Inventory management

Management Academic Language
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Inventory management refers to the process of logistics Quantity of goods In the past, it was believed that there were many goods in the warehouse, indicating that the enterprise was developed and prosperous. Modern management, such as MBA, 12 CEOs and EMBA And so on Zero inventory It is the best inventory management. High inventory, Occupying funds More, the interest burden is heavier. However, if the inventory is excessively reduced, it will be out of gear.
Chinese name
Inventory management
Foreign name
inventory management
Management Academic Language
Management of commodity quantity in logistics process
Key points
Determine how to order and how much

Related concepts

According to the external stock The requirements of the enterprise, the characteristics of ordering, forecast, plan and implement an inventory replenishment behavior, and control this behavior. The focus is to determine how to order, how much to order, and when to order.
Inventory management system It is the basis of production, planning and control. The system implements the following functions: Location Accounting management, receipt/issue type, receipt/issue document management, timely reflect the storage and flow of various materials Production management And cost accounting. adopt Inventory analysis To provide inventory for management and decision makers Fund occupation Situation, material backlog, shortage/overstock ABC classification Different situations statistical analysis Information Batch No Tracking, realizing special approval and management, ensuring Quality tracking Through.
About inventory management, some enterprises in the United States Inventory cycle Only 8 days, but some Chinese enterprises have an inventory cycle of 51 days, only transportation cost For one thing, the proportion of sales is as high as 20% - 30%. From the perspective of logistics cost composition, China physical distribution management Cost accounts for 14% of the total cost, compared with 3.8% in the United States. In fact, inventory management for logistics enterprises is to reduce their costs. As a part of the supply chain, logistics enterprises should implement both inventory management and cost reduction from the perspective of the supply chain. As the development of China's logistics industry is still in its infancy to maturity, the overall experience of logistics planning capability is still insufficient, and Logistics informatization The degree is not high. Many logistics management is still managed manually, which directly leads to warehousing and Inventory cost Stay high. But since the 1960s enterprise informationization From the perspective of trend, the inventory management of logistics enterprises should also tend to be information-based, networked and highly integrated. With the rapid development of information technology and the influx of large foreign logistics enterprises into China, inventory management, as the core part of modern enterprise logistics management, should also adapt to the development of the times.
Inventory Management/ inventory control (inventory control)
Inventory control is also called inventory management,
1. Concept
Inventory management is mainly about "businesses related to the planning and control of inventory materials". It is designed to support Production operation
2. Same as Warehouse management Difference between:
Warehouse management is mainly for the management of warehouse or warehouse layout, material transportation and handling, and storage automation; The object of inventory management is inventory items, that is, all materials in the enterprise, including raw materials, parts, WIP, semi-finished products and products, and auxiliary materials. The main function of inventory management is to establish inventory management between supply and demand buffer To ease user needs and Enterprise production capacity Contradictions between final assembly requirements and spare parts, between parts processing procedures, and between manufacturers' requirements and raw material suppliers.
2. What is inventory.
stock (inventory) "is defined as" to support production, maintenance, operation and customer service Various materials stored for purpose, including raw materials and in-process products, maintenance parts and production consumables , finished products and spare parts, etc. ".
Narrow sense: "store things in the warehouse".
Broad sense: inventory means having economic value The stagnation and storage of any item of is all idle resources for future use.
Different enterprises have different understandings of inventory management. To sum up, there are three main types:
First, holding stock Generally speaking, a greater investment in inventory can lead to a higher level of customer service. For a long time, inventory has been regarded as the Material support Service link plays an important role in the operation of enterprises. An enterprise has a certain amount of inventory, which helps to ensure normal, continuous and stable production, and also helps to meet customer needs with quality and quantity Corporate reputation , consolidate the market Occupancy
Second, inventory control and maintenance Reasonable inventory The purpose of inventory management is to maintain proper inventory, neither overstock nor shortage. What puzzles enterprise managers is: what is the standard of inventory control? What quantity of inventory can meet the requirements? How is it reasonable to configure inventory? These are the risk planning problems of inventory management.
Third“ Zero inventory ”。 The main representative is punctuality Production mode (JIT)。 They believe that inventory is waste, and zero inventory is one of the improvement measures of efficient inventory management, which has been widely used by enterprises.

management style

(1) Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI)
In recent years, VMI (VMI Vendor Managed Inventory) Distribution system Some scholars believe that this inventory management method is the trend of future development, and even that it will lead to the revolution of the entire distribution management system (Marke, 1996). The theory supporting this idea is very simple: through centralized management of inventory and the Sales Information The replenishment system of manufacturers or distributors can be built on the basis of real sales market changes, improve the accuracy of retailers' sales forecast, shorten the production and ordering lead time of manufacturers and distributors, and optimize the replenishment frequency and batch quantity on the basis of linking supply and consumption.
(2) Customer managed inventory( CMI )
be relative to VMI CMI (Customer Managed Inventory) is another inventory control method that is opposite to CMI. Many people in the distribution system believe that consumer market The retailer is the closest to the consumer in the distribution system Consumption habits The aspect has the most say, so it should be the core part, and the inventory should naturally be managed by the retailer. Those who hold this view believe that the members in the distribution system who are farther away from the consumer market are less able to accurately predict changes in consumer demand.
(III) Joint inventory management JMI
Joint Management Inventory is an inventory management method between supplier management inventory and customer management. As its name implies, suppliers and customers jointly manage inventory and make inventory decisions. It combines the advantages of production or suppliers who are more familiar with the manufacturing of products, and the advantages of each group of retailers who master consumer market information and can reflect consumer consumption habits more quickly and accurately, so that they can make more accurate judgments on supply and sales. In the upstream of the distribution system, suppliers can more sensitively grasp the changes of the consumer market through the information provided by the point of sale and the inventory status provided by the retailer. The summary information of the point of sale enables the whole system to flexibly respond to the market trend; At the other end of the system, the point of sale can more accurately control the investment of funds and inventory level through the visibility of the whole system. By reducing system inventory and increasing system sensitivity among distribution system members (Ellram and Cooper, 1990; Battaglia, 1993;Cooper,1993)。 The whole system can benefit from the reduction of demand uncertainty and the high cost of dealing with emergencies. In the JMI environment, retailers can get the latest Product information And guidance or suggestions on various parameters of inventory control. However, as an independent organization, retailers also need to make their own inventory decisions.

