Yu Liang

Famous officials and scholars in the Eastern Jin Dynasty
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Yu Liang (February 18, 289-340), character gauge. Yingchuan County Yanling County (today Henan Province Yanling County )People. Eastern Jin Dynasty Famous officials of the period Celebrities , The Prime Minister's Military Counseling Yu Chen Son, Empress Mingmu Yu Wenjun Brother.
birth Yu Family of Yingchuan In his early years, he was the king of Langxie Sima Rui Calling Xicaopine He has successively served as the prime minister in the army, the middle secretary, and so on. Because of his beautiful appearance, good at talking about metaphysics, and serious and respectful behavior, he is highly respected. His sister Yu Wenjun Marry the son again Sima Shao As an imperial concubine, he also married Sima Shao friends in days of simple life Wang Dun's Rebellion At that time, the Left Guard General coordinated with the rebels. Emperor Cheng of Jin Dynasty After she ascended the throne, Empress Dowager Yu came to power, and Yu Liang had the right to make political decisions. After he came to power, he rebelled against the leniency of the king's guide, decided things according to law, and killed King Nandon again Sima Zong And so on, which greatly lost people's hearts. Later, he insisted on recruiting refugees Su Jun After entering Beijing Su Jun's Rebellion After the fall of the capital, Yu Liang fled to seek the sun and met the governor of Jiangzhou Wen Qiao Jointly promote Jingzhou governor Tao Kan He calmed down the unrest for the leader. After the chaos was settled, Yu emerged from the town of Yuzhou. After his death, Tao Kan took his place as the general of the Western Expedition, the governor of Lingjiang, Jingzhou and Henan, and the governor of the military affairs of the seven states. Xiankang In the fifth year (339), Yu Liang deployed various generals with the intention of Northern Expedition, but was opposed by the courtiers. Soon, Zhucheng, an important town, fell, which led to the defeat of the Northern Expedition and Yu Liang's depression.
He died in the sixth year of Xiankang's reign (340 years) at the age of 52, which was posthumously presented by the imperial court Taiwei , posthumous title Wenkang.
Yu Liangshan's calligraphy has 21 volumes of anthologies, which have been lost. Quan Jinwen 》Its text is recorded.
Yu Yuangui Yu Wenkang
Meta rule
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
one's native heath
Yingchuan County Yanling County
date of birth
289 years
Date of death
February 18, 340
Key achievements
Help Pingwang Town and stick to Baishi
Main works
Book supervision form in the middle school Wuchang Open School Official Education
True name
Yu Liang
Official position
General Zhengxi , Governor of the Seven Prefectures, Military Affairs, etc
Duting Marquis
Posthumous title
Posthumous gift
Yushu buries dust
Family information
Yu Family of Yingchuan

Character's Life


Rigorous style

Yu Liang is Empress Mingmu Yu Wenjun 's brother, yes Yu Chen 's son. Yu Liang is good-looking, good at talking and talking, likes the learning of Laozi and Zhuangzi, is serious and solemn, and behaves in a respectful manner, even in the Boudoir In addition, we don't need strict education, and we can abide by etiquette and law by ourselves. When people put him with Xiahou Xuan Chen Qun put on a par with. When Yu Liang was sixteen years old, the king of the East China Sea Sima Yue Yu Liang did not accept the idea of recruiting him as a private owner, but lived in Kuaiji with his father. He seemed to be self-confident, and people were afraid to approach him casually because of his seriousness. [1]
Yongjia The first year( 307 years ), Jin Yuan Emperor Sima Rui When he was the general of Zhendong, he heard of Yu Liang's reputation and recruited him as Xicaopine When the two met, the Yuan Emperor was overjoyed to see Yu Liang's appearance. He thought highly of him and wanted to hire Yu Liang's younger sister as his son( Sima Shao )Concubine, Yu Liang repeatedly refused, but the Yuan Emperor refused. Later, he became Prime Minister Join the army , participate in the crusade Hua Yi Meritorious, he was granted the title of Duting Marquis, and then transferred to the post of prime minister for military affairs, responsible for copying and sorting out documents. Eastern Jin Dynasty At the beginning of its establishment, Yu Liang was worshipped as a middle school scholar, and took charge of writing affairs Eastern Palace Serve as a lecturer. Most of the contents he taught and explained were praised by people. He and Wen Qiao Same as Prince Simashao friends in days of simple life At that time, the Yuan Emperor was Legalists Ideological governance in troubled times《 Han Feizi 》Give it to Sima Shao, Yu Liang thinks Shen Buhai Han Feizi's theory of names and techniques of punishment, which is harsh and harmful to etiquette and doctrine, should not pay more attention to these things. Sima Shao also agreed with this. Later, he moved to another post In progress Yellow Gate Waiter Free riding and regular attendants at that time Wang Dun Based in Wuhu, the Yuan Emperor asked Yu Liang to visit Wang Dun and discuss state affairs. Wang Dun talked with Yu Liang and moved his seat closer to Yu Liang. Later, he sighed: "Yu Yuangui is far more talented than Yu Pei Wei Ah. " So the above table recommended him as Middle leader [2]

