Adolf Hitler

Head of Nazi Germany
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synonym Hitler (Hitler) Generally refers to Adolf Hitler (the head of Nazi Germany)
Adolf Hitler( German Adolf Hitler, April 20, 1889 - April 30, 1945), Nazi Germany Head of State, Prime Minister, Nazi Party Party leaders, the Second World War The initiator of.
On April 20, 1889, Hitler was born at that time Austro Hungarian Empire Of Yinhe Bank Braunau , August 1914, participated in the First World War In September 1919, he joined the German Workers' Party Nazi Party He also served as a member of the Party Presidium. In July 1921, he became the head of the Nazi Party and enjoyed the power to command everything. On November 8, 1923, Hitler launched Beer House Riot In 1933, he became the head of state of Germany. On September 1, 1939, the invasion poland , set off the prelude to the European battlefield of the Second World War, and successively occupied from 1939 to 1941 Europe 14 countries, and Romania Hungary Bulgaria Yugoslavia Become your own Vassal state On June 22, 1941, the attack Soviet Union , then fall into Eastern Front The adverse situation of. On April 28, 1945, Hitler and Eva Braun Officially married, at 3:30 p.m. on April 30, 1945, Hitler German Chancellery He shot himself in the basement.
Hitler actively publicized Fascism Extreme nationalism , anti communism , anti capitalism Anti Semitism , reorganize and establish the National Socialist Workers' Party (i.e. Nazi Party) Attempt to establish a new order in Europe led by Nazi Germany and advocate expansion germanic people Of living space And rearmed Germany. During the Second World War, those who committed various crimes and persecuted and massacred 6 million people Israel
Chinese name
Adolf Hitler
Foreign name
Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitra
Ethnic groups
Austrian [1]
one's native heath
date of birth
April 20, 1889
Date of death
April 30, 1945
University one is graduated from
Hitel State High School
Political parties
Nazi Party
Representative works
My struggle Hitler's Second Book
Head of State and Prime Minister of Nazi Germany
Major crimes
Launch the Second World War, Holocaust

Character's Life


Early ups and downs

At about 18:30 on April 20, 1889, Adolf Hitler was born at Austria Braunau (Braunau) in a small inn called Bomai. He is Austro Hungarian Empire The third child born to a customs officer in his third marriage, three brothers and two sisters, died young, leaving only his brother and sister Paula Hitler Hitler joined his father when he was young Catholicism become believer In 1895, his father sent Hitler, who was over six years old, to study in a public school. His grades in primary school were consistently good. It was precisely that year that Hitler's father retired from customs at the age of 58. In the next four years, he will Linz There are many villages moving around nearby. By the time Hitler was 12 years old, he had moved seven places and changed five schools. Hitler's Benedictine faction near Rambach Monastery After studying for 2 years, he participated in choir , chose singing class. According to his own records, he dreams of becoming a priest in the future. [2] In 1900, Hitler was sent to Linz for secondary school. This requires his father to spend a little money, which also shows that his father has the ambition to let his son go his own way - to be a civil servant. But this was the last thing Hitler wanted to do. He had a dispute with his father. Hitler wanted to be a painter. As a result of this conflict, Hitler stopped studying hard at school. Hitler had to transfer to Hitel State High School, which is quite far away from Linz, when he did not get the required certificate in Linz Middle School. He stayed there for a long time and left without graduation. [2]
In 1905, at the age of 16, Hitler became interested in politics Austro Hungarian Empire Habsburg Dynasty All non domestic Germanic nationality It has generated strong hatred, and has the same strong love for all the Germanic people. It has become a zealous Germanic who will never repent nationalism And suddenly like reading. He attended Linz The adult education libraries and museum societies of China have borrowed a large number of books. His young friends recalled that he was always immersed in books, among which his favorite reading was about German history and German sacred works. [2] In 1906, after Hitler's 17th birthday, he tried every means to persuade his mother to agree with him Vienna Academy of Arts Go to school. [2] In 1907 and 1908, he was twice rejected by the Vienna Academy of Arts. After the death of both his parents, Hitler's life became increasingly difficult Austro Hungarian Empire This one he hates Multi-ethnic country Conscription, he fled to Munich He had to wander to the streets of Vienna to beg and sell paintings for a living. Sometimes he was hired to sweep snow and carry luggage.
In November 1909, he had to give up the house he rented in Simondank Alley less than a year after he came to Vienna. In the next four years, he has been living in a chicken feather shop with only bunks, or in Danube Merderman Street, the 20th district of Vienna, almost lives in the same humble bachelor dormitory, and kills hunger by patronizing the porridge station. Hitler said that he should be a "painter" for at least a while, but his autobiography did not specify the situation of this job.
In 1909 and 1910, his situation improved slightly and he could no longer work as an ordinary hourly worker. Then he began to work as a sketch artist and watercolor painter. In 1913, Hitler had no fixed occupation before he moved to Munich, Germany nationalism and Anti Semitism (Antisemitism).

New Party

Austro Hungarian Empire Before the war broke out, the government asked Hitler, who had stayed in Munich, to return to join the army. After returning to the Austro Hungarian Empire, Hitler pretended to be ill and failed the medical examination, and then returned Bavaria In August 1914, the First World War (Der Erste weltkrieg) broke out, Hitler volunteered to participate in the 16th Regiment of the German Bavarian Reserve Infantry Anglo French Allied Forces I participated in the war for the first time Battle of Ypres Battle of the Somme River Battle of Arras , Battle of Bassenda. In 1917, he was promoted from "messenger" to Private , and got one for fighting bravely“ Iron Cross First Class ”And one“ Second Class Iron Cross Medal ”。 He once told his soldiers in the army that he did not like talking with others in the army, and received few letters. Hitler's Battle of the Somme River On March 1, 1917, he returned to the battlefield. On October 14, 1918, near the village of Wilwick, Hitler was attacked by Mustard gas Attacked and temporarily lost his sight. During this period of recuperation, Germany Entente Declare surrender. In July 1919, Hitler was ordered to go with other "scouts" to the shelter in Lechfeld to eliminate the Spartak ideological tendency among German prisoners of war who had been captured during the war.
In September 1919, Hitler received another order from the Army Political Department to investigate a man who claimed to be“ German Workers' Party ”(Deutsche Arbeiterpartei). In this way, Hitler got to know the party with only 54 members for the first time as a spy. The Party's programme is socialist Nationalism Anti Semitism As Hitler was attending the meeting speech of this small party, he denounced a proposition Bavaria be divorced from Prussia And formed a South German Republic with Austria, which immediately attracted the attention and interest of the participants. Two days later, Hitler suddenly received a postcard informing him that he had been invited to join the German Workers' Party. At first, he felt "angry and funny". However, after some careful consideration, Hitler decided to become the 96th member of the party and the 7th member of the party's presidium. Hitler took the most decisive step in his life.
Hitler (second from left)
After Hitler joined the German Workers' Party, he enthusiastically devoted himself to the work of the German Workers' Party while performing his duties as an investigator. He is engaged in many aspects of social communication Nationalism The Munich Observer, a magazine of the Communist Party of China, published the notice of the Party, organized mass gatherings, made speeches to publicize itself, and made every effort to expand the influence of the Party. Hitler showed his ability to make speeches at mass gatherings, and tried to incite college students, small business owners, and military officers to“ Treaty of Versailles ”"November sinners", "Jewish hatred". His speech was easy to understand, so his audience, especially the soldiers in World War I, felt very cordial, which made them always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm. In this way, the mass gatherings organized by Hitler soon became famous. His speech content, language talent and eloquent arguments soon attracted a large number of followers, Nazi Party The chairman of the Nazi Party immediately stood up to him and appointed Hitler as the "Minister of Propaganda". Hitler, with great power in hand, set out to further consolidate his position in the Party. He rearranged the daily management of the Workers' Party. Then he drafted 25 new party platforms with the chairman of the Workers' Party. The keynote was anti Semitism, nationalism, and social requirements. Its content, except for Jews, could benefit almost everyone. In order to attract the masses, he took advantage of the two prevailing trends of nationalism and socialism in Germany at that time and officially changed the name of the German Workers' Party to“ National Socialist German Workers' Party ”(Die Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei), this is the Nazi Party (Die nazi Partei). The party platform and name were announced to the public at the mass meeting on February 24, 1920.

