
[qiǎo kè lì]
Dessert made from cocoa beans
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Chocolate (also translated as chocolate), originating in Central and South America, is originated from "xocolatl", which means "bitter water". Its main raw material cocoa bean It is produced in the narrow strip within 18 degrees of latitude north and south of the equator. When making drinks, it is often called "hot chocolate" or cocoa.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Chocolate, choc
Main raw materials
cocoa bean Cocoa powder
Contains ingredients
Theobromine Phenylethylamine
Solid or semi-solid
Bitter and sweet


Chocolate originated from cacao beans, the fruit of wild cacao trees in the tropical rainforest of Central America. More than 1300 years ago, the Mayan Indians in Yorktown made a drink called chocolate from roasted cocoa beans. In the early days, chocolate was a kind of greasy drink. Because the fried cocoa beans contained more than 50% oil, people began to add flour and other starch substances to the drinks to reduce their greasy degree.
Spanish explorers in the early 16th century Hernan Cortez stay Mexico Discovery: The local Aztec king drank a kind of cacao beans with water and spice The beverage made by Cortez was brought back in 1528 after tasting Spain , and on West Africa Planted on an island Cacao tree
The Spanish ground the cocoa beans into powder, added water and sugar, and then heated them to make a drink called "chocolate", which is very popular with the public. Soon its production method was learned by the Italians, and soon spread throughout Europe
In 1642, chocolate was introduced into France as a medicine Catholicism For personal consumption.
In 1765, chocolate entered U.S.A , was Benjamin Franklin It is praised as "a healthy and nutritious dessert".
In 1828, Van Houten of the Netherlands made a cocoa press to press the remaining powder from the cocoa liquid. The first chocolate in the world was born when the cocoa fat pressed by Van Houten was mixed with the crushed cocoa beans and sugar. After fermentation, drying and roasting, cocoa beans can be processed into cocoa liquid blocks, cocoa butter and cocoa powder to produce rich and unique flavor, which is the main body of chocolate.
In 1847, cocoa butter was added to chocolate drinks to make what is now known as chew Chocolate block.
In 1875, Switzerland Invented the method of making milk chocolate, thus having seen the chocolate.
In 1914, the First World War Stimulated the production of chocolate, which was sent to the battlefield for distribution rank-and-file soldiers
Chocolate is made from a variety of raw materials, but its flavor mainly depends on the taste of cocoa itself. Cocoa contains theobromine and caffeine , bringing pleasant bitterness; The tannins in cocoa have a light astringent taste, and the cocoa butter can produce a plump and smooth taste. The bitterness, astringency and acidity of cocoa, the smoothness of cocoa butter, the use of granulated sugar or milk powder, cream, malt, lecithin, vanillin and other auxiliary materials, and the exquisite processing technology, make chocolate not only maintain the unique taste of cocoa, but also make it more harmonious, pleasant and delicious. [1]

Chocolate Kingdom

1. Belgium (Country)
Belgium established the brand of Hami Chocolate in 1983, and is committed to presenting the best Hatton Chocolate in Belgium to the world. 85% of the products are exported to more than 60 countries in the world, and the product categories are: elegant comprehensive chocolate, 12 constellation heart shaped chocolate, Truffle Chocolates, Suck one's finger Aftertaste. Gillian, founded by Guy and Liliane Foubert 30 years ago, is currently the largest boxed chocolate manufacturer in Belgium, producing 75 tons of high-quality chocolate every day and selling it to 132 countries around the world. Gillian was Belgium Chocolate brands awarded gold medals by the royal family, including shells (golden shells), snowballs, classics, gemstones lover And 7 series of the quintessence of the world. It is called "the supreme in the chocolate kingdom".
In fact, Switzerland also has the saying of "chocolate kingdom": in addition to clocks and watches Saber Besides, there is another famous thing in Switzerland, that is, chocolate. Switzerland has a rich variety of chocolates at moderate prices, which are most suitable for gifts. Milk chocolate was invented in Switzerland. Because it is very difficult to adjust the temperature of milk, although a lot of research has been carried out in Europe, it has never been successful. Later, the Swiss Daniel Peter invented the production method in 1875.
At the beginning of the 19th century, chocolate was just a kind of Imported goods However, two centuries later, Switzerland has become the world's chocolate kingdom. The main reason for this is that the Swiss, who are good at innovation, have perfected the production method of chocolate again and again, and made chocolate from an expensive luxury to Consumer goods Change.
With so many forms of chocolate, there are different groups who like chocolate. In Europe, the largest consumer market of chocolate, solid chocolate without anything is the most popular. But chocolate mixed with nuts is more popular in eastern society, especially peanut And the taste of biscuits may be the pursuit of different tastes. Oriental people prefer more varied tastes, U.S.A It is half and half.



