History of Greece

History of Greece
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Greek history traditionally includes Greece People, the historical study of the regions they ruled and the regions within the territory of Greece today. The living range of the Greeks has changed greatly in history, so the regions involved in Greek history are quite flexible, and each period has its own geographical range.
In 3000 BC, Greece developed a high degree of Aegean civilization In 1500 years ago, Dorian, one of the ancient Greeks, invaded Greece and absorbed Mycenaean civilization , the first 1200 years, Dorian Destroy it Crete In order to avoid the invasion of Dorians, the Greeks of Asia Minor Etc.
Alexander After his death, the empire split into three kingdoms The Republic of Rome Then it successively annexed the three kingdoms, and Greece became a part of Rome. later Imperium Romanum Split into East and West Roman empires. The Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire) centered on Constantinople was essentially Hellenistic. with Greek culture Greek And after The Orthodox Church Greece is the core part of the Byzantine Empire, Eastern Roman Empire with Byzantium Centered on, it breeds oriental color Byzantine culture In 1453, Ottoman Empire Capture Constantinople , perish Byzantine Empire After that, Greece entered Ottoman Turkish Empire Reign. It was not until 1832 that Greece formally declared its independence.
the First World War Greece and Allies Fight, gain aegean sea Part of the territory of the region. here we are the Second World War At that time, Germany and Italy took turns to invade. Although Greece fought back, it could not withstand the German offensive and was once occupied by the German army. World War II Later, Greece began the new construction of the country. In 1967, there was a coup, and real power fell into the hands of the military. In 1974, Greece made another major political change, Military government Change to a democratically elected government National Assembly , repeal Kingship To form a new republic.
Chinese name
History of Greece
Foreign name
Greek History
Time of occurrence
7000 years ago - now

Prehistoric Greece

European Neolithic
Around 7000 years ago, the Neolithic Revolution began to affect the Balkan Peninsula And Greece. about Western Yuan The first twentieth century, from Northern Europe Of Indo European Nation Ionian Achaians, Dorians, etc. These people call themselves Hellenes, and they enter aegean sea They moved here and learned and absorbed their culture and knowledge from the peoples along the Aegean Sea. As a result, the Greeks gradually became civilized and drove away the peoples who originally lived along the Aegean Sea and became ancestors of the Greeks. [1]
Early Greek Bronze Age: Minoan civilization
Minoan civilization
Minoan civilization It is the earliest Aegean civilization. Its active period lasted from about 2700 BC to about 1450 BC. Nowadays, people know very little about Minoans, and even this name is only a modern name, which comes from the legend Crete King Minos of. They are identified as pre Indo European- Indo-European )And their language Eteocretan may use Linear Text A Writing. They live mainly by sea trade. Trade is the main economic source of Minos, mediterranean sea Crafts from Minos have been found in the east, such as Imprint stone Made in Greece turkey Aegean Islands , Egypt and Mesopotamia Of Metalware Also in Knossos Site discovery. The archaeologists also developed a wide range of large jars on Crete. These jars are for collection Olive oil and Wine The main export products of Minoans are olive oil and wine. In addition, wood, woolen cloth, pottery, jewelry, knives, perfume and medicine are also their export products. [2]
Although the reason for their decline is unknown, it is certain that they were eventually invaded and ruled by the Mycenaean people in the Greek mainland.
Mycenaean civilization
Mycenaean civilization It's from the late Greek Bronze Age Ancient Greek Civilization It existed from the Greeks around 1600 BC aegean sea From the beginning to the decline of about 1100 years ago, this is Homer Epic And many MYTHOS History settings for. The "Mycenaean Period" is named after the Mycenaean archaeological site in the northeast of Argos, which is located in the peloponnesian peninsula On. Athens Pilos Thebes and Tillings It is also an important Mycenae city.
Mycenaean civilization is a aristocratic rule led by warriors, which was mastered by Mycenaean people about 1400 years ago Minoan civilization Center of Crete Of control power , and absorbed the words of the latter, thus deriving Linear Text B To write their own language, an early Greek The Minoan script is called Linear Text A
The Mycenaeans buried their nobles in the domed tomb( tholoi ), a circular tomb with a high dome and a straight stone entrance. They usually buried their swords and other weapons with the dead, and nobles usually wore gold masks, crowns an armor And weapons inlaid with jewels. Mycenaean people are usually buried in a sitting position, and the remains of some nobles are mummified. [3]
Mycenaean civilization Decline in about 1100 BC, many cities were looted, since then the Greek history entered a dark period. During this period, the population and culture of Greece declined significantly. The Greeks themselves attributed the curse to the invasion of another group of Greeks, the Dorians. However, there is no archaeological evidence to prove this assertion.

