Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton

Former Secretary of State of the United States
zero Useful+1
Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton, October 26, 1947, Democratic Party of the United States Nationality politician , 67th US secretary of state New York Former federation senator , front First Lady of the United States Undergraduate graduated from wellesley college Yale University Doctor of Law, Georgetown University The founding honorary chairman of the Women's Institute for Peace and Security, Queen's University Belfast principal [170] Columbia University Professor, Department of International and Public Affairs. [168-169]
In 2000, Hillary Clinton New York The winner of the federal senatorial election is the first female federal senator in the history of the state, and the first first lady in the history to hold public office. She won re-election by a large margin of leadership after the expiration of her six-year term. Hillary Clinton was a controversial political figure who presided over a series of reforms when she was the first lady.
stay 2008 US Presidential Election China, Hillary Clinton participated for the first time Democratic Party of the United States Presidential primaries. Although Hillary Clinton is ahead of her opponent, the Illinois senator Barack Hussein Obama 270000 people won the election, but finally Super representative system The votes were lost to the opponent. Although she is not the first to participate US Presidential Election But it is generally believed that she is the first woman who is likely to be elected president in history. In the end, Barack Hussein Obama nominated her to the post after her successful election secretary of state , and eventually become American history The third woman on secretary of state In 2011 and 2013 U.S.A The most popular political figures. [1] [163-164]
On July 28, 2016, Hillary Clinton officially obtained Democratic Party of the United States To be nominated as a presidential candidate US Presidential Election The first woman in history to be nominated by a major political party. [2-3] In the US presidential election at the end of the same year, although she was ahead of her rivals American Republican Party presidential candidate Donald Trump Nearly three million people won the election, but finally Electoral College The number of system votes lost to the opponent, and missed the "first female president of the United States". [4] [167]
Chinese name
Hillary Clinton
Foreign name
Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton
Hilary Shiraz Shirley (translated from Hong Kong and Taiwan) "Iron Lady"
one's native heath
Illinois - Chicago
date of birth
October 26, 1947
University one is graduated from
wellesley college Yale Law School
Political outlook
Democratic Party of the United States Member (1968 present); American Republican Party Member (up to 1968)
Doctor of Law
Representative works
Experience History: Hillary Clinton's Memoirs Hard choices
front US Secretary of State , front USA president Wife of William Jefferson Clinton
Other political parties
American Republican Party (to 1968)
Blood group
AB type
Place of residence
Washington DC
Key achievements
U.S.A New York First female senator
The third woman in the United States secretary of state
US Presidential Election The first woman nominated by a major political party

Early experience


Teenage years

Hilary in her girlhood
Hilary Diane Rodham was born on October 26, 1947 Illinois Chicago One in the North District united methodist church family. Her father, Hugh Ellsworth Rodham, had Welsh and England Lineage, manage a successful small textile enterprise. Her mother Dorothy Emma Howell had Wales Scotland And French Canada Blood, is a housewife. Hillary has two younger brothers, Humy and Tony.
When Hillary was a child, she was the favorite of public school teachers. She went swimming Softball And other sports, won many awards. [5] Dorothy, her mother, had high expectations for Hillary. She often urged Hillary to set ambitious goals for herself and suggested that she try to become U.S.A The first female judge of the Supreme Court. However, Hillary prefers to become an astronaut. When she was 14 years old, she gave NASA She wrote a letter and asked for it, but was told by the other party that she did not need female astronauts. [165 ]
After the 1960 US presidential election, Hillary found the election in the South District of Chicago Fraud She called the mayor's office to protest against her invention of the vote counting method "Order Kennedy Was elected president, "and even joined republican party A voluntary organization that "exposes electoral fraud". [6]
In 1961, Hillary went to school Maine Main East Middle School. In middle school, Hillary participated in every extracurricular activity specially recommended in the yearbook of Maine East High School: the Student Union, the School Newspaper Department, the Cultural Value Committee, the Trade Association, and the Class Dance Committee, and was elected as National Association of Honorary High School Students (National Honor Society) members, [5] High school campaign president of student union In the first round of voting, the result was a fiasco, and was laughed at by competitors: "You think a girl can be elected chairman? This idea is really stupid." [6]
Due to the excessive number of students, Hillary and her classmates transferred from Maine East Middle School, a pure white school, to Maine South Middle School, a multi-ethnic and multi-ethnic mixed education school in the last year of high school. She was awarded by the school National Merit Scholarship Of 11 students. [7]
Hillary was republican party Supporters of. In 1964 U.S.A In the presidential election, Hillary Clinton led the qualification committee composed of middle school students to support those who were considered extreme conservatives Barry Goldwater

Student era

Wellesley College Era
On September 12, 1965, Hillary Clinton entered an institution of higher learning wellesley college , major political science The spirit pursued by this school is that "women do not have to be ranked second". In her freshman year, Hillary entered the leadership of the Wellesley College Youth Republican Club; At the end of the second semester, she was elected chairman of the club. [8]
At the beginning of 1968, Hillary was elected chairman of the Wellesley College Student Council. [9] In April of the same year, Hillary organized a two-day student strike to demand moderate change and recruit more black students and teachers. [10] In May of the same year, the anti war movement broke out in all walks of life in the United States. To a large extent, the reaction of Wellesley female college students to the riots outside depended on Hillary Clinton's leadership. Hillary Clinton adhered to the principles of non violence and strict self-discipline to express protest and resistance, making Wellesley almost completely isolated from the radical student movement in 1968. [9]
In June 1968, Hillary Clinton participated in the Washington Internship Program of Wellesley College - as a Republican, she was sent to congress Internship of organization. [10] It was this internship that made Hillary lose her enthusiasm for the party she had chosen earlier. By the 1968 presidential election, she was dissatisfied Richard Nixon , plus opposition to the Vietnam War and feminism And African American Support from the civil rights movement, nominated that year Nixon After the Republican convention for president, she turned to support the Democratic Party of the United States
In 1969, Hillary Clinton won Bachelor of Arts academic degree, [11] At the same time, he was awarded the honorary bachelor degree of the Department of Political Science. [12] On May 31, Hillary Clinton, as the president of the Student Union, was elected by her classmates to be the first student in the history of Wellesley Women's College to speak at the graduation ceremony. Hillary Clinton did not speak according to the prepared speech, but made an impromptu anti war speech criticizing the rulers. [13] She criticized the mainstream society for not respecting vulnerable groups and pointed out that the government had lost the trust of young people. Her speech won the audience's standing ovation of up to seven minutes, [9] The speech was taken as an example by the national well-known media《 life 》Magazine《 New York Times 》And other reports. A television station in Chicago also interviewed her. [14] At the same time, she received American League of Women Voters Invited her to participate in its Youth Advisory Committee.
Yale Law School era
In September 1969, Hillary Clinton Harvard Law School and Yale Law School Submitted the application and was admitted at the same time. When choosing a school, Hillary went to the school to make an investigation in person. Because a Harvard professor was rude and contemptuous, Hillary chose Yale. The professor said to her, "We don't need more women here." At that time, there were only 27 girls among the 235 freshmen at Yale Law School, and Hillary was one of them.
In the spring of 1970, the Yale Law School's Yale Law and Social Action Review published its inaugural issue, and Hillary Clinton's name was listed on the editorial board. [15] In the summer vacation of the same year, she was appointed by Marian White Edelman, a pioneer of the human rights movement, and spent a lot of time on the spot investigating the working conditions of workers in migrant labor camps and the health and education of their children.
As President Nixon suddenly expanded the war under the wave of anti war in the United States, 15000 demonstrators gathered on Yale campus on May Day. A week later, the organizers of the event held a special meeting to discuss the strategy of the struggle, which was almost out of control. Hillary skillfully pacified the disputing parties and guided the discussion towards the direction of the final settlement of the dispute. "Everyone said many outrageous things out of anger. But as such a young woman, Hillary Clinton showed unusual boldness," said Goldstein, dean of Yale Law School
In 1973, Marian founded a "Child Protection Fund" organization dedicated to the problems of poor children, black children and disabled children. Hillary became one of her earliest employees. This year, Hillary found in her field survey that some children could not attend school because of deafness, blindness, paralysis and other problems. The report on these issues written by her colleagues with the Foundation has promoted the historic legislation of the United States that requires states to guarantee the right of disabled children to access public schools for equal education. Hillary later served as a director of the foundation until 1991. Meanwhile, during her stay at Yale, Hillary served as a member of the famous social welfare organization Carnegie Children's Association Legal Counsel She is also engaged in research on physical and mental problems of abused children in New Haven Hospital. She helped the hospital establish legal procedures to deal with suspected cases of child abuse in the hospital. [16]
At the end of 1973, Hillary Clinton won Yale University Doctor of Law And published the first academic paper Children Under the Law on the Harvard Education Review, [17] Discuss the emerging Rights and interests of children The problem is that children are "children citizens" and have the same rights as adults to enjoy the relevant rights granted by the Constitution. Her paper has been cited many times by her peers in the field of family law. [18]

