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Brin limit width

Expressed as a percentage, it is used to measure the upper and lower limits of the belt lining line and the width from the middle average line
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Brin limit The width (BOLL WIDTH) is expressed as a percentage and is used to measure banding Boll The upper and lower limits of, and the width from the middle average.
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Brin limit width
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John Brin(


Brin index

BOLL、 Brin limit BB、 Boll WIDTH, Boll WIDTH and Boll WIDTH constitute an indicator group, which are used together with high accuracy.
initial Brin index BOLL is a very simple and practical method designed by American stock market analyst JOHN BOLL according to the standard deviation principle in statistics technical analysis Indicators. In general, price of stock The movement of average , cost line, etc.) within a certain range, Bollinger line index It is on the basis of the above conditions that the indicators are introduced“ price of stock The concept of "channel", which believes that price of stock The width of the channel varies with Stock price fluctuation The range changes, and the stock price channel has variability, which will automatically adjust with the change of the stock price. Therefore, this indicator is also called "Bollinger Line" and "Bollinger Channel".


(Channel) is one of the technical indicators frequently used by professional investors and some old investors. This indicator belongs to the path indicator, price of stock Usually fluctuates between the upper and lower limits. The width of Bollinger line can follow price of stock And automatically adjust the position. Because of this variation, the Bollinger Line has the characteristics of flexibility and compliance with the trend. It not only has the nature of the channel, but also overcomes the weakness that the channel width cannot be changed.
This indicator was later applied outside the stock market, for example futures foreign exchange In the analysis of the price trend of precious metals, because of its flexibility, intuition and trend, BOLL indicators have gradually become popular indicators in the market widely used by investors. At the same time, it derived Brin limit Indicator BB.
Brin limit (BB)=( Closing price -Stock price floor)/(stock price ceiling - stock price floor)
When BB>1, the stock price crosses Boll upper limit; BB<0, Represents that the stock price crosses the lower limit of the Brin Line.
When BB is lower than one, price of stock The upper limit of Brin Sell signal , high reliability; When% BB is higher from bottom to bottom, the buy signal generated by the stock price crossing the lower limit of Brin is highly reliable.
Judge according to the principle of deviation. When price of stock If BB fails to go up synchronously or even turns down when it is in a high level area and keeps rising, it indicates that the stock price will reverse and fall. Yes Sell signal When the share price is at Low price zone And when it continues to fall, if BB does not fall synchronously or even gradually too high, it indicates that the stock price will reverse and rise, which is a buying signal.
Refer to Brin Limit width index When the limit width is compressed to between 6% and 8%, Stock price trend It will change greatly at any time and launch new trends quotation
In the real market, Individual shares Or the limit compression value of investment varieties is different. Readers should review the historical data in the past and correct the limit compression value by themselves according to their frequent low points.