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Croton in Euphorbiaceae
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Croton( Croton tiglium 50. ) is Euphorbiaceae Croton Botany Croton tree Its roots and leaves are also used for medicine. Croton is an evergreen tree, 6-10 meters high.
In traditional Chinese medicine, the fruit is used as medicine. It is hot in nature and tastes pungent. Its function is to break the accumulation, expel water, and spit saliva. It is helpful to treat cold knot constipation, ascites swelling, chest and abdomen fullness and acute pain caused by cold pathogenic food accumulation, constipation, constipation, diarrhea, edema and abdominal swelling, phlegm and asthma, throat wind and throat obstruction, carbuncle and gangrene, cachexia and scabies. It's poisonous [1] , should be used with caution. It is produced in southern Zhejiang, Fujian, Jiangxi, Hunan, Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi, Guizhou, Sichuan and Yunnan.
Chinese name
Latin name
Croton tiglium L. [9]
Binocular dragon Big leaf double eyed dragon Jiangzi Mengzi Tree 800 li Mango seed
Golden Tiger Tail [8]
Distribution area
Sichuan, Hunan, Hubei, Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi, Guangdong, Fujian, Taiwan, Zhejiang, etc
Binominal method
International Endangered Level
No risk (LC) [10]

cultivation techniques


Reproductive methods

Use seeds for propagation, direct seeding or seedling cultivation and transplanting. Live broadcast: The seeds are usually harvested from August to September. Sowing while picking in high humidity areas and sowing in the next February in low temperature areas. Before sowing, peel off the fruit shells, and open holes according to the row spacing of 3m × 3m, with a hole depth of 3cm. Each hole is planted with 4-5 seeds and covered with 3-4cm soil.
Seedling raising and transplanting method: trenching with a row spacing of 25cm and a depth of 3cm, covering soil and watering after sowing. The seed consumption for 1hm2 is 180-225kg. It is necessary to loosen the soil and weed 2-3 times in the seedling stage. In case of drought, watering is required. When the height of the seedling is 15-20cm, dilute human and livestock manure water. Before frost fall, the seedlings shall be covered with grass to prevent frost. The height of seedlings shall be 60-100cm. They shall be transplanted in March and April. The holes shall be opened according to the row bead distance of 3m × 3m, with a hole diameter of 30cm and a depth of 30cm. Each hole shall be planted with one plant, covered with soil, compacted and watered. [3]

Field management

The plants can be intercropped with wheat, sweet potato and vegetables before sealing, and shade plants can be planted between the lines after sealing. During the growth period, water frequently to keep the soil moist, and pay attention to weeding. Top dressing is applied once in spring and summer respectively. [3]

Pest control

Inchworm can be killed by spraying 90% crystal trichlorfon 800 times liquid. [3]

Key values


Medical value

Croton is pungent and toxic. It belongs to heat cathartic. It can warm the intestines and dissipate the accumulated heat, expel water to eliminate swelling, stay up for food, and purge the cold and chronic cold in the intestines and stomach. It is also commonly used for external treatment of sores and ulcers, and detoxification. In addition, croton oil is irritating to the skin and mucous membrane, and has the function of diarrhea when taken orally. It has strong insecticidal and antibacterial ability. [4]

