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The Principality of Bavaria

South Germany in the Middle Ages
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The Principality of Bavaria is a southern German state in the Middle Ages. It was probably established as early as the 6th century AD and lasted until 1805 Kingdom of Bavaria Until established. The Principality has experienced the Azinofen family, Welf family and Wittelsbach Family Ruling, after ups and downs, has always been Germany An important state in the south.
Chinese name
The Principality of Bavaria
Foreign name
Duchy of Bavaria
major city
Regensburg Salzburg , Bavaria
Major religions
Starting and ending time
About the 6th century - 1855

early stage

(1) Frankish period
Bavaria soon became Frankish territory It is likely that there has not been a war. The Franks took this Border areas It is regarded as a buffer zone and a source of military manpower against eastern nations, such as Awar and Slav.
In about 550 years, they appointed a duke to rule here - maybe the Franks or the local leading families - to represent the Frankish king and become the regional ruler of Bavaria. The first duke we know - and probably the first - was Garibalde I, a member of the powerful Azinofen family. This was the beginning of the Azinofen family rule, which lasted until 788.
In a century and a half, the dukes resisted the invasion of Slavs from the East, and died in 717 Theodosius I By then, they had achieved complete independence from the fragile Frankish king. stay Charles Martel become Frankish Kingdom He controlled Bavaria closely and deposed two dukes for contempt of authority. Piping the Dwarf He also maintained the authority of Frank. He arranged many marriages between his family and the Azinofen family, which was similar to the Lombardy kings Affinity Franks were relieved that many rebellions in Bavaria were caused by family quarrels rather than the discontent of oppressed people, which made them easy to suppress.
Bavarian law was written between 739 and 748. The influence of the Franks was reflected in the supplementary provisions added later. Although the duke title belongs to the Azinofen family, the duke must be chosen by the people, and the election result must also be recognized by the Frankish king he is loyal to. The Duke has five times the atonement Pension , can summon nobles and clergy Prepare for consultation, hold a meeting, exercise jurisdiction And financial power. At that time, there were five noble families, which may represent the previous racial division. The freemen and Emancipation This law divides Bavaria into several parts Boguo , ruled by an earl, assisted by a judge who announces the law.
(2) Convert to Christianity
Christianity spread in Bavaria as early as the Roman period, but in 696, Bishop Rupert of Worms became Duke Theodosius I After the invitation came here, a new era began. and Poitiers Like Bishop Saint Ameran, he also built several Monastery Soon a large number of local people converted to Christianity, and Bavaria and Rome also established ties.
In the middle of the 8th century Paganism The tide began to return, Saint Boniface Came here in 734 to investigate Apostasy situation. Boniface Organized the Bavarian Church, established or rebuilt Salzburg Freising Regensburg And the diocese of Passau.
Tahilo III, who became Duke of Bavaria in 749, recognized the Frankish King in 757 Piping the Dwarf But soon refused to participate in the aquitaine The war. stay charlemagne In the early period of his rule, Tahilo also handled religious and civil affairs in his own name, refused to participate in the meeting held by the Franks, and basically became an independent ruler. His control of the Alpine Pass, his alliance with the Avals Lombardy The position of the son in law of King Desiderius made him a threat to the Frankish kingdom, so charlemagne Determined to destroy him.
The outcome of this confrontation is still unclear. Tahilo seemed to have expressed his loyalty in 781, and in 787 he was likely to be loyal again due to the arrival of the Frankish army. But further problems soon emerged. In 788, the Franks summoned the Duke of Ingerheim to Treason Put him to death. But the king forgave Tahilo, who entered the monastery and formally abandoned the principality in Frankfurt in 794.
charlemagne Grold, his cousin, ruled Bavaria before he died fighting with the Awar in 799, so the Earls of Frank took over the power and incorporated it Charlemagne Empire The measures taken by Charlemagne to develop learning and improve people's livelihood made the empire prosperous. The Bavarians did not resist these changes, including the demise of the Principality. They were so completely incorporated into the territory of the Franks under the influence of the church that Charlemagne only issued two statements on Bavarian affairs Ecclesiastical law
(3) Carolingian period
The history of Bavaria in the next century Carolingian Empire The relationship is very close. Bavaria belonged to the king of the East Franks in the partition of the empire in 817, German Louis In 843《 Treaty of Verdun 》It has been expanded. Louis placed his government and the heart of the booming Bavaria Regensburg , countless wars have been waged against Slavs to protect the security here.
When he divided the territory in 865, Bavaria belonged to the eldest son Kaloman, who had been in charge of it before. When Louis died in 880, it became the emperor Fat Charlie A part of a vast territory. This incompetent ruler made Kaloman's bastard Arnuf is in charge of the defense here. Due to the support of the Bavarians, Alnuff had to face Charlie in 887 and was elected the following year Germany king.
In 899, Bavaria came into the hands of the "young son" Louis. During his rule, the Hungarians continued to launch aggression. The resistance to these invasions became weaker and weaker. On July 5, 907, almost all Bavarian tribes were wiped out by powerful enemies in the battle of Presburg. During the reign of the "youngest son" Louis, Ruterbod, the Earl of Scheyen, who owned a large area of Bavarian territory, ruled the Carinthia Border Region established to defend the southeast border of Bavaria.