Dark Age

Dark Age of Greece
Greece The Dark Age (about 1200 BC to 800 BC) refers to the supposed Dorian invasion and Mycenaean civilization The rise of the Greek city-state from the perishing 11th century BC to the earliest 9th century BC; And the earliest Homer epics in the eighth century BC Greek The emergence of writing.
The decline of Mycenaean civilization corresponds to several Near East The decline of empires, especially Hittite and Egyptian civilization The reason for the decline may be the invasion of a sea nation equipped with iron weapons. When the Dorians went south to Greece, they were also equipped with more advanced iron weapons, which could easily drive the weakened Mycenaeans away. However, the most recent archaeology It shows that the period of drought and poor harvest caused famine and the decline of civilization, which is more likely than the invasion of Dorian people. The following historical period is collectively called the Dark Age of Greece.
Archaeology shows the decline of civilization in the Greek world during this period, and the magnificent palaces of the Mycenaean people were destroyed or abandoned, Greek Discontinue use. The pottery of the dark age in Greece only had simple geometric decoration, lacking the rich pattern design shown by the devices of Mycenae. The number of Greek settlements in the Dark Age is rare and small, which may indicate a sharp decline in population. The absence of goods from abroad may indicate the decline of international trade. At the same time, contact with other civilizations also disappeared, resulting in social culture And the overall stagnation of development.
The king who ruled throughout this period was finally replaced by the aristocratic rule. In some areas, the aristocratic rule in the aristocratic rule - the elite of the elite appeared later. The focus of war is from knight Turning to the reliance on infantry. Because of its low cost and the convenience of collecting everywhere, iron has replaced copper as the first choice for manufacturing tools and weapons. The differences between people of different classes gradually became smaller, which led to the subversion of the royal power and the rise of the clan.
The gens began to reconstruct their history to connect their blood Troy War Heroes, especially Heracles On the body. Although most of them are pure legends, Hesiod The poets of the school have sorted out some of them. Most of the poems have been lost. We only know some people who write stories, such as miletus Hecataeus of Argos and Acusilaus of Argos.
People believe Homer The epic contains some traditions inherited orally from the Dark Age, but the historical authenticity of Homer's works is still widely debated.
At the end of this period, the stagnating civilization was heavily influenced by the comprehensive rejuvenation of the Guangbushla world Black Sea And Spain. The writing system was borrowed and invented by the Phoenicians, and then spread northward to Italy and Gaul