Help Ping Wang Dun

Taining The first year( 323 years ), Emperor Ming of the Jin Dynasty Sima Shao Assume the throne and appoint Yu Liang as Chinese Book Supervisor Yu Liang resolutely refused, and Emperor Ming followed his advice. General at that time Wang Dun He has a rebellious heart, hates Yu Liang in his heart, but respects him on the surface. Yu Liang is worried, so he leaves his job on the basis of illness, and soon takes over Wang Dao Served as the supervisor of the secondary school.
Taining Second Year( 324 years )After Wang Dun started to fight, Emperor Ming paid homage to Yu Liang Left Guard General , together with the generals, resist Wang Dun's generals Qian Feng In July, Wang Dunyu Party Shen Chong Lose Wuxing County Yu Liang was appointed by Emperor Ming hold the imperial insignia —serve as a diplomatic envoy , the governor of the city marched eastward to various military forces and ordered him to supervise the refugees Su Jun They wait to chase Shen Chong. Wang Dun's Rebellion After the pacification, Yu Liang was awarded the title of the founding duke of Yongchang County for his meritorious service, and granted 5400 silks, but he resolutely refused to accept it. Later transferred Escort general [3-4]

See, hear, take care of your life

Three years of Taining( 325 years ), Emperor Ming was seriously ill and didn't want to see anyone, so officials couldn't enter the palace. Yu Liang suspects that he is the left guard general and Nandun King in charge of the lodging guard Sima Zong And the right guard general Yu Yin Xiyang Wang Sima Lei There was another plan, so he went straight into the palace to see the Ming Emperor. He wept bitterly and was very sad. He told that Sima Yao and Sima Zong and others proposed to depose the ministers, and they asked for help from the imperial court to depose them, but the Ming Emperor didn't accept it. A few days later, Yu Liang and Wang Dao were ordered to assist the prince Sima Yan , take turns to lead the troops in the palace and be on duty as the guards, and add Yu Liangwei In progress Middle order Before long, Emperor Ming died, and Emperor Jincheng Sima Yan succeeded him. In September, Empress Dowager Yu, acting as regent, ordered Yu Liang to Situ Wang Dao Shangshu Decree Bian pot They helped the government together, but in fact everything was decided by Yu Liang. [5-6]