Big Mac

Mid October 2011, UK Derbyshire( Derbyshire Of Thornton( Thorntons The candy factory produced a piece of chocolate with a weight of nearly 6 tons, and the length and width are all 4 meters world record , in order to celebrate the centenary of the factory, Thornton Candy Factory This super large chocolate block was specially made. The chocolate "Big Mac" was cast with a specially made large mold. It took 50 workers 10 hours to fill the mold with chocolate syrup, and it took three days to wait for the chocolate to completely cool.

Fashion Show

Paris holds chocolate salon, models perform chocolate fashion show
The 18th Paris Chocolate Exhibition was held in Versailles The theme of the exhibition center is“ The New World of Chocolate ”More than 400 exhibitors and more than 200 famous dessert chefs from all over the world will participate, attracting about 120000 chocolate lovers to visit.

world record

On September 30, 2015, Gefeisong Chocolate Town in Jiashan, Zhejiang Province, China set the world's largest record. The world's largest chocolate sculpture in history is 4.08 meters long, 2.39 meters wide, 2.02 meters high and weighs 10.187 tons. The sculpture is made of high-quality pure cocoa butter Milk chocolate After being tempered and shaped in the Gefeisong Chocolate Factory, it was meticulously carved by masters at home and abroad for ten days. [2]

essential information

Chocolate is based on Cocoa butter It is a sweet food made with cocoa butter as the main raw material. It not only tastes delicate and sweet, but also has a strong aroma. Chocolate can be eaten directly, and can also be used to make cakes, ice cream, etc. On the romantic Valentine's Day, it is the indispensable protagonist to express love. [4]
 Best gift for Valentine's Day
Best gift for Valentine's Day
Chocolate is small, hot and delicious. The study found that chocolate contains Red Wine Contained in Antioxidants Chocolate is the transliteration of chocolate, which is confused by many people.
The output of chocolate in China is growing at a double-digit rate. In general, the chocolate market has begun to move from a development market to a mature market. In 2012, the total annual output of chocolate in China was about 280000 tons, up 12% year on year; The import volume of chocolate in China is 37400 tons, including 4973 tons of chocolate, 11523 tons of chocolate products, 20978 tons of other chocolates, and the import volume is 99.45 million dollars; The export volume of chocolate is 19000 tons, and the export value is 76.99 million dollars.


Because the ingredients of chocolate in the manufacturing process are different, it also creates its changeable appearance. Pure fat chocolate on the market can be divided into Dark chocolate( Dark Chocolate Or pure chocolate) - total cocoa solids ≥ 30%; Milk chocolate Milk Chocolate )-- Total cocoa solids ≥ 25% and total milk solids ≥ 12%; White chocolate( White Chocolate )-- Cocoa butter ≥ 20% and total milk solids ≥ 14%. The added content of non cocoa plant fat in chocolate shall not exceed 5%.

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate
Dark chocolate It is the favorite of people who like to taste "original chocolate". Because there is no or a small amount of milk, the sugar is usually low. The aroma of cocoa is not covered by other flavors. After melting in the mouth, the aroma of cocoa will overflow for a long time. Some people even think that eating dark chocolate is eating real chocolate. Usually, high-grade chocolate is dark chocolate, with the taste of pure cocoa. Because cocoa itself is not sweet or even bitter, black chocolate is less popular. Eating dark chocolate can improve the body's antioxidant So as to prevent cardiovascular disease, diabetes and hypoglycemia.

White chocolate

White chocolate
White chocolate , because there is no cocoa powder, only cocoa butter and milk, so it is white. This kind of chocolate has only the flavor of cocoa and is different from ordinary chocolate in taste. Some people do not classify it as chocolate( Maybe we should call it Milk Magic )。
Due to the low cocoa content and high sugar content, white chocolate will taste very sweet.

