Free State of Bavaria

German state administrative region
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synonym Bavaria (German Federal State) generally refers to the Free State of Bavaria
Bavaria The full name of the Free State of Bavaria (German: Freistaat Bayern; English: Free State of Bavaria, also translated as Bayern State Bain State )At Germany The south, with an area of 70541.58 square kilometers, accounts for about one fifth of Germany's land area and is the largest in Germany Federal State [1]
Northwest and Baden Wuerttemberg Thuringia Saxony Free State Hessen Bordering various states, the east is connected with Czech Republic , South and Austria Bordering. Bazhou Natural scenery and Cultural tradition world-famous. [1] the danube Across the middle and south, there are many ice covered ridges and Glacial lake , southern margin The Alps The northern part of the area is hilly.
Bazhou has a population of about 13.3694 million (data by the end of 2022), ranking second in Germany, of which 67% believe Catholicism Major cities have capitals Munich Nuremberg and Augsburg [1]
Historically, Bavaria was one of the oldest kingdoms in Europe. [1] In 2023, Bazhou GDP (GDP) is 768.5 billion euros, ranking second in all German states. [1]
Bazhou is one quarter German Stock Exchange There are 27 DAX listed companies Public University University of Munich Munich University of Technology It was selected as one of the 11 outstanding universities in Germany. [1]
Every year, the state capital Munich Are holding one of the world's largest folk festivals Oktoberfest Munich It was held in 1972 Summer Olympics , is a German giants Bayern Munich Football Club Home location. [1]
Chinese name
Free State of Bavaria
Foreign name
German: Freistaat Bayern
English: Free State of Bavaria
Bayern Free State Freistaat Bayern
Administrative Region Category
Federal State
geographical position
Southeast Germany
70554 km²
Government residence
climatic conditions
Marine climate (Northwest) Continental climate (East)
population size
About 13.3694 million [1]
768.5 billion euros [1]

Geographical region

Geographical location of German states
Northwest Bavaria and Baden Wuerttemberg Thuringia Saxony Hessen Contiguous Czech Republic , south Austria , adjacent to the southwest Switzerland State capital Munich Is its largest city; North Central Franken Administration Special area capital Nuremberg It is the second largest city in the state and the largest city in Beibaien; The third largest city is in the southwest Augsburg , one Ancient Rome Of the ancient Roman countries of that time Border city
Bavaria is located in the southeast of Germany, and its southwest, south and east are adjacent to Switzerland, Austria and the Czech Republic. The Alps run through the state, with many mountains, forests and lakes topographic features The salient features of. Area of the whole state 70554 square kilometre With a population of 11.8 million, it is the largest state in Germany. The state has 7 special districts, 25 cities, 71 counties and about 2000 towns, with Munich as its capital.
High in the south and low in the north The Alps Land and plateau (Zug Peak, 2962m above sea level, is the highest mountain in Germany), and hills and plains in the middle and north. There are many high mountains, rivers, lakes and beautiful scenery in the whole prefecture. The famous rivers include Danube River, Meiyin River Issa River Etc; Famous lakes include Boden Lake Keem Lake , Steinberg Lake, Amo Lake, etc. [2]

administrative division

climatic conditions

genus temperate continental climate , with four distinct seasons Atlantic The influence of air flow is changeable, with abundant rainfall and pleasant humidity, Annual average temperature About 15 ℃. Due to different terrain, the annual average precipitation 700-1800mm. [2]

Political institutions

Two state flags of Bayern
Politically, Bazhou owns Unicameral system Landtag and universal suffrage system. The state government is the highest administrative body Governor , ministers and secretaries of state Legislative competence Internal guidelines and policies are formulated. The state government has nine functional departments. The main political parties in Bazhou include the Christian Social Union, the Social Democratic Party, the Free Voter Party The Green Party And the Liberal Democratic Party, of which Christian Social Union The current German Federation ruling party Christian Democratic Union The scope of its activities is limited to Bazhou. Since 1946, the CSU has been the strongest political party in Bazhou.
In the state council elections held in October 2018, although the CSU maintained its position as the largest party with 37.4% of the votes, it needs to govern jointly with the "free voters" party. Incumbent governor Marcus Sodell (CSU), Speaker Yize Egna (CSU). [1]
Bavaria is Germany's state with a thousand year history and the oldest tradition. It was the only state in Germany in 1945 Nazi Germany A state whose territory was preserved as it was after the collapse. It emphasizes federalism externally, but is more centralized internally. Its power is mainly concentrated in Munich, the state capital, and Nuremberg , Augsburg and other big cities.
Bavaria Legislature There is one thing different from other states in the state council Social groups , economic groups Cultural groups And representatives of local bodies - senate It plays a major role in state legislation.