Political experience


Lawyer career

In 1974, 26 year old Hillary accepted the recommendation of Professor Burke Marshall of Yale University to the United States House of Representatives The "Judicial Commission Impeachment Investigation Working Group" is one of three female lawyers among the 44 lawyers in the working group. The work of this investigation team directly led to the then President of the United States Nixon because watergate event Resign and step down.
Hillary Clinton, who completed the Nixon case, is widely regarded as a star of hope in the US Democratic Party, staying in Washington or going to New York Such big cities have a bright future. However, she made the choice of "emotion over reason" and went Clinton In August 1974, Hillary became university of arkansas One of the only two female teachers in the Law School. [7] Arkansas , is a small state in the southern United States. At that time, the population was less than 2 million, remote, backward and conservative. When Hillary Clinton decided to follow her to Arkansas, many friends sighed that she had made the wrong choice and gave up her promising future.
At the end of the first semester of the University of Arkansas, Hillary won the financial support of the United States to establish a new Arkansas State University Legal Aid Center. In the first year under her leadership, this center served 300 clients who could not afford lawyers. At the same time, she also advocated the establishment of the first sexual assault crisis management center in Feyetteville, where the university is located. [7]
In February 1977, Hillary joined Rose Law Firm, one of the oldest law firms in the United States, as the first female lawyer in the firm, and became the first female partner in the firm's history in 1979. [7] She also participated in the creation of the Arkansas Child and Family Protection Organization, which is the first social organization concerned with children in the state.
1977, then President of the United States James Earl Carter Hillary Clinton, 30, was appointed as a member of the Board of Directors of Legal Services Corporation, and was promoted to Chairman of the Board of Directors several months later until the end of 1981. The Legal Services Company is a national corporation established by the United States Senate legal aid The government provides legal aid to the poor. Hillary Clinton is the first woman in charge of the organization in its history. [19] During her tenure, the support funds received by legal service companies increased from $90 million to $300 million. [7]
In November 1978, Clinton ran for office Arkansas The governor succeeded, and Hillary became the first lady of Arkansas.
In 1979, when Clinton became the governor of Arkansas, she appointed Hillary as the chairman of the rural health advisory committee of the state government. Hillary successfully won the support of the federal government and extended health care services to the poorest villages and towns in Arkansas. [7]
In 1983, Hillary became the chairman of the Governor's Education Standards Committee to lead the education reform in Arkansas. [20-21] Hillary Clinton was named Arkansas Woman of the Year in 1983, [16] In 1984, she was named Arkansas Mother of the Year. [22] In 1985, she put forward the first family education plan for preschool children in Arkansas to help parents of preschool children participate in their children's education. [23]
From 1987 to 1991, Hillary served as the first chairman of the Women's Professional Committee of the American Bar Association, which aimed to address the sexualgender discrimination And urged the Association to take measures to combat it. In 1988 and 1991, Hillary Clinton was twice named the "100 Most Influential Lawyers in America". [6] During this period, she also served as a retail giant in the United States Wal-Mart Company and Lafarge The office of director of the Company. Hillary is the first female member of Wal Mart's board of directors Sam Walton (Sam Walton) pressed him to appoint more women. There, she successfully pushed Wal Mart to take environmental protection measures. [24]

first lady

Election period
In 1992, at the age of 46, Clinton ran for President of the United States. In the election campaign, Clinton even publicized that choosing Clinton was a wise choice of "buy one, get one free": "Vote for Clinton, and you can win Clinton and Hillary Clinton, two outstanding politicians, to serve the United States." [25]
Hillary Clinton in 1992
Hillary Clinton first encountered a personal image crisis when she mentioned during her presidential campaign that she would not be a little woman behind a man baking cookies at home. This remark immediately led to a frenzy of attacks by conservatives across the United States. Hillary Clinton's ideological and moral record on children and women's issues in the past has been attacked by Republicans. In major publications, at least 20 articles have taken her and lady macbeth Compare. [26]
In 1992 Republican National Congress The Republican presidential nominee Pat Buchanan She accused Hillary Clinton of being a "radical feminist with great injustice"; Paul Guigot, a columnist of the Wall Street Journal, wrote an article criticizing Hillary Clinton's advocacy of children's rights as "a 'great society' style proposition that even liberals have abandoned". Hillary became the first wife of a presidential candidate in the history of American elections who was strongly criticized by her opponent in the primary election.
Medical reform period
On November 4, 1992, Bill Clinton won the presidential election. Hillary became the first person in American history to have a doctorate first lady And became the first lady with the highest education in American history. She also has First Lady's Office Besides, the first First Lady to have an office on the West Wing of the White House. [27]
In January 1993, Clinton appointed First Lady Hillary Clinton as the head of the "National Health Care Reform Task Force", hoping to replicate her success in leading Arkansas's education reform. After nearly a year of efforts, the team led by Hillary Clinton has put forward《 Clinton Health Care Plan 》(Clinton Care). Challenges from insurance companies and other vested interest groups blocked the path of health care reform. Republican opponents quickly mocked the plan as "Hillary care", and even some Democrats opposed it in Congress. Some of the protesters who opposed the plan became violent. During a bus trip in July 1994, in order to win support for the plan, she even needed to wear a bulletproof vest. [7]
In September 1994, he failed to The Senate and the House of Representatives The proposal was abandoned after enough votes were received. This setback led to a rapid decline in Hillary Clinton's public support rate in the United States, from 44% in April 1994 to 35% in September 1994. [7]
Diplomatic period
In 1994, Hillary Clinton and the then Attorney General Janet Reno The United States Office on Violence against Women was created in the United States Department of Justice.
In March 1995, without Clinton's company and the approval of the State Council, Hillary Clinton took her daughter Chelsea to visit five countries in South Asia to try to improve relations with India and Pakistan Relationship. Hillary was troubled by the plight of local women's rights she encountered, but she received warm responses from the people of the countries she visited and established better relations with the American press corps. [28]
On September 5, 1995, Hillary Clinton represented the United States in the fourth session in Beijing, China United Nations World Conference on Women , claiming that "the discussion of isolating women's rights from human rights can no longer be accepted". [29] Representatives from more than 180 countries heard her say: "If there is a message that can be transmitted to the outside world in this conference, it is that human rights are women's rights, and women's rights are also human rights [30] The content of this speech is still highly praised by women's movements around the world. Conservatives in the United States accused her of promoting a "radical feminist agenda" in Beijing. U.S.A Catholicism The group called the conference, which was attended by 1500 delegates from all over the world, "anti family". [31]
Hillary Clinton
In 1996, Hillary Clinton《 Give full play to the whole village 》The audio version of Grammy Awards She is the first First Lady to win a Grammy Award for Best Recital Album. [32]
In 1997, the First Lady Hillary Clinton promoted the Children's Health Insurance Act to be passed by the Congress. Once the bill takes effect, it will provide medical insurance for children from low-income families nationwide. [33]
In 1998, Clinton and Lewinsky The affair happened in the east. Congress launched the impeachment After a difficult choice, Hillary decided to spend the crisis with Clinton. Finally, the impeachment failed, and Clinton stayed in office.
In 1999, Hillary Clinton presided over the first White House conference on charity. [34]
In 2000, Hillary Clinton hosted the first White House meeting on youth. [35]
Hillary Clinton has visited 79 countries and regions, which has accumulated rich diplomatic experience. As the first lady, Hillary Clinton participated in or promoted a series of bills on the reform of child adoption, and hosted many conferences on children and adolescents in the White House. [36]