Milk chocolate

Milk chocolate Is on Dark chocolate On the basis of adding a certain amount of milk ingredients, the taste is very good and popular; For a long time, milk chocolate has been loved by consumers because of its balanced taste, and it is also the largest category of chocolate products in the world. The earliest milk chocolate formula was invented by the Swiss. Belgium and Britain are also major producers of milk chocolate.
They often use mixed milk powder technology, which has a similar cheese Flavor. Compared with pure dark chocolate, milk chocolate has a lighter, sweeter cocoa flavor and no longer has a greasy taste. A good milk chocolate product should achieve a perfect balance between the aroma of cocoa and milk, similar to the delicate relationship between two lovers, which is both attached and independent.
Eating milk chocolate can help enhance brain function, especially help the brain focus.
Milk chocolate contains many substances that can stimulate, such as Theobromine Phenylethyl as well as caffeine These substances can enhance the vitality of the brain, make people more alert and pay more attention.

Color chocolate

Color chocolate is based on White chocolate As the base material, add food pigment( Natural or synthetic pigments )It is processed through a series of processes such as ingredients, fine grinding, temperature regulation, casting and molding, and is widely used in puffed food chocolate coating, cold drink chocolate coating, color chocolate and other aspects.
There is no milk or other ingredients at all. Chocolate with single cocoa source refers to chocolate produced only with cocoa beans produced in specific regions or countries. Its original English text is“ Single origin ”。
Protein chocolate is based on cocoa products Vegetable protein It is made from such raw materials as cacao and vegetable protein through mixing, emulsification and other processes, with low calorie, protein High content can bring more benefits to all kinds of consumers.
In addition to different ingredients, depending on the additives, the form of chocolate has become various. according to US USDA Solid chocolate refers to not mixing nuts, biscuits and other ingredients. as SWISS THINS cafe tasse , mostly in sheet and block shape. Solid chocolate with other ingredients refers to chocolate mixed with fine nuts Soft gum Milk addition , biscuits and other ingredients, such as Switzerland Triangle chocolate

Filled chocolate

In addition to solid chocolate, there are also so-called Filled chocolate : A kind of chocolate with nuts (Enrobedor Mouded Products with Cand, Fruit, or Nut Center). If there is one in the counter on the market Walnut peanut Or single chocolate of almond, SNICKERS, m&m, 77 milk and chocolate, etc.
This kind of chocolate is exquisite in addition to the smooth chocolate, there is another kind of chewing pleasure. At the same time, due to the content, the taste of nuts will neutralize the sweetness of chocolate. In addition, there are chocolate with biscuit contents, such as Jinsha Twix The crispness of biscuits contrasts with smooth chocolate. liqueur chocolate Inject all kinds of liquor into chocolate )It is also a kind of sandwich chocolate. The more popular ones are rum Vodka XO Kirschwasser Sandwich. Gently bite off the flowing wine and the slowly melting chocolate, which is full of fragrance and crispness of nuts.
The level of chocolate is known at the moment of entrance. Good chocolate not only smells fragrant and sweet, but also tastes delicate and charming. There will be a clear sound when biting, and then it will melt easily between the teeth. The taste is fine and smooth, and the aroma of cocoa flows between the teeth, but there is no residue left.
When tasting chocolate, don't just take a big bite or swallow it with one. In order to make people have different tastes, the content of chocolate is very mysterious. If you taste it carefully, you will find another interesting world.
Mary's single chocolate has a cherry flavor, which contains the whole cherry (even the stem is not removed). The taste is that the cherry is wrapped with a layer of chocolate jam, and the fruit flavor and chocolate flavor are integrated. There are also some chocolate products with more contents, which demand diversified taste: the first segment of crushed fruit grains is chewy; The second biscuit is crisp; The third section of chocolate sauce is sweet; The whole hazelnut is crisp and delicious. Swiss triangle chocolate also has three tastes: the first one is crisp; The second section let the chocolate melt and overflow the fragrance; The rest of the fruit and caramel make you have fun chewing. The bar shaped chocolate containing milk added or soft gum is a combination of the softness of chocolate, nuts and caramel.
Dried fruit chocolate
This kind of chocolate is made by wrapping some chocolate with dried fruit. Dove The company has introduced a kind of "almond" chocolate.
Key to fermented aroma
Cacao tree It is planted in Central and South America. Cocoa pods are planted and collected by local estates. Each pod has about 20-60 cocoa beans fermentation (5-7 days) and drying (5-7 days), and then the cocoa beans are graded and packaged according to the variety and size.
The fermentation process of cocoa beans will produce alcohol and carbon dioxide Alcohol will also become acetic acid, protein components in the seeds will be broken down into amino acids, the germination ability will be lost, tannins will solidify, and the bitterness and astringency will be reduced. In appearance, the seed color changes to produce the red brown pigment unique to cocoa beans, and the bean kernel shrinks and the seed coat peels off. High quality chocolate has a natural fragrance, and the sour taste is the key to affect the aroma of chocolate.

