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Kang Li

The year of the Southern and Northern Dynasties in Japan
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Chinese name
Kang Li
kāng lì
Usage time


The Kang calendar refers to the period from 1379 to 1380. The emperor of this era was Later, Emperor Yuanrong Fang Shi of the Southern Dynasty Emperor Changqing The general of the Muromachi shogunate is Ashikaga Yoshimitsu

Yuan reform

Yuan change on March 22, Yonghe 5 (April 9, 1379 in the Gregorian calendar)
On February 24, the 3rd year of Kangli (March 20, 1381, the Gregorian calendar), the yuan was changed to Yongde

An allusion

"Cheng Cheng" from Tang Shu Kang of calendar Industry ".

Grand Chronicle

In February of the first year, the Muromachi shogunate general sent out Tuqi Laikang Recovery order.
March of the first year - Guandong Guanling Shangshan Xianchun Death remonstrance Kamakura Lehmann Foot
July of the first year- Yi Shi Zhenji He became the deacon of the shogunate.
First year - Yiman dismisses the head of the shogunate Hosokawa relies on , causing Lai Zhi to lose power from the shogunate Kangli Coup , succeeded by General Si Boyi
Two years- The justice of the hill kill Yudu Palace Outline , Li Man issued the order of justice recovery, which triggered Hill's Rebellion


Two years and three years in the first year of the Kangli calendar
1379, 1380, 1381
The first year of Honghe, the sixth year of Tianshou, the fifth year of Tianshou in the Southern Dynasty
Gan Zhi Ji Wei Geng Shen Xin You

Other years in the same period

Tianzuo (May 27, 1375 to February 10, 1381): the year of Emperor Changqing
Kouwa (February 10, 1381 to April 28, 1384): the year of Emperor Changqing and Emperor Houguishan
Xuanguang (the first month of 1371-June of 1379): Northern Yuan Dynasty - Yuan Zhaozong Boerzhijin Aiyou knows the year of Lidara
Tianyuan (June 1379 December 1387): Beiyuan Emperor Tianyuan The year title of Boer Yijin Tuo Gu Si Tiemuer
Hong Wu (From the first month of 1368 to December of 1398): the year of Zhu Yuanzhang, the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty
Changfu (1377-1387): the year of Chen Dynasty, the Emperor of Chen Abolishment