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Swiss medical scientist
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Parachelsus Switzerland His birth and death were from October 14, 1493 to September 24, 1541.
Chinese name
date of birth
October 14, 1493
Date of death
September 24, 1541
medical expert
Character's Life
As his father practiced medicine, he often accompanied his father when he was a child. Studied metallurgy and Chemistry In 1507, he left home to study in Basel, Tibingen, Vienna, Wittenberg, Leipzig, Heidelberg, Cologne, Ferrara and other universities. In 1510 University of Vienna Obtained Bachelor of Medicine In 1516, he received a doctor's degree from Ferrara University with innovative spirit. After graduation, he traveled and practiced medicine in Europe and the Middle East for 10 years, extensively contacted folk doctors, and accumulated rich clinical experience. Around this time, he named himself Para Chersus (It means to surpass Chersus, a famous Roman doctor in the first century). In 1527, he became famous for his treatment of foot gangrene of a famous publisher in Basel City, and was recommended as a medical professor of Basel University, attracting students from all over Europe. He actively publicized his medical thoughts and treatment experience in teaching. Oppose the humoral theory and temperament theory, and put forward the view that sulfur, mercury and salt are the three elements, and believe that human diseases are caused by the imbalance of these three elements. He believes that each organ has its own operator. If it is abnormal, sulfur, mercury and salt will be out of balance. He has rich knowledge of medicine. It advocates seeking targeted drugs for various diseases and opposes the abuse of compound drugs. It emphasizes the natural therapeutic ability and opposes harmful therapeutic methods. In the 16th century, with the emphasis on classical literature, many medical experts regarded medical knowledge as literal knowledge, ignoring patients and clinical experience. In response to this situation, he ridiculed the doctors of scholastic philosophy and advocated that doctors "must have rich experience". He was eccentric. He lectured in German, attacked contemporary doctors and ancient authorities (nicknamed "cannon") with sharp language, and even burned the works of Galen and Avicenna, who were still regarded as medical classics at that time, in front of students. These actions aroused the opposition of many professors. In 1528, he left Basel under the attack of his rivals. Since then, while practicing medicine and writing books, he likes to write in German. In 1536, he published the "Complete Surgery" and regained his reputation and wealth. He died in an inn in Salzburg in 1541 for unknown reasons. His unique medical thought had a certain influence at that time and later generations. Discussion on 1530 Writing Syphilis It is pointed out that oral mercury is effective. It is pointed out that silicosis is caused by inhalation of metal vapor, Goiter It is related to metals (especially lead) in drinking water, and has been prepared with various mercury , sulfur iron , or copper sulphate Drugs. He also believes astrology Considered medicinal Botany Its therapeutic effect depends on its shape.