He died in a big war in 907, but his son Alnuf, nicknamed "the bad man", called together the rest of the tribe, expelled the Hungarians, and became the Duke of Bavaria in 911, unifying Bavaria and Karinisia under his own rule. Conrad I, the king of Germany, asked Arnuff Launch an attack , but failed.
(4) Otto and Salian dynasty period
In 920, Conrad's successor, the German king of Otto dynasty, Henry the bird catcher, recognized Arnuff as the duke, and recognized his right to appoint bishops, mint coins and sign laws.
Arnauf and his successors Aberhard and Henry's son Otto the Great A similar conflict broke out. Eberhard failed to succeed as his father did. He fled Bavaria in 938. Otto gave the title of Duke to Bertold, the uncle of the former Duke, but reduced his privileges. Otto also appointed Alnuff, Aberhard's brother, as A temporary imperial palace Count to defend the interests of the royal family.
After Bertold died in 947, Otto gave the title of Duke to his brother Henry, who had previously married Judith, the daughter of Duke Arnold. The Bavarians did not like Henry. During his short reign, his energy was mainly used to fight against the people.
The plundering of the Hungarians stopped after their defeat in Lechtfeld (955), and the territory of the Principality was temporarily extended to Italy Some areas of.
In 955, Henry's youngest son, the "quarreler", succeeded to the throne, but in 974 he became involved in the war against the king Otto II In the conspiracy of rebellion. The cause of the rebellion was the enemy given to Henry by the king's general Swaben, Otto the Great Otto, the grandson of Austria To Babenberg Sir Leopold. The rebellion soon failed, but Henry, who escaped from prison, continued his plan. In 976, he officially granted the title Duke of Swabia Otto. meanwhile Carinthia It also became an independent principality, the palace earls were rebuilt, and the Bavarian church was controlled by the king rather than the duke.
In 985, when Henry was restored, he established the domestic order, signed important laws, took measures to reform the monastery, and proved himself to be a qualified ruler with his actions. His son and successor were elected king of Germany in 1002 Henry II He gave Bavaria to his cousin Luxembourg Family Henry, who died in 1026, passed the title to Henry, the later emperor Henry III, and later to another member of the Luxembourg family, Duke Henry VII. In 1061, Agnes, the mother and regent of the German king, gave the principality to Otto of the Nordheim family.
(5) Welf family period
Welf family crest
In 1070, the king Henry IV Having deposed Duke Otto principality Yes welf Earl, he is a member of an influential Bavarian family based in Northern Italy. With the Pope Gregory VII In support of the former in the struggle with Henry, Wilf lost but later regained Bavaria; His two sons succeeded to the throne respectively. In 1101, Wilf II succeeded to the throne, and Henry IX succeeded to the throne in 1120. Both were influential among the German princes.
Henry X, the son of Henry IX, nicknamed "The Pride", succeeded to the throne in 1126 and was also awarded in 1137 Duchy of Saxony king Conrad III He was afraid of his power, refused to rule the two countries by one person and deposed Henry. He gave Bavaria to the Austrian vassal Holiot IV. After Leopold died in 1141, the king himself occupied the principality, but there was still chaos, so he gave him to the Austrian vassal Henry in 1143.
yes Possession In order to restore peace in Germany, the then emperor Frederick I persuaded Henry to give Bavaria to Henry's son, the "proud man" Duke of Saxony , Henry the Lion Heart. In return, Austria was promoted from a border region to an independent principality in the Royal Decree of Small Privileges. Henry "Lionheart" founded Munich.
(6) Territorial change
For several years after the fall of the Carolingian Empire, the border of Bavaria has been in a state of change, and it expanded for a long time after 955. In the west, Lech is still Swabia And Bavaria, but on the other three sides, Bavaria took advantage of various opportunities to expand the danube To the north. However, the opposite trend occurred in the late period of the rule of the Welf family, and the scope of Bavaria was reduced. The Duke "Lion Heart" Henry put great energy on the Saxony Principality in the north, rather than the Bavarian Principality in the south. When the Bavarian succession dispute ended in 1156, the area between Ennes and Ian became part of Austria. With the development of some lands belonging to Bavaria, such as Stilia Border Region (became a principality in 1180) and Tyrol Botswana is becoming more and more important, and Bavaria's absolute harmony Relative force They are declining and lack expansion opportunities in all directions. The neighboring principality of Carinthia, the vast territory of the Archbishop of Salzburg, and the general tendency of clergy and nobles to demand more independence have all hindered the expansion of Bavaria.
(7) Wittelsbach Family period
The coat of arms of the Wittelsbach family
Henry "Lionheart" was imprisoned by the Empire in 1180, and the Principality was given to Bavaria by Frederick I Wittelsbach Family A new era has begun for Otto, a member of. Wittelsbach Family He ruled Bavaria until 1918. The Wittelsbach family also got elector Title of. When Otto of the Wittelsbach family won the title in Altenburg in September 1180, Bavaria included Lin Shan, Ian, Alps and Liege; The Duke could only exercise effective rule over his own private territories near Wittelsbach, Kerheim and Straubin.
Otto ruled for only three years. His son Louis I, who succeeded to the throne in 1183, was involved in German affairs at the beginning of Frederick II's reign Leadership role He was assassinated in Kelheim in September 1231. His son, Otto II, the "outstanding man", was the next Duke. He found that his loyalty to the Emperor Hohenstaufen made him under the ban of the Pope and was expelled from the church. Like his father, Otto II expanded his territory through purchase. Before his death in November 1253, he made the Principality prosperous.


