Happiness, please wait for me

In 2014, Song Dandan and Zhu Yuanyuan starred in TV dramas
Chinese Mainland 35 episodes
zero Useful+1
Happiness, please wait for me 》It is jointly produced by Guangxi Guangyuan Film Television Media and Dongyang Qingyu Film Television Culture Co., Ltd, Yu Chun Directed, Song Dandan Zhu Yuanyuan Li Naiwen and Zhu Yongteng TV series starring.
The play tells a story of honesty, honest work, sincerity and kindness can exchange for a better life, and it was premiered on four satellite TV stations in Shenzhen, Hubei, Guizhou and Henan on August 21, 2014 [1] From May 27, 2015, at 19:35 every night Guangxi Satellite TV Second round broadcast.
In February 2017, the drama won the 11th "Excellent TV Drama" Award in the TV production industry. [2]
Modern and urban
Yu Chun
Premiere time
August 21, 2014
Chinese name
Happiness, please wait for me

essential information

Chinese name
Happiness, please wait for me
Fight the Jianghu again after divorce
Modern and urban
Production company
Guangxi Guangyuan Film Television Media, Dongyang Qingyu Film Television Culture Co., Ltd
Production area
Chinese Mainland
Premiere time
August 21, 2014
Yu Chun
Zhu Yan
Song Dandan Zhu Yuanyuan Li Naiwen Zhu Yongteng Guo Da Shiliang Ding Zhicheng Wang Ce Wang Jiajia Forest Jiang Yan Tian Xiaojie
Number of sets
35 episodes
Length of each episode
45 minutes
Premiere platform
Shenzhen, Hubei, Guizhou, Henan Satellite TV
Second round broadcast time
May 27, 2015
Two round broadcast platform
Guangxi Satellite TV
Issuance License No
(Gui) QSZ (2014) No. 002 [12]


Wang Caihong, a capable barber shop owner, is frugal and thrifty. Originally, life was moving smoothly along the track she designed. Unexpectedly, the sudden disappearance of her husband plunged Rainbow into infinite panic and doubt. Niu Yiyi, a capable white-collar worker in the company, married Wang Chaohui, Wang Caihong's younger brother, and lived opposite Wang Caihong. Later, she divorced Wang Chaohui. After their divorce, Wang Caihong and Niu continued to live opposite each other. It was difficult not to deal with each other, not to mention that they both had their own troubles and troubles. Unconsciously, two women with different personalities had to start a life of mutual support and mutual assistance to face the difficulties of life together. The past experience made them find out how important love and marriage are to them, so they decided to regroup and start again to find good love and marriage for a happy life.
Those who treat life sincerely will be favored. After multiple hardships, Wang Caihong finally got the return of life, that kind of real life and sincere love. Niu Yi finally gained more experience in this life and found her own shortcomings. She packed up with a new face and body, and embarked on the road of happiness again.
Source of the above information [3]

