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Labor management consultation

Agreement activities reached between the industrial side and the enterprise side on matters relating to the production and operation of the enterprise and the interests of employees
synonym Consultation on an equal footing (Activities in which the employees and the enterprise side negotiate and talk with each other on an equal basis and reach a certain agreement on matters related to the production and operation of the enterprise and the interests of the employees) Generally, it refers to labor capital consultation
Labor management negotiation refers to the relationship between the employee side and enterprise For relevant enterprises production management It refers to the activities of equal negotiation, dialogue and discussion with the interests of employees to achieve mutual understanding and cooperation and reach an agreement under possible conditions.
Chinese name
Labor management consultation
Mutual understanding and cooperation
"Partnership" dialogue
be conducive to
whole Economics And employment market Performance of



The method of labor management negotiation is enterprise Labor dispute Used in frequency Quite a lot. The labor and management sides are on an equal footing on the issues and focus of mutual disputes consult To solve the problem.
There are mainly the following types:
1. Joint decision of labor and capital
Collective decision system It is mainly the method adopted by Germany, which also has great influence in other western developed countries. It solves the conflicts of interests between each other through "partnership" dialogue, coordinate Rights and obligations between each other.
The main operating procedures are:
(1) enterprise Establishment of the labor representative Board of Supervisors And the number of workers' representatives on the board of supervisors should be equal to the number of representatives of the management, and the resolution of the board of supervisors on related disputes must be passed by 2/3 before it is valid;
(2) On Board of Supervisors In addition, there are management participated by workers' representatives consult At the meeting, relevant disputes can be negotiated to form strong resolutions and conclusions. Through these two organization Workers can fully express their own opinions on issues disputed with the management;
(3) A joint decision or resolution shall be made with the management for the settlement of relevant disputes.
2. Industrial dialogue
The labor capital dialogue system is mainly Japanese enterprise The main operating procedures for the methods used are:
(1) enterprise The agreement meeting was established by chairman Management department representatives and workers' representatives;
(2) The agreement will mainly stand on the point of view and position of the coordinator Labor process All kinds of disputes or problems occurred in the project will be discussed between the labor and management to seek solutions to the problems.
3. Worker representative
Workers' representative system in the United States enterprise It is more popular in. Workers' representatives can visit enterprise At regular meetings, bring the issues related to disputes to the highest level of the enterprise controller And can express workers' own opinions and opinions, so that managers can fully listen to workers' opinions when dealing with enterprise labor disputes.

Main impacts

Labor management negotiation can be based on Centralization Degree( centralization )It is divided into different levels. Centralization The lowest level is composed of single Labour Union Or labor organization With a single manufacturer or a single enterprise The management representative of consult , and consult The results are only applicable to the manufacturer or enterprise; The highest degree of centralization is the negotiation between the All China Federation of Trade Unions or labor representatives and the national management representatives, and the negotiation results are applicable to all industries. In addition to these two extreme cases, other labor and capital negotiations Centralization The degree is between the two.
Since the 1970s, the level of labor and capital negotiation has changed from Economics And employment market The influence of performance can be divided into two effects: competitive effect and Externalities effect.
The effect of competition is to regard labor management negotiation as market mechanism Interference of Economics And employment market The performance has a negative impact. When the level of labor management negotiation is lower, the management involved in the negotiation faces Product market competition The greater the pressure, the smaller the deviation of the results of labor capital negotiation from the results of free market operation, so the negative impact it will have is small. On the contrary, the higher the level of labor capital negotiation, the less competitive pressure on the product market faced by the managers involved in the negotiation, the greater the deviation of the results of labor capital negotiation from the results of free market operation, and the greater the negative impact.
The so-called labor management negotiation Externalities Effect means that the results of the labor management negotiation will not only directly affect the labor management parties involved in the negotiation, but also involve the same Economics Other members of society. For example, the labor management consultation decided to improve wages The management will transfer the increased costs to commodity Of Price , making consumer Price rise This will lead to a decrease in the disposable income of workers whose wages have not increased due to labor management negotiation. Another example is when the labor management consultation decides to improve wages On the one hand, it may reduce the probability of re employment of unemployed workers and prolong their unemployment period; On the other hand, in order to take care of the lives of unemployed workers, the government is bound to increase expenditure , and the decline in production will reduce the government's tax revenue Therefore, on the whole Externalities Effect on Economics And employment market The performance of should be negative. Only this effect The size will depend on the level of labor management negotiation. The higher the level Externalities The smaller the effect, the smaller the negative impact.
It can be seen that compete Effect and Externalities As far as the effect is concerned, the level of labor capital negotiation has an impact on the overall economy and employment market The influence of performance is in different directions. Therefore, it is difficult to theoretically determine the positive and negative of its final effect. In terms of empirical research, the conclusions can be roughly divided into two schools: one is to support the improvement of the level of labor management negotiation, which is conducive to the overall Economics And employment market Performance; The other believes that the two are U-shaped, that is, the improvement of the level of labor capital negotiation is not conducive to the performance of the overall economy and the employment market at the beginning, but it turns to be beneficial after reaching a certain level.