Prague Spring

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Reform of the Czechoslovak Communist Party in 1968
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Prague Spring, 1968 Czechoslovakia Reform movement.
the Second World War Later, the economy of Czechoslovakia developed, but management system Backwardness causes discontent from all walks of life. In January 1968, Alexander Dubcek replace Antonin Novotini Served as the first secretary of the Party Central Committee, and announced the Czech Communist Party's Action Program at the subsequent plenary session of the Central Committee, proposing to establish a "new, democratic, socialist model that meets the conditions of Czechoslovakia", which was warmly responded by the whole nation [6] The West calls it "Prague Spring" [5]
However, the leadership of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union strongly opposed it and dispatched more than 500000 people on the night of August 20 Warsaw Treaty Organization The national army occupied all of Czechoslovakia. Dubcek and other leaders were sent to Moscow Hold "talks". In April 1969, Dubcek was removed from his post as the first secretary of the Party Central Committee, and the reform movement died prematurely. [6]
(Source of overview chart: Observer Network) [12]
Chinese name
Prague Spring
Foreign name
Prague Spring
Time of occurrence

historical background

After the Second World War, Czechoslovakia embarked on the socialist road. At that time, the Czechoslovak Communist Party made it clear that Czechoslovakia must explore its own "unique socialist road".
The proposal of "unique socialist road" is based on the special national conditions of Czechoslovakia. Before World War II, Czechoslovakia was one of the top ten industrial countries in Europe. Its economy was relatively developed, its people had a high level of education and culture, its democratic tradition was profound, and it had close economic and cultural ties with western capitalist countries. During World War II, the national front including the bourgeoisie was formed in the anti fascist movement, and the national front coalition government was established.
However, when Cold War The shadow of "the Soviet Union" began to hang over Europe. In the pattern of confrontation between the two camps, Czechoslovakia's "unique socialist road" faced pressure from two aspects: on the one hand, the western countries tried every means to restore capitalism, and they instigated the bourgeois representatives in the Czechoslovak National Front coalition government to create a government crisis, trying to squeeze the Czech Communist Party out of the cabinet; On the other hand, the Soviet Union also changed its tolerant policy of allowing socialist countries in Eastern Europe to explore their own development path in the early post-war period, forcing these countries to build socialism according to the Soviet model.
The Soviet model was formed in an environment surrounded by imperialism, and was anti fascist in the Soviet Union Patriotic War It really showed strong vitality under the historical conditions at that time. However, since the end of World War II, great changes have taken place in the historical conditions. The Soviet model should be reformed in accordance with the new historical conditions, otherwise it will inevitably cause difficulties and problems.
The outstanding problems are: economically, develop heavy industry unilaterally, light industry And agriculture is lagging behind, and the supply of necessities is tight, causing dissatisfaction among the people; Politically, personal superstition, bureaucracy and the expansion of the elimination of counter revolutionaries have exacerbated social contradictions. [2-3]
1953 Stalin The leader of the Czechoslovak Communist Party died Gottwald He also died shortly after attending Stalin's funeral and returning home. His successor was Antonin Novotini, who surpassed the former leader in pro Soviet and imitation of Soviet Union. Instead of correcting his predecessor's mistakes, he strengthened the Soviet model layer by layer, continued to engage in personality worship, and created unjust, false and wrong cases; The economy is still developing abnormally, and various contradictions are accumulating. [1]
In June 1953, Czechoslovakia Bilson The 5000 workers of Skoda Factory marched on the streets and attacked the municipal authorities, making it the first riot in the post-war Eastern European countries.
However, the problem has not been improved for a long time. By 1967, the total industrial and agricultural output value of Czechoslovakia had further declined, and people's dissatisfaction had increased. Due to improper handling of ethnic issues, the contradiction between the Czech and Slovak nationalities has further deepened. Under the instigation of the Western policy of peaceful evolution, domestic anti socialist forces are also ready to move. Social contradictions have intensified the struggle within the Party. Both inside and outside the Party demand the resignation of Czechoslovakia Communist Party leader Novostini, and the call for reform is growing.
Against this background, in January 1968, the plenary session of the Central Committee of the Czech Communist Party elected Dubcek as the first secretary of the Central Committee, starting the reform exploration of Czechoslovakia, namely the "Prague Spring". [2-3]

