Last month

Characters in Japanese manga Naruto series
open 2 entries with the same name
zero Useful+1
In April, Japanese manga《 Naruto 》Characters in the series and its derivative works, [1] First appeared in the press release of Naruto: The Seventh Generation of Naruto and the Scarlet Flower Moon (the first 700+1 in total) [2]
Big Snake Pill One of the man-made people created by Da She Wan is treated as his own child. [3] Coming from other places Muyeyin Village , and Vortex Blogger Yuzhi Bozuo Liangna Nara deer wear Mountain well array Autumn Path Butterfly They were contemporaries of Muye Yincun Ninja School. Graduation promoted to genin Later, he belonged to Boren and Zoliana Ape Flying Wood Leaf Pill Class 7 led by. Very good relationship with bloggers.
Chinese name
Last month [3]
Foreign name
ミツキ [3]
Bad (named when Big Snake Pill regards it as a container, which can be translated as "Sibei") [4]
Japan: Takichi Kishima [5] Mainland China: Cao Xupeng Taiwan, China: Yang Peirong Qiu Meijun
Debut works
Ten story short cartoon "Naruto: The seventh generation of Naruto and the colorful flower moon" [2]
Theatre version 11 Naruto Theatre version: Biography of Bloggers [5]
One story short cartoon Naruto: Full Moon Illuminates the Road [3]
The long cartoon "BORUTO - Fire Shadow New Generation" [6]
The long animation "BORUTO - New Generation of Fire Shadow"
July 25 (Leo) [1]
149cm (theater version 11 original picture setting diagram)
Place of residence
Country of Tian ·Yinyin Village → The country of fire · Muyeyin Village [2]
Ninja Level
Tolerance school students → genin [2]
Big Snake Pill [3]
Log [3]
Ninja School Teacher
Younv Zhinai [2]
The seventh shift( Wood leaf bolus class [2]
Guidance and tolerance
Ape Flying Wood Leaf Pill [2]
Team mate in the lower tolerance period
Vortex Blogger Yuzhi Bozuo Liangna [2]
Other contemporaneous students
Nara deer wear Mountain well array Autumn Path Butterfly etc. [2]
Favorite food
Scrambled eggs [1]
Disgusting food
Scaled meat [1]
Reading data books and card games [1]
Chakra attribute
(known) wind, thunder

Role Background

  • Meaning of name
The official did not give Chinese characters in the early period, so there were many early translations such as March (11 Chinese for the theater version), Guangshu (703 words for Tencent), Guangxi (early translation of Taiwan Dongli), Jianyue, Guanyue, etc. Until April 2016, the new short cartoon Naruto: The Road under the Full Moon revealed the corresponding The official correct Chinese character is "Si Bao/Si Yue" (see the right picture)
"Si" is the sixth place of the earth branch, corresponding to the snake. The cover of the short story also has the slogan "My way is the way of the snake". [3]
"Tsuki (pronounced p ī in Chinese)" refers to unfired pottery. The same cup can also be translated as "Sibei".

Role image


Identity background

The last month is Big Snake Pill One of the artificial people created by combining a variety of fine genes has an adult brother. Both were treated as their own children by Big Snake Pill. Big Snake Pill hopes that the moon like moon can be in the sun like moon Vortex Blogger Let Siyue come to Muye Hidden Village and Vortex Blogger People live together.
At the end of the month, he came from Yinyin Village Muyeyin Village , and Vortex Blogger Yuzhi Bozuo Liangna Nara deer wear Mountain well array Autumn Path Butterfly They were contemporaries of Muye Yinninja School. become genin After and Blogger Zuo Liangna be otherwise similar Wood leaf bolus class Team member, Shangren Ape Flying Wood Leaf Pill Your subordinates. [6]
Although I am a patient person, my strength has been greatly improved after opening Immortal Mode.

Appearance and clothing

With blue and white hair (officially white), such as Big Snake Pill Like amber eyes, pale skin. Eyebrows are short and of the same color as hair.
Wearing very loose blue and white old clothes with very long sleeves, dark blue trousers, black ninja boots, and tying a rope around the waist to fix the clothes (changed into a belt after being promoted to lower tolerance). [2] After graduating from the ninja school, the forehead wore the logo of "Muye Hidden Village" with black background. [6]
Laugh and your eyes will turn into crescent moon. [2]

Character characteristics

When I first came to the ninja school, I was only interested in the "sun in my heart" vortex blogger, but I didn't pay attention to other students. My character was similar to that of the early days Sai He doesn't know much about the world. Because he is a child made by Big Snake Pill, sometimes he is even a little cold hearted; But as we get along with bloggers and classmates, our personality and behavior gradually change under the influence of everyone, and we begin to understand how to cherish our peers and protect others with our own strength. [2-3] [5] [7]
Usually, I listen to the bloggers and follow their choices in many things, but I will also put forward more appropriate suggestions than the bloggers when it is critical. He is calm, careful and realistic. He can think more rationally than Bo Ren and Zuo Liangna, and often plays a key role in performing tasks.
Once complained that his parents were different Autumn Path Butterfly Suffering from "Tragic heroine syndrome", every time he saw the appearance of butterflies and butterflies, he would say: "Your disease is serious again."
Although they have their own favorite food like ordinary people, they can actually not eat because of their man-made constitution.
The catchphrase is - "It doesn't matter."