Run for the Senate
In September 1999, Hillary Clinton decided to run for the Senate of New York State and bought a house in Chappaqua in the north of New York, becoming the first and only first lady in American history to run for office.
Hillary Clinton started her campaign Bill Bethlehow As the chairman of the campaign team, she visited 62 counties in the state. Hillary Clinton has invested a lot of time in the traditional Republican area of New York State. Hillary Clinton vowed to improve the economic situation in these regions and promised to provide 200000 jobs for the state during her tenure. Her plan includes tax credits to reward job creation and encourage business investment, especially in the high-tech field. She called for personal tax cuts on college tuition and long-term care. [37]
On November 7, 2000, Hillary Clinton won the election by defeating her opponent, Republican Representative Rick Lazio, with 55% to 43% of the votes. [6]
2000 U.S. Senate Election of New York State
Popular vote
Vote winning rate
the Democratic Party of the United States
Hillary Clinton
republican party
Rick Lazio
First term
Be sworn in as a senator
On January 3, 2001, Hillary Clinton took the oath of office in the United States senator , becoming the first female senator of New York State in history, and the first person with public office First Lady of.
Hillary Clinton has participated in proposing 20 Senate bills and amendments in just one hundred days since she took office, more than twice as many as other new members. [38] She has served successively on the Senate Budget Committee, the Military Committee, the Environment Committee, the Health Education Committee and the Special Committee on Ageing. So is she Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Members of the Committee. [39]
In September 2001, New York suffered 9 · 11 Incident After the terrorist attacks, Hillary Clinton tried to raise funds for the recovery and security improvement of New York Charles Schumer Cooperation for World Trade Center, New York, USA The reconstruction of the project has won 21 billion dollars. She then played a leading role in supporting the investigation of the health problems of those who experienced the "September 11". [6]
In October 2001, Hillary Clinton strongly supported the US launch Afghanistan War , calling it a blow Taliban The terrorists also have the opportunity to improve the lives of the suffering Afghan women under the Taliban government. [40]
In October 2002, Hillary Clinton voted to launch Iraq War The Senate finally authorized the use of force against Iraq. As the situation of the Iraq war continued to deteriorate, Hillary Clinton changed her attitude, which also left a handle on her later presidential election.
In November 2004, Hillary announced that she would seek a second term in the Senate.
In July 2005, Hillary Clinton called for Federal Trade Commission (Federal Trade Commission) Investigate controversial video games《 Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 》Hidden sex scenes in. Later, she and the Senator Joe Lieberman and Evan Bayh Together, the Family Entertainment Protection Act was launched to protect children from inappropriate content in video games. [41]
Second term
On November 7, 2006, Hillary Clinton defeated her opponent, the Republican Party, with 67% to 31% of the votes Janks Mayor John Spencer was successfully re elected to the Senate. [42]
2006 New York State Senate Election
Popular vote
Vote winning rate
the Democratic Party of the United States
Hillary Clinton
republican party
John Spencer
In 2007, for military and domestic political reasons, Hillary opposed the Bush administration's troop increase in Iraq. In March, Hillary Clinton and Democratic senators voted in favour of a war spending bill that required President Bush to start withdrawing troops from Iraq before the deadline, but was later vetoed by Bush. [43] In May, the War Appropriation Bill was a compromise: it canceled the deadline for troop withdrawal, but linked the appropriation to whether the Iraqi government met the standards on security and political issues. The Senate finally passed the bill by 80 votes to 14, and Hillary Clinton was one of those who voted against it. [44] In June, Hillary Clinton voted for a comprehensive immigration reform bill, but failed to pass it. [45]
In September 2008, as the liquidity of the financial crisis reached its peak, Hillary Clinton voted for the US $700 billion rescue plan for the US financial system. The Senate finally passed the bill 74-25 votes, authorizing the launch of the "Troubled Asset Relief Program". [46]

First run for president

Pre selection activities
On February 25, 2006, according to associated press A national public opinion survey released showed that 27% of voters said that no matter which party they represented, women candidates would not vote for them. About 70% of American voters believe that Democratic Senator Hillary Clinton will not win the 2008 presidential election, but about 2/3 of the voters believe that Hillary Clinton will participate in the 2008 presidential election. [47]
On January 20, 2007, Hillary Clinton said through her personal website that she was setting up a presidential research committee and announced to participate in 2008 US Presidential Election Her campaign slogan is: "I'm in and I'm in to win". [48]
In the first half of 2007, Hillary Clinton took the lead in the polls of the Democratic presidential candidates Barack Obama And former North Carolina senator John Edwards She is her strongest competitor. The biggest threat of her campaign is considered to be her past support record for the Iraq war, while Obama opposed it from the beginning. August, due to Xu Yongyuan Her reputation was overshadowed by the political donation scandal. In September, her campaign team returned all the sponsorship from Xu Yongyuan, basically putting an end to the disturbance. At the end of October, Hillary Clinton did not perform well in the debate with Obama, Edwards and other opponents. Public opinion believed that Obama's "reform" message began to resonate with Democratic grassroots voters, and was better than Hillary Clinton's "experience" message. [49]
Primary election period
On January 3, 2008, the Democratic Party of the United States launched its presidential primary. Hillary Clinton Iowa Ranked third in the Democratic Party caucus meeting, second only to Obama And Edwards.
In the next few days, Obama took the lead in the national polls. All the polls predicted that he would win the primary election in New Hampshire. Democrats began to plan to push Hillary out of the election. On January 8, 2008, Hillary Clinton won an unexpected victory over Obama by a narrow margin. This is Hillary Clinton's first primary victory and the first time a woman has won a state primary in the primary presidential election of a major political party in the United States. [50] There are various explanations for Hillary Clinton to pull back the key game, but they usually focus on the sympathy that Hillary's tears have won from voters, especially women voters. [51-52]
On January 26, 2008, in the South Carolina primary election, Obama won an overwhelming victory with the support of most black voters in the state. Bill Clinton's words at that time were interpreted by the media as suggesting that Obama could win because he was black and was an affront to black people. [53] Although Hillary Clinton tried to play down the racial issue, the Democratic Party's voting results were more divided, and Hillary lost most of her African American supporters. The South Carolina campaign has caused lasting damage to Hillary Clinton, weakened her support in the Democratic Party, and led to Ted Kennedy Harry Reid Such as super representatives' support for Obama and suppression of Hillary Clinton. [54-55]
stay Super Tuesday Hillary Clinton won in important big states, while Obama won more states. The two nearly split the referendum. [56] However, due to the Democratic Party's delegation system, Obama has obtained more committed delegates. [57]
Hillary Clinton's campaign team had expected to win the nomination on Super Tuesday, but they were not ready for long-term efforts in terms of funding and logistics. In February, they could not make ends meet. Hillary had to lend the campaign team $11 million of campaign funds out of her own pocket. By the end of April, the total debt of her campaign team had reached about $30 million. [49]
On March 4, 2008, Hillary won three games, including Ohio and Texas, ending her 10 consecutive defeats.
On March 12, 2008, Hillary Clinton campaign team members Geraldine Anne Ferraro In an interview with the New York Times, she said that Obama gained points because he was black. After this remark was exposed, Ferraro attracted strong criticism, leading her to resign from the campaign team fundraising committee. Hillary Clinton made an exception to apologize to black voters.
On April 23, 2008, Hillary Clinton won the Pennsylvania primary. On May 6, Hillary Clinton won the North Carolina primary. On May 14, the former Democratic presidential candidate Edwards announced his support Obama Hillary suffered another setback. On May 20, Hillary Clinton won the Kentucky primary.
Post selection activities
On June 3, 2008, the last two primary elections completed the voting, and Obama finally won the nomination with enough votes, while Hillary Clinton was defeated by more than 200 votes. But in fact, Hillary Clinton won 270000 more votes than Obama in the popular election, but because of the special Democratic Party's proportional distribution system of party delegates, Hillary's party delegates lagged behind.
It was expected that Hillary Clinton could announce the end of her campaign only when the Democratic National Congress was held. But in order to avoid discord within the party when she announced her withdrawal at the party congress, Hillary Clinton ended her campaign early and called on her supporters to support Obama and help him become the new president of the United States. In her farewell speech, she said that the highest and hardest thing in American politics Glass Ceiling There have been 18 million cracks - she won about 18 million votes in the Democratic primary election this year. She is the first woman to win the majority of the popular vote in the primary presidential election of the major political parties in the United States. [58]
2008 Democratic presidential primary election
Popular vote
Vote winning rate
Commitment representative ticket
Super delegate ticket
General representative vote
Hillary Clinton
two hundred and eighty-five
Barack Obama
three hundred and ninety-one

