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Average temperature

Temperature concept
It refers to a period of time. According to the length of calculation time, there can be the average temperature of a day, a month and a year.
In 2023, the annual average temperature in China will be 10.71 ℃, 0.21 ℃ lower than the previous year. [3-4]
Chinese name
Average temperature
Foreign name
average temperature
Arithmetic mean of temperature values observed
resolving power
time frame
Year by year, month by day, 1985-2012

Classification overview

1 Average temperature of a day: refers to a day 24 hours The average temperature of. meteorology Generally, the average temperature at 2:00, 8:00, 14:00 and 20:00 is taken as the average temperature of the day (that is, the four temperatures are added and divided by 4).
2 Average temperature of a month: average value
3 Average temperature of a year: the average value of multi day average temperature (or multi month average temperature) of a year.

City data


North China

Beijing :12.9℃
Tianjin: 12.9 ℃
Shijiazhuang :13.9℃
Taiyuan :10.4℃
Hohhot :7.3℃

Northeast China

Shenyang :8.5℃
Dalian :11.3℃
Changchun :6.1℃
Harbin :4.9℃

East China

Shanghai :17.1℃
Nanjing :15.9℃
Hangzhou: 17.0 ℃
Ningbo :17.2℃
Hefei :16.2℃
Fuzhou :20.2℃
Xiamen :20.7℃
Nanchang :18.0℃
Jinan :14.8℃
Qingdao :13.0℃

Central South Region

Zhengzhou :14.7℃
Wuhan :17.1℃
Changsha :17.4℃
Guangzhou: 22.4 ℃
Shenzhen :23.0℃
Nanning :21.8℃
Haikou :24.4℃

Southwest China

Chongqing: 18.4 ℃
Chengdu: 16.0 ℃
Guiyang :15.1℃
Kunming :15.5℃
Lhasa :8.5℃

Northwest China

Xi'an :14.3℃
Lanzhou :10.3℃
Xining: 6.1 ℃
Yinchuan :9.5℃
Urumqi: 7.3 ℃

Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan

Hong Kong :23.3℃
Macao :22.6℃
Taipei :23.0℃
Taichung :23.3℃
Kaohsiung :25.1℃

statistical data

In 2021, the annual average temperature in China will be 10.53 ℃, 0.28 ℃ higher than the previous year [1]
As of 20:00 on September 25, 2022, Hunan province The average temperature of the province is 29.4 ℃, 2.5 ℃ higher than that of the same period of the year, ranking the first high in the same period of history since 1961. [2]
On February 29, 2024, the National Bureau of Statistics issued the Statistical Bulletin of the People's Republic of China on National Economic and Social Development in 2023. The annual average temperature in 2023 was 10.71 ℃, an increase of 0.21 ℃ over the previous year. A total of 6 typhoons landed. [4]