Diversified plot

    Episode 1
    Wang Caihong, the owner of the barber shop, took the wedding photo with her husband. At that time, a girl called her and said that she was a reporter from the newspaper office and wanted to interview her brother Wang Zhaohui, but no one could be found. It turned out that the girl was Wang Chaohui's sister-in-law. She had just taken over her sister Niu Yiyi and felt that there was a big problem between her sister and brother-in-law. Caihong feels puzzled and hangs up the phone. But just after hanging up, the clerk in the store calls her again and tells her that someone is making trouble in the store and wants her to hurry back. Her husband felt distressed for Caihong and asked her to continue taking pictures of herself to deal with it. In order to avoid causing trouble, he directly paid 2000 yuan to customers who clearly deserved trouble. One by one, I couldn't find Zhaohui, but found Caihong's home. She told Caihong that she really quarreled with Zhaohui before her business trip, but Zhaohui turned off the phone, and now no one can be found for 15 days. One by one, she asked Zhaohui to come out. When she heard that Zhaohui had come to Beijing, she felt that he must come to her sister. Caihong blew her feathers when she heard about it. She didn't agree that Zhaohui would go to Shanghai one by one. Now it is also a big responsibility to make such a mess. At this time, a man who claimed to be Xing Zhi called Niu Yiyi, telling her that the luggage was mixed up, and begged her to help him to the high-speed railway station because he was in a hurry for a meeting. One by one, I was bored, so I just hung up the phone. 11. They decided to stay here and wait for Zhaohui. They reached out to Caihong to ask for the key. When Caihong returned to her room to get the key, she received a text message from her friend Wu Jun, telling her that Zhaohui was safe, but they really didn't know anything else. One by one, she received a phone call from Xing Zhi and sent his luggage to him. However, when she arrived at the high-speed railway station, Xing Zhi told her that she had already been on the high-speed railway and would come back to change luggage with her after his meeting. One is very angry, but there is no way. Caihong goes to find Wu Jun, but Wu Jun insists that he doesn't know, but he happens to bump into people under Wu Jun and send him a lot of daily necessities. Caihong pretends not to know, but she finds Zhaohui behind Wu Jun after he leaves the company. Wu Jun hurries to take the opportunity to walk away, leaving his sister and brother behind. Caihong scolded Zhaohui and told him that they were still waiting at her house. Zhaohui said that he could no longer stand Yiyi and wanted to divorce Yiyi. Now he thought nothing about it, but about his own career. Rainbow was angry when he heard about it, because he has always been supporting his family one by one, and he can't sell a picture all day long. Zhaohui is still determined to divorce. Then a young girl comes out and asks Zhaohui to tell Caihong the truth. It turns out that Zhaohui has already had an affair outside. The girl is still Niu Yiyi's assistant. Caihong is so angry with her brother that she smokes on her head. 11 When chatting with my brother-in-law at home, I found that he seemed to have something on his mind. At this time, Caihong also came back. Caihong has been trying to persuade Yiyi not to contradict Zhaohui, but to change her character first.

    Episode 2
    In order to persuade her brother to turn back, Caihong takes her husband to persuade Zhaohui. When the first day of the junior high school had a boyfriend, Zhaohui used art as a pretext to pursue her in every way, but ended up mixing Yiyi and her boyfriend. Caihong didn't agree with them, but Zhaohui insisted that she would divorce Yiyi only when the world was destroyed. The oath is still there, but love is not there. Chaohui didn't listen to the advice at all, and Caihong was so angry that she vomited blood. Xing Zhi called Yiyi to pick up the luggage. Yiyi said that he was very inconvenient and asked him to pick it up. Xing Zhi arrived at Yiyi's house but didn't bring Yiyi's luggage with him. He resolutely refused to return the luggage to him. Xing Zhi was about to collapse. He took out his belongings as collateral, saying that he would trust him once and handed his luggage to Xing Zhi. Chu Qiao sees that Xing Zhi is in a bad mood after meeting his sister. He asks him that he doesn't tell him anything. She called Yiyi and wanted to meet Yiyi. But when she told her that she was in Beijing and not in Shanghai, Chuqiao told her that she was also in Beijing. One by one, he met Chuqiao, who told her that he was in Beijing with Wang Zhaohui, and he felt sorry for her. One by one, they collapsed, found Rainbow, and swore at Rainbow. She felt that Caihong had already known about it, so she teamed up with the gang to cheat her. Caihong explained to her that she would not listen, and said a lot of ugly words. Caihong can't help fighting back, so they have a big fight. One by one, they put down their cruel words and ask Caihong to tell Zhaohui that she wants to divorce. Chu Qiao told Zhaohui that he and Yi had a showdown one by one. Zhaohui was very angry, but Chu Qiao explained to him that it was his fault that he liked him first. So she wanted to explain to Zhaohui one by one to alleviate his fault. Zhaohui was very moved. Caihong is very angry, so she calls Zhaohui and asks him to come out. As soon as he met Caihong, he questioned his brother. Zhaohui told her that it was because Chu Qiao had met her. Caihong thinks Chu Qiao is scheming to keep Chaohui away from her. Zhaohui told his sister that he decided to leave the house to her, and now his paintings have been contracted. Caihong finds Yiyi after hearing this. She tells Yiyi that she can't divorce Zhaohui. If she divorce at this time, she will lose a lot. At this time, Caihong's husband came to give her the key, but she must pull him to persuade him. Reluctantly, he stayed, but said nothing. Caihong uses her marriage with her husband as an example to persuade him, but he feels that he can't go on and divorce again. Caihong is very dissatisfied with her husband's statement. One by one, Wang Zhaohui had to come out to meet her, whether divorced or not. Caihong said that if Yiyi could keep her head, she could arrange a meeting between them. Yiyi met with Zhaohui, but after they met, they quarreled very much. Yiyi even lost his temper and wanted to hit Zhaohui. Everyone could not stop him.