The dukes took many successful measures to develop their strength and unify the principality, but they soon encountered the problem of division among different members of the family, which made Bavaria's 250 year history nothing more than a history of territorial division full of war and decline.
The first split took place in 1255. The two sons of Duke Otto II, Louis II and Henry XIII, jointly ruled for two years after the death of their father, and finally divided the inheritance that year: Louis II gained the western part of the Principality, which was later called "Upper Bavaria" and elector The title, and Henry was awarded the Eastern, namely Jaw Virginia.
(1) Chin varia
Henry XIII, Duke of Bavaria, spent most of his time arguing with his brother, King Otaka II of Bohemia, and many clergy. When he died in February 1290, his territory was distributed to Three sons Otto III Louis III and Stephen I. The three families ruled Bavaria until 1333, when Henry XV (Otto III) died and his nephew Otto IV died in 1334. Since neither of them had a son when they died, the whole chin of Virginia was passed to Henry XIV. When Henry died in 1339, he left only one son, John I, who also died the following year without children. Louis IV, the emperor of the Wittelsbach family, unified the principality through his own possession of Bavaria.
(2) Upper Bavaria
Louis II, the "stern man", became the most powerful vassal in southern Germany during his long reign. He's a nephew Hohenstaufen family Of Conradin After his guardian, Conradin 1268, was executed in the Coppa Italia, Louis and his brother Henry inherited the territory of the Hohenstaufen family in Swaben and other places. He supported Rudolph, the Earl of Habsburg, in his campaign for the German throne in 1273. He married the daughter of the new king, Michael Deer, and also supported the king in the battles in Bohemia and other places.
In the years after Louis died in 1294, his son Rudolf I He and Louis, later the emperor Louis IV, ruled the principality together, but their relationship has always been bad. They divided the territory in 1310. Rudolph got the land east of Yiza, including Munich, while Louis got the land between Yiza and Lech. However, peace did not last long. This arrangement led to the two brothers fighting in 1317, three years after Louis became the king of Germany. Louis forced Rudolph to abdicate and ruled the whole Upper Bavaria alone for 12 years. However, in 1329, a series of events led him to sign the Treaty of Pavia with Rudolph and Rupert, the sons of Rudolph, transferring the Rhine Palace State (occupied by the Wittelsbach family since 1214) and a part of Bavaria north of the Danube, namely, the later Upper Palatine, to them.
At the same time, the two branches of the Wittelsbach family decided to elect the emperor in a round of popularity, and when one of the two branches died, the other could inherit its territory.
The stability of Bavaria during the reign of Louis IV lasted for seven years, during which the emperor was able to provide better conditions for the Principality. When he died in 1347, he left six sons who reached an agreement to divide Bavaria in 1349. However, the history of Bavaria is complicated by its connections with Brandenburg, the Netherlands, Eno and Tyrol, which were also left by the emperor to his sons. The six brothers all had certain authority in Bavaria, but only three left children, including the oldest Duke Louis V of Bavaria - also Brandenburg Marquis And the Earl of Tyrol - died in 1361, and his only son, Meinhard, died without children two years later. Tyrol then transferred to Habsburg Family Brandenburg was also lost in 1373.
The two surviving brothers, Stephen II and Albert I, ruled Bavaria Landshut and Bavaria Straubin respectively. After Stephen died in 1375, his three sons ruled his territory together. In 1392, when all the families except Stephen and Albert had no offspring, they made an important territorial division, dividing a larger part of the principality to Stephen's three sons, Stephen III, Frederick and John II. They established the branches of Ingolstadt, Landshut and Munich respectively.
The division of the territory in 1392 caused a series of civil wars, which temporarily withdrew Bavaria from the German political arena. Neighbouring countries encroached on the border, the nobility despised the authority of the duke, the duke's right to elect was also deprived, and Bavaria was trapped in a civil war for 50 years.
But this situation also has some advantages. Government and Finance of the Principality control power It was mainly transferred to the parliament organized in 1392. With the development of trade, these enterprises enjoy certain benefits Independence The towns of Munich and Regensburg became powerful and rich, and the residents of Munich and Regensburg became the duke's formidable opponents. During this period of chaos, the representative office has grown, and the strong civic spirit has also developed.
1. Bavaria Straubin
After Albert I's death in 1404, the Principality of Bavaria Straubin, together with the Netherlands and Eno, passed on to his son William II, and in 1417, his youngest son John III, who resigned from the position of Bishop of Liege to take over as Duke. After John died in 1425, his family died. After a series of fights, the three remaining families of the Wittelsbach family, Ingolstadt, Landshut and Munich, divided up Bavaria Straubin. But Holland and Eno fell to Burgundy.
2. Bavaria Ingolstadt
Bavaria - Stephen III, Duke of Ingolstadt, fought all his life and was famous as a soldier rather than a politician. During his rule, he worked with many cities and towns, as well as his brother John of Bavaria Munich. After his death in 1413, his son Louis VII, a bearded man, succeeded him. Before he ascended the throne, the energetic and quarrelsome young duke also played an important role in French affairs - his sister Isabella Married King of France Charles VI. Around 1417, he was involved in a dispute with his cousin Henry XVI, Duke of Bavaria Landshut. Both of them were punished by the emperor and the Holy See. In 1439, he was also attacked by his son Louis VIII, the lame man. The little duke, who has become the marquis of Brandenburg and the husband of Frederick I of the Hohenzolen family, hates his father's doting on an illegitimate son. With the support of Albert Achilles, the later Brandenburg vassal, he locked up the old Louis and forced him to abdicate and expel him in 1443. When the "lame man" Louis died in 1445, his father was controlled by his sworn enemy, Henry, Duke of Bavaria Landshut, and died in prison in 1447.
3. Bavaria - Landshut
In 1393, the Principality of Bavaria Ingolstadt was transferred to Henry, who succeeded his father Frederick as the Duke of Bavaria Landshut. His long reign was almost occupied by family disputes. He died in July 1450, and his son Louis IX, the "rich man", succeeded him. From then on, Bavaria began to recover its former glory.
Louis IX drove the Jews out of the Principality, enhanced the safety of merchants, and improved the judicial management and financial situation. In 1472, he founded Ingolstadt University, tried to reform the monastery, and successfully defeated the Brandenburg vassal Albert Achilles. When Louis IX died in January 1479, his son George, nicknamed "the rich", succeeded him. When George, a loyal follower of German King Maximilian I, died without issue in December 1503, the undecided ownership of the Principality triggered a war.
4. Bavaria Munich
Bavaria Munich was inherited by John II's sons Ernest and William III after his death in 1397, but they kept the territory after a fight with Bavaria Ingolstadt. The two brothers were later involved in conflicts with other branches of the family and the citizens of Munich. William III, the faithful servant of the emperor Sigmund, died in 1435, leaving only one son, Adolf, who also died five years later. Ernest, famous for his strong body, died in 1438. In 1440, the entire Bavarian Munich family was inherited by Ernest's son Albert III, who disagreed with his father because of his unfortunate marriage to Agnes Belnaur. Albert, nicknamed "pious" for his attempt to reform the monastery, was almost elected king of Bohemia in 1440. He died in 1460, leaving five sons. The two eldest John IV and Sigmund ruled the country together until John died in 1463. Albert, the third son educated in the church, also joined the rule in 1465, and became the only ruler after Sigmund abdicated in 1465, but his two younger brothers still demanded to inherit the title.
Albert IV, the "wise man", brought Abbersburg under his administration, and in 1504 he intervened in the Lanchut succession war that broke out because the succession of Bavaria Lanchut was suspended after the death of George, the "rich man". Albert's opponent is George's son-in-law, former Bishop Frisian, and Rupert, heir to Philip, Earl of Rhine Palace. Because as Archduke of Austria And the Count of Tyrol, the Emperor Maximilian I, also intervened in the dispute. Rupert died in 1504. The next year, the emperor and Philip's grandson, Otto Henry, reached an arrangement at the Cologne Conference. He got some remote areas, while Albert got most of the territory, basically unifying Bavaria. In 1506 Albert stipulated that the Principality must Primogeniture To inherit, and strive to consolidate Bavaria by other means. He achieved partial success in improving the national situation. In 1500, Bavaria became one of the six regions of Germany. He died in March 1508, and his son William IV succeeded to the throne. His mother, Kunigond, was the daughter of Emperor Frederick III.


