
[bā lí]
Capital of the French Republic
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Paris, yes French Republic The capital and largest city of France, as well as the political, economic, cultural and commercial centre , five in the world International metropolis One (the other four are New York London Tokyo Hong Kong )And rated as Alpha+by GaWC First tier cities in the world [1-2]
Paris is in the north of France Paris Basin In the middle of Seine River On both banks, the central coordinates of the city are 48 ° 52 'north latitude and 2 ° 25' east longitude. In a broad sense, Paris can be divided into smaller Paris and larger Paris. Little Paris refers to the Paris city within the Great Ring Road, with an area of 105.4 square kilometers and a population of 2.24 million; Greater Paris includes Upper Seine Valdemane Province Seine Saint Denis Evelyn Province Valdez Province Seine Marne and Essong Province Seven provinces together form the Paris region, which has been known as“ Island of France ”(ile de france), the population of the metropolitan area is about 11 million, accounting for one sixth of the national population. [3]
With a history of more than 1400 years, Paris is not only France, but also the political, economic and cultural center of Western Europe. Paris, the "Romantic City", is considered modern Olympics Starting point of motion [33]
On August 1, 2017, international olympic committee Announces that Paris has become 2024 Olympic Games Host city. On January 20, 2018, French Prime Minister Edward Philip Officially responsible to France the World Expo Inter ministerial representatives for bid Pascal Lamy It was proposed that Paris would withdraw from the bid due to financial budget considerations World Expo 2025 [4]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Ville de Paris (French)
Paris (English)
City of Art City of Fashion City of Culture Romantic City a place famous for its flowers
Administrative Region Category
geographical position
Northern France
105.4 km²
Area under jurisdiction
Zone 1, Zone 2, Zone 3, etc
Government residence
By the Seine River, north of Notre Dame in central Paris
Area Code
Postal Code
seventy-five thousand and twenty
climatic conditions
Temperate marine climate
population size
2.103 million [5] [36] (Urban population, 2022, predicted by the French National Bureau of Statistics in February 2023)
License plate code
253.101 billion euros [37] (2021)

Historical evolution

Paris has a history of more than 2000 years Xidai Island Originating. It is said that there were only a few hundred residents living on the old city island of less than half a square kilometer at that time.
In the fourth century, Roman A tribe of Gaul The village and the capital of the "Parisian Gui" people were established, hence the name of Paris.
From the sixth century, Paris became Kingdom of France Paris was the capital of France in the later feudal dynasties.
By the 13th century, the population of Paris had reached 70000. King Philip Auguste ordered the construction of city walls and fortifications, and the population of Xidai Island continued to increase, becoming the power center of the kingdom. Trade and handicraft workshops throughout the city gradually concentrated on the right bank of the Seine River, and the market began to form. Most people in the educational, academic and religious circles live on the left bank of the Seine River.
Since 1337 Hundred Years' War between Britain and France Paris was severely damaged. postwar, Francois I The capital of Paris was re established and rebuilt.
In 1546, Louvre Start construction. Later emperors, especially Louis XIV He spared no expense in building palaces, gardens and squares.
At the end of the 16th century and the beginning of the 17th century, the king Henry IV Paris has been greatly expanded. In the 18th and 19th centuries, Paris was still gradually expanding, and a large amount of arable land was occupied by cities.
On July 14, 1789, the people of Paris indignantly destroyed the prison where the feudal dynasty imprisoned revolutionaries—— Bastille The bourgeois revolution broke out Declaration of Human Rights , repeal Feudal system
In 1792, the first bourgeoisie in French history was established republic
In 1799, Napoleon launch Misty moon The coup of the 18th( Mist Moon Coup )In 1804 napoleon i And promulgated the Napoleonic Code.
In 1815, Napoleon Waterloo Defeat and collapse of the empire, louis xviii Establish a restoration dynasty.
In 1830“ July revolution ”Overthrew the Restoration Dynasty, Louis Philippe Established July Monarchy
In 1851, Napoleon's nephew Louis Bonaparte Launch a coup, proclaim himself emperor the next year, and establish The Second Empire
Founded after the revolution in September 1870 The Third Republic.
In 1940, the German army occupied Paris and the Third Republic collapsed. On August 25, 1944, with the cooperation of members of the Paris Resistance Movement and the Paris police, Leclere The Second Armored Division led by the general attacked Paris and liberated the city from the iron hooves of the Nazis [35] the Second World War After that, 1946 The Fourth Republic Establishment.
In 1958, De Gaulle The general is empowered to form a cabinet and formulate a new constitution, The Fifth Republic Establishment.
the First French Empire Later, Paris had more than 700000 residents and more than 1000 streets; After the establishment of the Second Empire, Paris annexed some surrounding villages; reach napoleon iii At that time, some broad roads were opened up in Paris, and many gardens and parks were built, making Paris prosperous.
After World War II, the French government spared no effort in the construction of Paris. Although in 1970, the development of Paris was suspended for the purpose of evacuating French political and economic institutions excessively concentrated in the capital centre pompidou Since the establishment of the new shopping underground street, the construction of Paris has taken on a new direction.
In order to make the development of the eastern and western urban areas of Paris more balanced, since 1981 Mitterrand For the French government of the President Opera Bastille national library The construction of ten major projects, including, was completed before the end of 1996. [7]
 Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Panorama of Paris at dusk Panorama of Paris Paris