Medicinal value

Functional indications
Croton [11]
Alleviate cold accumulation, clear the orifices, expel phlegm, circulate water, and kill insects. It is used to treat cold accumulation, stagnation, chest and abdomen distention, acute pain, blood mass, phlegm addiction, diarrhea, edema, and external use to treat laryngeal wind, sore throat, scabies.
①《 This Sutra 》: It is mainly used to treat typhoid fever, warm malaria, cold and hot, break the body mass, gather and consolidate, stay addicted to drinking and phlegm, and have edema in the abdomen. Practice the viscera, open the block, and benefit the water and valley. Get rid of evil meat.
② "Bie Lu": It can cure women with closed moon, rotten fetus, golden ulcer, pus and blood, depressed husband, and kill spots and stings.
③《 Theory of medicinal nature 》: It is mainly used to break the accumulation of qi in the abdomen, and cure ten kinds of edema, flaccid arthralgia, and abdomen.
④《 Extracts of Materia Medica 》: Main symptoms: Qi retention, fullness, accumulation in the abdomen, cold air blood clots, inability to sleep and eat, phlegm and water spitting.
⑤《 Rihuazi Herb 》: It can purge all diseases, relieve stagnation, remove wind and invigorate fatigue, strengthen spleen and appetizer, eliminate phlegm and blood, expel pus, detumescence and toxin, and kill abdominal worms. Cure cachexia, polyps, scabies and boils.
⑥《 Medical enlightenment 》: Guide qi and dissipate accumulation, remove viscera and stop cold, digest cold and cold and injuries caused by cold and hard objects, and remove cold and damp in stomach.
⑦《 Herbal Soup 》: It can open the intestines and stop bleeding.
⑧ "Compendium": for diarrhea, convulsion, abdominal pain, hernia, wind skew, deafness, sore throat, toothache, and clearing the mouth. [5]
Usage and dosage
Take orally: 0.5~1 points (with croton cream) in pills and powder. External use: sponge wrap and plug the ear and nose, apply tamping cream or wipe the affected part with silk wrap.
be careful
Do not take it if there is no accumulation of cold and excess, pregnant women or weak people.
①《 Collection of Materia Medica 》: Yuanhua is the envoy. Ill grass. Fear of rhubarb, coptis chinensis and veranda.
② Medicine Pair: Asparagus, wild bamboo shoots, sauce drum, cold water. Good fire. Contrary to morning glory.
③《 Theory of medicinal nature 》: It can drop the tire.
④《 Addendum to the Derivation of Materia Medica 》: Avoid those without cold accumulation. [5]
Attached party
1. For those who are cold, firm and chest tied, and have no fever: three points for platycodon grandiflorum, one point for croton (peeled, boiled black, and grinded like fat), three points for fritillaria. The three tastes are scattered, and the kimono is drunk for nothing. The strong man has half a money dagger, and the winner will be reduced. Disease will vomit above the diaphragm and benefit below it. Disadvantageous, a cup of hot porridge will benefit more than others, and a cup of cold porridge. (《 Typhoid theory 》White powder)
2. It can cure all the sudden and violent diseases of the belly. If the enemy is evil, the belly will be full, the pain will be like a prick, and the mouth will stop. The dead of the corpse will be killed: one or two rhubarb, one or two ginger, one or two croton (peeled, boiled, and grinded externally as fat). Each medicine must be refined and new. First, pound rhubarb and dried ginger as the end, and then grind croton into the middle. Together, treat a thousand pestles. It can be used as a powder, and honey and pills are also good. Take three or four pills of soybeans with warm water like wine, or if you can't take them, hold your head up, and then pour them into your mouth; If not, it will be more like three pills. When the belly sounds, it will spit and bury; If your mouth is silent, you should also break your teeth and pour it. (《 Synopsis of the Golden Chamber 》San Wu Bei Ji Wan)
3. It can cure cold addiction, and can't drink for a long time. It has constipation: one liter of croton kernel and five liters of sake. Boil it for three days and three nights, grind it, make it very hot, and fry it with the wine on a low fire. The pills are as big as beans. Take one pill for each pill, and take two pills underwater if you want to vomit. (《 prescriptions worth a thousand ounces of gold 》)
4. Treatment of abdominal distention: five croton meat (wrapped in paper and degreased), three liang red koji (stir fried), one or two wheat bran (stir fried). All research is fine powder, and the total amount is pills, which is as big as millet. Each empty heart takes ten pills, and the soup is white. (《 Above the sea 》)
5. To cure the heart knot of yin poison and typhoid, it is extremely painful to press it, and it is constipation, but it is slightly warm when exhaling: ten crotons, grind it, put a penny into the flour, twist it into the cake, put it in the navel, and moxibustion five Zhuang with a small moxa cone. Once the gas reaches, it will be connected. (《 Renzhai Zhizhi Fang 》)