    Episode 3
    After a fight, one by one and Zhaohui decide to divorce. One by one, she asked Zhaohui to meet Chuqiao. She angrily told Chuqiao that Zhaohui was the garbage she didn't want in her eyes. She cheated with Zhaohui and stole the garbage from her own house. She didn't have to call the police for garbage, so she decided to divorce. 11. She made an appointment with Zhaohui to divorce, although Caihong hid her hukou book in order not to let them divorce. But Yiyi and Zhaohui still found out their hukou book, and they divorced. After returning home, Caihong was very disappointed. Seeing that she was wrong, Caihong asked her what was wrong, and she slipped to the ground one by one. Caihong hurries to help her up and tells Caihong that she and Zhaohui are divorced. Caihong is surprised and tells her that she has no family now and that she can no longer call her sister. Although Caihong is very angry and secretly divorced Zhaohui, she is also very distressed. She cried when she spoke one by one, saying she regretted it now. One by one, she took out the wine to drink. She told Caihong honestly that she was really sad and wanted to set aside time until they were divorced. One by one, she told Caihong that Zhaohui had left her house for herself, and then she laid off Xiaosan to relieve her anger, but she was not happy. Caihong feels so guilty when she sees Yiyi, she can't help telling Yiyi that she is too foolish. Zhaohui has already got rich, and all his paintings have been sold. She scolded Caihong one by one and asked her why she didn't tell herself earlier. Caihong said that she had been trying to persuade her not to leave. One by one, feeling very frustrated, he found his friend and asked him where Wang Zhaohui lived. For the sake of brotherhood, Wu Jun resolutely refuses to give up his brother. One by one, he and his sister Weiwei take out weapons to threaten Wu Jun. Caihong returns to her home late, but he hasn't come back yet. She called Lao He's unit, but learned that Lao He had already had a resignation operation. Caihong called Lao He's leader again, who said he had left in the morning. Caihong hurries to call Zhaohui and ask him to come over. His brother-in-law has not seen anyone for a whole day. Caihong has just gone out. Her neighbor bought Durian to eat with her. Caihong told her that she would go to find Lao He. The neighbor told her that he saw Lao He at noon. He was chatting with others at that time. He said hello to him and left. There was no way for Wu Jun to take Yiyi and Weiwei to Wang Zhaohui's residence. Zhaohui went out and Chuqiao turned off the light at home alone, pretending that no one was at home. Caihong arrives at the police station, but the police think she is making a mountain out of a molehill and will not accept their case. However, the police still agreed to them because they could not stand Rainbow's eloquence.

