
[píng huà]
Guangxi dialect
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"Pingnan Village (Ren) Dialect" was originally called "Pingnan Village (Ren) Dialect". In the process of long-term use, "Pingnan Village (Ren) Dialect" is abbreviated as "Pinghua", which is one of the top ten Chinese dialects [2-3] The population is more than 2 million. Pinghua is also divided into Pinghua in northern Guangxi and Pinghua in southern Guangxi, Pinghua in northern Guangxi and Pinghua in southern Guangxi Hunan dialect Vernacular in northern Guangdong Be closely related.
Chinese name
South China

brief introduction

Pinghua culture originated in the Central Plains and entered Guangxi with the army of the famous general Di Qing of the Song Dynasty. Di Qing's army entered Guangxi in 1053, more than 960 years ago. According to historical records of Heping dialect genealogy, the current Jiangnan pavilion was called "Pingnan Village" in ancient times, and "Pinghua" was originally called "Pingnan Village (People) Dialect". In the process of long-term use, "Pingnan Village (People) Dialect" was abbreviated to "Pinghua". According to historical records, the "Pingnan Army" led by Di Qing once left some soldiers stationed in Guangxi, some of them stationed on the south bank of Yongjiang River. They and their descendants settled here and became the first "Pinghua people". In the long-term cultural exchange and integration with the Zhuang nationality, the Han population with Pinghua as the main body enriched and developed the original Central Plains culture, and the unique Pinghua culture with eclectic features came into being. [2]

Region of use

Pinghua is mainly distributed in the suburbs, market towns and rural areas near the railway, river and other traffic lines in Guangxi. There is generally no centralized distribution in urban areas (except for a few small cities, such as Binyang, where most people speak Pinghua). Suburbs of Guilin Yongfu County The residents of Pinghua in suburban counties of Nanning are concentrated. from Lingchuan County Along the railway to Nanning Hengxian County Pinghua residents are scattered in the upstream of Yongjiang River, along the banks of Youjiang River, and near the main water and land transportation roads along the way. Dao County, Hunan Province and Guangxi Ningyuan There are also market towns and some rural areas in more than ten counties, such as Lanshan and Tongdao Dong Autonomous County. In addition, in Yunnan Province Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture Of Funing County Some people in other places also use Pinghua.
As for the people who use Pinghua, Atlas of Chinese Language A2 "China Chinese dialects The caption "Figure" and the caption "B14 Figure" both say that the population of Pinghua is about two million.
Pinghua in southern Guangxi is mainly used in Binyang Yongning , Hengxian County Guigang Shanglin Mashan And some towns and some villages in the left and right river basins.
Pinghua in northern Guangxi is mainly used in the suburbs of Guilin and Lingui Lingchuan Yongfu, Longsheng Fuchuan , Zhongshan He County Rongan Meltwater , Luocheng Liujiang , Liucheng, etc.
Map of Guangxi
From north of Guilin Lingchuan To the south, it forms the main axis along the railway (the ancient official road route) to Nanning, abatis Above is the north section, below Liuzhou is the south section. The northern section starts from Guilin, Lingui, Longsheng, Yongfu Yangshuo , Pingle to Fuchuan, Zhongshan He County One belt is the distribution area of Pinghua in northern Guangxi. The southern end of the southern section is divided into three branches from Nanning by waterway, and the Youjiang branch is to Baise (as far as Yunnan Funing ), Zuojiang To Longzhou Yongjiang branch to Hengxian is the main distribution area of Pinghua in southern Guangxi. The northern end of the southern section goes north along Rongjiang River from Liuzhou and Liujiang, and passes through Liucheng and Luocheng to Rongshui and Rong'an. Although there are other phonetic features in northern Guangxi, it still belongs to Pinghua in southern Guangxi. Pinghua has different titles in different places, such as Vernacular Tuguai dialect Sugarcane Garden Dialect Guest talk (different from Hakka), XX (place name) Vernacular Wait a minute, ordinary words are general terms. Pinghua has an estimated population of no less than 34 million, most of whom are in southern Guangxi. In addition to the Han nationality, there are also some Yao nationality , Zhuang nationality Mulao nationality Dong nationality Use vernacular.