administrative division

As of 2016, Paris has been divided into 20 districts ( Louvre It is the first zone in the center, arranged and named clockwise). [7]
Paris administrative division
administrative division
Administrative division
Zone 1
be located Seine Marne On the north bank, there are world-famous Louvre Museum Palais Royal Jardin des Tuileries , Lei'ale large comprehensive shopping mall, government agencies, churches, etc., are tourist areas.
Zone 2
Ruedu Quatre Septembre runs from east to west, with the National Chamber of Commerce, the National Library stock exchange , many theaters and churches, which are busy commercial residential areas and tourist areas.
Zone 3
There are 4 museums, 4 churches, theaters, middle schools, science and technology colleges, and the National Archives Bureau in the district, which is a commercial residential area with many shops.
Zone 4
It is located on the north bank of Seine Marne Province, including two islands in the river, San Antonio Avenue and Xiheli Avenue; There are famous Notre Dame de Paris , Paris Municipal Government Building, Paris Police Station, Hospital, two museums, Pompidou Center, plus the pleasant scenery along the Seine River, there are many tourists flocking to Paris, which is really the downtown of Paris. 3. So is Zone 4 Paris ChinaTown One of the places with larger scale.
Zone 5
It is called "quartierdu Panth é on". This area is called the Latin quarter , Xianxian Temple, Botanical Garden, Church, famous University of Paris It is located here. College de France There are also various types of schools such as science and engineering colleges and junior colleges; Museums, monuments and bookstores are among the top places in Paris with the strongest cultural, artistic and academic atmosphere. They are unique open-air cafes with a lot of coveted food from various countries. Stroll around the famous Boulevard Saint-Michel The tourists on Saint Germain Avenue are like crucian carp.
Zone 6
Also known as "Luxembourg". be located Seine River On the south bank, there are many stores, cinemas, theaters, etc jardin du luxembourg Also in this area; The French Academy, Architecture Academy, Dentistry, Minerals and other colleges, as well as many primary and secondary schools, the French House of Lords is located in the Luxembourg Park. Adjacent to District 5, the French House of Lords can also feel the cultural atmosphere.
Zone 7
It is also called "Palais Bourbon". There are world-famous Eiffel Tower Napoleon's Tomb Musee d'Orsay , military museum, military academy; This area is located on the south bank of the Seine River, with broad streets and magnificent buildings. It is a place where places of interest, embassies and national institutions are concentrated, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Industry and Commerce and some high-grade residential areas.
Zone 8
This area is the busiest and most visited area in Paris Champs Elysees , by the famous Place de la Concorde Crossing to Triumphal Arch The total length is about 2 kilometers. In 365 days, there is a lot of traffic and tourists every day; There are especially many shops on both sides of the Champs Elysees Avenue, including fashion shops, boutiques and perfume shops; The streets are full of five-star hotels and high-end restaurants; The heavily guarded presidential palace is located along the Santo Noire Road Elysee Palace The Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of the Navy are all in this area, as well as the large and small palaces La Madeleine Etc.
Zone 9
There are famous The Paris Opera House Spring Department Store, Lafayette Department Store, this area is less busy than Champs Elysees. There are many schools, churches, museums, theaters, etc., but there are many homes.
Zone 10
There are also two major railway stations in this area, North Station and East Station. The public security in this area is poor, and tourists are often hurt by pickpockets; There are many small and medium-sized hotels here, which are famous red-light district There are also theaters, churches and hospitals in this area.
Zone 11
This area is an area where ordinary Parisians live. There are Gonghe Avenue and Voltaire Avenue passing through this area, and most of them are churches.
Zone 12
This area is located in the east of Paris, on the north bank of the Seine River, and runs through the Lyon Station in the south of France French high-speed train (TGV) Direct to the south leon and Marseille This area has Bastille Square Opera Bastille There are many small and medium-sized hotels and hospitals.
Zone 13
Also known as Gobelins. This area, called Chinatown, is the area where most Chinese people live and earn their living in Paris. Thanks to the vigorous development of this area in the past ten years, there are many tall buildings and wide streets; with Italian Plaza As the center, six avenues radiate in the form of stars. Most of the Chinese here are Southeast Asian Chinese. Paris Shiduo and Chen's malls are good places for Chinese to buy oriental goods. There are many Chinese restaurants here, with all kinds of delicious food; Chaozhou City Restaurant has music and dance programs accompanied by bands every Friday to Sunday dinner, and the price is moderate.
Zone 14
Also called "observatory area" (l'observatoire et enfin). This area is located in the south of Paris University Town , Mengsuxi Park, Observatory, Hospital, Church, Junior College, Skull Cave and Montparnasse Cemetery , Dingxiangyuan Cafe and Dome Cafe.
Zone 15
Also known as Vaugirard. This area is located in the southwest of Paris. There is a Statue of Liberty in the Seine River New York Of Statue of Liberty It is a prototype of this building that was magnified and made for the United States, representing the symbol of friendship between France and the United States. There is a Montparnasse office building in the area, which is the highest building in downtown Paris; There is a cafe on the top floor, where you can enjoy delicious coffee while enjoying the scenery of Paris; At the junction with the 14th District, there is the Montparnasse Railway Station, which is a residential and commercial area with convenient transportation.
Zone 16
This area is located in the west of Paris, where more than 20 embassies gather Paris Dauphine University -There are many churches and museums in Dofina. Looking down from Shayou Palace Eiffel Tower There is a vast Bolun Forest in the west. This area is well equipped and has a good living environment. It is a high-grade residential area.
Zone 17
Located in the northwest of Paris, this area is a residential area in the north and a commercial area in the south. There are many elderly people and rich businessmen living in this area, which is one of the quietest areas in Paris. It is also called the rich area of Little Paris by Paris.
Zone 18
This area is located north of Paris Sacre Coeur Montmartre Villa, Hill Square, the famous red light district and Moulin Rouge , it's Paris night life The location of.
Zone 19
This area is located in the northeast of Paris. There are many Chinese people living in this area, but it is smaller than the 13th area, also known as Little Chinatown. It is the second largest Chinese community in Paris and a typical civilian area. There are Weiyete Science Park, Xiumengqiu Park and San Madan Canal in the area.
Zone 20
This area is mainly residential. The best place to go on holiday is Belovele Park, Saturday and Sunday flea market
University of Paris