Processing process

Cocoa beans are purchased by chocolate raw material factories after being dried and stored, and the processing process begins. It can be roughly divided into baking, crushing, blending and grinding, refining, deacidification, tempering and casting. After the cocoa bean is crushed, the cocoa butter in the bean kernel flows out into thick paste, which is mostly used for medical and beauty purposes; The remaining cacao residue is then rolled into cocoa paste, the chocolate raw material; After mixing and grinding, chocolate began to have bitter sweet, milk and so on.
quantity of heat. Chocolate is a high calorie food, which can quickly supplement the energy needed by the human body.
Fat. The protein content of chocolate is relatively low, but the fat content is high.
Production and processing
Chocolate production can be divided into two parts, one is cocoa beans harvesting, and the other is cocoa beans baking.
Acid removing and cocoa fragrance
The last three steps of refining, deacidification and tempering casting are the key to determine the quality of chocolate. Through refining, chocolate can have a smooth taste, while de acidification is to remove the sour taste of chocolate, and de acidified chocolate can give off a delicate fragrance. The final tempering casting refers to the process of heating up and cooling down to carve the shape of chocolate, and use temperature regulation and constant temperature to maintain the natural luster of chocolate. For high-quality chocolate, these three processes must be carefully and closely controlled, so that there will be smooth and warm products.

Edible value

Maintain and promote cardiovascular health. [1]

Home made chocolate

Raw materials: cocoa powder, cocoa butter, granulated sugar, milk
Tools: microwave oven, bowl, mold
Cocoa powder, cocoa butter( It's better to buy a lump, of course, if you buy a powder, you can also buy it. But if you buy powdered cocoa, you should buy butter
1. Find a steamer, drain water and heat it. Then put the big bowl on Steamed griddle On.
2. Put the cocoa powder, cocoa butter and granulated sugar in a bowl and keep stirring. Until the contents of the bowl are mushy( It is sticky and drips on the spoon, but not very fast. It's kind of like pouring Tomato sauce like that
3. Add a small amount of milk and pour it into the paste. Stir again until it is thick again. Cool naturally. Put the paste into the refrigerator and take it out after 5-10 minutes.
4. Heat it again until it melts (remember to stir it). At this time, you can also add some of your favorite spices or sweeteners. Pour it into the mold and cool it naturally.
(If you cannot buy cocoa powder and cocoa butter, buy directly those that can be put into the furnace Chocolate ball OK)
Shopping guide:
The most direct way to evaluate a kind of chocolate is sensory evaluation, that is, to make an all-round judgment from the color, brightness, crispness, sweetness and silkiness of chocolate. The really good chocolate must have good sensory evaluation. But the problem is that when we go to the supermarket to buy chocolate, we only see the packaging of chocolate, and can't really taste the chocolate in our mouth.
Storage conditions:
Chocolate is a very fragile and delicate product. The storage conditions are very strict. In addition to avoiding sunlight and mildew, there should be no strange smell in the storage place. The most important thing is to control the temperature and humidity.
The melting point of chocolate is about 36 ℃, which is a kind of food with strong heat sensitivity and difficult to preserve. The storage temperature should be controlled between 12-18 ℃, and the relative humidity should not be higher than 65%. Improper storage may lead to softening and deformation, white surface, internal sanding, odor or aroma reduction.
Chocolate that has been unpacked or has not been used up must be sealed again with plastic wrap and placed in a cool, dry and ventilated place with a constant temperature. Chocolate sauce or stuffing must be stored in the fresh-keeping cabinet.
If the chocolate is placed in a place where the temperature is too high, large stripes or spots will appear on the surface. If placed in a wet and cold environment, a grayish white film may appear. These changes will not have much impact on the aroma and texture of chocolate, and can still be used for cooking and baking
If properly preserved, pure chocolate and bitter sweet chocolate can be stored for more than one year, and milk chocolate and white chocolate should not be stored for more than six months. If the white chocolate is stored for too long, it may taste the same, but it will not melt easily.
Generally speaking, the shelf life of chocolate will increase or decrease depending on the content. Especially adding fresh milk (or high milk content) Hazelnut Of chocolate products, because milk and Hazelnut The shelf life of chocolate is not long, which relatively shortens the shelf life of chocolate. When purchasing, not only should you pay attention to the manufacturing date, but also remember to eat as soon as possible when you go home for storage. If you have a cool room, chocolate doesn't need to be stored in the refrigerator. Although chocolate may not be stored in the refrigerator, it must be stored in a way that can prevent mould In the growing sealed container, under normal circumstances, it should be taken to the room temperature environment before opening the package.




