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Bourges Cathedral

A famous church in France
Bourges Cathedral is a famous church in France. Its full name is Cathedrale Saint tiennede Bourges, located in France Paris About 200 kilometers south Shire Province Bourges City. Founded in 1195, it took more than 60 years to complete. It is a medieval French Christianity The power center of, and Chartres Cathedral Same as the first batch Gothic architecture , belonging to the best of the same style of architecture Stained glass famous. In 1992, was UNESCO Included World Heritage Site
Chinese name
Bourges Cathedral
Foreign name
Cathedrale Saint-tiennede Bourges
geographical position
Bourges, Shire, France
cover UNESCO Included World Heritage Site
Date of construction

World Cultural Heritage

Basic information
Heritage name: Bourges Cathedral
Selected in 1992
Selection basis: cultural heritage (i) (iv)
Geographic location: N47 04 56 E02 23 54
Heritage number: 635
Heritage description
Geographical Location of French World Heritage Site
Bourges Cathedral in France is the power center of medieval Christianity in France. Like Chartres Cathedral, it is the first batch of Gothic buildings, famous for its symmetrical proportions, sculpture, painting and stained glass.
In 1992, according to the criteria of cultural heritage selection (i) (iv), Bourges Cathedral was UNESCO World Heritage Committee Approved as cultural heritage Included《 World Heritage List 》。
Selection criteria (I): Bourges Cathedral is of great significance in the development of Gothic architecture the medieval times France Christianity A symbol of strength. Its main feature is its amazing beauty, combined with exquisite space management, harmonious proportion and the highest quality decoration.
Selection criteria (iv): Although Bourges Cathedral is located in Saint Denis Paris Chartres or Amiens It represents the mainstream of French Gothic, but it strongly affects the architectural value of this style of cathedral. Because of the unity of its design, the ingenious connection of space and the treatment of light, it represents an outstanding style expression applied to this type of architecture.
Evaluation of World Heritage Committee
Bourges Cathedral [1]
The Cathedral of St Etienne of Bourges, built from the end of the 12th century to the end of the 13th century, is one of the outstanding masterpieces of Gothic architecture. Its perfect proportion and harmonious design are admirable. The lintel, sculpture and Stained glass The window is particularly eye-catching. In addition to the beautiful buildings, the church also shows the power of medieval French Christianity. [2]

Heritage Introduction

Bourges Cathedral, full name of Bourges Saint Etienne church Cathedrale Saint tienne de Bourges, located about 200 kilometers south of Paris, France Shire Province Bourges. Bourges, a city in the central region of France and the capital of Scheer Province, is located on a hilly slope surrounded by Yevre, Auron and a river network.

Construction history

Bourges Cathedral was built in 1195 and took more than 60 years to complete. Like Chartres Cathedral, it is the first batch of Gothic buildings, belonging to the best among the buildings of the same style. In sharp contrast to Chartres Cathedral, Bourges Cathedral is the starting point of typical French Gothic architecture with unique style.
In 1195, the Archbishop Henri de Sully (Henri de Sully) decided to build a Gothic church according to the Church Law. The construction of the church began with the chapel. In 1199, the Archbishop Guillaume de Tang Qiong (Guillaume de Dangeon), inherited the position of Henry de Sully. He played an important role in the construction of the church. He believed that the whole church, including its carved decorations and painted glass windows, was against heretical religious preaching. After Guillaume's death, due to his canonization, the church project received donations from a large number of believers and pilgrims. The second stage of construction, including the nave and the west facing facade, was completed around 1230. Five carved entrances are completed on the front. The architect who succeeded the first chief architect kept the will and simplicity of the architectural plan. The church lacked wings, but the whole space layout had a sense of unity.
The choir seat was completed in 1214, and the central square was completed between 1225 and 1250, but the west facade was not completed until the 1370s. The north tower collapsed in 1505 and was rebuilt in 1542. Although the rebuilt tower contains some Renaissance elements, it is still in harmony with the Gothic facade. The tower on the south side has shown signs of cracking since the 13th century, and was later supported by a huge buttress. The design of the church is simple, with two side corridors, two ambulatories, and no cross shaped wings of the church. It is said that the inspiration for this architectural style comes from Paris's Reims Cathedral. However, the interior of the church is quite different from the style of Reims Church. [3]

