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Pingxiang Tower

The sixth batch of national key cultural relics protection units
Pingxiang Tower, located in Ya'an City, Sichuan Province Lushan County In Jiangqing Temple, Chengnan Street, Pingxiang Tower was first built in the third year of the Northern Song Dynasty (1109) [8] To the great general of Shu Han in the Three Kingdoms, Jiang Wei, the marquis of Pingxiang. It was rebuilt in the Yuan Dynasty. Although it was repaired in the past dynasties, the style of the Yuan and Ming dynasties was preserved. [1-2] [5-6]
Pingxiang Tower is located from north to south. It is a wood structure bucket arch building with triple eaves resting on the top of the mountain. The north and south eaves are the same. The first floor has one bottom, and the upper and lower floors are surrounded by waist eaves. Looking from afar, it is like a three storey building, with a total height of about 14 meters. The ground floor is 14.1 meters wide and 10 meters deep, covering 202 square meters. 38 bucket arches are arranged around the upper and lower eaves, five are paved, and two are paved between the front and back. The inner column is a through column, directly reaching the upper layer. On the upper floor, there are four rafters with two columns, and the width of the surface is three. There are flat seats and railings in the outer waist eaves, which can be viewed from afar. [6]
On May 25, 2006, Pingxiang Tower was announced by the State Council as the sixth batch of national key cultural relics protection units. [7]
Chinese name
Pingxiang Tower
Foreign name
Ping Xiang Lou
geographical position
Ya'an City, Sichuan Province Lushan County Inside Jiangqing Temple, Chengnan Street
area covered
202 m²
Protection level
The sixth batch of national key cultural relics protection units
Approved by
the state council

Historical evolution

Pingxiang Tower was first built in 1109, the third year of the Grand View of the Northern Song Dynasty, to worship Jiang Wei, the great general of Shu Han in the Three Kingdoms. It was rebuilt in the Yuan Dynasty. Although it was repaired in the past dynasties, the style of the Yuan and Ming dynasties was preserved.
In the Ming Dynasty, taking Pingxiang Tower as the center, the memorial archway along the street was gradually built. Behind the gate tower and Pingxiang Tower, there was a hall with Jiang Wei's wooden statue sitting. Pingxiang Tower became a hall for worshiping Jiang Wei, forming the overall pattern of "Han Jiang Marquis Temple". In the Qing Dynasty, the building became the main place of the Nuo Opera Altar for offering sacrifices to Jiang Wei and entertaining gods, and the name of the building gradually evolved into Jiang Qing Building.
The existing building was rebuilt in 1445, the 10th year of the Zhengtong period of the Ming Dynasty. The existing doors and windows, column bases, green tiles and ridge kisses are prepared after the founding of the People's Republic of China. [1-2] [5-6]
Pingxiang Tower

Architectural pattern

Pingxiang Tower is located from north to south. It is a wood structure bucket arch building with triple eaves resting on the top of the mountain and lifting beams. The north and south eaves are the same. The first floor has one bottom, and the upper and lower floors are surrounded by waist eaves. It looks like a three storey building in the distance. The inner column is a through column, directly reaching the upper layer. Although the building has undergone agent maintenance, its internal structure still retains its local characteristics when it was first built. [6]
Pingxiang Tower is a four column three bay archway facing the street. Entering the archway is the main building of the temple, Pingxiang Tower. It was rebuilt in the Yuan Dynasty. Although it was repaired in the past dynasties, the style of the Yuan and Ming dynasties was preserved. The building has five bays, triple eaves, nine ridges and a mountain like roof. The building is surrounded by eighteen big columns, and the top of the columns is supported by the bucket arches. They are well arranged, exquisite, elegant, and simple. [1] The Pingxiang Building is square in plan and built on a foundation 16.8m long, 12.3m wide and 0.2m high. Five rooms are 14.1 meters wide, four rooms are 10 meters deep, 24 meters high, and the building area is 202 square meters. The roof is triple eaves and rests on the mountain. The interior is the first floor and the first floor. There is a 1.2 meter wide cloister around the building. The brackets are huge, one quarter of the column height. There are 16 upper eaves and 22 lower eaves. The weight of the building is supported by 18 large columns. The top of the columns is supported by brackets, which is simple in shape and elegant in decoration. [2] [4]
Pingxiang Tower

Cultural relics

Pingxiang Tower is a four column three bay archway facing the street, which was built in the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty. The middle banner reads "Han Jiang Wei Temple", and the back reads "Eternal Loyalty". [1]