diabetes patient Should eat less or no chocolate (edible Sugar free chocolate )。
People with heartache Avoid eating chocolate, especially if your heart feels hot after eating chocolate. This is because chocolate contains a stimulating gastric acid Substances.
Puerpera It is necessary to feed the newborn after childbirth. If too much chocolate is consumed, it will have a negative impact on the development of the baby. Theobromine contained in chocolate will penetrate into breast milk and be absorbed by infants, and accumulate in infants. Theobromine It can damage the nervous system and heart, relax muscles, increase urination, and make babies indigestion, sleep instability, and cry incessantly.
about dog For example, one kind of chocolate is called Theobromine The root cause of the problem lies in the chemical substances. Theobromine is similar to caffeine According to the explanation on this page, theobromine is toxic to dogs when its intake reaches 100 to 150 mg/kg body weight.
The content of theobromine in different types of chocolate is different: 570 grams of milk chocolate is needed to kill a 9 kg dog, but only 57 grams of dark chocolate and 170 grams of semi sweet chocolate are needed. It is not difficult for a dog to dive into the Easter basket full of chocolate eggs and chocolate rabbits and devour a jin or two of chocolate. But if the dog is very small, eating chocolate can be life-threatening.
In fact, chocolate poisoning is not as rare as it sounds. For humans, 150 milligrams of caffeine per kilogram of body weight is toxic. The same is true for dogs! Humans usually weigh much more than dogs, but children can get into trouble if they consume too much caffeine or chocolate. baby They are particularly vulnerable because they cannot be cleared as quickly as adults blood flow In caffeine
Chocolate is a kind of high calorie food, but its protein content is low, and its fat content is high. The proportion of nutritional components does not meet the needs of children's growth and development.
Eating too much chocolate before meals will produce Satiety , thus affecting appetite, but feeling hungry soon after a meal, which disrupts normal life patterns and eating habits and affects children's health.
Chocolate is rich in fat and does not contain cellulose that can stimulate the normal peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract, thus affecting the digestion and absorption function of the gastrointestinal tract.

Edible opportunity

The answer to eating chocolate before bed is good or bad. It is not a good idea to eat a lot of chocolate before going to bed. Because it's like coffee and Strong tea Similarly, chocolate also has an exciting effect, which will make it more difficult for people with poor sleep to fall asleep. Chocolate is a food easy to release calories. Eating too much before sleep will increase blood sugar, and if blood sugar cannot be consumed, it will be converted into Fat Store it. However, eating chocolate before going to bed also has its benefits, which is due to the sexual stimulation of chocolate. It can not only make people produce Sexual pleasure , and it contains theobromine and caffeine These are two important spiritual stimulants. Chocolate can arouse people's physical senses and improve their mental excitement. It can not only make people energetic like coffee and strong tea, but also make people more sexy and charming. Chocolate also has a certain effect on relieving people's sad mood.

Dietetic culture



1. Look at ingredients
Chocolate with high cocoa butter content is relatively more beneficial to human health.
2. Look at the appearance
Good chocolate has a neat shape, bright, smooth, delicate and even surface, and no bubbles (pores) after breaking. Pure chocolate is brown; The top grade pure chocolate has the same color as the cocoa beans, and is reddish brown; Milk chocolate is slightly lighter, golden brown; White chocolate is generally milky yellow.
3. Look at melting point
This requires us to do an experiment. First, pour two cups of hot water, and put chocolate with cocoa butter substitute and chocolate with high cocoa butter content into two hot water cups to shake. You will find that the cocoa butter melts faster. This is because the melting point of cocoa butter is about 34 to 38 degrees, so it is solid at room temperature, and the entrance will melt. Cocoa butter substitutes are refined by hydrogenation or selective hydrogenation of vegetable oil, so the melting point is relatively high and the melting is slow.
So when we buy chocolate, in addition to looking at the ingredient list, fast melting chocolate can also indicate that the cocoa butter content is high (but not absolute, it needs comprehensive judgment).