6. Treatment of children's phlegm and asthma: a croton, pestle rotten, cotton wrapped nose, phlegm from the bottom. (《 Ancient and modern medical literature 》)
7. Treatment of cold, phlegm and asthma: spread a piece of green orange peel, put a piece of it into Gangzi, make a stab, burn on the fire, grind the powder, ginger juice and wine for a minute, sip it. (《 Medical theory 》)
8. Cure summer and moon water diarrhea: one big croton (shelled). It is fixed with acupuncture on the upper part, burned on the lamp, finely ground, waxed and made into a pill, taken underwater before eating. (《 Shi Yi De Xiao Fang 》Needle pill)
9. Treatment of qi dysentery: one or two crotons, remove skin and heart, boil, grind carefully, take hot pig liver and pills, drink hollow rice, and take it as much as you can. Beef liver is preferred. Or take steamed cake pills. (《 Experienced party 》)
10. For children's dysentery, red white: croton (stewed, degreased) for one yuan, hundred herb cream for two yuan (ground at the end of the day), steamed bolus with flying silk flour, and large millet, which can be used by people. Red and white liquorice soup, white rice soup, red and white ginger soup. (《 Whole Child Mind Skill 》)
11. Cure summer heat, cold and hot, cholera, vomit, dry mouth and thirst: 25 croton (remove the skin film, grind out the oil, such as powder), and one two one point for Huang Dan (stir fry, grind, roll over). Grind it evenly and melt it with yellow wax to make juice. The pill is as big as a plane tree seed. Soak a little water in every five pills, and don't swallow it with fresh water. (CAAC Prescription Water Immersed Pill)
12. With the sound of water shaking the abdomen and dark skin, it is called dropsy: 90 crotons (peeled heart) and 60 almonds (peeled tip). Boil it until it is yellow, mash it, take it as large as a bean, take it underwater, and do not drink alcohol. (Behind the elbow)
13. Treatment of ascites due to cirrhosis: croton cream is one coin; Light powder is five points. Put it on four or five layers of gauze, stick it on the navel, and cover the surface with two layers of gauze. After one to two hours, when you feel itchy, you can take it off and wait for water to drain. If not, apply again. (Selected Materials of New Chinese Herbal Medicine Therapy in Inner Mongolia)
14. Treatment of throat obstruction: alum (crushed), croton (slightly broken). It is the same as the stir frying in Yao ware, waiting for the alum to wither, not going to croton, grinding alum into fine powder, and pouring it with water or blowing it into the throat in case of illness. (Hundred and One Selection)
15. Treatment of diphtheria: Divide croton kernel and cinnabar, grind them into fine powder, mix them, put plaster on them every 3-5 minutes, and stick them above the eyebrows (do not let the powder fall into your eyes). After about 8-12 hours, when blisters of different sizes occur on the local skin, the plaster can be removed, the powder of the medicine can be wiped off, and 1% gentian violet solution can be applied to prevent infection. (《 Jiangsu Traditional Chinese Medicine 》(11) : 231959 Croton Cinnabar Paste)
16. Treatment of sudden deafness: a croton, wrapped in wax, made transparent by acupuncture, and stuffed in the ear. (《 Experienced party 》)
17. Treatment of wind insect toothache: one croton, grind and bite it. 2. Acupuncture croton, burning on the lamp will make smoke come out and smoke the sore spot. (Experience side)
18. Cure all sores: 30 crotons, fried black in sesame oil, remove beans, adjust realgar and light powder with oil, and apply it frequently to get effect. (《 Puji Fang 》)
19. Cure all sores, poisons and rotting blood stasis: remove the shell of croton, stir fry it, paste it, detoxify it when it is swollen, and self rotting when it is smeared with blood stasis. (《 Mysterious recipe for carbuncle 》Black gold paste)
20. Treatment of Dutch money ringworm: three croton kernels, with oil pestle and mud, wipe with raw silk, once or twice a day. (Secret Experience Recipe) [5]
clinical application
1. Prevention and treatment of diphtheria
Local application of croton mud can be used to prevent and treat close contacts of diphtheria, family members of patients, patients in the recovery period of diphtheria, healthy carriers, and mild diphtheria cases. Methods: Grind 0.5g of raw croton kernels without inner and outer shells into mud (or add 0.5g of cinnabar) in a sterilizing cream bowl, pick out a large paste spot of mung beans, and place it on a 1.5cm square adhesive tape. Apply it to Yintang point between the eyebrows or Futu point on the neck. After 6-8 hours (12 hours at most) of uncovering, a small blister can be seen locally, which can be punctured with the tip of a disinfection needle. Wipe the exudate with a disinfection cotton ball, and then apply gentian violet solution. After pasting croton cinnabar cream, the incidence of diphtheria can be reduced in close contacts and family members of patients through control observation; For diphtheria convalescent patients or healthy carriers, after external application of croton mud, more than 90% of cases can be free of bacteria within 8 to 24 hours; For mild diphtheria, penicillin and other symptomatic treatments can be used.
