
[bā ná mǎ]
Republic of Panama
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Republic of Panama( Spanish :La República de Panamá; English : The Republic of Panama), referred to as Panama for short. yes Central America The southernmost country, with a total area of 75517 square kilometers, is the capital Panama City With a population of 4.4 million (2022), the Indo European mixed race population accounts for 65%, followed by 12% of African Americans, 10% of European Americans, 7% of Chinese Americans, and 6% of Indians. The country is divided into 10 provinces and 5 Indian residential areas. [1]
originally be Indian Place of residence. In 1501, it became a Spanish colony. In 1821, it became independent and joined the Great Republic of Colombia. In 1903 U.S.A Support "second independence". In the same year, Pakistan and the United States signed the Canal Treaty, and the United States obtained the permanent monopoly right to build and operate the Panama Canal and the permanent occupation and use right of the canal area. In 1914, the United States opened a canal. In 1977, Pakistan and the United States signed the New Canal Treaty, commonly known as the Torrijos Carter Treaty, which stipulated that after the treaty came into force, the sovereignty of the canal would belong to Panama, but the operation right would still belong to the United States. The treaty entered into force on October 1, 1979. In 1989, the United States militarily invaded Panama and fostered a new pro American government. On December 31, 1999, Panama formally recovered the sovereignty and management rights of the Canal Zone.
Panama Canal shipping, financial services, Cologne Free Trade Zone and tourism are the main pillars of Panama's economy. Service industry income plays an important role in the national economy. Panama 2022 gross domestic product US $73.45 billion, GDP per capita US $16710, with GDP growth rate of 10.8%. [1]
Chinese name
Republic of Panama [1]
Foreign name
The Republic of Panama [1] (English)
la República de Panamá [1] (Spanish)
Panama City [1] (Panama City,Ciudad de Panamá)
major city
Cologne, David Santiago etc.
National Day
November 3, 1903
National anthem
Ode to Isthmus
Country code
official language
Spanish [1]
dollar Baboa, Panama (Balboa)
Time zone
Political system
Presidential republic
National leaders
Laurentino Cortiso Cohen [1] President
population size
4.4 million (2022)
Population density
58.0 people/km2 (2020)
Major ethnic groups
Indo European, African, European, Chinese, Indian [1]
Major religions
Catholicism [1]
land area
75500 km²
Water area rate
Total GDP
US $73.45 billion [1] (2022)
GDP per capita
US $16710 [1] (2022)
International telephone area code
five hundred and seven
Abbreviation of international domain name
Road access
Drive on the right
Grand Canal
panama canal
World Heritage Site
Koiva Island
Major universities
University of Panama, University of Santa Maria, etc
Major festivals
Independence Day (November 3)
economic growth rate
5.4% (FY 2017/2018)
Inflation rate
0.88% (FY 2017/2018)
unemployment rate
6% (2017)

Historical evolution

panama canal
The Isthmus of Panama was originally Kipcha, Caribbean, etc Indian tribe Settlement
In 1501, Panama became Spain The colony belongs to the Governor's District of New Granada.
In 1821, Panama became independent and became The Greater Republic of Colombia Part of.
In 1830, after the dissolution of the Great Republic of Colombia, it became New Granada (later known as Columbia )A province of the Republic.
In 1903, after defeating Britain and France, the United States signed a treaty with the Colombian government to build and lease canals by the United States, Colombian Parliament Reject approval.
On November 3, 1903, American troops landed in Panama and instigated Panama's secession Columbia Independence, the establishment of the Republic of Panama. On November 18, the United States obtained the permanent monopoly to build and operate the canal and the permanent use, occupation and control of the canal area. A canal was dug in the bee waist area in central Panama, so the canal area became a "country within a country" in Panama.
Panama City
During the Second World War, the United States forcibly leased 134 military bases in Panama, and returned some of them after 1947.
In September 1977, Pakistan and the United States signed《 the Panama Canal Treaty 》(also known as the Torrijos Carter Treaty).
In May 1989, in Panama's general election, both the ruling party and the opposition party claimed victory, so the election results were invalid. Through the mediation of the Organization of American States, Rodriguez became the interim president on August 31. Anti American occupation on December 15 Noriega Appointed as the head of the government, the US invaded Panama on the 20th, and the former opposition presidential candidate Ndala, who was sheltered by the US, was sworn in as president at the US military base on the 21st.
In January 1990, Noriega surrendered to the US army and was escorted to U.S.A stand trial.
On October 4, 1994, the Parliament of Pakistan adopted a draft amendment to the Constitution, which stipulates the abolition of the army and the establishment of a police force.
On December 31, 1999, Panama recovered its sovereignty over the canal.
On October 28, 2015, The 70th United Nations General Assembly re-election United Nations Human Rights Council Member, Panama, was successfully elected for a term from 2016 to 2018.
On June 12, 2017, President of Panama Barrera Announcing Panama and China establish diplomatic relations. [1] [4-5]
On September 17, 2017 (local time), Foreign Minister Wang Yi In Panama City and the President of Panama Barrera Joint attendance Chinese Embassy in the Republic of Panama Unveiling ceremony [6] On November 16 (Beijing Time), the Panamanian Embassy in China was unveiled. President Barrera of Panama attended the opening ceremony and paid a state visit to China [7] On December 5, european union Announcing Panama's inclusion tax heaven blacklist. [3]
On July 1, 2019, Panama was elected President Cortiso It was officially sworn in in Panama City, the capital, and began a five-year term of power. [8]
On September 4, 2023 local time, Serbia, Panama and Kuwait signed on during the 43rd ASEAN Summit and a series of conferences held in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia《 Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia 》(TAC)。 [19]
On June 6, 2024 local time, members of the United Nations General Assembly voted at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, and Panama was elected as a non permanent member of the Security Council from 2025 to 2026. [25]
Panama City