ancient Greek

For the ancient Greek period Start of, historian We cannot agree. Although it can refer to Imperium Romanum Historians tend to give a more precise definition of all the history of Greece before its rule. Some authors will Minoan civilization and Mycenaean civilization Inclusion, while others point out that these civilizations are related to the later classical Greek civilization The difference between them is too large and should be divided separately. Traditionally, the beginning of the ancient Greek period was defined as the first time in 776 BC Olympic Games But more historians have advanced it to about 1000 years ago; It follows Alexander the Great It ended with the death of 323 years ago. The subsequent period is called Hellenistic period Although not all scholars treat these two periods differently, even some authors regard the ancient Greek civilization as a continuous continuation until the rise of Christianity in the third century AD.
Ancient Greece is considered by many historians to be Western Civilization The foundation of, Ancient Greek Culture Deeply influenced Ancient Roman Civilization , the latter will carry it forward and spread it to the whole western world The heritage of ancient Greek civilization is rooted in the language, politics, education, philosophy, art and architecture of today's western world, especially The Renaissance In the 18th and 19th centuries, it took place in Europe and America different Neoclassicism The movement greatly affected the process of civilization.
Ancient Greece was an area with many city states, so many different political system Some ancient Greek city states such as Sparta Follow the same principles monarchy , centralizing the power in the hands of the king; Some city-state, like Athens, practiced democracy; Others are ruled by nobles or by councils controlled by a few people. Although ancient Greece was located in a small area, its political system gained extensive time Rich and colorful Development of. As far as the regime is concerned, ancient Greece has experienced Aristocracy democracy oligarchy and Tyranny The evolution of. In particular, the democratic political system of ancient Greece was one of the earliest attempts of ancient mankind to direct democratic system, which had a profound impact on later generations.
The political unit of ancient Greece was the polis, so politics was the affairs of the polis. Each city is independent in theory at least, for example: Taranto Although by Sparta They were established by immigrants, but their political systems and life patterns are quite different. Although some cities may be subordinate to other powerful city states, for example, the Thirty Tyrants in Athens were founded by Sparta peloponnesian war Later appointed, but the nominal highest power of each city is always in the city. This means that when Greece participated in the war (for example, against the Persian Empire), it went to the battlefield in the form of "alliance". It is also Greek city-state The civil war (Peloponnesian War) between the two countries created a certain possibility, which led to the decline of the Greek city-state, which was eventually conquered by Macedonia Eurasian Africa Alexander Empire
Many names familiar to modern readers were active in this period. Poets include: Homer Hesiod Pindar Aeschylus Sophocles Euripides Aristophane as well as Sappho Famous politicians include Solon Dimistocles Pericles Lv Shande, Epamionda Archimedes Philip II And their children Alexander the Great Writers Plato Aristotle Heraclitus Parmenides Democritus Herodotus Thucydides xenophon Etc. Almost all Euclid Of《 Geometric primitives 》( Hellenistic period initial stage be published in book form )All the knowledge involved in this period took shape.
The ancient Greek world was shaped by two major wars: Greco-Persian Wars and peloponnesian war
Classical times
In 492 and 480 BC, the Persian Empire carried out two large-scale invasions into the Greek world, both of which were defeated. The ancient Greek civilization reached its peak in the history of the Greek Persian War.
The democratic reform in Athens Periclean age Formally completed, business, craft, philosophy, science and art have developed unprecedentedly. famous Socrates Plato, Aristotle, Heraclitus, Parmenides, Democritus, Herodotus, Thucydides, Xenophon, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes, Sophocles are all figures of this period.
In 431 BC, led by Athens Delian League And led by Sparta Peloponnesian League A war broke out again between them, known as the Peloponnesian War in history. The Athenian democracy ended and was replaced by an oligarchy supported by Spartans. But the Spartans' hegemony did not last long, and the Greek city states fell into a melee.
In 335 BC, Alexander the Great, the king of Macedonia, flattened Thebes, and all Greek city states except Sparta fell, Classical times The end, the beginning of the Hellenistic era.

