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Average population

Sociological terminology
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The average population is Population at time point Of average value Can comprehensively reflect a certain period Population size It is easy to compare with the indicators of relevant periods. To accurately calculate the average population, in principle, the total population at each instant should be divided by the corresponding calendar time. In practical work, we usually only know the population at certain time points in a certain period. Under the condition of uniform population change, the average population is equal to 1/2 of the sum of the population at the beginning of the period and the population at the end of the period. [1]
Chinese name
Average population
Average population at each time point in a certain period
The average population is a comprehensive indicator that comprehensively reflects the general level of the total population in a certain period. Theoretically, the accurate calculation method of the average population should be the sum of the daily population, divided by the corresponding calendar days. The smaller the time interval, the more accurate the average population. However, in actual statistical work, it is impossible to obtain daily population figures. Therefore, the average population referred to in statistics is the approximate value of the average population calculated on the premise that the population in this period changes evenly. For a long time, we have often carried out population statistics according to household registration, so we are calculating the per capita gross domestic product The average registered population is mostly used for calculation.