Cocoa butter substitute

Maybe you have heard of "cocoa butter substitute chocolate". Because cocoa butter is relatively expensive, there is a market for finding cheaper alternatives. The physical properties of cocoa butter substitutes are close to natural cocoa butter, so they become substitutes for cocoa butter. It is made by palm oil or other vegetable oils through industrial means. It is not as good as chocolate made from cocoa butter in taste and luster, nor does it contain any cocoa ingredients, Therefore, more cocoa butter substitutes need to be added in order to be closer to the smooth taste of cocoa butter chocolate.
According to the Industrial Standard for Domestic Trade of Cocoa Butter Substitute Chocolate and Cocoa Butter Substitute Chocolate Products, which was officially implemented in 2007, no matter whether it is dark chocolate or white chocolate, any product with more than 5% Cocoa Butter Substitute and with Cocoa Butter Substitute, white granulated sugar or sweetener as the main raw material can not be directly labeled as chocolate, but should be labeled with "Cocoa Butter Substitute" The label will also be changed to "cocoa butter substitute chocolate" or "cocoa butter substitute chocolate flavor products".

Cocoa flavanols

From noble food to civilian snacks, chocolate attracts countless consumers with its unique taste and luster, and cocoa flavanol gives chocolate its unique charm. Flavanols are compounds found in plant foods and have potential health promoting effects. It is found in some common plant foods, such as cocoa beans, tea, soybeans, red wine, vegetables and fruits. The ingredient that gives chocolate its unique charm is cocoa flavanol. It is a natural ingredient in cocoa beans. Compared with other foods, the flavanol content in cocoa beans is particularly high.
But not all chocolates contain cocoa flavanols. This is because cocoa flavanols are affected by many factors such as the harvest, processing, fermentation and storage of cocoa beans, and the cocoa flavanols in chocolate are easy to be destroyed in many complex processing processes such as heating. Therefore, the content of cocoa flavanol in chocolate depends on the production process from cocoa beans to chocolate.
According to authoritative research results, theoflavanol has inhibition Low density lipoprotein It can reduce platelet aggregation, improve vascular endothelial function and lower blood pressure.
This unique function has been confirmed among Kuna Indians, who live on San Blas Island near Panama. Kuna people's traditional diet contains a lot of cocoa. Islanders rarely suffer from hypertension, but their relatives living in Panama City do not. Researchers at Harvard University found that a diet rich in cocoa was an important factor.


The two most important raw materials of chocolate are cocoa, namely "cocoa liquid block" and "cocoa butter".
Cocoa liquid block: Cocoa is ground to form pulp after fermentation and baking, cooled and solidified into blocks. Its taste is bitter, including polyphenols and some minerals. About half of it is cocoa butter.
Cocoa butter: people use the method of pressing to separate and extract the fat components from the cocoa beans, which is called cocoa butter. Cocoa butter is a kind of vegetable oil, but it is different from our ordinary vegetable oil. The vegetable oil we usually eat is mainly Unsaturated fatty acid Cocoa butter is mainly saturated fatty acid, and its saturated fat content is up to 90%, higher than that of lard (43%) and butter (62%). The melting point of oil is mainly determined by the content of saturated fat. Vegetable oil generally has a low melting point and is liquid at room temperature, while animal oil has a high melting point and is solid at room temperature. Cocoa butter is similar to animal oil in nature due to its high content of saturated fat, and its melting point is between 34 ℃ and 38 ℃. This allows it to be a solid at room temperature, but it will melt when eaten in the mouth, that is, the so-called "only melt in the mouth, not in the hand". Generally, cocoa butter is related to the smooth taste of chocolate, but basically does not contain beneficial substances such as polyphenols in cocoa.
It can be divided into dark chocolate, milk chocolate and white chocolate according to the content of cocoa liquid and cocoa butter. We have relevant laws and regulations to define different chocolates. In short, dark chocolate contains a large amount of cocoa and a small amount of dairy ingredients; Milk chocolate contains less cocoa than dark chocolate, and adds a lot of dairy products, such as milk powder, lactose and anhydrous butter; White chocolate does not contain cocoa lumps. Add some spices, nuts and emulsifiers among the three basic chocolates, and then combine them with different molds to form various chocolates

