market research

The process of research for information purposes
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Market research, defined by the Global Association of Market Researchers, is: "It refers to the process of research for information purposes, including the information required for corresponding issues Concretization , Design information gathering Methods, management and implementation of data collection Process Analytical research Results, draw conclusions and determine their meanings. ".
Chinese name
market research
research method
Qualitative marketing research, etc
Relevant institutions
China Market Research Center etc.


When the market structure changes from supply driven to demand driven, there is a need to know market requirements and preferences, which has become increasingly important for the industry. At first, objective quantitative procedures were used to detect people's hopes and requirements. Use complex statistics to edit and deal with gender, age, income, family status and consumption habits, and then form the basis of product development and marketing concepts. Even today, market research based on consumer behavior research is still the standard model for many marketing departments. Econometric sociology, or the measurement of human emotions, desires and behaviors, which have long been considered to be related to indicating and controlling people's wishes and behaviors, has become possible.
Motivation research and quality oriented research first appeared in the middle of the 20th century. At that time, the motivation research led by Ernest Dichter was based on the criticism of consumerism and advocated consumer protection. The Hidden Persuaders, published by Vance Packard in 1957, expressed the widespread concern at that time that consumers would become voluntary victims of psychological manipulation and inducement strategy sales. The increase in knowledge about the psychological impact of color, shape, products and packaging, the different selling points of design strategies, the potential emotional effects of smell and sound, and the dramatic effects of advertising has triggered concerns about manipulation in consumer goods and the sales world.
Worry has long been planted, and qualitative psychological marketing and motivation research have become inherent elements in market research and marketing departments. In depth interview, focus on people, group discussion, allusive research design and anthropological observation are several basic methods for qualitative psychological marketing and motivation research. Social environment analysis makes the method of focusing on people more popular among designers and market developers today. As a guiding point and means, it emphasizes the research on consumer life and lifestyle. [1]
The so-called trend research is also highly valued in market research, because it is very important to guess the development trend that will affect consumer behavior in the future. Of course, futurology is a very difficult field. As Niels Bohr said, "It is difficult to predict, especially if it is about the future". However, future and trend research still become two important aspects of market research. The common methods of trend research include: trend tracking, collection prediction, search, investigation, etc. [1]

research method

Technically, there are four methods of market research
Market research methods

Qualitative Marketing Research

Qualitative marketing research: Most commonly used. To put it simply, the analysis is based on the respondents' numerical responses, not on the whole population, nor on large-scale statistics. Common examples are: Focus groups depth interview , project implementation, etc.

Quantitative Marketing Research

Quantitative marketing research: In the form of hypothesis, random sampling is used and the results are inferred from the number of samples. This technique is often used in large-scale research such as population census and economic force survey. Common examples are: Large scale questionnaires, inquiry forms system, etc.

Observation technology

Observational techniques: observed by researchers social phenomenon , and set the cross method by yourself, that is, horizontal comparison (usually Timeliness Comparison with the vertical type (comparison with different societies or different phenomena at the same time); Common examples are: Product usage analysis, browser cookie analysis.

Experimental technology

Experimental techniques: researchers create a semi artificial Environmental testing Users. This semi artificial environment can control what researchers want to control Influencing factors Examples include purchasing laboratories and trial marketing venues.
Market research researchers often use the above four techniques comprehensively, and they may first Secondary data Obtain some background knowledge, and then conduct interviews with target consumer groups (qualitative research design) to explore more questions. Finally, we may further conduct a nationwide survey (quantitative) based on the specific requirements of customers.

Value function

In today's commercial market, more and more companies are trying to establish good relationships with partner companies to Gain competitive advantage Partnerships The problem is already theoretical realm It has conducted extensive research with the practice community. These studies include Social Exchange Theory Transaction cost theory , resource view theory and interaction theory, etc. These theories and methods help us better understand the relationship between manufacturers and Supplier relationship It provides a new perspective. stay service market ? The significance of customer value has been widely recognized that value is also critical in the commercial market.
Supply chain theory has proved that value is business Market management Is the source of competitive advantage. Value acceptance Value creation , value generation Value distribution The creative body of the activity value of different companies obtains valuable information, market and technology, increases work efficiency, and improves cooperation. Therefore, partners need to know what are the driving factors for creating value and how to use these factors to serve themselves in order to help enterprises establish competitive advantages.
From another perspective, if any kind of marketing wants to succeed, it must first create value for customers, which is also applicable to the commercial market Relationship Marketing In other words, it is of great significance to study the mechanism of how good relationships enhance the perceived value of partners. Value driven analysis in commercial market enterprise value and its maximization Structural theory The tax free model was proposed by American scholars Modigliani and Miller in. According to this definition, the value of an enterprise is market value By enterprise stock market The sum of value and market value of liabilities is the market value of equity of enterprises.

Domestic situation

Market research is fundamentally different from marketing and promotion. Market research is not about promoting products, but about market information and Consumption information The process of collection, sorting, statistics and analysis, even if specific products are mentioned in some projects, is only to collect objective information about such products, not to promote products.
As an industry, market research has a history of 100 years internationally and nearly 20 years in China. In 2005, the market research industry in mainland China turnover 5 billion RMB The turnover refers to the first-hand turnover of commercial companies and relevant institutions specializing in market research.
With the development of the Internet and the application of new technologies, market research often uses professional online survey systems to collect information, Processing data As one of the main decision-making bases, market research has entered the e-era.

Research steps

Market research is an important way for many small and medium-sized enterprises marketing management Questions that people feel confused: In terms of manpower, there are neither full-time market survey personnel nor independent market departments; Financially, I can't afford professional market research The company... and the market research work cannot be ignored. If you do not do it, you will not know who you want to please, what he is thinking and doing; If you don't do it, you don't know your own competitor How it was done and how it will be done.


Small and medium-sized enterprises generally do not have independent and complete market departments. Some people say that the responsibility of market research should be General Manager Office It was also said that the sales department should be responsible for it and full-time information personnel should be responsible for it. This has three advantages:
1. The sales work of many small and medium-sized enterprises is directly or concurrently managed by the general manager. As a staff unit, the general manager office needs to grasp Market dynamics , for the general manager Decision reference
2. The General Manager's Office is the closest to the General Manager, so that the General Manager can guide the market research work and consult the reference market information.
3. The General Manager's Office, as the company's“ Central nervous system ”, which is responsible for planning and implementing market research and management basic principle No contradiction. Of course, when planning research activities, we must be market-oriented and sales oriented, and fully listen to the opinions and suggestions of sales personnel.