geographical environment


Location context

Sunrise at the Eiffel Tower (viewed from Trocadero)
Paris is located in the north of France, Seine River Both banks, away from the estuary( English channel )375 kilometers, the central coordinates of the city are 48 ° 52 'north latitude and 2 ° 25' east longitude. The Seine River winds through the city, forming two river islands (Î le de la Cit é and Saint Louis). Greater Paris metropolitan area, namely Island of France , including those distributed around the city wall of Paris and composed of urban areas connected with Paris Upper Seine Valdemane Province and Seine Saint Denis Little Paris is the downtown of Paris. The area of Lesser Paris is about 105.4 square kilometers, and the area of Greater Paris Metropolitan Area is about 12000 square kilometers.

topographic features

Paris is to the south Central plateau , east to Luolin Plateau, north to Ardennes , West Amorikan Hills Paris Paris Basin In the middle of, the terrain is low and flat, with an average elevation of about 178 meters.
Low light level remote sensing satellite image of Paris, France [31]
two December 20, 021, Sustainable Development Science Satellite 1 (SDGSAT-1) The first batch of images: Paris, France, is a typical representative of an international metropolis. The images show that Paris is in a radial structure Triumphal Arch The central urban core area has the highest light brightness, and it is an area with concentrated economic activities. [31]


The city itself is located in the center of the Paris Basin, which is mild Marine climate There is no heat in summer and no cold in winter; The average temperature in January is 3 ℃, the average temperature in July is 18 ℃, and the annual average temperature is 10 ℃. Rainfall is evenly distributed throughout the year, with slightly more rainfall in summer and autumn, Average annual rainfall 619 mm.
Climate in Paris throughout the year
Average high temperature (° C)
six point nine
eight point two
eleven point eight
fourteen point seven
twenty-one point eight
twenty-four point four
twenty-four point six
twenty point eight
fifteen point eight
ten point four
seven point eight
Average low temperature (° C)
two point five
two point eight
five point one
six point eight
ten point five
thirteen point three
fifteen point five
fifteen point four
twelve point five
nine point two
five point three
three point six
Precipitation (mm)
Sunshine hours (hours)
one hundred and twenty-two
one hundred and forty-seven
two hundred and three
one hundred and eighty-nine
two hundred and eleven
two hundred and twenty-nine
one hundred and fifty-nine
one hundred and fourteen


