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Japanese surname
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Ping's name is determined by Emperor of Japan stay The era of peace One of them gave the surname royal line , the first group changed their surname to Ping from Emperor Kammu Is called Huan Wu Ping's Ren Tomorrow Emperor The family is called Ren Mingping's Emperor Montoku The family is called Wendeping and Koko Tenno It belongs to the Guangxiao Ping surname, which generally refers to the Ping surname of Emperor Huanwu.
Chinese name
Method of obtaining surname
A royal family with the surname given by one of the Japanese emperors in the Heian era
Japanese surname

Historical development

Heisei, Japan
At the end of the Ping An era Pingqingsheng , known as the Yi Shi Ping family, is a branch of the Ping family of the Emperor Huanwu, and is generally called the Ping family. But in the end Yuanping war In Genji After the defeat, many Ping family members began to change their surnames, and many famous names were later shugo daimyō [1]

Related works

The Tale of the Ping Family (also translated as The Tale of the Ping Family) [2] )》Quoting the Sheng clan and its decline, the opening poem is as follows:
Zhiyuan Jingshe The bell of,
Play the sound of impermanence;
The design and color of Alsophila spinulosa trees, [1]
It indicates that the winner will decline;
Pride cannot last long,
Just like a dream on a spring night;
The fierce one will die,
Like dust before the wind.