Insect Growth Cream

Due to the characteristics of cocoa butter, chocolate will have physical changes when encountering temperature changes, especially in summer, the surface will form white crystals, similar to hoarfrost. The cocoa butter substitute will not cause surface frost due to temperature difference. Why does chocolate frost in summer? China Bakery Sugar Products Industry Association Zhao Yanping, Deputy Secretary General, said: hoarfrost and crystallization led to the change of the color of the chocolate surface, just because the cocoa butter of chocolate was too sensitive to temperature. Physical changes such as color and shape of chocolate do not affect the quality of chocolate, so it can be eaten safely. It is also because of this that during the storage of chocolate, due to improper storage, the cocoa butter will undergo melting and re solidification, and the cocoa butter will be re solidified after overflowing, like a layer of white frost wrapping the chocolate. Although the chocolate has lost its luster, this is not a product quality problem.
In fact, advanced chocolate manufacturers have a complete set of quality monitoring and assurance systems for the selection and use of raw materials, production processes, temperature control, and food safety in the production process, and strictly implement production rules that meet international standards, which can ensure the quality of products produced. However, by the time the well packaged chocolate reaches consumers, it has gone through logistics, warehousing and other large-scale links. Chocolate, especially the chocolate with nuts, is rich in protein and has become the "favorite" of small insects. When the storage environment is poor, the package will be bitten by insects and enter through the void. The holes they bite are often difficult to be found by the naked eye, which will give consumers the illusion that they are insects from the chocolate itself. However, when people buy products with large capacity, they are particularly vulnerable to insects when they can not eat them after opening the package, or when they are not completely sealed.
Experts suggest that consumers choose products and well-known brands from large manufacturers with scale, production capacity and good reputation. After purchase, consumers should place chocolate in a cool, dry, clean and cool place at room temperature, away from direct sunlight, water and other odors. When storing chocolate, temperature and humidity are the most important, and it is best to keep the environment dry. Storage temperature ≤ 22 ℃, relative humidity ≤ 55%. When the temperature is lower than 22 ℃, only store in a cool and ventilated place. When the temperature is too high in summer, the chocolate can be placed in the refrigerator, not in the freezer. The chocolate just taken out of the refrigerator should be eaten after it recovers to normal temperature, so that the mellow flavor of chocolate can be fully distributed. The unpacked chocolate should be sealed and refrigerated as far as possible.

Distinguish between advantages and disadvantages

Chocolate is one of the most popular candies among consumers. Although it has a wide variety, its quality is also uneven. Experts point out that the following methods can be used to identify the quality of chocolate.
1. The melting point of chocolate is 36 degrees Celsius, which melts in the mouth, and there will be no residue in the teeth.
2. When you knock on the table, high-quality chocolate is hard and very crispy.
3. Open the package and see that the most distinctive feature of high-quality chocolate is its bright brown appearance. The dark and dull chocolate is either due to poor manufacturing technology or poor quality, while the low-quality chocolate has little luster, very rough appearance, or even cracking.
4. Smell. Chocolate with good quality has a rich and unique aroma. In order to supplement and enrich this aroma, chocolate is often added with other aroma producing materials, such as milk powder, cream, malt, almonds, flavored dairy products, etc. The quality of chocolate is poor if its fragrance is weak.
5. Taste. A variety of materials produce a comprehensive taste of chocolate. This taste depends largely on the cocoa butter in cocoa. Theobromine and caffeine in cocoa butter bring pleasant bitterness, while tannin in cocoa butter brings slightly astringent astringency. Sugar is the basis of sweetness, and plays the role of adjusting taste, making the bitter, astringent and sour taste brought by cocoa taste delicious. If there is rancid and musty taste, it is low-quality chocolate.
6. Delicate and smooth texture is one of the important characteristics of chocolate. This feature needs to be identified by the tongue. The smoothness of chocolate is determined by the fineness of the raw materials that make up chocolate. Materials of different fineness exert different pressure on the tongue, and thus produce a sense of thickness. In addition, whether it is delicate and smooth is also a factor to measure the processing precision.
7. Soft and hard changes: chocolate is sensitive to heat. When the temperature is high in summer, it is easy to become soft, or even lose its original shape. When the weather turns cold, it slowly hardens again, which is due to the characteristics of cocoa butter in chocolate. All high-quality chocolates have this change.
8. Brittleness: In winter, if you break a thin piece of chocolate, you can clearly hear the sound of brittleness when breaking, and you can also see neat crystal patterns on the broken section of the chocolate. The reason why chocolate cracks when it is cold is that chocolate contains a large amount of cocoa butter, because the brittleness is a unique attribute of cocoa butter. If the chocolate lacks brittleness, it indicates that there is less cocoa butter in the chocolate and the quality is poor.
In addition to the advantages and disadvantages of chocolate can be distinguished by the above means and physical symptoms, there is also an important distinguishing factor - the content of cocoa flavanol. From noble food to civilian snacks, chocolate attracts countless consumers with its unique taste and luster, and cocoa flavanol gives chocolate its unique charm. But not all chocolates contain cocoa flavanols. This is because Coco Flavanol It is affected by many factors such as the harvest, processing, fermentation and storage of cocoa beans, and the cocoa flavanol of chocolate is easily destroyed in many complex processing processes such as heating. Therefore, the content of cocoa flavanol depends on the production process.
Theoflavanol is a compound found in plant foods and has potential health promoting effects.