Term of Secretary of State

Nomination and confirmation
In mid November 2008, US President elect Barack Obama invited Hillary Clinton to serve as US Secretary of State. Hillary Clinton was reluctant at first, but on November 20, she told Obama that she would accept the position. [59]
On December 1, 2008, President elect Obama officially nominated Hillary Clinton US Secretary of State [60-61]
On January 15, 2009, at the nomination hearing of the Foreign Relations Committee of the United States Senate, the Secretary of State nomination of Hillary Clinton was approved by 16 votes in favor and 1 vote against. [62]
On January 21, 2009, the United States Senate passed Hillary Clinton's appointment as Secretary of State of the United States with 94 votes in favor and 2 against. Hillary Clinton was officially sworn in as the 67th Secretary of State in American history. [63] She became the third woman secretary of state in American history and a former first lady serving in the government cabinet in American history. That night, she submitted her resignation from the New York State Senate. [64]
First half term
In her first few days as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton called dozens of world leaders and pointed out that the US foreign policy would change direction: "We have a lot of work to repair the losses." [65] She advocated expanding the role of the US State Department in global economic issues, and pointed out the need to increase the US diplomatic force, especially in the implementation of diplomatic missions in the Iraqi Ministry of Defense. [66]
In March 2009, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov Press the "restart button", which symbolizes that the United States and Russia once again start with hope. This policy, known as "restarting Russia", was the president of Russia at that time Dmitry Medvedev Cooperation in several areas improved during the administration. But with Vladimir Putin After returning to the post in 2012, the relationship between the two countries further deteriorated. [67]
On April 21, 2009, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met Libya National Security Advisor, Libyan leader Gaddafi Son of Mutasim Shi said that the United States attaches great importance to its relations with Libya.
June 1, 2009, then Leaders of Taiwan Of Ma Yingjiu During my foreign visit to Latin America, I talked with Hillary briefly.
In July 2009, Hillary Clinton announced her department reform plan: launch the mechanism of the Quadrennial Diplomatic and Development Review Report at the US State Department to set specific goals for the missions of the State Department abroad. The final draft of the report was released in 2010, entitled "Through the leadership of civil forces: the first quadrennial diplomatic and development review report". He also called on the United States to use "civilian power" as an effective way to respond to international challenges and resolve the crisis. [68]
On October 10, 2009, on her way to Zurich, Switzerland, Hillary Clinton intervened at the last moment and overcame difficulties, saving a historic peace agreement: the Turkish Armenian Century Peace Agreement, which established diplomatic relations and took an important step towards ending historical feuds and normalizing relations between the two countries. [69-71]
On October 28, 2009, Hillary visited Pakistan. In order to promote the development of bilateral relations and explain to Pakistan the intention of the United States in the Middle East, Hillary met with Pakistani leaders, business leaders, students, women, journalists, citizen representatives and government officials to try to repair the image of the United States in Pakistan.
On January 4, 2010, Hillary Clinton announced that Iran's refusal to prove to the international community the peaceful intentions of its nuclear program would lead to diplomatic isolation and international sanctions to force Iran to reduce its nuclear program.
On January 21, 2010, Hillary Clinton made a speech on Internet freedom, asking China to conduct a thorough investigation of the cyber attacks on Google and other American companies. Chinese officials criticized this speech. [72] This speech attracted people's attention. It was the first time that a senior US official clearly defined the Internet as a key factor in US foreign policy. [73]
On April 28, 2010, Hillary Clinton announced the establishment of the Secretary of State's International Foundation for Women and Girls. [74]
In September 2010, under the promotion of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton“ Global Alliance for Clean Cooks ”。 This is a public-private cooperation organization, whose purpose is to create a global market for efficient and clean stoves, improve people's lives, reduce avoidable diseases and deaths, improve the dignity and status of women, and help cope with global climate change. [74]
From July 18 to 21, 2010, Hillary Clinton visited Pakistan, Afghanistan, South Korea and Vietnam.
On March 31, 2011, Gallup Poll It shows that Hillary Clinton's support rate reached 66%, becoming the most popular political figure in the United States in 2011. [75-76]
Second half term
Egyptian mass protests in 2011 It has brought the most challenging foreign policy crisis to the Obama administration. Hillary Clinton quickly changed her assessment from the public response, saying that Mubarak The government is in a "stable state" and expects Egypt to "orderly transition to democratic institutions", and condemns the violence of the demonstrators. When Arab Spring When the protests spread throughout the Arab region, Hillary Clinton was at the forefront of the United States response. She admitted that sometimes the reaction was contradictory, supporting some regimes as well as the opposition. [77]
In April 2011, the President's internal advisory team decided whether to order the US special forces to Bin Laden Conduct internal discussion by surprise. Although the US intelligence agencies had long locked bin Laden's hiding place, Obama cancelled the plan for three times because he was afraid that the failure of hunting would harm his presidential reputation. Finally, at the firm request of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Obama reluctantly agreed to the fourth killing plan and finally succeeded in killing bin Laden. [78-79]
along with Libyan War Hillary Clinton turned to support military intervention. Hillary Clinton used US allies and her so-called "convening power" to promote the unity of Libyan rebels, and finally overthrew the Gaddafi regime. [77] [80-81] Gaddafi After being ousted from power, Hillary Clinton visited the Libyan capital on October 18, 2011 Tripoli , pledged to provide support and assistance to Libya, and praised the achievements of the "Transitional Council" in overthrowing the Gadhafi regime. On October 19, Hillary Clinton said in a speech to students and people in Tripoli that the United States "hopes that Gaddafi will be captured or killed soon", so that the Libyan people will no longer fear him. [82] Before leaving, Hillary Clinton took a group photo with Libyan soldiers. Two days later, former Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi was in his hometown Sirte Death. [83]
On November 30, 2011, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Australian Agency for International Development (AueAID), the world's largest mobile communication industry group GSMA and Visa credit card company jointly launched a cooperation project Kevin Rudd (Kevin Rudd) jointly announced this three-year plan to improve the mobile phone ownership rate of women in developing countries. [74]
On December 6, 2011, Hillary Clinton delivered a speech on human rights at the United Nations Office at Geneva, emphasizing that homosexuality They should enjoy universal human rights. She stressed that the United States will promote LGBT Rights and legal protection of foreign LGBT groups.
Talking with Aung San Suu Kyi when visiting Myanmar
On November 30, 2011, Hillary Clinton overcame the opposition of Obama's internal affairs department to visit Myanmar for the first time, opening a historic visit to this Southeast Asian country that has not yet established diplomatic relations with the United States. This is the first visit by the Secretary of State of the United States in more than 50 years. Hillary Clinton met with Myanmar leaders and opposition leaders Aung San Suu Kyi , and strive to support 2011 Democratic reform in Myanmar [84-85]
On November 10, 2011, Hillary Clinton delivered a speech in Honolulu, Hawaii, Asia Pacific Will be "the focus of America's future diplomatic strategy", and the 21st century will be "America's Pacific Century ”This is the Obama administration“ Asia Axis Strategy ”The core part of. [86]
Syrian Civil War During this period, Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration initially tried to persuade the then Syrian President Bashar al-Assad Through reform, however, on August 10, 2012, the Assad government began to bloody suppress the rising violence. Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration asked Assad to resign as president. The United States Government, together with several countries, has provided anti Assad government forces and humanitarian groups working in Syria with Non lethal weapon Assistance. [87]
In March 2012, Hillary Clinton released the first policy document on gender at the US State Department, the US State Department's Political Policy Guidelines for Promoting Gender Equality to Achieve National Security and Foreign Policy Goals. [74]
In May 2012, Hillary Clinton attended the fourth China US Strategic and Economic Dialogue
On September 4-5, 2012, the Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of the United States is invited to visit China. This visit is Hillary Clinton's second visit to China in 2012. stay South China Sea Diaoyu Islands Hillary Clinton's visit attracted much attention at a time when hot issues were heating up.
On September 11, 2012, the US consulate in Benghazi was attacked, resulting in the death of four Americans (including Libya Ambassador), Hillary Clinton's role in the event was questioned and has been criticized by the Republican Party. And this triggered the "mail gate" incident, which became a nightmare in her presidential race in 2016.
On September 24, 2012, Hillary Clinton, on behalf of the United States and the 12 founding countries of the EU, released the Partnership for an Equal Future. Each founding country has committed to expanding women's economic opportunities in policy, legal and regulatory reforms and increasing women's political and civic participation at the local, state and national levels. Among them, the multilateral stakeholders include UN Women, the World Bank, important enterprises and non-governmental institutions. [74]
At the end of December 2012, Hillary Clinton had fainted at home before, leading to mild concussion, and was admitted to hospital for treatment due to thrombosis on the 30th. As early as March 2011, Hillary Clinton said she would not serve as the next Secretary of State.
On February 1, 2013, Hillary Clinton stepped down as Secretary of State of the United States.
On February 8, 2013, Quinnipiac University The public opinion poll released shows that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's support rate reached 61%, becoming the most popular political figure in the United States in 2013. [1]
During her four years as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton was the Secretary of State who visited the most countries in American history. She has visited 112 countries, flying nearly 1 million miles, and sometimes even has to go to several meetings in one day. During the four years, she met with leaders of various countries and regions about 1700 times, spending more than 350 days on the road, and about 100 days on the plane. Time magazine said Hillary Clinton's energy is a legend.