Confronted with difficulties

1. Inventory management of branch multi warehouse
2. Inventory management
3. Inventory lending and return management
4. Inventory sample management
5. Inventory Usage fund management
7、 JIT Inventory management

Upgrade of means

In the past, inventory management was mostly carried out in the form of tables. The reports were not timely and the statistics were very inconvenient, ERP and Purchase, sales and inventory software Is constantly being Business owners Adopted as enterprise informationization An important trend of.

Purpose and function

(1) Seeking the effective use of capital. If there is a long-term backlog of redundant materials, it is the most troublesome thing for the normal operation of funds. To prevent funds from becoming rigid benign circle To generate profits.
(2) Keep the minimum inventory to ensure sales Flow energy Proceed smoothly so that Stock products The quantity shall reach the minimum limit that will not lead to insufficient stock, and the backlog of funds shall be avoided.
(3) Master the inventory status as early as possible, so as to deal with the excess and shortage of inventory in a timely manner.
(4) Save inventory costs. Proper storage of inventory can save inventory costs. The inventory cost is about 24% to 25% of the total inventory every year. 1974 Japan material management Association questionnaire investigation The conclusion is 24.06%, and later, due to Labor cost It is estimated to have risen to more than 30%. The increase of this amount has put great pressure on fund operation operating efficiency Deterioration.
(5) For the economic benefit of the enterprise. The storage of inventory will lead to a backlog of funds, and the shortage of inventory will also lead to a waste of funds. Only proper storage of inventory can achieve effective operation.
(6) Stable operation Level that can be reduced or maintained Manufacturing cost
(7) Promote production to prevent inventory shortage. The purpose of inventory is to reduce the material shortage rate in coordination with production Production period It exists to ensure material supply and promote production.
(8) Shorten production cycle Properly store materials and in-process products to shorten production cycle.
(9) Improvement Material handling Efficiency. In order to carry materials reasonably, it must be emphasized that Time concept , improve the handling and inventory, so that the perfect combination can achieve results.
(10) To shorten the material supply cycle. If the time from ordering to materials entering the factory is shortened, that is to say, the order of materials Delivery time Shorten, the reserve inventory for the supply cycle can be reduced.
(11) To prevent obsolete materials. Understand the characteristics of various materials, and take corresponding storage methods according to their characteristics. For those easily weathered, rusted, broken and bulky items, purchase them when necessary, or store them as little as possible.
(12) In order to effectively use the plant area Warehouse area In the limited site and plant, excessive materials are placed or stacked in scattered manner, resulting in crowding. In order to effectively use the area, three-dimensional storage should be used to improve storage efficiency.


(1) inventory control Role of
Mainly: on the premise of ensuring the production and business needs of enterprises Inventory Always maintain at a reasonable level; Grasp the inventory dynamics, timely and appropriately place orders to avoid overstock or shortage; Reduce inventory space occupation and total inventory cost; Control the use of inventory funds and accelerate Capital turnover
(2) Reasonable control of inventory
Problem caused by excessive inventory: increase Warehouse area and inventory custody cost , thereby improving Product cost Occupy a large amount of working capital , resulting in sluggish funds, which not only increases the burden of loan interest, but also affects Time value of funds And opportunity gains; cause Finished products And raw materials material loss and Intangible loss cause Enterprise resources A large number of idle, affecting its rational allocation and optimization; It covers all kinds of contradictions and problems in the whole process of production and operation, which is not conducive to improving the management level of enterprises.
Inventory Problems caused by being too small: resulting in the decline of service level and impact Sales profit and Enterprise reputation Inadequate supply of raw materials or other materials in the production system, affecting Production process Normal operation of; send delivery lead time Shorten and increase the order times, so as to increase the order (production) cost; It affects the balance of production process and the completeness of assembly.


(1) Occupying a large amount of enterprise funds;
(2) Increase the enterprise's Product cost And administration cost
(3) It covers many management problems of the enterprise, such as poor planning, poor procurement, unbalanced production, unstable product quality and poor marketing.

Main forms


Entrusted custody

Accept the entrustment of the user, and the entrusted party will store and manage the materials owned by the user, so that the user can no longer keep the inventory, or even can no longer keep the inventory Insurance reserves Inventory to achieve zero inventory. The trustee charges a certain amount of escrow fees. The advantage of this zero inventory form is that the entrusted party can use its professional advantages to achieve high level and low cost inventory management. Users no longer set up warehouses, and at the same time subtract a large number of warehouse and inventory management transactions, focusing on Production and operation However, this zero inventory method is mainly realized by inventory transfer, and fails to make Total inventory Lower.

Collaborative subcontracting

That is, the "sub com" mode in the United States and the "down please" mode in Japan. Mainly a kind of manufacturing enterprises industrial structure This structure can be based on the Flexible production Just in time supply makes the supply inventory of the main enterprise zero; At the same time, the centralized sales inventory of the main enterprise makes the sales inventory of several subcontracting labor services and sales enterprises zero.
In many developed country All manufacturing enterprises form a pyramid structure with a large main enterprise and hundreds of small subcontracting enterprises. The main enterprise is mainly responsible for the guidance of assembly and product market development, and the subcontracting enterprises respectively subcontract labor services, subcontracting parts manufacturing, subcontracting supply and subcontracting sales. For example, enterprises subcontracting parts manufacturing can adopt various production forms and inventory adjustment forms to ensure that Production rate , deliver the goods to the main enterprise at the specified time, so that the main enterprise will no longer set a level of inventory to achieve the goal of zero inventory.

Wheeling mode

The rotating mode, also known as synchronous mode, is a form of zero inventory and zero reserve, which can completely coordinate the speed of each link under the premise of careful design of the system, so as to eliminate even the temporary stagnation between stations. In this way Conveyor belt On the basis of type production, it is a form of large-scale extension, which enables production and material supply to be carried out simultaneously, and realizes zero inventory through transmission system supply.