Be in trouble

When Wang Dao was in power, he won the hearts of the people because of his leniency. After Yu Liang came to power, he opposed the previous policy and strictly followed the law, thus losing people's hearts. In addition, the assistant ministers in the imperial edict of the Ming Emperor did not Tao Kan and Zuyue They suspect that Yu Liang deleted the relevant part of the imperial edict and said some angry words. Yu Liang is afraid of causing civil strife, so he sends Wen Qiao Out of town Jiangzhou As my own solidarity Stone City As a precaution. However, Sima Zong, the king of Nandun, thought that he should not lose his official position, and he was resentful. He usually made friends with Su Jun. Yu Liang wanted to kill him, and Sima Zong also wanted to depose Yu Liang and take power by himself. At this time, the Imperial Historian Zhongcheng Zhong Ya impeachment Sima Zong In the rebellion, Yu Liang sends Zhao Yin, a right-wing general, to arrest Sima Zong. Sima Zong led the resistance and was killed by Zhao Yin. His family was demoted to Ma. And exempt Xiyang King Sima Lei Was demoted to Yiyang County King , Yu Yin was demoted to the post of Prefecture Chief of Guiyang. Sima Zong is a relative of the imperial clan; Sima Lei was an elder of the imperial family of the imperial court, and they were also important officials of the Ming Dynasty. The world believed that Yu Liang was destroying the imperial family. [7-8]
Bian Xian, a member of the party of Sima Zong, was killed with Sima Zong. Bian Xian's brother Bian Chan ran away Su Jun Yu Liang orders Su Jun to hand over Bian Chan by means of a rhyme, but Su Jun hides Bian Chan. Su Jun has recruited many outlaws, and he uses his power to punish people. Yu Liang thinks that Su Jun will eventually cause trouble, and he wants to issue an edict to recruit him to Beijing, for which he solicits the opinion of Wang Dao. Wang Dao said, "Su Jun is suspicious of insidious, so he will not obey the imperial edict, so it is better to tolerate him for a while." Yu Liang explained the matter again in the court, and none of the officials dared to challenge it. Only Bian Gu argued: "Su Jun is powerful, and close to the capital, so it will take less than a morning to march there. Once there is chaos, it is easy to make mistakes, so this matter should be considered carefully." Yu Liang refused to listen. Wen Qiao also wrote letters many times to dissuade Yu Liang. All the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty thought it was impossible, and Yu Liang refused to listen. When Su Jun heard about this, he sent Sima He to see Yu Liang refuse. Yu Liang won't let him Guo Mo Yu Bing Unify the army to guard against Su Jun. So an imperial edict was issued to enlist Su Jun as the chief minister, and Su Yi, Su Jun's younger brother, was asked to take charge on his behalf Tribe Su Jun refused again, but was not allowed. He dressed up for the call, but hesitated. At this time, his appointment to join the army was transferred to Kuang Shudu, the magistrate of Fuling County, who persuaded Su Jun to rebel. Su Jun joined Zuyue in raising troops. Wen Qiao heard that Su Jun did not accept the imperial edict, so he wanted to lead the army to guard the capital, Three Wu The place also needs insurgents to guard, but Yu Liang disagrees. He writes to Wen Qiao and says, "I'm more worried about the west (Tao Kan) than about Liyang (Su Jun), so please don't cross it Minefield One step. " [9-10]
November, Kontan Taohui He said to Wang Dao and asked, "When Su Jun has not arrived, cut off the access road to Fuling quickly, guard the road crossing west of the Yangtze River, and the enemy will be outnumbered. If Su Jun has not arrived, he can march into the city to intimidate it. If he does not go ahead now, Su Jun will arrive first. Once Su Jun arrives, people will fear and fear, and it will be difficult to fight with him.". This opportunity cannot be lost. " Wang Dao thought it was right, but Yu Liang didn't listen. On the first day of December, Su Jun sent generals Han Huang , Zhang Jian and others A humble person , Yu Liang regretted taking salt, grain and rice. [11]
When Han Huang invaded Xuancheng, Yu Liang sent an army to resist and could not win. Su Jun took advantage of the victory and attacked the capital Jiang Ling It covers the Danshan Mountain. Tao Hui said to Yu Liang, "Su Jun knows that Stone is heavily guarded, so he dare not come directly. He must come on foot from Xiao Dan and Yang Nan Dao. He should ambush the soldiers to intercept and capture them in one battle." Yu Liang refused to listen. Su Jun came here from Xiaodan Yang as expected. He got lost and hurried at night. All the departments were in chaos. Yu Liang regretted it when he heard about it. [12] The imperial court issued an imperial edict, fake Yu Liang Fu Jie, and the governor of the imperial court levied all military forces, and fought with Su Jun outside Xuanyang Gate. The soldiers deserted before the army formed a line. Yu Lianghe Equity Yu tiao Yu Yi They fled to seek the sun. Before leaving, he said to his valet Zhong Ya, "I trust you for the future." Zhong Ya said, "Whose fault is it that the lintel was broken and the rafters collapsed?" Yu Liang said, "It's too late to say what happened today." Yu Liang escaped in a small boat, and the soldiers scrambled to rob and rob him. Yu Liang's left and right attendants shot the enemy with arrows, but they accidentally hit the helmsman on the ship and fell down in response. The crowd turned pale and prepared to flee. Only Yu Liang'an sat still and said slowly, "How can he shoot the bandits with this technique?" Then everyone settled down. [13-14]
Yu Liang went south to join Wen Qiao, who always respected Yu Liang. Although he was defeated, Wen Qiao was ready to recommend him as the capital. Yu Liang declines, and together with Wen Jiao, they elect Tao Kan as the leader of the alliance. When Tao Kan came to seek Yang, he was still dissatisfied with Yu Liang because of the edict. People said that Tao Kan would kill the ruling minister to thank the world. Yu Liang is very afraid. When he sees Tao Kan, he blames himself. His demeanor is admirable. Tao Kan was relieved and said to Yu Liang, "You built the Stone City to guard against me, Lord, why did you beg me today?" They had a feast and chat together all day. Yu Liang knew that Tao Kan was always thrifty, so when he ate Xiebai, he specially left Xiebai behind. Tao Kan asked, "Why?" Yu Liang said, "Because Xiebai can be replanted." Tao Kan then exclaimed, "Yu Yuangui is not only casual and elegant, but also has the practical ability to govern." [15]
Tao Kan went to Jiankang with Yu Liang and Wen Jiao. After arriving at Stone City, Yu Liang sends the governor Zhang Yao to attack Su Jun's party member Zhang Yao, but Zhang Yao defeats him. Yu Liang sent Fu Jie to Tao Kan to apologize, and Tao Kan replied, "The ancients had three defeats, and you have only lost twice. Now it is an emergency, and you should not care about these." He also said, "The government has done a lot of things to bring about the disaster of the country. Since the royal family was in turmoil, it is only Su Jun who suffered from it." Yu Liang led two thousand people to stick to the white stone fortress, and Su Jun has more than ten thousand foot soldiers, The soldiers were frightened from all sides. Yu Liang inspires the whole army to fight hard. Su Jun has to retreat. Yu Liang then chases and kills hundreds of enemies. [16]

