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Albanian cities
Butlint (Albanian: Butrint or Butrinti) is a city and archaeological site in Albania. It is located in Saranda District, the southernmost part of the Albanian border, and borders Greece. People have lived here since prehistoric times. In history, it was once a city of Epirus, later became a colony of ancient Rome, and later became the residence of Catholicism.
Butlin occupies Corfu Strait and Butlin Lake A small peninsula between. Human beings have lived together since prehistoric times. It has successively become Greece Colonies, Roman cities and bishopric districts, followed by the prosperity of Byzantine rule, and then occupied by the Venetians. The city was abandoned in the late Middle Ages and became desolate.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Climate type
Subtropical Mediterranean climate

World Cultural Heritage

Basic information
Heritage name: Butrint
Selected time: 1992 (expanded in 1999, slightly revised in 2007)
Selection basis: cultural heritage (iii)
Geographic location: N39 45 04 E20 01 34( Albania
Heritage area: 8,591 ha
Heritage number: 570ter
Heritage description
Sketch map of geographical location of Butlin
Butlin is a city and archaeological site in Albania, located between Albania and Greece On the border. There have been human settlements since prehistoric times. The earliest archaeological remains of human settlements originated from the 10th to 8th century BC. In history, it has successively become Greece colony, Rome People's cities and dioceses, followed by Byzantium The prosperous period of the rule was followed by the occupation of the Venetians, and the city was abandoned as a wasteland in the late Middle Ages. In different periods, Butlin has been expanded to different degrees. The new buildings include a ditch, a Roman bathing place, a central square, a water temple, a baptism pool, a basilica, etc. The existing archaeological sites show the style and features of each period of urban development. Albanian archaeologists carried out more excavation activities, and ancient castles, Acropolis, ancient markets, temples, public bathrooms and private houses were unearthed one after another. Under the work of archaeologists, the ancient city is almost intact in front of people. A series of excavations have brought many cultural relics back to the light, such as discs, vases, ceramic candlesticks, and statues, including the "Butlin God", whose nearly perfect shape seems to have become the embodiment of the ideal physical beauty in the eyes of the ancient Greeks.
1992 according to cultural heritage Selection criteria C (III), Butlint cover UNESCO World Heritage Committee Approved for inclusion as cultural heritage《 World Heritage List 》In 1999, it was extended. Reports of the World Heritage Committee on its 16th, 21st and 23rd sessions. Report on the status of heritage protection in 1998.
In 1997, due to theft and lack of proper protection and management, UNESCO listed Butlin《 Endangered World Heritage 》In 2000, the Albanian government set up Butlin National Park, which was improved with the help of Albania and international communities. In 2005, UNESCO removed Butlin from the list of "Endangered World Heritage". [1]
Selection criteria (iii):
The evolution of Butlin's natural environment led to the abandonment of the city at the end of the Middle Ages. As a result, this archaeological site provides the ancient and the medieval times Valuable evidence of civilization.
Evaluation of World Heritage Committee
Butlin City was settled in prehistoric times, successively for Greece Colonies, ancient Roman cities, and bishopric sites. During the Byzantine period, it was once very prosperous and was occupied by the Venetians for a short time. In the late Middle Ages, the city was abandoned because the area became swampy. The current archaeological site is actually a ruin, showing the style and features of the city in various periods of development. [1-3]

Heritage Profile

An important shipping and trade base in ancient times
Butlin city is a part of the territory of the ancient Albania. It is located on the highland of the country, covered with dense vegetation, and protected by nature and castles built by ancient residents. However, these protections did not isolate it from the outside world. Less than 10 kilometers away from the island of Kofu, Butlin passed through the Vivuville Canal (flowing from Butlin Lake Ionian Sea )And mediterranean sea to be connected. The sea and lake, pleasant climate and beautiful pastoral scenery provide a good environment for the development of the city. The ancient architects made full use of these advantages to build Butlin An important shipping and trade base in ancient times In the fourth century BC, Butlin reached its peak, with a population of 10000.
The Acropolis, built on the top of the mountain, is surrounded by magnificent stone walls, some of which are two meters high and 3.5 meters wide. The amphitheater witnessed the prosperity of the city. It has 25 rows of seats and can accommodate 1500 audiences. The theater is located at the foot of the Acropolis, surrounded by two temples, one of which was built in memory of Asclepius (the ancient Greek god of medicine). About 30 inscriptions were carved on the west side of the temple. In addition, about 100 inscriptions were found on a tower, most of which were themed on the liberation of slaves. A series of excavations have brought many cultural relics back to the light, such as discs, vases, ceramic candle stands, and statues, including "Butlin", whose nearly perfect shape seems to have become the embodiment of the ideal physical beauty in the eyes of the ancient Greeks.