Seine River is the main river in Paris, with a total length of 776.6 kilometers. The total area of the river basin including tributaries is 78700 square kilometers. The transportation volume of its drainage network accounts for most of the river transportation volume in Paris. [8]

natural resources

natural resources
Resource classification
water resource
The Seine River is an important water source for residents along the Paris coast. Large power plants, whether Thermal power station still nuclear power plant , all draw cooling water from Hanoi. About half of the water used in the area around Paris, including industrial and residential water, comes from the Seine River Le Havre Three quarters of the water used in this area is also from the Seine River. [9]
plant resources
Paris is very rich in plant resources. The land for agricultural and urban development only accounts for about 2% of the area of Paris, and the rest 98% is still covered by green vegetation. The average annual timber harvest in Paris is about 2000 square kilometers, and the forest area cut down every year accounts for about 0.33% of the forest land area. [10]
Animal resources
In Paris Grizzlies Elk Moose reindeer marmot goose and mouse And other animals. [10]
Mineral resources
Owned in Paris copper nickel gold silver platinum cobalt zinc and Diamonds And other metal minerals and salt Gypsum lime , sandstone and Gravel etc. Non-metallic minerals [10]

Population and nationality



According to the data in 2016, the population of the Greater Paris Metropolitan Area is about 11 million, and the population of the urban area of Paris is about 2.25 million. [7]


According to the research of the French National Institute of Statistics and Economics in 2016, 20% of the residents living in Paris are immigrants, and 41.3% of the residents under the age of 20 have at least one parent who is immigrants. Among residents under the age of 18, 12.1% are Maghreb, and 9.9% are from Sub Saharan Africa 4.0% Southern Europe Of your blood. About 4 million of the 35% of French Islanders are either immigrants (17%) or at least one of their parents is immigrants (18%). [7]
Parisians don't tell anyone French People are not friendly enough [38] This phenomenon is called“ Paris syndrome [38]


hotel de ville
Implemented in Paris the bicameral system , by French National Assembly and French Senate It has the power to formulate laws, supervise the government, pass budgets, and approve the declaration of war.
The Paris City Council has 57 members, each with a term of five years, and adopts two rounds of majority Voting system , by voters Direct elections Generate. The Senate has 34 seats in total, and the Electoral College is composed of members of the National Assembly and local councils at all levels Indirect election The term of office of each person is 6 years. [11]




La Defense Business District
Paris is the largest industrial and commercial city in France. The northern suburbs of the city are mainly manufacturing areas. The most developed manufacturing projects include automobile, electrical appliance, chemical industry, medicine, food, etc. Products include precious metal appliances, leather products, porcelain, clothing, etc. The peripheral urban area specializes in the production of furniture, shoes, precision tools, optical instruments, etc. The printing and publishing industry is concentrated in Latin District and Remy Street. The production of films in the Greater Paris Metropolitan Area accounts for three quarters of the total production of French films. Paris also gathers most of France's large group companies and financial institutions. [7]
In 2022, it will rank 9th in the International Science and Technology Innovation Center Index. [34]

primary industry

Agriculture in Paris is very developed, so the agricultural productivity in Paris is very high, mainly producing wheat, barley, corn, fruits and vegetables. The output of wine ranks first in Europe. The second is dairy, meat animal husbandry and poultry and egg industry. Agricultural food processing industry is one of the pillar industries in Paris to obtain surplus in foreign trade exports. The agricultural output value accounts for about 22% of the total output value of the city. [9]

the secondary industry

France's industry and manufacturing industry are also quite developed, and it has a leading position in nuclear power, aviation, aerospace and railway. Steel, automobile and construction are the three pillars of its industry. The main industrial sectors in France include mining, metallurgy, automobile manufacturing, shipbuilding, machinery manufacturing, textile, chemistry, electrical appliances, power, consumer goods, food processing and construction. The industrial output value accounts for 68% of the total output value of the city. [9]

the service sector; the tertiary industry

The service industry plays an important role in the economic and social life of Paris. The total output value of the service industry in the Greater Paris Metropolitan Area accounts for about gross domestic product A quarter of. In addition, tourism is also an important pillar of Paris economy. The output value of the tertiary industry accounts for about 10% of the economy of Paris. [9]

social undertakings


medical care

Parisian Social insurance system It was founded in 1945 and has been developed well. Every year, the total expenditure of all kinds of medical care and social security is about 600 billion euros. The fund mainly comes from the social contributions paid by employees and employers, as well as the general social taxes levied on non wage income. The protection covers pension, pension, medical insurance, family allowance, unemployment allowance, disability allowance, etc. Due to the aging population and other problems, the government finance is gradually overwhelmed. The retirement system reform and medical insurance reform have been carried out many times to reduce the national financial burden. [11]