Language characteristics

There is a common phonetic feature of Pinghua in all regions, that is, ancient Total voiced initials Voiceless stop Affricate Most are not aspirated, and Clear consonant Confluence. Take Lingchuan Sanjie dialect (Pinghua in northern Guangxi) and Nanning Xinwei dialect (Pinghua in southern Guangxi). There are big or small differences in local vernacular. The Pinghua dialect in northern Guangxi has great internal differences, while the Pinghua dialect in southern Guangxi has high internal consistency. The voice system of Pinghua in southern Guangxi represented by Tingzi Pinghua in Nanning Consonant 22, 43 finals. According to the materials published in academic journals by researchers, Pinghua mainly has the following characteristics:
(1) Reserved the entering tone Stope Rhyme tail )Apical mass;
(2) Ancient Chinese The principal of the third class rhymes of Zhongxian, Xiao, etc vowel do Toneless , Qi, Wen and other rhymes are used as Hongyin;
(3) The main vowel of song, cold, tang and other rhymes is a;
(4) aspirated voiced stops and voiced affricates media voiced affricate )Qinghua, regardless level and oblique tones , no air supply;
(5) The sun enters from top to bottom.
The last three items are often cited as proof of the independence of Pinghua from Cantonese. However, some scholars pointed out that some sub dialects of Cantonese also have the characteristics of being completely turbid and not aspirated, and the division of positive and negative is not unified within Pinghua, which is opposite to the large number of Cantonese dialects( Standard Cantonese Cantonese speech )In terms of the common ground between Pinghua and Pinghua, the characteristics of Pinghua are not enough to support it to become an independent dialect.


Pinghua Figure 4
According to the History of the Song Dynasty and genealogy, the ancestors of the residents who spoke Pinghua were from Shandong in the Song Dynasty (the name of Shandong, which first appeared in the Warring States Period). At that time, the Qin people in Guanzhong called the area to the east of Xiaoshan or Huashan as Shandong, and sometimes also referred to the territory of the six countries outside the Qin Dynasty. At this time, Shandong was a regional general term, not yet an accurate geographical concept. In the Tang Dynasty and the Northern Song Dynasty, the vast area of the Yellow River basin east of Taihang Mountain was called Shandong. At the end of the Tang Dynasty, Shandong was used to refer specifically to Qilu. In the Jin Dynasty, Shandong East and West Roads were set up, and Shandong really became the name of the administrative district. In the early Ming Dynasty, Shandong Province was set up, and later renamed as Shandong Chengxuan Political Secretary. In the early Qing Dynasty, Shandong Province was set up, and "Shandong" officially became the province's proper name. The ancients took the left side as the east, so Shandong was also called "the left side of the mountain".) They were stationed in Guangxi with Di Qing's expedition to the south. There is a legend that Pinghua was invented in the Northern Song Dynasty Di Qing Expropriation Guangnan West Road Pretty head Nong Zhigao It was brought in by the army led by him in 1053. According to historical records, after Nong Zhigao was pacified, part of the army stayed in the area and did not return to the north. From the perspective of the region, the base of Nongzhigao is located in Zuojiang Watershed outside Vietnam Li Chao Guangyuan Prefecture (now Vietnam Gaoping Province Guangyuan County )The distribution of Pinghua in Guangxi is most concentrated in the ancient official roads, Binyong area and Zuojiang area (Yunnan Funing At the upper reaches of Youjiang River, it also belonged to Guangnan West Road at that time. Judging from the origin of dialect, there are many troops stationed in Shandong Qingzhou Laizhou Dengzhou The residents of Pinghua District also mostly come from Shandong, which indicates that the early situation was the same as that of Pinghua. For example, in Rongcheng dialect, because of the support of historical records and linguistic facts, many people believe that this legend is credible.


It seems that the above historical facts and the Pinghua dialect, especially the Pinghua dialect in southern Guangxi, have some connection. However, if the formation of Pinghua is only related to the said garrison troops, I am afraid it is not comprehensive. Pinghua in northern Guangxi There is no legend related to the above historical facts. Therefore, a more prudent view may be as Liang Min and Zhang Junru thought that Pinghua has been used since the Han and Tang dynasties central plains The Chinese language spoken by immigrants, businessmen, officials and soldiers from Hunan, Hunan and other places entering Guangxi Chinese dialects It is a kind of Chinese dialect that has been developed for a long time in the environment of.

