Baroque art

European artistic style in the 17th and 18th centuries
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synonym Baroque (Art academic term) generally refers to Baroque art (European art style in the 17-18th century)
"Baroque" was a popular art style in Europe from 1600 to 1750. It comes from Anti religious reform Temporal Italy , developed from European belief Catholicism In most areas, with the spread of Catholicism Latin America and Asia country. As an artistic style with profound influence in time and space, the rise of Baroque was closely related to religion at that time. [1]
Not only in painting, baroque art represents the whole art field, including music, architecture decorative art The connotation is also extremely complex. But the most basic feature is to break The Renaissance The period is serious, implicit and balanced, advocating luxury and style, focusing on the expression of strong emotions, and the atmosphere is warm and tense, which has a striking and moving artistic effect. [2]
Chinese name
Baroque art
Foreign name
Baroque Art
Generated from
The second half of the 16th century
seventeenth century
eighteenth century
Anti religious reform


In the 17th century, European power expanded, plundered overseas colonies, accumulated huge wealth, and advocated luxurious enjoyment in life. Therefore, architecture, music, and art also required luxurious, vivid, and enthusiastic atmosphere. In the 17th century, there was a power struggle between the old and the new in Europe. The forces of the old religion used violence to suppress believers, and then actively used the art ideology - Baroque to confuse and conquer people. Baroque art does not reject the heterodox sense of joy, but also is faithful to the Christian world view, so it is also "Christianized The Renaissance ”。


Baroque Art Statue
To sum up, baroque art has the following characteristics: first, it has luxurious characteristics, which have both religious characteristics and hedonism Color; Second, it is an art of passion, which breaks the tranquility and harmony of reason and has a strong romanticism Color emphasizes the rich imagination of artists; Third, it strongly emphasizes that movement, movement and change can be said to be the soul of Baroque art; Fourth, it pays close attention to the sense of space and three-dimensional sense of the works; The fifth is its comprehensiveness. Baroque art emphasizes artistic form In addition, Baroque art also absorbed some factors and imagination in literature, drama, music and other fields; Sixth, it has a strong religious color, and religious themes play a leading role in Baroque art; Seventh, most baroque artists tend to be far away from life and the times. For example, in some zenith paintings, the image of people becomes insignificant, just like some patterns.

representative figure

Of course, some positive baroque masters are not included in this example, such as Rubens Bernini His works and life are still closely linked. The specific performance is as follows:
(1) Make good use of dynamic force: whether it is practical, such as wavy walls or constantly changing jet fountains, or implicit, such as portraying people full of vitality or remarkable action (no longer like the static performance of the classical Renaissance, but showing the dynamic sense of oblique configuration). Try to express or imply infinite sense: for example, the road stretching to the horizon, the mural showing the illusion of endless sky, and the mirror technique of changing perspective effect to make it complicated.
(2) Emphasize light: design an artificial light instead of natural light, create a dramatic atmosphere, and create a more three-dimensional sense than the Renaissance Sense of depth Sense of level Space. cause Contour line Fuzzy, organic composition, but Sense of wholeness Pursue dramatic, exaggerated and perspective effects. Not rigidly adhere to the boundaries between different art forms, but integrate art forms such as architecture, painting and sculpture.

historical origin



Italy The Renaissance Designed by Veneola, a famous late architect and architectural theorist Roman Jesuit Church Is created by Mannerism Some people call it the first baroque building, which is a masterpiece of transition to baroque style. Mannerism is an artistic style in Europe in the late 16th century. Its main feature is the pursuit of weird and unusual effects, such as the expression of space in a deformed and uncoordinated way, and the expression of characters in exaggerated slender proportions.
Baroque art painting
In the history of architecture, it refers to the tendency of early Baroque style reflected in the works of some Italian architects between 1530 and 1600. Roman Jesuit Church The plane is rectangular, with one protruding from the end Shrine , customary in Gothic churches Latin cross It evolved into a spacious central hall with vaults full of statues and decorations. Two rows of small prayer rooms were used on both sides to replace the original side aisles. One rises in the middle of the cross Dome roof The altar of the church is decorated richly and freely. The mountain flowers on it break through the classical French style, making holy images and decorative lights. The elevation of the church draws lessons from the early Renaissance architects Alberti The design of Florence's Santa Maria chapel. The layered eaves above the main gate and the mountain flowers are made into overlapping arcs and triangles, and leaning columns and flat pilasters are used on both sides of the gate. Two pairs of large scrolls are made on both sides of the upper facade. These treatment methods were unique and widely followed later.