Paris has more than 70 colleges of higher learning (accounting for more than half of the country), 13 comprehensive universities, and many colleges and universities are located in the Latin quarter
There are nine universities in Paris, namely College de France University of Paris Paris Polytechnic Normal University National School of Statistics and Economic Management National Institute of Engineering and Technology , National Bridge and Road School National Advanced Technology School And the National Scientific Research Center. [10]


Famous sports teams in Paris include professionals Football Team Paris Saint Germain Football Club, Profession Basketball Paris Lavallois Basket and Occupation rugby StadeFran ç ais. Stade de France (Stade de France) Saint-Denis , which can accommodate 80000 viewers. The French Stadium was built for the 1998 World Cup and was used as the venue for the 1998 World Cup finals. The French Stadium is also a multi-purpose large sports ground, which can also provide football and Athletics Play to use. French National Rugby Team French National Football Team And Six Nations They all play in this stadium. Except for professional football teams Paris Saint-Germain FC In addition, Paris also has Paris Football Club Red Star Football Club , RCF Paris, Stade Fran ç ais Paris and other amateur football teams.
Paris Saint Germain was once a strong team in the mid-1990s, and once fell into ruin in the new century. Xiao Luo He played for Barcelona before joining the team. In 2007, the team's performance reached a low point, and even faced the danger of being demoted for the first time in history. In 2013, Paris Saint Germain won the first prize in 19 years [12] Since then, the team has won 7 titles in 8 years in the French league, becoming the second team in the history of the French league. [13] In 2020, this French giants entered the Champions League final for the first time. [14]
As of 2017, Paris is engaged in rugby The league Top 14 has two teams, the Frances and Racing M é tro92.
Paris is《 Olympic Manifesto 》Paris, the "Romantic City", is regarded as the starting point of the modern Olympic movement [33] Paris was successfully held twice in 1900 and 1924 respectively Olympic Games It was also successfully held twice in 1938 and 1998 World Cup , 2007 Rugby World Cup It was also held in Paris. The 2006 UEFA Champions League final was also held at the French Stadium in Paris Spain Barcelona Football Club, a strong football team.
The Tour de France is highway Free car The largest and most influential international free car competition in the sport also has its terminal in Paris. Since 1975, the end of the Tour de France has been at Triumphal Arch Tennis It is also very popular in Paris and France, French Open It is one of the four Grand Slam events, and also the only clay Grand Slam event. The French Open is held every June or so Bois de Boulogne Nearby Stade Roland Garros Held.
Paris will hold 2024 Summer Olympics [15]


The Paris Municipal Government attaches great importance to ecological environment For construction, although the urban land is very tight, the government still does everything possible to increase green space, gardens and trees in urban communities to improve the environmental quality of urban communities and improve people's living environment. Paris is a city of art and flowers. Whether in the room, on the balcony, in the yard, in the shop, in front of the shop window, or on the roadside, there are flowers in full bloom everywhere, and there are charming fragrance everywhere. As for the colorful flower shops and colorful parks, people often stop to watch and linger.
In 1981, there were 285 pieces of public green space in Paris, with a total area of about 355 hectares, excluding 1850 hectares of the forests of Boulogne and Wansena, as well as decorative green landscapes, cemeteries and roadside greening.
From 1981 to 1999, through extremely difficult efforts, the urban governments at both levels increased the area of public green space by 140 hectares, and the total area rose to 496 hectares. With the forest area of Buloney and Wansena, the green area was 22.3%, and the per capita green area was 13.94 square meters. Among the added green spaces are municipal parks, district parks, community parks and square green spaces, as well as parks and green spaces along the Seine River and the canal. The green space in Paris is still growing at the rate of about 100 hectares per year.
Paris is the first city in European history to effectively protect the precious natural property of the city trees. The Tree Report records the decisions and actions taken by Paris to protect trees. For example, Paris has adopted local laws and regulations to encourage the protection of public green space and private green space; Sign an agreement with the land developer to protect the trees on the construction site; In order to facilitate management, Paris has established files and identification cards for every tree in the city. At the same time, urban landscape technology experts, after research, put forward the "comprehensive biological protection control plan", in order to improve the ability of plants to resist pollution and pests, improve biological diversity, and achieve the balance of plant health. Nowadays, the city has rarely used pesticides, but through the introduction of biological control; The permeability of soil is also improved by increasing the number of earthworms.
There are 397 community parks in Paris, with a total area of 3.58 million square meters. On average, each community has nearly 20 parks, with a per capita community park area of 1.67 square meters. There are 24 parks with the largest number in District 12; The minimum number of parks is Zone 2, only 3. The smallest park is Pihet Beslay Park, which is also in Zone 2, only 92 square meters; La Vilette Park in District 19 is the largest, with 35000 square meters. Moreover, more than 100000 trees were planted on both sides of the city's 350 km long streets and boulevards. [10]