Aggravate the riot

On March 31, 1920, Hitler retired from the army, after which he devoted all his energy to the work of the Workers' Party. He planned the party flag and emblem, and with the support of sponsors, he bought Munich Of《 Vlkischer Beobachter 》So that the Party has its own organ newspaper. During this period, a group of people from all walks of life who were impressed by Hitler's knowledge, courage and amazing eloquence joined the Nazi Party, which made the Nazi Party's force increase a lot at a time. Thanks to Hitler's active activities, the Nazi Party grew rapidly within a year.
In July 1921, Hitler went to Berlin And prepared to establish ties with the nationalists in North Germany and expand the Nazi movement throughout the country. At this time, some people in the Workers' Party objected to his leadership, and Hitler rushed back immediately Munich He threatened to withdraw from the Nazi Party and forced the Workers' Party to accept him as the head of state and enjoy the power to command everything. He also revised the Party Constitution, abolished the Party committees and abolished electoral system , established Leadership principles , developed dictatorship, and changed the name of the party to the National Socialist Workers' Party, or the Nazi Party for short. Before long, Hitler became the leader of the Nazi Party.
On January 22, 1922, the Nazi Party Munich The first congress was held. Hitler finally transformed a club that used to specialize in talking into a mass organization And become one of the most important and famous members. [3] In October of the same year, Bavaria and Berlin The contradiction between the central governments intensified, and Hitler was determined to take advantage of this contradiction. He asked the Bavarian regime to march into Berlin while Berlin had not yet attacked Munich. Hitler thought the timing was in his favor and he was determined to emulate the Italian dictator Mussolini March on Rome ”He set an example of seizing political power and began to plan the "march to Berlin", so as to establish an autocratic regime with his own dictatorship. But the head of the Bavarian government was indecisive and had no intention of acting according to Hitler's wishes. On the evening of November 8, 1923, Hitler launched Beer House Riot (Bier aufstand), finally ended in failure. The government ordered to ban the Nazi Party and close the Nazi Party newspaper. [4]

Fanatical fuehrer

Hitler and Mussolini
On January 4, 1925, after his release from prison, Hitler visited the Prime Minister of Bavaria, admitted that the 1923 coup was a mistake, and promised to follow the rules and laws in the future. Thus, in February, the Bavarian government lifted the ban on the Nazi Party and its organ newspaper, the People's Observer. February 26 The People's Observer officially resumed publication. On February 27, the Nazi Party was formally rebuilt, and Hitler gained the status of dictatorial head of state again, but was forbidden to speak in public. In 1928, the Nazi Party gradually became a "party with a group of cadres capable of taking over government affairs". After considerable difficulties, Hitler Stormtrooper (Sturmtruppen) was reorganized into an armed group with hundreds of thousands of members. Its task was to protect the rallies held by the Nazi Party, disrupt the rallies of other political parties and generally intimidate those who opposed Hitler. Hitler established SS (Der Waffen SS) and asked them to take a special oath of allegiance to him.
One in October 1929 World economic crisis It provided Hitler with an excellent opportunity. Hitler called the economic crisis "government incompetence", which was accepted by the government《 Treaty of Versailles 》As a result of the war reparations and the "socialist" policy, the Republic and successive governments destroyed everything in Germany.
After Hitler became the head of the Third Reich of Germany, he promised to "let every family in Germany have milk and bread on their table", and his commitment Nazi Germany The early stage (1938) has been realized, which has made more people support Hitler. Nazi policies encouraged women to have children and stay at home. In his speech to the National Socialist Women's Organization in September 1934, Hitler believed that "the world of German women is husbands, families, children and homes." Hitler supervised the largest construction project in German history, dams, highways, railways and others. However, these are not relevant to Weimar Republic (weimarer Republik). The Hitler government sponsored the establishment of huge and magnificent buildings, and cooperated with the country's chief architect speer To establish Hitler's new view of German classical culture.

Expand the army and prepare for war

When Hitler cleaned up the interior politically, he put all the economy under the control of the state, adapted to political needs, and implemented forced production, so as to be more conducive to the expansion of the army and preparation for war. Then Hitler began to put his plan into practice.
At the end of September 1934, Hitler issued a secret order to rearm, and in the spring of 1935, he publicly announced the plan: to expand the national defense force from 100000 to 300000. This is a public violation of the Treaty of Versailles, which immediately caused the West Is strongly opposed. France, Britain and Italy all protested and reached an agreement on common defense, but everything was just on paper and never implemented. Hitler was convinced that there were also a group of useless guys like his former domestic political enemies. As long as he resolutely and suddenly put the fait accompli in front of these guys, they would be helpless and let it go. So Hitler announced the abrogation on March 7, 1936《 Locarno Convention 》Despite the provisions of the Versailles Peace Treaty, 30000 German troops were sent to march Rhine demilitarized zone (Die rheinl ä nder entmilitarisierte zone), and built fortifications along the western border of Germany. At this time, as long as France, Britain and other western countries made any moves, Hitler would withdraw obediently, but they were only satisfied with protesting and did not take any practical countermeasures, which made Hitler more daring and accelerated the pace of expansion.
In November 1936, Germany and Japan concluded Anti Communist International Agreement Italy acceded to this agreement in September 1937. Germany, Italy and Japan formally formed a fascist group, and the Three Axis (Die Achsenm ä chte) was formally formed. Hitler finally got rid of《 Treaty of Versailles 》On November 5, 1937, Hitler summoned the Minister of Defense, the Commander in Chief of the National Defense Forces, the Foreign Minister and other leaders to announce to them that Germany's living space The problem is to occupy the living space and raw material base directly bordering Germany. And conquer Austria and Czechoslovakia Is his first goal. At that time, the German military force had reached a considerable scale, and the economic situation was further improved. So Hitler felt that he had the capital and began to put his plan into practice.
German expansion