On time supply

Complete rotation between production stations or between supply and production is not only a very difficult system engineering, but also requires a lot of investment. At the same time, some industries are not suitable for rotation. Therefore, the just in time mode, which is more flexible and easier to achieve than the wheel driven mode, is widely used. The just in time mode does not use the wheel drive system similar to the conveyor belt, but relies on effective connection and planning to achieve coordination between stations, supply and production, so as to achieve zero inventory. If the wheel drive mode mainly depends on "hardware", the just in time supply system depends on "software" to a large extent.

Kanban mode

It is a simple and effective way of punctuality, also known as“ summons Card system "or" card "system. A fixed format card is used as a voucher between the operations of an enterprise, or between enterprises, or between the manufacturer and the supplier production process Direction, specify supply to the previous link, thus Coordination relationship And achieve punctual synchronization. It is possible to realize zero inventory of supply inventory by Kanban.

Faucet mode

It's like turning off the water pipe water tap You can take water without having to keep your own inventory. After a certain period of time, this method has developed into a real-time supply system. Users can put forward purchase requirements at any time and purchase as much as they need. Suppliers assume the responsibility of real-time supply with their own inventory and effective supply systems, so that users can achieve zero inventory. The materials suitable for this form of supply to achieve zero inventory are mainly tools and standard parts.

No inventory reserve

country Strategic reserve The strategic reserve can play a huge role in critical moments, so almost all countries should have strategic reserves in various names. Due to the importance of strategic reserves, such reserves are generally kept in warehouses with good conditions to prevent their loss and extend their storage life. Therefore, it is almost unimaginable to realize zero inventory. The non inventory reserve is to keep the reserve, but not take the form of inventory, so as to achieve zero inventory. Some countries will not easily lose this kind of aluminum Strategic materials make Soundproof wall , roadblocks, etc. One example is not keeping inventory in the warehouse.

Delivery method

This is a comprehensive application. In the above ways, the distribution system is adopted to ensure supply and realize zero inventory.

Realizable form

1. Buy now and sell now
It means that after the product is warehoused Inventory cycle Sell all the products and collect the payment at the same time. This is the most ideal way of sales, but it is almost impossible to exist unless it is a monopoly or extremely popular product.
2. Immediate purchase and half sale
It means that after the products are put into storage, they can be accepted except for immediate purchase and sale Deposit Or the method of installment payment is to sell half of the products and "give them away", which is the most important way in actual sales and is relatively easy to achieve.
3. Delivery upon expiration
For products over the normal stock age, you can "send" them to users without payment, that is, sell them on credit. For those in long-term stagnation Stock products , they can be used to pay Relevant expenses We can "send" them out, such as replacing cash payment with dull products Advertising expenses , sponsorship fees, freight Storage fee wait.

Traditional management

Problems in Inventory Management of Traditional Enterprises
Inventory management is an important part of enterprise management (this paper takes manufacturing enterprises as an example). In the enterprise Production and operation activities Inventory management must not only ensure that the production workshop needs raw materials and parts, but also directly affect the purchase and sales activities of the purchase and sales departments. To invigorate Enterprise working capital , accelerate capital turnover, and minimize the Pressing silo Capital, which directly affects the Operating benefits According to the investigation and reference of the inventory management of many manufacturing enterprises in China, the following problems are found in the inventory management of manufacturing enterprises:
(1) Not available in time Inventory information In the process of enterprise operation, it is sometimes necessary to know the current inventory of various parts, but due to the large variety and quantity of parts, careful accounting is required, which is not only time-consuming, but also prone to errors, thus affecting the rapid and effective operation of enterprises.
(2) Inventory information is not accurate enough. godown keeper According to various Delivery note Return order Material Receipt , Material Issuance Material requisition and Material Return Note After the receipt and delivery of materials, the inventory information, borrowing and shortage information should be modified at any time to reflect the inventory status. The main problem in the work is that the inventory records and Physical inventory Often not strictly consistent. Therefore, it is necessary to correct errors through inventory, which is time-consuming and heavy workload.
(3) Unable to understand in time Issue And production materials. After the work order is issued, due to the complex relationship between parts and production lines, when delivering materials to each batching point according to the personal experience of the material feeder, there is often a lack of material issuing and using records and relevant information, and production lines often appear Material shortage Only then did I know the situation of material feeding, which led to confusion in production and material use, and I could not understand the actual situation of material issuing and production.
market demand With the increasing diversification and individuation, the cycle of product upgrading is becoming shorter and shorter, which requires manufacturing enterprises to change the status quo of inventory management.