Storage method

Chocolate should be stored at room temperature (about 18 ℃). If the package is not damaged, it can be stored for several months. Chocolate should be kept away from moisture and high temperature, and stored at relatively constant temperature. Chocolate should be kept away from moisture, otherwise it will cause caking. Chocolate can be refrigerated or frozen, but this will lead to the formation of a slightly white film on the surface of the chocolate. This is cocoa butter, which will not cause the chocolate to taste bad, and the film will disappear when melting.
If we only eat a little chocolate every day, how can we store the chocolate that we can't finish eating?
1. Unless the room temperature is too high, it is unnecessary to put chocolate in the refrigerator. The first thing to keep chocolate is to keep it in a dry and cool place, away from direct sunlight.
2. Don't put chocolate in places with strange smell. Because many odors come from some volatile substances, most of which are fat soluble. Chocolate just contains more fat, so it is easier to absorb these volatile substances, and it is easy to string flavors.

Is it true that there are insect bodies in chocolate

There is an amazing saying on the Internet: Every chocolate bar has an average of 8 insect legs [3]
[This can have] Although many people don't believe it, in fact, there may be many insect corpses in chocolate, and it is allowed by laws!
The FDA of the United States has made provisions on the defects that naturally exist in food, cannot be avoided, and do not affect health. The specific requirements for chocolate are: 6 pieces of chocolate (100g each) shall be tested, the average number of insect fragments shall not exceed 60, and the number of single chocolate shall not exceed 90. The average number of hairs of rodents (actually mice) is not more than one, and the number of single chocolate is not more than three. In other words, it is acceptable to have a few insect carcasses or mouse hairs in the chocolate.
Although there is no such provision in China's national standards, in fact, it is just "out of sight is clear" [3]
[Where did the insects come from]
The first step in chocolate production is to obtain cocoa, which comes from the fruit of the cocoa tree (cacao fruit). After the shell of the cocoa fruit is removed, there is sticky pulp, and the cocoa beans are hidden in the pulp. The workers should first take out the pulp of the cocoa fruit, then pile it into a pile, cover it with banana leaves, or put it in a wooden box. Then, under the action of microorganisms, cocoa pulp and cocoa beans are fermented together.
Through fermentation, cocoa pulp was removed and organic acids and esters were generated, laying the foundation for the formation of chocolate flavor. Fermented cocoa beans also need to be dried before being bagged and transported to the processing plant. In the processing plant, these cocoa beans become chocolate raw materials with unique flavor, such as cocoa liquid block, cocoa butter, cocoa powder, etc. after cleaning, roasting, crushing, grinding and other processes.
Because the fermentation and drying process are completed in the open air, it is inevitable that insects and mice will come to visit, and it is difficult to remove these impurities 100% in the later process. Fortunately, after baking, the risk of food safety (mainly pathogenic bacteria) no longer exists [3]
[Cocoa butter substitute]
There is one kind of chocolate that does not have insect carcasses or mouse hair. It is a "chocolate" made of cocoa butter instead of cocoa.
Cocoa butter substitute is Hydrogenated vegetable oil , used to contain a lot of Trans fat There are few trans fats after the process improvement.
According to Chinese regulations (GB/T 19343-2016), chocolate containing more than 5% cocoa butter substitute can only be called "cocoa butter substitute chocolate", which should be clearly marked on the package [3]

Food nutrition

Food name Chocolates
Content Reference Amount of food per 100 grams
energy 586 calories
protein 4.3 g
Fat 40.1 g
carbohydrate 53.4 g
Insoluble dietary fiber 1.5 g
sodium 112 mg
magnesium 56 mg
phosphorus 114 mg
potassium 254 mg
calcium 111 mg
manganese 0.61 mg
iron 1.7 mg
copper 0.23 mg
zinc 1.02 mg
selenium 1.2 μg
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.06 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.08 mg
Nicotinic acid (nicotinamide) 1.4 mg
vitamin E 1.62 mg