Hellenistic period

Hellenistic period Beginning in the first 323 years Alexander the Great The death ended in 146 years ago when the Greek mainland and islands were merged into the territory of Rome. Although the Roman rule over Greece did not change the cultural and social traditions formed during the Hellenistic period, it still marked the loss of Greek political independence.
Pompeii's Alexander the Great Mosaic
During the Hellenistic period, the influence of "native Greece" in the Greek speaking world was greatly reduced, and the cultural center at that time was the capital of the Ptolemaic dynasty Alexandre as well as Seleucid empire Capital of Antioch
The news of Alexander's death spread to the Greek mainland, making the Athenians feel that there is an opportunity to take advantage of it. They and their allies immediately revolted against Macedonian rule, but Lamian War China was defeated within a year. However, Alexander's generals themselves launched a fraternity war: Successor War , eventually leading to Alexander Empire And some new kingdoms were established. Ptolemy captured Egypt Seleucid get Mesopotamia And the eastern end of the empire, and the Macedonian Cassander and Asia Minor Antiochus competed with each other in Greece. However, Macedonia Thrace and Anatolia The dispute lasted for some time, but the first 298 years Antioch Dynasty Finally replaced Antipatrid dynasty , became the master of Macedonia, and most of Greece was also controlled by Antigonus II Hands.
But the Macedonians Greek city-state It's not complete. So is control Discontinuity Such as Athens Rhode Island , Pagama and other cities have retained substantial independence or autonomy, while some city states have formed closer city state alliances to defend their rights, such as Achaean League Etc. At the same time, the island alliance nominally under the jurisdiction of the Ptolemaic dynasty was actually an independent force, controlling Greece aegean sea Most of the islands in the south of. Traditional city-state Sparta It also continued to be independent, but did not participate in any city-state alliance.
Ptolemy Egypt also often competed with Macedonia for Greek influence. In the first 267 years, Ptolemy II Philadelphus It persuaded the Greek cities to revolt against Macedonia and triggered the Krimonitz War, named after the Athenian commander. The Greek city-state alliance was defeated by Macedonia, and Athens lost its independence and Democratic regime , which marks its role as political center But it is still the richest and most cultural city in Greece. But as Egypt intervened and continued to damage the power of Macedonia, Macedonia Antioch Dynasty The control over Greece has gradually weakened, and two city state alliances have also emerged in Greece Aetolian League and Achaean League
Sparta People are still hostile to the Achaians on the peninsula and invaded 227 years ago Achaia And tried to master Peloponnese On the peninsula, the defeated Achaians, in order to defeat the Spartans, instead joined hands with the Macedonians, their enemies for many years, to ally with them against Sparta. In the first 225 years, Macedonia Kos Island Having defeated the Egyptian fleet Rhodes Island The whole outside aegean sea Incorporate your own Sphere of influence And Egypt gradually withdrew from the Aegean Sea. In 222 years ago, the Macedonian Union Army Battle of Selassia Defeat the Spartans and enter their city - this is the first time in history that Sparta was captured by foreign forces.
Philip V It is the last Greek ruler who has the ability and conditions to maintain the unity and independence of Greece in the face of increasingly powerful Rome. The Peace of Naupactus (217 BC), which was reached through his efforts, once again enabled Macedonia's influence to dominate the whole Greek mainland, but this was only a formality. However, in the first 215 years, Philip formed an alliance with Carthage, the enemy of Rome, which prompted Rome to lure those forced to surrender to Philip Achaean League , allied with, and Aquidneck Island and Asia Minor Of Kingdom of Pergamon Alliance. First Macedonian War It broke out in 212 BC and ended fruitlessly in 205 BC, but Macedonia has since become the enemy of Rome.
In 202 BC, Rome defeated Carthage and cleared the last barrier to the east. In the first 198 years, Second Macedonian War The war broke out mainly because Rome regarded Macedonia as a potential enemy and an oriental power Seleucid Dynasty Potential allies. In this war Philip V His allies in Greece betrayed him, and Macedonia Battle of Cynoscephalae China was defeated by Titus Quinctius Flaminius, the governor of Rome. Macedonia's Greek hegemony was forced to end.
Fortunately, Flaminius is an admirer of Greek culture, and he treats Macedonia leniently. Although Philip had to obey the peace treaty and hand over his fleet, he did not need to be punished more. In the previous 196 Isthmian Games Flaminius declared the freedom of all Greek cities, while the Roman guards were still stationed Collins and Halkis With the growing influence of Rome in Greece and the failure of Hellenistic countries to Rome, Rome gradually established hegemony in Greece. Although the Romans gave freedom and autonomy to the Greeks in name, the freedom promised by the Romans was just an illusion. After 146 years ago, most cities were under the control of Rome. Later, they joined a Roman controlled alliance, and the democracy was pro Roman Aristocratic politics Replaced by.