Informatization inventory

At present, with the continuous development of social economy and the development of science and technology, the application of e-commerce in China is getting higher and higher. The proportion of e-commerce sales in total sales exceeds 1%, and is strong Upward trend More and more enterprises begin to enter the e-commerce industry.
In view of the uniqueness of e-commerce industry, a special inventory management system suitable for e-commerce websites has emerged in the market.
In the past two years, businesses have not only grown rapidly in number, but also in individual scale; More and more e-commerce businesses appear in the form of enterprises or teams. For e-commerce enterprise managers, improve collaboration work efficiency Protect sensitive data; Deep mining of business data has become particularly important, and these are not what the sales platform can provide. According to such requirements, some software adopts Process management , tasks are broken down according to position settings, and all operator permissions and views can be flexibly configured statistical analysis Function, which solves the above problems.
1.5 times principle and Inventory turnover
Inventory management has two aspects, one is the 1.5 times principle, the other is Inventory turnover , respectively described below.
1.5 times principle
The 1.5 times principle is one of the main contents of inventory management. It is the principle of safe inventory summarized from the sales practices of many companies. The specific data is the basis for the proposed customer order in this period based on the sales volume of customers in the previous period. The sales staff must master the 1.5 times principle operating duty One is to actively win over customers Order quantity And keep abreast of customer sales marketing strategy It is built on the basis of improving customer sales and interests, so it can win customer trust and be easily adopted by customers.
The 1.5 times principle is also a scientific basis. However, just like many marketing laws, they must be flexibly mastered and applied to avoid rote copying. For example, in case of special circumstances, appropriate changes should be made (such as weather holiday and vacations Etc.), otherwise it will affect the business.
After the 1.5 times principle is used well, it can ensure that customers have sufficient inventory, reduce the possibility of out of stock and out of stock, ensure that customers can buy the products they need at any time, and help customers not miss every opportunity to clinch a deal.
(1) Relationship between 1.5 times inventory principle and order making
At the sales staff Sales call It is necessary to suggest a reasonable order quantity to the customer, which is called "order making". It is one of the tasks that sales personnel must do when visiting customers. The so-called order making is based on the sales volume of the customer in the previous stage, combined with the new sales promotion Or seasonal timing or weather and other factors, suggest a reasonable order quantity to the customer, and mobilize him to order according to the suggestions. When making an order, the data recorded on the customer card should be used, so the prerequisite for making an order is to fill in it correctly Good customers Card. Only in this way can we effectively use the 1.5 times principle for inventory management, improve the efficiency and efficiency of the visit Maximum possible Expanding sales, which is also one of the key responsibilities of sales personnel, is Direct action Sold on.
Some salesmen work with the idea of "taking orders". Taking orders is different from making orders. One is passive, the other is active. Taking an order means that the initiative is in the hands of the customer, while making an order is proactive. It is an order plan based on the results of the customer's sales and inventory research. Obviously, two Working methods It is a completely different effect. Making orders ensures the accurate grasp of customer sales, and also ensures the most effective use of customer funds, space, energy and time to create maximum profits.
(2) Steps to make an order
"Order making" should follow the following steps:
Step 1: check the data on the customer record card;
Step 2: Calculate the actual sales volume since the last visit;
For example, the inventory of the last visit; Order quantity at the last visit; The current inventory of the customer at the time of this visit. The above data sales representatives have filled in the customer card when visiting customers. When calculating the sales volume since the last visit, Sales Representative They will be used, so the data on the customer card should be correct.
Step 3: Suggest new order quantity.
The principle of 1.5 times safety stock should be emphasized when proposing new order quantity. The specific calculation method is as follows:
Safety stock=actual sales after the last visit X1.5
Suggested order quantity=safety stock - on hand stock
(3) How to make customers accept the 1.5 times principle Ordering plan
In actual work, many sales personnel also know the above steps very well, and can accurately calculate the number of orders according to the 1.5 times principle, but can not get orders that conform to this principle. How can we avoid such situations?
The key is to master the skills to make customers accept suggestions when making orders. Some customers do not understand the benefits of making orders according to the 1.5 times principle. The sales staff must be able to make customers understand:
The suggested order quantity according to this principle is reasonable, so as to ensure that customers maintain the appropriate inventory quantity, avoid stock out, and the shelf space can be used efficiently;
With a certain amount of inventory, it can meet the purchase needs of consumers, and will not miss any transaction opportunities;
The 1.5 times inventory principle can help customers effectively use space and funds, without causing losses such as overstock of goods, funds, and invalid occupancy of space;
The principle of 1.5 times inventory plus inventory turnover can ensure that customers will always provide consumers with fresh products, which can improve the image of sales outlets and drive the sales of other goods;
Let the customer know that what the salesperson does is to help the customer better meet the needs of consumers and improve customer sales and profits;
Sales staff must use their knowledge and skills to gain the trust of customers. Once this trust is established, customers will accept the proposal of making orders based on the principle of 1.5 times.
If the salesperson sells strictly according to the call route and frequency, there is a certain period for each customer's visit, and they can also tell the customer 1.5 times safety stock It can effectively ensure that customers will not be out of stock or Overstock
Inventory turnover
Inventory turnover is a major part of inventory management for customers, and it is also one of the important responsibilities of the company's sales staff. The goods sold to customers can not be sold out at once, but will last for a period of time. There is always an inventory. For food, it is more complicated that there is a quality guarantee period Problems. Thus, inventory must be managed scientifically and effectively.
(1) What is Inventory turnover
inventory management The main content of is inventory turnover. What is inventory turnover? It includes two types: front-line inventory and backup inventory turnover. Frontline inventory refers to bulk goods displayed on shelves or in the retail environment; Backup inventory refers to the goods stored in the warehouse for replenishment. Inventory turnover includes the turnover of front-line inventory and backup inventory. It requires that on the one hand, the salesperson should replenish the goods on the customer's shelf in time to ensure that Product display Meet the vividness standard; On the other hand, we should follow the principle of first in first out for inventory turnover, so as to ensure that the products provided by customers to consumers are always fresh. In fact, the so-called inventory turnover refers to the circulation of products on the shelf that have not been sold for the time being according to the principle of first in first out.
Inventory turnover is a daily work that sales personnel must do when making sales calls to ensure that what customers provide to consumers is always up to date date of manufacture Products. Inventory turnover is not only one of the important responsibilities of sales personnel, but also guide and influence customers to do daily inventory turnover. The salesperson must make the customer understand:
Inventory turnover can effectively and directly stimulate sales. Obviously, if the goods displayed on the shelves are sold out and not replenished in time, many sales opportunities will be lost. Moreover, the products stored in the warehouse cannot be sold, and the lost sales opportunities will never come back.
No profit without inventory. Products that are not available on the shelf cannot be sold. A reasonable inventory of products is the simplest way to ensure that there are goods available for sale.
Facilitate sourcing and help customers prepare correctly Commodity inventory Most customers decide the type and quantity of order according to their inventory. If there is no product in the warehouse or there is no product in the warehouse, the shopkeeper will place an order, so if the salesperson helps customers put their inventory of products on the shelf to make their warehouse empty, they will naturally place an order.
Salesmen help customers replenish goods on shelves during daily visits, which can not only stimulate sales, but also save customers' time and their own time. This job is not only the job responsibility of the sales representative, but also high-level Sales Supervisor When visiting retailers, managers should also help customers with inventory turnover, and also influence customers to help them make timely replenishment. Excellent companies and salespeople understand that sales is not just about selling products to customers, but only about consumers buying and actually consuming fresh products. In order to ensure that consumers must buy fresh products, the principle of first in, first out may be followed to avoid product expiration, avoid customer returns, better meet consumer needs, and ultimately win sales and profits for customers.
(2) How to carry out inventory turnover?
How to perform inventory turnover? The salesperson shall be replaced in time according to the company's regulations and standards rejects , manage customers' inventory, strive to be customers' professional consultants, and actively provide customers with comprehensive inventory management services, rather than just "receiving orders". To achieve this, sales personnel must:
For the company's products Knowledge mastery Comprehensive, such as shelf life, code meaning, product storage conditions, etc. For another example, if the product is placed in a place directly exposed to the sun, it will fade, which will affect the quality and is not easy to sell.
Secondly, sales personnel must understand the scope of application of various packages and the amount of inventory. That is, through understanding the needs of consumers and customers, understanding the knowledge of various brands and packaging, and recommending the correct packaging and brands to customers Portfolio This is to ensure that customers are selling products that meet consumer needs customer management Preconditions for.
Thirdly, we should deeply understand the principle of inventory turnover. There are three principles that must be observed: manually turnover of products displayed on the shelf; Implement the principle of first in first out; Record the inventory into the customer card.
In addition, inventory turnover should also pay attention to methods and techniques. all round Product knowledge It can help to master the shelf life, storage conditions, and the best time for consumers to buy; Familiarity with the scope of application and inventory of various packages can help sales personnel to judge the distribution standards implemented by different retailers and set the appropriate inventory quantity according to the delivery situation of the retailer; Forecasting opportunities can help salespeople think more rationally and consider some factors affecting business in advance, such as the impact of seasons; Understand the business and space constraints, help you develop different business propositions according to these situations and successfully sell them to retailers so as to obtain opportunities for cooperation and promote performance improvement; Commercialization activities can obviously increase sales through on-site sales stimulation.
For another example, inventory turnover has many tangible benefits for customers. Mainly, helping customers manage the inventory of shelves and backup warehouses can save customers' time; It can save the time of the manufacturer; Accurate inventory turnover can help you know the inventory quantity at any time, judge the sales status, and do a good job of replenishment; wait.

