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Greek Civil War

The War between the Greek People's Liberation Army and the Government Army
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synonym Greek crisis (Greek crisis) generally refers to the Greek civil war (the war between the Greek People's Liberation Army and the government army)
The Greek civil war lasted from 1944 to 1949, Greek Communist Party The war between the led people's armed forces and the government forces supported by the United Kingdom and the United States. [1-2]
In 1944, after the victory of the Greek people's anti fascist struggle, the Greek government in exile returned home under the escort of the British army. On December 3 Athens Massacre the masses and provoke civil war. next year britain Plan to "stop" the civil war and disarm the people. Between 1945 and 1946, 1190 or so pro Communists were killed by right-wing groups. In 1946, the Democratic Party came into power and restored monarchy And suppress domestic democratic forces. Greek Communist Party Reorganization Armed struggle , on liberated area Establish an interim government. In 1947, the United States announced that“ Truman Doctrine ”, replacing Britain to directly participate in the suppression of the Greek people's armed forces. The provisional government was overthrown in 1949. [3]
Greek Civil War
Greek People's Liberation Army Greek government forces, UK, USA
The government army won
Forces of the participating parties
About 100000 people of the People's Liberation Army
232500 government troops
Principal Commander
Marcos Wafiadis Alexander Papagos
Time of occurrence

War background

Greek Civil War
stay the Second World War In China, both the Greek government and the king were exiled abroad. At home, the Greek Communist Party and some left-wing parties successively established the "National Liberation Front" and the "National People's Liberation Army" in September and December 1941 to carry out resistance against the fascist occupation forces.
In the autumn of 1944, the number of the members of the People's Liberation Front reached more than 1.6 million, and the number of the PLA reached more than 70000. Most of the country was liberated and a local temporary democratic regime was established. [4]
In order to safeguard its interests in Greece, the British government tried to restore the pre war system of Greece after the war. When the German army withdrew from Greece in October 1944 Yalta Conference Agreement reached on. British troops landed in Greece in the name of fighting against Germany and escorted the Greek government in exile back to Athens. November Greek government and British general Scobie Order the dissolution of the National People's Liberation Army. On December 3, the National Liberation Front organized hundreds of thousands of people to demonstrate and strike in Athens, which was brutally suppressed by the police and the British army. Since December 5, the National People's Liberation Army and the British army have been in armed conflict for 33 days. [5]
On January 5, 1945, the National People's Liberation Army was forced to withdraw from Athens. On February 12, the two sides signed the Valkiza Agreement, and the National People's Liberation Army handed over its weapons and announced its dissolution.
In March 1946, parliamentary elections were held in Greece, and the conservative Greek People's Party won because of broad voter support. September 28 King george ii (1935-1947) returned to Athens and announced the restoration Constitutional monarchy The rise of the anti Communist movement in Greece, Greek Communist Party members and extreme left-wing elements were suppressed by public opinion.

War process

In the winter of 1945~1946, some members of the former National Liberation Front and the National People's Liberation Army were forced to take up arms again and turn to the mountains to carry out guerrilla warfare.
Obtained in February 1946 Yugoslavia The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Greece, which was assisted, decided to reorganize the armed struggle. Formed on October 28 of the same year Marcos Wafiadis The Greek Democratic Army is the commander in chief. At the beginning of the civil war, the Democratic Army smashed the enemy's many sieges and won some victories.
At the beginning of 1947, the Democratic Army had reached more than 23000 people, and in December of the same year, a temporary democratic government was established in the northern mountains. Wafi Adis was appointed Prime Minister. The Athenian government again appealed to the British government for help. At this time, Britain was on the verge of economic collapse.
In March 1947, the United States replaced Britain to intervene in the internal affairs of Greece. It provided US $300 million in aid and 74000 tons of military equipment, including aircraft, artillery and Napalm Etc.
In November 1947, the United States Greece Joint General Staff was established. with James Alvord Van Fritt The US military delegation led by the leader took control of the Greek government forces and directly directed them to fight the civil war. [6]
In 1949, the fatal blow to the Greek Republican "Democratic Army" came from politics, not military. June, Soviet Union And Satellite States Relations with Yugoslavia deteriorated, and the latter has been the main supporter of the Greek Communist Party since 1944. In this way, the Greek Communist Party has to make a choice, whether to continue to obey Stalin Or maintain the relationship with the closest and most important ally. Internal differences inevitably occurred, and most of the leaders of the Greek Communist Party, including Zahi Ariadis, chose Stalin.
In January 1949, Marcos Wafiadis recognized“ Tito Doctrine ”All political and military posts were removed and replaced by Zahi Ali Adis. Yugoslavia closed its fully open border with the "Democratic Army" in July 1949, and expelled all its officers and soldiers. Although the "Democratic Army" can still Albania Activity, but the conditions there are too poor. The break with Yugoslavia also forced the Greek Communist Party to eliminate "Titoists" internally, which led to lax military discipline and low morale of the "Democratic Army", and also made the Greek Communist Party lose the support of many urban residents. At the same time, the government army finally found an excellent military commander—— Alexander Papagos general.
In August 1949, he launched an offensive code named "Operation Torch" against the "Democratic Army" in northern Greece. The "Democratic Army" has been unable to cope with this sudden positional war. By September, most of the "Democratic Army" soldiers had surrendered or fled to Albania. In September, possibly with the acquiescence of the Soviet Union, the Albanian government told the Greek Communist Party that they could no longer use Albanian territory for military operations. On October 16, Zahi Ariadis announced a "temporary ceasefire to save the whole of Greece from total destruction". This marks the end of the Greek civil war. [7]

War outcome

The civil war, although seemingly cease-fire, caused serious political and economic divisions. It was not until the 1970s that improvements began. As a result of the civil war, Greece embarked on a development path different from that of other satellite countries controlled by the Soviet Union at that time Southeast Europe The only acceptance marshall plan And countries not controlled by the Soviet Union Cold War During balkan An important ally against the Soviet Union. [7]