geographical environment


Regional location

Map of Panama
Republic of Panama in Central America Isthmus of Panama Shang, Donglian Columbia , on the south the pacific ocean , bordering Costa Rica in the west and Costa Rica in the north Caribbean The territory connects North America and South America in S-shape, and the Panama Canal connects from north to south Atlantic And the Pacific Ocean, with the name of "World Bridge". Panama has a land area of 75517 square kilometers, a land length of 772 kilometers, and a width of 60 to 177 kilometers. The coastline is 2988 kilometers long and the land boundary is 555 kilometers long. In longitude and latitude, Panama is between 7 ° and 10 ° north latitude and 77 ° and 83 ° west longitude.

topographic features

The whole territory of the Republic of Panama has undulating terrain and crisscross valleys. Except for the coastal plains in the north and south, most of it is mountainous.

Climatic characteristics

Near the Republic of Panama equator , genus Tropical marine climate , wet in the daytime, cool at night, with an annual average temperature of 23-27C °. The whole year is divided into dry and rainy seasons, with an average annual precipitation of 1500-2500 mm.
Panama City

Hydrological distribution

There are more than 400 rivers in the Republic of Panama, and the larger ones are Tuila River , Chepo River and Chagres River

natural resources

land resource
Land use in the Republic of Panama: cultivated land accounts for 8.9%, permanent pastures for 20.0%, forests and woodlands for 43.0%, and others for 28.1%; The per capita cultivated land is 0.6 acres. [2]
mineral resources
The Republic of Panama is rich in mineral resources, but not much is mined and the scale of mines is small. Main minerals include gold silver , copper, iron, mercury, bauxite, manganese, salt, petroleum, etc. The reserves of copper, salt and bauxite are relatively large. As of 2013, Panama's copper ore reserves exceeded 200 million tons, ranking fourth in the world. The proven copper reserves can be exploited for 50 years.
Forest resources
The Republic of Panama is rich in forest resources and has many tree species, including Mahogany , Western fir teak Rosewood cedar The forest area in eastern Dalian Province is the most widely distributed, but it is not fully developed due to the lack of market and the reasons of national defense and natural ecological environment protection. According to FAO estimates in 2010, Panama's forest area is 4.29 million hectare , accounting for 57% of the land area. [9]

administrative division

The Republic of Panama is divided into 10 provinces and 5 Indian residential areas. The provinces are divided into counties (cities) and the counties (cities) are divided into districts. [1]
the measure of area
Bocas del Toro BocasdelToro
eighty-nine thousand two hundred and sixty-nine
four thousand six hundred and one
Bocas del Toro BocasdelToro
three hundred and sixty-eight thousand seven hundred and ninety
six thousand four hundred and seventy-seven
David David
seventy-seven thousand seven hundred and thirty-four
Cochrane Coclé
two hundred and two thousand four hundred and sixty-one
four thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven
Penonome Penonomé
Cologne Colón
two hundred and four thousand two hundred and eight
four thousand eight hundred and ninety-one
Cologne Colón
fifty-five thousand four hundred and fifty-eight
forty thousand two hundred and eighty-four
eleven thousand and ninety-one
La Palma, Parma
one hundred and two thousand four hundred and sixty-five
two thousand three hundred and forty-one
Chitley Chitré
eighty-three thousand four hundred and ninety-five
three thousand eight hundred and five
Los Tablas
one million three hundred and eighty-five thousand and fifty-two
nine thousand six hundred and thirty-three
Panama City PanamádePanamá
San Miglito SanMiguelito
West Panama Panamá Oeste
Bellaguas Veraguas
two hundred and nine thousand and seventy-six
ten thousand six hundred and seventy-seven
Santiago Santiago
fifty-six thousand one hundred and thirty-four
Provincial Region
the measure of area
District government
nine thousand three hundred and fifty-nine
four thousand three hundred and eighty-four
thirty-six thousand eight hundred and forty-eight
two thousand three hundred and forty-one
one hundred and thirty-five thousand eight hundred and ninety
six thousand nine hundred and sixty-eight
Local area
the measure of area
three thousand three hundred and five
two thousand three hundred and eighteen
seven hundred and seventy-five
Panama City, Ciudad de Panam á, with a population of 880000. Panama City panama canal On the peninsula near the mouth of the Pacific coast. The city faces Gulf of Panama , backed by Ankang Valley, the scenery is picturesque. originally be Indian Fishing village, the old city was built in 1519, and Panama broke away in 1903 Columbia After the declaration of independence, Panama City became the capital.