system requirements

1. System initialization
Basic data Warehouse information , storage location, composition information, common inventory data, etc.
System support Query, print, add, modify, delete and other operations of basic data.
coding scheme : Definition Classification of goods , inventory attribute, department, subcategory, etc.
2. Daily business:
(1) Procurement Receipt Doc The purchase receipt document generally refers to the receipt document filled in during the acceptance and receipt of purchased raw materials; An enterprise generally refers to the receipt document filled in when goods are purchased and received. The purchase receipt document is the main part of the enterprise receipt document. Therefore, in this system, the purchase receipt document is also one of the main original documents for daily business.
(2) Materials Outbound order The material issue document is the issue document filled in when an enterprise collects materials. The material issue document is the main part of the enterprise issue document. Therefore, in this system, the material issue document is also one of the main original documents for daily business processing and bookkeeping.
(3) Finished products Receipt Doc A finished goods receipt document is a receipt document filled in when finished goods are accepted and received. Finished goods receipt documents are the main part of enterprise receipt documents.
(4) Sales issue document Sales issue document refers to the issue document filled in during finished goods sales issue. Sales issue documents are also the main part of enterprise issue documents. Therefore, in this system, sales issue documents are also one of the main original documents for daily business processing and bookkeeping.
(5) Miscellaneous Receipt Doc An enterprise's miscellaneous receipt document refers to other receipt businesses other than purchase receipt and finished goods receipt, such as transfer receipt Inventory gain receipt , type change receipt, etc.
(6) Miscellaneous issue document Miscellaneous issue of an enterprise refers to other issue businesses other than sales issue and material issue, such as transfer issue Inventory loss issue , type transformation stock out, etc.
(7) Transfer: manage the transfer between warehouses Physical transfer Warehouse allocation and transfer in the sense of distribution belong to transfer transaction type.
(8) Form transformation: something is being processed or stored procedure If the form and name change due to processing or environmental reasons, you need to process the form conversion business and adjust the inventory account.
(9) Backflush: For the WIP business in the production phase and the semi-finished product business without receipt, the system Product structure management Realize the function of offsetting raw materials with WIP and semi-finished products, and realize WIP Semi finished product management
(10) Count sheet
Due to measurement error, inspection negligence, poor management Natural wastage , accounting errors and other reasons, sometimes there will be inventory gains, inventory losses and damage of goods, resulting in inconsistent accounts and goods. In order to protect the safety and integrity of the enterprise's current assets The account is consistent with the fact The enterprise must check the articles regularly or irregularly. Determine the actual inventory of various articles of the enterprise, check with the book records, find out the number of inventory gains, inventory losses and damage of articles and the causes, and prepare an inventory report based on it, and submit it to the relevant departments for approval according to the prescribed procedures. After finding out the causes, distinguishing the responsibilities, and reporting to the relevant departments for approval according to the prescribed procedures, the inventory surplus, inventory loss, and damage of articles shall be subject to the corresponding accounting treatment, and the article account shall be adjusted Real existence To make the book record of the goods consistent with the physical inventory. The article inventory report is used to prove the inventory gain, inventory loss and damage of the enterprise's articles, and to adjust the actual number of articles Written evidence , can be used as Original voucher Entry. However, the inventory surplus, inventory loss and damage of articles must be reported to the relevant departments for approval according to the prescribed procedures before they can be handled.

matters needing attention

Inventory management should specifically consider the following two issues:
First, according to the sales plan, when the goods produced according to the plan circulate in the market, we should consider where and how much they are stored.
Second, from the service level and economic benefits to determine the inventory and how to ensure replenishment.
The above two problems are related to the function of inventory in the logistics process.
Generally speaking, the inventory function includes:
(1) Prevent gear break. Shorten the time from receipt of orders to delivery of goods to ensure quality service and prevent out of stock at the same time.
(2) Ensure proper inventory and save inventory costs.
(3) Lower Logistics cost Use appropriate time interval Replenish the reasonable quantity of goods corresponding to the demand to reduce logistics costs and eliminate or avoid the impact of sales fluctuations.
(4) Ensure the planning and stability of production to eliminate or avoid the impact of sales fluctuations.
(5) Display function.
(6) Reserve function. It can be stored in large quantities when the price drops, so as to reduce losses and meet emergency needs such as disasters.
When it comes to the location of the warehouse (inventory), the first thing to consider is the quantity and location. If it is Distribution Centre , it should be set in an appropriate place as far as possible according to customer needs; If it is a storage center, the principle is to minimize the supplement to the distribution center, and the location has no certain requirements. After the inventory site is determined, it is necessary to consider what kind of goods are stored in each site.