(1) The Renaissance And the Reformation
Although William IV's 1506 decree was repealed in 1516, and after a violent conflict, he and his brother Louis X After that, Lu Yi shared power and this arrangement lasted until his death in 1545.
William in 1534 Linz And Hungary and Bohemia Before signing the treaty, the king had always pursued the traditional policy of the Wittelsbach family against Habsburg. Emperor 1546 charles v After promising to let William inherit the throne of Bohemia and obtain the right of election enjoyed by the count of Rhine Palace, William Schmalkarden War Standing on the emperor's side, this strengthened the ties between the two sides. William also ensured the Catholic faith in Bavaria during this critical period. protestantism The duke obtained extensive rights over the diocese and monasteries from the pope, and took measures to suppress them protestant It has spread widely before expelling many people; The Jesuits who came to Bavaria in 1541 at the invitation of the Duke built Ingolstadt University into their headquarters in Germany. William died in March 1550, and his son Albert V succeeded him. He married Ferdinand of the Habsburg family and the daughter of the later emperor Ferdinand I. In the early period of Albert's rule, he made some compromises to the Protestants who still had great power in Bavaria; But in 1563, he changed his attitude and supported Trent Public meetings And actively promote Anti religious reform The cause of. With the gradual transfer of education to the hands of the Jesuits, Protestantism gradually disappeared in Bavaria.
Albert V sponsored artists on a large scale. Various types of artists gathered at his court in Munich. Many grand buildings rose in the city, and works of art from Italy and other places enriched the Duke's Collection Room The huge expenditure of the luxurious court led to the duke and Aristocratic meeting When he died in October 1579, he left a large amount of debt.
The successor Duke William V (pious) accepted Jesuit education , believing in the doctrine of the Jesuits. He got Cologne from his brother Ernest in 1583 Archdiocese This honor has remained in his family for almost 200 years. In 1597, he gave way to his son Maximilian I, then retired to the monastery and died in 1526.
Schematic Diagram of the Thirty Year War
(2) Thirty Year War
Maximilian I When he ascended the throne, he found that the Principality was in great debt and chaos, but his ten years of dedicated rule had brought great changes to the Principality. He reorganized the finance and Judicial system , create a public service The stratum and the national militia also brought several small districts under the rule of the Duke. Unity and order within the Principality allowed Maximilian to Thirty Year War Medium to large display their skills; stay At the beginning of the war He was very successful in seizing the upper Palatine and the Palatine electoral rights enjoyed by the Wittelsbach family since 1356. Despite the subsequent reversal of the situation, Maximilian still retained these spoils in the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia. In the latter part of the war, Bavaria - especially the north - suffered heavy losses. The Swedes invaded in 1632 and the Maximilians tore up in 1647《 Treaty of Ulm 》Later, the French and Swedish armies again ravaged Bavaria. When the reconstruction work was just effective, the candidate died in Ingolstadt in September 1651, leaving a much stronger principality than when he ascended the throne. The recovery of Upper Palatine strengthened Bavaria's national strength, and the acquisition of the right of election showed its national prestige. Since then, the Principality has been able to return to the European political arena after being tortured by domestic struggles for 400 years.