Capability setting


Formula book information

Capability setting
Ability value (maximum single item is 180, average average is 60, average tolerance is 90)
physical strength
Bargaining power
one hundred and thirty
one hundred and forty
one hundred and sixty-five
one hundred and twenty-three
one hundred and fifty
Personal skills (up to 5)
Careful action
Medical Ninja


Software modification
The esoteric ninja can stretch or twist the body freely or to any angle, and attack like a whip. [8]
Software modification
Level C: The snake is summoned from the arm and attacks the enemy unexpectedly. The summoned snake is more powerful and intelligent than ordinary snakes. [8]
Latent Snake Hand
Hidden Shadow Raging Snake Hand
The body hides below the ground and summons several snakes. The summoned snakes pierce the ground around the opponent to surround and attack the enemy.
Hidden Shadow Raging Snake Hand
Burial of Hidden Shadow Snake
The body hides below the ground, extends its arms from the ground under the enemy's feet, grabs the enemy's feet, pulls the enemy's whole body into the ground, and buries him alive.
Burial of Hidden Shadow Snake
Fengdun · Breakthrough
Take a deep breath and release the powerful air cannon, which is a small version of the Big Snake Pill's "Fengdun · Great Breakthrough". [8]
Fengdun · Breakthrough
Use countless invisible vacuum blades to attack the enemy.
Wind Dun - Sickle Weasel
Send thunder and lightning through the hands to attack the enemy.
Lei Dun · Shelei
Lei Dun, Snake Riding Thunder
Lei Dun, Snake Riding Thunder
Snake Separation
Use the snake to create a avatar with the same appearance as yourself. [8]
Snake Separation
Immortal Method · Big Snake Thunder
Immortal Method · Big Snake Thunder

Immortal Skill (Charm Seal)

Immortal Mode (Enchantment mode)
In this state, the strength and speed will become several times of the normal state, a single horn will grow on the forehead, and the whole body will emit several transparent snake shaped chakras. These chakras are associated with Vortex Naruto Chakra, the tail beast of, is similar and can be materialized. It can not only directly attack, but also carry other ninjas or props for medium and short range attacks, and can also be used for defense. After starting Immortal Mode in Siyue, you can have the strength of tolerance level. [3]
Immortal Mode (Enchantment Mode)

interpersonal relationship

Makers, "parents"
"The Legend of Wood Leaves Tolerance ”One, once a traitor, but finally The Fourth World War of Tolerance Changed his mind. [3]
"Luogu( Log )”
The other man-made person "already bad" made before the Big Snake Pill has the same appearance as the current one, and has grown up. [3]
Basic teaching teacher
One of Naruto's contemporaries, later served as the basic teacher of Muye Ninja School. [2]
Teammate and best friend
The seventh generation of Huoying Vortex Naruto His eldest son inherited his father's talent and naughty character when he was young. [2]
Female teammate
Heroes of Tolerance Uchibo Sasuke The daughter of Yuzhibo, inherits the unique blood inheritance limit wheel eye. [2]
The ape flying Muye Pill is the guidance of Muye Pill class, and is known as the talented ninja Muye is proud of. He is not only skilled in launching spiral pills with one hand, but also inherits his grandfather's Huodun Ninjutsu (fire dragon bullet, fire dragon flame bullet), and his uncle's endurance tool, Chakra Dao. [6]
Ordinary students

Role experience


Pre school

April 2016 New Short Cartoon Cover [3]
The teenager "Mitsuki" is Big Snake Pill One of the man-made people made with container "bad", whose name means "already bad". Because the sixth of the twelve "Si" represents a snake, it was named "Si Bao" by the Big Snake Pill. [3]
In order to make the young man become immortal, Big Snake Pill used medicine to eliminate the bad memory for five consecutive times, but it failed. After the sixth memory elimination, Big Snake Pill and Ghost Lantern Water Moon And another bad man (alias "Luogu"), who was made before, performed a play in front of the young man who was bad. The young man has become a bad man and is irritated. He turns into a fairy and leaves alone. Later, the teenager learned the truth from the scroll, respected the Big Snake Pill, and received the "Go Muyeyin Village Observe the son of Huoying Vortex Blogger ”Tasks for. [3]
At last, under the full moon, the young man was bad. He gave up the name "bad" and gave his name "bad" a new meaning - "already in the moon". [3]