2. Treatment of laryngeal obstruction
For laryngeal obstruction caused by diphtheria and post measles laryngitis, raw and cooked croton powder can be used for about 0.5~0.7 minutes, blown into the pharynx with a powder sprayer, and observed for 2~3 hours. If there is no vomiting, diarrhea or vomiting diarrhea, but the obstruction symptoms have not improved significantly, the second or third time of spraying can be performed, and the spraying should not exceed 3 times within a day. If necessary, continuous spraying can be performed for 2~3 days. If vomiting and diarrhea are serious, stop immediately. It should be used with caution for patients with weak constitution, heart failure and complicated myocarditis. In the case of multiple application, half an hour to 3 to 4 hours after the swallowing, the symptoms of inspiratory entrapment, respiratory distress and wheezing were significantly improved, and the obstruction was relieved within a few hours to 1 to 2 days. Diphtheria antitoxin, sulfonamides and antibiotics should be used simultaneously during treatment. It has no effect on lower trachea obstruction. Vomiting and diarrhea are common reactions, but the obstructive symptoms are mostly improved after diarrhea and vomiting. Raw and cooked croton powder is made of 3 raw and 4 cooked croton powder and degreased. Preparation method: Take seven times of croton, remove the shell and coat, stir fry 4/7 of them until yellow, and grind them into powder with the remaining 3/7 of raw croton. Clamp it in several layers of paper that can absorb oil, press it hard to remove oil, then change the paper and press it on the paper with a warm iron to remove the residual oil, and then grind it into fine powder for standby.
3. Treatment of bronchial asthma and asthmatic bronchitis
Wash one apple, dig a small triangular hole with a knife, and put another croton kernel into the small hole, still cover the apple tightly, and steam it for 30-60 minutes across the soup. Let cool, take out croton kernels, eat apples and drink apple soup. Adults eat one every day, one in the morning and one in the evening for severe cases, and one before sleep for those who are breathing at night. Children under 8 years old should be reduced. It can be taken continuously for several weeks. After taking it, it has the function of relieving asthma and expelling phlegm; Some cases may have mild diarrhea.
4. Treatment of acute and chronic enteritis and chronic dysentery
Take a proper amount of croton, remove the inner shell, remove the kernel, without removing the oil, put it into a copper (or iron) spoon, place it on the charcoal fire, and fry it until the croton is black inside and outside. Wait until it is cold, weigh 2 yuan, and grind it into mud for use. In addition, dissolve 2 coins of beeswax, mix it with croton mud evenly, let it cool slightly, and make pills by rubbing strips. Each pill weighs 0.15g and contains 0.075g croton. For adults, take 0.6g (4 pills) three times a day on an empty stomach; 8~15 years old, 2 pills per dose; 5-7 years old, 1 pill for each; 1 to 4 years old, each half pill; Over 6 months, take 1/3 pills every time; For less than 6 months, take 1/4 pills each; Not for infants less than 1 month old. No side effects such as abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting were found after taking the drug. Those with fever and other complications should not take it. After treatment, 13 cases of acute stomach, 4 cases of chronic diarrhea and 4 cases of chronic diarrhea were cured. This medicine is also effective for chronic diarrhea of the elderly with body deficiency.
5. Treatment of acute appendicitis
Grind 0.5~1.5g of croton and cinnabar respectively, mix them well, place them on a plaster or adhesive tape of 6x6cm size, stick them to the appendix point, and fix them with bandages externally. 24~36 hours, the skin should be red or have small blisters. If there is no such phenomenon, the new drug can be replaced. A total of 99 cases were treated, including 17 cases of acute simple appendicitis and 82 cases with complications of different degrees. At least one time, and at most three times. Results: 85 cases were cured and 14 cases were ineffective (still treated with surgery).
6. Treatment of neurodermatitis
Peel 1 liang of croton and 1 yuan of realgar, and wrap them with 3~4 layers of gauze after grinding. Rub the affected area 3~4 times a day for 1~2 minutes each time until the itch disappears and the skin lesions subside. [5-6]

