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Dihong Family

Ancestor figures of the Chinese nation
Dihong, it's Chinese nation Ancestors《 Historical record justice 》It is recorded that Dihong is Yellow Emperor
Master Zuo's Spring and Autumn Annals In the 18th year of the Duke of Wen: "There was an incompetent person in the Hongshi family of the Emperor Xi, who hid his righteousness and hid his thieves, liked to commit atrocities, was ugly, and was stubborn and unfriendly. He was called Hundun by the people in the world who compared with Zhou."
Mountain and Sea Classic · Dahuang East Classic 》: "There is a country of Bai people. Emperor Junsheng Dihong, Emperor Hongsheng Baimin, Baimin sold his surname, millet Four birds : Tiger, leopard, bear, bottom. "
Mandarin 》Born in Huangdi Ji Shui , taking Ji as his surname, and according to《 Redords of the Grand History of China 》It is said that the Yellow Emperor was named Gongsun. So《 Soyin in Historical Records 》He reconciled the two surnames, saying that the Yellow Emperor's surname was Gongsun, and later changed to Ji. In addition, the Records of the Historian also said that he was named Xuanyuan, but did not explain why he got his name. Collection of Historical Records 》Say his number Bear , "Shi Ji Suo Yin" made a comparison and said that the Yellow Emperor was Bear Country He is the son of Xuanyuan, so his name is Xiong. Xuanyuan is his name. Because he lives in the hill of Xuanyuan, he took it as his name, also called it, and according to《 Master Zuo's Spring and Autumn Annals 》It is recorded that he was also called Dihong.
The Justice in the Records of the Historian explained that the Yellow Emperor had the name of Xiong Guojun Youxiong He Yue Jinyun Family , also said Dihong Family , also called Dixuan Family.
Yellow Emperor
Period of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors
Ethnic groups
Huaxia nationality
Key achievements
Magnificent China, go straight to hell
True name
Dihong Family
Relevant records
General Customs《 Blooming dew in spring and autumn

Explanation 1

Dihong Surname : Original Chi You's ( Jiuli Leader), after Yellow Emperor ( Ji Xuanyuan )。
Luobi History of roads ·The Country Name Record: "In the biography of Yu Pi, we can see the seeds of barbarians and the seedlings of many emperors. If the Ba people came from Fuxi The origin of Xuan, Di, Qiang and Jiuzhou Rong Emperor Yan Zhu Man, Feng Shi Tangut The Yellow Emperor came out in peace; Baimin, Fangfeng, Huantou, Sandang Dihong Huaiyi, Yunrong, Jiumu Qunshu Out of Shao Hao Kunwu Dianpu, Oumin and Luoyue came from Gaoyang; Eastern Hu , Danren, public opinion, and vomit out of high spirits; Hun Turkic When there is no deer and no surplus, it is said that it is inherent. The son of Jinyun, a descendant of the Yellow Emperor, was unworthy at the beginning. He was not talented, and he was not humble. "
1. The above, Luobi Separate the Yellow Emperor from Dihong and list the Miao people, which shows that Dihong is not the Yellow Emperor. Dihong Miao people have the first enjoyment, namely Huandou , he is Sanmiao Chief, at Yao and Shun era Be punished by exile. The descendants of Sanmiao live in China today Southwest China Of Miao nationality The Miao people have recognized that Chiyou They are ancestors. This directly shows that Dihong is Chiyou. Ba people saw from Fuxi shanhaiching The Huns were seen in Redords of the Grand History of China Baimin, Fangfeng, Huantou, and Sanju are from Dihong, and Dihong is Dijun Only by proving who Dijun is, can we know whether Dihong is the Yellow Emperor or Chiyou. According to the Records of the Historian, enjoying the head, Gun Coproduction , Sanmiao is Zhuan Xu Four families Descendants of the Yellow Emperor So, Dihong is not Chiyou.
