zero Useful+1

Brendan Eich

Chief Technology Officer of Mozilla
synonym Brandon Ike (American programmer, entrepreneur) Generally refers to Brandon Edge
Brendan Eich (1961 ~), JavaScript From 2005 to 2014 Mozilla The company serves as Chief Technology Officer. After ten days as CEO of Mozilla, he was forced to resign.
True name
Brendan Eich
Foreign name
Brendan Eich
one's native heath
Sunnyvale, California, USA
date of birth
Chief Technology Officer of Mozilla
Key achievements
Founder of Basic Attention Token/BAT coin

Character experience

Mr. Brendan Eich, whose Chinese name is Brandon Eich, is the founder of Basic Attention Token/BAT coin. Mr. Brendan Eich is also the inventor of JavaScript, known as the father of JS, and the co-founder of Mozilla Foundation and Firefox.
Brandon Ike was born in Sunnyvale, California in 1961, and graduated from the University of Illinois at Champaign. In 1986, he received a master's degree in computer science from the University of Illinois at Champaign. Served in 1995 Netscape Period for Netscape browser Developed JavaScript , and later became the most widely used scripting language one of. In 1998, Brandon helped establish mozilla In 2003, after AOL decided to end the development of Netscape browser, Brandon helped establish Mozilla Foundation On March 24, 2014, Ike was promoted to CEO of Mozilla. On April 3, 2014, Ike announced his resignation from Mozilla. Ike wrote in his personal blog: "Mozilla's mission is far more than any of us, and we are not qualified for the leadership position of Mozilla.". On May 28, 2015, Ike founded the Brave Software Company, an Internet security company that has raised $2.5 million of early funds from angel investors. Brian Bondy, the co-founder of the company, worked in Mozilla and Khan Academy. On January 20, 2016, the company released the Brave web browser. In May 2017, the decentralized web browser "Brave" launched by Brendan Eich completed the IPO launch of about 35 million dollars in just 30 seconds. [5]
 Brendan Eich Brendan Eich
Brendan Eich
Brendan Eich

Personal Events

Develop JavaScript
Navigator browser version 0.9
In 1994, Netscape Company( Netscape )Launched Navigator browser version 0.9, which is the first mature browser in the world Web browser , causing a sensation.
But this is a browser worthy of the name - it can only browse the page and cannot interact with users. For example, when you log in to a website, enter your user name and click Submit. The browser does not know whether you have entered or not, nor can it judge. It can only be passed to the server for judgment.
Netscape Urgently solving the problem of browser user interaction. At that time, there were two ways to solve this problem. One was to use existing languages, such as Perl Python Tcl , Scheme, and so on, allowing them to be directly embedded in the web page. The other is to invent a new language.
Both options have advantages and disadvantages. The first option is to make full use of existing code and programmer resources, which is easy to promote; The second option is conducive to developing a fully applicable language, which is relatively easy to implement. Netscape's internal dispute over which option to choose has made it difficult for the management to make up their minds.
Just then a big event happened. In 1995, Sun changed the name of Oak language to Java , officially launched to the market. Sun has made a lot of hype, promising that this language can be "Write Once, Run Anywhere", and it seems likely to become the future master.
Netscape The company was moved and decided to form an alliance with Sun. It not only allows Java programs to applet (applet), running directly in the browser; Even consider directly Java Embedding HTML pages as a scripting language was only because it would make HTML pages too complex and had to be abandoned later.
In short, the situation at that time was that the entire management of Netscape was Java Language Sun is a believer in the decision of web script language. So Javascript became Netscape It is no accident that this language was named "Java+script" when Sun and Sun launched it to the market together.
At this time, Brendan Eich, a 34 year old system programmer, appeared. In April 1995, Netscape hired him.
Brendan Eich's main direction and interest is functional programming. Netscape recruited him to study Scheme The possibility of language as a web page scripting language. Brendan Eich himself thought that after entering the new company, he would mainly deal with Scheme language.
Just one month later, in May 1995, Netscape When the company makes a decision, the future web script language must "look like Java It is similar enough ", but it is simpler than Java, which enables non professional web authors to get started quickly. This decision actually applies Perl Python Tcl Scheme Equal non object-oriented programming All languages are excluded.
Brendan Eich was designated as the designer of this "simplified Java language".
But he was right Java No interest at all. In order to deal with the tasks arranged by the company, he designed Javascript in only 10 days.
Because the design time was too short and some details of the language were not carefully considered, the programs written by Javascript were confused for a long time later. If Brendan Eich foresees that this language will become the largest language on the Internet in the future, with millions of learners all over the world, will he spend more time?
In general, his design idea is as follows:
(1) Learn from the basic grammar of C language;
(2) Reference Java Language Data types and memory management ;
(3) Reference Scheme Language to promote functions to the status of "first class citizens";
(4) Reference Self language , using prototype based( prototype )The inheritance mechanism of.
Therefore, the Javascript language is actually a mixture of two language styles - (simplified) functional programming+(simplified) object-oriented programming. This was decided by Brendan Eich (functional programming) and Netscape (object-oriented programming).
If it was not for the company's decision, Brendan Eich would never Java As a prototype for Javascript design. As a designer, he doesn't like his work at all:
"I hate Javascript more than I love it. It is the product of one night stand in C language and Self language. Dr. Johnson, an 18th century British writer, said well: 'Its excellence is not original, its originality is not outstanding. ' (the part that is good is not original, and the part that is original is not good.)"
CEO and resignation
Served on April 3, 2014 Mozilla 's CEO was forced to resign in ten days [1-4]