For centuries, the city wall has been faithfully defending the city of Butlin, but it is not impregnable. In the second century BC, the ancient Roman legions landed on the shores of the Adriatic Sea and Ionian Sea. Under the strong attack, these huge city walls lost their effectiveness.
Under the Roman rule, the city of Butlin gradually declined. However, in the Augustus Imperium Romanum The three giant fountains, three public bathrooms, and the gymnastics hall decorated with mosaics built during the reign of the first emperor all proved that Butlin was not completely abandoned. Augustus personally inspected the restoration of the ancient city wall and the construction of the new castle.
The spread of Christianity has brought new vitality to the ancient city Christianity In the early days of its birth, there were two cathedrals and a baptistery in the city. In the hall of the building, sixteen concentric granite pillars supported the top of the main hall, Mosaic The combined animal pattern decorated the whole ground, which was the most beautiful building in the Mediterranean region at that time. Occurring in the eleventh century nomadic people The invasion, the devastating earthquake in 1153, the invasion of a large number of groundwater, and the subsequent plague caused residents to flee, and the city declined. Butlin was gradually forgotten in a desolate place.
stay Ottoman Empire The city was still silent during the reign of the 15th century to the 20th century AD, and groundwater spread over the surface of the city. The lush vegetation made this site unknown.
Until the beginning of the 20th century, Italian archaeologists carried out a series of excavation activities, first Yougoulini, then his compatriots P. Makeni and D. Mustri. From 1928 to 1941, the surface of the earth was cleaned up, and the ruins of the ancient city were finally seen again. After the liberation of Albania, Albanian archaeologists carried out more excavation activities, and ancient castles, Acropolis, ancient markets, temples, public bathrooms and private houses were unearthed one after another. Under the miraculous work of archaeologists, the ancient city is almost intact in front of people. The soil and vegetation covering the surface of Butlin make its cotton suffer from natural erosion and human destruction. The cultural significance of the newly unearthed ancient city has transcended national boundaries and has a long history. In 1992, Butlin City was listed as UNESCO“ World Cultural Heritage ”This shows its position in the history of human civilization.
As the museum was robbed during the domestic riots in early 1997, the World Heritage Committee was worried about the lack of proper protection and management of the site for a long time. In 1997, Butlin was included in the World Heritage List.
The beginning of ancient history
Butlint originally belonged to ancient times Epirus region A city of. It is an important center of the local tribes Illyria Tribes and corfu The Greek colonies on the. According to the Roman writer Virgil It is TROY The prophet of Hellenas Created. Hellenas is the king of Troy Priam The son of Andromache Married, he moved to the west after Troy fell. historian Dionysius of Halikarnassos After the fall of Troy Aeneas Passing Butlin while fleeing.
From the first 10 to the first 8 centuries
The earliest archaeological remains of human settlement originated from the first 10 to the first 8 centuries, and the settlements at that time may corfu Sell food, own a port and a temple. Because it is located on the edge of the Corfu Strait, Butlin has a strategic position. In the first four centuries, it has become an important residential area. At that time, the residential area had a theater, a Asclepios A temple and a market.
The first 228 years
The first 228 years Butlin became The Republic of Rome Of reserve from First 167 years At the beginning, Rome became more and more dominant in Butlin. Butlin became Rome in the first century Illyria Province Part of. First 44 years Cesar Set Butlin as a reward and let him defeat Gneus Pompey A colony of soldiers. Because of the local landlord Titus Pombonius Atticus To his friends in the senate Cicero In his letter, he expressed his opposition to the plan, so only a few colonists were sent to Butlin.