National symbol

national flag
Flag of Panama It was launched on November 3, 1904. The national flag was rectangular, with a length to width ratio of 3:2. The flag is composed of four rectangles in white, red and blue. White symbolizes peace; Red and blue represent the Liberal Party and the Conservative Party of the former Panama respectively, and also symbolize the unity and struggle of the two parties for the national interests. The blue star on the white background on the upper left represents loyalty and integrity, and the red star on the white background on the lower right represents the authority of law. The cross line is divided into four parts, representing the junction of Panama in South America, North America, the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. Red, blue and white are the colors of the American Star Spangled Banner, which supports Panama's independence. This flag was issued by the first President of Panama Manuel Amador Guerrero Designed.
national emblem
Panama National Emblem
Panama National Emblem The National Emblem was opened in 1904. A brown eagle with his head raised and his wings spread was standing on the National Emblem with a white ribbon bearing the Panamanian motto "For the benefit of the world". The national emblem is brown in the middle Isthmus of Panama , the blue Pacific and Caribbean And what connects them panama canal Under the blue sky, a bright moon has risen, and the corresponding sunset has not ended, which symbolizes the arrival of Panama's independence "at sunset and sunrise"; The silver sword and rifle crossed at the upper left have experienced the ups and downs of hundreds of years of war in Panama; The pickaxe and shovel on the upper right represent the call of the country for active construction and hard work; The corns and golden flywheels on the lower gold coins symbolize the progress and prosperity of the country. Four national flags are decorated around the national emblem, and the top nine gold five pointed stars represent nine provinces of Panama.
national bird
falcon It is the national bird of Panama. It is the largest eagle among all kinds of eagles. This kind of eagle has several upright feathers on its head. It looks like a horn far away and is very powerful. [2]
national flower
Long inflorescence orchid (pigeon orchid) [2]
national anthem
Ode to Isthmus 》(PanamaNationalAnthem) [2]
Jeronimo Draosa
Santos Jorge
In this happy field of the Union, we finally won the victory.
Brilliant and brilliant shine on you, how beautiful the new country is.
Brilliant and brilliant shine on you, how beautiful the new country is.
  • In verse 1, it is necessary to cover the place of the skull and the cross in the past with curtains, so that the harmonious and dazzling light can be decorated in your blue sky. It is in the melodious singing that progress touches your home. You can see that the roaring of the two oceans at your feet is the basis of a glorious mission.
  • (Chorus)
  • Section 2 The warm breeze gently kisses the land decorated with flowers, and brotherly friendship replaces the horn of war as the ruler. Previously, only shovels and hammers accompanied our intense labor, so we were proud to live on the fertile land of Columbus.
  • Chorus)


The population of the Republic of Panama is 4.4 million (2022). Indian European mixed race accounted for 65%, followed by African Americans 12%, European Americans 10%, Chinese Americans 7% and Indians 6%. [1]




The current Constitution came into force in 1972 and has been revised four times in 1978, 1983, 1994 and 2004. It is stipulated that the three powers of the state are separated. The president is the head of state, who is elected directly. The term of office is five years, and he cannot be re elected, but he can run for re-election. In 1994, Panama amended the Constitution to abolish the army and establish a police force. In 2004, the National Assembly was renamed the National Assembly again, and only one vice president was retained. [1]


The National Assembly is a unicameral system, exercising legislative power. It is composed of 71 members. Members are elected directly for a term of five years. The current parliament was established on July 1, 2019. The seats occupied by all parties are as follows: 35 seats for the Democratic Revolutionary Party (the ruling party), 18 seats for the Democratic Change Party, 8 seats for the Panamanian Party, 5 seats for the Nationalist Republican Freedom Movement Party, and 5 seats for non party personages. Jaime Vargas (Democratic Revolutionary Party), President of the National Assembly, will take office in July 2023 for a term of one year. [1]


The current government was established on July 1, 2019, and its main members are: Vice President Jos é Gabriel Carrizo, Minister of the Presidential Palace Jos é Simpson Polo, Government Minister Roger Tejada, and Foreign Minister Hanina Twaney (female, Janaina Tewaney), Minister of Education Maluha Golde de Villarovos (female, Maruja Gorday de Villalobos), Rafael Jos é Sabonge Vilar, Minister of Public Works, Luis Francisco Sucre Mej í a, Minister of Health, and Doris Sapata Acevedo, Minister of Labor (female, Doris Zapata Acevedo), Jorge Rivera Staff, Minister of Commerce and Industry, Rogelio Enrique Paredes Robles, Minister of Housing and Land Management, Augusto Ram ó n Valderrama, Minister of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Development, Maria Ines Castillo, Minister of Social Development, Mar í a In é s Castillo), Minister of Economy and Finance H é ctor Ernesto Alexander, Minister of Canal Affairs Aristides Royo S á nchez, Minister of Public Security Juan Pino, Minister of Environment Milciades Concepci ó n, The Minister of Culture, Giselle Gonz á lez (female), and the Minister of Women, Juana Herrera Ara ú z (female). [22]


Judicial power is exercised by the High Court and the General Procuratorate. The High Court has nine judges who serve for 10 years. Mar í a Eugenia L ó pez, President of the High Court. Javier Carabalo, the State Attorney General. [1]


The multi-party system is implemented. The main political parties include:
1. Partido Revolucionario Democr á tico: the ruling party. It was founded by General Torrijos. The Party was founded in March 1979. There are 691000 Party members. Benicio Enacio Robinson, the current chairman, and Rub é n De Le ó n, the current general secretary.
2. Partido Cambio Democr á tico: opposition party. The Party was founded in May 1998. There are 281000 Party members. The current chairman, R ó mulo Roux.
3. Partido Paname ñ ista: opposition party. The Party was founded in October 1931, and has changed its name many times. Since 2005, it has used its current name. He was in power nine times in history. There are 238000 Party members. Jos é Isabel Bland ó n, the current chairman.
4. Partido Realizando Metas: the opposition party. The Party will be established in March 2021. There are 258000 Party members. The current chairman is Ricardo Alberto Martinelli Berrocal. [1] [22]