Run for president again

Pre selection activities
On November 2, 2013, Hillary Clinton launched a new plan called "No Ceilings", which said that she would review the progress of women's and girls' rights, and open up a way for women to fully participate in economic and social affairs. [88]
On September 24, 2014, Hillary Clinton announced that“ Clinton Global Initiative ”The project will allocate US $600 million to help girls around the world receive secondary education. [89]
On June 10, 2014, Hillary Clinton's memoirs《 Hard choices 》Officially published, the US media said that they would reveal their election intentions. [90]
On March 9, 2015, Hillary and her daughter Chelsea Clinton And Melinda Gates Jointly released the World Report on Women's Rights and Interests, Breaking the Ceiling, which pointed out that women are still "minorities" in many fields of employment. Hillary Clinton said that the report can play a "warning role".
Hillary Clinton resigned in April 2015 Clinton Foundation Position of the Board of Directors.
On April 12, 2015, Hillary Clinton posted a film on Twitter and officially announced her candidacy 2016 US Presidential Election This will be her second time to compete for the White House throne. She said in the campaign video: "Every day, the American people need a defender, and I hope to be that defender." After Hillary Clinton announced her candidacy, the Republican Party was under fire. Just one minute later, the most powerful potential Republican candidate Jeb Bush "We have to do better than Hillary Clinton," tweeted [91] The photo of Hillary Clinton was placed in the most prominent position on the home page of the Republican National Committee website, but the photo was marked with "No Entry" and was written with "Prevent Hillary Clinton from being elected". [92]
Party primaries
On June 13, 2015, Hillary Clinton delivered her first important speech for presidential election in Roosevelt Island, New York.
In December 2015, Hillary Clinton announced that her guest appearance on the Comedy Center Channel was launched on February 17, 2016《 Big City Girl Season 3 》。 [93]
On February 1, 2016, the first primary election of the Democratic Party of the United States held a party caucus meeting in Iowa. Hillary Clinton defeated the Vermont senator by a narrow margin in the first battle Bernie Sanders [94]
On February 27, 2016, as a result of the Democratic primary election in South Carolina, Hillary Clinton defeated Senator Sanders of Vermont, further expanding the party's leading edge. Hillary Clinton had won the Iowa and Nevada primaries before, but she lost the New Hampshire primaries to Sanders.
On March 1, 2016, Hillary Clinton took the lead in seven states, Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Massachusetts, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia.
On March 8, 2016, Hillary Clinton won the Mississippi primary, but lost Michigan unexpectedly.
On March 15, 2016, Hillary Clinton won all the contests in Florida, North Carolina, Illinois, Ohio and Missouri, becoming the biggest winner in the "Super Tuesday" election.
On April 20, 2016, Hillary Clinton won the primary election in New York State, ending her seven consecutive defeats. [95]
On April 28, 2016, Hillary Clinton responded to Trump's direct attack that she could win because she was a woman. After the "women's card" became a hot topic in American politics, Hillary Clinton's campaign website store launched the physical "women's card". In a survey conducted by software company Quartrics, two thirds of Trump supporters believe that society is becoming too weak and feminine. [96]
On June 7, 2016, Hillary Clinton won the Democratic Party's presidential nomination battle, which will make history and become the first woman to win the nomination of a major political party in the history of the US general election. [97]
On July 22, 2016, Hillary Clinton announced her choice of Virginia Senator Tim Kaine As a campaign partner. [98]
On July 28, 2016, the Democratic National Congress of the United States held its second day meeting in Philadelphia, where representatives of each state successively announced their party representative voting results. Hillary Clinton quickly obtained 2383 votes required to exceed the nomination threshold, and successfully became the Democratic presidential candidate. In November, she fought with the Republican presidential candidate to win the White House. She also became the first female presidential candidate nominated by a major political party in the 240 year history of the United States of America, [3] To create a new milestone in American democracy. [99]
2016 Democratic Party presidential primary election
Popular vote
Vote winning rate
Commitment representative ticket
Super delegate ticket
General representative vote
Hillary Clinton
five hundred and forty-three
Bernie Sanders
presidential election
For most of 2016, Hillary Clinton was far ahead of the Republican presidential candidate in the national opinion polls Donald Trump [100] At the beginning of July FBI Hillary Clinton and Trump received close attention in major polls after the FBI investigated her "mail gate" incident. On July 5, 2016, Director of the FBI James Comey He announced that he would not recommend federal criminal charges against Larry, but he criticized Hillary Clinton and her aides for "extreme carelessness" in handling highly confidential information. In late July, after the Republican National Congress, Trump took the lead with a national poll lead of 3 to 4 percentage points, which was the first time that he was ahead of Hillary Clinton, although his support rate rose slightly by historical standards. After the Democratic National Convention, Hillary Clinton rebounded by 7% in the national polls. In the national opinion poll in early August, she regained a significant lead. [101]
On September 26, 2016, US presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Trump held their first presidential televised debate, and US mainstream public opinion believed that Hillary Clinton had won the first debate. [102]
On October 9, 2016, presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and Trump held the second televised debate. The poll showed that Hillary Clinton won the debate. [103]
On October 19, 2016, presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and Trump held their third televised debate. Most American media believed that Hillary Clinton was the winner of the final debate. [104]
On October 28, 2016, the FBI restarted its investigation of Hillary's "mail gate", and the poll showed that Hillary's leading edge was declining sharply. American media generally believe that there are 11 days left before the polling day of the presidential election, which is expected to have a significant impact on Hillary Clinton's election, or create an "October surprise". [105]
On October 31, 2016, the US media released the poll results nine days before the presidential election on October 30, 2016, and the Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton was only 1 percentage point ahead of the Republican candidate Trump due to the influence of the e-mail case. It is reported that a week ago, Hillary Clinton was 12 percentage points ahead of Trump by a wide margin.
On November 6, 2016, just two days before the US presidential election day, the FBI decided to maintain its conclusion after the first investigation in July, that is, there is no evidence that Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and her aides intentionally violated the law and did not propose to the US Department of Justice to prosecute Hillary Clinton on the "mail gate" incident. [106]
On November 9, 2016, the results of the US presidential election were announced, and Trump won enough electoral votes (270 votes) to win this election. In the early morning of the same day, Hillary Clinton called Trump to admit her defeat in the US presidential election. But in fact, Hillary Clinton has a big lead over Trump in the popular election Electoral college system cause Electoral vote Backward. [107]
After the 2016 US general election, after more than a month of counting votes, all states in the US have completed the invoicing. The results showed that Hillary Clinton won 2.8 million more votes than Trump. The data is obtained from 50 states and Washington, the capital of the United States Columbia Confirmation of the SAR government. Hillary Clinton is the fifth presidential candidate in the history of the United States to win the general election but lose the election, and is also the candidate who has the largest lead in the general election so far. She is the first woman to win the majority of the popular vote in the US presidential election referendum.
2016 US Presidential Election
Presidential nominee
Popular vote
Vote winning rate
Electoral vote
the Democratic Party of the United States
Hillary Clinton
two hundred and twenty-seven
republican party
Donald Trump
three hundred and four
Post selection activities
After her defeat in the election, Hillary stayed indoors for weeks on end. "I think I know better than anyone how to run for president, and I'm determined to win." Hillary Clinton recalled in an interview with CBS, "This failure was really too painful, and the pain that I want to do every day is to hold a pillow and yell." [108]
On November 16, 2016, Hillary Clinton attended a charity event held by the Washington Children's Protection Fund, which was her first public appearance after her defeat speech.
On December 9, 2016, Hillary Clinton was in the United States Capitol Hill She called on the US Congress to pay attention to fake social network news, which was her second public appearance after losing the election. Some observers, especially those in the media industry, believe that various reports about Hillary Clinton circulated during the election Conspiracy theory It may have shaken the attitude of many voters, leading them to vote for Trump. [109]
On January 6, 2017, CIA FBI and National Security Agency The three major intelligence agencies released a new declassification report, identifying Russian President Putin as the "behind the scenes" who intervened in the election of Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton and assisted the then Republican presidential candidate Trump during the 2016 US election. [110]
On January 20, 2017, Hillary Clinton, her husband, former President Bill and daughter Chelsea attended Trump's inauguration ceremony. Hillary Clinton wrote on her Twitter account: "I come here today to pay tribute to our democracy and its eternal values. I never stop believing in our country and its future."
On April 6, 2017 Global Women's Summit Hillary Clinton said she would no longer seek public office. [111] On May 15, Hillary Clinton announced the establishment of a Political Action Committee The goal is to "promote the progressive concept of winning 66 million votes in the last election". The organization will be committed to launching a campaign against Trump, supporting new candidates to participate in democratic elections, and providing financial assistance to other progressive organizations. [112]
On March 11, 2018, Hillary Clinton was invited by Richard Holka, a descendant of the famous Holka dynasty in Indian history, to India for a three-day private visit [115] On April 21, attended Barbara Bush 's funeral [116]
On September 6, 2022, Fox News reported that Hillary Clinton officially announced in a program that she would not participate in the 2024 US general election, and appealed to the Republican Party not to let Trump participate in the election.