Electoral country

War of the Spanish Succession
Whatever Maximilian I won for the Principality international status For Bavaria itself, the next two centuries are still obscure. Ferdinand Maria (1651-1679), the son of Maximilian, succeeded to the throne as a young son. He encouraged the development of agriculture and industry, built or rebuilt a large number of churches and monasteries, and made great contributions to repairing the wounds of the 30-year war. In 1669, he also convened the Congress, which had been suspended since 1612. But his achievements were greatly wasted by his son Maximilian II Emanuel (1679-1726). He is a monarch who is committed to expanding the territory, not only Ottoman Empire I took part in the war on the side of France War of the Spanish Succession He broke out near Heshtat on August 13, 1704 Battle of Blenheim He was defeated in the war of China. His territory was temporarily divided between Austria and Palatine candidates in the Treaty of Ibsenheim, and it was not returned to him in the Treaty of Baden until 1714; The first Bavarian peasant uprising, the bloody Christmas of Sanding, was suppressed by the Austrian occupation forces in 1706.
His son Charlie Albert (1726-1745) did not learn from his father's lesson and devoted all his energy to improving his reputation in Europe and his family's influence. The death of Emperor Charles VI gave him an opportunity to question Habsburg Right of inheritance For Maria Teresa《 State edict 》Of Effectiveness , and then with France union Conquered Upper Austria and was crowned in Prague Bohemia King, who became emperor in Frankfurt in 1742. But his own price is that Bavaria is Austrian troops Occupation. Although 1744 King Of Prussia Frederick II's invasion of Bohemia made him return to Munich. When he died on January 20, 1745, his successor still faced the problem of how to restore his territory.
Maximilian III Joseph (1745-1777) regained his territory in the Treaty of Fusen signed on April 22, 1745, and also recognized the State Rescript. As an enlightened monarch, he strongly encouraged agriculture, industry and mineral exploration, established the Academy of Sciences in Munich, and abolished the supervision of the Jesuit Society on publishing. When he died on December 30, 1777, he left no children. The Wittelsbach family in Bavaria had no children, so the title passed to Charles Theodore, the Elector of Palatine. After four and a half centuries of separation, Palatine, which also added territory in Leahy and Berg, was reunited with Bavaria.
(2) Palatine Bavaria
The rise of the Bavarian power is intolerable to Austria, a neighboring country that has just begun to fear - as Bohemia, Austria and the imperial ruler, one third of the territory of Bavaria has expired sovereignty. These areas were once occupied by the Austrian army, which was also secretly agreed by Charles Theodore, because He did not have. The legitimate heir hopes that the emperor will promote his own child to Imperial princes Charles II, Duke of Zweibrunken (Shuangqiao), the next successor supported by the King of Prussia, protested against this, so Bavarian Succession War Burst. On《 Special treaty 》(May 13, 1779), Yinhe The area was ceded to Austria, and the inheritance of Charles, Duke of Zweibluken, was confirmed.
For Bavaria itself, Charlie Theodore is nothing. He felt alienated from outsiders, and what he cared about most - the endless conspiracy in the Austrian cabinet, which was also the direct reason for Frederick II's "Alliance of Marquis" in 1785 - was the exchange of Bavaria Austrian Netherlands and Burgundy The title of the king. In addition, the enlightened domestic policies of his predecessor were abandoned. The Jesuit Society was originally used by Maximilian Joseph as a tool to promote educational reform, but it was not only suppressed, but also funded Jerusalem Of Knights of St. John , fight for faith. The government is parochial Didacticism Domination, the culmination of which is the attempt to separate the bishop of Bavaria from the diocese of the German Catholic Church, and directly be held by the Pope. On the eve of the revolutionary era, the social and psychological conditions of Bavaria remained in the Middle Ages.