Roman Period

The Roman Period of Greece
Greece military force As a result of the decline, the Romans conquered this land around 168 years ago. Although it became a Roman territory, it had an unprecedented period of peace. Many Greeks believed that the Romans ended hellenistic age The Roman rule brought peace, and Greek culture In turn, they conquered the Roman life. It is traditionally believed that Roman rule over Greece began in 146 BC when the Roman Lucius Mummius Collins But as early as 168 years ago, he became king Perseus to Battle of Pydna Defeat in Lucius Emilius Paulus ·After Nicus of Macedonia, Macedonia was already under the control of Rome. The Romans divided the region into four small republics. In 146 BC, Macedonia officially became a province of Rome, with Thessaloniki as its capital. The rest Greek city-state They were all terminated from de facto autonomy and surrendered Imperium Romanum The Romans will local administration It was handed over to the Greeks, who didn't want to break the tradition Political model The agora in Athens continues to exist as the center of public and political life.
The Greek states did not give up their intention of independence Bendu King Mithridati VI allied against the rule of Rome and tried to become independent. In the first 63 years, Mithridati VI was defeated by Rome, and the independence struggle of the Greek city states was suppressed by Rome. Athens was punished by Roman generals Sula Robbery is rampant. During the Roman Republic crisis, Caesar and Pompeii And Octavian and Anthony After the two civil wars, many Greek city states were also involved, which caused serious damage to both cities and rural areas geographer Strabo It is recorded that a large area of land in rural Greece is deserted and uninhabited, and many cities are in ruins. Fortunately, Caesar and Augustus Later emperors Greek city-state Very lenient, especially Augustus separated Greece from Macedonia and became Achaia Province to Collins As the capital, Corinth City was rebuilt 44 years ago, which enabled Greece to enjoy more than 100 years of peaceful life. However, in the third century, Greece began to be invaded by barbarians. In 267, Athens was once occupied and looted by the Visigoths.
In 212, Karakala Of Royal Decree of Antoninus The Roman Citizenship Endowed all the men of the empire outside Italy Free people In fact, the residents of the province will be promoted to the same status as the residents of Rome. The historical importance of this edict was even greater than the political importance. Since then, the economic and legal mechanisms of the empire have been applied throughout mediterranean sea The region laid the foundation for the integration of the empire, just like the process of expanding from Latin tribes to the whole Italy. Of course, integration cannot be fully realized in practice. For example, Greece, which has been integrated in Rome, is more suitable for this doctrine, while areas like Britain Palestine or Egypt These areas are either too far away, too poor or too special to reach this level.
Caracalla's edict did not control the process of power transfer from the West to Greece and the East. On the contrary, it accelerated the process and laid the foundation for Greece to become the main force in Europe in the Middle Ages.