    Episode 4
    After reporting the case, Zhaohui followed Caihong back home. In order to find Zhaohui, he followed Caihong quietly. Caihong and Zhaohui arrive at the police station. They wait until the police officer Pan who handled the case yesterday. She tells his neighbor Yang Mi that she has seen Lao He, and just as she says one by one, she rushes in with a kitchen knife. The police quickly subdued them. Caihong explained that this was her former brother's wife, when she called to say that she had found a body by the river. Caihong Zhaohui rushes past and is approaching. Caihong dares not to look at Zhaohui but wants to pass by. Fortunately, it's just a female corpse, not Laohe. One by one, Zhaohui relentlessly chased after her. Zhaohui told her that he didn't break up with her because he was rich, but just wanted to live a simple and easy life. One by one, he was very angry. Zhaohui asked her how she could cross the barrier, and one by one, he would abolish his right hand. Zhaohui and Caihong put out their hands, but they couldn't do it. Zhaohui admitted that he was sorry for her and asked him to take off his clothes and run around the river three times, saying he was sorry for her. Zhaohui didn't hesitate to do so. She cried more bitterly. She really understood that there was no room for her marriage and love to be saved. Because of Zhaohui's experience, I tried to ask Caihong why she ran away with the girl one by one. Caihong is very confident of Lao He in this respect, and has rejected the idea of running away with a large sum of money. Caihong thinks that he left because of the influence of Zhaohui, who is always missing. One by one, thinking of whether Duo, Caihong's daughter, knew about it, Caihong suddenly remembered how he said he would go to see Duo the day before. But Duo will come back at the weekend, which is too abnormal. One by one, Caihong hurries to call Duo, but Caihong feels that she doesn't want to involve the child and don't want the child to worry. 11. Weiwei comforts her that she has been depressed since the divorce and asks her to find another family. Wei Wei said that she should thank Wang Zhaohui because he gave her a chance to start afresh. Weiwei is not interested in seeing Yiyi, so she wants to introduce her boyfriend. At this time, Xing Zhi called Yiyi and said that she had sent her luggage to her door, so she went to pick it up. Xing Zhi explained to her that he borrowed an unopened men's shirt in her suitcase because he had no clothes. Xing Zhi asked for money, but she didn't ask for money. Weiwei felt very good about Xing Zhi and introduced herself to him. The police station called Caihong to ask her to go to the Hebei Traffic Police Detachment. The traffic police said that her car was here and asked her to come and cooperate with the case. Caihong and her brother drove to Hebei quickly. After Caihong arrives, he sold his car a few days ago, but he hasn't come to transfer ownership yet. Now the car has caused an accident, so Caihong and he should take half the responsibility. Caihong said that she wanted them to help her find him first. He was not there and she could not be responsible for selling her car. Officer Pan also called Caihong and told her that she had new news. Caihong hurried back to Beijing and left Zhaohui there to deal with it.

    Episode 5
    From Officer Pan, Lao He and a woman went to Yunnan. Caihong decided to find them. On the way to the airport, she received a message from Lao He. Rainbow was hard to accept when she climbed up the tall building. The fire brigade and the police came. All the people who had planned to look around found that it was Rainbow who was going to jump off the building. They were very worried. Officer Pan climbed up quietly. He intended to pull Caihong, but he stumbled. He gave Caihong a push. Caihong was hesitant and fell down. Fortunately, the fire brigade below had already made preparations, and Rainbow was stunned. When Rainbow wakes up, she asks herself how she jumped, and tells her that she jumped straight down. Caihong suddenly remembered that it was Officer Pan who pushed her down. She hurried to the police station to report to the director. Originally, the director thought there was nothing to do, so he prepared to ask Officer Pan to write an inspection, but Caihong felt that she was too perfunctory and insisted on asking for an explanation. The director asked her to go back first and wait for a reply. As soon as Caihong got home, he saw an intermediary knocking at his door and someone wanted to buy a house. Caihong says that she doesn't want to sell her house. Several people argue, and when they hear the voices, they run out one by one. Caihong only knew that she would sell her house one by one. Caihong would stop making trouble for herself and ask her not to sell her house. What if Zhaohui turned back one day? One by one, he said that he would never look back. He was sad that Xing Zhi called her. He said that an important hard disk in his luggage was missing, and he had to be responsible one by one. 11. He was already upset, and shouted that he should go to the police and stop calling himself. In order to quickly change the new environment, we decided to accelerate the sale of our houses one by one. When she arrived at the agency, the staff told her that she needed a property certificate, or they would not sell it. One by one, he called Zhaohui and asked him to give him the property certificate. Zhaohui told him that he did not have the property certificate and that the property certificate was in Caihong. One by one, he walked home and just came back to see Xing Zhi. Xing Zhi told him that he was a plastic surgeon and that there were many secrets of stars in the hard disk that he lost, which was very immoral. One by one, he insisted that he had not touched his luggage and asked him to call the police, so he left. When Caihong arrives at the police station, she hears that Officer Pan will be transferred and demoted. The director advised her to be more generous. Caihong told the director that she had recalled it carefully for a long time. She felt that Officer Pan was going to pull herself out, and she misunderstood him. She hoped the director would thank him. Rainbow sees Daughter Duo walking close to a boy on her way home. She rushes to separate them, and Duo runs angrily. When she gets home, Caihong blames her daughter for this, and they argue. Caihong interrogates her daughter, and Duo feels ashamed that her mother is so incompetent. This is the first time to take the real estate, Duo hurries to move the soldiers. One by one, Caihong asks for the property certificate. Caihong tries to persuade her to stop her from selling the house.