Sweep across Western Europe

Hitler in Austria in 1938
On March 11, 1938, with the help of Austrian pro Germans and Nazis, Hitler occupied Austria without bloodshed, taking the first step in his aggression and expansion in Central Europe. Britain and France just let Hitler's action go. After the annexation of Austria, Hitler planned to Czechoslovakia (Der Tschechoslowakei). Aiming at the mentality of Britain, France and other countries unwilling to bear the risk of war, he adopted the infamous《 Munich Agreement 》(Das M ü nchner ABKOMMEN) Sudetenland (Sudetenland) is owned by Germany.
In March 1939, Hitler tore up the Munich Agreement and occupied it without bloodshed Czechoslovakia The whole territory. Britain and France did not take any major measures against Hitler's act, except to lodge an oral protest. Soviet Union In view of the lack of sincerity in the negotiations between Britain and France and their own countries, they are still paying great attentions to Germany behind their backs and continue to carry out the policy of bringing disaster to the east Appeasement policy Stalin In order to protect the security and interests of the Soviet Union, it was decided to abandon the common confrontation with Britain and France against Nazi Germany, and instead maintain a seemingly friendly relationship with Nazi Germany in order to gain time and space to respond to the possible military actions of Nazi Germany in the future. On the other hand, in order to implement the“ White scheme ”He was also willing to sign a non war treaty with the Soviet Union to avoid conflict with the Soviet Union prematurely and into the difficult situation of two front war. It was finally signed with Nazi Germany on August 23, 1939《 Soviet-German Treaty of Non-Aggression 》(Deutsch-sowjetischer Nichtangriffspakt)。 Hitler thus got rid of the fear of a two front war and could constantly get supplies of food and raw materials from the Soviet Union.
Hitler takes a photo in front of the Eiffel Tower
On September 1, 1939, Hitler announced to Germany that Germany had been invaded by Poland, and Germany was forced to fight back. Subsequently, Britain and France were forced to declare war on Germany, and the Second World War broke out.
In April 1940, Hitler began to attack France Belgium Netherlands Luxembourg The secret order of was implemented. But first he went to capture it Denmark Norway So as to ensure that Germany has a strategic base at sea and Sweden has a supply of iron ore sand. Then, from May 10 to May 28, German troops were ordered to take the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. On May 13, German troops invaded France on a large scale. On June 22, France was forced to sign the surrender to Germany at the end of World War I Gombina The station signed a surrender to Germany. After the occupation of France, Hitler's opponents were left with Dunkirk retreat Britain has been severely weakened. Hitler first seduced Britain on the condition that Britain must recognize Germany's supremacy at sea, but it was unsuccessful. He ordered the implementation of the“ Sea Lion Program ”(Unternehmen Seel ö we), but failed to implement.

The Soviet invasion was defeated

In the summer of 1940, Hitler formulated the“ Operation Barbarossa ”(Unternehmen Barbarossa)。 On December 18, 1940, Hitler instructed the German army to "prepare to defeat the Soviet Union with a quick campaign before the end of the war against Britain". At this time, Hitler saw that the Soviet Union was also stepping up its preparations for war. In order to avoid falling into a two front war, he decided to first solve the Soviet Union, the biggest obstacle to his domination of Europe. Hitler believed that Britain had been expelled from the European continent, which could not be a worry for Germany to move eastward in the short term, and that "once the Soviet Union was defeated, Britain's last hope would be dashed". Before attacking the Soviet Union, Hitler had occupied 14 European countries and Romania Hungary Bulgaria Yugoslavia Become a dependent country of your own.
At 3:00 a.m. on June 22, 1941, German troops broke into the Soviet Union in three ways. Although the Soviet Union obtained information about the possible outbreak of war from many channels before the war, many of them were contradictory. Hitler Crazy talk about the demise of the Soviet Union in three months. The northern front is composed of German troops William Ritter von Loeb The Northern Army Group under the command of the Marshal is responsible for the attack. 24 divisions of the Soviet Red Army were completely defeated, 20 divisions lost 60% of their personnel and equipment, and the German Northern Group Army soon arrived Leningrad Downtown. Quickly occupy all of Lithuania, most of Latvia, part of Belarus and Ukraine. The central front is the key area of German assault Fedor von Bock The Central Group Army Group under the command of the Marshal from Grodno and Brest Fortress The directional attack completed the encirclement of the Western Military Region of the Soviet Union (i.e. the Western Front Army) through a two pronged attack, Belarus capital Minsk When the Soviet Red Army fell 350 kilometers, 30 divisions were wiped out and 70 divisions lost more than 50% of their personnel. Subsequently, the German Central Group Army Group launched a second pincer attack in Smolensk. Due to the effective defense organization of the Soviet Red Army, the German army made slow progress. However, after two months of the campaign, the German army still completed the encirclement and wiped out 300000 people of the Soviet Red Army. The German troops on the southern front Lundstedt The main purpose of the Southern Army Group was to occupy the Soviet Union's agricultural and industrial bases in Ukraine and obtain the Black Sea port as a supply station.
Hitler received Manstein and other generals
On September 30, 1941, the German army concentrated 74 divisions with about 1 million people, supported by 1700 tanks and 11000 artillery, and launched an offensive intended to seize Moscow, namely Moscow Battle The Moscow Battle ended with the victory of the Soviet Union. The German army lost more than 500000 people and a large amount of technical equipment, which was also arrogant Nazi Germany For the first time in World War II, Hitler suffered heavy losses, and his wild talk of "destroying the Soviet Union in three months" was completely shattered. The situation in Moscow has been stabilized. In the winter of 1941, the Soviet Red Army launched a winter offensive on all fronts.
After successfully repelling the winter offensive of the Soviet Red Army, the German army thought that it was very difficult to occupy Moscow, so it changed its focus of attack to attack the Caucasus region of the Soviet Union. At the beginning of the attack, the German army wiped out more than 200000 people of the Soviet Red Army in Kharkov, and quickly moved south, sweeping the entire Caucasus region. However, because the Soviet Red Army learned enough lessons from its defeat the previous year, the German army failed to wipe out the Soviet Red Army on a large scale in the Caucasus. Although the Soviet Red Army could not resist the attack of the German armored forces, it was able to preserve its strength. Later, in order to cover the German army moving south to the Caucasus, the German army intended to occupy Stalingrad on the Volga River, and then launched a protracted general war with the Soviet Red Army in Stalingrad, namely Battle of Stalingrad (Schlacht von Stalingrad)。 The total number of troops invested by both sides was more than 3 million. The strong resistance of the Soviet Red Army made the German army pay a heavy price every time it went further. At that time, millions of Soviet reserves had gathered on both sides. At the end of 1942, the Soviet Red Army launched a pincer attack on both sides of the German army and surrounded 330000 German troops, and wiped them out on February 2, 1943. The Soviet Red Army won a decisive victory. With the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hitler was forced to declare war on the United States on December 11, 1941.
In February 1943, Germany was defeated in Stalingrad and began to retreat. By 1944, he had disappeared from public places.

