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Hellenic Republic
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The Hellenic Republic (Greece for short), the capital Athens Located in Europe Balkan Peninsula southernmost. To the north Bulgaria Northern Macedonia Albania , Northeast and turkey Bordering to the southwest Ionian Sea , east aegean sea , on the south mediterranean sea genus mediterranean subtropical The terrain is mainly mountainous, the plain is narrow and small, and the mineral resources are rich. With a total area of 131957 square kilometers and a coastline of about 15021 kilometers, the country is divided into 13 administrative provinces (regions) and 325 administrative cities. By 2022, the total population will be 10.432 million [41] More than 98% are Greeks, and the rest are Muslims and other minorities. The official language is Greek, and the Eastern Orthodox Church is the state religion. [1]
Greece is the birthplace of Western civilization with a long history. Crete appeared from 3000 BC to 1100 BC Minoan civilization From 1600 BC to 1050 BC, the Peloponnese Peninsula appeared Mycenaean Culture In 800 BC, a slavery city-state was formed, and the 5th century was its heyday. 146 BC, incorporated Imperium Romanum In the 15th century Ottoman Empire Rule. In 1821, a war for independence broke out. In 1832, the Kingdom was founded. In 1974, it was changed into a republic through a referendum. Since then, the New Democratic Party and the Pan Greek Socialist Movement (Pan Greek Socialist Movement for short) have taken turns in power. [1] Greece is democratic system western philosophy Olympic Games , Western literature history political science , the principles of science and mathematics, and the birthplace of western drama, whose civilization has a strong influence on world history. [15]
Greece is a moderately developed country with weak economic foundation, backward industrial manufacturing, and developed shipping and agriculture. yes the United Nations Founding Member States, european union NATO OECD Member States. Greece is an important country in Southeast Europe Balkan Peninsula It has great influence. The GDP in 2022 will be 192.1 billion euros. [1]
  • Latest news
On June 14 local time, the new Greek cabinet members who were reorganized that day were sworn in at the Presidential Palace. Earlier in the day, the Greek cabinet was reorganized and five ministers were replaced. ... Details
Content from
Chinese name
Hellenic Republic [1]
Foreign name
The Hellenic Republic [1] (English)
Ελληνική Δημοκρατία [36] (Greek)
Athens [3]
major city
Thessaloniki Patley Heraclion Larissa Wallos Rhode Island etc. [1]
National Day
March 25th [1]
National anthem
Ode to Freedom [3]
Country code
official language
Greek [1]
Time zone
Political system
Parliamentary republic
National leaders
Katrina Sakaropoulu President Kyrgiakos Mizotakis (Prime Minister)
population size
10.432 million [1] [37] (2022)
Population density
82.7 people/km2 [13] (2021)
Major ethnic groups
Greek [1]
Major religions
The Orthodox Church [1]
land area
131957 km² (15% of which are islands)
Total GDP
192.1 billion euros [1] (2022)
GDP per capita
20675 EUR [1] (2022)
International telephone area code
Abbreviation of international domain name
Road access
Drive on the right
National flower
Olive flower
Major universities
Athens University Aristotle University etc.


  1. one Historical evolution
  2. prehistoric civilization
  3. City-state period
  4. Classical times
  5. Ptolemaic dynasty
  6. Ancient Roman Empire
  7. Byzantine Period
  8. Ottoman Empire
  9. The First Republic of Greece
  10. The Kingdom of Greece
  11. The Third Republic of Greece
  12. two geographical environment
  13. Regional location
  14. topographic features
  15. climate
  16. natural resources
  17. three administrative division
  18. Zoning Details
  19. major city
  20. four National symbol
  21. Country name
  1. national anthem
  2. national flag
  3. national emblem
  4. national flower
  5. Guoshi
  6. five population
  7. six Politics
  8. regime
  9. constitution
  10. parliament
  11. government
  12. judicial
  13. party
  14. Dignitaries
  15. seven Economics
  16. overview
  17. Agriculture
  18. Industry
  19. Service industry
  20. finance
  21. currency
  22. tourism
  1. Shipping industry
  2. foreign trade
  3. outbound investment
  4. Foreign investment
  5. eight Culture
  6. civilization
  7. myth
  8. Art
  9. festival
  10. language
  11. Religion
  12. custom
  13. diet
  14. celebrity
  15. nine military
  16. ten traffic
  17. highway
  18. Railway
  19. air transport
  20. ocean shipping
  21. eleven Sociology
  1. education
  2. hygiene
  3. Sports
  4. media
  5. power
  6. signal communication
  7. People's livelihood
  8. public security
  9. twelve International Relations
  10. foreign policy
  11. external relations
  12. Sino Greek relationship
  13. thirteen Biological resources
  14. Forest resources
  15. Animal resources
  16. fourteen natural disaster
  17. fifteen Travel?
  18. Main attractions
  19. Cultural sites

Historical evolution


prehistoric civilization

Around 7000 BC, the Neolithic Revolution began to affect the Balkans and Greece at that time. The Indo European nations from northern Europe, the Ionians, Achaians, Dorians, etc., called themselves the Greeks. They entered the Aegean Sea area and moved here to learn from and absorb their culture and knowledge from the peoples along the Aegean Sea. As a result, the Greeks gradually became civilized and drove away the peoples who originally lived along the Aegean Sea, Be the ancestor of the Greeks.
From 3000 BC to 1100 BC, Minoan civilization appeared in Crete, and from 1600 BC to 1050 BC, Mycenaean civilization appeared in Peloponnese Peninsula. The Greeks gradually expanded to the islands in the Aegean Sea (including Crete). [4]
Around 1200 BC, the invasion of the Dorians destroyed the Mycenaean civilization. Some Greek speaking tribes living at the end of primitive society entered the Greek Peninsula from the north, causing many Greek tribes to migrate in different directions in Thesalia and its south. The disappearance of Mycenaean civilization was followed by the dominance of social organizations and lifestyles in the late primitive society in the Greek peninsula, the Aegean islands, and the regions inhabited by Greeks in Asia Minor“ Homer era ”。 [4]

City-state period

Greece from the 8th century BC to the 6th century BC
From the beginning of the 8th century BC to the end of the 6th century BC, Ancient Greece Most parts of the world are in a peaceful environment and have not been seriously threatened by foreigners. Because of the increasingly close connection with other civilization centers in the ancient world, the Greeks learned a lot of useful things from Egypt and West Asia. [2]
Iron tools have been widely used in agriculture and handicrafts. Although agriculture is the main economic sector in all regions, in some regions with favorable geographical conditions, such as Collins , Ejina miletus Athens Halkis , Eretria Sios In other places, commerce and handicrafts such as oil pressing, wine making, metal processing, pottery making, and weapon manufacturing have developed greatly. The shipbuilding technology and navigation industry have also made great progress, with the emergence of three row paddle warships. [2]
In the 8th century BC, the Greeks were transforming Phoenicia Alphabet Based on the creation of their own words. Among the Greeks on the Greek Peninsula, the Aegean Islands and the coast of Asia Minor, the country began to form again. In one or two hundred years, a number of small countries called "city states" by historians have emerged. However, some tribes still stay in the late primitive society.
In the middle of the 6th century BC, coins were minted in Egina, Corinth, Athens and other places. With the development of productivity, the increase of population, the emergence and development of cities. [2]
Ancient Greek city-state
At the end of the 6th century BC, the extensive immigration activities of the Greeks were an important factor in the socio-economic transformation. Businessmen went out to trade, bankrupts went overseas to make a living, and losers in political struggle successively occupied some colonies overseas. With the growth of Greek population and the development of social economy, the scope of colonization has expanded from the east coast of the Black Sea in the east to Marseille in France in the west, including Italian Peninsula Part of the south and Sicily, the mouth of the South Danilo River and Libya , north to present-day Albania Adriatic Sea Dozens of coastal areas Greek city-state (Far from all the city-state participated in the migration) A total of more than 100 migration areas have been established. Among them, the most famous one is Syracuse founded by Linsi people, Spartan The tower built together with, Megara Byzantium founded by man, and Miletus founded by man Orbia Etc. The main reason for most city state immigrants is population growth and lack of arable land. The main feature of immigrants in this period is that most of the immigrant areas have become independent city states. Their relationship with their mother state was mainly limited to the worship of the common god. In the vast region, many immigrant areas have been established closely, and some of them fought against each other. At the same time, many regions have witnessed the enslavement and exploitation of the original residents by immigrants.
While the Greeks expanded outward, they also constantly developed exchanges between various regions within the country. The establishment of many "close neighbor alliances" with religious activities as the main content, Olympia Delphi The emergence and development of religious centers and competitive centers that gradually have full Greek significance have promoted mutual understanding and economic and cultural exchanges between Greeks. There have also been wars of different natures between the city states, including the war in which Sparta conquered Mesonia and the Greeks enslaved the Greeks. [2]
In 546 BC, Persian Empire Destroyed Lydia , and attack at Asia Minor Of Greek city-state Its first target is the Greek city states in the Ionian region, where the economy is very developed, and its politics is also more advanced democracy. The king of Persia proposed to the Greek city states in the Ionian region to change their democratic system into monarchy To find an excuse to declare war on them. The city states of Iania could not accept it, so they took miletus Led the movement against Persia. Miletus, knowing that he could not resist Persia, asked Sparta But Sparta refused to send troops Athens And Evia sent troops to rescue. Although the two city states sent a large number of soldiers and warships to rescue them, they still lost to the Persian army after several years of persistence.
In 494 BC, Persia completely conquered the region of Iania. During this period, many outstanding figures of Iania fled to other parts of Greece, and transmitted the civilization of Iania to other parts of the Greek world until then. [2]
In 492 and 480 BC, the Persian Empire carried out two large-scale invasions into the Greek world, both of which were defeated. The ancient Greek civilization reached its peak in the history of the Greek Persian War. [5]

Classical times

The democratic reform in Athens was officially completed in the Pericles era, and business, craft, philosophy, science and art developed unprecedentedly. The famous Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Heraclitus, Parmenides, Democritus, Herodotus, Thucydides, Xenophon, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes, Sophocles are all figures of this period.
From 431 BC to 404 BC, war broke out again between the Tyro League led by Athens and the Peloponnesian League led by Sparta, which is known as peloponnesian war The Athenian democracy ended and was replaced by an oligarchy supported by Spartans. But the Spartans' hegemony did not last long. Hundreds of Greek city states were involved in the unprecedented "Greek World War", and the flames of war almost spread to the whole time Mare Nostrum The world.
In 335 BC, Alexander the Great, the king of Macedonia, flattened Thebes, and all Greek city states except Sparta were subdued. The classical era ended and the Hellenistic era began.