Cultural relic value

Pingxiang Tower is an important object to study the history of ancient architecture, Jiangwei folk custom of the Three Kingdoms, Lushan Qingtan, Lantern and other Nuo operas and folk dramas. According to the passage in "Records of Scenic Spots in Sichuan, Yazhou and Lushan", "In the 23rd year of Shaoxing, Xu Hongzhong recorded that the natives worshipped Jiang Boyue and had a temple, which was named 'Pingxiang'." Xu Hongzhong, according to the Qing Dynasty's "Records of Lushan County" and other references, should be the county magistrate of Lushan between Li Hongzhong and Shaoxing in the Southern Song Dynasty. It was recorded here right away. Although the building has undergone agent maintenance, its internal structure still retains some of the characteristics of the times and places when it was first built.

Historical culture

Related figures
Interior scene
Jiang Wei (202-264), born in Jixian County, Tianshui, the Three Kingdoms (today's Gangudong, Gansu), was a famous general in Shuhan, worshipped the great general, and was granted the title of Xiang Marquis. In the first year of Yanxing (263), Liu Chan surrendered to Wei, and Zhong Hui, the general of Wei, plotted against him. Jiang Wei pretended to unite and tried to recover Shu Han, but he was defeated and killed. [2]
Lushan Qingtan
Lushan Qingtan is a large-scale folk activity where officials and people enjoy together. Lushan was administered by Hanjia Prefecture during the Shu Han Period of the Three Kingdoms. Jiang Wei was worshipped in the past dynasties. "In the Spring and Autumn Period, there are fewer sacrifices". Every year, there are two festivals presided over by the local governor. In the Northern Song Dynasty, Pingxiang Tower was built as the central place for offering sacrifices to Jiang Wei and the place for local officials and gentry to watch the ceremony. In the late Qing Dynasty, Pingxiang Tower became the main altar of Lushan Qingtan. The main procedure is as follows: On the Mid Autumn Festival on the 15th day of August, the local governor first presided over the ceremony of offering sacrifices to Jiang Wei in Pingxiang Tower (Jiang Qinglou) according to the system of "Shaogao". After the ceremony, performers from all rural organizations in the county performed singing and dancing skills, Lushan lanterns and Nuo Opera on the forty-eight color buildings built earlier. Another activity, "Night Moon in Jiangcheng", is held on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival. The main contents are: the ceremony of worshiping Jiang Wei in the Pingxiang Building, the competition in the color building, the Altar Celebration, and the night moon in Jiangcheng. The forms are playing the piano to view the scenery, the poetry and ode pairing, and the moon appreciation. It is included in the list of intangible cultural heritage protection in Ya'an City. [3]
Origin of Lushan Qingtan Grand Altar
Pingxiang Tower was built in memory of Jiang Wei, the famous general of the Shu Han Dynasty. Every year, on the 15th day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar (it is said that Jiang Wei died on the day of martyrdom), the government celebrates the sacrifice with ceremonies and follows the custom. In the 10th year of Xianfeng in the Qing Dynasty (1860), there were counter troops outside the border, attacking Lushan and surrounding Lushan City for a month. At the moment when Lushan was captured by the enemy at any time, Jiang Wei suddenly showed up and retreated from the enemy overnight to ensure the safety of Lushan City. In order to thank Jiang Wei for his kindness, the Qing court changed Pingxiang Tower to Jiang Qing Tower. It was a grand memorial ceremony and Qingtan paid tribute. In addition, the local government also implemented a rule that Jiangqing Tower was designated as the main altar of Lushan Qingtan. Later, every August 15, every Tangkou (altar class) in the county will go to Jiangqing Tower to celebrate the altar. Only after the celebration altar in Jiangqing Building can all regions open the celebration altar. This regulation has been used until the eve of the founding of the People's Republic of China. [5]

protective measures

In July 1980, Pingxiang Tower was listed as a cultural relic protection unit in Sichuan Province. [4]
On May 25, 2006, Pingxiang Tower was announced by the State Council as the sixth batch of national key cultural relics protection units. [7]

Tourism information

  • geographical position
Pingxiang Tower is located in Ya'an City, Sichuan Province Lushan County In Jiangqing Temple, Chengnan Street. [2]
Han Jiang Marquis Temple
  • Traffic information
It takes about 1.6 km and 5 minutes to drive from Lushan County to Pingxiang Tower.