To commit suicide by drinking hatred

Hitler's last picture
On April 12, 1945, the President of the United States Franklin Delano Roosevelt Death. When Hitler learned this news, he suddenly raised the hope that the war would take a turn, and this hopeful atmosphere lasted until Hitler's birthday on April 20. On April 22, Berlin was surrounded by three quarters of the Soviet Red Army, when Hitler woke up. He wailed: "The war has been defeated, and I will stay in Berlin. As soon as the time comes, I will end my life with a pistol." But at the same time, he also cursed the Chinese people: "The armed forces abandoned me, my generals are all straw bags, my orders have not been implemented, everything is over, and Germany has not been able to complete the task I put forward to the whole nation." On April 27, The whole of Berlin was completely surrounded by the Soviet army. On April 28, Hitler's wartime ally Italy Mussolini Was captured by the guerrillas and shot. On the same day, Hitler learned that his deputy Himmler Attempting to negotiate with western powers; Hitler was completely discouraged and felt that his end had come. He began to dictate his political will, but he still wanted to scold the Jews and asked his successors "to do their utmost to abide by the racial laws and relentlessly resist the international Jewish group, the poison of all nations in the world."
Shortly before midnight on April 28, 1945, Hitler and his mistress Eva Braun (Eva Braun) was formally married and baptized. On April 29, Soviet tanks pushed towards the zoo near the railway station. On April 30, the Soviet army finally captured Houses of Parliament Hitler's Chancellery was now within range of gunfire. At 3:30 p.m., Hitler returned to the bomb shelter in the basement and shot himself. Eva Braun swallowed the poison at the same time. The corpses of the two men were wrapped in military blankets by attendants, carried to the garden of the Prime Minister's Office, poured with gasoline, and turned into ashes in the raging fire. The ashes were buried in a shell hole.

Major initiatives



  • living space
Hitler's goal was Napoleonic: to establish a Germanic continental system under German control. At the same time, his method is not far from that of the great emperor: liberate Germany from the shackles of international capitalism, unite all Germanic nations to form a third empire, and establish a so-called "living space" in Eastern Europe. He believed that it was necessary for Germany's economic security, just as Napoleon believed that the Rhineland Federation was necessary for France's strategic security.
  • Centralized rule
Goering and Hitler
In January 1933, Hitler became the Prime Minister of the Cabinet. The cabinet established by Hitler after he came to power is called the "national unity government". At this time, Hitler still cannot enjoy the power of dictatorship. He is restricted by the president's power and the cabinet's joint partners in the cabinet. Hitler's cabinet is still within the scope of the Constitution. Although the power of the Congress has been severely weakened, all parties are still likely to use their rights stipulated in the Constitution to oppose Hitler's government, or they may express their opposition through constitutional procedures when the Democratic Socialist Party is unconstitutional. [5] The post of prime minister did not satisfy Hitler's appetite. Hitler's goal was to completely abolish parliamentary democracy and establish a fascist dictatorship. After Hitler held the executive power, he had to obtain legislative power to be dictatorial. But it is not easy to seize all power. Hitler must first obtain the approval of the Congress for his appointment as Prime Minister, and then break the restriction of the Weimar Constitution, pass a law that completely changes the state system and enables him to exercise his power without restrictions, and establish fascist dictatorship with "legal" procedures -- this is the "authorization law". Less than two days after Hitler came to power, he decided to dissolve the Congress and re elect it, changing the pattern of political forces in the Congress. [6] After the passing of the authorization law, Hitler issued a decree, "Cancel the state legislatures, and make the state governments fully subordinate to the central government. Thus, Germany became Centralized system Countries ".
  • Party policy
Political parties and trade unions are prohibited. "There are only 'the only political party, the German National Socialist Workers' Party' and its affiliated groups left. The law was published, and this party was publicized as' inextricably linked with the country '".
Nazi Party logo
The Nazi Party organized an "elite organization" with various functions—— SS (Schutzstaffel, short for SS, is marked by two lightning letters S), which includes quasi religious functions, intelligence agency functions, quasi police functions and an armed force (called the "Armed SS"). This force was originally composed of people with Aryan blood after strict selection, but later became mixed with the deterioration of the situation), The elite of the so-called Nazi armed forces often played the role of battlefield firemen in the late war.
The police are an important part of the national machinery. After Hitler came to power, he was determined to turn Germany into a police country, and strictly controlled and oppressed the German people. Shortly after he came to power, Goering took over the leadership of the Prussian police station as the Minister of the Interior of Prussia. In order to strengthen the Prussian police institution, Goering also ordered the establishment of a "auxiliary police force" composed of 50000 people, 40000 of whom were stormmen and party guards, and 10000 were members of the Helmets Regiment, Thus, the Nazi violent organizations were legalized as policemen.


  • Military expansion mobilization
In order to seize the so-called "living space" (Lebensaum), Hitler successfully rearmed and expanded the German army in the first six years of his rule. From 1933 to 1939, Germany's military production increased sevenfold. In 1934, the production of German military aircraft was 840, and by 1939 it had reached 4733, while the German military expanded from 100000 in 1931 to 500000 in 36 divisions in 37 years. In 1938, Germany became the most powerful political and military power in Europe, and a large number of airports, defense roads and fortifications have been put into operation, which provided important conditions for the military to win steadily in the early stages of the war.
About 15 million troops were mobilized before and after the war, including about 12 million Nazi German troops and other soldiers from affiliated countries. Nazi Germany is Germany (1933-1945). The army of the Third Reich had many foreign soldiers, and there were many foreign sergeants. The uniforms of foreign soldiers were distinguished by armbands. Even in the late 1944, when the situation deteriorated sharply, the Third Reich still had more than 9 million troops (About 11 million) Before the implementation of the Barbarossa plan to attack the former Soviet Union, the total strength of the Third Reich was about 7-8 million, of which 5 million were Nazi German soldiers.
  • Foreign war
Hitler was among the fanatical crowd
In actual combat, Hitler understood not only force, but also peaceful expansion. In the Versailles Peace Treaty signed on June 28, 1919, defeated Germany lost a total of 73485 square kilometers of land with a population of 7325000, and the Rhine River region was clearly defined as a "non military zone" by the "Versailles Peace Treaty" and the "Locarno Convention", which was managed by the International Union stationed in the military. After a series of setbacks, Hitler not only recovered the Saar region and sent troops to occupy Rhineland, but also brought the Czech Sudetenland region with a population of 3.5 million into the German territory after making Austria "return" to Germany in March 1938.
The German soldiers in actual combat also made great achievements. In the spring of 1940, with excellent command, sophisticated equipment and effective tactics, the German army defeated the British and French allied forces in just six weeks, occupied Denmark and Norway, and the main force made a detour northward. A few days later, the Netherlands announced its surrender. On May 17, Brussels fell. The German army encircled the 300000 British French expeditionary forces with a crescent attack. The British army was forced to leave Dunkirk and return to the British Isles before June 4. France was isolated. On June 14, Paris fell. On June 22, a German French armistice was signed, and France surrendered to Germany. In a series of "blitzkrieg", the German army quickly occupied most of Europe.
Encyclopedia x Knowledgeable: Illustration of the Second World War


