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Books published by Central Compilation and Translation Publishing House in 2013
open 4 entries with the same name
Platform: Win Amazing Wealth with Influence in the We Media Era, 2013 Central Compilation and Translation Press publish books , Author Michael Hayet
Chinese name
Platform: we media era wins amazing wealth with influence
Foreign name
Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World
Zhao Jie
Publication time
October 2013
Number of pages
280 pages
nine trillion and seven hundred and eighty-seven billion five hundred and eleven million seven hundred and seventeen thousand seven hundred and ninety-five
Motivation for success
32 yuan
16 ON

content validity

In today's market, if we want to succeed, we must have two strategic assets: compelling products and effective platforms. In this book, Hayet teaches you not only to expand your own influence, but also to turn influence into practical benefits and create a lifelong career. What's the key? It's about building a platform. It's so simple, so low investment, and so possible for success, which is unprecedented. The book includes: strategies that have been proven in practice; Simple and easy to learn method; Practical skills.
Media technology has changed everything. Never before, in today's increasingly noisy and impetuous world, unknown people can gain fame and win big! [1]


Introduction The world is a play
The first chapter has been a blockbuster ever since
First, remember that the product is supreme/013
II. Carefully brewing excellence/017
III. Exceeding market expectations/023
Four sweeping stumbling blocks/030
V. Don't be content with mediocrity/033
Six names should be unforgettable/037
Seven Good Packaging Ten Tips/041
Chapter 2 Ready to Go
VIII. Taking Personal Responsibility/047
Jiuzhi Dangcun Gaoyuan/050
X Clarifying Platform Objectives/054
Eleven Creating Elevator Speech/057
XII Brand building tools/061
XIII Establishment of work team/065
XIV Find the Best Endorsement/070
Tenth Five Year Self image Endorsement/074
XVI Smart Use of Internet Media Toolkit/077
Part III Building a Network Base
XVII Understanding Yingpan Model/087
XVIII Focus on Network Business/089
XIX Expert for Identifying True and False/092
Opening personal blog at 20/094
XXI Be sure to create in person/101
XXII Using Blog Template/104
XXIII List of Establishment Ideas/107
XXIV Efficient Writing Skills/111
XXV Create Video Interview/115
XXVI No need for proofreader/119
XXVII Protection of Intellectual Property/121
XXVIII Beware of Blogging Mistakes/125
Twenty nine Pay Attention to "About Page"/128
30 Create Login Page/137
XXXI Making Speech Page/142
XXXII Forget the Quantity Index/152
Chapter IV Expanding Influence
Thirty three Kiss Goodbye Traditional Marketing/157
XXXIV Prioritization/161
35 Tips for Increasing Traffic/165
XXXVI Establish subscriber list/170
XXXVII Use Old Documents Skillfully to Increase Traffic/174
38 Writing guest blog/178
39 Tips for Using Gifts/181
Forty Beware of the Loss of Readers/184
XLI Focus on Several Groups of Data/186
42 Embrace Weibo/189
43 Basic Use of Weibo/192
44. Overcome resistance/ two hundred
Forty five Thirty minutes a day/204
Forty six win more fans/206
47. No one should pay attention/211
48 Weibo Promotes Products/215
49 Facebook fan page/220
50 Unified Brand Image/224
51 Coping with Traditional Media/226
Chapter 5 Join Your Community
52 Win blog comments/233
Fifty three Targeted Reply Comments/236
54 Create a Healthy Atmosphere/238
55. Formulation of Commentary Code/241
56 Implement the 20 to 1 rule/244
57 Personal brand monitoring/246
58 Defending Personal Brand/249
59 Do Not Feed Warcraft/256
60 Let Blogs Make Money/258
Conclusion Take the first step/261
Appendix I Compliance with FTC related regulations/264
Appendix II Blogging Ideas for Novelists/270 [1]

About the author

Michael Hayet, the world's most attractive media leader, platform application master, and we media marketing guru. He is currently chairman of the board of directors of Thomas Nelson Publishing Company, one of the largest publishing companies in the United States. From a social media that no one pays attention to, he started to build his own platform, won thousands of followers, and became one of the world's largest platforms, becoming a popular top blogger and speaker.
In today's market, if we want to succeed, we must have two strategic assets: compelling products and effective platforms. The author uses this book as a guide to collect his own experience and lead readers to step by step into a new We Media world from behind the stage. He shows you how leaders, speakers, entrepreneurs, best-selling writers, musicians and other creative people can blaze new trails and use platforms to gain fame and wealth in today's highly competitive market. In this book, Hayet not only teaches you how to expand your influence, but also how to turn influence into practical benefits and build a lifelong career.