Ping'an North Road

First level administrative region of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea
zero Useful+1
Ping'an Beidao is the first level administrative region of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, located in the northwest of Korea, east to Cijiang Road , adjacent to South Ping'an Road in the south, and facing the Yellow Sea in the west [10 ] Across the Yalu River to the north, it faces Dandong City, Liaoning Province, China. The coastal area is mainly flat and the northeast is mountainous. Water and land transportation is developed.
Ping'an North Road mineral products , rich in forest and water resources, the economic industry mainly includes machinery, coal, electricity and other industrial categories, which is one of the industrial bases in North Korea. Domestic Miaoxiang Mountain Bailing Grottoes And other scenic spots. The capital, Sinuiju, is one of the important light industry centers in North Korea. Ningbian County It is the nuclear development center of North Korea.
Chinese name
Ping'an North Road
Foreign name
Administrative Region Category
First level administrative region
North Korea northwest
geographical position
Located in the northwest of North Korea
12191 km²
Area under jurisdiction
Xinyizhou, etc
Government residence
Xinyi Prefecture
climatic conditions
belong to Continental climate
Famous scenic spot
Miaoxiangshan, etc
train station
Xinyizhou Railway Station

Regional Profile

Map of Ping'an North Road [1]
Ping'an North Road is located in the northwest of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. The terrain is generally inclined from north to south, and 60% of it is low hills and plains below 300 meters above sea level. The main mountains are Feilaifeng (1470m) Danfeng Deshan (1159m) Yuntai Mountain (837m), Miaoxiang Mountain (1909m, one of the four famous mountains in North Korea); The main rivers are the Yalu River (the boundary river between China and North Korea, which is shared, managed and shared by both countries and flows 200 kilometers through the Ping'an North Road section); Qingchuan River (110 km from Xiangshan to the West Sea of Korea), and Daning River (174 km in total) Sanqiaochuan (129km in total); The main lakes are Shuifeng Lake With an area of 365 square kilometers, a perimeter of 412 kilometers and a length of 160 kilometers, it is jointly owned, managed and shared by China and the DPRK. mineral resources Abundant, Dayudong and Yunshan gold mines are famous throughout North Korea; It is rich in forest and water resources, developed in water conservancy and irrigation, famous in agriculture, and ranks third in food production in North Korea. There are many industrial categories, including power, mining, wood processing, Xinyi, Longchuan, Yanzhou, etc Xinyizhou Industrial Park Water and land transportation is developed and tourism resources are rich. [1]

administrative division

Vision of Ping'an North Road Capital 2 [2]
City: Xinyizhou City Tortoise City Dingzhou

Climatic characteristics

Ping'an Beidao has a continental climate. The temperature gradually decreases from the ocean to the inland, and the temperature difference is large. The annual average temperature is 8 to 9 degrees, the average rainfall is 900 to 1000 mm, the rainfall is concentrated in July and August, and the average frost free period is 160 days.

natural resources

Forest resources: Ping'an Beidao has a large mountain forest area, accounting for about 7/10 of the total area of the road. The mountain forest is a mixed forest dominated by pine trees. The mountain forest reserves account for about 1/10 of the mountain forest area in northern Korea, mainly pine trees and oak trees.
Mineral resources : Ping'an Beidao is rich in mineral resources, including gold, silver, copper, lead tin , iron, coal, limestone and other non-ferrous, ferrous and non-metallic metals.


Ping'an North Road
The railway, highway river transport ocean shipping Relatively developed. There are seven railways, of which the railway from Xinyi to Pyongyang has realized locomotive electrification. Xinyizhou and Dandong, China International combined transport There are six main roads, of which the longer one is the Yalu River Highway in Xinyizhou - Shuzhou - Bitong section. The main ports in the river and sea are Xinyizhou, Longyanpu, Caidao and Tieshan.