Byzantine Empire

Byzantine Empire The history of "The Roman State of the Greeks who converted to Christianity" was summarized by the scholar August Heisenberg. since Imperium Romanum Split into east and west parts, and then Western Roman Empire The destruction of Eastern Roman Empire Ruling Egypt Palestine and Syria In the seventh century, other places were invaded and occupied by Arabs, so Greece became the main part of the empire, and the Greeks also became the main citizens of the empire, and finally equated the two identities. Constantine the Great take Byzantium Architecture became the capital of the empire (hence Constantinople ), place it in Imperial Center And has been guiding the Greeks as a beacon in the long history National sense of belonging , until modern times. Greece was the core part of the Roman Empire and its successor, Byzantine Empire, which was dominated by Greek language and culture. In the first century AD, the Greek Orthodox Church was established, which shaped the cultural identity And spread the Greek tradition to the orthodox world.
Constantine the Great and Justinian I The two emperors absorbed the Roman tradition as Byzantine Empire Founding and development foundation. The first few centuries were devoted to consolidating the empire's borders and trying to restore them Imperium Romanum The territory of. At the same time, this stage is also marked as Orthodox The establishment of tradition and its conflict with heresy from within the empire.
In the first stage of the middle Byzantine period (610-867), the empire suffered attacks from both old enemies (Persians, Lombards, Alvars and Slavs) and new enemies (Arabs, Bulgarians, and Vlakhs). These attacks were not limited to Border conflict Sometimes they go deep into the border and even threaten the capital. At the same time, the invaders were not satisfied with the occasional short attack, but instead settled down for a long time and became a new country hostile to the empire. External and internal factors led to changes in the structure of the empire, such as small businesses Free farmer The prosperity of, the expansion of military rule and the development of the military region (themata) system completed these changes that began in the last period. Some changes have also taken place in the administrative field: society and administration have become quite Hellenistic, and the Orthodox tradition has been reshaped after the Idol Abolition Movement. These factors have led to successful military operations against neighboring countries and placed them in Byzantine culture Influence circle Within. During this period, the territory was narrowed, and the economy was damaged to a certain extent due to the loss of areas where wealth was produced; However, it has made great achievements in language, religion and culture Radiant force
In 1204, the most important event in imperial history occurred, marking the beginning of the late Byzantine period. Greek Constantinople For the first time in history, the empire was defeated by Latin Crusaders It was conquered and replaced by a Latin country for 57 years. In addition, the Latin occupation period greatly affected the Internal development Because the feudal enfeoffment system was introduced into Byzantine life.
In 1261, the Greek Empire was divided into the former Greek Byzantium Comnenus dynasty In the hands of Epirus and Baleolian Dynasty In the hands of the last dynasty when Constantinople fell. The decline of the Greek Byzantine Empire and Ottoman Empire The invasion of the empire gradually led to the decline of the empire. In 1453, the Byzantine Empire fell Osman In the hands of man, the Byzantine period of Greece came to an end.
It should be noted that the term "Byzantine Period" was invented by modern historians. Since the 10th century, people have called this empire the Greek Empire, And it The former was the Roman Greek Empire, which is why the Greeks sometimes call themselves Romioi in colloquial language. The modification of "Rome" comes from the inheritance of Rome in the political and administrative field of the empire. In fact, in European history Many countries use this decoration, such as Carolingian dynasty And German Holy Roman Empire They regard themselves as Imperium Romanum The successor of.