Paris is one of the busiest transportation hubs in the world. There are two international airports in Paris, which are located in the northeast of Paris Charles de Gaulle International Airport (Aeroport international Charles de Gaulle) and Oli Airport (Aeroport de Paris-Orly)。 Metro Paris It is the main force of the transportation in Paris, with 14 main lines and 2 branch lines. The subway stations are all over the city. The newly built Line 14 is very modern and a fully automated driverless line. There are more than 50 bus lines. The traffic connecting the urban area and other areas of the island of France is the responsibility of the Regional Express Regional (RER), which has five lines (A-E), and they also run through the city of Paris. [16]


Champs Elysees
France has many Public transport system RATP (Paris Public Transport Joint Organization) is responsible for the inter provincial public transport, subway, two urban transport lines, inter provincial railway lines, a bus line, a tram line and an automatic light rail line in Paris VAL , also Oli Airport Services. The inter provincial transportation is divided into 5 regions: 1 to 2 circles serve the center of Paris, and 3 to 5 circles serve the suburbs. In order to take public transport, each passenger must have a single stamped ticket, which can be used for subway, RER and bus.
Special services
RATP provides one to five day passenger passes.
MOBILIS provides a pass to take any means of transportation (RATP, SNCF and Optile) anywhere in a day.
Zone 1 to 2 5 euro One day, 17.95 euros a day in Zones 1 to 8
Paris Visit Pass
Pass ticket for visiting Paris and Paris region. You can choose to take the Paris subway, the trains of the Paris regional railway network and the buses in the Greater Paris area for an unlimited number of times in 1, 2, 3, or 5 days, Versailles (Versailles)、 Disneyland Park Oli Airport (Orly) and Charles De Gaulle Airport Also included.
Price: 8.35 euros per day for Zone 1-3, 23.60 euros per day for Zone 1-8
Paris Road Tram Line 3
Special offer: Paris Metro is free for children under 4 years old, and half price for children aged 4-10 years old. The Paris subway is the densest and most convenient in the world Urban rail transit system People who have never been to Paris can hardly imagine how convenient the subway is. It can be said that at any point in Paris, if you draw a circle with a radius of 500 meters, there must be a subway station in the circle. There are 16 metro lines, 380 stations serving the urban and suburban areas of Paris, and RER It is connected to SNCF traffic line. The first train is at 5:30, and the last train is at 24:30. One or two subway stations are closed after 8 p.m. The subway route map can be seen at the service desk of all subway stations. The latest ticket price since July 2010: 1.70 euros for one ticket and 12 euros for ten tickets. One or ten subway tickets are sold for one way only. The subway and RER tickets in the whole Paris area, including the urban and suburban areas of Paris, do not change with the length of the journey. That is to say, your ticket can change at will after checking in (as long as it doesn't leave the station).
The subway transfer sign is yellow CORRESPONDANCE, and the subway exit sign is SORTIE.
Regional and provincial railway lines (RER)
RER Î le de France in Paris: Five railway lines (A, B, C, D and new line E-EOLE) run from downtown Paris to RER Î le de France in Paris between 5:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Tickets are different from subway and bus tickets except in downtown Paris. Fares for RER in the outer suburbs (outside the inner suburbs of Paris), SNCF and Transilien vary with the length of the trip.
They are all located in the suburban area and run three lines: Line T1 leads from Garede Noisy le Sec RER station to Asnieres Gennevilliers Les Courts; Line T2 is from Porte de Versailles Parcdes Expositions to La Defense. Line T3 is from Pontdu Carigliano to Porte d'Ivry.
A total of 304 bus routes cover the whole Paris and suburban areas, running from 7:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. In Paris and the suburbs, a ticket can only be used for one bus or Tram, except for the following routes: Orlybus (5.50 euros), Roissy bus (10 euros), and Noctam bus (2.40 euros), the Paris night bus. On the bus line divided into three arc lines, one ticket can be used for the whole arc line.