Napoleonic Era

Marshal Morrow
In 1792, the French revolutionary army conquered Palatine. In 1795, the French army led by Morrow invaded Bavaria and advanced to Munich, where they were warmly welcomed by the oppressed liberals and besieged Ingolstadt. Charles Theodore did nothing to prevent the war or resist the invasion. He fled to Saxony and left a regency meeting. They signed an agreement with Morrow. He announced an armistice and received a large amount of tribute in return (September 7, 1796). At that time, Bavaria was sandwiched between Austria and France and was in great danger. Before the death of Charles Theodore (February 16, 1799), Austria had reoccupied Bavaria and was ready to declare war on France again. The succession of newly elected Marquis Similian IV Joseph to the throne is difficult at times. Although he personally and the Prime Minister, Maximilian von Montegras, who was devout of power and power, were emotionally more inclined to France than Austria, Bavaria's financial situation and military organization were in chaos, and the status quo of being scattered made it unable to resist Austria. On December 2, 1800, the Bavarian army was defeated together with Austria in Hohenlinden, and Morrow once again occupied Munich. On《 Treaty of Luneville 》(February 9, 1801), Bavaria lost Palatine and the Principalities of Zweibluken and Ulich.
After seeing the hidden ambition and conspiracy of the Austrian court, Monteglas finally believed that the interests of Bavaria were based on French Republic Based on sincere alliance; He successfully persuaded the reluctant Maximilian Joseph. On August 24, 1801, Bavaria and France Paris Reach a separate peace. First in power Commit to make compensation in the third paragraph, and stipulate in the seventh paragraph of the Treaty of Luneville that Rhine The land on the left bank will be compensated by the land of the empire in the best way for Bavaria.
In 1803, Napoleon gave the bishops and many empires Free market In the redistribution of territory after the repression, Bavaria obtained Vilzburg Bamberg Augsburg And the Bishop of Freisin, part of Pasao, the territory of 12 monasteries, 17 cities and villages, whose area has exceeded the remote areas of the Rhine Basin ceded by Bavaria. Montegras made Bavaria a first-class power at one fell swoop Napoleonic Era Skillfully pursue their own goals, on the one hand, make full use of France's dominant position - as long as its position is still there - on the other hand, never allow Bavarian statues The Federation of Rhine A large number of countries have become French vassals. In the war of 1805, according to the alliance treaty signed in Vilzburg on September 23, the Bavarian army for the first time since Charles VII and French Army Fighting side by side, in the Presburg Treaty signed on December 26, Ashstadt, Bulgor Border Region, Vorarlburg, Hohenames and Konysag Rottenfelsberg, Algen and Taitnan territories and Forest road The city was incorporated into Bavaria. On the other hand, the Weltsburg obtained in 1803 was ceded to the candidate of Salzburg, and Bavaria received Tyrol as compensation. In the first paragraph of the treaty, the emperor recognized the title of the elected king, Maximilian I Maximilian crown The price that had to be paid was to marry his daughter Augusta and Eugene de Boer. On March 15, 1806, he ceded the Principality of Berg to Napoleon.
The alliance with France also has an important influence on the constitution of Bavaria. Maximilian himself was an "enlightened" monarch in the 18th century, whose tolerant policy had seriously offended the clergy; Montegrass was a faithful believer in the "top-down" radical reform. In 1803, he also discussed the reform with the old Congress. However, the revolutionary changes in the new Constitution promulgated on May 1, 1808 were the product of Napoleon's direct influence. The remnants of the Middle Ages that still existed in the traditional local diet and gatherings were swept away. Everyone is equal before the law , general tax obligations, Serfdom Abolition, personal and property security and belief Freedom of the press It replaced the ancient system of privileges and immunities. On paper, there is a congress with narrow personnel base and extremely limited power, and it has never been held.
In 1809, Bavaria again declared war on Austria on the side of France. The Tyrolese rebelled against the Bavarian authorities and defeated the Bavarian and French armies who tried to retake the territory three times. Austria in the Fifth Anti French Social wars In 1809, he was forced to accept more stringent conditions in the Meiquan Palace Treaty. Often deified as Tyrol Andres Hofer, the leader of the uprising of the national hero, failed in the third and last battle against the French and Bavarian armies. In 1810 Mantua Executed. In the treaty signed in Paris on February 28, 1810, Bavaria ceded southern Tyrol to Italy, and some other small territories to Wuteng Castle , get part of Salzburg, Inn River area, Hausruk, Bayreuth And Regensburg as compensation. Montegras's policy was extremely successful, but Napoleon's career had reached its peak, and the shrewd speculator had realized the changes that were about to happen.
Then in 1812, a series of events occurred. In 1813, Bavaria was summoned to join the alliance against Napoleon. This request was Crown Prince The enthusiasm of Louis and Marshal Fred. On October 8, in the Reid Treaty, Bavaria abandoned its alliance with France. Montegras announced to the French ambassador that he had been forced to bow under the storm for the time being, and said that "France will certainly ask Bavaria."