Economic industry



Ping'an Beidao is one of the Korean industrial bases, mainly including machinery, coal, electricity, metallurgy, light industry, chemical industry, textile and other industries. There are also some local industrial factories in each city and county. The central industry accounts for 60%, and the local industry accounts for 40%. The central industry mainly includes machinery and textile sectors.
Machinery industry includes construction, internal combustion, mining, machine tools, transportation, etc. It is mainly distributed in Xinyizhou, Guicheng, Longchuan, Donglin, Yunshan, Stadium and other cities and counties.
The power industry mainly uses the Yalu River to generate electricity. Shuifeng Power Plant can generate hundreds of thousands of kilowatt hours of electricity every year to supply places such as Ping'an Beidao and Pyongyang.
Metallurgical industry mainly includes gold, silver, copper, iron, lead, zinc, etc. Dexian region is one of the producing areas of nonferrous and ferrous metals in North Korea.
Chemical industry Chemical fibre , paper making, fertilizer, etc. The main place of origin is Xinyi Prefecture.
The textile industry mainly includes blended spinning, silk spinning, wool spinning, etc., which are mainly produced in Xinyizhou, Guicheng, Ningbian, Bochuan and other places. Xinyizhou Textile Factory is large in scale and has advanced equipment. The cloth it produces is supplied to all parts of the country. The Ningbian area uses silkworm to produce satin silk, which is not only supplied to the whole country, but also exported.


Ping'an North Road is the main grain producing road in the northern half of Korea. The whole road covers an area of 250000 hectares. The crops include rice, corn, soybeans, etc. The average grain yield per hectare is 6 tons. cash crop There are cotton, tobacco, hemp, etc. The agriculture in Ping'an Beidao has basically realized water conservancy, mechanization, electrification and chemical fertilizer.

Animal Husbandry

The animal husbandry in Ping'an Beidao accounts for a large proportion in the Korean animal husbandry, and the number of cattle and pigs on hand ranks first in the country. At the same time, with the advantages of mountain areas, we will vigorously develop fruit trees and sericulture, Silkworm Its output ranks first in North Korea.

social undertakings


Water conservancy and hydropower

Ping'an North Road has Baima Tieshan Water Diversion Project, Ningbian Nuclear Power Plant and other livelihood projects. The Baima Tieshan water diversion project was started in March 2004, and the canal is about 279.2km long. After completion, tens of thousands of square hectares of land in Ping'an North Road will be irrigated Xinyi Special Administrative Region , "Pixian County", "Yanzhou County", "Longchuan County", "Donglin County", "Tieshan County", etc.
"Taichuan County" has built several power stations, among which "Taichuan No.3 Power Station" and other power stations have been put into production. In May 2002, the construction of "Taichuan No. 4 Power Station" began.
Yinxing Youth Power Station is located in "Taichuan County". Its power can ensure the lighting of Taichuan County's urban area, the electric heating of more than 50 households of the first operation class in Yinxingli newly built in the Cold Dalai Plain, and the power supply to local factories in the county.

Culture, education and health

According to the official website of Dandong Golden Route International Travel Agency, there are more than 1600 schools at all levels and of all types in Ping'an North Road. Among them, there are 650 primary schools (people's schools) and 630 middle schools (higher schools), College 35 (including 19 agricultural colleges), 8 universities (Normal University, Communist University, Agricultural University, Medical University, Faculty University, Faculty University, Faculty University, Industrial University, etc.); 13 factory run universities, 30 junior colleges, 250 hardworking high schools (working people's amateur schools); There are also 3000 kindergartens. There are more than 700000 students in various schools at all levels, accounting for one third of the total population. Eleven years of popularization in urban and rural areas (including one year of preschool education) free of charge Compulsory education system There are hospitals in all cities, counties and worker's residential areas. Every village (township) has realized the hospitalization of clinics, and the whole society has implemented free medical care. There are theaters, cultural clubs, libraries, cinemas and clubs in cities and counties.