Ptolemaic dynasty

In 334 BC, Macedonia king Alexander the Great The beginning of the expedition was in essence an invasion of vast areas of Asia and North Africa by Macedonian and Greek troops, mainly Macedonian.
In 323 BC, after the death of Alexander the Great, Greek history entered“ hellenistic age ”。 After decades of war Eurasian In the vast area of Africa Ptolemaic Kingdom Seleucid Kingdom Macedonia A group of "Hellenistic countries". Greece in the Hellenistic Age Most of the city-state have been ruled by kings or tyrants to some extent and have certain autonomy rights local self-government Company. In the Greek mainland, only Aetolian League The alliance with Ahaia and Sparta have maintained political independence for a long time.
In 299 BC, Roman forces began to invade Balkan Peninsula With the gradual demise of the Hellenistic kingdoms, the Romans gradually became the masters of the fate of the Greeks.
In 30 BC, Rome destroyed the last Hellenistic country, which ruled Egypt Ptolemaic dynasty The history of ancient Greece came to an end. [6]

Ancient Roman Empire

The decline of Greek military power Roman After conquering this land, although it became the territory of Rome, it had an unprecedented period of peace. Many Greeks believed that the Romans ended the turmoil in the Hellenistic era, the Roman rule brought peace, and Greek culture in turn conquered the lives of the Romans.
In 395, the Roman emperor Theodosius died. He divided the empire into two parts, with the first son Arcadius in the east and the youngest son Honorius in the west. Since then, Greece has returned Eastern Roman Empire have jurisdiction over.

Byzantine Period

The history of the Byzantine Empire was summarized by the scholar August Heisenberg as the history of "the Roman state of the Greeks who converted to Christianity". Since the Roman Empire split into eastern and western parts, and after the collapse of the Western Roman Empire, Egypt, Palestine, Syria and other places originally ruled by the Eastern Roman Empire were invaded and occupied by Arabs in the seventh century, Greece became the main part of the empire, and the Greeks became the main citizens of the empire, and eventually equated these two identities. Constantine the Great built Byzantium into the capital of the empire (henceforth known as Constantinople), placed it in the center of the empire, and served as a beacon in the long history Greek Until modern times.
Greece was the core part of the Roman Empire and its successor, Byzantine Empire, which was dominated by Greek language and culture. The establishment of the Greek Orthodox Church in the first century AD shaped the cultural identity of modern Greece and spread the Greek tradition to the Orthodox world.
In 1204, the most important event in imperial history occurred, marking the beginning of the late Byzantine period. Constantinople of the Greeks fell for the first time in history. The empire was conquered by the Latin Crusade and replaced by the Latin Empire for 57 years. In addition, the Latin occupation period greatly affected the internal development of the empire, because the feudal enfeoffment system was introduced into Byzantine life.
In 1261, the Greek Empire was divided into the hands of the members of the former Greek Byzantine Comnen dynasty (Epirus) and the Baleolian dynasty (the last dynasty when Constantinople fell). The decline of the Greek Byzantine Empire and the invasion of the Ottoman Empire gradually led to the decline of the empire.
In 1453, Byzantine Empire The Byzantine period in Greece ended when it fell into the hands of the Ottomans.
On May 29, 1453, Mehmed II The conquest of Constantinople, Eastern Roman Empire Destruction. [2]

Ottoman Empire

In 1460, Greece was ruled by the Ottoman Empire, an Islamic feudal military empire rising in western Asia. The Ottoman Empire adopted Albanian Governors rule Greece, and Greek bureaucrats rule romanian and Slavic
On March 25, 1821, Greece broke out a war of independence against the invading army, and declared independence at the same time. English poets Byron Engaged in the Greek independence movement. It lasted until 1829. [2]

The First Republic of Greece

The Ottoman Empire is repressing Ali After the revolt of, they returned to attack Greece, and the British French Russian coalition defeated the Turkish Egyptian coalition. After the independence of Greece, there was a situation of local factional struggle. [1]
In 1828, Ionis Capotis Tias led Greece towards independence and was elected the first president of the First Republic. However, he was assassinated in 1831. Since then, the whole country has fallen into chaos; The great powers decided to intervene and plan to establish a kingdom. [2]

The Kingdom of Greece

In 1832, at the London Conference, Britain, France and Russia were appointed to rule Bavaria House of Wittelsbach , 17 years old Otto The prince was the first monarch of Greece. As Otto was not yet an adult, he was assisted by a regent. In 1835, Otto The prince is in charge. [2]
In 1862, after Otto I was deposed Denmark Prince William of George I He reigned for fifty years. During this period, the territory of Greece was greatly expanded (soon after his coronation, Britain put Ionia To Greece); At the same time, there has also been substantial economic growth.
In 1913, in Greece First Balkan War When he won, George I Thessaloniki He was assassinated and killed. After George I died, his son Constantine I Succession. He was educated in Germany and married Sophia, the daughter of the German emperor. So they are also German, but refuse the Prime Minister Elefcelios Venizelos The proposal to participate in the Three Kingdoms Agreement. So that Greece remained neutral at the beginning of the First World War. However, some people objected to the move, and the two sides disagreed. The establishment of their respective governments in Athens and Thessaloniki caused a split situation. [2]
In 1917, Greece still joined the Three Kingdoms Treaty camp; Constantine I was forced to abdicate to his son Alexander. After the war, Greece obtained some land in Asia Minor as compensation. [2]
In 1920, King Alexander was bitten by a monkey and died. Constantine I succeeded to the throne again. But later, in the second Greek Turkish War, the Greek army was defeated miserably, which led to his dismissal from power. He soon died in exile in Sicily. Later, George II succeeded to the throne. [2]
In 1924, george ii Leaving the throne due to the establishment of the Second Republic of Greece.
In 1935, General Georgios Kondylis launched a coup to overthrow the Republican government; A referendum was held to restore the monarchy, and George II was restored.
In 1941, after the German invasion of Greece, he and all members of the royal family went into exile Egypt
In 1946, George II returned to China for restoration until his death in 1947. His successor was Paul I , reigned until 1964. [2]
In December 1967, his son Constantine II It was expelled by the Colonel's Regiment and replaced by the Regent appointed by the Colonel's Regiment. In April of the same year, the military dictatorship was established.
In 1973, under the referendum led by the military government, the royal family was abolished and a republic was established. In June of the same year, George Papadopoulos Serve as President. [2]

The Third Republic of Greece

In July 1974, the Greek military government collapsed and Constantine II returned, but he did not restore the throne. [2] In November of the same year, parliamentary elections were held, New Democratic Party Win and govern; In the referendum held in December of the same year, 69% of the people agreed to terminate the monarchy and establish the national system of government as a republic. So far, the Greek Kingdom has declared its demise and entered history. Since then, the New Democratic Party and the Pan Greek Socialist Movement (Pan Greek Socialist Movement for short) have taken turns in power. [1-2]
On December 1, 2023, the 33rd General Assembly of the International Maritime Organization held a new election of members in London, UK, and Greece was elected as a Category A member of the International Maritime Organization. [46] On February 15, 2024 local time, Greece became the first Orthodox country to legalize gay marriage. [51]
On June 6, 2024 local time, members of the United Nations General Assembly voted at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, and Greece was elected as a non permanent member of the Security Council from 2025 to 2026. [54]

geographical environment


Regional location

Greece is located in Europe Balkan Peninsula The southernmost part covers an area of 131957 square kilometers. Greece borders Bulgaria, Northern Macedonia and Albania to the north, Turkey to the northeast, the Ionian Sea to the southwest, the Aegean Sea to the east, and Africa across the Mediterranean Sea to the south. The coastline is about 15021 kilometers long. [1]

topographic features

There are many mountains in Greece, three quarters of which are mountains, and coastal lowlands and plains. The country faces the sea three times, the river is short and fast, and the coast is full of winding harbors. There are many islands, and the largest peninsula is peloponnesian peninsula , the largest island is Crete The highest peak in Greece is Olympus , 2917 meters above sea level. The lowest sea level in Greece is 0 m. Pindus Mountains It runs through the western part of Greece, and the central part is the Thessaly Basin. [15]
Topographic map of Greece