Successive rulers

Agirolfen dynasty
Ruling time
Garibalde I [1]
ca. 548-595
Tacilo I
ca. 595-610
Garibalde II
ca. 610-640
ca. 640-680
Tacilo II
ca. 680-717
ca. 717-724
Yu Beier
ca. 725-737
ca. 737-749
Tassilo III
ca. 749-788
Carolingian dynasty
Ruling time
Lothair I
Louis I (pious)
Louis II (German)
Louis III ("Child Louis")
Fat Charlie
Leopold Dynasty and Saxony Dynasty
Leopoldin dynasty
Anuf (villain)
Leopoldin dynasty
nine hundred and thirty-seven
Leopoldin dynasty
Leopoldin dynasty
Henry I
Saxon Dynasty
Henry II
Saxon Dynasty
Otto I
Saxon Dynasty
Henry III
Leopoldin dynasty
Henry II (reset)
Saxon Dynasty
Henry IV
Saxon Dynasty
Luxembourg Dynasty and Frankinian Dynasty
Henry V
Luxembourg Dynasty
Henry VI
Salian dynasty
Henry VII
Luxembourg Dynasty
Conrad II
Luxembourg Dynasty
Henry VIII
Salian dynasty
Conrad III
Salian dynasty
Henry VIII
Salian dynasty
Otto II
Notheim Dynasty
Wilf I
Welf Dynasty
Henry VIII
Salian dynasty
Welf Dynasty
Ruling time
Wilf I
Welf Dynasty
Welf II
Welf Dynasty
Henry IX
Welf Dynasty
Henry X
Welf Dynasty
House of Babenberg
Henry XI
House of Babenberg
Henry XII (lion)
Welf Dynasty
House of Wittelsbach
Ruling time
Otto I "der Grosse"
Louis I Ludwig I (Count of Rhine Palace since 1214)
Otto II "der Erlauchte"
After the death of Otto II, Bavaria was divided into Upper Bavaria (Ober bayern )And Chin varia Niederbayern )。 From then on to the 16th century, the rulers came from one family, but each was independent. The long line of the Wittelsbach family( bold It is generally called the Duke of Bavaria for short.

Bavarian split

Duke of Upper Bavaria
  • 1253-1294: Louis II Ludwig II "der Strenge" (also the Earl of Rhine Palace)
  • 1294-1317: Rudolf I (He is also the Earl of Rhine Palace, and his descendants are the Pufaltsch of the Wittelsbach family)
  • 1294-1347: Louis IV (Since 1340, he has been the Duke of Bavaria and was crowned Holy Roman Emperor in 1328)
In 1340, Duke of Upper Bavaria and Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV Reunification of Bavaria.
Chin Duke of Virginia
  • 1253-1290: Henry XIII
  • 1290-1312: Otto III was King of Hungary from 1305 to 1307
  • 1290-1296: Louis III
  • 1290-1309: Stefan I
  • 1309-1334: Otto IV
  • 1309-1339: Henry XIV (Henry Henry)
  • 1312-1333: Henry XV
  • 1339-1340: Johann I "das Kind"
In 1340, Chin Bavaria had no offspring, and the Duke of Upper Bavaria was also the Duke of Upper Bavaria.
Temporary unification
  • 1340-1347: Louis IV
  • 1347-1349: Louis V, Stefan II, Louis VI, William I, Albrecht and Otto V
In 1349, the sons of Louis IV once again divided Bavaria into Upper Bavaria Chin varia and Bavaria Straubin Bayern-Straubing )。
Duke of Upper Bavaria (second enfeoffment)
  • 1347-1361: Louis V (Brandenburg) Ludwig V, der Brandenburger
  • 1347-1350: Louis VI (Roman) Ludwig VI, der R ö mer
  • 1347-1350: Otto V, der Faule (corrupt)
  • 1361-1363: Meinhard Meinhard (the second son of Louis V, also the Earl of Tyrol)
In 1363, there was no offspring in Upper Bavaria and it was attributed to Bavaria Landshut.
Jaw Duke of Virginia (second enfeoffment)
  • 1347-1375: Stefan II Stephan II (the second son of Louis IV)
In 1375, Bavaria was divided into Bavaria Ingolstadt Bayern-Ingolstadt )Bavaria- Landshut Bayern-Landshut )And Bavaria Munich Bayern-München )。
The Duke of Bavaria Straubin
  • 1363-1388: Wilhelm I
  • 1363-1404: Albrecht I
Bavaria Straubin and Netherlands , Xilan, Enuocheng personal union , also known as Straubin Netherlands
  • 1389-1397: Albrecht II, son of Albrecht I, died before his father
  • 1404-1417: William II
  • 1417-1425: (unkind) John III Ohnegnade
In 1425, Bavaria Straubin gave up his son and was divided up by Bavaria Ingolstadt, Bavaria Landshut and Bavaria Munich.
The Duke of Bavaria Ingolstadt
  • 1375-1413: Stephan III der Knei ß l (eldest son of Stefan II)
  • 1413-1443 Louis VII der B ä rtige
  • 1443-1445: (hunchbacked) Louis VIII der H ö ckridge
In 1445, Bavaria Ingolstadt gave up his son and returned to Bavaria Landshut.
Bavaria - Duke of Landshut
  • 1375-1393: Friedrich der Weise (the second son of Stefan II)
  • 1393-1450: Heinrich XVI der Reiche
Bavaria Ingolstadt was incorporated in 1445.
  • 1450-1479: Louis IX (rich man) Ludwig IX der Reiche
  • 1479-1503: Georg der Reiche (rich man)
In 1503, Bavaria Landshut gave up his son and returned to Bavaria Munich, and Bavaria was reunified.
The Duke of Bavaria Munich
  • 1375-1397: John II (the third son of Stefan II)
  • 1397-1438 Ernst I
  • 1397-1435: William III
  • 1435-1440: Adolf
  • 1438-1460: (pious) Albrecht III der Fromme
  • 1460-1463: John IV
  • 1460-1467: Sigismond
  • 1460-1508: Albrecht IV der Weise
In 1503, Bavaria Landshut was incorporated and Bavaria was reunified.
Duke of Bavaria
  • 1503-1508: Albrecht IV
  • 1508-1550: William IV
  • 1516-1545: Louis X (Duke of Bavaria Landshut)
  • 1550-1579: (bold) Albrecht V der Gro ß m ü tige
  • 1579-1597: (pious) Wilhelm V der Fromme
  • 1597-1623: (Great) Maximilian I
In 1623, due to the Thirty Year War Zhongzhong is loyal to Holy Roman Emperor , Duke of Bavaria Maximilian I Be sealed as elector