Dialect segmentation

from Tune Value adjustment From the perspective of similarities and differences, the Pinghua in Funing County, Yunnan Province is basically the same as that in southern Guangxi, while the Pinghua in southern Hunan is similar to that in Lingchuan and other places in northern Guangxi. Therefore, Pinghua dialect can be divided into the following three parts:
1. Pinghua in southern Guangxi, including southern Guangxi and Yunnan Funing Pinghua in the area.
2. Rongliu Pinghua, including Pinghua in Lingui (Wutong and Liangjiang), Rong'an, Rongshui, Liucheng, Luocheng, Liujiang and other places in northern Guangxi.
Pinghua dialect in Lingui County can be divided into four or five types according to geographical distribution; Yining dialect (Wutong dialect) in the north - Wutong - Baoning - Zhongrong - Wantian - Huangsha dialect; Xixiang dialect --- Liangjiang Dutou dialect in the west; Zhuang dialect -- Chadong area and Liangjiangshankou village committee area,; Miaoling Sitang dialect - Miaoling Township - Sitang Township and Liangjiang East Road area (Mansion, Zhoucun and Liangcun village committees); Liutang Huixian Nanxiang dialect of Nanbian Mountain, etc.
3. Linglong Pinghua, including Lingchuan, Longsheng, Fuchuan He County , Zhongshan and Pinghua in the southern counties of Hunan Province. Rongliu Pinghua and Linglong Pinghua are in《 Language Atlas of China 》They are all called "Pinghua in northern Guangxi".
Pinghua Figure 2
The majority of people who use Pinghua are Han, but Guangxi Longsheng Some Hongyao and Fuchuan County The Pingdi Yao have given up their mother tongue and used Pinghua instead. West of Nanning Yongning County Zhuang in some areas, Zhuang, Mulao in Luocheng Huangjin, Long'an and Hunan Tongdao County There are also many Dong people who speak Pinghua nearby, and even their folk songs are mostly composed and sung in Pinghua. Pinghua has different self descriptions in different places. The suburbs of Nanning, Yongning Pingguo Lingui in the north of Guangxi and Ningyuan, Daoxian and Tongdao in Hunan call themselves Pinghua; Rong'an, Rongshui, Luocheng, Liujiang and Liucheng call themselves "people's words". In the Tang and Song Dynasties, Pinghua became the common language in Guangxi.
The Pinghua dialect in southern Guangxi has a large internal consistency. In the Pinghua dialect in northern Guangxi, the Pinghua dialect in Rong'an, Rongshui, Luocheng, Liujiang and Liucheng are relatively consistent Pinghua in southern Guangxi It is also closer to tone For example, Rong'an Pinghua has five of the six comfortable tones Value adjustment They are respectively the same or similar to Xinxu Pinghua in southern Guangxi; The Pinghua dialect in Lingchuan, Longsheng and other places in Guangxi is influenced by Hunan dialect The influence of Mandarin and southwest Mandarin is quite different from Rong'an, Liucheng, etc. and Pinghua in southern Guangxi Entering rhyme Stop of Rhyme tail [- p-t-k] disappears, becomes the initial vowel, the original entering tone or self formed Tune , or incorporate other soothing tones. Please compare the tones of the following Pinghua dialects in Xinxu, Binyang and other places, and take Nanning Cantonese and Guangzhou dialect as a reference.


Pinghua used to be a strong dialect in history. Its distribution area is larger than that of modern Pinghua. from Sino Vietnamese From the perspective of reflection, its ancient phonetic features have been formed as early as the tenth century ago. It also outputs a lot of non Chinese loan This situation is related to the important military economic and cultural status of Guangxi in ancient times. However, after the early Qing Dynasty, the economic and cultural focus of Guangdong and Guangxi moved to the coastal areas, Guangxi became relatively backward, and Pinghua began to decline. If Pinghua can be used in the early days the western part of Guang-dong province The influence of Cantonese is the result of different dialects.
The distribution area of Pinghua is shrinking. It not only retreated from most cities to market towns and rural areas, but also gradually changed from Communication tools Transforming into family language. Cantonese is also increasingly popular in Mandarin and Pinghua areas in southern Guangxi. The gradual loss of the role of social communication also makes Pinghua lose communication opportunities, leading to the intensification of dialect differences. This result, in turn, will further accelerate the process of losing the role of social communication in Pinghua.
As mentioned above, regarding the status of Pinghua in dialect division, synchronic and diachronic aspects should be considered. Pinghua has undoubtedly developed independently from other dialects in history, and has had an important impact on other surrounding languages and dialects. But the development prospect Not optimistic Pinghua in southern Guangxi may be integrated into Cantonese, Pinghua in northern Guangxi and southern Hunan Vernacular The vernacular in northern Guangdong may die out. In this case, it may be necessary to consider that a dialect that has no development prospect and is losing its social communication function should be included in the first level classification series in parallel with Mandarin, Wu, Hunan, Jiangxi, Hakka, Guangdong, Fujian and other major dialects. But it is not suitable to classify it into other dialects (such as Cantonese). Instead, it is taken as a kind of local dialect (this may not be just an example of Pinghua) outside of the major dialects, and it is put on hold for the time being. At the same time, attention should be paid to its development, and it will be dealt with later.
Pinghua Figure 3
When discussing the attribution of dialects, we should not only focus on the synchronic characteristics of dialects, but also pay attention to whether there is experience of common development in diachronic aspects. Pinghua in southern Guangxi is similar to Cantonese in pronunciation. It is also necessary to explore the history of Pinghua, which shows that Pinghua and Cantonese have experienced a period of common development. But this is not the case.
Especially in the Ming Dynasty Fu Youde Muying After the pacification of Yungui (1382), those who entered northern Guangxi had existed for only 600 years. The Cantonese language came from Guangdong after the sea ban and the influx of foreign goods in the early Qing Dynasty Zhujiang delta Merchants and immigrants in the area brought in by water Southeast Guangxi It has only existed for more than 300 years. Hakka dialect is Qing Qianlong Later, along the coast of Guangdong Hakka people The time for reverse migration to the mainland is even shorter. Hunan dialect is mainly brought by immigrants from Hunan Hunan dialect area in the past 100 years. However, according to historical records, as early as the Han and Tang Dynasties, Han people had entered Guangxi. Therefore, there must have been a different dialect in Guangxi Chinese dialects This Chinese dialect should be the predecessor of Pinghua, which can be called "Guping dialect".