Paris is the largest passenger rail transit station in France. There are seven railway stations in Paris:
In addition, some TGV trains passing through Paris stop at the railway stations in the suburbs of Paris, mainly including Maxi TGV Station, Marne Lavale Station and Charles de Gaulle Airport Station.


There are two international airports in the suburbs of Paris: one is located 25 kilometers north of Paris Charles De Gaulle Airport (Charles de Gaulle, commonly known as Roissy), the other is Orly Airport, 14 kilometers south of Paris. Most international routes take off and land from Charles de Gaulle Airport, while domestic routes, short distance routes and Budget airline Our flights usually use Orly Airport. [16]
The flights between China and Paris are mainly at Charles de Gaulle Airport [6]
1. International airlines are usually located at Charles de Gaulle 1 Airport.
2、 China Eastern Airlines Usually at Charles de Gaulle Airport 2.

Historical culture

The third Saturday and Sunday in September every year are the Heritage Day in Paris Historical and cultural heritage If the door is opened, it will be open to the public. The purpose is to let more people know about love and protect human history and cultural heritage. [7]

Local specialty

French offal
Escargot: an edible snail. This dish is usually seasoned with garlic and butter. Since the snail is with a shell, a special fork is used to take out the meat when serving.
Sweet breads: This dish usually starts with slightly boiling the beef in the original soup with Chinese fire, then cutting the meat into pieces, wrapping it with flour, and then slightly frying it. It is generally added when slightly frying lemon And pickled prickly fruit buds. [10]