Ninja School

Entered in the last month The country of fire · Muyeyin Village , studying in Ninja School. Siyue, who has a unique personality, is good at "observing objects", but does not pay attention to other students. However, after seeing that bloggers were determined not to sacrifice any friends in the "ghost event", they also realized the personality charm of bloggers and gradually integrated into the class after being infected by bloggers. [9-10]
It was found that the "ghost incident" in the village was the squad leader Purslane For, [11-12] He was about to kill Jin according to the order of Big Snake Pill, but was stopped by the blogger. [13] The blogger who knew the truth still regarded Jin as her classmate, which made Jin finally put down her hatred and gave up destroying Muye. Siyue also admired Bo Ren and gave up the task of killing Jin. [14]

Yuzhi Bozuo Liangna

I accompanied the blogger to deliver lunch to Naruto in the last month, but it was a little slow. A few months later, I realized that Bo Ren and Zoliana had a common feeling about their father's attitude, so I pulled Butterfly away when they discussed their father to avoid disturbing them. [2] [4] [7]

Graduation Examination

It has passed the graduation examination of the University of Tolerance, becoming genin , with Boren and Zoliana as the new seventh class( Wood leaf bolus class )Team members [6]

Zhongren Exam

Theatre version 11 Image in Naruto Theatre version: Biography of Bloggers
In the last month, three people took part in the new Zhongren exam jointly held by the five ninja villages [15] , and jointly passed the first two games. [16] A month later, he defeated Yunyin Xiaren Troy in the first game of the third game of the Zhongren exam.
Locke Lee Announces Victory in the Last Month
(Theater version:) This month will face in the second game New Hope , but the meeting was cancelled due to chaos. [17]
Be attacked stealthily
(TV version:) Lost in the second round in the last month New Hope Later, due to the attack of the Otungu trio, the Immortal Mode was opened for the protection of the bloggers in trouble for months, but unfortunately, it was Big barrel Mupu style The sneak attack led to the end of the month's Ninjutsu and Chakra being fished away by Pu style with a red light fishhook.

War record

Pre school
Shuiyue tests the strength of Siyue. [3]
And Big Snake Pill Resultant force. (The opponent pretends to be bitten by the big snake Gold Binding Technique Fixed) [3]
Angered by the two men, Siyue awakened the Immortal Mode, doubled its speed and strength, quickly took away the scroll and left. [3]
Ninja School
Giant Boy (out of control)
Instantly stunned. [9]
Win without injury. [9]
Younv Zhinai (out of control)
And Vortex Blogger Nara deer wear Together, all four exhausted Chakra. [10]
Xinle viola
Catch up with Jin, but intentionally let Jin go because the order is temporary observation. [11]
The Bo people are trapped by the snake part, and the post Bo people break free by the shadow part. [13]
Xinle viola
Blocked by Vortex Blogger. Later, he was sucked into the different space with Bo Ren and Jin. [13]
Work together with Vortex Bo people to temporarily get stuck. [14]
Xinle viola
Be stopped by Vortex Blogger. [14]
Campus 3V3 flag fight, and Vortex Blogger Meital Lee Resultant force. Although Li was defeated, it was finally won by Bo Ren and Si Yue. [18]
Learning Journey
Bee Valley Fishing System Subordinate
Injuries and whirlpools create synergy.
Graduation Examination
The graduation exam, in the immortal mode, destroyed Zhinai's target.
Cooperate with Jienai Yanbu to save the Bo people, but he was seriously injured.
Cooperate with Boren, Zoliana, Rayman Electric, and Jienaiyan Department.
The whole class worked together and was recognized despite exceeding the time limit.
Lower tolerance period
More than 10 villagers along the Green Bank
Defeat the villagers who are controlled by magic with wind escape and breakthrough. [19]
Reed bolus
Cooperate with Zoliana and Bo Ren. [20]
Zhongren Exam
Fog hidden triplets
The second session of Zhongren exam, and Vortex Blogger Yuzhi Bozuo Liangna Resultant force. (Bloggers cheat to win) [16]
The first game of the third game of Zhongren exam won easily. [17]
Not exerting all his strength.
The skill and Chakra were caught by the big barrel Mupu style red light fishhook.
After Zhongren exam
capture alive. [21]
And Yuzhi Bozuo Liangna Resultant force. Previously, Zhengcheng Temple had been injured by bloggers.
Trapped by Dayside's practical ban, Dayside later lifted the ban under the advice of Bo Ren.
He still failed to cooperate with Vortex Bo Ren and Yuzhi Bozoliana, so he was forced to use Immortal Mode to escape with them, and finally became unconscious due to serious injuries.
Try to buy time for Vortex bloggers to fight back, and finally provide support for bloggers to kill Dipa together with Yuzhibo Zoliana