Economic pillar

State emblem
Bavaria is one of the richest states in Germany. Fifty years ago, Bavaria was still a region with agriculture as the leading industry. At the beginning of the 21st century, it has developed into“ new economy ”Center. At the same time, Bazhou is also the richest in the world purchasing power One of the markets. Munich, the capital of the state, is known as "the second capital of Germany" and is the culture economic center
The automobile manufacturing industry is one of the core industries in Bavaria, with a long history and tradition. In July 2020, unemployment rate 3.9%. [3] Bazhou was once a relatively backward agricultural and pastoral area in Germany. After World War II, the state government took active measures to attract various talents High tech enterprises and scientific research institution Settle down in Pakistan and successfully realize the transformation from agriculture and animal husbandry to high-tech economic structure Transforming into economic base A high-tech concentration area with strong infrastructure and reasonable economic structure. Bazhou is famous for its technology in electronics, information, machinery, automobile, aerospace and other fields, and its financial, tourism and exhibition industries are developed. Numerous knowledges Famous enterprises Such as Siemens, BMW audi , Man Infineon , Adidas EADS Finance and insurance as Allianz Insurance Munich Re , Yubao Bank, scientific research institutions such as Max Planck Institute, Fraunhofer Institute, Germany and European Patent Office And other headquarters are located in Bazhou.
In 2018, Bazhou GDP It was 625.2 billion euros. After price adjustment, the actual growth rate was 1.4%, achieving the ninth consecutive year of growth. Bazhou occupies Germany gross domestic product 18.5%, second only in Germany Nordrhein-Westfalen GDP of Bazhou in the first six months of 2019 Year on year growth 0.9%, higher than 0.4% in Germany growth rate 2019 Bazhou Total foreign trade It reached 379.88 billion euros, up 0.1% year on year, including 189.92 billion euros in exports, down 0.3% year on year; Imports were 189.96 billion euros, up 0.6% year on year. In 2019, the top three trading partners of Bazhou are China, the United States and Austria. [1]

historical background

Munich, the capital of Bavaria
Bavarian Bayuwaren , is ancient Imperium Romanum The name given to the place by the Romans when they ruled it. About 520 A.D Franks This name is also mentioned. In the early 8th century Saint Boniface Complete the conversion of local people to Catholicism. Since then, Bavaria has always believed in Roman Catholicism. In the 14th century, Bavaria resisted religious reform and still insisted on believing in Roman Catholicism.
From about 550 to 788, the Azinofen family ruled The Principality of Bavaria Until the last Duke Tessillo III was Charlemagne Until deposed. Over the next 400 years, many families ruled principality Few families can pass on to the third generation. The last and most important of those dukes is welf Dynastic Henry the Lion , also Munich The builders of the city.
When Henry the Lion was killed by his nephew Frederick I After sacking Saxony and the title of Duke of Bavaria, in 1180, Bavaria was granted Wittelsbach Family As a fief, Bavaria was ruled by the Wittelsbach family from 1180 to 1918. In 1255, Bavaria was split into several principalities for the first time, but in 1506, Bavaria was reunified, and Munich became the capital at that time. 1623 Thirty Year War The early Duke of Bavaria replaced their Cousin The Duke of Pfalz obtained Holy Roman Empire Internally powerful elector The title, since then, not only determines that Bavaria has elections Germany The King and Holy Roman Emperor And gained special formal status under imperial law.
When Napoleon When the name of the empire was revoked, Bavaria became a kingdom in 1806, and in 1815 Pufalz also merged with Bavaria. Between 1799 and 1817, the Prime Minister of Bavaria, Count Maximilian Joseph von Mojonas, followed a strict modernization policy and built the foundation of the administrative structure, even though it was still Monarchy This policy has also been applied to modern times. In 1818, a new constitution was passed (based on the standard at that time), establishing the bicameral system Parliament of, including The House of Lords ("Kammer der Reichsr ä te") and House of Commons ("Kammer der Abgeordneten")。 The Constitution the First World War The end, the monarchy still valid before the fall.
After the rise of Prussia, the Bavarian Plan and Prussia and Austria To defend her independence, but in 1866 Austro-Prussian War Bavaria was incorporated in 1871 due to the failure of German Empire However, it still retains the title of the Principality of Bavaria. Young King Ludwig II Put energy into the construction of New Swan Castle.
In the early 20th century Wassily Kandinsky Paul Klee (Paul Klee), Henry Ibsen, and other famous painters all came to Bavaria, especially in Munich's Swarbing District, but this area the First World War Is destroyed in.
recall Ludwig III In 1919, the socialist governor of the Communist Party of China, Chet Eisner, was assassinated, leading the government to violently suppress the communist revolution. The activities of right-wing extremists also increased, especially in 1923 Beer Hall Putsch Munich and Nuremberg Becomes Nazi Party The base of the Third Reich.
As a manufacturing center the Second World War Munich was heavily bombed and occupied by US troops. After the Second World War, Bavaria returned to a prosperous industrial center The large-scale reconstruction project has made great efforts to restore many famous buildings in Munich's history, and also hosted the Summer Olympics