Out of Wuhu

Salty and Four years( 329 years )In February, the chaos of Su Jun subsided. Emperor Cheng came to Wen Jiao's boat, and Yu Liang was able to see Emperor Cheng, choking with sobs. Emperor Cheng ordered his officials to join Yu Liang on the throne. The next day, Yu Liang came again to kneel down and apologize, asking for his dismissal and preparing to take his family to the mountain forest. Emperor Cheng sent ministers and attendants to comfort him with an imperial edict written by Emperor Cheng himself, saying, "This is a disaster for the country, not my uncle's responsibility Seven temples It is not enough to appease people's censure. What's the reason for the Imperial Court to compare its officials with others, and what's the face of the officials among the human relations! I hope that even if your majesty grants forgiveness, it will be enough to preserve your head. You should abandon your ministers and let them live and die by themselves, so that people in the world can know the outline of encouraging good and punishing evil. " Emperor Cheng issued an edict to comfort Yu Liang, but Yu Liang did not listen. Still want to escape between mountains and rivers Jiyang Go east. Emperor Cheng issued an edict to the relevant departments to block the boat. Yu Liang asked to serve in the outside town, so he served as the military officer in Xuancheng, Jiangxi Province General Pingxi , Holiday Festival, Governor of Yuzhou, Lingxuancheng Internal history Yu Liang accepted the appointment and left Wuhu. [17-18]
In December of the same year, the later general Guo Mo Kill Jiangzhou Governor Liu Yin , occupy Pen mouth When Yu Liang rebelled, he asked to fight in person. The court ordered Yu Liang to serve as the commander-in-chief of the war, leading the generals Lu Yong, Mao Bao, Zhao Yin, Kuang Shu, Liu Shi and others to ride 20000 people on foot and meet with the captain Tao Kan. In March of the fifth year of Xianhe (330), Yu Liang arrived at Penkou and surrounded Guo Mo with Tao Kan. On May 19, Guo Mo's generals Song Hou bound Guo Mo and his son out of the city to surrender. Tao Kan executed them and sent them to Jiankang. Yu Liang then returned to Wuhu and refused the imperial reward. Tao Kan wrote to him and said: "Rewarding and punishing the rising and falling is the country's faith. It's strange that you should be a gentleman alone with such affectation." Yu Liang replied: "Marshal commander, generals, what merit do I have?" He resolutely refused to accept the reward. The court entered Yu Liang as the general of Zhenxi, and he refused. At the beginning, Yu Liang was appointed the Duke of Yongchang County for his contribution to the crusade against Wang Dun. Yu Liang gave up again and again, and went to the imperial court dozens of times. [19-20]