Implementation method

implementation Supplier inventory management First of all, we must have a good information communication platform EDI On the basis of, the original EDI resources are re integrated to build an information communication system suitable for supplier inventory management.
2. Workflow design of supplier inventory management
Implemented by buyer's enterprise and supplier VMI After that, the VMI Workflow To ensure the implementation of the entire strategy.
The implementation of the entire supplier inventory management is transparent, and the buyer enterprises and suppliers can monitor it at any time. It is mainly divided into two parts:
stock Management part : Actually Sales Forecast And inventory management and suppliers production system Because these parts of the work are mainly coordinated by the supplier and the buyer's enterprise after the implementation of supplier inventory management, they are treated as a module: first, the buyer's enterprise obtains the sales data of the product, then combines it with the current inventory level and transmits it to the supplier in a timely manner, and then the supplier's Inventory management system Make a decision: if the supplier has Storage system The quantity of products that can meet the needs of the inventory management system to make decisions is directly determined by warehousing and transportation Distribution system Direct and timely delivery of products to the buyer's enterprise. If the existing storage system of the supplier can not meet the requirements of the inventory management system to make decisions, it must notify the production system to produce products and then timely deliver the products to the buyer's enterprise through the transportation and distribution system. Where, in Formal order Before generation, it should also be submitted to the buyer's enterprise for verification, and the final order can be obtained after adjustment.
Warehousing, transportation and distribution system: on the one hand, it is responsible for the storage of products: sorting, warehousing and storage of products; On the other hand, it is responsible for the transportation and distribution of products: the products shall be delivered to the buyer's enterprise in time as required, and the arrangement shall be as consistent as possible economic performance Transportation of Distribution plan , such as batch transportation and Less than carload transportation Selection, transportation route and time arrangement, arrangement of carrying capacity, etc;
Supplier inventory management
3. Supplier inventory management organization structure adjustment
In order to adapt to the new management model , the organization needs to be adjusted according to the workflow of the supplier management library.
Because the supplier inventory management is for the original enterprise Management Policy In order to ensure the normal operation of supplier inventory management, it is necessary to set up a coordination and evaluation department for supplier inventory management, whose main functions are:
(1) After the implementation of supplier inventory management by the personnel of the original enterprises, the cooperation in work may lead to Conflict of Interest Therefore, the supplier inventory management coordination&evaluation department can formulate a series of Working standards To coordinate and solve these problems can serve as a bridge for communication between enterprises of both sides.
(2) Because after the implementation of supplier inventory management, the original jobs will be appropriately consolidated and adjusted: for example, the original inventory of the buyer's enterprise and Warehousing personnel They may think that the existing supplier inventory management is a threat to their jobs, so the supplier inventory management coordination&evaluation department should do their work well and make appropriate arrangements and adjustments to their work.
(3) Monitor and evaluate the implementation of supplier inventory management to provide reasonable science management information To the senior management of the enterprise as an important basis for the senior management to adjust the enterprise.
Different members of the supply chain have different conflicting goals. When the system is not coordinated, each member of the supply chain optimizes itself and acts, resulting in local optimum , which leads to repeated inventory establishment and cannot achieve the overall optimization of the supply chain. To achieve global optimum Members of the supply chain should realize what is optimal for the whole system. In order to coordinate the behavior of all members of the supply chain, they must obtain information, and the most effective way to obtain information is to establish benefit sharing and risk sharing Strategic alliance This win-win Partnerships , providing a breakthrough for the inventory management of the supply chain management Here are three Supply Chain Inventory Management method.
one VMI
Vendor Managed Inventory VMI )The system, sometimes referred to as the "Supplier Replenishment Inventory System", refers to the supplier's management of the user's inventory with the user's permission. The supplier determines the inventory level of each product and the strategy to maintain these inventory levels. In the case of VMI, although the retailer's goods Inventory Decision Dominance It is controlled by the supplier, but in the store Space arrangement Retailers still dominate the decision-making of store space management such as commodity shelf layout. VMI is a supply chain inventory management method based on the retailer supplier partnership. It breaks through the traditional mode of "inventory is managed by the inventory owner", and can not only reduce the inventory level of the supply chain, cost reduction It can also provide users with a higher level of services, accelerate the turnover of funds and materials, so that both the supplier and the demander can share interests and achieve a win-win situation. VMI features:
On the one hand, information is shared. Retailers help suppliers make plans more effectively. Suppliers get information from retailers sales office Data and use this data to coordinate its production, inventory activities and retailers' actual sales activities;
On the other hand, the supplier completely manages and owns the inventory until the retailer sells it, but the retailer has the obligation to keep the inventory and is responsible for the damage or damage of the inventory. There are many advantages to implementing VMI. First of all, suppliers have libraries. For retailers, redundant ordering departments can be saved, human tasks can be automated, unnecessary control steps can be removed from the process Inventory cost Lower, service level Higher; Secondly, suppliers have inventory, so they will consider more about inventory, and try to manage it more effectively. By coordinating multiple retail production and distribution, they will further reduce total cost
Third, suppliers can forecast the demand based on the data at the sales time point, and can more accurately determine the passenger and cargo batches, Reduce forecast Of Uncertainty , thereby reducing Safety stock , named storage and delivery costs are less, and suppliers can respond faster user demand , improve the service level, and reduce the inventory level of users. In addition, the implementation of VMI should pay attention to the following issues:
(1) Trust issues. This cooperation needs some trust, otherwise it will fail. Retailers should trust suppliers and not interfere with suppliers' monitoring of delivery. Suppliers should also do more work to make retailers believe that they can manage their own inventory as well as retailers' inventory. Only through mutual trust and communication and cooperation can existing problems be solved.
(2) Technical issues. Only advanced information technology can guarantee Data transfer Of timeliness and accuracy , and these technologies are often expensive. The point of sale information and distribution information are transmitted to suppliers and retailers respectively by using the cow like cedar technology Barcode technology and scanning technique To ensure the accuracy of data, and inventory and product control and planning systems must be online and accurate.
(3) Inventory ownership. Before deciding who will replenish the inventory, when the retailer receives the goods, the ownership is transferred to the consignment relationship, and the supplier owns the inventory until the goods are sold. At the same time, due to the increased responsibility of supplier management and the increased cost, both parties need to negotiate the terms to reduce the overall inventory of the sharing system between retailers and suppliers.
(4) Fund payment. In the past, retailers usually paid for goods one to three months after receiving the goods. They may have to pay for goods after the goods are sold. The payment period has been shortened. Retailers should adapt to this change.
Joint inventory management is based on the integration of dealers risk sharing Inventory management mode. It is different from VMI. It emphasizes that both parties should participate and jointly develop inventory control Planning enables the supply and demand parties to coordinate with each other, and makes inventory management the bridge and link between the supply and demand parties.