Bavarian Electors

Bavarian juvenile
full name
Ruling time
Maximilian I
February 23, 1623 - September 27, 1651
In 1623, he won the election. After the Westphalia Peace Treaty, he continued to retain the upper Pufalz and the election candidates
Ferdinand Maria
September 27, 1651 - May 26, 1679
The eldest son of Maximilian I, who was regent of his uncle Albrecht IV from 1651 to 1654
Maximilian II Emmanuel
May 26, 1679 - February 26, 1726
The eldest son of Ferdinand Maria, who supported the Kingdom of France in the War of Spanish Succession, fled from Bavaria after the Battle of Blenheim and was deprived of his candidacy. He resumed his candidacy after the Treaty of Baden in 1714
Karl Albrecht
February 26, 1726 - January 20, 1745
The second son of Maximilian II Emmanuel, born from his second marriage, once again supported the Kingdom of France and opposed the Habsburg family during the War of Succession to the Austrian throne. On January 24, 1742, he was crowned Holy Roman Emperor in Frankfurt, and then the Austrian army occupied the Bavarian Electorate. After the Second Silesian War, the Austrian army withdrew from the Electorate, Carl Albrecht was able to return to the electoral country and died three months later
Maximilian III Joseph
January 20, 1745 - December 30, 1777
The eldest son of Karl Albrecht, the last Bavarian candidate
Pufalz Neuburg Zurzbach branch
Carl Teodore
December 30, 1777 - February 16, 1799
A distant relative of Maximilian III Joseph, he was elected candidate of Pufalz in 1743
Pufalz Zweibluken Bilkenfeld Branch
Maximilian IV Joseph
February 16, 1799 - August 6, 1806
A distant relative of Carl Theodor, he succeeded Pufalz and Bavarian Elector in 1799. The Holy Roman Empire collapsed in 1806, and Bavarian Elector was promoted to kingdom

King of Bavaria

full name
Ruling time
Maximilian I
January 1, 1806 - October 13, 1825
First Bavarian King
Ludwig I
October 13, 1825 - March 20, 1848
Maximilian I's eldest son was forced to abdicate in 1848
Maximilian II
March 20, 1848 - March 10, 1864
Ludwig I's eldest son
Ludwig II
March 10, 1864 - June 13, 1886
Maximilian II's eldest son
June 13, 1886 - November 5, 1913
The second son of Maximilian II, whose uncle and cousin are regents because Otto cannot handle affairs
*Liuterbaud (June 10, 1886 - December 12, 1912)
*Ludwig (December 12, 1912 - November 5, 1913)
November 5, 1913 - November 13, 1918
Lutebod's eldest son, cousin Otto, ascended the throne after his death and was forced to abdicate after the First World War

Family heirs

  • Ludwig III 1918-1921
  • Ruprecht 1921-1955
  • Duke of Albrecht 1955-1996
  • Duke of Franz 1996 present