Post selection activities

As President
On September 12, 2017, Hillary Clinton's new book《 What happened? 》(What Happened) is sold in the United States, [111] [113] In this 500 page book, Hillary Clinton lists a series of reasons for her defeat, the most important of which are gender discrimination, the wrong decision of FBI Director Komi in the mail gate investigation, and Russian intervention. [114] On September 18, Hillary Clinton held a book selling event in Washington, D.C. Later, he went to Canada and some parts of the United States to carry out tour promotion and hold book selling activities.
In October 2017, Hillary Clinton was Swansea University Hillary Rodham Clinton Law School Honorary Doctor of Laws [153] In 2018, Hillary Clinton won Queen's University Belfast Honorary doctorate [117] On January 2, 2020, Hillary officially served as the president of Queen's University Belfast in Northern Ireland, UK, for a five-year term. [118] Hillary Clinton said it was a "great honor" to become the 11th president of the school. This position does not require moving to Belfast, Northern Ireland, but the headmaster will act as an ambassador for the school, be responsible for supervising the graduation ceremony, and act as a consultant for the vice headmaster and senior management [119]
On January 5, 2023, President Berlinger of Columbia University announced that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would join Columbia University as a professor of global affairs at its School of International and Public Affairs (Sipa).
In September 2023, Hillary Clinton Columbia University The course offered by the School of International and Public Affairs is called "Inside the Situation Room". The course was coached by Hillary Clinton and Karen Yarshi Miro, Dean of the School of International and Public Affairs. According to the Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs, Hillary served as a full professor. Columbia University also announced on September 7 that under the leadership of Hillary Clinton and others, the School of International and Public Affairs has established the "Institute of Global Politics". [166]

Political measures


reform in education

In 1983, Hillary Clinton led the education reform in Arkansas, including: increasing education funds; Carry out compulsory teacher level test; Limit the number of classes in the school to 20-25; Improve graduation requirements; Provide more consultants for primary and secondary students. In 1984, she proposed the first family education plan for preschool children in Arkansas. Through her efforts, there have been real and lasting changes in Arkansas education. [20-21]
From 1993 to 2001, Hillary participated in or promoted the No Child Left Behind Act, the 1997 Adoption and Safe Family Act, the 1999 Independent Foster Care Act, the 2000 Children and Adolescents Act and other laws on child adoption reform. [34-35] [120-123]
In July 2005, Senator Hillary Clinton introduced the Family Entertainment Protection Act, which aims to prevent children from being attacked by video games full of pornography and violence. [41]

Medical reform

In 1997, First Lady Hillary Clinton promoted the nation EPI for children And encourage elderly women throughout the country to X-line photography of breast , covered by Medicare. [124] She is also committed to investigating a report of a disease affecting Gulf War veterans, which was later called Gulf War Syndrome. [27] The Children's Health Insurance Act became《 Obama's healthcare reform plan 》Since then, it has provided medical insurance for as many as 8 million children in the United States. [33]

Middle East Storm

In October 2002, Senator Hillary Clinton voted for the launch Iraq War After the start of the Iraq War, Hillary Clinton went to Iraq and Afghanistan to visit the US troops stationed there. Hillary Clinton noticed that the deployment of the war was consuming conventional and reserve forces. She proposed a bill to increase 80000 soldiers and expand the size of the US regular army to ease tensions. [125] Hillary Clinton supported the retention and improvement of health benefits for American reservists stationed in Iraq, and lobbied against the closure of several military bases. [126-127]
In the internal discussion on the war in Afghanistan in 2009, Hillary Clinton stood on the proposal of "increasing troops in Afghanistan" proposed by the military, recommended sending 40000 more troops, and did not set a deadline for withdrawal; She overcame the opposition of Vice President Biden, but ultimately supported Obama's compromise plan, sending 30000 more soldiers and setting a timetable for a full withdrawal. [127]
On January 4, 2010, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced that the United States will implement diplomatic isolation and international sanctions against Iran, and finally successfully promote 2015《 Comprehensive Agreement on Iran's Nuclear Program 》Action. [59] [128-129]
In 2011, the President's internal advisory group decided whether to launch hunting Bin Laden Secretary of State Hillary Clinton played a key role in the internal discussion of the, and she insisted that President Obama implement the plan to hunt and kill Osama bin Laden. [78] In the internal discussion on the Iraq issue in 2011, Hillary Clinton advocated that the remaining force of 10000 to 20000 should be retained in Iraq, but she finally withdrew all troops after the failure of the negotiation on the United States Status of Forces Agreement in Iraq. [130] In the Libyan war, Hillary lured Gadhafi's cronies to force the palace to revolt, and used American allies to overthrow Gadhafi's regime, [77] [80-81] And urge them to catch or kill as soon as possible Gaddafi [82]
Syrian Civil War During this period, the Clinton and Obama administrations provided non lethal weapons assistance to anti Assad government forces and humanitarian groups working in Syria. [87] In mid-2012, Hillary Clinton and the then CIA director David Petraeus The general developed a plan to further strengthen the weapons of the opposition and train Syrian rebels, but this proposal was vetoed by the White House. White House officials were unwilling to get involved in the conflict and feared that extremists hiding in the rebels might turn their weapons to other targets. [84]

Return to Asia

In July 2009, Hillary Clinton announced in Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, that "America is back". Since then, America's "return to Asia" has become the most common international political language.
In November 2011, Hillary Clinton realized her visit to Myanmar, which was the first visit of the Secretary of State of the United States to Myanmar in the past 50 years. The US Myanmar relations have undergone dramatic changes, leveraging the subtle changes in the influence of China and the United States in Southeast Asia [131]
In July 2012, Hillary Clinton visited Vietnam for the third time during her longest diplomatic visit, and she also visited Mongolia and Laos, two countries that she had never visited before.
Hillary Clinton's series of "ice breaking trips" are regarded as important strategic steps for the United States to "return to Asia".