Greece has a subtropical Mediterranean climate. It is cold and humid in winter, with the temperature of 0~13 ℃. It is dry and hot in summer, with the temperature of 23~41 ℃. The average annual precipitation in Greece is 400~1000mm. The annual precipitation in the eastern region is about 400~700 mm, and that in the western region is about 900~1200 mm. [15]

natural resources

mineral resources
The main minerals in Greece include bauxite (about 1 billion tons of reserves), lignite (5.8 billion tons of reserves), nickel, chromium, magnesium, asbestos, copper, uranium, gold, oil, marble, etc. Lignite is mainly produced from seven coal mines in Ptolemais Amnteo, Western Macedonia and Megalopolis, Peloponnese, of which 75% is produced in Western Macedonia, and the output of Greek lignite ranks first in the EU and sixth in the world. The bauxite reserves in Greece are large, but they belong to medium and low grade boehmite and diaspore. [16]
Oil and gas resources
The domestic crude oil in Greece mainly comes from the Prinos oil field on Sassos Island in the North Aegean Sea. The oil field was put into production in 1981, and has accumulated more than 110 million barrels of actual production. In 2019, the average daily output was about 3300 barrels, and the average production cost was about 21.5 dollars per barrel. Energean Oil&Gas is currently the only company producing oil in Greece. There are also two development oilfields in Greece, among which the 2P reserves of Katakolo oilfield in the northwest sea area of Peloponnese Peninsula are about 10 million barrels, and the 2P reserves of Epsilon oilfield in the northwest of Pulinos oilfield are about 15 million barrels. In addition, there are 13 oil exploration blocks in Greece at present, of which 9 are offshore blocks, mainly located in the Ionian Sea and the West Crete Sea. [16]
Solar and wind energy resources
Greece is rich in wind and solar energy resources and has great potential for new energy development. Wind energy has developed rapidly since the end of the 1990s. In 2017, the wind power generation in Greece exceeded the hydropower generation for the first time. In 2019, the wind power generation capacity was 6.6 TWh, and the installed capacity of wind power plants was 3283 MW, accounting for 52.5% of the total installed capacity of renewable energy. The solar energy industry in Greece has developed rapidly since 2006, when a clear legal framework was established to encourage solar power generation. However, due to the sharp reduction of EU electricity price subsidies and the Greek debt crisis, the development of solar energy in Greece experienced a cooling period from 2014 to 2018. In 2019, the installed capacity of solar energy in Greece was 2288 MW (excluding roof distributed photovoltaic), accounting for 36.6% of the total installed capacity of renewable energy. [16]

administrative division


Zoning Details

Greece is divided into 13 administrative provinces (regions) and 325 administrative cities. The 13 administrative provinces are named as follows: Attica, Central Macedonia, Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, Epirus, Western Macedonia, Thessaly, Central Greece, Western Greece, Peloponnesus, Ionian Islands, Northern Aegean, Southern Aegean, Crete. [1]
Administrative map of Greece
Greek administrative divisions
Attica Region
East Attica (Ανατολικής Αττικής)
West Attica (Δυτικής Αττικής)
Central Macedonia Region (\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
Halkidiki (Χαλκιδική)
Ma Xiazhou
Kirkis (Κιλκίς)
Pella (Πέλλα)
Pieria (Πιερία)
Serres Prefecture (Σέρρες)
Thessaloniki (Θεσσαλονίκη)
East Macedonia and Thrace Region
Zlama (Δράμα)
Evros (Έβρος)
Kawara (Καβάλα)
Rhodopia (Ροδόπη)
Kesanxi Prefecture (5757νθη)
Epirus Region (steel pipe πε ϕ ρο)
Alta (Άρτα)
Ioannina (Ιωάννινα)
Prevezza State (Πρέ β ε ζα)
Cesprotia (Θεσπρωτία)
West Macedonia Region (Δντ I κ ε ε ον joint)
Florina (Φλώρινα)
Grevena (Γρεβενά)
Castoria (Καστοριά)
Kozani State (Κοζάνη)
Thessaly Region (θε σ σ αλ joint)
Kardzica (Καρδίτσα)
Larissa (Λάρισα)
Magnesia (Μαγνησία)
Tricala (Τρίκαλα)
Central Greece Region (\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\)
Viola (Βοιωτία)
Evritania (Ευρυτανία)
Evia (Εύβοια)
Faukis (Φωκίδα)
Fersiotis (Φθιώτιδα)
Western Greece Region (Δντ κ   λ ≤δ α)
Ahaia (Αχαΐα)
Etoria Akanania (Αιτωλοακαρνανία)
Ilia (Ηλεία)
Peloponnese Region
Acadia (Αρκαδία)
Argolis (Αργολίδα)
Corinth State
Laconia (Λακωνία)
Mesinia (Μεσσηνία)
The Ionian Islands Region (ό νν ανησ ≤≤)
Kekila State (Κέρκυρα)
Kefalinia Isaki (Κεφαλονιά και Ιθάκη)
Lefkas (Λευκάδα)
Zakinsos (Ζάκυνθος)
Northern Aegean Region
Sios State (joint venture)
Lesvos (Λέσβος)
Samoa (Summers, Σάμος - Ικαρία)
Nan Aiqin
Kiklazes Oblast (κ κ λ ≤ δε ∨)
Twelve Islands State (Zozekanisos, Δωδεκάνησα)
Crete Region
Gannia (Χανιά)
Elaklion (Ηράκλειο)
Lacisi (Λασίθι)
Reisimnon (Ρέθυμνο)

major city

Scenery of Athens
Athens is the capital and largest city of Greece, as well as a famous historical city in the world. The Parthenon Temple in the Acropolis in Athens is a symbol of western culture. Athens is located in the south of the Attica Basin, surrounded by mountains in the east, west and north, and Salonix Bay in the south. The urban area is 39 square kilometers, and the suburban area is 412 square kilometers In 2023, the population will be 3.154 million. [52] Attica, where Athens is located, has a permanent population of about 3.74 million, accounting for about 1/3 of the national population.
Athens is the most important economic center of Greece, where 53% of the country's industry is concentrated. Athens is the economic, political and cultural center, railway and aviation hub of Greece, and one of the business centers of the European Union. Its pillar industries include tourism, agriculture, manufacturing, services, etc.
Athens is famous for its long history, unique culture and many cultural relics and historic sites, which has had a profound impact on the development of human civilization. Since ancient times, Athens has been known as the "cradle of western civilization". As the birthplace of the modern Olympic Games, Athens hosted the first and 28th Summer Olympics in 1896 and 2004 respectively. Athens is also the national center of scientific research and culture. Famous universities such as Athens University and Athens Institute of Technology are located here. [32]
Scenery of Thessaloniki
Thessaloniki is the largest port in northern Greece, the second largest city in the country, and an important industrial town in the north. The coastal bay of the whole city unfolds in a horseshoe shape. The population of Central Macedonia Province where it is located is about 1.85 million. It is an important town in northern Greece, the capital of Macedonia and Thessaloniki. It is also the second largest economic and cultural center in Greece and the main transportation hub in Southeast Europe. [31] Salonika is the economic and trade center of the whole Balkan region, and its GDP accounts for about 30% of the country. [15]
Thessaloniki City has a subtropical Mediterranean climate. It is located in the west of the Halkidiki Peninsula in northern Greece. To the north is Mount Hortiatis, 1201 meters above sea level. It is close to the Thessaloniki Bay. It faces the holy mountain in Greek mythology and Olympus, the highest peak in the country (2917 meters) across the sea.
Thessaloniki's industry started late and did not enter the ranks of advanced industrial cities until the 1960s. The main industrial sectors include oil refining, petrochemical, steel, metallurgy, machinery, textile, leather, carpet, ceramics, cement, medicine, flour, wine making, food, etc. As early as the Byzantine period, it was an important commodity distribution center in the Balkans. Now Thessaloniki, as the largest commercial city in northern Greece, has inherited this historical tradition.
As a famous historical and cultural city in Europe, Thessaloniki is famous for a large number of ancient Greek relics and Byzantine architectural masterpieces, as well as some important Ottoman Empire and Jewish buildings. These include 4th century brick marble arches, and walls of cities and fortresses. The famous buildings in the city include the 33 meter high white tower built in 1430, the Greek Orthodox Cathedral, and the headquarters of the Greek military division. In 1988, early Christian and Byzantine buildings in Thessaloniki were listed as World Heritage Sites by UNESCO. In 1997, Thessaloniki became a European cultural city.
Thessaloniki has two national universities, with the largest number of students in Greece. Aristotle University, founded in 1925, is famous for its philosophy, theology and archaeology. There are also Macedonian University, Thessaloniki Institute of Technology, private universities and research institutions in the United States, Germany, France, Macedonia, the Balkans and Byzantium. [31]
View of Piraeus
Piraeus Located at the bank of Saronicus Bay, 8km southwest of Athens, Greece, and adjacent to Saronicus Bay, with an area of 10.865 square kilometers and a population of 196000, it is the capital of Piraeus State in Attica Region, an important port and naval base in Greece. Piraeus is the third largest city in Greece after Athens and Thessalonica. The city's industries mainly include machine manufacturing, chemistry, shipbuilding, metallurgy and textiles.
Piraeus has been the port of Athens since ancient times, as well as one of the world's 50 largest container ports and the largest container ports in the eastern Mediterranean region. In 2006, Piraeus Port Top 10 container terminals in Europe. In April 2016, COSCO Shipping Group successfully acquired 67% of the equity of the port and became its actual manager. In 2016, the container traffic volume of the port ranked 38th in the world. In addition, the famous Olympiakos Sports Club in Greece is headquartered in Piraeus, and its subordinate Olympiakos Football Club is a strong team in Greece. It is the best football team in Greece and has won the Greek Premier League championship for the 44th time. [30]

National symbol


Country name

Hellenic Republic (English: The Hellenic Republic Greek: ε λ ην κ Δημ o κ ρα τα). Chinese "Greece" originates from Ancient Greek “λλ”(Hellás, Originating from the mythical ancestors of the Greeks, Dikalion And Pilar Son of Herring Hellen [14] ), which gradually became "Ell á s" and finally became "Ell á da" in modern Greek. The English "Greece" originates from the Greek "Γρ ακ" (Graikos, which means "Graecus God" or "Graecian people (a tribe of Viotia)" in ancient Greek, and is another name for Greece in modern Greek), and becomes the source of its international code GR. [6]

national anthem

The national anthem of Greece is "Ode to Freedom", which has the longest lyrics in the world.

national flag

Greek flag
Greek flag It is composed of four white stripes and five blue stripes. There is a blue square above one side of the flag pole cover, which is painted with a white cross. The nine broad blue and white stripes represent a Greek maxim: "Death is better than liberty.". This proverb has nine syllables in Greek. The blue on the flag symbolizes the belief in Christianity.

national emblem

Greek national emblem
Greek national emblem The simple and smooth lines fully reflect the people's concern for Christ The design of the Greek national emblem is a green olive branch surrounded by a cross coat of arms with a blue background and white background. The blue and white colors represent the colors of the Greek country and represent the pure land between heaven and water. The Greeks regard the olive as a symbol of peace and wisdom. It is said that the olive is Greek The most admired goddess Athena According to the Old Testament, Olive branch dove It is the messenger of peace, friendship and peace.

national flower

olive also called Oleander , for Oleaceae And oleander is an evergreen tree. The cultivated varieties have high edible value, rich in high-quality edible vegetable oil olive oil, and are famous subtropical fruit trees and important Economic forest


sapphire With its crystal clear and beautiful color, it was covered with mysterious and supernatural color by ancient people, and was regarded as an auspicious thing. As early as Ancient Egypt , ancient Greece and Rome, used for decoration mosque , churches and temples, and as religious rites Tribute.


