carved immediately leaves bright grooves without powder or particles, which can be distinguished from brittleness.
Metal has ductility, which means that metal can take a percentage Filament. For example, the diameter of the thinnest platinum wire is less than 1/5000mm. Metal is malleable, which means it can be pressed into thin sheets, such as the thinnest Gold foil Only 1/10000mm thick. The most malleable metal is gold. It is reported that 1. Someone extended 28 grams of gold to 65 kilometers long; 2. One or two gold foils can cover two basketball courts. The ductility of metals can be explained by their structure. When the metal is subjected to external force, it is easy to make relative displacement The metal is deformed and not easy to break, so the metal has good Deformability But there are also a few metals, such as antimony, bismuth and manganese, which are brittle and have no ductility. Therefore, it can only be said that general metals have ductility.

Metal ductility

Because the radius of metal atoms is relatively large, valence electron The number is relatively small, and electrons are easily separated from metal atoms and become free electron (delocalized electrons) that no longer belong to an atom. So, when crystal suffer External force action When, metal Positive ion Slipping without fracture (because there are still free electrons around) shows good ductility.
The essence of the interaction between metal positive ions and free electrons is Positive and negative ions Attraction between, none directional And saturation. although Ionic crystal Contained Ionic bond It is also directionless and unsaturated, but when the external force moves the ion layer, making ions with the same charge close, repulsion Increase, resulting in no ductility of ionic crystals.

Law of ductility

Ductility is generally for metals, that is, for Metallic crystal For other crystals, ductility is generally not considered. So which metals have better ductility? The ductility of active metals is often poor and inactive Metal ductility Often very good. For example: Au The ductility of Ag, Pt is among the best, alkali metal and alkaline-earth metal The ductility of is among the worst (in metals). Of course, the metal mercury has the worst ductility, because it is liquid under normal conditions.

influence factor

For stamping, mainly for iron, others Metallic materials It is not without stamping, but less. One of the factors determining the ductility of iron materials is the internal structure of the metal. The internal structure of iron determines its ductility, Martensite Its size and shape are closely related to the ductility of metal. Martensite is large with poor ductility, while martensite is small with good ductility. The size of martensite is related to the temperature change during heat treatment. Second, the ratio of iron to other metal materials is related. For example, the ductility of iron doped with tungsten and other elements is poor, while the ductility of iron doped with tin and other metals is better.

Extendability in the economy

Extendability refers to the ability of enterprises to derive a series of new products and New services To meet the needs of customers. The core competitiveness depends on the core competitive power core technology Core products Final product The core competitiveness of an enterprise includes one or several core technologies, which cooperate to form one or more core products, and then derive the final product from the core products. In this extension process, the core competitiveness of enterprises is the leading force.
The extension of core competitiveness enables enterprises to meet the needs of customers to a large extent, not only the current needs, but also the potential needs. The satisfaction of this demand is achieved by giving full play to the extensibility of core competitiveness and actively applying it in new fields. The extensibility makes the core competitiveness more able to ensure the success of diversified development of enterprises. Taking Sharp as an example, its core competitiveness is LCD technology, which makes Sharp Notebook computer , pocket calculator, large screen imaging technology and other fields have competitive advantages.