Ottoman rule

The Ottomans ended the division situation since 1204, and Greece entered the historical stage of the Ottoman Empire. They were directly under the jurisdiction of the governor of the European territory in Sofia. In 1470, they were divided into six "sanjaks", and then divided into several counties. turkey Sudan Let the local famous families in Greece take charge of local tax collection and public security central government Important positions, such as the church, the army and civilian officials, all need them.
Some Greeks do not want to be Osman The rule of man has raised two strands Migration tide First, the Greek intellectual class Western Europe Of immigrants, which inspired The Renaissance The arrival of. Secondly, some Greeks left the plain and hid in the mountains. Since Greece is a mountainous country, and the Ottomans never successfully established their military or administrative presence in the mountains, in this sense, the Ottomans never completely conquered Greece. There are many secret communities on the Greek mainland and islands, such as Crete Spakiots on, Souliots on Epirus and Peloponnese The Mani of were active secret communities in the mountains during the Ottoman rule. From the end of the 16th century to the 17th century, many Greeks began to move back from the mountains to the plains. Religion promoted by the empire Autonomous community Millit ”(Millet) system divided various regions into religious ethnic autonomy, which indirectly promoted The Orthodox Church Greek national cohesion Greek Orthodox Church As a national religious community, it helps Greeks in all regions of Greece (mountains, plains, islands) maintain their ethnic, cultural and linguistic heritage under the difficult Ottoman rule.
The Greeks under the Ottoman rule were either Christians under the alien rule or secret Christians. They ostensibly followed the rules of Islam, but secretly practiced Greece Orthodox To avoid the harsh taxes and levies Without losing contact with the Greek Orthodox Church. However, those Greeks who really converted to Islam, even though they retained their own culture and language, were also regarded as Turks by their fellow Orthodox Greeks.
From about the end of the 17th century, people migrated to Constantinople The Greeks (commonly known as the "Farna people") gradually gained Osman Central reuse, in administrative management The department occupies an important position. They are Ottoman Empire Translators and middlemen in contacts with European countries, and financially contribute to the empire in exchange for privileges, such as banker Usually Turkey Pasha Pay for officials in exchange for lucrative tax contracts; At the same time, the powerful figures of their (Farna) families also firmly controlled the The Orthodox Church The bishop's authority, and in the middle of the 18th century, successfully expanded its authority to the originally independent Serbia and Bulgaria church. More importantly, in 1711, the Ottomans put the empire Balkan Peninsula Barn area—— Romania Provincial Dominion Give it to them (the Farna people), so they become a part of the empire symbiosis The intermediaries and beneficiaries of the relationship, and the native Greeks still living in the Greek Peninsula, are gradually estranged and broken.
In 1774, Ottoman Empire In the first big defeat to Russia Rear (see The Fifth Russian Turkish War )According to the Kuchukkenaji Treaty signed by the two countries, Ottoman opened Black Sea Make Russian ships navigable and reduce their tariffs. Russia, because of its lack of ships on the Black Sea, generously let the Greeks and some of them who were also Orthodox Christians balkan People enjoy the right to fly the Russian flag. So a large number of Greek businessmen took the opportunity to control the profitable grain trade in Russia Ukraine Wheat produced in the region is transported to those with higher grain prices Southern Europe And Western Europe. This not only led to the rise of local Greek businessmen, but also transmitted the enlightenment campaign And the ideal of independence.
In general, although a small number of Greeks (Farna people) are highly regarded by the Turks, most of the native Greeks are in a position of being conquered and exploited. They are still looking for opportunities to overthrow the rule of the Ottomans one day, so there are many uprisings, the ideas of the American independent revolution and the Enlightenment, and some foreign forces (Venice and Russia )Under the interference of. In 1789, it happened in Europe French Revolution , the revolutionary slogan "independence and freedom" resounded all over the sky, and also reverberated to Greece, national consciousness When the tide rises, add Ottoman Empire However, the gradual corruption, corruption and decline made the Greek people hope for independence. These various factors constituted the background of the Greek independence movement.

Modern Greece

Modern Greek history
See: List of Greek monarchs
In the modern history of Greece, foreign power played a very important role because geographical position From Ottoman Empire After the decline, Greece took control Dardanelles Strait The important place of the Communist Party of China and the front line to block communism have always been the focus of international interest sharing.
October 1827 Battle of Navarino Marks the end of the Ottoman Empire's rule in Greece