Diversified plot source [4]

screen credits



Song Dandan Ornament Wang Caihong
Dubbing -
Zhu Yuanyuan Ornament Niu Yiyi
Dubbing -
Li Naiwen Ornament Wang Zhaohui
Dubbing -
Zhu Yongteng Ornament Punishment
Dubbing -
Guo Da Ornament Jupiter
Dubbing -
Shiliang Ornament Stone gloss
Dubbing -
Ding Zhicheng Ornament Pan Yonggang
Dubbing -
Wang Ce Ornament Godman
Dubbing -
Wang Jiajia Ornament Wu Liwei
Dubbing -
Forest Ornament Yangmi
Dubbing -
Jiang Yan Ornament Chuqiao
Dubbing -
Tian Xiaojie Ornament Why
Dubbing -
Lin Dongfu Ornament Mr. Yang
Dubbing -
Xu Jingyao Ornament Michele
Dubbing -
Tan Songyun Ornament He Duoduo
Dubbing -
Ren Jinhui Ornament host
Dubbing -
Zhang Dali Ornament Zhao Danian
Dubbing -
Jing Hao Ornament Armed forces
Dubbing -
Guo Xiao Ornament Wu Bing
Dubbing -
Li Yeping Ornament Cow cow
Dubbing -
Bai Zhidi Ornament Cow father
Dubbing -
Chen Xiyu Ornament Shi Linlin
Dubbing -
Li Yuan Ornament Xing Wen
Dubbing -
Cui Zhigang Ornament Lao Wang
Dubbing -
Zhang Hongzhen Ornament Mr. Lin
Dubbing -
Li Zifeng Ornament Subpeak
Dubbing -
jingle Ornament Porcelain woman
Dubbing -
Mu Liyan Ornament Su Yurui
Dubbing -
Sun Jia Ornament Beautiful lawyer
Dubbing -
Dong Xiaoguang Ornament Security Captain
Dubbing -
Qi Tao Ornament Director Qi
Dubbing -
Yin Hang Ornament Helen
Dubbing -
Zhang Ye Ornament Photographer
Dubbing -
Lei Jia Ornament policeman
Dubbing -
Fan Chong Ornament Xiaojin
Dubbing -
Yang Kaiwen Ornament the fat
Dubbing -
Li Kuo Ornament steamed stuffed bun
Dubbing -
Cao Rui Ornament Celebration
Dubbing -
Ma Junyi Ornament Hao Chunyan
Dubbing -

Employee List

producer Zhang Wei; Zhang Jianxin
director Yu Chun
Associate Director (Assistant) Wang Feng; Qiao Han
Scriptwriter Zhu Yan
Photography Gao Qi
prop Gao Guohua
Art Design Xu Tao
lighting Cao Quanmin
sound recording Xu Ying
Theatrical affairs Bian Xiaojiu
Field record Wang Erming; Li Jianxin
Some performers' information comes from [5]