Other values

In the folk, branches and leaves are used as insecticides or poisonous fish. [2]

Appearance characteristics

Croton (original variety) Shrubs or small trees, 3-6m high; The twigs are sparsely stellate pilose, and the branches are glabrous.
The leaves are papery, ovoid, sparsely elliptic, 7-12 cm long and 3-7 cm wide, with a short tip, sparsely acuminate, sometimes long acuminate, broad cuneate to nearly circular at the base, sparsely microcardioid, slightly serrate at the edge, sometimes nearly entire, and the long leaves are hairless or nearly hairless, and light yellow to light brown after drying; 3 (- 5) basal veins, 3-4 pairs of lateral veins; There is one discoid gland on the leaf margin of both sides of the base; Petiole 2.5-5 cm long, subglabrous; Stipules linear, 2-4 mm long, caducous.
Racemes, terminal, 8-20 cm long, bracts subulate, about 2 mm long; Male flower: flower bud is subglobose, sparsely stellate hairy or few glabrous; Female flower: sepals oblong lanceolate, about 2.5 mm long, few hairless; Ovary densely stellate pilose, style 2-parted.
Capsule elliptic, about 2 cm long, 1.4-2 cm in diameter, sparsely short stellate hairy or subglabrous; Seeds are elliptic, about 1 cm long, 6-7 mm in diameter. Flowering period is from April to June. [2]

Growth habit

Croton plant morphology [11]
It is found in low mountain sparse forest, shrub forest, village side or mountain sparse forest at an altitude of 100-200m, or only cultivated. [2] [12 ]
Like warm and humid climate, not cold resistant, afraid of frost. It enjoys sunshine, and is suitable for cultivation in areas where the temperature is 17-19 ℃, the annual rainfall is 1000 mm, the annual sunshine is 1000 hours, and the frost free period is more than 300 days. When the temperature is lower than 3 ℃, all seedlings will die. It is suitable to cultivate on sandy soil with sufficient sunshine, deep soil layer, loose and fertile soil and good drainage. [3]

Species distribution

It is produced in southern Zhejiang, Fujian, Jiangxi, Hunan, Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi, Guizhou, Sichuan and Yunnan. [2]

modern research

Main components
The seeds contain 34%~57% Croton oil, including Croton oleic acid Crotonic acid, tiglic acid, palmitic acid stearic acid (Stearic acid), oleic acid, Crotonic acid, Tiglic acid, Linolenic acid, myristic acid, arachidic acid, lauric acid, etc, Croton trioxide (about 4% of croton oil). Eleven co carcinogens (Cocarcinogen) have been isolated from the hydrophilic croton diester compounds in the oil, called croton co carcinogens A1~A4 (Group A) and B1~B7 (Group B). Croton ester is the main component of croton resin.
The seeds also contain a toxic globulin called Crotin, Crotonoside alkaloid β - sitosterol, amino acids and enzymes.