By 2022, the total population of Greece will be 10.432 million. More than 98% are Greeks, and the rest are Muslims and other ethnic minorities. [39] The population of Greece is mainly concentrated in Athens and Thessalonica. The total population of Attica Province where Athens is located and Central Macedonia Province where Thessalonica is located account for 53% of the total population of the country. The total number of overseas Chinese living in Greece is nearly 20000, mainly in Athens and Thessalonica. The overseas Chinese mainly come from Zhejiang, Fujian and other places. [16]




The Greek political system is a presidential parliamentary republic, which is actually a parliamentary republic. The President is the nominal head of state, with a term of five years and can be re elected once; The legislative power belongs to the Parliament and the President, the executive power belongs to the Prime Minister, and the judicial power is exercised by the courts. In 1986, the adoption of the constitutional amendment reduced the power of the president, which was more symbolic. [1]


Greece The current Constitution came into force on June 11, 1975 and was revised in 1986, 2001, 2008 and 2019. The Constitution stipulates that the national system is a "presidential parliamentary republic", the president is the head of state, the legislative power belongs to the parliament and the president, the executive power belongs to the prime minister, and the judicial power is exercised by the court. The constitutional amendment passed in 1986 abolished the significant power conferred on the President by the 1975 Constitution. The President no longer has the right to dissolve the Parliament. Only with the proposal of the government and the consent of the majority of members of the Parliament can a referendum be held, and the actual power is reduced. The constitutional amendment passed in 2019 decoupled the presidential election from the parliamentary election. [1]


Greek Parliament by One hospital system. The main functions of Parliament are to legislate and supervise the work of the government. The Parliament is elected by universal suffrage in 56 constituencies nationwide, with a total of 300 members. The current parliament will be elected in June 2023 for a four-year term. Constantine An. Tassoulas was re elected as President of the Parliament. The parliamentary seats are allocated as follows: 158 seats for the New Democratic Party, 36 seats for the Left United Party, 32 seats for the Pan Greek Social Movement Movement for Change, 21 seats for the Greek Communist Party, 12 seats for the Greek Solution Party, 11 seats for the New Left Party, 10 seats for the Greek Victory Party, 8 seats for the Spartan Party, 6 seats for the Freedom Route Party, and 6 seats for independent members. [1] [52]


On June 25, 2023, Greece held parliamentary elections, and the New Democratic Party won the election with 40.56% of the votes, obtaining 158 seats out of 300 seats, realizing its re-election to power. Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsutakis, Minister of National Economy and Finance Kostis Chatzidakis, Foreign Minister Giorgos Gerapetritis, Defense Minister Nikos Dendias, Interior Minister Niki Kerameos Kyriakos Pierrakakis, Minister of Education, Religion and Sports, Adonis Georgiadis, Minister of Health, Christos Staikouras, Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Theodoros Skylakakis, Minister of Environment and Energy Kostas Skrekas, Minister of Development, Domna Michailidou, Minister of Labor and Social Welfare, Michalis Chrysochoidis, Minister of Civil Protection, Giorgos Floridis, Minister of Justice, Lina Mendoni, Minister of Culture Dimitris Keridis, Minister of Immigration and Asylum, Sophia Zaharaki, Minister of Social Cohesion and Family, Lefteris Avgenakis, Minister of Agricultural Development and Food, Christos Stylianidis, Minister of Maritime Transport and Island Policy Olga Kefalogianni, Minister of Tourism, Dimitris Papastergiou, Minister of Digital Governance, Vassilis Kikilias, Minister of Climate Crisis and Civil Defence, Makis Voridis, Minister of State, Akis Skertsos Thanassis Kontogeorgis, Vice Minister of State, Pavlos Marinakis, Vice Minister of State and Government Spokesperson. [52]
On January 3, 2024, the Greek government announced that Prime Minister Mizotakis had decided to make some adjustments to the cabinet members. The current Minister of Health, Mihalis Christos, was appointed Minister of Civil Protection, Andreas Nikolacopoulos was appointed Deputy Minister of Civil Protection, and the current Minister of Labor and Social Welfare, Azonis Georgiades, was appointed Minister of Health, The current Deputy Minister of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports, Domna Mihalizu, was appointed as the Minister of Labour and Social Welfare, and Joanna Litrivi was appointed as the Deputy Minister of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports. [49]


The highest judicial institutions in Greece include the Supreme Court, the Supreme Administrative Court and the procuratorial organ. The civil and criminal court system includes local courts, courts of first instance, courts of appeal and the Supreme Court, while the administrative court system includes courts of first instance, courts of appeal and the Supreme Administrative Court. There are corresponding procuratorates at all levels. [1] [38]


Main political parties in Greece
Name of political party
Date of establishment
Party information
New Democratic Party (New Democracy)
October 1974
The founder is Constantine Karamanlis The party was in power in 1974-1981, 1990-1993, 2004-2009, 2012-2014 and 2019-2023. Won the parliamentary election in June 2023 and formed a separate cabinet. Chairman Kyriakos Mitsotakis.
Radical Left Alliance (SYRIZA, Coalition of the Radical Left)
January 2004
It is called the "Left Union" for short. It is composed of more than ten small left-wing parties, mainly members of the Greek Communist Party. In the June 2012 parliamentary elections, it became the largest opposition party. The first party congress was held in 2013, officially completing the transformation from a campaign alliance to a political party. The party was in power from 2015 to 2019. Chairman Stefanos Kasselakis.
PASOK-Movement for Change
November 2017
It was established on the basis of the Pan Greek Movement. The founder of the Pan Greek Social Movement is Andre Papandreou, who was in power from 1981 to 1989, 1993 to 2003, and from the end of 2009 to 2011; After the general election in June 2012, a coalition government was formed with the New Democratic Party and the Democratic Left Wing. President Nikos Andrulakis.
Greek Communist Party (Communist Party of Greece)
General Secretary Dimitris Guchubas (Dimitris Koutsoumpas)。
It will enter Parliament for the first time in June 2023. Vasilis Stigkas, founder and chairman.
Greek Solution Party (Greek Solution)
June 2016
The founder is Kyriakos Velopoulos, who entered the parliament for the first time in July 2019.
Greek Victory Party (NIKI)
June 2019
The founder and chairman, Dimitris Natsios, a conservative party advocating adherence to Orthodox teachings, entered Parliament for the first time in June 2023.
Plesfi Eleftherias
April 2016
Zoi Konstantopoulou, the founder and chairman, entered the parliament for the first time in June 2023.
reference material: [52]


full name
Katrina Sakaropoulu (Katerina Sakellaropoulou)
President, born in 1956 in Greece's second largest city Salonika , graduated from the Law School of the University of Athens, and then went to the Second University of Paris to study for graduate students. Professional in the legal field, without political party background. He joined the Supreme Administrative Court as a junior judge in 1982, was promoted to the second level judge of the Third Chamber (in charge of civil service disputes) in 1988, was promoted to the first level judge of the Fifth Chamber (in charge of environmental law disputes) in 2000, served as the vice president in charge of the Third Chamber in 2015, and was elected the president of the Supreme Administrative Court in October 2018. In March 2020, he will become the president of Greece.
President of Greece
Kyrgiakos Mizotakis (Kyriakos Mitsotakis)
The Prime Minister. Born on March 4, 1968. His father is the former Prime Minister of Greece, and his elder sister is the former Mayor of Athens and former Foreign Minister Bagoyani. He graduated from Harvard University with a bachelor's degree in social studies, an MBA, and a master's degree in international relations from Stanford University. In his early years, he served as an executive in Chase Bank and McKinsey&Company. He was elected as a member of the Greek Parliament in 2004 and has been re elected since then. From June 2013 to January 2015, he served as the minister of the Administrative Reform Department. He will serve as Premier in July 2019 and be re elected in June 2023.
Prime Minister of Greece
reference material: [52]




Greece is a moderately developed country in the EU, with a high degree of economic dependence on foreign countries. The tertiary industry, which is supported by shipping, tourism and commerce, accounts for more than 70% of GDP. Since the end of 2009, Greece has been deeply involved in the sovereign debt crisis. The European Union, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund have successively provided 239 billion euros of rescue loans to Greece. In July 2015, Greece and the EU reached the third round of rescue agreement with a total amount of 82 billion euros. In August 2018, Greece officially withdrew from the rescue plan. In September 2019, Greece lifted all capital controls. In June 2021, the EU approved the "Greece 2.0 Recovery Plan", providing Greece with 30.5 billion euros of EU recovery funds. In April 2022, Greece repaid the IMF rescue loan in advance. In August, Greece withdrew from the EU's strengthened regulatory mechanism. In recent years, the Greek government has actively pursued economic and social reforms, vigorously attracted investment, and is gradually getting rid of the negative impact of the Greek debt crisis. The main economic data in 2023 are as follows:
GDP: 194.5 billion euros.
Year on year growth of GDP: 2%.
Currency: Euro.
Fiscal surplus: 3692 million euros, with a fiscal surplus ratio of 1.4%.
Public debt: 406.522 billion euros, equivalent to 168% of GDP.
Inflation rate: 3.2%
Unemployment rate: 11%. [52]