Jose Raul Mulino: President. [1] [24]




Canal shipping, financial services, Cologne Free Trade Zone and tourism are the main pillars of Panama's economy. Service industry income plays an important role in the national economy.
Main economic data in 2022:
GDP: 73.45 billion US dollars.
GDP per capita: US $16710.
GDP growth rate: 10.8%.
Inflation rate: 2.9%.
Unemployment rate: 9.9%. [1]


Panama has a weak industrial base and no heavy industry. Mainly Mining industry , manufacturing, construction, etc. The main industries are food processing, clothing processing, paper making, leather, etc.


The main crops in Panama are rice, corn and beans. Banana, sugarcane and coffee are the main cash crops.


Tourism is one of the important economic pillars of Panama. The Panama Canal, America Bridge The international financial center and Konta Dora, known as the Pearl Island, are both famous international tourist attractions. The local government attaches great importance to tourism investment and strives to improve the tourism industry. In the total domestic foreign exchange income, the amount of foreign exchange collected by the tourism industry is second only to the Panama Canal and Cologne Free Zone. The tourist area is panama canal The stepped gate, the tourist resort of Contadora, the St Thunder Island Etc.

foreign trade

Commodity trade has a huge deficit over the years. In 2022, Pakistan's total import and export volume will be 44.527 billion US dollars, its export volume will be 15.278 billion US dollars (including 11.626 billion US dollars in the Cologne Free Trade Zone), and its import volume will be 29.249 billion US dollars (including 14.019 billion US dollars in the Cologne Free Trade Zone), with year-on-year growth of 36.79%, 16.09% and 50.85% respectively. The main export products are copper ore, bananas, sucrose, fish meal, etc., and the main export targets are China, Japan, South Korea, Spain, India, etc. It mainly imports petroleum products, automobiles, electromechanical products, medicines, etc., and imports mainly come from the United States, China, Mexico, etc. [1]




Spanish is the official language. [1]


85% of the residents believe in Catholicism. [1]


Social customs
Traditional Panama Dress
No matter how educated the Panamanians are, they are always hospitable in social activities. No matter who they are, they can go to other people's homes as guests. The host will treat the guests warmly. The guests and the host will not feel strange. Like family members, the host does not want the guests to pay any remuneration. The Choco Indians are particularly hospitable and kind-hearted, and will show a sense of fanaticism in any case.
In formal social occasions, they often shake hands when meeting guests, hug when meeting relatives and friends, nod when meeting acquaintances on the street, and ask who you are when answering the phone, which is different from the habit of reporting your home first in Europe and America.
When talking, Panamanians like the distance between the two sides to be closer. They think it is natural to be close to each other, otherwise they will be indifferent to each other. They have some gestures, such as kissing the fingertips to express praise.
In Panama, when friends meet, they greet "Good morning", "Good afternoon", "Good night", "Hello", "Nice to meet you", etc. according to the meeting time. At the same time of greeting, male friends should shake hands with each other. Female friends or friends of the opposite sex should not only shake hands, but also hug and kiss cheeks.
The names of Panamanians are similar to those of Spain, Mexico, etc Latin America The residents of the country are the same, and the order is: name Father's surname Mother surname The most commonly used address in society is sir and ma'am An adult man is called Mr., and a married adult woman is called Ms. or ma'am For unmarried women miss
Dress customs
In Panama, urban residents Formal occasions Generally, they are dressed in suits and shoes with elegant demeanor. Most of the rich people have a garment called "Bolera". "Bolera" is a tulle blouse made of high-quality white linen or high quality cambric. The blouse is decorated with decals or embroidered with various vivid animal and plant patterns. The crepe edge of the blouse is sewn with hand-made lace, and there is a piece of yarn with bright color contrast along the neckline, with knots at the front and back, The most typical clothing of rural residents is "Lower Misseria", which is a round neck long shirt made of a thin material. Farmers like to wear straw hats and straw sandals. The clothes often worn by rural women are calico dresses. Indian costumes have their own national characteristics.
The marriage customs in Panama basically follow the Catholic tradition, and the national law stipulates the practice of monogamy. Most Indian marriages and weddings are also conducted in accordance with Catholic customs, but some Indians still retain their traditional practices.
Marriage etiquette
Before the local people hold a formal wedding ceremony, the girls must go through a flowering adulthood ceremony, which is the proof that women will marry. During the ceremony, all villagers will give gifts, and the women's parents will entertain all villagers. Every year there is a carnival called meat sacrifice. During the festival, people wear gorgeous clothes and dress up as various strange characters.
Religious customs
Panama's political ceremonies are Western, while its religious ceremonies are entirely Catholic, but some Indian nation It still retains its own national rituals. When some tribes hold festivals and expedition ceremonies, their leaders make up and decorate themselves with many feathers, while others decorate themselves with the claws of wild animals.
Panamanian residents like dancing at ordinary times and festivals. " The "Little Drum" dance is a primitive folk dance, which has always been popular with people. It is popular in carnivals and large-scale celebrations around the country. In addition, Panamanians often carry out cockfights, bullfights and horse races. They also like modern sports, such as football, baseball, rugby, basketball, volleyball, etc.
The taboos of Panamanian residents are basically the same as those of other Latin American countries. Women don't like to be asked about her age. People hate to inquire about the private lives and wages of men and women. Panamanians believe that the "13" day of each month is the most unlucky day. When contacting with Panamanians, do not talk about politics, the sovereignty of the canal zone, the government's foreign policy and other topics. When visiting Panama, it is not advisable to praise something too much.
On November 12, 2021, the Panamanian government announced that the Chinese Lunar New Year will be designated as a national holiday in Panama from 2022, and the celebration of the Spring Festival will be integrated into Panama's international tourism promotion plan. [17]
In April 2022, President Laurentino Cortiso Cohen of Panama signed the bill, which sets December 20 every year as National Day of Mourning for the American Invasion of Panama According to the provisions of the Act, Panama's national flag will be lowered to half mast on December 20, all radio and television media will be prohibited from broadcasting entertainment programs, and the sale of alcoholic beverages will be prohibited nationwide. At the same time, the national mourning day is also a rest day. All public institutions and private enterprises across the country will have a rest on December 20. Those who work overtime on that day will receive wages and overtime pay in accordance with the Labor Law. In addition, Panamanian schools must hold activities to publicize the historical facts related to the American invasion of Panama. [18]