reform measures

There have been different views on the "Prague Spring" internationally for a long time. Through the analysis of its reform program, we can see that the "Prague Spring" is a reform to explore the socialist road with its own characteristics. The reform concept of "Prague Spring" is mainly reflected in the "Programme of Action of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia" and the speeches of Dubcek and others.
Its main contents include:
  1. one
    Reform the Party's leadership system. The leadership and role of the Party cannot be doubted, let alone shaken. At the same time, to improve the Party's leadership, we must fully promote intra Party democracy. If we do not resolutely implement the principle of intra Party democracy, social democracy will not be carried forward. Party unity can only be based on broad democracy within the Party.
  2. two
    Reform the country's political system. On the premise of ensuring the common basic interests of the whole society, respect the different interests of all classes, strata and groups, and allow them to express and safeguard their different interests through legal channels. The national front is a political manifestation of the interests of all sectors of society. All political parties and social organizations participating in the National Front participate in the formulation of national policies. All political parties engaged in political activities must abide by the common programme of the National Front. The guiding ideology of the National Front and the political system of the whole country is Marxism Leninism
  3. three
    Thoroughly reform the old economic system. To restore socialism market The positive role of. We should implement a planned market economy. In terms of ownership, we must abandon the dogmatic concept of the form of state ownership, implement multi-level social ownership, and adopt a series of forms from large state enterprises, people's enterprises, cooperatives to small individual businesses. We must abandon the path of extensive industrialization and carry out scientific and technological revolution. To this end, we must develop science, education and culture, and propose that "socialism and science and technology coexist". We should participate more effectively in the international division of labor and gradually open the economy of Czechoslovakia to the world market.
  4. four
    Implement an independent foreign policy. On the basis of "mutual respect, sovereign equality and internationalist solidarity", further strengthen relations with the Soviet Union and countries of the socialist family, and more actively promote Economic Mutual Association and Warsaw Treaty Organization Common activities; For developed capitalist countries, "we will actively implement the policy of peaceful coexistence", "we will implement a more active European policy, develop mutually beneficial relations with all countries and international organizations, and ensure the collective security of the European continent", and recognize the existence of the two Germans. [2-3]
The reform program proposed by the "Prague Spring" was the most comprehensive and thorough reform among all socialist countries in terms of its breadth and depth. Its essence is to completely abandon the Soviet model and put forward a set of socialist models "starting from the conditions of Czechoslovakia completely". Czechoslovakia should not only get rid of the shackles of the Soviet model, but also get rid of the control of the Soviet Union politically, economically and even militarily to maintain its own sovereignty and independence.

