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Counterbalance force

Physical terms
open 2 entries with the same name
If an object remains stationary or moves at a uniform speed in a straight line under the action of several forces, the effects of these forces cancel each other, and we say that these forces are balanced.
Chinese name
Counterbalance force
Foreign name
Balance force
Multi force balance and two force balance
Two forces act on the same object (same body)
Both forces are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction
Same object, same size, opposite direction
Reaction force
Have simultaneity, produce at the same time, change at the same time

brief introduction



1. Two forces act on the same object. (same body)
2. Each pair of forces or each pair Resultant force On the same line, the direction is opposite and the size is equal. (That is, the resultant force is zero) (equal, same line, different direction, same object)
3. This object is in Quiescent state or Uniform linear motion state (and Interaction force Difference)


The balance force is also divided into multi force balance and Two force balance The condition for the balance of two forces is that the two forces are equal in size, opposite in direction, acting on a straight line, and acting on the same object. Multi force balance is similar.


A pair of common characteristics of balance force and "force and reaction force":
Both forces are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction, acting on the same straight line. It is also because of this that students often confuse these two concepts.
Their differences are obvious:
First of all, the essence of the two concepts is different. Force vs Reaction force It describes the law of interaction between two objects. A has a strong effect on B, and B must also have a strong effect on A; The balance of two forces describes the position of an object under the action of two forces Equilibrium state Two force characteristics of.
Secondly, the two forces of force and reaction have the same nature. They are either gravity, elastic force or friction force; However, the balance of two forces is not the same. As long as the two forces act on the same object in the same size and opposite direction, acting on the same straight line, it is the balance force, regardless of the nature of the two forces.
The re acting force and the reaction force are simultaneously generated, changed and disappeared; Two force balance does not have this feature.


1. Force size identical
2. Direction contrary
3. The action (point) is on the same straight line

Counterbalance force

An object is subject to Two forces The role of maintaining static Status or Uniform straight line In motion, these two forces are a pair of balancing forces, called Two force balance.
That is to say: "If an object remains stationary or moves at a constant speed in a straight line, the force it receives must be a balancing force (or no force)"

Equilibrium state

Constant rotation state, static state and Uniform linear motion state Collectively referred to as Equilibrium state