famous scenery


Miaoxiang Mountain

Miaoxiang Mountain Located in the northwest of Korea Pyongyang Only 150 kilometers across Ping'an South Road Cijiang Road The junction with Ping'an North Road is a famous tourist attraction in North Korea. It is called Miaoxiang Mountain because of its wonderful and mysterious mountain scenery and the fragrance of Platycladus orientalis on the mountain. The mountain is densely covered with pines and cypresses, numerous streams and waterfalls, and ancient temples and nunneries are scattered among them. It is a summer resort for Korean leaders. There is a saying that "three thousand miles of beautiful rivers and mountains are all scenic spots. Don't talk about the scenery if you don't see Miaoxiang Mountain", and it has been known as one of the eight scenic spots in Korea since ancient times. [3]

Yaoshan Dongtai

Yaoshan Dongtai is located on the bank of the Jiulong River, not far from the location of Yongbyon Prefecture, North Pyeong Road, North Korea. It is composed of various rocks. The towering cliffs are beautiful because of pine trees rooted in stone cracks and blooming flowers toothed oak , Yafeng Pinus quinquefolius , pine trees and so on form a forest in which there are more than 200 kinds of herbs. [4]

South Gate of Guicheng

The south gate of Guicheng is located in the "Guizhou City" of the Guicheng City in North Pyongan Road, North Korea. It was built in 994 AD and destroyed by the US Air Force in the 1950s. After the war, it was rebuilt according to its original appearance. Its high platform is made of finely polished high-quality square granite, with an arch door in the middle. The two storey gatehouse built on the high platform has three buildings on the front and three on the side, and the wing arch pad replaces the pillar to bear the whole building, which is a rare architectural model. [5]

Longmen Karst Cave

Longmen Karst Cave is located in "Stadium County". The stalactite formed in the cave 480 million years ago is composed of main cave, branch cave and scenic spots. Longmen Karst Cave is the longest stalactite cave in North Korea. There are many strange landscapes formed by stalactites and stone flowers in the cave. [6]

Donglin Waterfall

Donglin Waterfall, also known as the "Jade Waterfall", is located in the deep valley at the south foot of the "Litai Peak" of the "Ancient Military Camp" of "Donglin County" in Ping'an North Road of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. From the strangely shaped rock cliffs, waterfalls pour down. The water source is clear and huge. It is also used to irrigate adjacent farmland. In the upstream area of the waterfall, there are "Longyan" and "Pingfeng Rock" and other strange rocks with strange shapes; There is a natural reservoir of "Longtan" in the downstream area, which is integrated with the surrounding cliffs, pines and oaks, with beautiful scenery. Won the reputation of being one of the eight scenic spots in the west of the Korean Pass.

Jinguang Temple

Jinguang Temple, also known as "Jingang Temple", is located in Shichong Mountain, which has the reputation of "Yizhou Jingang". There are 11 buildings, including the main building, the Great Hall, the Hundred Flowers Hall, the Qingyun Hall, and the Long live Tower. [7]

Disaster accident

On April 22, 2004, at about 2:00 p.m. local time, a large explosion occurred on a freight train loaded with three boxes of 60000 liter natural gas barrels at the Longchuan Railway Station, Longchuan County, North Pyeong do, North Korea. The power of the explosion was equivalent to the power of more than 100 tons of explosives, and the radius of the explosion shock wave was 4 kilometers. Public buildings such as Longchuan Primary School and Cultural Guild Hall near Longchuan County Railway Station, more than 30 industrial and commercial facilities, and more than 8100 households' houses were damaged, resulting in seven or eight hundred deaths and injuries. [8-9]
On August 21, 2010, from 00:00 to 9:00 local time, a heavy rainstorm occurred in the Shuifeng Lake area on the upstream of the Yalu River, with a precipitation of 300 mm. Heavy rain caused floods in Sinuiju, North Pyeong Road, North Korea, with serious losses.