Independent nation building

Osman People ruled Greece until the early 19th century. In 1821, the Greeks launched Greek Revolutionary War , and declare independence; But by Austria prime minister Metternich The movement won the final victory only in 1829. Europe at that time Intellectual elite Universal worship of ancient Greek civilization and hostility Islamic Civilization , looked at the war with sympathy, and regarded it as classicism European or Christian Europe's resistance to the alien race. For example, Eugene Delacroix's 1824 work The Massacre of Ios( Le Massacre de Scio )The emotions expressed in. Some non Greek volunteers also took part in the battle, such as the poet Byron. at that time Ottoman Empire It is too powerful for the rebels. In fact, they were once close to killing completely Insurgent army However, it was due to the interference of foreign military forces that it was not realized. 1827 Battle of Navarino It marked the direction of the war, and ships from Britain, France and Russia were defeated Osman And Egypt's joint fleet, and in 1832 was successfully independent, so modern Greece emerged.
The Massacre of Ios, Delacroix
Russian Foreign Minister, Greek Ionis· Kapo Sistias returned to his motherland in 1827 to serve as the president of the newly established republic, but died of assassination four years later. Later, Western powers used one Monarchy Replaced the Republic, and the first king came from Bavaria Of Otto I His successor was Danish. In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, from the 19th century to the early 20th century, Greece launched a series of campaigns against Ottomans, aiming to expand its territory and absorb more Greek people living under Ottoman rule George I Under the rule of two kings, the territory and population of Greece gradually increased until 1947.
In 1897, Greece was defeated in the first Greek Turkish War. But later Balkan Wars Win in Ottoman Empire
the First World War In the middle, Greece stood Entente On the one hand, against the Ottoman Empire and others Allies country. Major Western generals after the war Asia Minor A part of the division of Izmir )。 At the same time, Turkish nationalists led by Kemal overthrew Osman The government and organized military action , defeat it. Thousands of Turks living in Greece immediately moved back to Turkey, and a large population transfer took place with a large number of Greek residents living in Turkey.
Although Greece has only a limited number of poorly equipped military forces the Second World War Or choose to stand in Allies On the one hand, he refused to compromise with Italy's demands. On October 28, 1940, the Italian invasion was resisted by the Greek army and the invaders were driven back (see Greek Italian War )This marked the first victory of the Allies on the battlefield. Hitler had no choice but to intervene in this region in order to consider his southern wing. Germany Hungary Bulgaria And Italian troops defeated Greece, Britain Australia and New Zealand And occupied Greece.
The Germans tried to further advance Crete through the large-scale operation of paratroopers, so as to eliminate the worries of the Allies attacking the southern wing from Egypt. However, they were strongly resisted by the Allied Army and the local residents of Crete, and finally Crete During the Axis rule, thousands of Greeks died in battle concentration camp Or hunger. Although there are Greek Orthodox Church And many Greek Christians, most of them judea The community was cleaned up by the invaders, and the economy also stagnated. After the war, Greece experienced a bitter civil war between the Communists and the royalists, which lasted until 1949.

Restoring democracy

In the mid fifties and sixties, the economy of Greece developed slowly, and in the early stage, it relied on the United States marshall plan Of donations and loans, followed by a focus on its tourism industry. On April 21, 1967, the Greek army overthrew the right-wing government of Panayiotis Kanellopoulos by means of a coup, and established a military government called the "Colonel Regiment". The new regime is supported by the United States, Central Intelligence Agency Suspected of participating in the coup. They deposed the monarch in 1973, and in 1974 dictator George Papadopoulos Rejected the help of the United States, so - rumored to have been instigated by Kissinger - there was a second coup. Colonel Dimitrios Ioannizes was appointed as the new head of state.
Many people think that Ioannizez is right Cyprus in the light of Makarios The President is responsible for the coup Be treated as The pretext for Turkey's first invasion of Cyprus in 1974. Cyprus incident And the integration of Athens University of Science and Technology The bloody suppression of the uprising led to the internal collapse of the military government. A politician in exile, Constantine Karamanlis He returned from Paris as interim Prime Minister and was re elected as the chairman of the conservative New Democratic Party for two consecutive terms. In 1975 referendum Confirmed Constantine II 's departure, new Democratic Republic The Constitution comes into force. Another once exiled politician, Andreas· George Papandreou He also returned to the motherland and founded Social democracy The Pan Greek Social Movement Party. They won the 1981 general election and dominated the country's political affairs for nearly two decades.
Since the restoration of democracy, Greece's economic and social conditions have improved and grown steadily. It joined in 1981 European Union And accepted it in 2001 euro As currency. Assistance from the EU and tourism, shipping, services light industry Realized by income of Infrastructure It has brought unprecedented living standards to the Greeks. But between Greece and Turkey Cyprus issue as well as aegean sea There is still tension on the border issue, but the earthquakes that occurred in the two countries in succession in 1999 and the spontaneous mutual assistance of the people diluted this contradiction.
On 16 September 2007, parliamentary elections were held. The New Democratic Party won 152 out of 300 seats Pan Greek Socialist Movement 102 seats Greek Communist Party 22 seats Left Bloc 14 seats and 10 seats of the People's Party. with Costas Karamanlis The New Democratic Government, the Prime Minister, was able to remain in power.
Greece, 2009 National debt crisis It began to attract worldwide attention. [1]