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Bada Expressway

Bazhong Dazhou Expressway in Sichuan Province
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Bada Expressway. The construction of the project will improve the expressway network in Sichuan Province, accelerate the construction of the western comprehensive transportation hub, and implement the national Western Development Strategy, promote the development of advantageous resources and economic development along the line, and drive Old revolutionary base areas It is of great significance for people to shake off poverty and become rich. The construction of Bada Expressway was commenced on December 23, 2009. [1]
Chinese name
Bada Expressway
Commencement date
December 23, 2009

Highway Introduction

Bazhong to Dazhou The expressway is one of the five east-west horizontal lines in Sichuan Expressway Network Planning (2008-2030) Guangyuan An important part of Dazhou Expressway is also an important part of North Sichuan and even Gansu Shaanxi With the help of other provinces Wanzhou Port realization Tongjiang An important passage to the sea. [1]


The project route starts from Bazhong city Bazhou District Mujiaba, connected to the one under construction Guangyuan To Bazhong East Interchange, the terminal of Bazhong Expressway, via Bazhou District , Shuining Temple Pingchang County Daxian County Tongchuan District , ends at Dazhou Weixing, connecting Dazhou Sichuan Shaanxi Expressway under construction and Dazhou Shaanxi Expressway under construction Wanzhou expressway.

technical standard

The total length of the project route is about 110.03 km. The technical standard of two-way four lane expressway with a design speed of 80km/h and a subgrade width of 24.5m is adopted, including 5 super major bridges of 4462m, 78 major bridges of 27859m, 15 medium bridges of 1272m, 2 extra long tunnels of 7760m and 8 long tunnels of 13760m; Asphalt concrete pavement is adopted for the whole line; Vehicle load level: highway level I. The bridge is the same width as the subgrade, the design flood frequency of the super large bridge is 1/300, the subgrade and general bridges and culverts are 1/100, the basic seismic intensity is VI, and the super large bridge is fortified as VII; Tunnel construction clearance is 10.25 × 5.0m.


Totally set along the whole line Bazhong East, Xingwen Tongjiang There are 11 interchanges in total, including Sima, Nanhezi, Pingchang, Jiangling, Beimiao, Anyun, Weijia and Weixing (hub).


The construction period is 3 years (2010-2013), and the project owner is Sichuan Bada Expressway Co., Ltd.

Capital scale

The estimated total investment of the project is 10.2735 billion yuan. The financing plan is: the project capital accounts for 30% of the total investment, which is 3.0820.5 billion yuan; The rest will be solved by applying for bank loans.