Northern Expedition

In June of the ninth year of Xianhe (334), Tao Kan Death. The court appointed Yu Liang as the military governor of the six prefectures of Jiang, Jing, Yu, Yi, Liang and Yong, and as the governor of the three prefectures of Jiang, Jing and Yu General Zhengxi Kaifu Yitong Third Division , holiday. Yu Liang resigns from the post of opening the government, Move town Wuchang. [21]
At that time, Wang Dao was assisting the government. Emperor Cheng was young, and the situation was difficult. He only maintained the general situation without paying attention to details. Zhao Yin, Jia Ning and other generals appointed by Wang Dao were not law-abiding, which made people feel worried and dissatisfied. Tao Kan once planned to take up arms to abolish Wang Dao, but Xi Jian disagreed, so he gave up. Later, Yu Liang wanted to dethrone Wang Dao again, so he wrote to Xi Jian, stating his fault and asking for Xi Jian's opinion. Xi Jian still disagreed, so he had to give up the matter. [22]
Xiankang Five years (339 years), Hou Zhao emperor Shiller When Yu Liang died, he saw that he wanted to recover the Central Plains, so he gave the post of governor of Yuzhou to the general of the auxiliary country Mao Bao Let him lead ten thousand soldiers with the Xiyang Prefecture Chief Fan Jun Zhucheng Tao was also named Nanzhong Langjiang and Jiang Xiaxiang, and led 5000 people to enter Mianyang. Yu Yi, Yu Liang's younger brother, served as a captain of the Southern Barbarians and a prefect of Nanjun, guarding Jiangling. Chen Xiao, Wuchang Prefecture Chief, was appointed as the assistant general and the governor of Liangzhou to enter the Meridian Path. He also sent some local teachers to attack Sichuan, enter Jiangyang, and capture Chenghan Li Hong, governor of Jingzhou, and Huang Zhi, governor of Bajun, escorted them to the capital. Yu Liang led a hundred thousand troops. According to Shicheng, he was the backup of all the armies, so he asked the Imperial Court for the Northern Expedition. Emperor Cheng asked his officials to discuss the matter. At that time, Wang Dao and Yu Liang had the same idea, but Xi Jian thought that the material preparation was not sufficient, so we should not act rashly, too often Cai Mo It is also believed that Stone tiger Yu Liang can't deal with it, so he will stop. Just when Zhao's army invaded Zhucheng, Mao Bao asked Yu Liang for help. Yu Liang thought Zhucheng was a solid city and did not send troops in time. In September of the same year, Zhucheng fell, and Mao Bao and Fan Jun drowned. At that time, Yu Liang was still in Shangshu and wanted to move to Shicheng. When he heard that Zhucheng was lost, he gave up. Yu Liang apologizes to Emperor Cheng and requests to demote himself to three ranks and be demoted to General Ansi. The imperial court ordered him to resume his original post. Soon after, I paid homage to him Sikong The rest of the official positions remain the same, and Yu Liang refuses to refuse. [23-24]
Yu Liang and Yu Yi's Northern Expedition [25]

To die with grief

Yu Liang became ill with depression after the fall of Zhucheng. At that time, Wang Dao and Xi Jian died one after another, so the court recruited Yu Liang as Situ Yangzhou Governor Record the Book , he refused again, and Emperor Cheng gave permission. [26]
Yu Liang died on the first day of the first month (February 18) in the sixth year of Xiankang (340) [27] He was 52 years old. The Imperial Court posthumously presented the title of Taiwei with the posthumous title of Wenkang [28] Emperor Cheng came to mourn in person. When they were buried, they presented Yongchang Gong's signet ribbon. His younger brother Yu Bing He tried to show Yu Liang's ambition and refused, with the permission of Emperor Cheng. [29]

Main impacts

Yu Liangzai Wang Dun's Rebellion At that time, the Left Guard General coordinated with the rebels. [3-4] Emperor Cheng of Jin Dynasty After he ascended the throne, Yu Liang had the right to make political decisions. He decided things according to law and killed Sima Zong, the King of Nandun, and so on, which greatly lost people's hearts. [7-8] Because of his insistence on recruiting refugees Su Jun Entering Beijing caused the chaos of Su Jun. Then he fled to seek Yang, and together with Wen Jiao, the governor of Jiangzhou, promoted Jingzhou governor Tao Kan as the leader of the alliance, which calmed down the unrest. [15]