The traditional distribution method is that each dealer Market demand forecast Order directly from the manufacturer, due to the existence of Lead time It will take some time for the products to be delivered to the dealers, but the customers are unwilling to wait so long. Therefore, each dealer has to deal with the inventory. At the same time, in order to shorten the lead time, the manufacturer has to save the inventory to meet customer requirements as soon as possible. Whether dealers or manufacturers, a sudden order can only be satisfied by increasing inventory and personnel customer demand However, because the accessories of some products are expensive, expensive, and the inventory is too large, which will make dealers unable to afford, and at the same time, it is also uneconomical for manufacturers. Therefore, it is not possible to meet the needs of every customer by increasing the inventory, and a new solution must be found. With the help of modern information system technology, this problem can be well solved by establishing an integrated strategic alliance of dealers and combining the inventory of various dealers to achieve joint inventory management. Joint inventory management is a computer-based information system installed by the manufacturer to connect the inventory of each dealer through the system. Each dealer can check the inventory of other dealers through the system, find parts and exchange them. At the same time, the dealers reach an agreement under the coordination of the manufacturer, Promise to exchange parts under certain conditions and pay a certain amount of remuneration. In this way, the inventory of each dealer can be reduced and the service level can be improved. The implementation of joint inventory management has many advantages. For dealers, an integrated inventory pool covering the entire distribution network can be established logistics system , which can not only reduce the inventory of dealers and the entire supply chain, but also quick response User demand, more efficient and fast transportation of parts, reducing the loss of dealers due to out of stock Opportunity Improved the service level; For manufacturers, dealers are closer to customers than manufacturers, can better respond to customer requirements faster, and Buy products Arrange financing and provide good after-sales service so that manufacturers can concentrate on production and improve product quality Experts once said: "The dealer has created the image of a company, not just a company standing behind the products, but a company with its products all over the world."
To implement joint inventory management, the following work should be done well:
(1) To establish supply and demand coordination Management mechanism The manufacturer should take responsibility, provide necessary resources and guarantees, make dealers believe in their commitments, coordinate the work of their dealers (sometimes competing dealers), and establish common cooperation goals and Distribution of benefits excitation mechanism Create risk sharing and resource sharing Opportunities.
(2) Establish information sharing and communication system. Utilize the advantages of EDI and POS systems, bar code and scanning technology, and the Internet to establish a smooth information system between supply and demand, so that dealers can coordinate and respond quickly to user requirements.
(3) The dealers should establish mutual information. Some dealers will doubt whether it is worthwhile to participate in such a system, especially when their inventory is more than others. At the same time, participating dealers should rely on other dealers to help them provide good Customer service At this time, the manufacturer should give strong support and do more work to build trust among dealers, so that different dealers can play their skills in different fields and achieve the goal of joint inventory management.
3. Use of third parties Logistics supplier To manage inventory
Due to resource constraints, no company can be self-sufficient and become an expert in business. Third party logistics Suppliers can provide them with efficient inventory management service To meet the needs of customers, so that suppliers in the supply chain can focus on their own core business Instead of spending too much money to build new storage facilities or rent goods for a long time, so as to reduce inventory costs, provide more diversified customer services than employers, and improve Service quality Third party logistics strategy For manufacturers External resources , change into logistics Fixed expenses by Variable expenses And can get the experience of logistics experts and Logistics technology To accept high-quality professional logistics services and provide users with more satisfactory Value added services The third-party logistics supplier plays a role as a bridge between the supply and the user, eliminating the inventory of both the supply and demand sides, and improving the competitiveness of the supply chain. The implementation of third-party logistics should be based on the contract. It is a long-term cooperative alliance. Both parties should remember that it is a third-party alliance with mutual benefit, risk sharing and return sharing.
Common problems of inventory management and resolvent
First Sales plan Incorrect. Many agents do not have a sales plan when they place an order. The first order does not understand the purchase logic of consumers, resulting in inaccurate orders; Franchisee whole Accuracy Not high, resulting in inaccurate replenishment. order goods inaccurate The first reason is. according to industry insiders Introduction, Brand dealer The contract with the agent is either buyout or certain Return rate Or exchange rate, which is not really conducive to digestion. Although some brands have established some allocation channels for agents, there is no systematic Data analysis , which did not play a real role in effectively reducing the inventory of agents.
Second, order meeting mode dependence distributor Not provided by consumers Market information In this mode, it takes a long time for a real demand to become a product. Most domestic manufacturers need an average of 90 days from receipt of orders to the listing of finished products, and some can reach more than 120 days. As a result, many stores are selling last season's popular styles.
Third, ignore the design itself consumer demand The manufacturer believes that "the current international fashion is in China first-tier cities If they can't sell, they can put them on the second line the third-class cities "To sell", which can only lead to a backlog of products, because they ignore the power and role of the Internet, as well as the consumer consumption concept caused by traffic and other reasons Rapid change
Fourth, utilization Restriction theory Solve inventory problems. (Restriction theory refers to physical system The most in weak link Determine the output or efficiency of the whole system.) enterprise operation The biggest bottleneck is sales output Maximum capacity At the same time, we should leave a buffer for it to maximize sales output. This buffer is inventory. That is to say, to maximize sales, we must use a certain amount of inventory as a buffer. Without a buffer, there will be no performance, Zero inventory It is impossible. For garment enterprises, the most important thing is how to break the original management model , replaced by more effective Fine management To effectively reduce inventory, maintain the inventory balance of enterprises, agents and terminals, and effectively carry out intraregional and cross regional allocation, so as to finally realize the performance increase and low inventory operation of companies, general agents and franchisees.
According to the practice of clothing enterprises, the inventory rate of normal sales (the minimum retail discount is above 50%) of general brands is between 35% - 45%. The basic distribution of these inventories is: first, brand manufacturers, 15% - 20% of inventory (according to the implementation of 15% return rate, plus Stock up ); Second, regional general agent, with inventory of 5% - 10%; The third is franchisees, whose inventory accounts for about 10% - 15%.
Fifth, let the seller manage the inventory. Example: A famous clothing brand adopts the seller managed inventory model. This is an advanced supply chain management style To put it simply, it means that the customer has zero inventory and returns 100% of the goods, so as to optimize and reallocate the inventory. By integrating upstream production resources, it can leverage the terminal Information management (TOC management system )And logistics support Sales terminal "Sell one to make up one".
In the industry, the VMI model is also known as the "Mafia proposal". The Boss magazine said that this model attracts customers to open stores on a large scale, but the rate of store closure has dropped significantly, which again verified that there is not only a crisis of excess, but also a crisis of finding Brand development The overall inventory rate should be controlled at about 25%.