Women's rights

In July 2009, Hillary Clinton announced that the State Council launched the mechanism of the Quadrennial Review Report on Diplomacy and Development, which will Gender Integrating American diplomacy and development work, protecting and empowering women and girls is the key to American foreign policy and security; Investing in women and girls in sustainable economic development, food security, global health, climate change, democracy and governance, and humanitarian assistance; Ensure that women are integrated into conflict prevention efforts.
On April 28, 2010, Hillary Clinton established the Secretary of State's International Foundation for Women and Girls. The Global Office of Women's Affairs has provided small grants to grass-roots non-governmental organizations in 41 countries and partnered with relevant foundations and groups to support innovative efforts to improve the status of women and girls around the world. [24]
In September 2010, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton promoted the establishment of“ Global Alliance for Clean Cooks ”。 One of the undertakings Hillary Clinton advocated during her tenure is to promote clean stoves in developing countries to promote cleaner and environmentally friendly food preparation and reduce the harm of smoke from traditional stoves to women.
On November 30, 2011, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Australian Agency for International Development (AueAID), the world's largest mobile communication industry group GSMA and Visa credit card company jointly launched a cooperation project Kevin Rudd (Kevin Rudd) jointly announced this three-year plan to improve the mobile phone ownership rate of women in developing countries.
In March 2012, Hillary Clinton released the first policy document on gender at the US State Department, the US State Department's Political Policy Guidelines for Promoting Gender Equality to Achieve National Security and Foreign Policy Goals. The Guide emphasizes that "under the leadership of President Obama and Secretary Clinton, the United States has paid unprecedented attention to the status of women and girls around the world", and proposes three key mechanisms, namely, "plan and budget development", "planning, testing and evaluation", and "management and training". At the same time, improving the status of women and girls around the world has officially become an essential part of the work report of American diplomats, and the United States will use "any feasible means" to support this important cause.
On September 24, 2012, Hillary Clinton, on behalf of the United States and the 12 founding countries of the European Union, jointly released the Partnership for an Equal Future. Each founding country has committed to expanding women's economic opportunities in policy, legal and regulatory reforms and increasing women's political and civic participation at the local, state and national levels. Among them, the multilateral stakeholders include UN Women, the World Bank, important enterprises and non-governmental institutions. [74]

LGBT Equity

Between 2004 and 2006, Hillary Clinton voted against the federal same-sex marriage amendment. [38]
On December 6, 2011, Hillary Clinton delivered a long speech on the United States human rights policy at the United Nations Office in Geneva. Hillary Clinton stressed that, homosexuality Like women's rights and the right to strive for racial equality, the rights of women are universal human rights. She stressed that the United States will promote LGBT Rights and legal protection of foreign LGBT groups.

China policy

From 2009 to 2013, Hillary Clinton, as the Secretary of State of President Obama of the United States, began to see a talkative, impatient, often hot tempered foreign policy hawk in China. She seems to have deliberately singled out China on issues such as trade, human rights, territorial disputes and the position of the UN Security Council. One of the highlights of her tenure is the "Asia Pacific rebalancing" strategy with its distinctive characteristics, which aims to gradually deploy Washington's most outstanding diplomatic, economic and military resources to the Asia Pacific region. According to Beijing's interpretation, this is a circuitous move to confront and isolate China in the region.
Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton (left)
In 2007, Hillary Clinton wrote an article on the bimonthly issue of Foreign Affairs magazine (published in advance) in November/December, focusing on her foreign policy propositions. American media believe that Hillary Clinton's article entitled "Security and Opportunity in the 21st Century" basically reflects the current situation Democratic Party of the United States Mainstream views on foreign policy. Its main viewpoints are: using hard power and soft power at the same time; Negotiate with the enemy and strengthen relations with allies; Addressing poverty, disease and other issues that threaten the stability of the international system; Focusing on practice Non ideology Etc.
Hillary Clinton attached great importance to Sino US relations, mentioned China many times in her articles, and advocated adopting the policy of engagement with China. The United States must persuade China to join international institutions and support international rules by operating areas of common interest and narrowing differences.

Related works



Hillary Clinton and Obama's Speech
On July 30, 2013, CNN Announced to shoot a documentary for the former "First Lady" and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of the United States. CNN said that it will shoot a documentary film for Hillary Clinton to show her career and life in detail. The film will be directed by Oscar winning director and producer Charles Ferguson and released in 2014. After the movie theater is released to the public, CNN will also broadcast this documentary. [132]
NBC It also announced that it would shoot a four hour album with Hillary Clinton as the theme Diane Lane Will play Hillary Clinton, the broadcast date will be before the 2016 presidential election. [133]

Publish new works

Publication time
Original title of the work
Chinese translation
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-six
It Takes a Village: And Other Lessons Children Teach Us
Raise the Power of the Village: Cultivate Healthy, Happy and Active Children
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight
Dear Socks, Dear Buddy: Kids' Letters to the First Pets
Dear Socks, Dear Buddy: Children's Letter to the First Pet
two thousand
An Invitation to the White House: At Home with History
Invitation from the White House: Living with History
two thousand and three
Living History
Experience History: Hillary Clinton's Memoirs
two thousand and fourteen
Hard Choices
two thousand and seventeen
What Happened
What happened? [134]
two thousand and twenty-one
State of Terror [154]
Terrorist Countries

Personal life

Hillary started republican party Supporters of. From the 1960s to the 1970s, he worked for the Republican Party in several presidential elections. She took this opportunity to develop her contacts, met many celebrities and politicians, and laid the foundation for her future ambitious goals.


On October 11, 1975, Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton She married in Fayetteville, Arkansas, and has a daughter. At the beginning of the marriage, Hillary refused to change her husband's surname and still insisted on calling herself "Hillary Rodham". In Arkansas, which was generally conservative at that time, this move was obviously too radical, which was considered to be a manifestation of the lack of traditional family values, and also had a negative impact on Bill Clinton's political future. After weighing the advantages and disadvantages, Hillary finally gave in and became "Hillary Clinton".
Hillary Clinton
1998 Zip Gate event After the disclosure, the marital status of Hillary Clinton and William Jefferson Clinton once became the focus of attention in the United States. Many supporters urged Hillary to divorce Clinton, but she finally chose to compromise. Her decision protected her own political future and that of William Jefferson Clinton, but it also deviated to a large extent from what she had always advocated Feminism Ideal.

