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The highest permanent official post in Japanese legal system
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Sadaijin by Japanese legal system The highest permanent office is Tai Zhengguan Our officers are equivalent to two leaders and subordinates. basis Pension order According to the records of the Zuo Minister, "He was in charge of the public affairs and held the outline. He judged the common people, and he could play the correct and correct the wrong ones at the same time."
Nickname“ First ”、“ Zuofu ”、“ Prime Minister Zuo ”、“ Leftist country ”、“ Left Minion Shooting ”、“ Taifu ”。
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Taizheng Official under Japanese Legal System
Taoist Fujiwara Neilan Left Minister has been in charge of the government for 20 years
Job description
Under the Japanese legal system, the rank of the left minister was second only to Minister of Supreme Government Since the minister of the Supreme People's Political Affairs does not have a special post and does not actually take charge, The minister on the left is actually the highest position in the government
since Fujiwara Liangfang Fujiwara Basic Classic One after another as a minister of the Supreme Council or Customs Government affairs, opening Sheguan politics since, Photograph off Become the actual highest rank of the government. But in the camera Que position Under such circumstances, the Left Minister was still the highest official in the government. for example Taoist Fujiwara Inside Look Sadaijin He has been in power for 20 years.