Guangxi Chinese dialects There are Pinghua, Mandarin (southwest Mandarin), Cantonese, Hakka and Xiang dialects. In terms of population, Pinghua ranks fourth. Pinghua has a small distribution area and is mainly in market towns and rural areas. There is no representative urban dialect.
Most of Pinghua in northern Guangxi also has southwest Mandarin. Under the influence of Mandarin, Pinghua in northern Guangxi has many characters and sounds colloquial and literary readings Literary pronunciation Close to Mandarin. Pinghua area in northern Guangxi belongs to the dual dialect area. Pinghua is mostly used among local people or within families. Southwest Mandarin is used for formal occasions or external communication.
The distribution of Cantonese in Guangxi Southeast Guangxi It is relatively concentrated, and in Pinghua District of southern Guangxi, it is mainly distributed in cities, which seems scattered. Pinghua in southern Guangxi shares some common features with the local Cantonese, with similar phonetic features.
Pinghua is one of the Chinese dialects in Guangxi. It has not yet been determined which dialect it belongs to. Some scholars or dialect books and periodicals classify Pinghua as Cantonese Some people think Pinghua is an independent dialect. [1]
According to the above situation, many people advocate that Pinghua, or at least Pinghua in southern Guangxi, should be classified as Cantonese. However, the difference between Pinghua in southern Guangxi and local Cantonese is quite obvious.

allothigenous constituents

Pinghua Middle Ages Total voiced initials It is even rarer in the dialect of northern Guangdong that the plosive stops cannot be aspirated after the Qinghua period. Moreover, Hunan Vernacular Middle ancient voiced initial stop in northern Guangdong dialect Affricate There are also several different situations of the sound value of:
① All Dullness , such as Xiangnandong Anhua Bridge Vernacular;
② All are aspirated voiceless, such as the two rivers in northern Guangxi, southern Hunan, eastern Guangxi and Ningyuan, and the Baisha Zhoutian, Nanxiong Wujing Wujiang Upper kiln Beijiang agalmatolite Zhenjiang River Shipi, Renhua Shitang and other local dialects;
③ There are differences between aspirated voiceless and unaspirated voiceless due to different tone types, such as southern Hunan Zixing Tancun, Xintian Nanxiang, Nanxiong Baishun in northern Guangdong and other local dialects;
Ruyuan Guitou Map
④ There are differences between aspirated voiceless and unaspirated voiceless due to the different pronunciation methods of the initials, such as Linwu Dao County , Yizhang Guiyang Aoquan, Jiahe, Lechang Tuitang in northern Guangdong Huangpu For a long time Lianzhou Xingzi Baoan, Liannan Sanjiang (Stone Clam Pond) Milk source Guitou Qujiang Lishi etc. Vernacular
Since ancient times Total voiced initials because Tune The difference between aspirating and not aspirating is the influence of tone categories on the evolution of initials in Chinese. All voiced or aspirated voiceless sounds may be the result of the influence of surrounding dialects, which may lead to the attribution of these local dialects. This shows that Guping dialect will be affected by external influences while influencing the surrounding languages. The situation of aspirating or not due to the different pronunciation methods of initials cannot be explained by the evolution law of Chinese, but whether it is the result of external influence needs to be considered in the following combination with the situation of relevant dialects.