Uni Konstanz

Famous comprehensive university in Germany
zero Useful+1
University ä t Konstanz is a famous university in Germany Research University , comprehensive universities Global Alliance of Universities and Colleges Members. As a reform oriented university, it was founded in 1966, and ulm university The same period. In the first few years, the university was scattered in several buildings in the inner city of Konstanz. In 1972, it moved to Gith Mountain and built a campus covering an area of 90000 square meters.
Konstanz University has been selected since 2007 German elite universities After the project, it was selected as an elite university in 2012 and 2019, and University of Munich Munich University of Technology Aachen University of Technology Heidelberg University and Berlin University Alliance Together, it has become a school that has been selected into elite universities for three consecutive rounds. In addition, Konstanz University is a small and excellent university. Compared with its small enrollment scale, Konstanz has a broad campus area.
Chinese name
Uni Konstanz
Foreign name
Universität Konstanz
Time of establishment
Nature of running a school
Public University
Universitätsstrasse 10, Konstanz [8]
Current President
Prof. Dr. Kerstin Krieglstein [1]
School official website
Number of students
6,753 [8]
Number of teachers
seven hundred and sixty-eight [8]

History of school running

Uni Konstanz [2]
University ä t Konstanz is a public university in Konstanz, Baden Wuerttemberg, Germany Boden Lake Of Mainau (Mainau)。 Konstanz is a university town at the southernmost end of Germany [7]
In 1999, [7] Konstanz University divides the university into three schools, which include 13 departments: (1) Mathematics and Natural Sciences, including Mathematics and Statistics Department, Information Engineering and Information Science Department, Physics Department, Chemistry Department, Biology Department and Psychology Department; (2) The Academy of Humanities, including the Department of Philosophy, Department of History and Sociology, Department of Literature and Linguistics; (3) School of Law, Economics and Management, including Department of Law, Department of Economics, Department of Politics and Department of Management. In 2001, the university's 24-hour library was officially opened, which is also an innovation in Germany. On October 19, 2007, [7] German elite universities The second round of evaluation results announced that Konstanz University has become one of the six award-winning universities of the "Zukunftskonzepte", and Konstanz Biology Chemical Research Institute (Konstanz Research School "Chemical Biology") also won the award in the selection of "Graduate School".
Uni Konstanz

School running conditions



In 1999, Konstanz University divided the whole university into three schools, including 13 departments:
Academy of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Department of Information Engineering and Information Science
physics department
Department of Chemistry
Biology Department
department of psychology
Academy of Humanities
Department of Philosophy
Department of History and Sociology
Department of Literature and Linguistics
School of Law, Economics and Management
Law Department
Department of Economics
Department of Politics
Department of Management [2]

Teaching construction

Uni Konstanz
There are 92 universities [7] There are 10076 students in China (06-07 winter semester). In order to attract foreign students and connect with the world more quickly, universities offer more and more English courses and introduce European degrees evaluation system ( ECTS )And bachelor master degree. Universities and the United States Canada Israel , China, Europe and Africa More than 60 universities in many countries have established cooperative relations and exchange projects. In addition, there are more than 100 university cooperation within the scope of the EU "Socrates" and "Erasmus Program" projects.

Social evaluation

  • School reputation
Manager Magazine's ranking of law majors in 1997: 14th; Der Spiegel's ranking of German universities in 1999: 6th
In July 2019, selected in Germany“ Elite university ”List. [3]
  • School ranking
2019 Academic Ranking of Soft Science World Universities The University of Konstanz ranked 401-500. [4]
2020 USNews World University Ranking The University of Konstanz ranked 495. [5]
2020 Times Higher Education World University Ranking The University of Konstanz ranked 201-250. [6]
2025 QS World University Ranking The University of Konstanz ranked 466 in the Chinese. [8]

school environment

The school is located in Germany Baden Wuerttemberg Of Konstanz , with a population of 75000 Stuttgart It takes about 2 hours and 40 minutes by express [7]
The university is backed by Gith Mountain, overlooking Boden Lake , is one of the few campus collections in Germany Interest in life One of the universities in one body. Students' campus life is colorful. What they can do Sports More than 60, such as skiing in winter and underwater activities in summer.
Uni Konstanz

Well known alumni

University celebrities linguist Aleida Assmann, chemist Hans Herbert Brintzinger, historian Rudolf Schl ö gl et al.

Application information

Application deadline
January 15 (summer), July 15 (winter)
Admission requirements
German requirements: minimum class hours for applying for college preparatory department: 600 minimum class hours for applying for direct college admission: 800
Number of accommodation in the region: 2278
Main courses of teacher and student evaluation: No. 3 in total, politics and social sciences , Biology, Economics, Chemistry, German Language and Literature Physics, Law
School characteristics
Manager Magazine in 1997 Law Ranking of majors: 14th in 1999 Der Spiegel's ranking of German universities: 6th
Life navigation
School location: Baden Wuerttemberg; [7] Konstanz, with a population of 75000, takes about 2 hours and 40 minutes by express from Stuttgart.
Uni Konstanz