Reform outcome

The "Prague Spring" has encountered both domestic and foreign disturbances; There are both right and left ones. The struggle between reform and anti reform is full of the whole process of "Prague Spring". In particular, Czechoslovakia is located in the "heart of Europe", at the crossroads of historical and cultural trends, and at the point of conflict between the two systems. The reform is even more difficult.
The domestic conservative forces tried every means to resist the reform; Domestic anti socialist forces attempt to sabotage reform; Western countries try to use reform to promote peaceful evolution; The Communist Party of the Soviet Union was used to pretending to be the "Lao Tzu Party" and could not tolerate Dubcek and others to explore their own development path. Finally, it decided to kill the "Prague Spring" by force.
On June 20, 1968, launched by the Soviet Union, the Warsaw Pact forces conducted military exercises in Czechoslovakia. After the drill, the Soviet army did not immediately withdraw from the Czech Republic as agreed.
On July 14, the Soviet Union People's Republic of Bulgaria German Democratic Republic People's Republic of Hungary and Polska Rzeczpospolita Ludowa Party and government leaders of the five countries Warsaw A meeting was held to discuss the Czechoslovakia issue without the participation of the Czech party and government leaders. According to the conference bulletin:
"The participants noted in particular that the imperialist forces that seek to subvert the socialist system of individual countries through sabotage are stepping up their activities."
The meeting adopted a joint letter from the five parties to the Central Committee of the Czech Communist Party, which said that the five parties had no intention of interfering in the internal affairs of Czechoslovakia or undermining the principle of mutual respect, independence and equality in the relations between the parties, but they would never "agree with the hostile forces" to "pull Czech away from the socialist road", which "threatens the interests of the entire socialist system", This "is not just Czechoslovakia". [2]
Before and after August 10, 1968, the Central Committee of the Soviet Communist Party selected August 20 to take military action to carry out armed occupation of Czechoslovakia. On August 18, the leaders of the Warsaw Pact signatories who were ready to join the Soviet Union flew to Moscow. Leonid Ilich Brezhnev They were given the final arrangement and explanation of the upcoming military operation. Walter Ulbricht Gomulka, Wadiswaf Kandal Janos Todor Zhivkov They all said that they would implement the decision of the Central Committee of the Soviet Communist Party without reservation. On the same day, they all returned home immediately for final deployment and implementation. [10] (from《 The rise and collapse of a great power 》) [11]
On August 20, 1968, the five countries of the Soviet Union, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria and Germany sent troops to Czechoslovakia to suppress the "Prague Spring" reform movement [4] At 11:00 p.m. that day, Prague Airport received a signal from a Soviet civil aviation airliner: "Mechanical accident, request for forced landing", but did not refuse. As soon as the plane landed, dozens of Soviet commandos rushed out of the cabin and quickly occupied the airport. Six hours later, the Soviet army took control of the whole territory of the Czech Republic. Hundreds of thousands of Czech troops were disarmed, and NATO had no time to respond. Dubcek did not organize resistance. In this event, 80 Czech people were killed October Events in Hungary It is greatly reduced. The Soviet army occupied Prague and arrested Dubcek. [2] On August 26, the Czech Republic and the Soviet Union signed an agreement, agreeing to "temporarily stay" the "allied forces". It was not until February 1990 that the two countries signed the agreement on the withdrawal of Soviet troops from the Czech Republic. [5]
In April 1969, Gustav Husak Replacing Dubcek as the First Secretary of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia [2] The reform movement was aborted. [6]

International response


East Germany

Scholars believe that East Germany's strategy to deal with the "Prague Spring" is to combine criticism of the Czech Communist reform with West Germany The infiltration of "revenge" and the threat of invading Czechoslovakia are linked to strengthen the unity within the camp; In the face of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact Summit, maintain a tough attitude towards the former two, urge the Soviet Union to be tough with the Czech Republic and support East Germany, and finally use force against the Czech Republic. [7]


As soon as the Soviet Union occupied the Czech Republic, Zhou Enlai The Prime Minister instructed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to study countermeasures. Vice Foreign Minister at that time Qiao Guanhua It is suggested to issue a government statement with《 People's Daily 》The monograph expressed the position and attitude of the Chinese government, and drafted the Request Report on Exposing and Condemning the Armed Occupation of the Czech Republic by the Soviet Union. However, at this time, Premier Zhou found from another joint request of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries for the celebration of the 24th anniversary of Romania's National Day that August 23 coincided with Romania's National Day, when the Romanian Ambassador to China Duma would hold a reception. Premier Zhou seized this opportunity, made a decision immediately and decisively, and gave instructions in the request report to improve the standard of attending the reception Guo Moruo Under the leadership of the Vice Chairman, Premier Zhou personally attended and delivered a speech, explaining China's position on Czech events. At the same time, the number of people confirmed to attend the reception also increased from 200 to 300, and the number of military representatives attending the reception was intentionally increased. [8-9]


On the evening of August 22, 1968, Romanian Ambassador to China Duma asked for an interview Chen Yi Entrusted by the leadership of the Romanian party and government, he introduced to China the notification of the Romanian government to the five governments of the Soviet Union, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria and Democratic Germany on the situation in the Czech Republic. Chen Yi is here Zhongnanhai Wu Chengdian received him. Ambassador Duma introduced the Romanian government's accusation in the notice that the five armies occupied Czech territory and interfered in Czech internal affairs. And on Bucharest A mass meeting of 100000 people was held, Nicolae Ceausescu Strongly condemned the incident, saying it was international communist movement And announced that it would take a series of measures to defend its independence and sovereignty. [8-9]