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Average length

Average length of longer general fibers
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The average length refers to the average of each length through a certain calculation formula. The common ones are weighted average length and weight average length.
Chinese name
Average length
Average each length
Weighted average length , weight average length
Average length of longer general fibers
There are two kinds of weighted average: weighted average by weight and weighted average by number of pieces. In length inspection, it is generally used by weight Weighted average length However, when calculating the slippage rate of the drawn fiber in the yarn to calculate the strength of cotton yarn, it is appropriate to use the average length weighted by the number of fibers.
The length is the average length (average length of the upper half) of a longer general fiber, and the test results are expressed in 1/100 and 1/32 inch. The fiber length is mainly determined by the variety, but if the cotton plant grows under too high or too low temperature and water conditions or Nutritional deficiency , the fiber will become shorter. Excessive cleaning and/or drying in the gin can also cause fiber shortening.
Fiber length affects yarn strength , cotton yarn evenness and spinning efficiency The fineness of cotton yarn produced from the fiber provided is also affected by the fiber length.
American cotton fibre
reference material
1. Cotton market
2. Engineering standard network