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Percival Lowell

American astronomer
Percival Lawrence Lowell (March 13, 1855 November 12, 1916), U.S.A Astronomers, businessmen, writers and mathematicians. Lowell once Mars On groove Described as canal , and in the United States Arizona Of Flagstaff The Lowell Observatory was established, which eventually Pluto He was discovered 14 years after his death. [1 ]
Chinese name
Percival Lowell
Foreign name
Percival Lawrence Lowell
one's native heath
date of birth
March 13, 1855
Date of death
November 12, 1916
University one is graduated from
Harvard University
Astronomer, businessman, writer, mathematician
Key achievements
Speculators of Pluto's orbit

Early trip to the Far East

Percival Lowell
American amateur astronomer, born on March 13, 1855 boston A very famous family. His sister Amy Lowell is a poet; His brother became Harvard University President of. In 1876, after graduating from Harvard University with honors, he went to the Far East to do business for a period of time. In September 1883, he became a foreign secretary and adviser with special diplomatic missions between the United States and South Korea. Lowell is here Japan After a while, he wrote about Japanese religion, psychology and behavior. His works are full of academic discussions and observations on Japanese life, including the development of language, religious fellowship, economy and character. Lowell's works in Asia include "Noto" (1891) and "Occult Japan" (1894), and the most popular is "The Soul of the Far East" published in 1888.
After reading Camille Flammarion's La plan te Mars, Lowell decided to use his wealth and influence to study wholeheartedly Mars And astronomy He was right Italy Milan Observatory Schiaparelli The Mars Canal depicted is of interest.

Describe the Mars Canal

Lowell Observatory
When he returned to the United States, he had abundant wealth and did not have to work for a living. He took advantage of this advantage to Arizona A private observatory was built. There, the air in the dry desert several kilometers high and far away from the city lights make the astrology very quiet. 1894 Lowell Observatory Completed. At that time, Mars was very close to Earth. Lowell has studied Mars for 15 years and taken thousands of photos of Mars. No doubt he saw (or thought he saw) the canal. In fact, he saw much more than Schiaparelli had ever seen, and he drew detailed drawings, including more than 500 canals. He drew an "oasis" at the intersection of the canals, reported that the canals sometimes seemed to be in pairs, and recorded the seasonal changes in detail, which seemed to reflect the rise and fall of crops. In a word, he is the patron saint of the believers of Mars' intelligent life. meanwhile, Pickering He studied Mars almost as hard, but what he reported was straight stripes. They were few and moving, and they were not like Lowell's well-defined stripes at all. Modern astronomers stood by Pickering against Lowell, pointing out (for example, Jones said) that when the visibility reaches the limit, irregular stripes make the eyes feel like crossed straight lines. In other words, the canal is probably an optical illusion.
Lowell Observatory

Searching for unknown planets

Percival Lowell
Lowell is also famous on another point. Even when Leverrier and John Cosey Adams After the discovery of Neptune, the differences in the movement of Uranus are not fully understood. It still pulls a little bit off the calculated track. Lowell believes this was caused by another planet outside Neptune. He calculated the possible position of the planet in the sky (according to its influence on Uranus), and determined to find the planet he called X. Lowell never found it, but after his death, he used better telescopes to search for it for 14 years, and finally Tombaugh got a successful result. This new planet is named Pluto, which is a proper name for the planet farthest from the sun; It is no accident that the first two letters of this name are the first letters of Percival Lowell's name.
But Pluto's mass is too small to explain Neptune's orbit. Astronomers continue to search for "Planet X", but the name has come back Tenth planet X means 10 in Latin. Until the probe "Voyager 2" was close to Neptune, it was discovered that Neptune's mass had been miscalculated a lot. With the correct quality, add Pluto Impact, Neptune The actual orbit of is consistent with the calculated orbit. According to the calculation of planet orbits, a planet as big as the Earth cannot be within 60AU (Pluto is about 30AU away from the sun in the 21st century) If there is the tenth largest planet, its orbit will be very inclined. It is likely that it is an alien body that is too close to the sun and is attracted into orbit by the sun.
emperor's mausoleum
The Lowell Observatory played an important role in Lowell's last 23 years as an astronomer. the First World War The outbreak of "Li" obstructed Lowell's astronomical work and damaged his physical condition. Lowell finally died on November 12, 1916, and was buried on the Martian Hill near Lowell Observatory.