The History of the Road also said: Fang Lei Festival, the second imperial concubine of the Yellow Emperor( Fang Lei Women's Day ), rest in life and clear. Xiu, the Li surname, is the Dihong surname. When it comes to life, heaven and earth are propitious. "The Yellow Emperor is tired of it, and the Emperor Xiu is standing." Here, it is believed that Dihong's surname is Emperor Xiu, the son of the Yellow Emperor.
2. It is also mentioned in the article that Fangfeng is also a Miao descendant of Dihong (Fangfeng is Da Yu The fact that Dayu killed Fangfeng just shows that they may come from the same source). Fangfeng Ancient Country In today's Zhejiang Deqing County Domestic, that is, in the famous Liangzhu Ancient City side. Liangzhu Ancient City is right here Tianmu Mountain Underfoot. Tianmu Mountain was called Fuyu Mountain in ancient times. An addendum 》: "To the west of the West Sea, there is Fuyu Mountain. There are huge caves at the foot of the mountain, and there is water in the caves. The color of the caves is like fire. In the day, it is unclear, and in the night, it shines outside the caves. Although the waves are flowing, its light is indestructible, which is called 'yin fire'. When the Yao Dynasty, its light decayed and turned into red clouds, the red light shines brightly, and the rivers are tranquil and clear. The swimmers wrote: 'Sink fire, to respond to Fire virtue Luck '. " Zhang Heng Quote from "Please Forbidden the Book of Divination"《 poem which portends what will happen to the poet 》Date:“ Chiyou He was defeated, and then Yao was ordered. " According to the Collection of Historical Relics and Zhang Heng's remarks, we know that Yao was appointed with fire virtue, and his fire virtue was inherited from Chi You, that is, Chi You was the king of fire virtue. (There are also some literature records suggesting that Chi You was the fire virtue. Wenzi Shangyi: "The Red Emperor was a fire, so Yellow Emperor Catch it ". Huai Nanzi, A Brief Introduction to Military Affairs: "The origin of the military is far away! The Yellow Emperor has a taste of it Emperor Yan In the war, Emperor Yan was a fire, so the Yellow Emperor's birds were "). Therefore, we can judge that the fire and virtue of Yao and Chiyou came from the ancient city of Liangzhu at the foot of the ancient Fuyu Mountain. Chiyou is Liangzhu Culture The king of the group (his official capital is Liangzhu Ancient City at the foot of the Fuyu Mountain. Chiyou's companion capital is in today's Shandong Province sunshine Two towns Chiyou set its auxiliary capital at the seaside because Liangzhu Ancient City and the ancient cities of the two towns are connected by sea, which is convenient for communication. Therefore fangfeng In view of the fact that they belong to Liangzhu Culture Group together with Chiyou Luobi According to the statement that Fangfeng is a Miao descendant of Dihong, Dihong should be Chi You. (The Fangfeng family and Xia came from the same source. It seems that Dihong is the Yellow Emperor, and Dihong is the Yellow Emperor, Dijiang River , the Yellow Emperor the three embodiments of Buddha The Yellow Emperor is four sides, the Dihong is three bodies, and the Dijiang River is chaos)
3.《 shanhaiching ·The Eastern Classic of the Great Wilderness says, "There is a country of white people. Emperor Jun gave birth to Dihong, Emperor Hong gave birth to Baimin, and Baimin sold his surname." The word "Baimin" mentioned in this passage should be《 History of roads ·"One hundred people" of Dihong Miao descent mentioned in the National Name Record. It is mentioned in the article that Dihong had studied for the sake of Emperor Jun《 shanhaiching 》As all scholars know, Yellow Emperor And Dijun belong to two systems respectively. Therefore, Dihong, as a descendant of Dijun, should not be the Yellow Emperor. (Some people also think that because it is impossible to explain who Dijun is, it can be seen from the third generation that Dijun does not mean one person, but the position after the Yellow Emperor, so the Yellow Emperor, Shao Hao, Diku , Yao and Shun were both emperors, but Zhuan Xu was a little exception. These emperors all came from the same family. Shao Hao was the son or grandson of the Yellow Emperor, Diku was the grandson of Shao Hao, Yao was the son of Diku, Shun was the son-in-law of Yao, a descendant of Zhuan Xu, and Zhuan Xu was the grandson or great grandson of the Yellow Emperor minister of agriculture under legendary Shun He is the son of Dijun, and is suspected to be the God of Heaven in the Mountain and Sea Sutra, so there is no evidence to prove that Dijun is not alone. The Mountain and Sea Sutra records the age earlier than the record that the Yellow Emperor is Dihongyi, so it is likely that the Yellow Emperor will associate with Dihongyi. Just as Jinyun is also a real figure in Zuo Zhuan, it was later attached as the title of Yellow Emperor.
