Legend of Lian Shi

TV series starring Yu Rongguang in 2023
Chinese Mainland 30 episodes
zero Useful+1
The Legend of Lian Shi is China International Television Corporation The ancient costume anti-corruption drama produced by Yunnan Runshi Rongguang Film Co., Ltd. and Yulin Municipal Committee of Guangxi Kan Weiping Directed, Yu Rongguang Luo Jialiang Zhao Wenxuan Gui Yalei Du Yulu Du Chun Etc. [1]
The play tells the story of Lu Ji, the Eastern Wu Dynasty, during his tenure in Yulin, Guangxi Province, reforming backward production, advocating science and education culture, being upright and upright as an official, eliminating corruption and refusing bribes, cleaning up both hands and consolidating national unity [2]
First broadcast on September 9, 2023. [13]
Kan Weiping
Premiere time
September 9, 2023 [13]
Chinese name
Legend of Lian Shi
Type of work
Ancient costume, history, anti-corruption drama

essential information

Chinese name
Legend of Lian Shi
Type of work
Ancient costume, history, anti-corruption drama
Production area
Chinese Mainland
Kan Weiping
Qian Linsen
film producer
Yu Shengli
Production company
China International Television Corporation, Yunnan Runshi Rongguang Film Co., Ltd., Yulin Municipal Party Committee of Guangxi
Premiere time
September 9, 2023 [13]
Broadcast status
Number of sets
30 episodes
Duration of each episode
About 45 minutes
Issuing company
CCTV Film and Television Production Co., Ltd


Soochow Lu Ji He was appointed to take over the post of Chief Inspector of Yulin. When he left, except for a simple load of luggage, he only had a posthumous work left by his father, Collection of Corrupt Officials of All Ages. This book contains the greedy achievements of dozens of corrupt officials who left the world eternal names in all dynasties, as well as their almost identical humiliating fate. Lu Ji gave this book to his subordinates as a warning. At the beginning of taking office, he ordered officials in the Yulin Yamen and advocated a clean government. As soon as this happened, strange things happened one after another in the city of Yulin: 30000 jin of official copper in the government warehouse was stolen overnight, so that the new prefect who had been in office for less than three days was faced with the crisis of being dismissed from office due to his dereliction of duty; When the prince of the imperial guard passed the "hundred days", a large number of people suddenly came to celebrate the gift giving; The "regular money", which Lu Ji explicitly prohibited from apportioning to the public, mysteriously appeared on his desk again. Lu Ji finally understood that all these strange things were manipulated by someone in the dark, and the only purpose of the initiator was to pull him into the water, so that the new guard could become compliant and join in with them. In the face of repeated offensives by corrupt groups, Lu Ji, a good imperial guard, is hard to be influenced by inducements and intimidated by threats: he skillfully refused to accept financial gifts at the "Hundred Day Feast"; In front of the county government office, we plan to withdraw all the people; "Greedy Spring" vows to keep the festival at the foot of the mountain; When the official residence was set ablaze, people were shocked. After a series of soul stirring battles, justice defeated evil, honesty won the hearts of the people, and finally the truth about the official copper theft was found out.
In order to advocate a clean government and warn corrupt officials to take a warning, Lu Ji took stones to inscribe corrupt officials in the Collection of Corrupt Officials of All Ages on the stigma monument one by one, and invited officials' families to tell them about the tragic fate of corrupt officials of all generations. After hearing this, officials' families woke up and cried to persuade their husbands, You must not follow the example of corrupt officials on the disgrace monument when you are in the officialdom. Although you are proud of yourself for a while, you will eventually find yourself in a strange place, destroy your family and destroy your family. Those bad officials can't help crying advice from their wives and children, and turn themselves in to the guard one by one, which shows that they have changed their minds and become honest officials ever since. Lu Taishou warned the world with a stone tablet, which cleaned up the mess in the yamen and straightened out the officialdom. Lu Ji's honesty and self-reliance won the support of the people in Yulin. When the soldiers in Yulin City came to the critical juncture, tens of thousands of people in the whole city stepped forward and stood behind the guards. A battle of seizing the city with great disparity of power was won because the guards echoed and the people became united. [3]

Diversified plot

    Episode 1
    The victory of Chibi in the Eastern Wu Dynasty and the banquet of Sun Quan in a row were full of revelry and civil and military gaffes, but Lu Ji was outspoken and offended the Marquis of Wu, which caused a grand banquet to break up in discord. Some people hated Lu Ji for being ignorant of the times and ruining the prosperity of the monarchs and officials; Some people are also worried about Lu Ji. They don't know what price he will pay for his boldness. Passers by the door of Lu's Mansion saw a basket of superior fruits hanging high from the eaves. They stopped to inquire about it. They knew that it was a gift from someone. Three days later, the fruit began to rot and drip rotten water to the ground. The viewer suddenly realized that it was not a basket of fruits, but a notice of integrity hung by Lu at the door. If anyone wanted to give a gift to Lu, Just like this basket of fruit. The matter spread quickly in the capital. However, when Lu Jilian was making a big noise, he was going to pay the price for his recklessness: Sun Quan, the marquis of Wu, suddenly appointed Lu Ji as the governor of Yulin. Everyone knows that this is the lord's revenge for Lu's offence the day before yesterday. Some people gloated and some people sighed secretly. Lu Ji himself was gladly ordered to bid farewell to his mother, and then took his wife and children to his post. The valuable things he took with him were a posthumous book "The Collection of Corrupt Officials of All Ages" left by his father to his descendants.