Since the 1730s, the wealth of Italian churches has been increasing. Each parish has built its own Baroque style churches. Due to the small scale, it is not suitable to use the Latin cross shaped plane, so it is mostly changed to single space halls such as round, oval, plum blossom, round petal cross, and a large number of curved surfaces are used in modeling. Typical examples are Roman San Carlo Church , designed by Polomini. Its hall is nearly olive shaped, with some irregular small prayer rooms around; In addition, there are living courtyards. The plane and ceiling decoration of the hall emphasize the dynamic curve, the facade is broken, the eaves are horizontally curved, the wall surface is very concave and convex, the decoration is rich, and there is a strong light and shadow effect. Although the design technique is skilled, there is inevitably a sense of affectation.


After the middle of the 17th century, Baroque church It was all the rage in Italy, among which there were some novel and original works, but there were also some poorly constructed buildings. In order to show off to pilgrims, the papal authorities Papal States The rich, in the city of Rome built a wide avenue and grand square, which opened up a new way for the free and unrestrained style of Baroque. Built by the 17th century Roman architect Fontana Rome Polo Plaza Is the junction of three radial trunk roads, with one in the center obelisk , statues are set around and green belts are arranged. Two symmetrical churches with the same style were built between the radial trunk roads. This square is open and unrestrained, and many European countries are trying to follow suit. In front of the Palace of Versailles, Russia stay Petersburg Admiralty Building Radial squares have been built before. Designed by Bernini, an outstanding baroque architect and sculptor St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome The front square is surrounded by the Roman Tascan colonnade. The whole layout is bold and unconstrained, dynamic, and the light and shadow effect is strong.


Baroque art painting
Baroque architectural style Also in Central Europe It is popular in some countries, especially Germany and Austria In the second half of the 17th century, many German architects returned from studying in Italy architectural style Combine with the national architectural style of Germany. By the first half of the 18th century, German Baroque architectural art It has become a wonderful flower in the history of European architecture. The appearance of German Baroque style church building is simple and elegant, the modeling is soft and the decoration is not much, the external wall is dry and flat, and it is in harmony with the natural environment. The interior decoration of the church is very gorgeous, creating a strong contrast between inside and outside. The famous example is Bamberg Suburban Fourteen Holy Pilgrimage Church , the monastery church of Rohel. The plane layout of the Fourteen Saints' Pilgrimage Church is very novel. The main hall and the shrine are made into three consecutive ellipses, and the arched ceiling echoes this. The interior of the church is covered with various plant shaped decorative patterns made of plaster, which is resplendent. The appearance of the church is relatively flat, with a pair of towers on the front, decorated with soft curves, full of intimacy. Rohr Abbey Church It is also simple in appearance and exquisite in interior decoration. In particular, the ceiling above the shrine is full of flying angels carved in white marble. In the center of the shrine is a group sculpture composed of the Virgin and two angels; Below the shrine is a group of saints with different expressions.
Austrian Baroque architectural style It was mainly introduced from Germany. In the first half of the 18th century, many famous buildings in Austria were designed by German architects. as Vienna Of Shuberluen Palace , looks serious Classical architecture The internal hall has Italian Baroque style. All columns in the hall are carved with human figures, and the column top and vault are decorated with reliefs, which are Baroque style and classicism A combination of styles. It rose in the middle of the 17th century. Its style is free and unrestrained, with complex and varied shapes, but some buildings are excessively decorated. Spain Catedral de Santiago It is a typical example of architecture in this period.