famous scenery

famous scenery
Name of scenic spot
Introduction to Scenic Spots
The world-famous art palace was built at the beginning of the 12th century for defense purposes. After a series of expansion and repair, it gradually became a magnificent palace. Since the 16th century, Francois I He began to collect various works of art on a large scale. Later emperors continued this tradition and enriched Louvre Collection of. Today, the museum has collected 400000 artworks, including sculptures, paintings, arts and crafts, ancient oriental, ancient Egypt and ancient Greek Rome and other seven categories. In 1981, the French government carried out a large-scale renovation of this beautiful building, and from then on the Louvre has become a professional museum. It is worth mentioning that there are four transparent pyramid buildings (one large and three small) at the entrance of the main entrance of the Louvre. Its designer is famous American citizen of Ch. origin architect Ieoh Ming Pei [17]
Built in 1889 for the time being International Exposition After the completion of the construction, it was criticized that a pile of rotten iron destroyed the beauty of Paris. Today, the tower, which once held the world's highest building record for more than 40 years, has become the most important symbol of Paris. Romantic Parisians gave the tower a beautiful name - "Shepherdess in the Cloud". Eiffel Tower It is a grand commemoration of France in 1789 bourgeois revolution The 100th anniversary was built on the occasion of the world shaking international exposition. Famous French architectural engineer as designer Gustav Eiffel It was named after Eiffel, and a bronze bust of Eiffel was built under the tower.
Meet in 1889 French Revolution On the 100th anniversary, the French government decided to hold an unprecedented world 's fair To show the achievements in industrial technology and culture, and to build a monument symbolizing the French Revolution and Paris. The Preparatory Committee had hoped to build a classical memorial group with statues, monuments, gardens and temples, but in more than 700 applications, bridge engineers were selected Eiffel (G. Eiffel, 1832-1923): a giant tower that symbolizes machine civilization and can be seen in any corner of Paris.
The whole tower is 320 meters high. The tower is divided into three floors. The first and second floors have restaurants, coffee stands, etc. The third floor is a gazebo. On a sunny day, you can overlook the suburbs of Paris 70 kilometers away. [18]
Notre Dame de Paris
Notre Dame de Paris It was completed in 1345. It is not only famous for Hugo's novel of the same name, but also because it is the oldest and most magnificent Catholic church in Paris. Notre Dame de Paris 》It is called "Stone Symphony". This Gothic megalithic building has a history of 200 years. It is the oldest, largest and best built Catholic church in Paris, and also has epoch-making significance in the history of European architecture.
The church is square and solemn. The front is divided into three floors facing west, 69 meters high. The bottom floor is lined with three peach shaped gate holes. The left is the Notre Dame Gate, the right is the Santa Ana Gate, and the middle is the final judgment. The door is covered with carvings to describe the story of the Bible. On the door roll is a long niche, where there are statues of the 28 kings of ancient Judea and Israel.
Notre Dame is located on the west causeway in the center of the city. The tower is the best place to look around Paris, overlooking the scenery on the Seine River and Pompidou National Culture and Art Center. [19]
Triumphal Arch (Arc de Triomphe)
Located in the center of Charles de Gaulle Square, the Edwards Arc de Triomphe is 50 meters high and is one of the symbols of Paris. Centered on the Arc de Triomphe, 12 main streets extend outward. It was built in 1836 to commemorate the glory and victory of the French army. Its scale is larger than that of Constantine's Arc de Triomphe in Rome.
There is a huge relief on each side of the arch, which is based on the history of the French war from 1792 to 1815. Facing the lower right side of the Champs Elysees Avenue《 Marseillaise 》The most famous one is the relief sculpture, which depicts the scene of the volunteer army going to war in 1792. The reliefs on the four walls above the arch celebrate Napoleon's triumphal return, and the shield shaped ornaments on the top are engraved with the names of each battle. The single color and exquisite reliefs give people a solemn and simple feeling. In 1920, the "Tomb of Unknown Soldiers" was built under the doorway, and the eternal flame was lit every evening.
In addition, there is a small triumphal arch in Paris, namely the Karusel triumphal arch. Located opposite the Louvre Museum, it was built to celebrate Napoleon Bonaparte's victory in a series of wars in 1805. Between the red and white marble columns are three round arches. Above the arches are light reliefs commemorating the achievements of Napoleon. At the top of the door are four gilded galloping horses from San Marco Church in Italy. The original objects were returned in 1915 Italy
The La Defense Building, the symbol of Paris New Town, is also known as the "New Arc de Triomphe". It is located on the same axis with the Arc de Triomphe, facing each other from afar. [20]
Palais de Versailles (Versailles)
It used to be a royal hunting place, Louis XIV From the beginning (1682) to French Revolution The palace during the period is also a must for all visitors to Paris. Behind the palace is a huge imperial garden. Located 20 kilometers west of Paris, the Palace of Versailles, built by Louis XIV, is famous for its luxurious and imaginative architectural design. The total length of the building complex is 580 meters, including the palace castle, garden, Trianon, etc. [21]
Paris Opera House
The Paris Opera House It is the world's largest opera theater. The Opera House covers an area of nearly 11000 square meters and can accommodate more than 2000 audiences. Every year, many classic plays are staged. Designed by Ganier, the Opera House was built between 1862 and 1875. It is a collection of almost all the architectural styles before Napoleon III. The front facade of the Opera House is covered with a large number of decorations, which are typical works of Napoleon III. The opera house also includes a ballet school and a library. [22]
The Paris Opera House
Miracle Gold Notre Dame
Miracle Gold Notre Dame Located in Paris, France, it is a typical church built in 1815 to commemorate the Sacred Heart of Jesus Rome Catholic Church, and began to commemorate the Virgin Mary in 1830. The murals on the main altar of the church are very beautiful. In the church, the miracle medal is an important holy object for prayer and pilgrimage. Therefore, it attracts believers from all over the world who hope to be protected by the Virgin Mary. The top of Notre Dame of Miracle Gold Coins is a row of pointed arches connected together, and the whole Notre Dame of Miracle Gold Coins looks very thin. There is also a bell tower on the front of Notre Dame of Miracle Gold Coins, which is very solemn and beautiful. There is an altar on the east side of Notre Dame of Miracle Gold, and a semicircular outer wall behind it. To the west of Notre Dame de Miracle is a square tower, which is very eye-catching. [23]
Miracle Gold Notre Dame

City Honor

City Honor
Honorary title
October 2018
The 17th "Global Urban Competitiveness Ranking" was released, and Paris ranked fourth. [24]
November 2018
Paris was rated as Alpha+by GaWC First tier cities in the world [2] [25]
September 2019
No. 4 in the 2019 World Tourism City Development Ranking. [26]
Global Sustainable competitiveness Top 20, Paris ranked sixth. [27]
December 26, 2019
Ranked fourth in the 2019 Global Top 500 Cities. [28]
April 2020
It was selected into the "2020 World Famous Summer Cities". [29]
September 2021
The Paris Metropolitan Area ranked 9th in the Natural Index - Scientific Research Cities 2021 released by the Zhongguancun Forum. [30]
December 2021
It was selected into the Evaluation Report of the Global E-sports City and ranked third in the Global E-sports City. [32]