Peace Treaties of Brest-Litovsk

The peace treaty signed between the Soviet Russian government and the Allies during World War I
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Brest Peace Treaty, the full name of Brest Litovsk Peace Treaty, is the First World War in Soviet Russia Government and Germany The peace treaty signed in Brest Litovsk (today's Brest) by the leading Allies. It is Soviet Russia (hereinafter referred to as the Soviet Union) Same as German Empire And Allies Austro Hungarian Empire Ottoman Empire Bulgarian Empire )At Brest Litovsk (today's Belarus Brest )Treaties signed.
Chinese name
Brest Litovsk Peace Treaty
The Soviet government and Germany led allies
Signing date
March 3, 1918

Basic information

It is Vladimir Ilyich Lenin Leaded Communist Party of the Soviet Union To save the new Soviet regime The forced temporary compromise action made the Soviet Union withdraw as soon as possible the First World War In order to consolidate the Soviet regime, restore and develop the economy, and establish the Red Army, it won a break, and later eliminated the domestic armed forces against the Soviet regime and repulsed 14 capitalist country The armed intervention further laid the foundation.

Contents of the peace agreement

The contract consists of 14 texts, 5 annexes and 7 items Supplementary treaty form. Main contents include:
① The contracting parties declared a truce.
② The Russian army has been fully demobilized universality Before the peace treaty, Russian warships sailed back to Russian ports or immediately disarmed.
Russia Give up on poland Lithuania kurland , Liveland and Esteran Jurisdiction and sovereignty.
④ Before the conclusion of the universal peace treaty and the full demobilization of the Russian army, Germany will continue to occupy the places occupied by the German army to the east of the above areas on the eve of the signing of the peace treaty.
⑤ The Russian army immediately withdrew from Ardham, Kars and Batumi Region (actually turkey Mergers).
⑥ Recognized by Russia Ukraine Finland Independence, immediately from Finland, Ukraine and Oran Islands Withdraw troops, guarantee to sign a peace treaty with Ukraine immediately and recognize the peace treaty between Ukraine and Germany, Austria, Bulgaria and Turkey.
⑦ Russia pays Germany 6 billion mark War reparations.
⑧ Germany promised not to interfere in Soviet Russia's internal affairs and not to attack Russia from Finland.
Note: This harsh peace treaty not only cost the Soviet Union about 1 million yuan square kilometre And nearly 50 million residents occupation zone It accounts for 90% of the national coal mining volume, Iron ore 73%, 54% of industries and 33% of railways. [1-2]

The context of the peace agreement



1917, Russia October Revolution After the victory, because Russia belonged to Entente One party and Allies be in State of engagement In order to withdraw from the war, the newly established Soviet government, after its peace proposal was rejected by the Allies Germany Conduct peace negotiations.


Signing site of Brest Litovsk Peace Treaty
On December 3, 1917, when the negotiations began, Germany proposed poland Lithuania Estonia Local sum of Latvia Belarus Ukraine Ceded to Germany and paid an indemnity of 3 billion yuan rouble Which caused Communist Party of the Soviet Union Serious internal differences. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin He advocated accepting German conditions, signing a peace treaty, and fighting for respite for the new regime. Jivinoyev, Sokolinikov Joseph Visario Norwich Stalin , Archam, Stasova, Sverdlov, etc member of central committee Support Lenin; Nikolai Ivanovich Bukharin Represented by“ Leftist communists ”Oppose signing the peace treaty and advocate Imperialism continue World War , member of the Central Committee Bubnov Ulitsky Lomov Support Bukharin; Leo Davidovich Trotsky He advocated armistice and demobilization of the army, but did not sign a contract with Germany (that is, no war, no peace) Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinski Adolf Abramovich Yuefei Support Trotsky.
On January 2, 1918, the Soviet government held a meeting of central and local leaders. At the meeting attended by 60 people, 32 people were in favor of Bukharin's proposal, 16 people were in favor of Trotsky's proposal, and only 15 people were in favor of Lenin's proposal. final, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin The proposition of "is in the minority" and cannot be passed.
On January 24, 1918, the Soviet government held a central meeting to re vote on the signing of the agreement. Trotsky's proposal was adopted by a majority of 9 votes to 7, and Lenin's proposal was still not accepted by the majority.
Trotsky negotiated with German officers, 1918
On January 30, Brest negotiations resumed. As diplomacy commissar (i.e. Foreign Minister), head of the negotiating delegation, Trotsky agreed with Lenin before leaving that if Germany gave an ultimatum, it would compromise and sign a contract. As a result, Germany indeed gave an ultimatum to the Soviet Union. Trotsky asked Lenin for countermeasures by telegraph. Lenin immediately replied and insisted on accepting the German conditions and signing the contract immediately. However, Trotsky did not accept Lenin's proposal, but issued a statement refusing to sign the contract and led a delegation to leave Brest. As a result, Germany began to attack Russia on a large scale.
On February 18, under very urgent circumstances, the Central Committee of the Soviet Union held an emergency meeting. At the meeting, Lenin's proposal was rejected again by 6:7 votes. Later, the Central Committee held a meeting overnight, and after heated debate, Leo Davidovich Trotsky Switch to support Vladimir Ilyich Lenin As a result of the meeting, Lenin's proposal was adopted by 7 votes in favour, 5 against and 1 abstention. The Russian government informed the German side overnight and agreed to sign the contract.
However, Germany did not stop the attack after being notified, and put forward more stringent conditions on February 23. The Central Committee of the Soviet Russian Party held an emergency meeting with 15 members. At the meeting, most of the members expressed their disapproval of Lenin's proposal. Lenin had to propose that if such empty talk continued, he would resign from the government and the Central Committee. Nikolai Ivanovich Bukharin I don't care about that, Joseph Visario Norwich Stalin Nor has it wavered. Trotsky disagreed with Lenin, but his attitude changed in order to prevent Lenin from resigning and splitting the Party. Under his influence, there were 4 abstentions. As a result, Lenin's proposal was adopted by 7 votes in favour, 4 abstentions and 4 against.


On February 24, the Russian government sent a new negotiating delegation to negotiate with Germany.
On March 3, Brest Peace Treaty was officially signed. According to the contract, the Soviet Union ceded 3.23 million square kilometers of territory and paid 6 billion marks of compensation. Trotsky was relieved from his post as the Foreign People's Committee. However, the Soviet Union successfully withdrew from the First World War, gaining a respite for the newly born Soviet regime.
Brest Litovsk Peace Treaty
After Germany's defeat, on November 11 armistice On November 12, the Russian government immediately announced the abrogation of the treaty, making the content of the treaty virtually a dead letter.
In 1922, Soviet Russia and Germany Weimar government Signed Treaty of Rapallo The two countries hereby renounce the Brest Litovsk Treaty and World War I The territorial and monetary claims made to the other party later.


It is generally believed that this is the Soviet government Exchange space for time Successful diplomacy. It made full use of the international contradictions and gave the new Soviet government time to consolidate its political power, which created favorable conditions for its later maintenance. Moreover, because of the success of this diplomatic strategy, Lenin's personal reputation also reached its peak.