Higher Education

University of Munich
Bavaria has a total of nine State university , which includes Universit der Bundeswehr München Until 1962, there were only four universities in Bavaria, respectively located in Munich (Two), Vilzburg and Erlangen. Between 1962 and 1975, Bavaria Regensburg Augsburg , Bamberg Bayreuth and Pasho Five other universities have been established. Then in 1973, Universit der Bundeswehr München Establishment. In addition, Nuremberg University of Technology, which has been under construction since 2018, will be the tenth state university.
Colleges and universities
Original German name
Chinese name
Universität Augsburg [5]
Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg [6]
Universität Bayreuth [7]
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg [8]
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München [9]
Technische Universität München [10]
Universität Passau [11]
Universität Regensburg [12]
Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg [13]
Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (kirchlich) [14]
Universität der Bundeswehr München [15]
Augustana - Theologische Hochschule der Evangelisch-Lutherischen Kirche in Bayern (kirchlich) [16]

Historical culture

Oktoberfest Munich
Bavarian culture can be traced back to more than 1000 years ago. According to Article 3 of the Constitution of the Free State, Bavaria should become a "cultural state". In the 2003 budget, the state government allocated more than 5.5 million euros to the arts and cultural fields Cultural undertakings Has made contributions that cannot be underestimated. [17]
In history, Bavaria was one of the oldest kingdoms in Europe, Cultural tradition Unique. In 1871, Prussia forced Bavaria to join the German state through war, but it still had the status of a kingdom and retained independent postal, railway and military affairs Autonomy Now Bazhou still maintains its cultural uniqueness. Most local residents emphasize the difference from other regions in Germany and like to speak their own dialect. [1]


Bayern Munich logo
Bayern Munich Football Club (German: Fussball Club Bayern M ü nchen) [18] , also known as Bayern, is the capital of Bavaria in southern Germany Munich City football club, currently in German Division One League match. It is one of the most successful and popular football clubs in Germany and even in Europe, winning a total of 30 German top football league titles and 20 Germany Cup 6 times Champions League champion.
Chinese name : Bayern Munich Football Club
German Name: FC Bayern M ü nchen
Abbreviation: FCB
Office address: Sabener Strasse 51, 81547 Munich
Time of establishment: February 27, 1900
Country: Germany
City: Munich
Headquarter address: Harlaching, suburban Munich Sabena Avenue No. 51.
Color of jersey: red is the main color, and red and white are the traditional colors.
Main sponsor of the team: Deutsche Telekom
Shares: Bayern Munich 80.91% Adidas 8.33% (7700W Euro in 2001) Audi 8.33% (9000W Euro in 2009) Allianz 8.33% (110 million euros in 2014)
Home court: Munich Allianz Stadium
Number of people available: 69901, expanded to 71000 in August 2012
Bayern Munich Team Song :F. C. Bayern forever number one
Bayern Munich fan song: Southern Star