Goal achievement


Lowest cost

This is why enterprises need to reduce inventory costs Total production cost Increase profitability and increase competitive power Selected target.

Highest degree

There are many sales opportunities for enterprises, so it is of little significance to reduce inventory. This emphasizes the importance of inventory for other operations Production activities We do not emphasize the benefits of the inventory itself. When enterprises expand their business by increasing production, they often choose this control target.

No shortage allowed

Enterprises are not allowed to stop production due to technology and process conditions, so they must take no shortage of goods as the control goal to ensure continuous production. Some enterprises Major contracts Supply must be taken as the guarantee, otherwise it will be punished by huge compensation, and the control target of no shortage can be formulated.

Restricted funds

Enterprises must implement supply on the premise of limited capital budget, which requires a series of inventory control on this premise.

Quick Introduction

Inventory control does not depend on itself Economy come Define goals , and depending on the size Competitive environment system requirements Determine the goal, which often occurs to control the inventory with the goal of achieving the goods in and out as soon as possible.
formulate Inventory policy , need to understand the role of inventory in production and marketing. In the company, inventory plays the following five roles: ① making it possible for the company to achieve scale economy ;② Balance supply and demand; ③ Make manufacturing specialization possible; ④ Protect the company from demand and ordering cycle The impact of uncertainty; ⑤ Start from the key interfaces in the distribution channel Buffer effect.

Manage Tasks

1. Reasons for inventory increase
(1) The business department's forecast of the order is wrong. Forecast of future economic changes inaccurate The order change, delay or suspension caused by this.
(2) The design department's plan is not comprehensive. Due to immature and imperfect technology, there are errors in grasping the required quantity of materials.
(3) Inventory management Bad. Due to the low management level of the management personnel, the inventory increases.
(4) Delays in manufacturing engineering. Due to the deviation of the manufacturing manager's plan and other reasons, the phenomenon of waiting for handling and processing occurs, which delays the production and manufacturing engineering and increases the number of semi-finished products.
(5) Procurement department Business technology The order period is too long due to immaturity.
From the reasons listed above, we can see that the increase in inventory is not only caused by the inventory management department, but also closely related to other departments, most of which are caused by the work errors of other departments. Therefore, the reduction of inventory needs the coordination and cooperation of all departments.
The purpose of inventory management.
2. The purpose of inventory management is to meet Customer service Under the premise of requirements, through controlling the inventory level of the enterprise, grasp the inventory status in advance, save inventory costs, reduce the inventory level as much as possible Inventory sales promotion Activities to improve logistics system And strengthen the competitiveness of enterprises.


In 1915, F. W. Harris of the United States published a report on Economic order quantity The model of Inventory theory Research. Before that, Italy V. Pareto is studying the world wealth assignment problem Pareto's Law was proposed at that time, which is used for inventory management ABC classification With the scientific management, the theory of inventory management has been greatly developed, forming many inventory model , has been applied to enterprise management and has achieved remarkable results.
Classification of inventory management models:
(1) Different inventory models are used for different production and supply situations. According to the order mode, there are five order models.
① Regular Quantitative model : The order quantity and time are fixed.
② Periodic and non quantitative model: the order time is fixed and the order quantity depends on the actual inventory and Maximum inventory Depends on the difference.
③ Quantitative irregular model: when the inventory is lower than Ordering point The order quantity is fixed.
④ Non quantitative and non periodic model: the order quantity and time are not fixed.
The above four models are of sufficient supply and can be used at any time requirement Supplementary order.
⑤ Regular quantitative model of limited purchase rate: There are restrictions on the supply of goods, and they need to purchase in succession.
(2) Inventory management models can be classified into deterministic and probabilistic models according to supply and demand. The main parameters of the deterministic model have been precisely known; Some of the main parameters of probabilistic models are random.
(3) According to the purpose of inventory management, it can be divided into economic type and safety type. The main purpose of the economic model (Figure 1) is to save funds and improve economic benefits; The main purpose of the security model is to ensure normal supply, regardless of increasing Safety stock And safety storage period, so as to minimize the possibility of out of stock. Although there are many models of inventory management, the principle of inventory management is to comprehensively consider various contradictory factors to obtain better economic results. [1]