The main food of Panamanian residents is rice, followed by corn, beans, Clivia and bananas. " Guaqiao is the most famous national dish in Panama, which is made of rice, beans and meat. People also like to eat cornbread made of cornmeal and meat, bacon rice rice, etc. Panama residents often drink Coca Cola, Pepsi Cola and coffee.
Panama's tap water can be drunk directly.
The Panamanians like sweet food and are accustomed to using dessert after meals. Western food is mainly beef, fish and shrimp. The lunch is simple at 12:30, and the dinner is more formal at 20:00. The sanitary condition is good.
Panama chicken soup is a common food. The food made by the Panamanians is full of flavors. The more famous ones are rice and red beans cooked with meat. They like a kind of food called Sankojo, which is often used by local people to entertain guests.
There are about 10 large-scale Chinese restaurants in the capital, all operated by overseas Chinese in Guangdong. The informal banquet costs about 8 dollars per person. There are supermarkets open 24 hours in the city center to supply vegetables, fruits, milk, etc.

Clothes & Accessories

The traditional clothing of Panamanians is that men wear embroidered long shirts and shorts, and women wear printed dresses or embroidered skirts. world-famous Panama hat It is a kind of straw hat with black stripes or flower decorations with upturned edges, which is made of a kind of fiber called Doglia plant or woven with colored poles. It is native to Ecuador. Since foreign tourists see that Panamanians often wear this straw hat, it is called Panama straw hat.
Panama straw hat is made from Ecuador It is composed of a kind of plant named Dorchia. The straw hat is characterized by its soft and delicate texture, which feels like silk. It is rolled into a triangle shaped cylinder and stored in a delicate box. When worn, it is opened again without deformation or wrinkles. This kind of straw hat is most common near the Panama Canal, so it is called Panama straw hat. The most expensive Panama straw hat is a top Panama straw hat made by Montecristi Town, with a list price of $100000. [10] [21]


Panama has no army, and the national police, also known as the National Police Headquarters, is responsible for social security and national security. [11] In 1989, the United States first imposed economic sanctions on Panama, then sent more than 50000 troops to invade Panama, captured the then top leader, accused him of corruption and involvement in drug trafficking, and disbanded Panama's national defense forces. [12] The new government of Panama will no longer form a regular army, but only retain a paramilitary force of 11000 people.




Panama's domestic traffic is mainly highway. As of 2013, the total length of Panama's national highway is 11384.41km. [1]

water transport

Panama is a major shipping country, panama canal It is responsible for 5% of the world's trade freight. [1] There are 15 ports in Panama. Cristobal Port It is the largest port, and Balboa Port is the second largest port. These two ports account for 75% of Panama's international trade and transportation. Valmont Port is a fishing port. [13]
In December 2023, Panama was elected a Category A member of the International Maritime Organization. [20]

air transport

Panama is Latin America One of the air transportation centers, the largest Tokumen (formerly Omar Torrijos) International Airport, can take off and land more than 100 aircraft every day. [1]




Panama implements compulsory education for children aged 6-15. The University of Panama, an institution of higher learning, was founded in 1935 and is located in Panama City. In addition, there are Technical University, University of Santa Maria and Isthmus University.


The mountainous provinces where Panamanian aborigines are concentrated, such as Niukou, Dalian and Sanbras, have malaria It occurs rarely in urban areas. Occasionally hemorrhagic dengue fever conjunctivitis And other infectious diseases; Due to the hot climate, adults have eczema and skin diseases. No bird flu epidemic has been found in this area. Panama City's health and medical standards are fairly good. Except for emergency treatment, appointments are usually required in advance. However, the city has a poor sense of punctuality, long waiting time, and high diagnosis and treatment costs. The registration fee for private hospitals is 30-40 dollars. People who have formal jobs can join the Panamanian social insurance system, which offers great benefits. [2]


Panamanian residents like dancing at ordinary times and festivals. " Drum ”Dance is a primitive folk dance, which has always been popular with people carnival And large-scale celebrations, this dance is very popular. In addition, Panamanians often carry out Cockfighting bullfight And horse racing. They also like modern sports, such as football, baseball, rugby, basketball, volleyball, etc.