Case Files

Croton treatment of chronic pulmonary carbuncle
Chen, male, 46 years old, is a farmer. Cough and vomit pus and blood. Recently, I vomited pus mixed with purple dark blood clots, and my discharge was not smooth. My chest was painful and unbearable, my breath was short of breath, and my stool had not passed for several days. The tongue is purple, the fur is thick and greasy, and the pulse is weak and slippery. X-ray showed lung abscess with cavity and empyema. Phlegm stasis and sepsis gather in the lung, which may lead to the sudden withdrawal of healthy qi, so it is urgent to rob phlegm and expel pus. Croton 400mg, peeled, cut into small pieces, take cold white drink twice; In addition, 12 grams of platycodon grandiflorum, almond, baibuhe, and sea cucumber, 30 grams of Yiren, and 6 grams of raw licorice, are served in decoction. At the next day's return visit, I was told that after taking croton, I felt burning pain on my wrist, abdominal pain, diarrhea for 7 or 8 times, vomited white sticky sputum for 2 times, and felt the pus and blood were full, the chest pain was reduced, and my asthma was relaxed. Then reduce croton to 150 mg each time, and the original decoction remains unchanged. After 5 days of administration, the patient's condition was relatively stable, but there was still nausea and diarrhea reaction. With the original method, croton was reduced to 100 mg each time, without obvious discomfort. If you take it for one month, all symptoms will disappear.
Press:《 Rihuazi Herb 》Croton can "eliminate phlegm and blood, discharge pus and detumescence". Summary of this draft 》It contains his opinions on "retention of drinking phlegm, death of blood and pus, cold phlegm and asthma, and fighting on the spot". This case is a critical case of chronic lung abscess complicated with empyema. Zhang Shi mainly used croton to remove sputum and pus, and assisted by Runfei Yangfei Paipus Decoction. When attacking, there is nourishment, and attack is combined with supplement. The amount of croton also changes with the severity of the disease, and the final result is full power. Croton hot has great toxicity. Dermal heart and cold white drink can reduce toxic side effects. Modern pharmacological studies have confirmed that croton has a strong antibacterial effect on Staphylococcus aureus. Zhang Shishi used it to treat lung abscess, empyema and other cases without obvious heat syndrome in traditional Chinese medicine.
Croton for acute appendicitis
Han, male, 68 years old, was initially diagnosed on March 12, 1994. The patient began to have abdominal pain after overeating and cold two days ago, and the pain gradually worsened with nausea. The patient usually suffers from chronic gastritis, likes hot food, and is afraid of cold in the abdomen. If he gets hot, he will feel comfortable. Every time he eats raw cold, he will have stomach pain or abdominal pain and diarrhea. The patient's temperature was 39.2 ℃, tenderness and rebound pain were found at the appendix point, the leg extension test and psoas major test were positive, the tongue was slightly red, the coating was yellow and thick, and the pulse was slippery. The white blood cells were 22.5 × 109/L, neutral 81%. The clinical diagnosis was acute appendicitis. Because the patient usually has a cold stomach and intestines for a long time, this time he became ill due to the cold diet. Hot junction is the standard and cold accumulation is the foundation, so it is planned to warm the cold accumulation and capture the hot junction agent. Choose 40g rhubarb (lower back), 15g peach kernel (peeled tip), 30g dried ginger, 30g cinnamon twig, 15g paeonia, 20g angelica, 30g coix seed, 6 croton seeds (degreased), 20g licorice, 50g winter melon seeds (dozen). One dose a day, decoct twice, take 400ml of medicine juice, and take it separately in the morning and evening. Take half of croton with you. After taking the first dose, the patient will defecate twice, and the abdominal pain will be relieved after defecation. After taking the second dose, the patient will defecate three times, and the amount of stool is small and the quality is thin. After taking 2 doses, the patient was diagnosed again, and the abdominal pain was significantly relieved, the tongue was slightly yellow, the pulse was slightly slippery, and the body temperature dropped to 37.6 ℃. Shouyuan Recipe reduced rhubarb to 20g, croton to 3 capsules, and the rest of the drugs were the same as before. After taking 3 doses, they recovered. During this period, no antibiotics were used and there was no recurrence after several years of follow-up.
Note: In this case, cold knots and hot knots coexist, and the cold and heat are mixed. The combination of cold and heat should be used in accordance with the condition. In the prescription, croton is used to purge cold and accumulate, and rhubarb is used to purge heat. It is not uncommon for predecessors to use two things together, such as《 Pictorial Classic Materia Medica 》Zhongsanwu Jiwan, namely rhubarb, croton and dried ginger, is used to treat various diseases of the heart and abdomen; Preparation of Materia Medica 》There is also a saying that croton is "used with rhubarb, but not used to drain people".
Croton - Pharmacology (Toxicology)
Toxicity: Feeding croton solution to mice, rabbits, goats, ducks, geese and other animals has no reaction; If the cattle eat too much, diarrhea, anorexia and fatigue will easily occur, but it will not cause poisoning and death. It is harmless to frogs, but toxic to fish, shrimp, snails and earthworms. Long term contact of croton oil with mouse skin can cause papilloma and cancer. Long term contact with croton seed extract and croton resin can promote dimethyl benzoanthracene to cause papilloma and cancer. Taking croton oil once a week for 30 weeks in mice can cause anterior gastric papilloma and cancer, and can also promote dimethyl benzoanthracene to cause anterior gastric papilloma and cancer. Also, local application of urethane and croton oil to the skin of cloud mice can also cause skin papilloma, but croton oil itself has no carcinogenic effect. The croton toxin protein contained is protoplasm toxin, which can dissolve red blood cells and cause local cell necrosis, resulting in redness, blistering and inflammation. 8 to 16 croton capsules can be killed by gavage to dogs; People take 1g croton oil, and there are also reports of poisoning to death. 20 drops of croton oil can kill people. The LD50 of croton toxin injected subcutaneously in rabbits was 50-80 mg, and that of croton oleic acid orally in rats was 1 g/kg; The LD50 of guinea pigs injected subcutaneously is 600mg/kg. Croton oil injection in the palate and uvula of guinea pigs can cause proteinuria and hematuria. [6]