architectural style

Built in the 12th and 13th centuries, Burge St. Stephen's Cathedral, which is admired for its harmonious design and balanced proportion, is one of the outstanding Gothic buildings. Its lintels, sculptures and stained glass windows are particularly eye-catching. In addition to the beauty of the building, it also shows the power of French Christianity. Bourges Cathedral is located about 200 kilometers south of Paris. Founded in 1195, it took more than 60 years to complete. Like Chartres Cathedral, it is the first batch of Gothic buildings, belonging to the best among the buildings of the same style.
In sharp contrast to Chartres Cathedral, Bourges Cathedral is the starting point of typical French Gothic architecture with unique style. The area of the central square is almost the same as that of Sha Cathedral, 15 meters wide and 37 meters high. But the height of the arcade is 20 meters, which is 6 meters higher than the height of Chartres Cathedral, so it has a better visual effect. Since there is no cross shaped wing, the space of the square obtains the perspective effect and compactness of the side.
The ceiling height of the first cloister is 21.3m, and the second is 9.3m. The difference in the ceiling height of the two cloisters enables the second cloister to build three arch arcades and skylights like the first. The space of the first cloister, the second cloister for miniaturization and the central square constitute a unique form of pyramid space. The picture pasted on the gate is the theme picture of "The Last Judgment". Then on the right side of the gate is the theme painting of Saint Etienne, and on the left is the theme painting of the Virgin Mary. When the basement was still under construction, there was no plan to build the rear hall. When the basement is completed, the back hall will also be built. Therefore, the rear hall should be small and built on the base of the basement. Bourges Cathedral is particularly enviable for its harmonious design and balanced proportion. Its lintels, sculptures and stained glass windows are particularly eye-catching. It not only has architectural beauty, but also shows the power of French Christianity. The Cathedral is located in a garden full of flowers. The hall is surrounded by tall buttresses with regular intervals, which is particularly eye-catching. It looks as if it is taking off. Bourges Cathedral is a model of European Gothic architecture. [4]

stone carving

On the lintel carved with the subject of the Last Judgment, the elect of Archangel St. Michael, the dead and reborn youth, and God wrapped in robes looked up to Christ with a smile, while hell was full of demons and suffering creatures. The stone carving is located at the central entrance of the west front, vividly showing the mercy of God. This is a masterpiece of Gothic sculpture in the 1240s. The altar screen carved at the same time was removed in 1757, and its fragments were displayed in a low-grade church. The stone carving at the entrance of the side door completed around 1160 is a masterpiece of Romanesque sculpture. The whole church has many fine sculptures of this era.

Window pane

A rare kind of gorgeous colored glass in the early 13th century decorated the three tiered choir, which also made the light shining on the stone form colorful spots. The floral windows of Bourges Cathedral express the pursuit of "the continuity of light", accompanied by the surging tide of the 12th century spirit. The lighting effect and interior space reflect the overall design.
Churchy Painted glass The church is about this: the Christ and Revelation of the Last Judgment, the Virgin Mary and Saint Etienne are flanked by guild members, and the parallel pictures include the stories of the New Testament and the Old Testament, as well as the lives of saints and martyrs, the Archbishop of Bourges, prophets and apostles. The attached chapels built in the 15th and 17th centuries inside the church have completely different styles. Their decorative glass windows are commissioned by the dignitaries of Bourges, among which the best one is the stained glass of angels in the lachapelle du Palais Jacques Coeur. [5]


A symbolic mural decorated by Jacob Cole in memory of Charles VII was found in the sacristy collection room of the Chaplain Hall. After that, a more unexpected mural was found in the Du Bruer Chapel. It was painted around 1475 and depicts the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ in the sea.
The tall and beautiful figure of Bourges Cathedral can be seen for several kilometers from the Berry Champagne Area. The face of the astronomical clock in the church is painted with Zodiac The pattern of, painted by Jean 'Orleans, has been restored. The original of the machine is the work of Canon Fusoris, which is now well preserved.