Therefore, from the three Miao ethnic groups, Baimin, Fangfeng and Huantou Backstepping If his ancestor is the Yellow Emperor, he can only be Chiyou (Bai Min was seen in the classics of mountains and seas out of the emperor's good looks. Dayu killed Fangfeng. He was of the same family in similar regions. Enjoy the first change southern barbarians It can be seen in historical records that it was in the same era as Yao. It was the south of the four mountains. The four mountains were the four clans of Zhuanxu. The father of Dayu, Gun, was the east mountain. Gonggong was Beiyue Sanmiao is the Western Mountains. A closer look shows that Bai Min may be Sanmiao.)
Shiben 》"The Yellow Emperor is also called Dihong". Du's note in Zuo Zhuan, The Eighteenth Year of Duke Wen: "Dihong, the Yellow Emperor". Five Emperors' History 》[Justice]: "The Yellow Emperor... is also called Dihong.". These documents remind us in a special way that if Dihong is not the Yellow Emperor, he must be a contemporary of the Yellow Emperor. Among the contemporaries of the Yellow Emperor, Chiyou was the only one with the highest status《 Five Emperors' History 》It has been shown that the Yellow Emperor finally ascended the throne of God and commanded the world after defeating Chiyou. The implication Chiyou Like Xia Jie Shang Zhou As a king, the Yellow Emperor was equal to Shang Tang And Zhou Wenwu. Ying Shao Note《 The History of the Han Dynasty 》Cloud: "Chiyou, the ancient emperor". "Chuang Tzu Yin Yi" quoted "Han Shu Yin Yi": "Chi (You), the ancient emperor". These are positive records of the fact that Chiyou was once an emperor. (The Yellow Emperor was the name of Dihong, which was a common view in ancient times. The Yellow Emperor, the last Yan Emperor and Chi You were contemporaries, so these three were ancient emperors. A large number of documents recorded that Dihong was the Yellow Emperor, not Chi You. Lu Shi, because he paid more attention to historical facts, separated Dihong from the Yellow Emperor. From the perspective of order, Fu Xi, Shennong , Yellow Emperor, Dihong, Shaohao, Zhuan Xu, Diku, after the summer, although Yao and Shun were missing, Yao was the son of Diku, Shun was the descendant of Zhuan Xu, Gun and Yu were Xiahou Therefore, it can be seen that the logic is clear and all are orthodox. In this way, it can be explained that Dijun gave birth to Dihong as the Yellow Emperor gave birth to Dihong. In this case, Dijun is not limited to one person, so Dijun is more likely to have the Yellow Emperor, Shaohao, Diku and three people)
We are in the encyclopedia "Jiang" constituent string As has been stated in, "river" refers to today Luxi regional Dongping Lake Nanyang Lake Dushan Lake Zhaoyang Lake Weishan Lake A line of river and lake system. Yin Benji 》Citation《 Tang Gao 》: "Gu Yu Gaotao If you work hard for a long time, you should make contributions to the people, and they will be safe. The east is the river, the north is the Ji River, the west is the river, and the south is the Huai River, Four blasphemies Having been repaired, all people have their own homes. " Obviously, the "river" in the quotation was in Bo (now Henan), the capital of the early Shang Dynasty Yanshi )To the east of Shandong, this is not the Yangtze River, but the north-south river lake system in western Shandong.