Physical condition

On December 15, 2012, Hillary Clinton fainted due to dehydration caused by stomach virus infection, hit her head and caused concussion. [135]
On September 11, 2016, Hillary Clinton nearly fainted while attending the commemoration of the 15th anniversary of the "September 11" event, and her diagnosis of pneumonia was also immediately exposed. On September 15, she had reappeared to participate in the election campaign. [136]
On March 23, 2022, Hillary Clinton, the former Secretary of State of the United States, revealed on her personal social media homepage that she had tested positive for COVID-19 nucleic acid. "There were some mild cold symptoms, and now she feels good. [158]
On March 22, 2022 local time, former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton tested positive for COVID-19. [157]


On January 27, 1980, Hillary gave birth to a daughter, Chelsea Victoria Clinton
On July 31, 2010, Hillary Clinton's daughter Chelsea Clinton and Marc Mezvinsky Wedding at Astor Manor [137]
On September 26, 2014, Hillary's daughter Chelsea announced her daughter on the social network Charlotte Mezvinsky (Charlotte Mezvinsky) was born. [138]
On June 18, 2016, Hillary Clinton's daughter Chelsea announced the birth of her son on Twitter and named him“ Aidan Clinton Mezvinsky ”(Aidan Clinton Mezvinsky)。 [139]

Participate in TV play

to guest [93]
to star

Character honor

May 31, 1969
The first student in Wellesley College history to speak at the graduation ceremony
February 1977
The first female lawyer of Rose Law Firm
The first female partner of Rose Law Firm
The first female head of American legal service company
Arkansas Woman of the Year
Arkansas Mother of the Year
First President of the Women's Professional Committee of the American Bar Association
The first female director of Wal Mart
Twice named "100 Most Influential Lawyers in America"
November 4, 1992
The first first lady in American history to hold a doctor's degree
November 4, 1992
The most highly educated first lady in American history
November 4, 1992
The first First Lady to have an office on the West Wing of the White House
Won the title of "American Most Respected Woman" for two consecutive years
1996 Grammy Award for "Best Recitation Album"
For four consecutive years, she has won the title of "American Most Respected Woman"
January 3, 2001
The first female senator in the history of New York State
January 3, 2001
The first first lady in history to hold public office
February 13, 2005
"2004 Media Award" of German Journalists Association
January 8, 2008
The first woman to win a state primary in the primary presidential election of a major political party in the United States
June 2008
The first woman to win the majority of the popular vote in the primary presidential election of the major political parties in the United States
January 21, 2009
The Third Female Secretary of State in American History
January 21, 2009
The only former first lady serving in the government cabinet in American history
March 31, 2011
The most popular political figure in the United States in 2011
September 2012
Forbes "The 15 Most Powerful Couples in the World in 2012"
February 8, 2013
America's most popular political figure in 2013
October 15, 2013
Elton John AIDS Charitable Foundation "Founder Award" [140]
May 10, 2014
"The First Lady Most Admired by the American People" [141]
July 28, 2016
The first female presidential candidate in the United States to be nominated by a major political party
November 2016
The first woman to win the majority of the popular vote in the US presidential election referendum
December 10, 2016
2016 "Global Annual Female Leaders List" [142]
Won the title of "American Most Respected Woman" for 15 consecutive years [143]
Ranked in Forbes for 6 consecutive years“ World's Most Powerful Women "

Disputed events

Lewinsky Incident
Hillary Clinton's husband, Hillary Clinton, denied Lewinsky She had sex, but half a year later she had to make a national television speech, admitting that she had an improper relationship with Lewinsky. [144] In the exposed conversation between Hillary Clinton and her best friend in 1998, the former first lady called Lewinsky a "narcissist"; Hillary Clinton insisted that her initial sexual behavior with Lewinsky, who was 21 at the time, was "meaningless" and that she was "not sensitive" to her husband's emotional state; An employee close to Hillary said that Hillary Clinton described Bill's extramarital affair as "a silly girl appearing at random". [145]
The attack on the consulate in Benghazi
On September 11, 2012, U.S. Ambassador to Libya J. Christopher Stevenson J Christopher Stevens and three other embassy staff members were killed in a rocket attack in Benghazi, Libya.
Attended the hearing of Benghazi Incident in 2015
On January 15, 2014, the US Senate Intelligence Committee released a report saying that the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya could have been avoided. The report shows that both the US State Department and the intelligence community are responsible for failing to prevent attacks.
On October 22, 2015, Hillary Clinton was questioned for 11 hours by the House of Representatives Benghazi Investigator led by Republican members in the Congress, and then withdrew.
On June 28, 2016, the Special Committee on the Benghazi Incident of the US House of Representatives released a more than 800 page investigation report on the Benghazi incident, accusing the US government, especially the military, of slow response and lax security in the attack on the consulate in Benghazi, which failed to prevent the tragedy, but did not explicitly point out that the then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had any new fault in the incident. [146]
Donation Event
In March 2015, an official of the Clinton Foundation of the United States revealed that he served in Hillary Clinton US Secretary of State During this period, the foundation received millions of dollars in donations from seven foreign governments, one of which violated the ethics agreement reached with the Obama administration.
In March 2015, former President Clinton of the United States defended his foundation for accepting donations from foreign governments. He acknowledged that the foundation did receive funds from other countries, but these funds were used for humanitarianism Project, and spent on the blade. [147]
Mail Gate
On March 4, 2015, an official of the State Department of the United States revealed that Hillary Clinton had no government e-mail account during her four years as Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013, and only used personal e-mail accounts to handle government affairs, which may violate the federal government's regulations requiring communications between government officials to be retained as institutional archives.
On July 5, 2016, the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) James Komi announced that he would not recommend the Department of Justice to file federal criminal charges against the Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's use of the private e-mail system to process official mail during her tenure as Secretary of State. US Attorney General Lynch said that the Justice Department will act on the advice of the FBI and the prosecutor who is investigating the matter.
On October 28, 2016, the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) James Komi sent a letter to Congress. The FBI found some emails related to the "mail gate" investigation, so it will restart the investigation. [148]
On November 6, 2016, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) decided to maintain its conclusion after the first investigation in July, that is, there is no evidence to show that Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and her aides intentionally violated the law and did not propose to the US Department of Justice to sue Hillary Clinton on the "mail gate" incident. [106]
In October 2019, the State Department of the United States completed the investigation of the "mail gate" incident of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who was accused of sending and receiving official letters through private email servers during her tenure as Secretary of State. The report clearly shows that Hillary Clinton's use of a private email system has increased the possibility of confidential information leakage. [149]
On March 15, 2022, Russia announced that Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton was included in Russia's "No Entry List". [155-156] On May 21, 2022, the US CNBC website said that the Russian side's entry ban list included former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. [162]
Prosecution events
On March 24, 2022 local time, former President Trump of the United States filed a lawsuit against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, National Security Assistant Sullivan of the President of the United States and several other personnel, accusing them of colluding with Russia in the 2016 election campaign. [159]
On April 20, 2022, Hillary Clinton submitted an application to a U.S. District Court judge, requesting to dismiss the lawsuit against former President Trump. [160]
In 2016, it agreed to disclose the communication data between Trump and Russian banks
On May 20, 2022 local time, Robbie Muck, former campaign manager of Hillary Clinton, the former US Secretary of State, testified that Hillary Clinton "agreed" to leak the so-called secret communication between Trump and the Russian Alpha Bank to the media during her presidential campaign in 2016, which aggravated the negative impact of the so-called "Russian access". [161]

Character evaluation

life 》Hillary was a symbol of her time and her values.
Forbes 》Hillary Clinton is not only the most important woman in the United States, but also the most important woman in American political history. [150]
the christian science monitor 》Hillary Clinton has reestablished and activated the relationship with partners that the United States had alienated during the Bush era. [150]
New York Times 》: Strong, but not always alert. [151]
44th President of the United States Barack Hussein Obama "When I ran for president, she was a strong supporter of me and later became an excellent Secretary of State. Hillary Clinton would be a good president." "No one, whether I or Bill, could be more qualified than Hillary to become the President of the United States." [152]
Political reporter Mark Landler: "A tenacious diplomat and a self described team player who sometimes suffers setbacks, a person who scored for the United States in political diplomacy, but also offended many foreign dignitaries. However, for her commitment to work, there are no clearer figures to prove that: secretary of state During this period, she visited 112 countries in 401 days and traveled nearly 1 million miles. "
After the 2016 US presidential election《 Vanity Fair 》The magazine praised Hillary Clinton as a "folk hero from presidential candidate to wandering outside"; New York Times 》He called her "a new folk hero with a familiar face" and "after being knocked down in that long war, she returned to peace with an unexpected speed"; times 》The weekly magazine listed Hillary Clinton as the second person in 2016, commenting that "the winner of the general election leaves a complex legacy", and compared Hillary Clinton to "Moses of the United States".