The main newspapers in Panama are News, Panama America, Freedom Tribune (sister newspaper to Panama America), Century and Panama Star. Panama has 95 radio stations, most of which are commercial ones; There are five television stations, namely Radio Panama, Isthmus, Education, Air Wave and National Television.

International Relations


foreign policy

It pursues a neutral and non aligned foreign policy. The basic objectives are: to safeguard the sovereignty and independence of the country, and to safeguard democracy; Keep the neutral position of the canal; Carry out international cooperation conducive to national development and promote relations with the United States, the European Union, Japan, Russia, India, etc; We will extensively attract foreign investment and expand exports by negotiating and signing free trade agreements. In international affairs, Pakistan advocates dialogue and reconciliation and relies on the United Nations and multilateralism to resolve conflicts.
Pakistan is a member of the United Nations, WTO, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the World Health Organization, the Group of 77, the Non Aligned Movement, the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, the Organization of American States, the Central American Integration System, the Alliance for Democratic Development and other important international and regional organizations. In 2021, Pakistan, Costa Rica and Dominica established the "Alliance for Democratic Development". In January 2024, Assenio Dominguez (Panamanian) became the Secretary General of the International Maritime Organization. [22]

Relations with China

Political relations
China and Pakistan Sign Joint Communique
On June 12, 2017, the Republic of Panama and The People's Republic of China establish diplomatic relations And promised not to have any official relations with Taiwan Taiwan authorities Carry out any official exchanges. [14] On the 13th, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi held talks with Panamanian Vice President and Foreign Minister De San Malo in Beijing and signed《 Joint Communiqu é of the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Panama on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations 》And announced that the two countries have officially established diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level. [15]
On September 17, 2017 (local time), Foreign Minister Wang Yi Panama City Jointly attended the unveiling ceremony of the Chinese Embassy in Panama with President Barrera of Panama [6]
On November 16, 2017, the Panama Embassy in China was officially inaugurated. President Barrera of Panama personally attended the opening ceremony. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, Assistant Foreign Minister Qin Gang, Chinese Ambassador to Panama Wei Qiang, Panama Ambassador to China Shi Kefang and other Chinese and Pakistani officials also witnessed this historic moment. In addition to attending the unveiling ceremony of the Panama Embassy in China, President Barrera of the Republic of Panama will pay a state visit to China from the 16th to the 22nd of this month at the invitation of President Xi Jinping. [7]
Economic and trade relations
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi Attends the Opening Ceremony of the Chinese Embassy in Panama [6]
Since 1994, China has organized a delegation to participate in the Panama International Fair every year and held 11 sessions of trade in Pakistan exhibition
According to the statistics of the General Administration of Customs of China, the trade volume between China and Pakistan in 2022 will be 13.89 billion dollars, including 12.65 billion dollars of Chinese exports and 1.24 billion dollars of imports, up 22.5%, 24.5% and 5.5% year on year respectively. In 2023, China Pakistan trade volume will be 12.94 billion US dollars, including 11.32 billion US dollars of Chinese exports and 1.62 billion US dollars of imports, up by - 5.4%, - 9.1% and 32.9% year on year respectively. China mainly exports mechanical and electrical products, refined oil, textiles, etc., and imports copper ore, animal feed, frozen beef, etc. At present, China (including Hong Kong and Taiwan) is the main user of the Panama Canal. In June 2016, China Merchant Shipping participated in the navigation ceremony of the Panama Canal expansion project as the first ship. In July 2017, CCPIT held the China Pakistan Trade and Investment Forum in Panama. In April 2018, Air China opened a direct flight from Beijing to Houston to Panama City. [23]

Relations with the United States

Panama's relations with the United States occupy a special position in Panama's foreign relations. Pakistan and the United States broke off diplomatic relations in January 1964 and resumed diplomatic relations in April of the same year. In 1989, the US invaded Panama. After the establishment of the Ndala government, the United States recognized it and announced that it would lift the Economic sanctions The United States Development Bank has resumed its assistance to Panama. In December of the same year, all US troops withdrew to the canal area. The Panamanian Parliament approved the return of the US Peace Forces to Panama. In April 1991, the United States and Pakistan signed an agreement on mutual legal assistance. In August, the agreement on rescheduling US $107 million in arrears to the United States was signed. The United States also decided to invest 200 million dollars to participate in the "serpentine channel" project to widen the canal. In the first two years of Ndala's government, the United States has provided $461 million in aid to Panama.
In December 1989, after the US invasion of Panama, most of the Latin America The State grants condemn , does not recognize the Ndala government. Panama Tong Mexico Peru Ecuador People from other countries during the Innorega period Political asylum The problem is tense. Panama took the initiative to improve its relations with Latin American countries in order to get rid of its international isolation. In particular, Panama has no extradition regulations.