  • Economic control
In order to strengthen the control of the national economy, the Nazi government reorganized the national economy, eliminated small and medium-sized enterprises and handicrafts, and accelerated the accumulation and concentration of capital and production. First, eliminate small business owners. Secondly, compulsory cartelization.
From 1933 to 1939, Hitler strengthened administrative efficiency in economy and strengthened administrative supervision over the national economy. His economic system was called "command economy" by later generations. In order to stabilize the situation, the Nazi government often quoted《 Weimarer Verfassung 》The emergency law stipulated in Article 48 promulgates laws and regulations governing the economy: first, implement strict criminal law in the economic field; The second is to enforce price criminal law, and the third is to re-establish foreign exchange control; Fourth, the Cartel Law was promulgated to maintain normal economic order; Fifthly, the bank supervision system has been introduced in securities law, bank supervision and tax exemption; Sixth, the Criminal Law on the Disclosure of Trade Secrets has been re stipulated in the Anti Unfair Competition Law.
After the development of two four-year plans, the economy of Nazi Germany basically recovered: in 1933, the gross national product (calculated at 1928 prices) was about 73.7 billion imperial marks. At constant prices, Germany's GDP in 1938 reached 126.4 billion imperial marks. However, the average annual economic growth of Nazi Germany from 1913 to 1938 was 2.6%, which was 2.9% lower than the average level from 1870 to 1913, and far lower than 7.6% from 1950 to 1960 or 6.2% from 1950 to 1970. Therefore, the economy of Nazi Germany can only be called recovery rather than takeoff.
  • Solving unemployment
In January 1933, when Hitler took office as the Prime Minister of the Empire, there were six million unemployed people in Germany. Two years later, the number of unemployed people fell to four million, and by 1936, they had basically achieved full employment. The specific implementation process is as follows. First, solve the employment problem by expanding fiscal expenditure (it is rumored that the government even directly settles accounts with major enterprises in secret); Secondly, restrict married women's employment and encourage women to go home and specialize in housework; Third, infrastructure construction (Civil and national defense engineering) , including the construction of expressways, airports, barracks, Siegfried defense lines, and even the achievement of a world-renowned automobile brand VOLKSWAGEN Etc; Fourth, we should solve the problem of unemployment by expanding the army and implementing the labor obligation system. In addition, the bureaucracy of the Party and the state has also significantly expanded the recruitment of civil servants. It is worth mentioning that Germany's transition from depression to economic prosperity was not achieved through inflation, and its wages and prices were completely stable.
With September 30 as the annual statistical deadline, Germany's unemployment rate in 1933 was 20%; 20.5% in 1934; 9.6% in 1935; 5.7% in 1936; 2.5% in 1937; In 1938, it was only 0.95%. The number of unemployed people in Germany was 5.5 million in 1933, 2 million in 1935, less than 1 million in 1937, and only tens of thousands in 1939, basically "eliminating" unemployment, and even a shortage of labor force.
  • Support foreign trade
In 1933, Germany's foreign trade export was only 39% of 1928, and in 1938, its foreign trade export did not reach the level of 1932. Face the world Trade protectionism Germany had no choice but to protect trade. Imports are restricted to limited items such as grain and raw materials, and those that can be produced domestically should be produced or replaced domestically as far as possible. In order to expand exports, the state supports capitalists to fight for new investment markets, even resort to force and military means. There is no state monopoly on foreign trade in Germany, except for some products (especially grain) In addition, foreign trade is generally operated by private capital. The focus of Nazi Germany's foreign trade was the import of strategic goods. In order to ensure import, the government also provides a large amount of subsidies and advocates the policy of dumping abroad to balance import and export. Since 1935, Germany's foreign trade has exceeded that for three consecutive years.
Germany's foreign investment in 1938 was only 676 million dollars. If patent rights, hidden capital and other property pages are included, Germany's foreign capital was about 6.2 billion dollars at the end of World War II. Germany in Asian countries (China, Japan, Iran, etc.) The investment is also very large. In 1937, Germany invested 137 million dollars in China.
  • financial policy
The Nazi German government tightened monetary policy and strengthened financial innovation. First, strengthen the control of foreign capital. Second, implement the new monetary policy. Third, improve bank supervision. Fourth, strengthen foreign exchange control. Fifth, manage imports. Sixth, loosen finance and tighten currency; Loose finance means that the state invests heavily in public works (Road construction, airport construction, housing construction, farmland improvement, etc.) To stimulate demand; Tight money means that we should strictly control the amount of money in circulation by adopting the financing method mainly based on borrowing. In addition, the imperial government issued medium and long-term debt totaling about 8 billion imperial marks, and long-term bonds were issued by investment institutions (Insurance companies, savings offices) The arrangement is to raise funds from depositors and insurers. This mobilized unused production factors and increased national income. Through the implementation of these economic policies, the country has promoted credit expansion. Although this will make the German economy face a crisis, it can open up financial resources for the development of military industry and war.
  • Agricultural policy
Nazi Germany was convinced that the food shortage caused by the British blockade in World War I eventually led to the collapse of Germany. Therefore, the Nazis took the pursuit of agricultural self-sufficiency as the goal of war and the continuation of peace, and monitored agriculture more severely than industry. Some scholars believe that Germany's economic structure was very backward at that time, like most European countries, and 29% of the population engaged in economic activities were in the agricultural field. In order to solve the agricultural problems that troubled Germany, the Nazi regime took the following measures to ensure food security: first, control agriculture and agricultural products, and reduce the country's dependence on foreign markets for food and other raw materials under the slogan of "self-sufficiency"; Second, a number of preferential policies were introduced to solve the food problem; Third, implement the integration of agricultural organizations; Fourth, fix farmers on the land and stop the outflow of agricultural population; The fifth is to implement the agricultural compulsory labor system. Through a series of measures, the Nazi government basically stopped the further deterioration of the agricultural situation in Germany, making German agricultural production stable and developing to a certain extent. However, Germany still needs to import 1/5 of its food needs every year. Germany still needs to expand its fiscal deficit to make up for the shortfall in the import of fat, animal feed, edible oil, etc.
  • Economic information control
Hitler attached great importance to the confidentiality of economic information《 My struggle 》(Mein Kampf) said: "Our national economy has suffered losses from arbitrary disclosure of industrial secrets". On April 10, 1933, Germany established the Goering Institute and became the most efficient and accurate intelligence agency in the world at that time. In the 12 years since its establishment, it has monitored nearly 500000 telephones and decoded nearly 500000 telegrams. These "products" have affected the economic development of Germany. The Goering Institute can decipher codes from the Vatican to Switzerland; Can decipher the code of the American embassy in Bonn. It was not until 1942 that the United States closed this loophole. Through the above measures, the Nazi government made Germany, which was defeated 20 years ago, rise again as an economic and military power in Europe. [7]