Historical evaluation

Wang Dun : "Yu Yuangui is good at Pei Wei Far away! " [30]
Yu Yan "The symbol of righteousness is Yu, the ruler of the people. The sound of a square is golden, and the moral comparison is jade." [31]
Tao Kan "General Pingxi is generous and detailed, and his majesty Zhou Zhao Also. " [32]
Sun Chuo : "The golden virtue is faint, and the hard line is broken. The Su Ling is reflected in the south, and the Zhongzong is rising. Who praises it? Count Zhong Yigong. The talented people forget about it, and the shape follows the luck. If you dive again, you will be as graceful as a dragon." [33]
  • "Seeing Yuan Gui, listening to it is a matter of life. However, his pen is full of Chinese algae, kissing the waves, and Fang Chi sees the gentry. He is outstanding. He is small and resourceful, and he doesn't follow the country's long-term plan. He is talented and knows little, and he lacks the ability to secure the country's long-term plan. Xuan Ge sees the punishment, and discusses the matter of its origin. The tooth ruler is vertical, and the emperor reads more deeply than the negative light. It is to make Su Zu look for war, and the patriarchal line is almost covered. He has already suspected of being killed, and seeks to oust the negative plan. If the envoy Xi Jianxie is obedient, he will fight with his chariot and violate obedience. How can he be different from his husband, his wife, his father, his wife, his wife, his wife, and his wife! Fortunately, it is a great blessing for Yu Zong to swallow the boat and avoid becoming a sworn emperor. It is not the Jin government that is not clear. "
  • "The rules of the Yuan Dynasty are correct and the rules of the Yuan Dynasty are flattering. We can see the dark and narrow road and seize the opportunity in disorder. We are ashamed to be loyal to Changsha." [30]
Through repose : "Yu Liang is elegant and elegant, Liu Kuan Political affairs are superb. " [34]
author of the history Zizhi Tongjian : "Yu Liang External relatives Assisting the government, the first disaster, the country breaks the danger of the monarch, and flees to avoid it; Bian Dun Rank magistrate with military power With sufficient military supplies, the imperial court subverted and watched the victory and defeat; The crime of a minister is greater than that! " [35]
Xu Jun : "Don't be unkind about Shen Han, but Lao Tzu is not so good at Shen Han. At the beginning of the outrageous trend, he will always be good at it, and heresy will always look at it." [36]
Wang Yishan "I admire an official who has learned six skills and is loyal to the three masters. His strategy is the secret of Xun You and Jia Xu, his economy is the best of Zhou Yu and Lu Su, his singing is the elegance of Xie An and Yu Liang, and his herding is the benevolence of Yang Hu and Lu Xun." [37]
  • "The turbulent party entered the palace city, and the mother was frightened by the violence. Thirty two years ago, she was short of life, and Jiu should have blamed her own brother." [38]
  • "Wang Dunfu was flat, and Su Jun was in chaos. Seeing Yu Liang as the enemy of the Yuan Emperor, he kept a different picture. Seeing Yu Liang as the enemy of the Yuan Emperor, he changed his mind. When the original disaster was pushed forward, the imperial court controlled the generals and led to a huge challenge. However, Yu Liang's loss was more serious than that of the Yuan Emperor. Although Junjun has a heart of disobedience, at the beginning of his call, he sent Bai Liang, an envoy, to move out of the country voluntarily. However, he was ordered to levy and then asked again to mend the wasteland. If Liang promised to be accommodating, he had not yet dared to recruit soldiers and commit crimes, and the disaster would disappear, which is unknown. But it was not allowed again and again, and the provocation turned into chaos. Wen Qijian and Xi Jian tried to enter the guard but all failed. Kong Tantao tried to intercept and refused to follow. There was no way to stop changes in advance. There was no way to resist thieves in case of emergency. He died when loyal officials were killed, and the party entered the capital in disorder. He used the mausoleum, palace, and palace to rob the government, humiliate officials, and dirty women. Liang turned back and sailed far away, fleeing to hide the sun, and seeking a family and country. He was so impetuous and careless Crazy and cunning? Therefore, I call Su Jun's turmoil the first disaster, and the second most serious one. " [38]
  • "Yu Liang, as an uncle of the Yuan Dynasty, can't die if he is defeated. He blames himself and slanders others. Bian Dun looks back and still doesn't commit crimes. It's also known that the Jin government is ungrateful." [39]
  • "For Classic Noon The revenge plan was originally suitable for the Northern Expedition to save the people in Heshuo. It was also suitable for the Northern Expedition. Yu Liang asked him to attack Zhao, as if so. He who cherishes, has his ambition but has no talent. Cai Mo The argument is not that Zhao cannot be attacked, but that it is clear that Zhao cannot be attacked, so we have to make a vehement statement about it. " [40]
Lv Simian "The power of the Eastern Jin Dynasty is not weaker than that of the imperialist countries, and there are many gaps to be tapped in the north. So when we look at the Central Plains, those who have nothing to do so far are actually Wang Dun, Huan Wen, etc., who have ulterior motives. The officials who are loyal, such as Yu Liang, Yin Hao, and so on, are also worth or not at the time, where or not at the place, and have not been spread." [41]
Tian Yuqing : "Yu lights up from External relatives The history of the Jin family is very different from that of the Wang and Xie families. It is understandable that the Yu family cannot compare with the King of Qi and Xie. " [42]

Anecdotes and allusions


He who is fat or thin

Yu Liang went to visit famous people Zhou Yi Zhou Yi said, "What are you happy about? Why are you suddenly gaining weight?" Yu Liang said, "What are you hurting? Why are you suddenly losing weight [45]

Tired of Jinliang

Yu Liang once went to a Buddhist temple. When he saw a reclining Buddha, he said, "This gentleman is tired because he has helped all living beings." People took this saying as a famous saying. [46]

