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General treaty on abandoning war as a tool of national policy

Treaties signed in Paris by representatives of 15 countries and regions including the United States and South Africa
synonym Pact of Paris (Paris African War Convention) generally refers to the general treaty on abandoning war as a national policy tool
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The General Treaty on the Abandonment of War as a National Policy Instrument, also known as Brian Kellogg convention 》Or《 Pact of Paris 》。 In 1927, French Foreign Minister A briand and US Secretary of State Frank B. Kellogg Initiative, August 27, 1928 Belgium Czechoslovakia , France, Germany, Japan Italy poland , UK Australia Canada , India Ireland New Zealand , USA South Africa Wait 15 countries and regions It was signed in Paris by the representatives of. By 1933, 63 countries had ratified or acceded.
Chinese name
General treaty on abandoning war as a tool of national policy
Also called
Berian Kellogg convention
Signing date
August 27, 1928

primary coverage

The Convention includes a preamble and three texts. The main contents are as follows: the contracting parties condemn the settlement by war International disputes And abandon war as a tool for implementing national policies in their mutual relations; All disputes or conflicts between States parties, regardless of their nature and cause, can only be settled by peaceful means; If used by any signatory Means of war Seeking benefits means not enjoying the benefits given by the Convention.
Non war convention 》It is against the people all over the world Imperialist war It was concluded under the pressure of longing for peace. It reflects Imperialism The intricate contradictions between countries also reflected the capitalism The upsurge of pacifism in the world. In April 1927, French Foreign Minister A briand To commemorate the participation of the United States the First World War 10th Anniversary US Secretary of State F. B. Kellogg Initiative: The United States and France immediately concluded an agreement to abandon the war, so as to contribute to the maintenance of world peace. U.S. government We welcome this, and suggest that the treaty should not be limited to the United States and France, but should include most countries, including major powers. The Convention was signed on the basis of the treaty proposal proposed by the United States and France.


The significance of the African War Convention lies in: ① For the first time in history universality international covenant In the form of, the war was officially abandoned as a tool for promoting national policy. Before that, traditional western theories and practices of international law had always advocated that it was legitimate to use war as a means to resolve international disputes and implement national policies, Sovereign state Some resorted to war Absolute rights 。② It is the Second World War Post trial of German and Japanese major war criminals( Crimes against peace )The important legal basis of As a declarative international document, the Convention has become a International practice What it reflects about limiting war basic principle , subsequent Charter of the United Nations And other international documents, thus promoting the historical process of declaring the war of aggression illegal. The defects of the convention are: first, it uses the word "war" in general, but does not clearly distinguish between wars of aggression and wars of self-defence, just wars and unjust wars. Secondly, it uses the word "abandon war" instead of "prohibit the use of force" already used in some international documents at that time, which makes it possible for the aggressor to use undeclared war as a means or excuse that its armed aggression is not "war" to exonerate himself. Third, the Convention's Restraint force It was weakened by the reservations of the United States, Britain, France and other countries. The reservation of the United States is to safeguard the rights of Monroe Doctrine as part of its national defense system; Britain's reservation is that the "happiness and integrity" of some regions in the world has a special and significant interest in Britain's peace and security, so protecting these regions from attack must be regarded as a self-defense measure; France reserves the right to support its allies when they are attacked. These reservations exceed Right to self-defence The scope of power politics Performance. The African War Convention is of great significance in international law and the history of war, but it has not actually played a role in stopping wars of aggression.
The reason is: 1 versailles system Establishment and Washington system The establishment of the
2. The comparison of national strength did not happen Substantive Changes in
3. After World War I, the people longed for peace, and the peace thought and peace movement developed
4. All governments also generally promote pacifist diplomacy

Defects and deficiencies

The main defects of the African War Convention and deficiencies Yes:
① No clear distinction aggressive war And Self defense war Just war And Unjust war
② The word "abandoned war" was used instead of some of the words at that time International documents The "prohibition of the use of force" has been used in. This makes it possible for the aggressor to exonerate himself on the pretext that his armed aggression is not "war". Germany and Japan fascist War criminals have done this, but have suffered International Military Tribunal A stern refutation of.
③ The Convention does not provide for specific measures to sanction aggression. In addition, the Convention was weakened by reservations from the United States, Britain, France and other countries. The reservation of the United States is: maintain monroe doctrine It is part of its defense system. Britain's reservation is that certain regions of the world have special and significant "happiness and integrity" for Britain's peace and security Interests Therefore, defending these areas from attack must be regarded as a self-defense measure. France reserves the right to support its allies when they are attacked. These reservations go beyond the scope of legitimate self-defence and are classified as imperialist countries Sphere of influence The performance of maintaining colonial rule. [1]