The Republic of Panama is located in Central American Isthmus , Colombia to the east, the Pacific Ocean to the south, Costa Rica to the west, and the Caribbean Sea to the north. Connecting Central America and South America, the Panama Canal connects the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean from south to north World Bridge ”It is called. Panama's geographical location makes it a strategic place. The Panama Canal is world famous channel Tourism is one of the important pillar industries of Panama's economy. The Panama Canal America Bridge International Financial Center And the "Pearl Island" Contadora , are both famous international tourist attractions. Panama Canal Katong Lake Beautiful scenery, the largest in the world Man-made lake Poi.

scenic spot

Panama City
Panama City is close to the Gulf of Panama, backed by Ankang Valley, and the Panama Canal flows slowly from the edge of the city. It is a picturesque Haikou city near the sea and against the mountains. Panama City is not big. Butterflies and trees dance on both sides of the street. Classical Spanish style, modern high-rise buildings and brightly colored Indian landscape buildings adorn this beautiful city. Panama was used Indian It means "fish village". The old city has many historic sites in Panama City. The center of the old area is Independence Square, around which there are two towering Catholic churches and the command headquarters of the French when they built the canal. In the south of the French Square, there is an obelisk built to commemorate the French workers who built the canal, as well as a judicial building built in the colonial era. The white ancient building Panama Presidential Palace, formerly the residence of the governor in the Spanish colonial era, is known as the "Heron Palace". When you go to Panama, you must go there panama canal Go to see. This is a "water bridge" between the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, just like a flowing blue ribbon, connecting North America and South America.
Panama City It is a picturesque Haikou city, which is close to the sea and is surrounded by mountains. The streets are straight and tidy. The antique churches, castles and modern buildings are interlaced, with green trees and flowers. The city is divided into two parts, the old area and the new area. The streets of the old area are narrow, and so far some Spanish castles and houses with terraces have been preserved; The streets of the New Area are neat and wide, with large areas of modern buildings, modern high-rise buildings and new garden houses.
Panama City has many tourist destinations, including Panama Canal Museum , San Francisco Church, National Theatre, Anthropology Museum, National Museum, etc.
Panama Bay, near Panama City, is also a beautiful place. The Gulf of Panama is the Pacific Ocean south of Panama's Central Isthmus Azueiro Peninsula A bay to the east, 185 kilometers wide in the east and west, 161 kilometers long in the south and north. The coast is cut into small bays, with San Miguel Bay , West is Parita Bay , north Gulf of Panama The waters of the Gulf of Panama are calm, the islands are densely covered, the banks are wooded, flowers and plants are blooming, and the environment is elegant.
Panama French Plaza
There are monuments (eulogizing French technicians who successfully built the canal) and square minarets on the French Square in Panama. This French technician has made great contributions to the development of Panama, and opened a new chapter for the water transportation in Panama, even the whole South and North America, and even the world.
In addition to the court, there is also a judicial building built in the colonial era facing the square. The white ancient building is the Presidential Palace of Panama, which was originally the governor's residence in the Spanish colonial era. It is known as the "Heron Palace", so it is called because there are often herons standing around the fountain in front of the door. In addition, there are many buildings in the colonial era. These buildings were built along the coast of the Caribbean Sea to resist the attack of pirates, and they are part of the city wall. These colonial buildings have historical significance and cultural connotation, reflecting the history of Panamanian people's courage to resist pirate attacks.
panama canal
panama canal
panama canal Located in the middle of the American continent and running through the Isthmus of Panama, it is a lock canal connecting the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean. The Panama Canal is located in the narrowest part of North and South America and is the most important river in the world. It reduces the distance to bypass South America and has an important strategic position. The total length of the canal is 81.3 kilometers, the narrowest part is 152 meters, the width is 152-304 meters, and the water depth is 13.5-26.5 meters. The zone covered by 16.09km extending from the central line of the canal to both sides is the Panama Canal Zone, with a total area of 1432km2. The opening of the canal shortened the voyage between the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean by 16000 kilometers. The Jiatong Lake in the canal has beautiful scenery and is the largest artificial lake in the world. Balboa Port at the entrance of Panama Canal is also a place full of tourists.
According to the agreement signed between the United States and Panama in 1903《 Hay-Herran Treaty 》The United States has obtained the right to dig canals and "permanently use, occupy and control" canals and canal areas at the cost of paying 10 million dollars once and paying 250000 dollars of rent every year after nine years. In 1904, the canal was started and opened to navigation on August 15, 1914.
The Panama Canal plays an important role in Panama's economy and the world economy. The Panama Canal is responsible for 5% of the world's trade freight. China is the second largest user of the Panama Canal.
Panama City Archaeological Site and Panama Historic Area
The archaeological site of Panama City and the historic area of Panama integrate the early styles of Spain, France and the United States, maintaining the typical style of the early streets. The Spanish conqueror Pachaus Dale established the original Panama City on a small Indian fishing village in 1519. Since then, the Isthmus of Panama, especially Panama City, has gradually become a major international center.
Panama City has almost become a kaleidoscope city, inhabited by people from all regions of the world. The collision and integration of history and modernity can be found everywhere in Panama City, which is reflected in its three components: the ancient city, the old city and the new city. Through history, there are the Cathedral of Notre Dame, the monastery of San Jose, the old city government, the slave market, San Juan Hospital and so on. These are the historical witness of Panama City, known as the "Queen of the Pacific". Along with it, there are also traditional handicrafts.