Role Introduction

Wang Caihong
performer Song Dandan
dubbing -
A smart barber shop owner, she lives a frugal and prudent life, and lives a stable life. Suddenly one day, her husband plays missing, which makes her fall into infinite panic and doubt. Later, she and her sister-in-law Niu, who were also divorced, started a life of mutual support and assistance and faced the difficulties of life together. After multiple hardships, she finally got the return of life, the kind of real life and sincere love.
Niu Yiyi
performer Zhu Yuanyuan
dubbing -
Wang Caihong's sister-in-law, a capable white-collar worker in the company, is shrewd in character, dares to love and hate, and is straightforward. She married Wang Chaohui for several years, but was interrupted by her assistant Chu Qiao. The involvement of a third party made her impulsively divorce her husband. After the divorce, she and Wang Caihong continued to live opposite each other. It was difficult not to deal with each other, but also had their own troubles and troubles. They supported each other and gradually became good friends. In the end, she also gained experience in this life and found her own shortcomings. With a new face and body, she packed up and embarked on the road of happiness again.
Wang Zhaohui
performer Li Naiwen
dubbing -
Wang Zhaohui, the younger brother of Wang Caihong and the ex husband of Niu Yiyi, is a painter. Wang Zhaohui, who was brought up by his sister, is a little spoiled, selfish, impulsive and emotional. He has been married to Yiyi for several years. He is tired of Yiyi's style of being a strong woman. He is attracted by Chuqiao, Yiyi's assistant girl, and decides to divorce Yiyi. After divorce, through communication with his sister, he gradually realized that he had a great responsibility for the change of marriage between him and Niu Yiyi, and gradually matured.
performer Zhu Yongteng
dubbing -
Xing Zhi, a plastic surgeon, is tall, rich and handsome, with superior conditions and handsome appearance, but he has a sister with mental problems. He rejected love and marriage in order to take care of his sister. But after he met Niu Yiyi, they did not know each other. They found Niu Yiyi's kindness and sincerity in constant contact, and were moved by her.
Zhou Bide
performer Guo Da
dubbing -
Wang Caihong's guests have their hearts set on Wang Caihong. But it was just unrequited love. Later, I went abroad and made a fortune. I became a tall overseas returnee and showed the taste of northern Shaanxi in English. Who knows that he was kidnapped when he returned to Australia for business, and became mentally ill after narrowly escaping death. His pursuit of Wang Caihong is ironic, warm and funny.
Pan Yonggang
performer Ding Zhicheng
dubbing -
Police officer Pan of the police station, why did Wang Caihong receive her police when she went to report her disappearance? He also persuaded Caihong when she jumped off the building, and accidentally made Caihong fall down the building. He doesn't know Caihong until he gets to know her. He knows what Caihong has suffered, so he also cares about her. Later, he left due to special tasks.
expand all

Music soundtrack

Curved preface
Word filling
Live again
Dong Dongdong
Chen Xi
Wang Zhengliang
I want to go down with you
Dong Dongdong
Chen Xi
Wang Zhengliang
Source of the above information [6]

Behind the Scenes

① In this play, there are many quarrels. Li Naiwen said that he was very happy when shooting one of the quarrels with Song Dandan and Zhu Yuanyuan. It was a big play and the first time he played with Song Dandan and Yuanyuan. Li Naiwen said that he was very happy when shooting this scene. He had no sense of strangeness at all, and the lines he had compiled were full of energy [7]
② In the play Song Dandan She and Zhu Yuanyuan play a pair of divorced women who are in the same boat. Zhu Yuanyuan said that Song Dandan was particularly childish, while Song Dandan said it was "arrogant" by nature, indicating that she was already this age and would call Yuanyuan and cry on the phone. Is she too childish [8]
③ In the play, Wang Zhaohui, played by Li Naiwen, is controversial. Many viewers are angry when they see some of the "scum man" acts of this role, and leave messages to Li Naiwen. Nevertheless, Li Naiwen said that he did not regret playing this role and loved every role he played very much [9]

Broadcast information

Broadcasting station
Broadcast time
Guizhou Satellite TV
August 21, 2014
Love Apartment 3
Shenzhen Satellite TV
August 21, 2014
Hubei Satellite TV
August 21, 2014
Henan Satellite TV
August 21, 2014
Guangxi Satellite TV
May 27, 2015
Tianjin Satellite TV
January 16, 2016

Drama evaluation


Positive views

Happiness Please Wait for Me pinpoints the emotional problems of middle-aged urban divorced women, abandons the heroine's bitter line, conquers the audience with a new humorous and lighthearted approach, and fills the gap in this type of film and television drama. In the sobering story, the play returns to the exploration level of women's emotions, which is actually a reflection of a social reality in which many people of this age can find their own shadow, both good and bad, have their own bitterness [10] (Tencent Entertainment Evaluation)

Negative view

There are a lot of help scenes in Happiness Please Wait for Me. For example, in the first episode, Song Dandan's barber shop came to a vexatious customer, who made a noise with a strange smell of Mandarin, saying, "I don't want these two thousand eight VIP cards, and I will go back to Baoding tomorrow. You can give me cash directly." To this end, careful netizens said that the crew was too mean, and people were full of Baotou words, It is said to be Baotou, but Baoding appears on the screen [11]