Greece is a hilly area, with arable land area accounting for 30% of the land area, of which irrigated agricultural area accounts for 37%. 64% of the cultivated area is planted with food crops, and the rest are fruit trees, olive trees and vegetables. Agriculture accounts for about 4.5% of GDP. It is hoped that the main agricultural products can be self-sufficient. Fruits and vegetables can be exported to Europe and other places in bulk, and only a small amount of meat, milk and adjustment agricultural products can be imported. Agricultural products exported by Greece include tobacco, cotton, olive oil, fruits and sugar beets. [1] [52]
By the end of 2020, Greece had 115 food products registered as EU geographical indication products, and another 147 wines and 15 alcoholic beverages registered as EU geographical indication products, making the number of EU geographical indication products owned by Greece up to 277, accounting for 8.3% of the total number of EU geographical indication products. In recent years, although the proportion of Greek agricultural added value in GDP is not high (less than 5%), agriculture still has a great impact on employment (about 11%) and exports (nearly one fifth). In 2020, the agricultural output value of Greece will be about 11.8 billion euros, ranking eighth in the European Union. The agricultural products with characteristics and advantages in Greece mainly include olive oil, dairy products, fruits, tobacco spices, cotton, livestock and aquatic products. [17]


Greece The industrial foundation is weak, the scale is small, and the technology is relatively backward. The main industries are mining, metallurgy, food processing, textile, shipbuilding, construction, etc. [1] [45]

Service industry

Service industry is an important part of Greek economy, accounting for about 70% of GDP. [35] [38]


There are about 60 financial institutions in Greece, including 22 local banks, 21 foreign banks or branches, and 15 joint venture banks. The four major commercial banks are: ETHNIKI, EUROBANK, ALPHA, Piraeus, etc. [1]
Major banks
The central bank of Greece is Greek Bank (Bank of Greece)。 By the end of 2020, there are 36 credit institutions in Greece, of which 15 are headquartered in Greece, 19 are branches set up in Greece by banks within the EU, and 2 are branches set up in Greece by banks outside the EU. The above-mentioned banking institutions have opened a total of 1702 business outlets in Greece, with about 33000 employees. Among them, National Bank of Greece, Piraeus Bank, Alpha Bank and Eurobank Ergasias are the four major systemic banks in Greece, which are directly supervised by the European Central Bank. Their total assets in 2020 are 72 billion euros, 69.8 billion euros, 65 billion euros and 55.6 billion euros respectively, The four major banks account for more than 90% of the deposit and loan market share in Greece. In addition, Attica Bank, an unsystematic national commercial bank, has a total assets of 3.6 billion euros in 2020, and the above five banks will account for 97% of the total assets of the Greek banking system in 2020.
Bank of China (Luxembourg) Co., Ltd. Athens Branch was registered in November 2019, which is the first Chinese funded financial institution officially approved to operate in Greece. The Greek representative office of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Europe) Co., Ltd. was also approved to be established in November 2019. In addition, the National Development Bank has set up a working group in Athens. [25]
stock market
Athens Stock Exchange (ATHEX) is an organized stock and derivative market in Greece. It was originally established in 1876, and the current management organization was established in 1995. By the end of August 2021, there were 158 stocks listed and traded on the Athens Stock Exchange, with a total market value of about 65.6 billion euros.
Athens Stock Exchange is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hellex. As the parent company, Greek Securities Trading Group provides customers with trading, clearing, settlement, registration and automatic data update services. In August 2000, the Greek Securities Exchange Group was listed on the Athens Exchange and was fully privatized in September 2003. In July 2007, the Athens Stock Exchange was approved by the Greek Parliament to enter the EU securities market. In April 2008, the Athens Stock Exchange signed agreements with Germany, Spain, Austria, Switzerland, Denmark, Norway and other countries to establish associated markets. In August 2021, the Athens Stock Exchange announced that it would acquire 10.24% of the equity of Belgrade Stock Exchange, and jointly enhance their influence in Southeast Europe. [25]


Greece formally joined the euro zone in 2001, becoming the 12th member of the euro zone. The drachma, the legal tender of Greece, was officially replaced by the euro the following year. Foreign currencies such as US dollars and British pounds can be freely exchanged in local banks or exchanges, and RMB cannot be freely settled. From 2018 to 2020, the average exchange rate of the euro against the US dollar was 1.1810, 1.1195 and 1.1422 respectively. [25]


Tourism is an important economic sector that hopes to obtain foreign exchange sources and maintain the balance of international payments. Tourism has developed rapidly since the 1960s. The 2004 Athens Olympic Games laid a good foundation for Greece's tourism industry, especially the infrastructure. In recent years, the Greek government has shifted the focus of tourism development from increasing the number of tourists to improving the consumption level of tourists, achieving better economic and social benefits. In 2023, Greece's tourism industry will perform well, receiving 32.7 million tourists, up 17.6% year on year, and its total tourism revenue will reach 20.5 billion euros, up 15.7% year on year. The main tourist attractions are: the Acropolis of Athens, the Delphi Temple of the Sun, the site of the ancient Olympic Stadium, the maze of Crete Island, the Epidaurus open-air theater, the tomb of the King of Macedonia in Vergina, the holy mountain, Rhode Island, Corfu Island, etc. [1] [52]

Shipping industry

Greece is a major shipping country in the world, and the shipping industry is an important pillar industry of the national economy. The shipping industry has provided employment opportunities for about 200000 people. In addition to more than 60000 Greek shippers working on seagoing ships, the finance, insurance, consulting services, marine equipment, maintenance and other related industries driven by the shipping industry have absorbed 130000 labor forces. In Piraeus Port alone, there are more than 1000 enterprises carrying out business activities related to the shipping industry.
In 2020, Greek shipowners will control 19.42% of the global transport capacity and 58% of the EU ship tonnage, with a total of 4901 merchant ships, reaching a record 364 million deadweight tons; The total contribution of the Greek shipping industry to the economy exceeded 11 billion euros, accounting for 7% of GDP and 3% of the employment rate. [1]

foreign trade

Greece has trade relations with more than 100 countries, with Germany, Italy, Britain, Cyprus, Bulgaria and China as its main trading partners. The main export commodities are petroleum products, aluminum, medicine, food, olive oil, telecommunications products, copper and aluminum, etc. The main import commodities are raw materials, petroleum and petroleum products, daily necessities, transportation equipment, natural gas, etc. [1] [38]
In 2020, the import and export volume of Greek goods was 90.61 billion US dollars, down 9.8% year on year. Among them, exports reached 35.09 billion US dollars, down 7.4%; Imports reached 55.52 billion US dollars, down 11.2%; The trade deficit was 20.44 billion US dollars, down 16.9%. In 2020, Greece's top five trading partners are Germany (US $9.63 billion, accounting for 10.6%), Italy (US $8.75 billion, 9.7%), China (US $5.26 billion, 5.8%), France (US $4.49 billion, 5%), and the Netherlands (US $4.32 billion, 4.8%). [18]
China's trade with Greece: In recent years, bilateral trade has developed steadily. In 2023, the bilateral trade volume between China and Greece will reach US $13.596 billion, down 0.2% year on year. Among them, China's export volume was US $12.762 billion, down 0.2% year on year; The import volume was 833 million US dollars, down 0.3% year on year. China's exports to Greece mainly include: electrical machinery and equipment, knitted clothing, machinery and equipment, etc. Imported goods mainly include: medicine, petroleum, marble, etc. [53]

outbound investment

Greek foreign investment is mainly concentrated in Bulgaria, Romania, Northern Macedonia, Albania and other Balkan neighbors. [1] [38]

Foreign investment

According to the 2021 World Investment Report released by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Greece will absorb 3.572 billion dollars of foreign capital in 2020; By the end of 2020, the stock of foreign capital absorbed by Greece was 51.801 billion US dollars. According to the data of the Central Bank of Greece, in 2020, the flow of foreign direct investment absorbed by Greece was 3.127 billion euros, a year-on-year decrease of 30.3%; The top five sources of foreign direct investment in Greece are Cyprus (871 million euros), Switzerland (485 million euros), the United Kingdom (284 million euros), the Netherlands (277 million euros) and Germany (271 million euros); Greece's foreign capital absorption is mainly concentrated in real estate activities (643 million euros), manufacturing (559 million euros), financial and insurance activities (544 million euros), information and communication (342 million euros) and accommodation services activities (339 million euros) and other industries. [18]
China's investment in Greece
China Greece two-way investment is mainly concentrated in the fields of shipping, energy, telecommunications and photovoltaic. The two countries have established a mechanism of bilateral mixed economic and trade committees, and have held 13 meetings so far. In June 2014, the two countries signed the Memorandum of Understanding on Strengthening Bilateral Economic Investment Cooperation. In May 2017, China and Greece signed the Framework Plan for Cooperation in Key Areas 2017-2019. In April 2019, China and Greece signed the Framework Plan for Cooperation in Key Areas from 2020 to 2022. Greece has participated in the China International Import Expo for six consecutive years and is the guest of honor of the second Import Expo. [50]
COSCO Marine Piraeus Port Company
At present, Chinese enterprises operate in Greece and set up nearly 20 companies, branches, representative offices and other institutions, mainly in the fields of transportation, energy, information communication and finance. The main investment and cooperation projects of Chinese enterprises in Greece include COSCO Piraeus Port Project, National Grid Corporation's participation in the Greek National Grid Project, National Energy Group's Greek wind power project, Three Gorges Group's Greek photovoltaic demonstration project, etc. [25]




Ancient Greece is the birthplace of Western civilization, has a long history, created brilliant ancient culture, and had a significant impact on the historical development of Europe, Asia and Africa. In 3000 BC, Aegean civilization boom. Later, due to the invasion of backward tribes in the north, the Aegean civilization declined. The ancient Greece from about 2000 BC to 30 BC Balkan Peninsula aegean sea Islands and Asia Minor Coastal as the center Italian Peninsula A series of slave holding countries were established in the south and throughout the Mediterranean region of Sicily. Entering the first 11 century Homer era Since the first eight centuries, hundreds of slave city states have been established in various parts of Greece. After the Greek Polish War in the first five centuries, the Greek city-state entered a stage of prosperity, with prosperous economy and trade and outstanding cultural achievements. peloponnesian war Later, it went into decline. The Greek Peninsula was conquered by the Kingdom of Macedonia in the first four centuries, and was ruled by Rome in the first two centuries. [7]
On the basis of widely absorbing the cultural achievements of Western Asia, Egypt and other places, the ancient Greeks made great creative contributions in many fields, including mathematics, astronomy, medicine, architecture, sculpture, drama, poetry, philosophy, history, oratory and so on, according to the needs of production, society and politics. Greek states have made efforts to enrich the cultural treasure house of Greece at different times and in different cultural fields. stay Hellenistic period The traditional Greek culture has new contents because of the integration and mutual influence of Greek culture and Asian and African cultures under the new historical conditions. Ancient Greek culture belongs to Slave possession The development of the social and economic culture is inseparable from the slave possession system, and has a significant impact on future generations. [7]