artistic expression



The history of western urban planning is from Baroque period At first, the most striking buildings were churches and palaces. The architect believes that the building is an independent whole shaped according to many requirements, so Baroque architecture It usually looks like a large sculpture.
The buildings of the Renaissance are drawn as a plan, and the common features are square, round and cross shaped; The typical characteristics of baroque architecture are oval, olive shaped and more complex shapes from complex geometric shapes.
It is the most important feature of all baroque art to endow architectural elements with the concept of dynamic feeling in the form of regular wavy curves and anti curves. Renaissance Architecture Like modern architecture, it is based on simple and basic proportion and mutual relationship; Baroque architecture no longer advocates the implicit logic, but pursues unexpected, dramatic effects. For example:
Michelangelo The Roman Church of Jesus, completed by assistants Vignola (1507-1673) and G.della porta (C.1537-1602 Stylism Turn to Baroque masterpiece. The interior of the church highlights the main hall and the central dome, strengthening the role of the central gate, and showing new features with its tight structure and strong central effect. Therefore, the interior and facade of Jesus Church later became the model of baroque architecture, which can also be called "pre baroque style".
In the early 17th century, C. Maderno (1556-1629) was the representative of Baroque architecture. In 1607-15, Michelangelo completed the unfinished Church of St. Peter (1607-15, Vatican in Rome, with detailed picture analysis on a dedicated website). He emphasized the main entrance in a dramatic way, for example, from a flat square column to a half column, and then to three fourths of a column, It makes the three-dimensional shape of the building complex and dynamic. The protruding facade or deep concave facade designed by him can further connect the church with the space on the square in front.
The greatest master of baroque architecture in the heyday of the 17th century is Bernini (G.L. Bernini, 1598~1680), a sculptor and fine architecture, was completed in 1624~33 years St. Peter's Cathedral Internal Bronze canopy It is a huge canopy with a height of 29 meters, supported by four spiral carved columns, which is magnificent and gorgeous (much like scenery decoration). It also designed a double arm arch square and colonnade (1657) in front of the door for St. Peter's Cathedral, making it one of the largest square buildings in the West.
Borromini (F. Borromini, 1599-1667) was another master of Baroque architecture in its heyday. He liked to use concave and convex curves and the complex interlacing of various geometric forms. From the overall layout to the detailed arrangement, he was unique. His representative works, such as the Four Springs' S. Carlo Church (1665-67, Rome), were praised as the model of Baroque architecture.
In addition to the above Roman areas, Turin in northern Italy also has considerable development. The dome of the Cathedral of the Holy Cloth (1668-94) built by G. Guarini (1624-83) represents the vault of heaven, giving people a kind of ethereal and eternal meditation.
Western Europe Baroque buildings in various countries have their own strengths in combination with the characteristics of various regions, such as Britain, France and other countries with more rigorous colors, such as Paris Palais de Versailles (1669-85, click the mouse to see the 360 degree appearance rotation diagram), southern Germany is gorgeous and brilliant to the extreme, Spain and the Latin America It is also one of the fertile lands of Baroque.


Apollo and Daphne
Baroque sculpture is sometimes a part of architecture. Artists' techniques of representing the real world have reached maturity and perfection. For example, according to the main body of men, women, old and young, people's skin appearance is expressed. The texture of curly hair, clothing and fabrics is very realistic. The display of momentum is its most important feature. The characters are no longer carved into a static or resting posture, but always in motion.
The most famous is Gian Lorenzo Bernini's masterpiece, The Illusion of St. Theresa (1645-52, Church of St. Mary in Rome), which is a combination of religion and functionality. To appreciate this kind of statue, you should watch it together with architecture and painting to produce visual illusion. This style also influenced western Europe. Other masterpieces include Four Rivers Fountain (detail, 1648-51, Rome Navona Square), David (1623-24, marble, 170 cm high, Galleria Borghese, Rome)。
French baroque carving masters include:
A. Coysevox (1640 ~ 1720)'s Bust of Leblanc (1676) and Bust of Louis XIV (1680, Versailles).


The characteristics of baroque painting are grand, dynamic, exquisite perspective variation (such as front contraction), dramatic composition, ups and downs, reflecting infinite space, and the contrast of ideal light, so that the picture can produce a unified and coordinated effect, such as a stage set.
Italy Caravaggio (Caravaggio, 1573~1610), a pioneer of Baroque painting, is characterized by the use of light to obtain dramatic effects of the picture, and the use of light and dark expression to set off the true sense of space, and abandon the description of details. His attitude towards nature is intuitive, and he makes portraits of rude or simple citizens as models. He even blazed a new trail in still life painting. His representative works are Eating Dinner in Imachus (1601,, National Gallery, London )、《 The Entombment 》(1604, Vatican Museum of Art), Water Fruit Basket (still life, 1596, 46 × 64.5cm, Milan, familiar with Brosiana Museum of Art), Dionysus (1597, Florence Uffizi gallery )。 His personality is wild, irritable, irritable and short of life. He wants to break away from stereotypes and rethink art. He is known as a "naturalist" in style.
Karacci (1560~1609), diligent Classical beauty , representative work altarpiece ——The Virgin mourns the death of Christ (1603, 92,8 x 103,2 cm, National Gallery, London). The light in the painting shines on the body of the savior, and the whole way of arousing the emotions of the audience is baroque. The composition is simple and harmonious, a little sentimental, but it avoids reminding people of the horror of death and suffering.


In addition to architecture, sculpture and painting, baroque furniture is undoubtedly the most civic form of expression of baroque art. King of France Louis XIV Known as the "Sun King", his luxurious decoration of Versailles caused a lot of Baroque furniture The birth of. The development of court art has created a large number of baroque masters. Complex carving, precious materials such as teak , gold, ivory, Rosewood The extensive use of Baroque furniture has made Baroque furniture the first representative of the world's three major furniture, standing at the top of the world's furniture for hundreds of years.
Armchair ——The legs of the chair can be in the form of "inverted square cone" or "baluster", on which more and more complicated oval edges, grooves and leaves appear Louis XIII The inherited H-type connecting rod gradually evolved into X-type connecting rod. The need for etiquette prompted the emergence of a large number of folding chairs and stools, which were sometimes ornate with carvings.
Dual furniture - the lines of the wardrobe panel also become softer, with the lower part and both ends forming an arc, and as shown in the figure, they become complex due to the crescent shape of the protruding part or corner. [3]