    Episode 2
    When Lu Ji's family arrived in Yulin, they were robbed by local ruffians as soon as they came ashore. For this reason, Lu Ji went to the county government office to lodge a complaint, but was thrown into prison by officials Ma Qian and Li Wan for insulting the government. Having experienced the official obscurity and the darkness of the prison affairs in the Yamen of Yulin County, the Chief Executive decided to rectify the official administration of Yulin from the prison affairs. The prodigy of the prefect not only refused to go out of prison, but also ordered all the officials and officials of the county government to put on prison clothes and spend three days in prison with him, to personally experience the taste of people being wronged, and set up a court in the prison to retrial the prisoners one by one. Three days later, the enemy was released completely, and there was only one group of officials left in the county government prison which was full of troubles. After coming out of the prison, the guard was sent to the guard's official residence to settle down. As soon as I walked into the mansion, the prefecture magistrate felt that it was against the system to live in such a luxurious mansion. However, Lv Qing told Yulin that it was always the same, and urged the prefecture magistrate to follow the customs in Rome and stay at ease.

    Episode 3
    Ma Qian, a county official, mistakenly threw the prefecture magistrate into the prison. Afraid that the prefecture magistrate would bear a grudge, he wanted to get close to the prefecture magistrate by giving gifts. In the middle of the night, Ma Qian knocked on the door of the official residence with the gift box in his hand. However, the official looked at the gift box in Ma Qian's hand and said, "Knock at the door late at night, the sage will not do anything", and the door slammed shut. Ma Qianshang didn't give up. He lingered in front of the gate of the official residence for a long time, and finally came up with a clever idea. The next morning, Lu Jiao'er opened the door and saw a brocade box hanging under the eaves in front of the door. The girl was about to reach out to pick it, but her father stopped her and refused to touch it. The Prefecture Chief asked all the Yamen officials to come to the front of the official residence and asked Ma Qian to pick up the gift box in front of all the officials. Ma Qian took the gift box in full view of the public and made a fool of himself. The Grand Guard said that this was a small warning he gave to the gift giver. If anyone else wants to give gifts in vain, he will be punished seriously. The officials watched, and some people secretly appreciated, while others only thought that the prefect was playing tricks on the spot. At this time, Kong Liang, an official of the Jin Cao business, suddenly reported that 30000 kilograms of official copper in the official warehouse had been stolen overnight, and the whole audience was shocked.

    Episode 4
    When the imperial guard arrived at the scene of the official copper theft, he saw a hundred person guard who guarded the official copper. Except for one of the firemen, they were collectively poisoned and lethargic. The only one who survived, Qian Da, was found to have been shot by a powerful crossbow outside the official warehouse. The case was very tricky. The only clue left at the scene was a crossbow that shot the leader. Suddenly, a lump of horse dung in the warehouse attracted the attention of the guard... In order to cure ninety-nine sleepy soldiers, the guard came to Cao Gui who was called Xiao Meng. Cao Gui readily accepted it, and took ninety-nine soldiers to Cao Family Village for treatment by a famous doctor. The imperial guard decided that Qian Da, the leader of the gang, had been killed, so he asked Lv Qing to visit the craftsman who made the crossbow with the crossbow that shot Qian Da. He hoped to find the murderer from this clue. Unexpectedly, by the time Lv Qing found the craftsman's house, the craftsman had died of a sudden illness... Once the crossbow's clue was broken, the imperial guard wanted to open a gap from the cavalry, However, Lv Qing's words surprised the guard: Lv Qing said that in the city of Yulin, only the county barracks can mobilize more than 50 pack horses - 30000 kg of official copper is Duwei Kuisheng guarding against theft?

