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Cities in Haliu County, Estonia
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Paltiski is Estonia Haliu County A city located in Gulf of Finland South bank, capital Tallinn 45km to the west.
Chinese name
Estonia Haliu County A city of
geographical position
Gulf of Finland South bank, capital Tallinn 45km west
60.17 km²
Market establishment time
1996 October 31st
Paltiski is Estonia Haliu County A city located in Gulf of Finland South bank, capital Tallinn 45km to the west. It covers an area of 60.17 square kilometers, 2004 The population is 4224. it turns out to be the case that Sweden The colony of Tsarist Russia Navy base. 1762 It is renamed Baltisky (БалтийскийПорт) Estonian pronunciation 1933 Become an official name. 1962 It has become a training base for Soviet nuclear submarines, and has two nuclear reactor until 1994 For one Confidential Administrative Region 1996 October 31st Set up a city.