Mr. Zhu Supplemented Historical Records· Chronology of Marquis Since the Founding of the Yuan Dynasty 》Zaitan Qianqiu wrote: "The anger of father and son has existed since ancient times. Chiyou He betrayed his father and the Yellow Emperor crossed the river. " The river crossed by the Yellow Emperor in this document is not the Yangtze River, but the north-south river lake system in western Shandong. Huangdi Group belongs to Ancient times The western power group should send troops from the area west of the central part of Henan to the east Dongyi Luxi East Henan And then cross Dongping Lake - Nanyang Lake Dushan Lake Zhaoyang Lake - Weishan Lake Line, entering the deep zone of Dongyi territory (until the sea stops) (scholars generally believe that, Tai Hao , Chiyou and Shaohao belong to the Dongyi Group and are hostile to the Yellow Emperor Group. Theory of salt and iron 》The eighth book, "Jiehe", says: "The doctor said:‘ Xuanyuan war Zhuolu , kill Liang Hao Chiyou "). Chiyou's core territory contains The Great Lakes Luxi region. Let's see Chiyouzhong , ancestral geographical position This judgment can be obtained. Chiyou Tomb and Ancestral Temple are located in the area of western Shandong today. According to Huanglan Tomb Record: "Chiyou Tomb Dongping County Shou Zhang Kan Township, County "; Annals of the Thirteen Prefectures 》"Shouzhang has Chiyou Temple."《 Geography of Han Dynasty 》It reads: "Shouzhang, Chiyou Temple is located on the fourth place in the northwest". Shou Zhang in three quotations, today Shandong province Yanggu County Domestic. "Huanglan Tomb Record" said: "(Chiyou) shoulder spleen tomb in the mountain sun Juye County 。” Visible, Dongping Lake- Nanyang Lake -Dushan Lake - Zhaoyang Lake- Weishan Lake The plains on both sides of the line belong to Chiyou Sphere of influence The "Hong" note in this encyclopedia has stated that the water system of Dongping Lake Nanyang Lake Dushan Lake Zhaoyang Lake Weishan Lake is a "river", and this river is the year that wild geese travel from south to north Migration route The wild geese flying on this route are "Hongs". Then, the emperor respected by people on the plains on both sides of the river will naturally be called "Dihong". because Chiyou The tomb is in this area, so from the relationship among Jiang, Hong and Chiyou, Dihong should be Chiyou.
Dihong is also called "Dijiang". shanhaiching ·The Three Classics of the West: "Tianshan Mountain... is full of spirit. Its shape is like a yellow bag, red as a red fire, six feet and four wings. It has no face. It knows singing and dancing, and is really the emperor of the river." Bi Yuan Note: "The river reads like a rainbow." Please note that the words "Red as fire" in Dijiang and "The Red Emperor is a fire" in Wenzi Shangyi contain the words "Red" and "Fire". This also supports the judgment that "Dihong is Chiyou".
The name "Dihong" is used to describe a leader who leads the people forward like a head goose leading a flock of geese flying. Therefore, the name "Dihong" means "the emperor among the birds", which is equivalent to "Wang Yan" and "Touyan".
The Yellow Emperor defeated Chiyou Later, the Yellow Emperor Group controlled the Dongyi area, that is, the Luxi area, which was originally in Chiyou territory. At this time, because the meaning of the name "Dihong" is quite positive, it is natural and possible to use it as the name of the new owner of the original Chiyou site (there are at least two records of the Yellow Emperor becoming the new owner of the Luxi region: first, the Yellow Emperor Yuanzi Qingyang was granted the title of "casting" : "The King of Wu defeated Yin, entered Yin, and before he reached the public opinion, he ordered the descendants of the Yellow Emperor to cast." The "casting" of the descendants of the Yellow Emperor, Should be Located in today's Shandong Province Dongping County "Cast" 50 kilometers to the east. King Wu granted the title after the Holy King, which was generally granted in the original place, without involving long-distance migration. And because“ Qingyang ”One has the meaning of "East", and "cast" in the East, so "cast" should be the crown prince Qingyang of the Yellow Emperor a feudal state Location, ground distance Duke Zhou The fief of Qufu About 40km (represented by Duke Zhou King Wen of Zhou The crown prince of. In ancient times, there was a tradition that the prince lived in the East. Second《 Imperial century 》: "The Yellow Emperor Poor Sang Ascended the throne and moved back to Qufu "). This is probably the reason why the literature explains that "Dihong" is the Yellow Emperor. However, the Yellow Emperor will not be the original owner of the name, because the Yellow Emperor is called the Yellow Emperor because it is the King of Tude and the soil is yellow.