There is a museum in the old city. The old city, also known as the colonial area, was rebuilt in 1673, which is the proof of the colonial period. There are three styles of buildings, hutongs, stone streets, churches, and museums, including Spanish style, French style, and Italian style. French style and neoclassical style are particularly prominent. The famous low arch and archbishop's church are here. Prisons in the Spanish colonial period have now become art parks, theaters, restaurants, etc., as well as the Heron Palace, San Jose Church with a golden altar, etc.
Talamanka Yangzhi Laamistede Reserve
The Talamanka Yangzhi La Amistede Reserve covers an area of more than 800000 hectares and is located in the middle of the Americas at the junction of Costa Rica and Panama. The reserve is marked by the Quaternary glaciers. The animals and plants of North America and South America live together here, and the tropical rainforest covers most of the reserve. Four different Indian tribes lived on this land and benefited from the close cooperation between Costa Rica and Panama.
Due to the climate characteristics and fertile soil, the region presents a colorful landform, forming many different habitats. In Talamanka Yangzhi Amistad Reserve, you can enjoy the forest in the clouds, the scenery of Lilliput, the beautiful desolate valley, the descendants of Xibu and the sacred birds worshipped by Aztecs. In addition to natural wonders, there are a large number of ancient cultural relics in this area. At present, more than 200 sites have been found, including tombs, stone pillars, prehistoric rock paintings, etc., which cover a history of more than 12000 years.
Dalin National Park
Dalin National Park It is located at the border between the eastern part of Panama's Darien Province and Colombia. It is a bridge connecting South America and North America. Covering an area of 597000 hectares, the park provides a special and varied place - beaches, rocky coasts, mangroves, marshes and depressions, as well as tropical forests on the ground, where strange wild plants grow.
Dalin forest is the most diversified feature of the ecosystem in tropical America, and has hardly been disturbed by any outside world so far. The beach and rocky coast are enough for people to enjoy the sea scenery with gentle sea breeze, white waves crashing on the shore and vast waves; When you step into the tropical jungle in the park, you can not only enjoy the beautiful scenery of nature, but also watch a large number of precious wild animals.
Dalin National Park is home to a large number of wild animals, many of which are rare in the world, especially some endangered wild animals, such as leopards, red monkeys, tapirs, Central American caimans, alligators, capybara, etc. In addition, there are also bush dogs, large anteaters, jaguars, tiger cats, night monkeys, howling monkeys, and brown headed spider monkeys.
Isla De Contadora
Isla De Contadora It is an island in Panama. It is difficult to find its Fangshu on ordinary maps. But recently, the name "Contadora" often appears in the newspaper, making this tiny place become famous far and wide. As an international financial center and known as the "Pearl Island", Contadora Island is a famous international tourist resort. Contadora Island is located about 56 kilometers from the entrance of the Pacific side of the Panama Canal. It is a beautiful and vibrant island in the Republic of Panama.
Between the blue sea and sky, a beautiful scene suddenly unfolds; The pearl islands scattered all over the world, competing for wonders and beauty, have jumped into sight. The green waves, white sand, coconut trees and bushes on Contadora Island are very beautiful. Contadora Island has long attracted tourists from all over the world with its beautiful scenery and pleasant climate. But now it is famous, but it was born on this island because of the Contadora Group, which has always been running for peace in Central America. In January 1983, the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia and Panama of Central America held a meeting in Contadora Island and proposed the initiative of "peaceful settlement of Central American conflicts". Later, the foreign ministers of the four countries often came together to mediate conflicts among Central American countries, known as the "Contadora Group". As a result, Contadora Island is often seen in newspapers and known by people all over the world.
Koiba Island National Park and Special Marine Reserve
The Koiba Island National Park is far away from the southwest coast of Panama, protecting the Koiba Island, 38 small islands and the surrounding waters in the Chiliki Bay. The Pacific tropical rain forest in Coyiba is not affected by cold wind and El Nino. Due to the continuous evolution of new species, it contains a very high level of local mammals, birds and plants, which is the last refuge for many endangered animals like the crown eagle.
This is an important natural laboratory for scientists to conduct research, and provides a key link in the ecology of the hot eastern Pacific Ocean for the transfer and survival of pelagic fish and marine mammals. Koiba Island National Park provides shelter for 760 kinds of sea fish, 37 kinds of sharks and 20 kinds of whales, and has the reputation of "biological treasure house".
America Bridge
America Bridge (formerly known as the Thatcher Ferry Bridge) is a bridge in Panama Highway bridge At the entrance of the Panama Canal across the Pacific Ocean. The Americas Bridge was established in 1962 at a cost of 20 million US dollars. Before the centennial bridge was completed and opened to traffic in 2004, the Americas Bridge had always been a bridge connecting the North and South American continents.
The bridge body of the Americas Bridge is 1653 meters long. It flies across the two sides of the canal. The steel frame rises in an arch shape, like a dragon on the Weizhen Canal. It only takes a few minutes for a car to drive across the bridge from South America to North America. It can be seen that Panama City is unique in its superior geographical location. According to statistics, about 40000 cars pass by every day, and many ships pass under the bridge. There are some small stalls near the bridgehead, selling all kinds of special tourist souvenirs, including famous Panama hat This bridge is an impressive building the stream never stops flowing There are many pedestrians on the bridge. Throughout the day, there will be many ships passing under the bridge because they want to enter or leave the Panama Canal.

World Heritage Site

As of 2008, Panama has 6 World Heritage Site Reference source [16]
Panama Friendship National Park
Potovillo fortification
cultural heritage
San Lorenzo fortifications
cultural heritage
Panama City Historic Area, Bolivar University
cultural heritage
Koiva National Park
natural heritage
natural heritage