  • Mind control
"Burning Books" by Nazis
Hitler's control over the field of culture and ideology is unprecedented, full of fascist We should pursue an ignorant and reactionary policy that destroys science and culture. On March 13, 1933, Goebbels (Joseph Goebbels) was appointed Minister of Education and Publicity, in charge of education, culture and press and publication. To implement“ Leadership principles ”And the German national spirit ", the general system of cultural life is implemented in the cultural field. Creative artists from all walks of life must be brought together in a unified organization under the leadership of the state. The country must not only decide the ideological and spiritual development line, but also lead and organize various professions ". Under the banner of the so-called pure German culture, fascists also launched a large-scale clean-up campaign against "non German culture". The first was to burn non German books. On May 10, 1933, a "Book Burning Day" was held in Berlin and more than 30 university cities. Berlin alone burned nearly 20000 books, including Marxism Classic writers and Luxembourg Li Bukenesi Bebel , Meilin and others, as well as famous writers Heine Henrich Thomas Einstein And others. Secondly, the so-called "degenerate" art exhibition was held to "clean up" the national folk libraries, libraries and museums, list the banned books and paintings, and compile them into volumes, which were all banned. Works of Jewish artists Expressionism The works of style and modern art schools are banned as "degenerate works".
  • Persecute literati
The Nazis attacked and persecuted scientific and cultural workers. By 1938, 45% of the official academic institutions had been completely reorganized and replaced; More than 2800 university teachers and scientists have been fired or dismissed. Max Lieberman, the world-famous painter and president of the Prussian Academy of Arts, was forced to resign, Nobel Prize Winner Thomas Mann cover University of Bonn Cancel the honorary doctor title. The fate of the demoted scientists and artists is very tragic, and many people suffer from discrimination and persecution. Einstein The house in Berlin was seized, the family property was confiscated and expelled Academy of Sciences , deprived Germany of its citizenship. Some were sent to arms factories for hard labor; Some were arrested or even killed; Some resigned angrily because they were dissatisfied with Nazi cultural absolutism. Under the rule of Nazi cultural absolutism, a large number of scholars went into exile angrily.
  • Media control
Hitler also exercised strict control over news, radio and films. The newspaper is no longer a tool of public opinion, but a political leading organization. Goebbels said: "Propaganda has only one goal: to conquer the masses, and all means to serve this goal are good." According to the law, only those who meet the political and racial conditions can obtain editing qualifications and engage in newspaper publishing. In order to implement the uniformity of public opinion, Goebbels personally intervened in the compilation and distribution of news. The press holds a "German government press conference" every day, issuing news reporting guidelines through "language instructions" and "daily instructions" to guide the national news propaganda work. If the publication is ordered to suspend in violation of the spirit of the government, the editor will be put in a concentration camp. Within a year after Hitler came to power, more than one thousand non fascist newspapers and periodicals were forced to suspend and their property confiscated. The Nazi government listed radio as "the center of daily activities. They consciously made radio tendentious and made it actively and unconditionally serve the new regime". To this end, schools, enterprises and government agencies listen to the radio collectively. The film industry was also completely under the control of the Nazis, and the decision-making power was controlled by Goebbels, which became a tool of Hitler's political propaganda.
  • education policy
Education was used by Hitler as an important tool to consolidate political power and achieve its political goals, and schools were completely Nazi. The educational autonomy of the states was abolished. Nazi Party The regulated school education mainly focuses on political education, with the purpose of cultivating the tame tools that are loyal to Hitler and unswervingly implement the will of leaders. To this end, the Nazi Ministry of Education established many "national political education schools", focusing on political training fascist Backbone; There are three institutes that carry out high-level political education“ Knights Castle School ", these three schools have no specific teaching goals, only focus on physical exercise, and train students to obey the leader's orders absolutely. Under the rule of fascism, German education was greatly destroyed.


Jewish shops destroyed by Nazi fanatics
If Hitler's domestic policy after taking office has benefited most ordinary Germans except Jews, and thus supported the Nazi authorities politically, Hitler's foreign policy has enabled Germany to conquer with bloodless diplomacy, get out of the shadow of defeat, and quickly rise to become a world power.
Hitler received Anti Semitism (Antisemitism), combined with political needs, so he had a strong hatred for Jews and became an extreme anti Semitic. Since 1933, the Nazi Party of Germany has been in dictatorship, and then a large-scale anti Semitic action has gradually developed. In the same year, the Nazi German government deprived all Jewish civil servants of their posts, and removed Jewish members who were considered inferior from the military, police, and judiciary. Adopted in 1935《 Nuremberg laws 》It defines "Jews" - any German with more than one Jewish grandparent will be regarded as a "Jew". By 1938, Nazi Germany had banned Jews from most occupations. [8]
On November 9, 1938, an anti Semitic incident planned by the Nazi Party“ Crystal Night ”In the outbreak, a large number of shops and synagogues belonging to Jews were destroyed, many Jews were beaten, and the social status of Jews was even lower. [9] With the continuous expansion of the war, the Nazi Party led by Hitler slaughtered Jews more crazily. In 1942, Germany adopted hydrogen cyanide to effectively kill the most Jews. Especially in the notorious Auschwitz Concentration Camp (KZ Auschwitz), as many as 3 million people died among them. In the whole wave of killing Jews, Germany massacred nearly 6 million Jews in such ethnic cleansing activities. This was one of the many internal measures taken by Hitler after he came to power. The fundamental purpose was to win popular support for launching a war. [9]


  • Welfare policy
In order to win the support of workers, the Nazi German government also introduced many social welfare policies. First of all, carry out the movement of joy generating power. Secondly, organize the "labor beautification" movement. Third, hold various public welfare activities. The "Big Pot Day" held every year on a fixed day in various regions has more Nazi characteristics. As soon as Hitler came to power, he declared that May 1 was the national statutory workers' day, and put forward the slogan: "Glory in work, respect for workers!" In all parts of the country, male and female workers had a day off for picnics or gatherings to celebrate. Workers' leaders were invited to attend the rally at the international airport outside Berlin, and Hitler would also be there to deliver a speech. [10]
  • population policy
the First World War Germany lost 1.8 million people. In order to increase the population of Germany, the Nazi government put forward the slogans of "the most important process in everyone's life is to choose a spouse", "if you are fertile, you should not live a single life", and "the meaning of marriage is to reproduce and raise children". In order to encourage population growth, Germany has issued 1000 to each couple in the form of certificates mark Marriage loans are used to buy furniture and living materials. The Nazi government believed that "every family must have at least three to four children to ensure the existence of a nation". At the same time, financial support will be given to low-income families with many children, including providing living subsidies for many children, providing education subsidies for many children, reducing taxes for families with many children, and providing social relief and help for pregnant women and infants. The Nazi government also issued the Honorary Certificate of German Multi child Mothers and medals. The cover of the certificate clearly marked "the best name in the world is mother", and "protecting German mothers is the lofty obligation of every German compatriot". Inspired by this policy, the population of Germany increased from 660.3 million in 1933 to 694.6 million in 1939.

Character evaluation


Negative comments

This stone comes from the Mauthausen Goosen concentration camp
Hitler's influence was almost completely vicious and harmful. His main role was to kill about 35 million people. I have no intention of writing a biography for this man, but the fact is unavoidable: Hitler has a huge impact on the lives of many people. During the period when Hitler was in power, he pursued a genocidal policy unparalleled in history. He is a fanatical racist who hates Jews in particular viciously. To kill every Jew in the world was his open and clear goal. During his reign, the Nazis built huge concentration camps with huge gas chambers to achieve this goal. In every territory he conquered, innocent men, women and children were bound, loaded with animal carts, and put into the gas chamber to be poisoned alive. In just a few years, almost 6 million Jews were killed in this way.
Hitler's influence on human history is extremely negative and vicious. Even from the perspective of Germany itself, although Hitler's leadership once brought unspeakable passion and mania to the people, it eventually led to a devastating blow, making the country that had entered the ranks of industrialization very early become a ruin at the end of World War II. The material and spiritual costs paid by Germans for this war are hard to count. [11]
Hitler will obviously remain famous for the following reasons: First, as we all know, he is the most evil man in the whole history. If we say that characters like Nero and Caligula, who have been famous as cruel symbols for 20 centuries, their crimes are nothing compared with those committed by Hitler. It seems safe to predict that Hitler, as the most evil man in history, is indisputable, so he will remain famous for many centuries to come. In addition, he will certainly remain in people's memory as the main initiator of the Second World War, the largest war the world has ever experienced. The emergence of nuclear weapons greatly reduces the possibility of such a large-scale war in the future. Therefore, even in the next two thousand years, the Second World War may be regarded as a major event in history. Moreover, Hitler will continue to make his name because his whole life is very strange and interesting. It is amazing that a foreigner who has no political experience, no money and no political background has climbed to the head of state of a major world power in less than 14 years. He has outstanding speech ability. Judging from Hitler's ability to inspire people to take important actions, he may be the most exquisite speaker in the whole history. In the end, Hitler used diabolical means as soon as he gained power, which will certainly not be forgotten by the world soon.