MYTHOS Or legends are mostly derived from ancient Greek literature, including Homer Epic In Iliad and Odyssey Hesiod Of Work and Time and Divine Script Ovid Of Metamorphosis As well as Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides. The greatest value of Greek mythology lies in its complete preservation in various philosophical, historical, literary and artistic works, which is the largest mythological system in the world. The huge system of Greek mythology lies in the large number of gods, as well as the stories between gods and people, and between people and heroes. Mythology talks about the origin of gods and the world, the struggle of gods for the highest position, and the final victory of Zeus, the love and quarrel of gods, and the influence of God's adventure and power on the world, Including the relationship with natural phenomena such as storm or season, worship place and ceremony. The most famous stories in Greek myths and legends are Troy War Odysseus Travel jason Look for Golden Fleece, Hercules (i.e Heracles )Achievements Theseus The adventure and Oedipus The tragedy of. [8]


The prosperity of the Greek city-state gave birth to the brilliant ancient culture of Greece Greek art It shines in the world's cultural and artistic palace. The Greeks have made great achievements in music, mathematics, philosophy, literature, architecture, sculpture, etc. Immortal Homer Epic Many cultural giants, such as comedian Aristophane and tragedy writer Aeschylus , Sophocles Euripides , philosopher Socrates Plato , mathematicians Pythagoras, Euclid, sculptor Phidias, etc. [9-10]
Ancient Greek art can be divided into four stages: Homer period, ancient style period, classical period and Hellenistic period.
In the Homer period and the ancient style period, the main artistic achievement of ancient Greece was the painted pottery art. In the pottery of Homer's period, most of the bottles were decorated with geometric patterns, including some linear decorative patterns, bird and animal patterns, and human shaped patterns, depicting the life scenes of ancient Greeks or the heroic deeds of the dead when sacrificial objects were used. In the period of ancient style, the style of painted pottery has further developed, producing the oriental style (early Collins pottery bottle), the black painting style (the rest after the war between Akathiris and Aaas), and the red painting style (The Battle of Heracles and Apollo for the Divine Cauldron in the work of Andokides). Among them, black painted pottery is a style in which the origin type is depicted in black on a red background, while red painted pottery is just the opposite. The figure patterns on the pottery are all red, while the bottom is black.
In the classical period and the Hellenistic period, the ancient Greek art further reached its peak. During this period, the most well-known art is architecture and sculpture. Among them, architectural art is influenced by religious culture. In addition to secular life buildings, the construction of religious temples has left a magnificent and valuable heritage for future generations.
As for sculpture art, after learning the techniques of bronze casting and stone carving from the Egyptians, the ancient Greeks quickly formed their own unique style and superb technology. Based on the careful observation of the human body structure and the careful study of the dynamics, the sculptures in ancient Greece have reached a vivid and realistic height of excellence, and many sculptors and sculpture works have emerged. Famous works include the Acropolis complex Discus thrower Victory Goddess Venus Sculpture. [21]


Greece implements a five-day working system, and Saturday and Sunday are public holidays. Greek festivals are all year round, mainly religious festivals.
Greek public holidays mainly include:
January 1 (Friday)
New Year's Day
January 6 (Wednesday)
March 15 (Monday)
Clean Monday
March 25 (Thursday)
Independence Day
April 30 (Friday)
Orthodox Good Friday
May 1 (Saturday)
Labor Day
May 3 (Monday)
June 21 (Monday)
Orthodox Whit Monday
August 15 (Sunday)
Assumption Day
October 28 (Thursday)
Ochi Day
December 25th (Saturday)
Christmas Day [19]


In Greece, the official language is Greek (Greek belongs to Indo European )。 English is the most common foreign language. In addition, the Athenians mostly spoke French, while Ionian Islands and Epirus Italian is used.
The letters used in Greek are Greek letters, which are the earliest letters with vowels in the world and are also widely used in mathematics, physics, biology, astronomy and other disciplines. Cyrillic alphabet used in Russian and other languages also evolved from Greek alphabet. Greek letters have entered the vocabulary of many languages. The English word "alphabet" (alphabet) originates from the Latin word "alphabeta" and the Greek word "α λ φ α β ητ o ν", which is the combination of the first two Greek letters α ("Alpha") and β ("Beta"). The word "Delta" comes from the Greek letter Δ, because Δ is a triangle. [11]


The religion believed by ancient Greeks was polytheism, which originated before Homer's epic in the 8th century BC and disappeared in the 5th to 6th century AD. The state religion of modern Greece is the Eastern Orthodox Church, which is one of the three major sects of Christianity coexisting with Catholicism and Protestantism. The birth, old age, illness, death, marriage, funeral, marriage and daily life of the Greeks are closely related to the Eastern Orthodox Church. Like Catholicism, the Eastern Orthodox Church has seven sacraments: baptism, anointing, ordination, confession, marriage, renunciation, holy blood, which occupy an important position in the Eastern Orthodox Church. Orthodox churches or monasteries require tourists to wear appropriate clothes, not to expose their shoulders or knees, and women are not allowed to stand behind the altar. [20]


The Greeks belong to typical southern Europeans, who are cheerful, enthusiastic, bold, hospitable, talkative and excitable. When greeks meet guests on social occasions, they often shake hands as a gift, while familiar friends and relatives give face to face gifts. Use honorific titles and give priority to older people. Greeks pay attention to clean clothes. In formal social occasions, men usually wear dark suits, ties or bow ties. They generally like yellow, green, blue and white, and think they are all positive colors.
Traditionally, Greece tabooed black, but now this concept has changed, and there are many people wearing black clothes. You must wear appropriate clothes when visiting churches or monasteries. No matter men or women, it is considered impious and blasphemous to enter the church with bare shoulders and knees.
Greece implements a five-day working system, usually working from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., followed by lunch. Dinner is dinner, usually around 9 o'clock. Greeks attach great importance to leisure time, and shops are closed on Sundays and holidays. The summer weather is hot, and many people choose to go on vacation from the end of July to the beginning of September. [20]


Ancient Greek diet is the origin of western diet, the extension and development of ancient Greek diet, and the inheritance of ancient Greek diet. Greece belongs to the Mediterranean climate, which is very suitable for the growth of crops. The Greeks use existing resources to grow a large number of agricultural products such as vegetables and fruits to produce food with different tastes. Greek cuisine covers a variety of fresh ingredients, including vegetables, beans, nuts, yogurt, cheese, grains, fish, seafood and a small amount of meat.
The famous Greek food mainly includes: Greek yogurt, Musaka, kebabs, Greek salad, brewed grape leaves, nut honey cakes, fried anchovies, wine, etc.



Greece The President is the nominal supreme commander of the armed forces. The Premier is responsible for national defense policy and troop building, and serves as the Chairman of the Supreme National Defense Commission. Under the leadership of the Prime Minister, the Minister of National Defense implements national defense policies and manages the armed forces. The Chief of the General Staff is in charge of the battle command organization. The army is under the dual command of the country and NATO. The compulsory military service system is implemented, and the service period is 12 months. The total strength of the regular army is nearly 150000. [1] [48]




Greece has about 120000 kilometers of highways of various types, including about 2500 kilometers of expressways, which is the most developed country in Southeast Europe. Egnatia Highway, which runs through northern Greece and connects Igumenica Salonika Alessandrupolis, PATHE Highway The Ionian Highway, which runs through the western part of the Greek mainland and connects Patre Igumenica, and the Attica Highway Ring Road, which encircles the Attica region where Athens is the capital, are the main highways in Greece.
The road network of Greece has achieved interconnection with the road network of surrounding countries, mainly entering Albania in the northwest, entering Central Europe through Northern Macedonia and Serbia in the north, and entering Turkey, Bulgaria and Romania in the east or northeast. [21]


The total length of the railway in operation in Greece is about 2300km. The most important railway in Greece is the main line running through the north and south of Greece, connecting Patre, Athens and Thessalonica. The operation speed of Greek railways is relatively poor. Among them, 19% of the railway line operation speed is below 79 km/h, 39% of the railway line operation speed is 80-119 km/h, 23% of the railway line operation speed is 120-159 km/h, and 19% of the railway line operation speed is above 160 km/h.
The Greek railway network is mainly connected to the main network of European railways through the north-south trunk lines to achieve railway interconnection with European countries. Relying on Piraeus Port, Chinese enterprises fully exploit the advantages of the Greek railway system and adopt sea rail intermodal transportation to connect goods from Asia and other regions to the Greek railway network through Piraeus Port and transport them to Central and Eastern European countries, shortening the transportation time and achieving good benefits. [21]

air transport

There are 40 airports in Greece. The main airports are Venizelos (Athens) International Airport, Thessalonica, Crete, Rhode Island Airport, etc. Most airports in Greece, especially those on islands, mainly serve tourists and charter flights. In 2001, the new Athens International Airport opened as a new national gateway airport.
Aegean Airlines is the largest airline in Greece. Founded in 1987, Aegean Airlines provides regular and charter flights from Athens and Thessalonica to other major Greek cities and some major European cities. Olympic Airlines is another large airline in Greece. In March 2009, it sold part of its equity to a private company and changed its name to Olympic Air. In October 2012, Aegean Airlines announced a merger agreement with Olympic Airlines. In October 2013, the relevant agreement was finally approved by the European Commission on Competition, and Aegean Airlines officially acquired Olympic Airlines, which still exists and operates as a subsidiary of the former. [1] At present, the company has 61 passenger planes and 151 routes, including 120 international routes, connecting 44 countries in the world. [21]

ocean shipping

Greece is a major shipping country in the world, and the shipping industry is an important pillar industry of the national economy. The shipping industry has provided employment opportunities for about 200000 people. In addition to more than 60000 Greek shippers working on seagoing ships, the finance, insurance, consulting services, marine equipment, maintenance and other related industries driven by the shipping industry have absorbed 130000 labor forces. In Piraeus Port alone, there are more than 1000 enterprises carrying out business activities related to the shipping industry. There are 150 ports of various types in Greece, mainly Piraeus, Thessalonica, Wallos, Petre and Ilakrion. By 2021, Greece has 1831 ships of 100 tons or more, with a total load of 39.33 million tons, a year-on-year decrease of 2.7%. In 2022, Greek ship owners will control 21% of global transport capacity and 59% of EU ship tonnage, with 5514 merchant ships in total; The total contribution of the Greek shipping industry to the economy exceeded 11 billion euros, accounting for 7% of GDP and 3% of the employment rate. [1] [33]