The clothing characteristics of the Baroque period:
1. Baroque style pursues a realm of complexity, exaggeration, magnificence, grandeur and dynamism.
Men's clothing has come to the end of luxury and artificiality due to the Baroque style, which almost transcends the boundaries of men's style.
Baroque style created gorgeous and complicated men's clothing, which went to the extreme in the development of history. Baroque style clothing is a typical representative of clothing history.
2. The colorful and luxurious accessories embellish the velvet clothes of the same color, which will surely send out the noble temperament.
The biggest feature of men's clothing is the large sleeve lace Spurs Our boots have become fashionable, as well as feather hats and swords. At this time, waistcoat is fashionable, very short and small, a bit like a suit vest.
At this time, there was a long coat. At first, there was no collar. Later, there was a big collar. The rows and buckles from top to bottom are luxuriously decorated. The coat is only buttoned on the top, and the bottom is all for decoration. Later, padding was added to the hem to make the hem of the clothes tilt outward.


Generally speaking, Baroque music It has the following characteristics - its rhythm is particularly strong, active, short and rhythmic; The melody is exquisite, jumping and continuous; Adopt multi melody polyphony Polyphony; Composers generally emphasized the emotional ups and downs of works, so that the speed and dynamics of music were highly valued at that time; The tonality of the repertoire has also changed from a single and conservative one in the Renaissance church modes It has developed to adopt the form of size adjustment. At the same time, western orchestral instruments also developed rapidly in the Baroque period, violin The appearance of Harpsichord The formation of both provided more expressive force for baroque music; The development of other musical instruments has also led to the diversification and large-scale development of the orchestration of certain Baroque music with specific styles. But things like Organ , Feather pipe and piano Violin Such ancient musical instruments with a long history are still widely used.
In terms of musical forms of expression, the Baroque period is much richer than the Renaissance. The demand of the royal family and the nobility for music has prompted many baroque musicians to develop many new forms of musical expression. The rise of opera (not its origin, but its origin goes back a long time ago) is the most prominent point. Although Baroque opera was once criticized as "affectation" by some experts, it was a basis for the development of opera since then. Other forms of expression in the field of vocal music include shenju Scripture Song Oratorio Crucifixion And Mass, which are all strongly religious. It can be seen that in the Baroque period, Religious music stay Western music China still occupies a large part. The instrumental music of the Baroque period developed rapidly Grand Concerto , Solo concerto , orchestral suite, various dance music Prelude Fantasia , Tokata Fugue and Sonata And many other forms of expression. A large part of them became more mature later through development and evolution.


baroque literature It's the West The Renaissance Later Literary genre , plus Classical literature and Puritan literature It is also called the three major literature of the seventeenth century. It's in Humanistic literature The movement rose after its decline. It is a kind of nobility formalism Literature, which advocates that literature should be created for a few people with cultural accomplishment. Deliberately carve and polish in art, and write belief crisis and pessimistic thoughts in content. This kind of works pursues form, content is empty, and language is polished and pompous. Marino in Italy, Gongola and Calderon in Spain, Grimes Hausen in Germany, and metaphysical poets in Britain John Donne Voirtier of France and so on are representatives of Baroque literature.
Representative works include Calderon's novel Life Is Like a Dream, and Grimes Hausen's Picaresque novel Legend of Simu 》Etc.

Main representatives

Baroque Master Bernini He is the most famous sculptor, architect and painter in the Italian Baroque style.
Representative figures in oil paintings include Belgium Of Rubens Van Dyke , Italy's Pietro Beretini da Cotona, Lu Zhuodanna, Joe Ba Gori, etc.
Baroque music representatives: Bach and Handel


Baroque style breaks the The buildings of ancient Rome theorist Vitruvius His blind worship also broke through the various rules and regulations formulated by the classicists in the late Renaissance and reflected the secular thought of yearning for freedom. On the other hand, the baroque church is magnificent and can create a strong mysterious atmosphere, which also meets the requirements of the Catholic Church to show off wealth and pursue mystery. Therefore, Baroque architecture spread all over Europe and even as far as Rome America Some baroque buildings excessively pursue luxury and boldness, even to the point of tedious piling up.

Related research

German art historians determine the status of baroque art in academic research Wolflin (H.wofflin), his works《 Renaissance and Baroque 》(1888) and Principles of Art History (1915). The former pointed out that Baroque was the main school after the Renaissance, and made an analysis and historical investigation of its formal characteristics. The latter believes that the Baroque style can be used as a feature of each culture or civilization entering the later stage, making it more universal.