    Episode 5
    In order to solve the mystery, Lu Ji went to the army barracks and threw stones to ask for water. However, the horse dung he brought back from the army barracks was not the same as the horse dung he took back from the scene. Li Wan, who was secretly following Kui Sheng under the orders of the Imperial Guard, found that Kui Sheng used a piece of 5000 yuan to buy riding gear at the horseshoe store. The owner of the horseshoe store refused to accept the money because it was too expensive. The suspicion of Duwei Kui Sheng's crime suddenly increased. Lu Ji orders Li Wan to continue to monitor Kui Sheng, but Kui Sheng finds out that Li Wan is following him. In order to avoid being beaten by the irascible Kui Duwei, Li Wan pushes Li Wan on the guard, saying that he was followed by the guard. Kui Sheng was furious. Flying horses rushed to the official residence, kicked open the door of the official residence with their feet, and cursed the official for being blind and slandered! Before leaving, he took out a book from his arms and threw it in the arms of the prefecture magistrate, saying that he would let the prefecture magistrate review the book. Lu Jiyi saw that it was a collection of corrupt officials of all ages that he had given to the county government after taking office. Kui Sheng's move clearly accused himself of being a corrupt official, but when he had to ask more, Kui Sheng had already gone.

Source of the above content [4]

screen credits



Luo Jialiang Ornament king of Wu in the Three Kingdoms Era
Dubbing -
Yu Rongguang Ornament Lu Ji
Dubbing -
Zhao Wenxuan Ornament Zhang Zhao
Dubbing -
Du Chun Ornament Yuan Fei
Dubbing -
Du Yulu Ornament Step stallion
Dubbing -
Gui Yalei Ornament Motherwort
Dubbing -
Sarina Ornament Madam Bu
Dubbing -
Remarks Mrs. Sun Quan
Yu Na Ornament goddess of frost
Dubbing -
Shao Bing Ornament chief
Dubbing -
Zhu Xiaoyu Ornament Scar dragon
Dubbing -
Guo Da Ornament Xuchang
Dubbing -
Liu Jinshan Ornament Wu Dao
Dubbing -
Midday horse Ornament Luo series
Dubbing -
Thx Ornament Kui Sheng
Dubbing -
Liu Jialiang Ornament Lv Qing
Dubbing -
Lin Jing Ornament Lv Qing's wife
Dubbing -
Li Qian Ornament He Qian's Wife
Dubbing -
Guo Jin Ornament Tang Bin's wife
Dubbing -
Mary Ornament Xu Chang's Wife
Dubbing -

Employee List

producer Yu Shengli
Supervised by Yu Rongguang
director Kan Weiping
Scriptwriter Qian Linsen
Photography Niumingshan
Modeling design Yang Shudong
clothing design Mo Xiaomin
Source of cast member list [1]

Role Introduction

Lu Ji
performer Yu Rongguang
dubbing -
Lu Ji, known as the official discipline, was an official of the Eastern Wu Dynasty in the Three Kingdoms period. The official came to the prefecture magistrate of Yulin. He was upright and clean handed, and his reputation for honesty was well known throughout the world. Lu Ji arrived in Yulin and managed the place well in three years. He is a famous honest and upright official in history.
Yuan Fei
performer Du Chun
dubbing -
Ambitious young generals are greedy for magnificent and beautiful scenery. He keeps a secret step by step, and even his closest people do not know his true thoughts. In the face of his grateful and trusted adoptive father, he not only deceived him, but also wanted to kill him to remove obstacles for himself.
Mrs. Gandi
performer Yang Yang
dubbing -
Mrs. Lu Ji, the prefecture magistrate, is a wise "prefecture magistrate's wife" with profound righteousness and insight.
Lv Qing
performer Liu Jialiang
dubbing -
The county magistrate of Yulin, adhering to the three principles of "not drinking a cup of tea, not eating a meal and not receiving a baht of money", is a false honest official.
Lv Qing's wife
performer Lin Jing
dubbing -
The wife of a corrupt official of the villain is a simple and ordinary woman who works hard without complaint, loves her son as well as cannot get happiness.
Source of the above content [5-10]

Music soundtrack

Song title
The sun and the moon are all eyes
Postscript [11]

Behind the Scenes

1. Yu Rongguang, the producer and lead actor of The Legend of Clean Stone, invited Du Chun to play before shooting began, but Du Chun had already arranged other work at that time, and the time was very tight. Yu Rongguang explained to him that this was just a guest show, and only a few scenes, Du Chun agreed. [12]
2. In the play, Lin Jing plays the wife of the villain, a corrupt official. For the first time, she tries plain clothes, coarse clothes, especially makeup, without any lipstick, blush or eyeliner. [9]
3. Yu Rongguang said that the most difficult part in the shooting process is the lines. The lines are written in classical Chinese, which is different from the others. There are many place names and words used in official circles in that era, which are completely different from those in modern times. There is no language inertia, which is difficult to say, and they are all long lines. [5]

Drama evaluation

The Legend of Honest Stone is a TV series on anti-corruption during the Three Kingdoms period, closely following the current hot spots. It has been highly valued by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Commission for Discipline Inspection of Zhejiang Province, the Commission for Discipline Inspection of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and relevant leaders of Yulin City, and has also attracted many celebrities in the film and television industry to join the guest cast. Sina Entertainment review [9]