The 11 year compulsory education system includes 2 years of preschool education, 6 years of primary education and 3 years of junior high education. There are 24 universities in China, including the University of Athens, the University of Aristotle, the Athens University of Technology, Crete University, the University of Patere, and the University of Thessaly. [1] [38]


Greek hospitals are divided into public and private hospitals. Public hospitals can see doctors for free, but the number of patients is large and the time is long. The service quality of private hospitals is high, but the price is expensive. Greek pharmacies can be seen everywhere. Generally, green cross signs are hung outside the pharmacies. The pharmacies generally provide drugs according to prescriptions, and the supply of drugs is sufficient. In 2019, there were 269 hospitals in Greece, including 141 private hospitals and 170 general hospitals, with a total of 48542 beds.
According to the data of the European Commission, in 2019, Greece's national health expenditure accounted for 7.8% of GDP, lower than the EU's average of 8.3%; The per capita health expenditure is 1616 euros, which is also lower than the average level of 2572 euros in the EU. In 2018, the average life expectancy in Greece was 81.9 years, higher than the EU average of 81 years. [23]


As Olympics The birthplace of civilization, Greece is not only the country with the longest sports tradition in Europe, but also the country with strong government control over sports. As early as 1955, Greece introduced the law governing the National Olympic Committee. In 1975, Greece issued Decree 75/75, and the government played a major role in controlling and supervising sports. In the same year, Paragraph 9 of Article 16 of the Greek Constitution stipulates that "the state has the right to protect and supervise sports. The state is in charge of and controls all sports associations and sports clubs in accordance with relevant laws." Since then, the government has continued to revise on the basis of the previous laws, and the development of sports in Greece has been guaranteed.
Since the European debt crisis in 2009, the Greek government has started to comprehensively reduce subsidies for sports. The Greek sports minister even publicly said that "sports is an investment", and the government will no longer provide funds for those sports federations that cannot create economic benefits. By 2014, Greece's subsidies for category A sports (track and field, water sports, basketball, volleyball, football, etc.) had dropped 68.2% year on year. With the sharp reduction of government sports public expenditure, many sports federations are facing serious financial difficulties and difficult to maintain operations. [22]


Newspapers Greece distributes nearly 200 newspapers and thousands of magazines, but the circulation is limited. Major daily newspapers with large circulation nationwide include: The News Daily Tribune , Maritime News, etc. [40]
[News Agency] Athens Macedonian News Agency (AMNA): an official news agency, which has contacts with major news agencies in the world. The Athens News Agency established in 1905 and the Macedonian News Agency established in 1991 were merged in 2008.
Radio and Television Greek Radio and Television Company (ERT): Founded in 1938, it only had radio stations at first, and began to broadcast television programs in 1966. On June 11, 2013, as part of the austerity and reform measures, the government announced that it would stop broadcasting Greek radio and television companies and set up new Greek radio, Internet and television companies with a greatly reduced scale. In 2015, the Tsipras government announced the rebroadcast after taking office.
The first private TV station in Greece was launched in 1988. The influential private TV stations include: "SKAI", "ANTENNA", "MEGA", "STAR", etc. There are nearly 100 private television and radio stations. [1] [38]


The Greek electricity market has developed rapidly in recent years. According to the data released by the Energy Research Center for South Eastern Europe (IENE), in 2019, Greece generated 42.2 TWh of electricity on the grid, of which natural gas accounted for the largest proportion, 16.2 TWh, and lignite generated 10.4 TWh, which has continued to decline in recent years. In 2019, a total of 52.1 TWh of electricity was consumed in Greece (excluding 5.6 TWh of electricity consumed by islands not connected to the network). By the end of 2019, the total installed capacity of Greek grid connected electricity was 18.3 GW, including 6.3 GW of renewable energy. Greece has been a net electricity importer for a long time. In 2019, it imported 9.6 TWh of electricity (mainly from Bulgaria, Italy and Northern Macedonia) and exported 2.9 TWh (mainly to Italy, Albania and Northern Macedonia). [22]

signal communication

According to the latest data released by the Greek Telecommunications and Postal Commission (EETT), the total turnover of the Greek post and telecommunications industry in 2019 was about 5 billion euros, accounting for 2.7% of the GDP of that year. By the end of 2019, Greece had 4.645 million fixed phone users (43.3% penetration rate), 14.5 million mobile phone users (11.9 million active users), 4.106 million fixed broadband users (38.1% penetration rate), and 86.5% mobile Internet penetration (98.8% 4G network coverage rate in mobile Internet). The largest fixed line operator in Greece is Greece Telecom (OTE), which is controlled by Deutsche Telekom and is in an absolute monopoly position in Greece, accounting for 57% of the fixed line market share in 2019. [25]

People's livelihood

According to the data released by Eurostat, the hourly labor cost in Greece in 2020 was 16.9 euros, lower than the average level of 28.5 euros in the European Union and 32.3 euros in the euro area. Social insurance in Greece mainly includes endowment insurance and medical insurance, of which endowment insurance accounts for 20% of total wages, and employers and employees bear 13.33% and 6.67% respectively; The medical insurance is 7.1% of the total salary, and the employer and employee respectively bear 4.55% and 2.55%.
In August 2021, the Greek government announced that the minimum wage would be increased by 2% from January 1, 2022, that is, the minimum monthly wage would be increased from 650 euros to 663 euros, and the minimum daily wage would be increased from 29.04 euros to 29.62 euros.
According to the data of the Central Bank of Greece, in 2020, the national residential property price index of Greece will rise 4.3% year on year, of which the price index of new houses built within five years and old houses built over five years will rise 4.7% and 4% year on year respectively, and the residential property price index of Athens, the capital, will rise 7.6% year on year. In 2020, the national office commercial real estate price index of Greece will rise by 1.2% year on year, of which Athens will rise by 2.2%; The national rental price index of office commercial real estate fell 1.1% year on year, including a 2.4% decline in Athens. In 2020, the national retail commercial real estate price index in Greece rose by 2.1% year on year, including 1.6% in Athens; The national retail commercial real estate rental price index fell 0.6% year on year, including a 1.6% decline in Athens. [25]

public security

Social security in Greece is relatively stable. According to national laws, ordinary residents are not allowed to hold guns (except hunting guns), and the social crime rate is low. According to the statistics of the Greek Bureau of Statistics, there were about 220000 criminal cases in Greece in 2019, with a crime incidence rate of 2055 per 100000 people, higher than 1958 in the previous year. Among them, there were about 11000 serious crimes and 210000 minor crimes.
There are no anti-government armed groups in Greece, and there have been no terrorist attacks directly against Chinese enterprises or citizens in recent years. [25]

International Relations


foreign policy

Greece is a member of the European Union and NATO. Actively promote and maintain the process of European integration. He advocated that NATO and the EU play a role in maintaining peace and security, and supported the EU in formulating a unified policy to deal with the problem of difficult immigrants. Actively play a role in the United Nations and other international organizations, encourage and promote the integration of Balkan countries into Europe, and promote security and stability in the eastern Mediterranean region. He is a party to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and advocates peaceful settlement of differences through negotiations and other means. There are contradictions between Greece and Turkey on the issue of maritime rights and interests in the Eastern Mediterranean. We attach importance to developing relations with Asia Pacific countries, including China and India, and hope to benefit from the rapid economic development of China, India and other countries by strengthening economic and trade cooperation to serve the development goals of Greece's economy. [1] [33]