To be the handsome man of the people

Yu Yan When writing the Yangdu Fu, he praised Wen Jiao and Yu Liang and said, "Wen has set up a moral standard, and Yu has become an object of admiration. Compared with his voice, it is as sonorous as the sound of a copper bell; compared with his moral character, it is as shiny as a gem." When Yu Liang heard that the Fu has been written, he asked to have a look and hoped to give it to himself. So Yu Chan changed the word "Wang" to "Jun" and the word "Liang" to "Run". [47]

Fengnian Jade

The world praises Yu Liang as a jade in good years, and Yu's wings as food in famine years. The internal comments of the Yu family said: "It was Yu Liang who praised the childishness as food in the famine years, Yu series Like a jade in good harvest. " [48]

Who is on the right

After Wang Dun went east from Wuchang to Jiankang, Yu Liang asked him, "I heard that you have four friends, who are they?" Wang Dun replied, "Your Zhonglang( "A" )My captain( Wang Yan )Ah Ping( Wang Cheng )And Hu Wuyanguo( No need to supplement )。 Ah Ping is certainly the worst. " Yu Liang said, "It seems that he doesn't agree with the worst view." Yu Liang asked, "Which one is more outstanding?" Wang Dun said, "There is naturally someone (I want to say it is himself)." He asked, "Who is it?" Wang Dun said, "Alas! There will be a public opinion." People around Yu Liang stepped on his feet, and Yu Liang didn't ask again. [49]

Footless Lord Lin

Wang Xianzhi Once asked Xie An : "Mr. Lin( Branch forest )How about Yu Gong (Yu Liang)? " Xie An disagreed with this comparison and replied, "You have never talked about it before. Duke Yu can naturally surpass Duke Lin." [50]

Mourning the dead child

Yu Liang's son Yu Bin (Yizuyu Hui) was killed in Su Jun's Rebellion [64] Zhuge Hui 's daughter Zhuge Wenbiao Yu Hui's wife, who will remarry after becoming a widow Jiang Tang Zhuge Hui wrote to Yu Liang about it. Yu Liang replied, "Your love is still young, so it's natural to do so. But I feel grateful for the dead child, just like he just died." [51]

You can redeem me

When Wen Qiao was young, he gambled with merchants in Yangzhou and Huaizhong for many times. Once he gambled, he could not bet with others. Once, he went again and lost a lot of money, so he couldn't go back. Wen Jiao made up with Yu Liang, and he shouted to Yu Liang on the boat, "You should come to redeem me!" Yu Liang immediately sent the money to him, so he could come back. This has happened many times. [52]

Firethorn in chest

a monk Zhu Fashen Said: "Some people commented that Yu Liang was a famous person, but he hid it in his heart Firewood thorn , I'm afraid there are as many as three buckets! " [53]

Yushu buries dust

When Yu Liang was about to be buried, He Chong Sadly, he sighed: "How can people bear to bury Yushu in the earth emotionally?" [54]

Refuse to sell Dilu

Yu Liang's mount is Luma Yin Hao He thought that Luma would be bad for the owner, so he persuaded him to sell the horse. Yu Liang replied, "How can we transfer our troubles to others?" Yan Hao stepped down with shame. [55]

Yuan Gui Xiao Yong

When Yu Liang was in Wuchang, it was a cool autumn night and the scenery was quiet Wang Huzhi A group of people went up to the south tower to chant poems. While they were singing happily, they heard the sound of wooden shoes coming from the stairs. They thought it was Yu Liang. Then Yu Liang came with a dozen or so attendants, and everyone wanted to get up and avoid. Yu Liang said slowly, "Please stay here for a while. I'm not interested in this." So he sat on the hutch and sang, talked and laughed with everyone. Everyone in the room could enjoy themselves. Later, Wang Xizhi went east to Jiankang and talked about it with Wang Dao. Wang Dao said, "At that time, the style of Yuangui had to be restrained." Wang Xizhi replied, "Only the profound taste still remains." [56-57]

Dai Yang's prediction

Yu Liang once asked the warlock Dai Yang "Why is God good for the Hu people (Hou Zhao) and bad for me?" Dai Yang said to him:“ Stone tiger I will die this year. I am not worried about thieves, but about your illness. " Yu Liang asked, "How can I get rid of my illness?" Dai Yang said, "Jingzhou has been attacked by soldiers and Jiangzhou has been hit by disasters. You can resign as governor of these two states." But Yu Liang was not dismissed, so he became seriously ill. Dai Yang said, "When Su Jun was in trouble, you prayed for a blessing in the White Stone Temple and promised to offer a cow, but you have not yet paid your wish, so you are troubled by this ghost." Yu Liang said, "It's true that there is such a thing. You are a god." Someone asked Dai Yang, "How long can Yu Gong live?" Dai Yang: "Next year." At that time, Yu Liang could not recognize people, and people thought he was talking nonsense, Yu Liang did not die until the first day of the first month of the next year. [58]