Previous 31 years
Previous 31 years Octavian stay Yaktim Naval Battle Defeated in Mark Anthony and Cleopatra VII The Egyptian navy resumed the colonial plan after the war. The new residents have greatly expanded Butlin, and the new buildings include a Ditch , one Roman Bathing Place , a central square and a Water Temple
third century
Once in the third century earthquake Destroyed most of the buildings in Butlin. The center of the city was moved to the ground. Later archaeological discoveries proved that Butlin was in a state of decline at that time, and it had declined from a regional center to a production center. Butlin survived the end of the classical era and became an important port in Old Epirus. The most prominent building in the city at that time was a residence of an important local nobleman built in 425.
sixth century
At the beginning of the 6th century, Butlin became a bishop's residence. The new building includes a Baptismal pool And one Brasilica This baptismal pool is one of the largest in this early Christian architecture. Justinian I Strengthened the city walls of Butlin. 550 years Ostrogothic Capture Butlin. Archaeological discoveries prove that Byzantine Empire The former Butelint, which lost its eastern Mediterranean provinces, also imported goods, wine and oil from those provinces. From this point of view, Butlin is similar to other Balkan cities. The 6th and 7th centuries are the watershed from ancient Rome to the early Middle Ages.
seventh century
In the 7th century, like other ancient Mediterranean cities, Libutrin was shrunk to a small and reinforced residential area. After the complete collapse of the Roman Empire The First Bulgarian Empire Once controlled Butlin. In the 9th century, the Byzantine Empire reoccupied Butlin. Until 1204, the Byzantine Empire The Fourth Crusade The process of disintegration before Butlin was the confrontation of the Byzantine Empire Norman A stronghold of invasion. After the disintegration of Byzantium, Butlin became a part of Epirus. In the following centuries, it became a part of Byzantium and South Italy Anjou Dynasty and Venice Butlint has changed hands several times. Sicilian in 1267 charles i He occupied Butlin and Corfu, rebuilt the city walls and Brasilica
1386 Republic of Venice Bought this area (including Corfu Island) from the Kingdom of Sicily, but Venetian merchants were only interested in Corfu Island, so Butlin shrank again. In 1490, Venice built a castle and a small port in Butlin. Since then, only a few people have lived in this area.
In 1797 Treaty of Campo Formio Central Venice cedes Butlin to Napoleon Butlin fell under French control. Local in 1799 Ottoman Empire The governor occupied the area. until 1912 Albania belonged to the Ottoman Empire before its independence. When Albania became independent, no one lived there, and the ruins of the city were carried malaria Surrounded by marshes.
archaeological excavation
1928 Benito Mussolini Of Italy fascist The government sent an investigation team to Butlin, which is the beginning of modern archaeological excavation in Butlin. The purpose of this excavation is geopolitical, not scientific, and its purpose is to expand a large number of hegemony to this region. Although the leader of the expedition was an outstanding archaeologist who died in 1936, the excavation work of the expedition lasted until 1943. They excavated the ancient Greek and Roman parts of the city.
1944 Enver Hoxha The foreign investigation team was expelled after the Communist government of Albania came to power. Albanian archaeologists continue their work. 1959 Khrushchev Visit the Butlint site and suggest that Huocha transform this area into a submarine base. In the 1970s, the Albanian Archaeological Institute expanded its excavation scope.
After the collapse of the Communist government in 1992, the new democratic government planned to carry out large-scale development in the area. In the same year, the Butlin site was United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Included World Heritage Site The political and economic crisis in 1997 and propaganda work led to the failure of the plan to build an airport there. because Robbery And the lack of proper protection, management and preservation of the inclusion of Butlin by UNESCO Endangered World Heritage
In 2000, the Albanian government established Butlin National Park With the help of Albania and the international community, the situation has improved. In 2005, UNESCO removed Butlin from the list of endangered world heritage sites. The national park is also a world heritage site.
Butlin may become a model for local communities in developing countries to develop through sustainable development of cultural heritage.
An article was adopted in 1959 Khrushchev The roads built by visiting can be accessed from Saranda Arrive at Butlin. More and more tourists set out from the Greek tourist island Kefu Island to Butlin for a one-day tour. It takes a boat (90 minutes) to get to Saranda from Kefu Island, and it takes 30 minutes to get to Butlin from Saranda Port. There are daily ferries from Corfu Island to Saranda, and buses from Saran to Butlin.
Through a road built in 1959 for Khrushchev's visit Saranda Arrive at Butlin. More and more tourists set out from the Greek tourist island Kefu Island to Butlin for a one-day tour. It takes a boat (90 minutes) to get to Saranda from Kefu Island, and it takes 30 minutes to get to Butlin from Saranda Port. There are daily ferries from Corfu Island to Saranda, and buses from Saran to Butlin.
Through a road built in 1959 for Khrushchev's visit Saranda Arrive at Butlin. More and more tourists set out from the Greek tourist island Kefu Island to Butlin for a one-day tour. It takes a boat (90 minutes) to get there from Kefu Island Saranda The journey from Saranda Port to Butlin is 30 minutes. There are daily ferries from Corfu Island to Saranda, and buses from Saran to Butlin.