external relations

Relations with the United States
After Greece gained independence from the Ottoman Empire, the United States officially recognized Greece as a sovereign country in 1837, sent the first consul to Greece and signed the first bilateral trade agreement. In 1868, the United States established diplomatic relations with Greece. After the Second World War, as part of the Marshall Plan, the United States invested hundreds of millions of dollars to help Greece rebuild its housing construction and agricultural and industrial systems. At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, large-scale construction projects in the United States provided a large number of employment opportunities, attracting nearly 450000 Greeks to immigrate to the United States. Today, there are about 3 million Greek descendants in the United States. This large and well organized community has built close political, cultural and economic ties between Greece and the United States. In view of Greece's geostrategic position and influence in the Balkans, the United States has always regarded Greece as an important ally and actively played its role in promoting regional stability and economic development, supporting Turkey's accession to the EU, and promoting the diversification of European energy supply.
Relations with the EU
Greece believes that the Lisbon Treaty has laid the foundation for a more democratic, dynamic and expanded EU, and improved the efficiency and influence of EU institutions. We support the EU's expansion and deepening of integration, and believe that the EU should play a greater role in international affairs. He believes that the Balkan countries' accession to the EU is conducive to regional stability and prosperity. He hoped to play a leading role in the process of Southeast European countries' accession to the EU. Greece believes that the debt crisis will test the EU's institutional capacity and political unity, and will promote deeper EU integration. Under the conditions of globalization, the EU should not be satisfied with establishing a monetary union, but must build a real political union, coordinate economic and social policies in the region, and implement comprehensive governance.
On August 20, 2022 local time, Greek Prime Minister Mizotakis issued a statement saying that the EU officially cancelled the "enhanced supervision" mechanism for Greece on that day. [29]
Relations with Russia
Greece attaches great importance to developing traditional friendly relations with Russia. The two sides have signed an agreement on the joint construction of the Black Sea Mediterranean oil pipeline project.
On June 27, 2022 local time, the Russian Foreign Ministry summoned the Greek ambassador to Russia NASCAR (E. Nassika), strongly protested against a series of confrontation policies against Russia, such as the Greek authorities' provision of weapons and military equipment to Kiev and the expulsion of Russian diplomats in Greece. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs declared eight Greek diplomats in Russia as "unwelcome people" and limited them to leave Russia within eight days. [27-28]
Relations with neighbouring Balkans
Greece advocates good neighborliness and friendship, regards the Balkans as an important diplomatic place, actively promotes regional cooperation in the Balkans, and seeks to play a leading role in the region. Support neighboring countries to join the EU and NATO, and oppose Kosovo's independence. There are differences with Macedonia in the name of the country, and they advocate reaching a solution acceptable to both sides through negotiation. In February 2019, the Greek Parliament approved the agreement between the Greek government and the neighboring Macedonian government on changing the name of Macedonia, to end the dispute between the two countries over the name of Macedonia for more than 20 years. According to the agreement, the name of Macedonia was changed to "Northern Macedonia".
Relations with Arab countries
Greece has a traditional friendship with Arab countries, actively promotes the Middle East peace process, and actively contributes to addressing the situation in the region and creating future peace in the Middle East.
Relations with Turkey
Greece and Turkey have long-standing contradictions on the issue of maritime rights and interests in the Eastern Mediterranean. In January 2021, the two countries resumed exploratory dialogue on the delimitation of the exclusive economic zone, and the relationship between the two sides slowed down. Greece supports Turkey's accession to the EU, provided that it is linked to a comprehensive settlement of the Cyprus issue. [26]
On December 7, 2023 local time, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan visited Greece, successively met with Greek President Sakalopru and Greek Prime Minister Mizotakis, and led the Turkish government delegation to hold a high-level cooperation committee meeting with Greece. After the talks, the two sides signed the Athens Declaration on Friendship and Good Neighbourhood, agreeing to improve bilateral relations and strengthen bilateral cooperation. [47]
Relations with Cyprus
Greece is one of the three guarantors of Cyprus' independence, and the two countries have very close relations. Greece supports the position of the Serb Greek people on the settlement of the Cyprus issue, advocates the establishment of an independent, unified and centralized federal state based on the proportion of the two communities, and continues to work for a just and feasible solution on the basis of United Nations resolutions. Support the Serb and Greek communities to carry out direct trade and other exchanges, improve the atmosphere and make the two communities closer. [24]

Sino Greek relationship

China and Greece established diplomatic relations on June 5, 1972 and established a comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership in January 2006.
In recent years, China's important visits to Greece mainly include: in June 2014, Premier Li Keqiang paid an official visit to Greece, and the two sides jointly issued the Joint Statement on Deepening the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership; In July, President Xi Jinping paid a transit visit to Rhode Island. In October 2016, Liu Yunshan, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and secretary of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee, visited Greece. In November 2019, President Xi Jinping paid a state visit to Greece, and the two sides jointly issued the Joint Statement of the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Greece on Strengthening the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership.
Greece's important visit to China mainly includes: in July 2016, Greek Prime Minister Tsipras paid an official visit to China, and the two sides jointly issued the Joint Statement on Strengthening the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership. In May 2017, Greek Prime Minister Tsipras came to China to attend the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation. In June 2018, Greek Speaker Wuzis visited China. In April 2019, Greek Prime Minister Zipras came to China to attend the second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation. In May, Greek President Pavlopoulos attended the Conference on Dialogue among Asian Civilizations and paid a state visit to China. In November, Greek Prime Minister Mizotakis came to China to attend the Second China International Import Expo. In February 2021, Greek Prime Minister Mizotakis attended the China CEEC Summit online. [34]
The two countries have signed cultural agreements and a three-year implementation plan for cultural exchange agreements. Since the signing of the agreement on scientific and technological cooperation between the two countries in 1979, 13 mixed committees on scientific and technological cooperation have been held. In March 2008, the torch making and handover ceremony for the Beijing Summer Olympic Games was successfully held in Greece. In October 2009, the first Confucius Institute in Greece was officially listed in Athens Business University. In 2014, the two countries signed an agreement on mutual establishment of cultural centers. 2015 is the year of China Greece maritime cooperation. In July 2016, Premier Li Keqiang and visiting Prime Minister Tsipras jointly attended the opening ceremony of the second China Greece Marine Cooperation Forum. In April 2017, the "China Greece Year of Cultural Exchange and Cultural Industry Cooperation" was officially launched. In the same month, Foreign Minister Wang Yi visited Greece, jointly launched the "Forum of Ancient Civilizations" with Foreign Minister Kozias of Greece, and attended the first ministerial meeting. In September 2021, the "Chinese Greek Culture and Tourism Year" was opened. In October, the flame making and handover ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games was successfully held in Greece. In March 2022, the tourism departments of the two countries signed the China Greece 2022-2024 Joint Action Plan on Tourism. In February 2023, President Xi Jinping replied to Professor Vilvedakis of Athens University and other Greek scholars, congratulating the establishment of the Center for Mutual Learning between Chinese and Greek Civilizations in Athens. In November 2023, the "Year of Chinese Greek Culture and Tourism" was concluded. [53]

Biological resources


Forest resources

The forest resources are rich, especially the northern vegetation protection is complete. There are 88.948 million hectares of mountain forests in the whole territory, of which 24 million hectares are completely covered by trees, accounting for 19% of the land area, and 34 million hectares of mountain areas are partially covered by trees. There are more than 6000 kinds of plants.

Animal resources

There are also many rare animals, such as the Greek tortoise, the antelope of Crete Island, and the pony of Skiros Island, which are all unique to Greece. [42 ]

natural disaster

Greece is affected by earthquakes, fires, volcanoes and other natural disasters.
About 35 million years ago, during the formation of the Himalayas, the Alps and the Pyrenees, the world's largest mountain group, intense crustal movement caused this newly uplifted land to fall apart and the surface rock strata to fall. As a result, there are several islands scattered all over the Aegean Sea. By the end of the Ice Age, 400000 years ago, decisive changes had taken place: the sea level in Greece had dropped by about 200 meters, and the Greek land was basically formed. By the 13th century BC, due to frequent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, some geographical changes had taken place, and the geological characteristics of Greece today were finally formed. Although the crustal movements of Greek islands are still frequent, their geological characteristics have not changed significantly.
Due to the unplanned development in history and the destruction of forest fires caused by hunters, the area of Greek forest land is decreasing year by year. Moreover, the high temperature and drought in summer often cause fires. Since the 1970s, the frequency of forest fires in Greece has been about 700 times a year, which undoubtedly caused extensive damage to forests. Although the Greek government and environmental protection departments have taken some protective measures, they have not achieved much. [43 ]
In the summer and autumn of 2023, natural disasters such as forest fires and floods will bring economic losses of more than 2 billion euros (about 15.4 billion yuan) to Greece. [44]



Main attractions

The Acropolis in Athens
Famous tourist attractions in Greece
The Acropolis in Athens (Η Ακρόπολη στην Αθήνα)
Temple of Olympian Zeus (Ναός του Ολυμπίου Δία)
Delphi Temple of the Sun
The site of the ancient Olympic stadium (\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\)
Crete (Κρήτη)
Epidaurus Open Theater
The Tomb of the Macedonian King of Virgina (                
aegean sea (Αιγαίο Πέλαγος)
Santorini (Σαντορίνη)
Rhode Island (Ρόουντ Άιλαντ)
corfu (κορφού)
National Archaeological Museum of Greece (Εθνικό Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο Ελλάδος)
new Acropolis Museum (Νέο Μουσείο Ακρόπολης)
Constitution Square (Πλατεία Συντάγματος)
Athens National Garden
Dionysus Theater
Athens and Rome Market (αγ→ρ≤ τ η αθν α→ώ μ η)
Holy Mountain (Ιερό βουνό)
Praka (Πράκα)
Pan Athena Stadium (Πα να θηνα)
Temple of Apollo (Ναός του Απόλλωνα)
Athens City Museum of Art (έέέέέέέέώώώ)
Monument to the Unknown Soldier (Μνημείο του άγνωστου στρατιώτη)
Zapion Palace (Παλάτι Ζάπιον)
Filopapos (Φίλοπαπος)
Cathedral of the Metropolitan Archbishop of Athens

Cultural sites

As of 2014, there are 16 GREECE sites in X0200 Greece, including 14 cultural heritage sites and 2 cultural and natural heritage sites. The Roman numerals after C indicate which standards of cultural heritage sites meet the requirements, and the numerals after N indicate which standards of natural heritage sites meet the requirements. The era of is included in the World Heritage List. X0204, etc. are the serial numbers of each heritage. [12]
Conform to the mark
Archaeological Site of the Ancient City of Epidaurus
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight
C i,ii,iii,iv,vi
St. John's Monastery and Apocalypse Caves on Patmos Island
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine
C iii,iv,vi
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-nine
C i,ii,iii,iv,vi
Temple of Apollos Epicurius in Bassai
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-six
C i,ii,iii
Daphne Monastery, Hossios Lucas Monastery and New Sisters' Monastery on Sios Island
one thousand nine hundred and ninety
Delphi Temple of Apollo Archaeological sites
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-seven
C i,ii,iii,iv,vi
Fergina Archaeological Site (Macedonian Mausoleum)
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-six
C i,iii
Medieval City of Rhode Island
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight
C ii,iv,v
Matteola Abbey
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight
N iii /C i,ii,iv,v
Old Byzantine City of Mistras
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-nine
C ii,iii,iv
Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture in Thessaloniki
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight
Pythagora Temple and Hera Temple
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-two
C ii,iii
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight
N iii/ C i,ii,iv,v,vi
Ancient Buildings and Sites on Tyros Island
one thousand nine hundred and ninety
C ii,iii,iv,vi
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-seven
C i,ii,iii,iv,vi
Mycenaean and Tirims Mycenaean Cultural Archaeological Sites
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine
C i,ii,iii,iv,vi
Reference source of the above table: [12]