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Breya River

Heilongjiang River
Breya River, ancient Chinese name“ Niuman River ”( Niu Manjiang ), Russia far east District South Heilongjiang The second largest tributary on the left bank.
Chinese name
Breya River
Foreign name
Bureya River
Estuarine discharge
940 m3/s
Annual runoff
30 billion cubic meters



Near the estuary of Breya River
Breya River, China Ancient name“ Niuman River ”(Niu Manjiang). Russia South of Far East Heilongjiang The second largest tributary on the left bank is formed by the confluence of the left and right Breya rivers from Ezop Mountain and Dushealin Mountain. It meanders to the southwest and flows through Jieya Breya plain It is 623km long, with a drainage area of 70700km2, and its main tributary is the Terma River. The average annual flow at the estuary is 940 m3/s, and the annual runoff is 30 billion m3. Navigable above the estuary 197 kilometre Wood can be transported. The freezing period is 5-6 months.
Niu Man River Basin has been the origin and survival place of all nationalities in Northeast China since ancient times, and it is also the Manchu nationality Oroqen One of the mother rivers of ethnic groups, it has become an integral part of China since the middle of the Tang Dynasty [AD 639]. However, during the Second Opium War between China and Britain and France, it was seized by the Tsarist Russians, and the Qing Dynasty was forced to sign a treaty on May 28, 1858《 Aihui Treaty 》Fill the river with cattle Jingqili River And all the territory north of Heilongjiang was ceded to Russia.


Buleya Reservoir Dam
In the early 1980s, Breya Hydropower Station was built in the upstream.
The Lower Breya Hydropower Station Project is an important cooperation project of China Russia Far East comprehensive strategic cooperation. The project is located on the Breya River in Russia, with an installed capacity of 320MW (4 units).
Breiya power station is Russia One of the largest water conservancy projects under construction is located on the Breya River in the Amur region of Russia. The hydro junction buildings include dams, water release structures and power stations. After the completion of the project, it will be mainly used for power supply in the Russian Far East, flood control of the Breya River and the Central Amur River, and irrigation of 15000 hm2 farmland, which can greatly alleviate the power shortage in the Russian Far East.