tourist resources

King Lake
Bavaria is a charming tourist destination in Germany, and tourism is an important economic source of the state. There are abundant cultural heritage And beautiful lakes and mountains. There are well preserved medieval cities here Regensburg , Barokloco style banks Etting Of Monastery And the church, the Fourteen Saints' Cathedral, etc Church architecture And the then bishop city of Vilzburg has been United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization It is listed among the world's cultural wealth.
Capital of Bavaria and world famous metropolis Munich (M ü nchen) With numerous picturesque villages and medieval aristocratic palaces, the scenery is beautiful and natural; There are also magnificent castles and baroque churches, medieval monasteries and ancient castles with different styles: world famous Neuschwanstein Castle Schloss Neuschwanstein (King Ludwig II König Ludwig II.) and Westchurch (Wieskirche) (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization World Heritage Site ); In addition, there are ancient Roman Empire boundary walls (Limes), W ü rzburg Bamberg (Bamberg) and Regensburg. Bavaria In total, there are more than 100000 monumental buildings, more than 1200 museums and collections, and more than 40 first-class theaters and opera stages. Of course, a variety of traditional activities will be held, such as Oktoberfest Munich M ü nchner Oktoberfest, Landshut Hochzeit, Oberamergauer Passionsspiele or Nuremberg N ü rnberger Christkindlesmarkt. [4]
Magnificent The Alps The picturesque lakes in the piedmont and hills add infinite charm to the ancient Bavaria. German peak Zuge Peak It is towering. Even in hot summer, the top of the mountain is covered with snow, and the hillside is cool. It is a holy place for summer. The main lakes in the state are Staenberg Lake Teguen Lake Amur Lake , Dream Yinhu Lake and Boden Lake , which contains rich Water resources Bavarian Forest, the first German National Park as well as the danube Maine River And its tributaries are known as Germany's“ Romantic Road ”。 With such beautiful scenery and ancient cultural heritage, Bavaria has become the number one holiday resort in Germany that tourists like best.

Famous city



BMW Museum Munich
Munich (Munich) The original place of monks, located on the Issa River at the northern foot of the Alps in southern Germany, with a population of 1.3 million (2010), has been the cultural center and capital of the Kingdom of Bavaria since the middle of the 12th century. It is the seat of the state capital of Bavaria, the largest city in South Germany, the third largest city in Germany, and an important economic, cultural, scientific and Transportation Center one of. [2]
Munich's economy Modern service industry Mainly, finance, insurance, exhibition, transportation, logistics, consulting, film and television, media, publishing, fashion, commerce, tourism, catering, hotels, etc. are highly developed publishing For example, it is a world-class publishing center second only to New York. Europe's largest insurance company Allianz and the world's largest Reinsurance company - Munich Re Group The headquarters of. famous BMW The headquarters is also in Munich, in fact“ bmw ”"Bavarian engine factory" originally means "Bavarian engine factory" in German. The headquarter of MAN is also in Munich. "MAN" is actually "Augsburg Nuremberg Machine" manufacturer ”German abbreviation for. The headquarters of the famous multinational company Siemens is also in Munich. No wonder Munich consumers are really "good at money" price level Germany is the first. [2]
Munich is not only one of the most prosperous and modern cities in Europe, but also retains the local traditional simple customs, so it is called "the village of millions of people". Munich has many nicknames, which were praised as "Issar" in history river bank Athens ", in the original West Germany Once known as the "secret capital", it has now gained the reputation of "capital of scientific research", "capital of culture" and "capital of the Internet" in the unified Germany, while people around the world prefer to call it "the world" Beer Capital ". [2]


Nuremberg (Nuremberg) The second largest city in Bazhou [19] , located in the central Franken area of Bazhou. With an area of 186,38 square kilometers and a population of 503000 (2008), Pegnetz River (Pegnitz) flows through the city, and the Rhine Main Danube Canal flows through the city. [2]
15、 In the sixteenth century, commerce and culture were well developed. The importance of Bazhou in the 19th century Industrial city and Railway junction 1835, from Nuremberg to Felt Germany's first passenger railway was completed and opened to traffic. The industry is dominated by metallurgy, motors, locomotives, precision and optical instruments, and the toy manufacturing industry is developed. It is known as the "Toy City" of the world, and the Nuremberg International Toy Fair has a long reputation. [2]
Nuremberg World War II Have suffered from Severe damage From November 20, 1945 to October 1, 1946, Nuremberg was composed of the United States, the Soviet Union, Britain and France International Tribunals , used to Nazi Germany Of the major war criminals. [2]


Augsburg is a city in south central Germany, built in 15 BC Roman emperor Age of Augustus. At that time Augsburg was a gathering place for trade. The most prosperous economy was in the 15th and 16th centuries.
Augsburg has 258000 residents. As the administrative capital of Schwaben and the third largest city in Bavaria [19] Augsburg represents an important industrial center
In 1806 AD, because of the loss of the Imperial Free City Act, Augsburg saw itself incorporated Kingdom of Bavaria Despite the serious damage caused by World War II, the city still has one The Renaissance The impressive appearance of the capital of the period.