Other evaluations

  • William Shire Rise and fall of the Third Reich 》: Without Adolf Hitler, there would almost certainly be no Third Reich.
  • winston churchill the second World War 》Hitler fought ceaselessly and gradually emerged as a national figure, but this did not attract the attention of the victors because they were troubled by their own troubles and party struggles.
  • John Toland Adolf Hitler may be the last of the great adventurers and conquerors who belong to the tradition of Alexander, Caesar and Napoleon. The history of World War II led by Adolf Hitler has also become the bloodiest and most terrifying nightmare in human history.

personal works

My struggle
reference material [12-13]

Anecdotes and allusions


Wind and rain love

Hitler and Eva
Hitler's mistress Eva in 1929 Heinrich Hoffmann Work in a photo shop to help sell, take photos and develop photos. At that time, Hoffman was the special photographer of Adolf Hitler, the head of the Nazi Party. From this, Eva got to know Hitler and gradually developed a love relationship with him. In 1934, the love relationship was disclosed to parents. In 1935, Hitler gave her a small building, consolidating her position as Hitler's only mistress. In 1938, Eva became the first heir to Hitler's will. Even though Eva attended important events such as the 1935 Nuremberg Party Congress and the 1936 Olympic Games, the public never knew of her existence. She lived in her own small building in Munich and Hitler's villa in Bavaria in Berghoff for a long time, and rarely appeared in Berlin. In April 1945, Eva returned to Berlin in the state of street fighting by car and refused to return to the relatively safe Berghoff. From midnight on April 28 to early morning on April 29, 1945, Hitler and Eva were married in the bunker. The notary was Wagner, and the witness was Joseph Goebbels and Martin Bormann At about 3:30 p.m. on April 30, 1945, after their marriage in the bunker, Hitler and Eva committed suicide in the bunker, and their bodies were cremated immediately.

Vegetarian abstinence

Hitler usually only drinks beer and seldom drinks strong liquor
In the early 1930s, Hitler generally followed a vegetarian diet, although he occasionally ate meat. Martin Bowman built a greenhouse for Hitler in Berghoff to ensure fresh vegetables and fruits in wartime. Hitler was a man who paid attention to health and self-discipline. He did not smoke, basically did not drink much, occasionally drank beer, and rarely drank spirits. Usually, his drinks are light tea, milk and hot chocolate. He is particularly opposed to smoking. However, Hitler was a heavy smoker when he was a teenager. He could smoke up to 40 cigarettes a day. Later, he quit smoking because he thought it was a waste of money. When he was in power, Hitler learned from scholars that smoking was harmful to health. Based on the position of ensuring national health, he advocated the anti smoking movement in Nazi Germany. It is said that Hitler denounced his lover Eva for secretly smoking. He even promised that if she could quit smoking for a week, she would be rewarded with a gold watch.

Hosting the Olympic Games

In 1936, when the Berlin Olympic Games were held, Hitler announced the re emergence of Germany to the world in front of the Germans with the most solemn ceremony. He personally served as the president of the Berlin Olympic Committee Congress, and ordered the Olympic clock to be cast with 16 tons of copper, a 70 meter high Hitler clock tower, a stadium that can accommodate 100000 people, a swimming pool that can accommodate 20000 spectators, and the construction of an Olympic village that is more luxurious than the Los Angeles Olympic Games in the United States to show Germany's "prosperity and prosperity". In order to hold the 1936 Berlin Olympic Games well, Hitler not only allowed some outstanding German Jewish athletes to participate in competitions on behalf of Germany, but also appointed Jewish Wolfgang Felstner to manage the Olympic Village.
On August 1, 1936, at the opening ceremony of the 11th Olympic Games in Berlin, Germany, Hitler announced the opening of the magnificent Olympic Stadium in Berlin, which cost 77 million marks. The Nazi flag was flying in the stadium. When German athletes passed the rostrum, they saluted and shouted "Hail Hitler!" Germany broadcast the grand occasion of the Olympic Games on TV for the first time. At this moment, Berlin became the "capital of the world". At that time, Hitler had every reason to call it the greatest Olympic Games in history. In this Olympic Games, Germany won 33 gold medals, 26 silver medals and 30 bronze medals, ranking first in the world. The fanaticism of sports politics and sports nationalism was brought into full play by Hitler. By hosting the Olympic Games, Hitler created an image of a peaceful and heroic politician for himself. [10]

Nobel Prize Storm

In 1939, Eric Brandt, a member of the Swedish Parliament, nominated Adolf Hitler as a candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize. The Norwegian Nobel Committee in charge of awarding the prize considered this nomination, but finally awarded the award of that year to the Nansen Institute, a comprehensive research institution.

Wearing kimonos

Hitler in kimono
A photo of Adolf Hitler, the leader of Nazi Germany, wearing a Japanese kimono was exposed. In this yellowed black and white photo, Hitler, with his trademark parting head and moustache, stood in a dark kimono, holding an object that looked like a fan in his right hand, and looked seriously at the camera. The eagle emblem and swastika emblem of the Nazis can also be seen on the kimono. [14]
This old photo was published as an "exclusive" on the website of the Daily Express and also appeared in the UK《 Daily Mail 》Website. The two newspapers said that the photo was taken in the 1930s, and the specific shooting background and time were unknown. It may be taken after the Anti Communist International Agreement was signed between Nazi Germany and Japan in November 1936. [14]
The Daily Mail commented that Hitler used to show off in his Nazi uniform, and this picture of him in a loose kimono made him look strange and funny. Hitler paid great attention to his image and blocked all the photos he was dissatisfied with. In April this year, a number of photos, including those of him wearing shorts and knee high white stockings, which were banned from public publication by Hitler, were exposed and identified as“ Demeaning ”。 However, the Daily Express believes that this kimono photo may be the most unusual dress photo of Hitler that people have ever seen, and he never wants it to be exposed to the world. [14]

Wearing Art

Hitler was more casual about his clothes. His clothes were not much, and he was not fastidious. Fashion was meaningless to him. The shoes should not pinch the feet, and the suit should not interfere with activities, which is all his requirements. The sleeves of Hitler's coat were cut very wide because he was used to making large and fierce gestures when speaking. He doesn't like to go to the tailor to try on clothes. To avoid trouble, he always asked people to make three or four suits at a time, cut them in the same way, and the materials are often the same.
He is not particular about ties. When he found his favorite tie, he immediately bought half a dozen, all in the same design and color. In his early days on the stage, people always saw him wearing a khaki windbreaker with a belt and a gray velvet hat. Later, Hitler was used to wearing a Canadian style windbreaker that was not neat at all. The color was dirty gray. He wore a gray military cap with an exaggerated black brim that almost covered half of his face. Guests were often surprised. Every time people around him and close friends suggested that he should dress well, Hitler would show his displeasure and show his dissatisfaction without disguise. For Hitler, only comfortable clothes were meaningful, for which he also hated tuxedos for official ceremonies. He did not understand why he had to wear such stiff and rigid clothes and shrug his shoulders to meet foreign diplomats. In the face of pragmatism, even tuxedo would not be favored by him.