Uptrend《 shanhaiching ·The god of Tianshan described in the Three Classics of the West is as red as fire inside, but yellow outside. The color of this appearance is probably Yellow Emperor Color. The "reality" of "actually the emperor river" means that although the god is yellow in appearance, the body inside is red Chiyou (《 shanhaiching 》I also mentioned the relationship between Chiyou and Maple Leaf, which is red. Therefore, the god of Tianshan Mountain is a composite god with yellow outside and red inside. In this way, Dihong originally referred to Chiyou, and later referred to the Yellow Emperor. Luobi Of《 History of roads ·Country Name and《 Shiben 》On the surface, the records in such documents are contradictory, but in fact they are all correct.

Interpretation II

According to《 Mandarin 》It is recorded that Shaodian married Jiao's The daughter of Huang Dihe Emperor Yan , the Yellow Emperor grew up near the Ji River, so his surname was Ji.
According to《 Redords of the Grand History of China 》, the Yellow Emperor's surname is Gongsun. He said he was named Xuanyuan, but didn't explain why he got his name. Soyin in Historical Records 》He reconciled the two surnames, saying that the Yellow Emperor's surname was Gongsun, because Ji Shui Bian grew up, so he changed his surname to Ji. And make a comparison, saying that the Yellow Emperor was Bear The monarch of the country was called Xiong, and Xuanyuan was his name. Because he lived on the hill of Xuanyuan, he took it as his name and also his nickname《 Historical record justice 》Explain that the Yellow Emperor Bear Country Jun, the number has a bear. He Yue Jinyun Family , which was called Dihong's surname, and also called Dixuan's surname. Both Xuan and Yuan are related to cars, so Qi Si and On Yellow Emperor The story of making the instrument (Volume 7 of Ancient History Identification) attributed the invention of cars in China to the Yellow Emperor.
Master Zuo's Spring and Autumn Annals 》It is recorded that he was also called Dihong.
History of roads 》More specifically, it said that the Yellow Emperor created a car in the north of Kongsang Mountain, "the crossbar is Xuan, and the straight wood is Yuan, so it is called Xuanyuan Family". As for the reason why the Yellow Emperor was called the Yellow Emperor, the ancients seemed to say unanimously that he "had the virtue of virtue, khaki Therefore, it is called the Yellow Emperor.
modern historian He put forward that the Yellow Emperor is the emperor, which means God (heaven) in the primitive people's consciousness. Yang Kuan Introduction to Ancient Chinese History《 Blooming dew in spring and autumn 》And other ancient documents, such as The Book of Changes, Xici: "The Yellow Emperor Yao and Shun Drop your clothes and the world will govern. " Custom 》Then he wrote: "Emperor Yao and Shun hung down their clothes and the world was governed." Phonology Speaking of above, Huang and Huang are homophones, so the Yellow Emperor is the emperor.
In Shangshu Lv Xing, the emperor and God also share common ground. In this way, it seems that the Yellow Emperor can draw a line with the emperor and God Equal sign Has. However, the title of "Emperor" came from First Emperor of Qin After the emperor was created and used, it generally refers to the highest ruler of China, while "God" has a special divine significance. "Yellow Emperor" specifically refers to the first of the five emperors, which has become a general consensus. Therefore, the three cannot be confused in practical application.