The white headed male is here

Yu Liang Kills Nandun King Sima Zong Emperor Cheng of the Jin Dynasty Sima Yan I am young and don't know about it. After a long time, he asked Yu Liang: "Where is the old white headed prince (Sima Zong)?" Yu Liang replied that Sima Zong had been killed for his rebellion. Emperor Cheng cried and said, "Uncle said that he was a traitor, so he killed him easily. What should I do if others said that Uncle was a traitor?" Yu Liang was shocked after hearing the words. [59]

interpersonal relationship



  • father
Yu Chen With a beautiful character, the officials went to the prime minister to consult and offer sacrifices. [60]
  • mother
Wuqiu [60]


  • younger brother
Yu Bing Ji Jian, an official, a riding general, and a holiday. The pawn presented to Sikong and his attendants.
Equity He was named Shuyu, and the official went to Xizhonglang General, the governor of Yuzhou, and the supervisor of Xuancheng Lujiang Li Yang An Feng four county military and holiday festivals. When Emperor Cheng learned that he was being blamed for sending poisoned wine to Wang Yunzhi, he took poison and committed suicide, and presented it to the bodyguard and general Wei. His posthumous title was Jian. [30]
Yu tiao , with the character of Youxu, the official was the champion general, the Linchuan Prefecture Chief, was granted the title of (capital) Township Tinghou, and the pawn presented it to General Zuo. [30]
Yu Yi , with the character of Zhigong, the military, general Anxi, governor of Jingzhou, and fake festival of Yongliang Yizhou, the governor of Jiangjing, the governor of the capital city, led the Nanman school captain, granted the capital to Tinghou, and the pawn gave the chariot general a posthumous title of Su. [30]
  • younger sister
Empress Mingmu Yu Wenjun , the wife of Sima Shao, Emperor Ming of the Jin Dynasty. [30]


According to Jin Shu, Yu Liang has three sons [61]
  1. one
    Yu Bin He was brilliant when he was young Su Jun's Rebellion Was killed in. [30]
  2. two
    Yu Xi , official to the internal history of the State of Wu. [30]
  3. three
    Yu He , with the word of "Tao Ji", the officials lead the army in the middle. [30]


Yu Zhun Yu Xi, the eldest son of Yu Xi, was appointed governor of Yuzhou and general of Xizhonglang. [30]
Yu Kai , Yu Xi, the youngest son, the official to the right general. [62]
Yu Heng , the son of Yu He, who was sent by the official to the minister and then sent by the pawn to the doctor Guanglu. [30]


Yu Yue , the son of Yu Zhun, Yixi (405-419) served as the governor of Jiangzhou. [30]

Main works

Yu Liang has 21 volumes of essays, which have been lost. Quan Jinwen 》His works are included as follows: Rang Zhong Shu Jian Biao, Rang Feng Yongchang County Gong Biao, Recommended Zhai Yang Guo Fan Biao, Shang Shu Begging Skeletons, Please Release Tao Xia Shu, Please Stay in Yu Yi to Supervise Qin Zhou Shu, Seek Kai Fu Zhongyuan Shu, Chop Tao and Call Shang Shu, After the Prince Leaves the Temple, Wu Changkai Sets School Official Education, and Xi Jian Jian Jian, Report Wen Jiao Shu, Report Zhou Shaoshu, Report Kong Tan Shu "Books", "Answering Guo Yushu", "Answering Wang Qun's Rebellion to Cong's Father and Sister", "Zhai Zhengjun's Praise", "Setting up a Temple in Baishi to inform the Yuan Emperor successively", "Interpreting a Memorial Ceremony to Confucius". [43-44]
Yu Liang is good at calligraphy《 Chunhua Pavilion Post 》It includes the five lines of "Bookcase Tie" in its ink.

Commemoration for future generations

See entry: Yu Liang Lou (Jiujiang) Yu Liang Lou Ezhou [63]

Film and television image

2016 TV Drama《 Calligrapher Wang Xizhi 》: Li Xi As Yu Liang.

Historical data index

Jin Shu ·Volume 73: Biography 43 [30]
Comprehensive Mirror for Aid Government 》There are also records.