Family members

Family background
John Georg Hitler (later renamed John Hitler)
Mario Anna
Alois Hitra
Anna Glaser Holler
brothers and sisters
Alois Hitler
younger brother
Edmund Hitler
Angela Hitler
younger sister

Character controversy


Award dispute

In 1939, a member of the Swedish Parliament nominated Adolf Hitler as The Nobel Peace Prize The nomination was subsequently withdrawn.

Death dispute

In 1945, when the Soviet military officers took Hitler's skull When he saw the dentist, he recognized several false teeth he had made for Hitler. However, in 1972, he overthrew this statement in a conversation with the German writer Maazel.
When referring to Hitler, the German Nazi leader, relevant historical materials say that he was Soviet Red Army After invading Berlin, Germany, he took poison and shot himself on April 30, 1945. But Abel Basdi, a 60 year old Argentine writer and archivist, believed in Hitler in Argentina that Hitler spent about $100 billion of gold in 1945 to redeem his life and carry his mistress Eva Braun He successfully escaped from Berlin and hid in Argentina for many years until he was 75 years old in 1964.
According to the Daily Mail on January 25, 2014, Brazil Mato Grosso capital Cuyaba Simone Rene Guerrero Dias, a graduate student of the Municipal Journalism Department, challenged the traditional view in his new book Hitler in Brazil: His Life and Death. He believed that Hitler did not commit suicide in the bunker in Berlin on April 30, 1945. Hitler actually escaped by pretending to be dead. He fled to a village in Mato Grosso State to live under a pseudonym, and finally in Brazil in 1984 bolivia The border village died at the age of 95.
  • In April 2022, the Russian Federal Security Agency released the document
April 29, 2022 (local time), Russian Federal Security Agency A number of new documents about Hitler's suicide at the end of World War II in 1945 were published.
The Russian Federal Security Agency has released a batch of new documents on Hitler's suicide [16]
The document disclosed this time is about the former private pilot of Hitler Hans Powell Survey materials, which are currently stored in Novgorod In the security bureau. The materials disclosed this time are the autobiography written by Powell and the Soviet Union in December 1945 People's Committee for Internal Affairs The translation of his testimony. In addition, there was a group photo of Hitler and Powell after his flight during the Prime Minister's election in 1932, as well as the evidence of Powell's imprisonment in the Butel prison in the Soviet Union. In his investigation testimony, Bauer described what happened in the bunker before and after Hitler's suicide, as well as other things“ Nazi Germany ”The death of important officials, including the personal secretary of Hitler Bormann and Gestapo Head Mueller. [15]

Blood dispute

It was reported that DNA testing found that Hitler, the leader of the German Nazis, was probably Israel or african Descendants of. [18]
Belgian journalist Jean Paul Mudes and historian Mark Vermillion conducted DNA tests on 39 relatives of the Hitler family. The results showed that Hitler was probably of Jewish or African descent. Obviously, no matter which, Hitler did not like. [17]
Belgian media disclosed that the DNA samples of 39 people all contain a chromosome called "Haplopgroup E1b1b", namely Patrilineal inheritance (Y-DNA)。 This chromosome is found in Germany and Western Europe Very rare, in Algeria Libya and Tunisia Very common. In addition, it is also common among German Jews and Spanish Jews. [17]
In fact, it is not the first time to report that Hitler had Jewish blood. It was rumored that Hitler's grandmother and a Jewish man gave birth to Hitler's father Alois out of wedlock. [18]

Later influence



Promote nationalism
The great German doctrine advocated by Hitler is actually nationalism Radicals. During the World War II, this thought spread to the world with the circulation of war news, which led to the establishment of independent colonies and nation-state after the war.
Indirectly contribute to the establishment of Israel
This is hardly a meaningful contribution, because Hitler's massacre of Jews would never want to let the inferior nation in his eyes continue to exist. However, thousands of Jews fled their homes and emigrated to the world in order to avoid the massacre, which attracted the attention of all countries in the world, and then promoted the establishment of the Jewish nation, which was absolutely unexpected at that time.


Popular military songs
During Hitler's war, in order to boost the morale of the troops, he ordered the political and war personnel to compose many classic songs that have been praised to the present day. For example《 Song of Armored Soldiers 》The Battle Hymn of the African Army and so on are masterpieces that have attracted many military fans. This style of music has also influenced the military music of all countries in the world.
Influence China's military thought
Nazi Germany was quite friendly with China before the official outbreak of World War II, when National Government We hired a lot of German advisers Central Army They also sent many officers to study in Germany, such as Jiang Weiguo They are military talents who have returned from studying in Germany. These German military advisers and overseas officers brought the military thinking of modern western countries Counter-Japanese War And modern Chinese army.


New tactical ideas
Flash warfare, or translation Blitzkrieg This new tactic completely broke the pattern of war. The tactics of simultaneously attacking and covering each other with the army and air force make air supremacy a very important winning condition in modern wars. It also brings the war from plane to solid.
Assist China in building the army and preparing for war
When the relations between China and Germany were friendly, Nazi Germany sent military advisers to China and trained Chinese military commanders on behalf of them, and sold a large amount of arms to China. These ordnance were assembled for the most elite Central Army and made it the main force in the East China battlefield at the beginning of the Anti Japanese War.
Traffic construction
build expressway : Hitler ordered the construction of the world's first highway for the sake of war. This expressway not only improved the traffic in Germany, but also produced a new mode of transportation, affecting the whole world.
Access to transportation in Central and Western Europe: During Hitler's occupation of Central and Western Europe, a cross-border railway and highway network was built to facilitate governance. Today, the transportation in Europe can be integrated, and Hitler is absolutely indispensable.

science and technology

Research jet
The national defense industry is the locomotive of all modern industries. At the end of World War II, the war in Germany was so tight that Germany had to develop more sophisticated weapons to reverse the war situation. So the world's first jet fighter Messerschmitt Me262 In this background of the times. German authorities have also successively developed various new jet fighters. It has contributed to the progress of aviation technology.
Invention of missiles
The V series ordered by Hitler is the earliest missile in the world. This has also created a new type of attack with very low risk. After the war, many technologies flowed into the hands of the United States and the Soviet Union, resulting in the later Cold War Space race
Nuclear industry
Talking about the world's first Atomic bomb Everyone knows that it is made in America. But it was Hitler who ordered German scientists to develop and produce nuclear weapons. Later, the information leaked carelessly, and the allied agents stole the raw materials and design drawings when the nuclear weapons were about to be completed. On this basis, the United States began to engage in nuclear weapons.
Internal combustion engine and steelmaking industry
The most famous branch of the German army is Armored force In order to improve the fighting power of the armored forces, Germany continues to develop better internal-combustion engine And better steel-making Technology. After the war, the outflow of these industrial technologies created a greater livelihood industry.

Artistic image


Film and television image

Game image

Game image
Game name
Appearing character
Adolf Hitler